Home Smell from the mouth Summary of GCD in the preparatory group. Encyclopedia of Winter

Summary of GCD in the preparatory group. Encyclopedia of Winter

Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group “Hello, Zimushka-winter.”

Correctional educational tasks and: generalize and clarify children’s knowledge about winter and winter fun. Activate and expand the vocabulary through action words, sign words. Develop linguistic sense by forming related words. Learn to compose descriptive stories using the scheme for describing the seasons. Learn to explain the meaning of proverbs. Improve the grammatical structure of speech, develop inflection and word formation skills (formation of relative adjectives; formation of perfective, past tense, feminine verbs using the prefix “for”; agreement of adjectives with nouns).

Correction and development tasks: develop coherent speech, auditory and visual attention, perception, memory. Develop personal qualities: activity, curiosity, independence, the ability to apply acquired knowledge in independent activities, develop the ability for self-esteem and introspection. Develop prerequisites for educational activities: the ability to listen to an adult and follow his instructions. Develop a sense of rhythm.

Educational tasks: to cultivate a sustainable interest in classes, initiative, a desire for active work, attention to one’s own speech, and independence in decision-making.
Magnetic board
Scene pictures “Winter”
Scheme of Tkachenko’s descriptive story
Presentation “Formation of cognate words SNOW”
Envelopes with tasks
Magic box
Sound symbols and pictures for sound analysis

Vocabulary work:
nominative vocabulary: winter, snow, frost, wind, ice, December, January, February.
adjective vocabulary - snowy, silvery, long-awaited, fluffy, silvery, soft, sparkling, burning, chilling, strong, crackling, antonym words.
predicative vocabulary: froze, swept up, froze, froze, powdered

Methodological techniques.
1. Surprise moment
2. Presentation “Winter”
3. Game “What has winter done?”
4. Game “Name as many beautiful words as possible?” with a ball.
5. Compiling a story about winter using a mnemonic table.
6. Musical break “Dance of the Snowmen.”
7. Game exercise “Correct the letter.”
8. Presentation “Formation of cognate words SNOW.”
9. Gymnastics for the eyes “Winter. Snowflake".
10. Sound analysis of words: summer, winter, autumn, squirrel, elk, wolf.”
11. Proverbs about winter (explanation of the meaning of the proverb).
12. Final part: surprise moment, reflection.

I. Introductory part.

Organizing time
Speech therapist:
Callous weather,
Snow is a mess,
It's that time of year
We are calling...
Children: Winter.
Speech therapist: Name the months of winter.
Children: December, January. February.
Speech therapist: That's right, well done

II. Main part.

Winter sent us a video letter. Do you want to read it?
Presentation “Greeting Winter”
Winter:"Hello guys! I am Zimushka-winter. And my sisters.

A blizzard drives snow that falls from the sky or is picked up from the ground. All paths are covered.
A blizzard is a strong snowstorm. A strong wind lifts snow from the surface of the earth and swirls it in the air. I started to see it.
Drifting snow without snowfall, lifting snow from the surface of the earth.
Powder is snow that fell at night and stopped by morning, on which fresh animal tracks are imprinted. The powder has ruined everything.
Speech therapist Guys who remember Winter’s assistants.
Children: Snowstorm, blizzard...
Winter: I heard that you are cheerful, inquisitive and resourceful. I wanted to know if you like the winter season. I suggest using the diagrams to find interesting tasks. On the diagram you can see the number of the envelope you will find. For completing the task correctly, I will give you snowflakes. When you collect all the snowflakes, a winter miracle will happen! I wish you success!
Speech therapist: Here is the miracle box. It contains diagrams (children look for envelopes, guided by the diagram). Place the envelopes in order from 1 to 7.

Task 1. Game “What has winter done?”(formation of feminine past tense perfective verbs with the prefix “for”).
Speech therapist: Winter talked about her assistants. Come up with action words with the prefix FOR.
Winter-winter, what have you done?
Winter came with frosts and that’s it... - (frozen).
The snowstorm covered all the paths with chalk.
The river was covered with ice and everything... - (frozen over).
Winter called a blizzard and that’s it... - (it started blizzarding).
The snow powder on the paths is all... (powdered).
Speech therapist: You completed the task, I hand you the first snowflake.

