Home Pulpitis Spelling eee. Rule ending i and ie

Spelling eee. Rule ending i and ie

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Basic tutorial Russian language. 5th grade. Textbook for general education institutions. In 2 hours. Part 2 / T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.T. Baranov, L.A. Trostentsova and others; scientific editor N.M.Shansky. – M.: Education, 2012.

The purpose of the lesson: become familiar with the spelling of noun endings in -iya, -ie, -iy singular in genitive, dative and prepositional cases

Planned results:

  • Subject Skills:
    • drawing up an algorithm for writing e-And in case endings of nouns; knowledge of the method of action when choosing the spelling of letters e-i at the endings of nouns;
    • mastery of this method of action; determining case endings of nouns
    • correct application rules for writing;
  • Meta-subject skills:
    • mastering techniques for selecting and systematizing material;
    • adequate comprehension of the text by ear;
    • the ability to argue your thoughts when answering;
    • the ability to freely and correctly express one’s thoughts orally and in writing;
  • Personal skills:
    • the ability to evaluate one’s own activities and the activities of classmates;
    • desire for speech self-improvement;
    • the ability to self-assess one’s own speech in terms of communication norms

Lesson type: lesson in learning new knowledge

Forms of student work: steam room, group, individual

Required technical equipment: computer class for 7 people, multimedia projector, interactive whiteboard

Lesson structure and flow

Teacher activities

Student activities

Training and development tasks for each stage

Diagnostic tasks of each stage. UUD

I. Organizing time(motivation to educational activities) (1 min.)

Purpose of the stage: inclusion of students in activities at a personally significant level

Greetings, checking readiness for the lesson, wishes for success.
Getting into the business rhythm.
Choose an emoticon and show your mood. - Good afternoon guys!
On the tables you have emoticons No. 1, 2, 3, choose the one that matches your mood and show it.
– How many smiles lit up. Thank you! And this is my mood ( Slide 2)
– I see: we are ready for active and productive cooperation. Good luck to all!
– Why is the mood in class so important?
Personal results
Self-determination (L)
Meta-subject results
Planning educational collaboration with teacher and peers (K)
II. Updating and trial learning activity(4-5 min.)

Purpose of the stage: repetition of the studied material necessary for the “discovery of new knowledge”, identification of difficulties in individual activities every student; preparing students’ thinking and organizing their awareness of the internal need to build a new way of action.

Organizes repetition of knowledge, consolidation of skills Perform tasks by determining superfluous word, analyzing all the words (Students work in groups of 3) (Slide 3)

Find the "third wheel" word in each group:

1) about the people _, to the crowns _, without clouds _
2) about the flower bed _, about the raven _, about the ate_
3) in a cage _, in a cake _, in a building_
4) to the streets _, to the clouds _, to the acacia _

1 group: the extra word “without a cloud”, since unlike other words, it is in R.p. and has the ending - And. The first two words, despite different declensions (2 and 1) and cases (P. and D.), have - e.

2nd group: all nouns are pp., but the first two words belong to the 1st declension, so in the ending - e, and “spruce” – 3 declensions, ending - And. So, the extra word “about spruce”

3 group: all nouns P.p., ending in 1st and 2nd declension - e. Noun « building" s.r., 2 declensions - means, too - e?

4 group: all nouns of the 1st declension, D.p., ending -e.
In “to acacia _” - e? or - And?

– What role does knowledge of the Russian language play in your life? What do you need them for?