Task 2. Didactic ball game “Name as many beautiful words as possible.”
Children answer the questions: which one, which one? which?
What's the weather like? – snowy, cold, frosty.
What kind of snow? – fluffy, white, light, soft, silvery, sticky.
What is the sky like? – cloudy, gray, blue.
What day? – frosty, short, wintry, cold.
What kind of wind is it? – strong, cold, prickly.
What's winter like? frosty, snowy, windy, cold.
What kind of sun is it? low, dim.
The speech therapist hands over the second snowflake.

Task 3. Compiling a story about winter using a mnemonic table.
Speech therapist: Guys, Winter wants to hear stories about himself, and to make the stories beautiful, look at the winter pictures and our helper diagram (each child has his own part of the story). Looking at the pictures and diagram, you can easily remember everything you know about winter.
Children's stories
1 child. Sun. What is the sun like in winter? (in winter the sun is low, dim, it shines, but does not warm).
2nd child. Sky and precipitation. What is the sky like in winter, what kind of precipitation is there? (the sky is gray, low, it snows often, it covers the ground with a white carpet)
3 The child tells us about the earth, whether there is grass, flowers, greenery. (In winter the ground freezes, there is no grass or flowers, and rivers are often covered with ice until spring).
4 child. Life of trees. What happens to trees in winter? (the leaves on the trees and bushes have already fallen; only when the snow falls do the trees dress in a snow-white outfit; only the Christmas trees are green, they are not afraid of frost, they have become even more beautiful in their snowy attire.)
5 child. People's clothes. Who will tell you how people dress in winter? (in winter, people wear the warmest clothes: fur coats, hats, scarves, warm boots and always mittens so that their hands don’t freeze)
6 child. Reminds us of the life of wild animals and birds. (The bear sleeps in a den all winter. Hares and squirrels have changed their fur to be more invisible, this is how they escape from enemies. The squirrels have stocked up on nuts, acorns, pine cones for the winter, hung them on branches on different trees and remember all their supplies. Hares in winter they eat the bark of trees, foxes hunt hares and dig mice out from under the snow. Many birds have flown south to spend the winter in the warmth, but we have sparrows, crows, titmice, and magpies left for the winter. They try to overwinter near human habitation, it’s easier that way feed yourself and not freeze).
7 child. Tells us about winter fun and holidays. (The most fun winter holiday is New Year. Children decorate the Christmas tree, Santa Claus comes with gifts. In winter, children sled down the mountains, skate and ski, make snowmen, play snowballs).
Children's stories.
The speech therapist hands over the third snowflake.

Musical pause. Snowman dance.
Speech therapist: What would you like to give to Winter?
Children: candy, toys, dance.
Winter: What a fun and wonderful dance. Thank you!

Task 4. Game exercise “Correct the letter.”
Speech therapist: “The first winter month is called September. As winter comes, the cold comes, and people immediately put on warm clothes: fur coats, boots, mittens, hats, shorts, scarves. In winter, children sled, ski, bike, sculpt a snow woman, swim in the river, slide on ice, sunbathe, build a snow fort and prepare for the holiday - Mother's Day. There are athletes who engage in winter sports: hockey players hit the puck into the goal with their sticks; figure skaters dance on skis; skiers slide down the hill on sleds; Skaters run on skis. To avoid catching a cold, you need to eat one icicle every morning. Winter is a wonderful time of year!”
Children correct mistakes.
The speech therapist hands over the fourth snowflake.

Task 5. Presentation “Formation of cognate words SNOW.”
Quietly, quietly, as if in a dream, SNOW falls to the ground
From the sky all the fluffy silvery snowflakes glide
Here's fun for the guys, the SNOW FALL is getting stronger
Snowball on snowball, everything decorated with SNOWBALL
(snow gently)
As if centuries-old blocks of snow figures here
As if for a cold queen they are SNOW
Who is this? SNOWMAN
Nearby there is a snowy figure - this is the girl SNOW Maiden
In the snow, look at the red breasted Bullfinch
A good snow slope requires a fast SNOW SKILL
A SNOWMOBILE is speeding through the forest
As if in a fairy tale, as in a dream, the whole earth was decorated with SNOW
Speech therapist: What words are similar to the word snow? (children's answers).
The speech therapist hands over the fifth snowflake.