Meta-subject results
Volitional regulation in a situation of difficulty (R)
Planning educational cooperation, ability to express one’s thoughts (K)
Subject results
Analysis of objects to identify features (P - logical)

III. Problematic explanation of new knowledge(15 minutes.)

Purpose of the stage: discussing difficulties (why difficulties arose, what we do not yet know), ensuring students’ perception, comprehension and initial consolidation that nouns in -i, -i, -iy are special nouns;

drawing up an algorithm for its determination, setting goals for educational activities
Creates a problematic situation (offers a task that is not feasible due to the lack of knowledge) and organizes the work of students to study it.
Involves students in discussing problematic issues, determining the purpose and topic of the lesson

Participate in the discussion of problematic issues, formulate their own opinions and give reasons for them

Set a goal, formulate a problem and topic of the lesson Formulation of the problem

(2 minutes.)
– Which word in each group can you call the third odd one?
– What caused the difficulty?
– What letter will you write at the end of the nouns “in the building _” and “to the acacia _”?(1 min.)
(Slide 4) Purpose, topic of the lesson 2 3 4 – What is the purpose of our lesson?
(Find out which letter is written at the end of nouns ending in -i, -ie, -i in the singular genitive, dative and prepositional cases).

- So, the topic of the lesson... – Why did opinions differ? What is the problem?.
(We don't know which letter to write at the end)

Organizes work in groups, pairs, ensures control over the completion of tasks

Study the information in the textbook, p. 69
Work with the electronic educational resource (hereinafter referred to as EER), prepare

screenshot and performance (pair work)

Create an action algorithm (group work) Opening new

(10 min)

1. Formulating a problematic question on a new topic

2. Study the material in the textbook on p. 69.

(Slide 5)

3. Report on the task completed at home: working with an information-type electronic educational module. Performance.

(Slide 6)

4. Drawing up an algorithm for determining the unstressed ending of nouns ending in -i, -ie, -i (they work in a group for 2 minutes, then one of the groups speaks, the others make adjustments)
(5. Recording the algorithm in Supports (notebooks for diagrams and rules) Slide 7) 6. Continue filling out the table " Letters E-I

in the case endings of nouns" (in the supports add columns for -i, -i, -i)
– Formulate a problematic question and compare theoretical information on a new topic obtained from the EER with the material in the textbook
– Explain the meaning of the expression “The Wrong Donkey Rule.”

Meta-subject results
– Why is it so important to know this material correctly?
Goal setting (P)
Subject results
Asking Questions (K)
Independent goal formulation (P – general education)

Organizes physical training Do physical exercises Fizminutka

- And now everyone is up!
How long have we been sitting?
Our hands are numb
Our legs are numb
Let's stamp on them: one, two, three!
Hands to the side, my friend,
One, two, three, then - jump!
They quickly raised their hands up,
To the sides, forward, backward.
Turned right, left,
Sit down quietly and get back to business!

IV. Consolidation of what has been learned

Purpose of the stage: speaking and consolidating new knowledge; identifying gaps in the primary understanding of the studied material, students’ misconceptions; carrying out correction;

learning to spell the endings of nouns in -i, -i, -i. Establishes awareness of perception, makes a primary generalization.
Working with a textbook.
Exercise mutual control and provide the necessary mutual assistance in cooperation (work in pairs).
They participate in the discussion of problematic issues, formulate their own opinions and give reasons for them.
Give self-assessment to the results of their educational activities (work in pairs, individually)

Primary consolidation(Slide 8) And.
They work with the textbook (exercise 538) in a group. Write out the nouns that have in P.p. units at the end -
– Formulate a conclusion about the spelling of noun endings(Slide 9)
They work in pairs, performing exercises. 541

– Write down the words with gaps, indicating the endings in them.
Meta-subject results
– What is the difference in the spelling of nouns?
Control, correction, selection and awareness of what has been learned (R)
Rating (P)
Managing your partner's behavior (K)
Subject results
Expressing your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy (K)
Action by analogy (P) Ability to structure knowledge, select the most effective ways
Personal results
problem solving (P – general education)
Self-determination (L)
Organizes activities to apply new knowledge, incorporate new knowledge into the knowledge system and repeat
Introduces students to work with electronic educational resources

Incorporating new things into the knowledge system and repeating them(Slide 10) Work on options with mutual checking “Spelling of unstressed endings of nouns” (Handout) ( )

Annex 1

Independent work to control knowledge(Slide 11) Working with the author's electronic training simulator of the control type "Letters E-I in the endings of nouns" with automatic grading (students enter their last name, class and date of work on 1 sheet; the teacher records the final result) ( )