Gymnastics for the eyes “Winter. Snowflake".
Speech accompaniment Visual exercises
Snowflake - the fluff is spinning and flying.
A snowflake - the fluff does not melt, does not melt.
Now it has sank almost to the ground,
It's gone up, look, look!
It's spinning on the left and spinning on the right,
It flies into the sky, then falls to the ground.
Put your palm up, look, don’t yawn,
Blow on it and say: “Fly away!”
Children perform eye movements.

Task 6. Sound analysis of the words “Summer. Winter. Spring. Autumn. Squirrel. Elk. Wolf” (individual work, the speech therapist asks to check each other’s work).
The speech therapist hands over the sixth snowflake.

Task 7. Proverbs about winter (explanation of the meaning of the proverb).
The snow is cold and provides protection from the cold.
The frost is not great, but it does not require you to stand.
The speech therapist hands over the seventh snowflake.

III. Final part.

Magic chest with a surprise.
Speech therapist: It's winter, the guys completed all the tasks.
Winter: Put the snowflakes in the chest and say the magic words: “One, two, three snowflakes turn into a surprise!”
Did you like my surprise? Thank you. I am very pleased that you know a lot about the winter season. Thank you! See you again!
Speech therapist: Guys, who liked what tasks of Winter? Children's answers.
And I was pleased to hear how Vanya correctly pronounced the sound R, Matvey was very attentive, Seryozha came to the aid of his friends.

Valentina Pankratova
Calendar and thematic planning in the preparatory school group. Theme of the week: “Winter-winter”

Target: Systematize children's knowledge about winter.


To form generalized ideas about winter as a season, the adaptability of plants to changes in nature, and the interconnection of natural phenomena.

To consolidate knowledge about the rules of safe behavior in nature during the winter.

Develop the ability to observe, peer, listen to natural phenomena and objects, and notice their changes.

Develop the ability to reflect your impressions in different types of activities.

Develop the ability to make assumptions, suggest ways to test them, and draw conclusions

Introduce to Russian national culture

Cultivate a sense of empathy for native nature.

Final event: Vernissage "Winter's Tale" (making crafts, drawings, collages).


Communication game "I'm here, hello!" C: to form friendly relationships, develop coherent speech, contribute to the unity of the children's team.

View the presentation "Artists paint nature" C: show children the beauty of the Russian winter, introduce them to the works of I. I. Levitan, A. K. Savrasov, V. Ivanov, A. Meshchersky, etc.) motivate them to activity.

Individual work

With Maxim B., Zhenya “We make a snowflake from plasticine using flagella” (development of fine motor skills).

HELLO WORLD! « Zimushka-winter» Ts.: summarize and systematize children's ideas about the characteristic signs of winter. Continue to teach how to find them on your own, to establish connections between seasonal changes in nature and lifestyle.

DRAWING "Snowflakes-ballerinas" C: Continue teaching children to draw patterned snowflakes and independently select materials and tools for their drawing. Develop a sense of color and rhythm. Cultivate the ability to admire the beauty of nature.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION (according to physical plan. instructor.

"Lessons of Good" C: teach children to analyze their own behavior and the actions of others.

Solving riddles about winter natural phenomena. C: teach children to solve riddles based on description and comparison, develop memory and thinking.

Didactic game "Snowflakes" C: introduce children to the variety of shapes of snowflakes and their symbols.

Individual work

With Roma I. - lay out a pattern of caps according to the diagram (development of imaginative thinking).

Reviewing TA "Types of Snowflakes", Modeling snowflakes from salt dough.

Making a moving folder "Outdoor games in winter".

A moment of safety “How to provide first aid in winter”

Training "Candle" C: Relaxation, emotionally positive attitude, talking about your feelings and emotions.

Didactic game "The Whole Year" C: fix the sequence of seasons, months, days weeks, parts of the day.

Individual work

With Dima B. - D/i “Far and close, high and low (develop spatial orientation).

MATHEMATICS"Number 9. Number 9" C: Introduce children to the clock dial, form an idea of ​​​​telling time by clock. Keep the score within 9.

APPLICATION Cutting out snowflakes for a theatrical game. C: Arouse interest in creating snowflakes for further use in play activities. Learn to cut out snowflakes clearly along the outlined contour. Develop a sense of form and composition. Develop the ability to work together.

MUSICAL. D-TH (By plan musical director.)