Appendix 2

V. Lesson summary (reflection on activity) Purpose of the stage

Organizes reflection and self-assessment of student results

Offers homework taking into account the students' level of preparation

Carry out lesson assessment and self-assessment, correlate the goal and results, the degree of their compliance
Answer the questions:
(Slide 12)
– What was your goal?
– Did you manage to achieve your goal?
- How?
– What results did you get?
– What caused particular difficulties?
– Where can you apply new knowledge?
– Name the keywords of the topic.
– Select the emoji that
matches your mood, and show it.
(Slide 13) Homework assignment.
1) Execute
– exercises 540, 542 (one to choose from);
– test No. 5, options 1,2, tasks 1–4, p. 17, 19 (book “Tests. Part 2”).
2) Task higher level:
starting to study in English, we learn that there are almost no cases in this language. Maybe in the Russian language cases are a completely unnecessary thing?
Question. Is it so? Use a simple example to prove the need for cases.
(Slide 14) Thanks for the work.
– Compare your mood at the beginning and end of the lesson.
– What does this have to do with?

Meta-subject results
Ability to express one's thoughts (K)
Subject results
Reflection (R)
Monitoring and evaluation of the process and performance results (P)
Personal results
Self-esteem based on success (L)
Adequate understanding of the reasons for success/failure in educational activities (L)


  1. Blinov G.I., Antokhina V.A. Collection of dictations on spelling and punctuation: A manual for teachers.
  2. – M.: Education, 1986. Efremova E.A. Russian language. Workbook. Grade 5 /Student Guide educational institutions
  3. . – M.: “Enlightenment”, 2012. Knigina M.P.
  4. Russian language. 5th grade. Tests: At 2 o'clock. Part 2. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional – Saratov: “Lyceum”, 2010. Mezhueva Yu.V.
  5. Russian language. Spelling of case endings of nouns - Saratov: “Lyceum”, 2010.
  6. Russian language. 5th grade. Textbook for general education. institutions. In 2 hours. Part 2 / T.A.Ladyzhenskaya, M.T.Baranov, L.A.Trostentsova and others; scientific editor N.M.Shansky /. – M.: Education, 2012.

Shklyarova T.V.

Collection of independent works “Insert a letter!”, 5th grade / Manual for secondary school / – M.: “Gramotey”, 2009.

Information type electronic training module: Spelling case endings of nouns The spelling of the endings of nouns depends on what type of declension they belong to. Errors in choosing endings And-e

or - usually appear not in all case forms, but only in the forms of three cases: genitive, dative and prepositional. Nouns I declination, and in the dative and prepositional forms Spelling case endings of nouns:

Genus. n. (who? what?) countries earth alleys

Dat. n. (to whom? what?) country earth alley

Suggestion n. (about whom? about what?) (about) country (about) land (about) alley

Nouns of the 2nd declension in the form of the prepositional case they have an ending Spelling case endings of nouns: (in) the house, (on) the horse, (on) the window, (about) the heat, (in) the frost. There are usually no mistakes made here.

Nouns of III declension(steppe, night, quiet) in the forms of the genitive, dative and prepositional cases have the ending -And:

Genus. n. (who? what?) steppes nights silence

Dat. p. (to whom? what?) steppes nights silence

Suggestion p. (about whom? about what?) (about) steppe (about) night (in) silence

Recommendation. To check the spelling of an unstressed ending in a noun, just remember keyword With stressed ending in the same form (according to the morphological principle of Russian orthography). For the first declension this could be the word Earth, for II - window, for III - steppe.

Indeclinable nouns

Word path, as well as ten nouns in -me (banner, flame, tribe, stirrup, etc.) are indeclinable and in the forms of the genitive, dative and prepositional cases they have the ending -And:

Genus. n. (who? what?) pathbannerflame

Dat. n. (to whom? what?) paths of the banner of the flame

Suggestion p. (about whom? about what?) (in) the way (on) the banner (in) the tribe

Case forms of nouns in -i, -i, -i

1. Nouns with a mixed masculine and neuter stem -th And -ies in the prepositional case female on -and I in the dative and prepositional cases the singular has an unstressed ending -And(but not Spelling case endings of nouns By general rule), For example:
genius - about genius, sodium - about sodium, radium - about radium, Vasily - about Vasily, Yuri - about Yuri;
separation - in the department, return - upon return, assistance - with assistance;
army - to the army, about the army, line - along the line, on the line, station - to the station, at the station; Bulgaria – in Bulgaria, in Bulgaria; Maria - to Maria, about Maria

Note. If there are options for -ies And -ye, -and I And -ya the indicated case forms have different endings. Nouns on –ya And -ye are declined according to the general rule and have an ending in the dative and prepositional cases Spelling case endings of nouns:
about skill - about skill, in flowering - in flowering, about verbosity - about verbosity, about Natalia - about Natalya, to Maria - to Marya.

2. Few nouns in -ii, -ii with a monosyllabic base have the ending in the indicated cases in an unstressed position as a general rule -e: serpent - about the serpent, ky - about kiy, Kiy (the legendary founder of Kyiv) - about Kiy, chiy (plant) - about chiy, "Viy" - in "Bue", Pius - about Pius, under Pope Pius; Biya (river) - along Biya, on Biya; Iya, Liya, Viya ( female names) – to Ie, about Leah, about Bie; Gia ( male name) – to Gia, about Gia. (§ 40 Code of Regulations 1956)

3. Few nouns have - no, -and I, with an accent on the ending, the indicated case forms end in - And on either - e, eg: judge - to the judge, about the judge, litia - in litia-, litany - in litany, being - about being, life - about life, in life, but: edge - on the edge, about the edge, Aliya, Zulfiya (personal names) - about Aliya, to Zulfiya.

Vowels in some unstressed case endings

Nouns with suffix -searching-, if they are masculine or neuter, they end in them. pad. units hours on Spelling case endings of nouns , For example: house, camel, fishing rod, swamp. If they are feminine, then they end in them. pad. units hours on -A , For example: cows, hands, dirt.

Masculine nouns with suffixes -yushk-, -yushk-, ishk-, yushk- , denoting animate objects, as well as all feminine nouns with the same suffixes end in them. pad. units hours on -A , For example: grandfather, father, boy, old man, little man, nightingale, nanny, little hand.

Masculine nouns denoting inanimate objects, as well as all neuter nouns, have them in them. pad. units h. after these suffixes the ending -O , For example: bread, little yard, feather, coat.

At the end of them. pad. units including animate masculine nouns after suffixes -To- And -l- is written A , For example: reveler, started singing, was big, ate; colloquial ones are also written proper names type Gavrila, Kirila, Mikhaila(used along with Gabriel, Kirill, Mikhail).

The exception is Old Russian and Ukrainian names and surnames in -ko , For example: Mikhalko, Shevchenko, as well as ancient and regional proper names on -lo , For example: Yarilo, Mikhailo Lomonosov.

In the family pad. plural hours from nouns ending in singular. h. on unstruck -ya And -ye , written -th , and from nouns ending in -ya And -ye under stress, written -to her , For example: shalunya - naughty, gorge - gorge, But: bench - bench, gun - gun.

Declension of proper names

In surnames on -in (-yn) and on -ov(s) is written in the creative work. pad. units h. -th (according to the declension of adjectives), for example: Pavel Lisitsyn – Pavel Lisitsyn, Ivan Turgenev – Ivan Turgenev.

Note. In foreign surnames -in And -s is written in the creative work. pad. units h. -om (according to the declension of nouns), for example: Green - Green, Darwin - Darwin, Bülow - Bülow.