Watching a cartoon "Twelve months" C: to convey to children the inextricable interconnection of the seasons.

Di "What would happen if." C: solving non-standard situations, life safety in speech development, thinking, imagination)

P/I "Two Frosts" C: continue to teach how to run in a column, without interfering with each other.

Individual work

With Milana N., Zhenya M. - work in the workbook, finish what they didn’t have time to do in NNOD.

Independent activities of children

Making Christmas trees, snowflakes using the origami method, theatrical play - 12 months.

Interaction with families of pupils

Involving parents in replenishing the RPPS (attributes for director's and role-playing games).

Conversation "Like animals in the forest spend the winter» C: consolidate ideas about different ways animals adapt to winter conditions, cultivate a love of nature.

Reading and discussing proverbs and sayings about winter. C: teach children to understand the meaning of proverbs, be able to give an example from life.

Individual work

Alena K., Milena G. (telling pure sayings with sounds "B" And "P").

ON THE ROAD TO ABC “Sounds B-P, B-P” C: improve the ability to differentiate consonants, carry out sound analysis of words, the ability to transform words by adding and replacing sounds and syllables. Develop thinking, memory, attention. Cultivate the ability to listen carefully.

MODELING collective "Sorceress Winter" C: improve the technique of relief modeling when creating a winter composition, develop compositional skills and the ability to perceive and embody the image of a winter tree. Develop the ability to work together and negotiate work.

OUTDOOR PHYSICAL EDUCATION (By physical plan. instructor).

VALEOLOGY "Carefully! Winter injuries" C: prevention of childhood injuries.

Experiments with water, starch and flour C: cultivate accuracy, ability to use equipment and follow safety rules.

Didactic game “A moment of safety is my safe way home” C: consolidate children’s knowledge of traffic rules, develop attention, and the ability to behave confidently on the street.

Individual work

With Kira and Arina - teach jumping rope.

Independent activities of children

Didactic game "Sounding box" (definition and comparison by ear of different cereals)

Learning the poem by K Balmont "Snowflakes" according to mnemonic tables.

Interaction with families of pupils

Consultations for parents on issues that interest them.

Didactic game “What first, what then?” C: consolidation of knowledge about the sequence and change of seasons, their distinctive features, seasonal changes.

Communication game “It’s me, recognize me!” C: relieving emotional tension, creating group emotional and positive climate.

Sedentary game "Shoe Salad" C: the ability to identify your shoes by touch.

Individual work

With Alena B., Nastya S. - learn to hit the ball off the floor

MATHEMATICS« "Number 9. Number 9" C: To consolidate counting within 9, knowledge about the composition of the number, the relationship of the whole and parts.

CONSTRUCTION "Winter's Tale" (planar construction from counting sticks) C: develop fine motor skills, imagination, the ability to express what is planned in a drawing, orientation on a plane, a sense of symmetry, develop the sound side of speech and memory.

PHYSICAL ACTIVITY D-TH (By physical plan. instructor).

S/r game "Library" C: continue to teach how to take on roles, follow the plot, play together, use substitute objects.

Conversation "Why I like winter" C: Development of monologue speech, the ability to build a beautiful story.

Individual work

With Danil K., Roma D/i "Cheerful mathematics» (to consolidate the ability to compare numbers within 9).

Independent activities of children

Experimental activities at the center C: continue to get acquainted with the properties of water.

Interaction with families of pupils

Didactic game "Guess what the patterns on the windows look like" C:, consolidating the skills of writing a story using descriptive adjectives, finding similarities and differences, developing attention, imagination, and speech.

Outdoor game "Needle, thread, knot" C: teach to run and walk, changing direction in a column one at a time, play together.

Individual work

With Pasha B. D/i "Find differences". C develop attention, memory, thinking.

SPEECH DEVELOPMENT “Reading a fairy tale by V. Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich" C: To teach children to feel and understand the appropriateness of using expressive and visual means in a literary work, to enrich speech with phraseological units, and to develop the ability to understand their figurative meaning.

DRAWING “Frost draws us fairy tales on glass” C: teach children to draw decorative plant elements used in lace making (wavy lines, curls, snowflakes). Encourage them to come up with patterns on their own. To cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards the beauty of nature.

MUSICAL ACTIVITY (By plan musical director.).