In titles settlements on -in (-yn), -ov (-ev), -ino (-yno), -ovo (-evo) is written in the creative work. pad. units h. -ohm , For example:

the city of Pskov - the city of Pskov
city ​​of Lviv – city of Lviv
the city of Saratov - the city of Saratov
the city of Kanev - the city of Kanev
the city of Kalinin - the city of Kalinin
the city of Kirov - the city of Kirov
Maryino village - Maryino village
the village of Lisitsyno - the village of Lisitsyn
village Kryukovo - village Kryukovo

In the Russian language there are several parts of speech. Nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs have semantic meaning. Each part of speech has its own characteristics that distinguish words from words belonging to another part of speech. For example, nouns have certain endings.

Examples of words starting with "ii"

The endings “ii” are typical for adjectives and verbs. However, you can find nouns that have the same ending. As a rule, these are borrowed words. Here are some examples of these words:

  • The word “sanatorium” means a medical and health institution. People with certain diseases are treated in sanatoriums. This word contains the desired ending “ii”;
  • You can also use the word “army”. IN in this case, the word is used in the plural. In the singular it will be represented by the form of "army". And in the plural, the ending “ii” changes to the ending “iy”;
  • The word “serpentarium” would be suitable. It denotes a place where snakes are kept. There, conditions close to natural are created for them. In the serpentariums, snakes are studied and snake venom is obtained for medicinal and scientific purposes. The specified word also has the desired ending “iy”.

Thus, you can give several nouns that end in “ii”. These words are singular and plural. The above words “sanatorium, army, serpentarium” can be supplemented with other words. So, there is a word "herbarium". It also ends in the form "ii". This word is used to mean a collection of plants. As a rule, collected plants are stored dried. The word "herbarium" is one of the borrowed words.

General features of these words

It's important to note that common feature of these words is their borrowed origin in the Russian language. There are no original Russian words that end in “ii”. Even the commonly used word "army" has borrowed origins. Therefore, the semantic meaning of most of these words requires additional explanation.

Them. P.

-and I

vase, nanny

□ | -o, -e

crane, field



-and I

Genus. P.


vases, nannies

-and I

tap, fields


-and I



Dat. P.

Spelling case endings of nouns

vase, nanny

-y / -yu

crane, field





Vin. P.


vase, nanny

□ | -o/-e

crane, field






vase, nanny

-om / -em

crane, field





Suggestion P.

Spelling case endings of nouns

about the vase, about the nanny

Spelling case endings of nouns

about the tap, about the field



about abundance


1.1. Words on and I should be distinguished from words on ya (Marya, Natalya, Sophia). Words on ya are declined according to the rules of the first declension and have the ending Spelling case endings of nouns in the dative and prepositional cases singular. Compare:

Dat. P. - Pigweed e , But: Marie And;

Suggestion P. - about Mary e , But: about Marie And

This also applies to pairs like “ doctrine» - « study", "doubt" - "doubt". The first option is inclined as words to - no, the second - as words of the second declension.

However, in artistic speech it is possible to write words in -ye in the prepositional case with ending -And. For example : to forget And.

1.2. Nouns on th, —and I With monosyllabic stem(i.e. consisting of more than one syllable) in the prepositional singular case in unstressed position end with e.

For example:

cue - about cues, Viy - about Viya, serpent - about the serpent, Leah - about Leah

Under stress at the end it says “ And ».

crush - about crush

1.3. Unstressed nouns bI And ye have in the genitive case plural ending - th or ev : warbler ya- warbler th, bad weather ye- bad weather th; mouth ye- ust ev, kel ya- kel Andth,

And for the drums - ya And yo - ending to her . For example: rouge yo- rouge to her ,stat ya- stat to her, seven ya- seven to her (But: cop yo- cop th ).

1.4 Contrary to the basic rule, the following words with a non-monosyllabic stem V unstressed position have an ending And , but not Spelling case endings of nouns :

  1. Masculine and neuter words in - th And - no(lithium, position) in the singular prepositional case: about lithi And , about the situation And .
  2. Feminine words for and I (Switzerland) in the prepositional and dative singular: to Switzerland And, about Switzerland And .

1.5. In masculine and neuter nouns with a suffix search- e , for feminine nouns - ending A . For example:
A) oak - oak looking for, fence - fence looking for, miracle - miracle looking for;
b) jet- stru looking for, heat - heat looking for.

In the nominative plural case of such feminine and masculine words the ending is written And , and the average A .

1.6. For nouns with suffixes -ushk-, -yushk-, -yshk-, -ishk- -chic- in the nominative singular case it is put:
a) ending A - for masculine words that name animate objects, and for feminine words, for example: son A, boy A, sudarushk A, raspberry A, old lady A, edge A;
b) ending O - for masculine words that name inanimate objects, and for neuter words: cover O, little boat O, column O, chest O, golden O.

1.7. In animate nouns, masculine and general kind after the suffix l in the nominative singular case there is an ending A , For example: chudi la, devils la ; the neuter gender has an ending O , For example: bedspread O , took O.

1.8. Names of settlements on -ov, -ev, -in, -yn, -ovo, -evo, -ino, -yn have a singular ending in the instrumental case -ohm : Pavshin, Rumyantsev, Maryin, Erin. These words must be distinguished from last names, which in this case will have the ending -th: Pavshin, Rumyantsev, Maryin etc.

Note. Now for toponyms on - ovo, -evo, -ino, -ino two options are normative: indeclinable and indeclinable, but indeclinable refers to strict literary speech and it is advisable to use it in official speeches, etc.

But: these toponyms don't bow in the presence of a generic word, for example: from district Brateevo, from villages Yegorovo. But without it, declination is already possible : from Brateev, from Egorov.

Table of plural endings

Short version:

Detailed version with examples for the plural:

Case 1st declension 2nd declension 3rd declension on -ies na-iya
Them. P.

-s | -And

vases, nannies

-s, -i, -a, -i

cranes, apples, haystacks, fields





Genus. P.

vaz, nyan

-ov, -ey, □

cranes, fields, suns




Dat. P.

-am | -yam

vases, nannies

-am, -yam

cranes, fields

-am, -yam

speeches, days



Vin. P.

-ы/□ | and/□

vases / mums | nannies/hands

-s, -i, -a, -i

cranes, apples, haystacks, fields






-ami | -yami

vases, nannies

-ami, -yami

cranes, fields


speeches, days





Suggestion P.

-ah | -I

about vases, about nannies

-ah, -yah

about cranes, about fields

-ah, yah

about speeches, about days


about abundance


about robes

2.1 . For homonyms, the ending in the nominative plural sometimes depends on the meaning of the word: frame s (body, torso) - frame A (buildings), order s (communities, organizations) - order A (awards), fur And (air supply device) - fur A (skin material)

2.2. For feminine nouns ending in -A , in the genitive plural after sibilants soft sign not put: mother-in-law (mother-in-law), nag (nag), chasch (thicket), dacha (dacha).

2.3. In the genitive plural of nouns nya with a preceding consonant, a soft sign is not written at the end, for example: , cherriesnya- cheresh en, smokehouse nya- smoked en, anvil nya- anvil en.
Exceptions: young ladies b, hawthorn b, villages b, kitchen b.

2.4 . Some words have the suffix “ EU" before ending. For example, the words “ miracle» - « miracles», « sky» - « heaven».

Indeclinable nouns

Indeclinable nouns include the words “ path», « child"and 10 words on -me: « crown», « tribe», « banner», « seed», « udder», « time», « burden», « stirrup», « Name», « flame" These words have endings characteristic of different declensions. In the genitive, dative and prepositional cases in the singular they end in -And .


paths, flames, seeds, stirrups, children


paths, flames, seeds, stirrups, children


path, flame, seed, stirrup, child

paths, flames, seeds, stirrups, children


path, flame, seed, stirrup, child

paths, flames, seeds, stirrups, children


by way, flame, seed, stirrup, child

paths, flames, seeds, stirrups, children


(about) path, flame, seed, stirrup, child

paths, flames, seeds, stirrups, children

Table 1 - Case endings of singular nouns

CasesI declensionII declensionIII declension
I. p.-and I

wives A, earth I

, -o, -e

horse, sat down O, floor e

night, horse

R. p.-s, -i

wives s, earth And

-and I

con I, sat down A, floor I


night And, horses And

D. p.Spelling case endings of nouns

wives e, earth e

-u, -yu

con Yu, sat down at, floor Yu


night And, horses And

V. p.-u, -yu

wives at, earth Yu

, -a, -i, -o, -e

con I, sat down O, floor e

night, horse

etc.-oh (-oh), -ey (-her)

wives Ouch, earth to her

-om, -eat

con eat, sat down ohm, floor eat


night yu, horses yu

P. p. Spelling case endings of nouns

wives e, earth e

-e, -i

con e, sat down e, floor e


night And, horses And

In singular case endings it is written:

  1. letter e : in the dative and prepositional cases of nouns of the 1st declension and in the prepositional case of the 2nd declension (except for words in -and I , -th , -ies ), For example: to factories e, to factories e, to the ground e, about the battery e, to become e; to factory e, to the machine e; about pestilence e; all L e;
  2. letter And :
    • in the genitive case of nouns of the first declension, for example: at the factories And, near the ground And, near the battery And, from becoming And;
    • in the prepositional case of nouns of the II declension on -ies , -th , For example: in the lecture hall And, in excitement And, about worldview And ;
    • in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases of nouns of the first declension in -and I , nouns of the third declension and heterodeclinable neuter nouns on -me , For example: from the collection And, to the collection And, in the collection And; from overcoats And, to the overcoat And, in an overcoat And; at the banners And, to the banners And, about the banner And.

It is necessary to distinguish between the forms of the prepositional case of neuter nouns on -ies And -ye , For example: be in thought And, be fully prepared And (ending -And ); be in thought e, be on the coast e (ending Spelling case endings of nouns ).

Case endings in surnames and titles

In Russian surnames -in(-yn) and on -s(-s) in the instrumental case the singular is written -th (like adjectives), for example: with Vyacheslav Demin th, with Rostislav Sinitsyn th, with Kirill Kolosov th . The ending is written in foreign surnames -ohm , For example: Darwin ohm, Chaplin ohm .

In the names of settlements on -in(-yn) , -s(-s) , -ino(-ino) , -ovo(-evo) the ending is written in the instrumental case of the singular -ohm (as in nouns), for example: near the city of Kashin ohm, Borodin village ohm, the city of Dmitrov ohm .

Case endings for plural nouns

Table 2 - Case endings of plural nouns

CasesI declensionII declensionIII declension
I. p.-s, -i

wives s, earth And

a, -i, -s, -i

con And, sat down A, floor I


night And, horses And

R. p.

wives, lands

-ov, -ey,

con to her, sat down, floor to her

-to her

night to her, horses to her

D. p.-am, -yam

wives am, earth yam

-am, -yam

con yam, sat down am, floor yam

-am, -yam

night am, horses yam

V. p.-s, -i,

wives, land And

-a, -i, -s, -i, her, -ov

con to her, sat down A, floor I

-and, -ey

night And, horses to her

etc.-ami, -yami

wives ami, earth yami

-ami, -yami

con yami, sat down ami, floor yami

-ami, -yami

night ami, horses yami

P. p.-ah, -yah

wives Oh, earth I

-ah, -yah

con I, sat down Oh, floor I

-ah, -yah

night Oh, horses I

  1. In the genitive plural, after the sibilants, the letter b is not written, for example: solution tasks, repair dwellings.
  2. In the genitive plural of nouns, -ya And -ye in unstressed position it is written -th , under stress - -to her , For example: liar th(liar), delusion th(meditation), But stat to her(article), scam to her(bench). Exceptions: Rouge to her(gun), pay ev(dress), ust ev(mouth), upper reaches ev(upstream), downstream ev(lower reaches).
    In nouns -and I , -ies in the genitive case it is always written -th , For example: lin th(line), built th(building).
  3. If nouns in the genitive plural end in -en , then the soft sign is not written, for example: songs, cherries ( Wed apple trees, kitchens). After -en letter in the genitive case b written in words villages b, young ladies b .

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