Vernissage "Winter's Tale" C: Teach children to present, present their work, increase children’s self-esteem, unite the children’s team.

Individual work

Kostya, Ilya, Arina - experimenting with plasticine" (reinforce sculpting techniques).

Independent activities of children

"Merry Fingers"- work in copybooks (to strengthen the skills of shading, tracing along the contour).

Interaction with families of pupils

Registration of information "Winter Injuries".


Walk “How people began to dress”

C: continue to form ideas about seasonal clothing, clarify the names of parts of clothing, the name of the material from which it is made.

Artistic word

Learn Russian folk nursery rhyme:

Our Masha is small.

She is wearing a scarlet fur coat.

beaver edge,

Masha is black-browed.

Work: Help each other clear the snow from their clothes.

C: Develop a caring attitude towards peers.

P/n "Frost-red nose". C: develop in children the ability to act on a signal, practice running.

"Grandma the Hedgehog" C: Exercise children in running with dodging, jumping on one leg, and the ability to play together.

in the preparatory group

using modern technologies

topic of the lesson: “ Zimushka-winter"

DOWNLOAD (presentation)

DOWNLOAD (music for presentation)

Program content

Educational objectives:

  • expansion and specification of ideas about winter and its signs;
  • activation of vocabulary on the topic;
  • improving the grammatical structure of speech:
  • - agreement of adjectives with nouns in gender and number;
  • -improving word formation skills);
  • improving syllable structure:
  • - three-syllable words with a closed syllable:
  • consolidate the ability to distinguish geometric shapes;
  • strengthen the ability to count within 10;
  • consolidate methods and techniques of drawing with various non-traditional materials

Developmental tasks:

  • development of phonemic awareness;
  • formation of a directed air stream;
  • development of coherent speech;
  • development of fine motor skills of the hands;
  • development of memory, attention, eye.

Educational tasks:

Formation of self-service skills, neatness, accuracy, independence
Preliminary work:

Observations while walking; for natural phenomena (wind, blizzard, snowfall, formation of icicles, experiment with snow, etc.).

Vocabulary work:

Icicle, ice, floe, snow, avalanche, blizzard, wind, frost, snowflakes, snowfall, etc.

Integration of educational areas:

Socialization, communication, cognition, health, work, music, safety.

Demo material:

Presentation on the topic “Winter”;


Plastic bottles with grated foam, each cap has a straw attached, cards with an outline of a hare made of geometric shapes, cards with numbers, cards with outlines for drawing.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the hall (to the sounds of the music “Winter”).
Teacher: Guys, let's say hello to our guests and invite them to visit Zimushka with us.

Children say hello. Presentation of the lesson on the interactive whiteboard. There is a table with bottles.

The teacher invites the children to take bottles.

Who howled in the chimney?

Who opened the gate?

Who's howling and howling there?

Does it cover all the paths?

Who throws snow in your face?

Sweeping onto the porch?

Children: blizzard

The sounds of a blizzard are heard.

Teacher: Do you want to create a blizzard in your bottles? Stand up straight, bring the bottle to your mouth in a horizontal position with your left hand, and hold the straw with your right. Take a deep breath, and then blow into the bottle for a long time without puffing out your cheeks. Like this.

Tell me what kind of wind there is. What else can we say about the wind? Cold, icy, strong, frosty, quiet, hurricane. What time of year is shown in the picture? Yes, it's winter. How did you guess? (Children talk).

Teacher: That's right, well done. Let's remember what time of year is before winter, and what time of year is after winter? Autumn, spring. What winter months do you know?

Children's answers

Teacher: Let's play the game "Say it backwards" »: Complete the sentences. In summer the days are hot and in winter the days are cold. In summer the sky is bright, and in winter -...

In summer the days are long, and in winter - .... In summer the sun is bright, and in winter - ....

In spring, the ice on the river is thin, and in winter - .... The snow is soft, and the ice is ....

Some icicles are long, while others are....

Teacher: Please tell us how animals in the forest behave in winter? What are the animals that live in the forest called? (Wild). What animals do you know? (Fox, hare, wolf, etc.). What do they eat in winter? What birds wintering in our region do you know? What do they eat in winter? (Berries, seeds from cones). Do you help birds in winter? Tell us how you can help the birds survive in our harsh winter conditions.

Teacher: I’ll give you cards now. The cards depict various geometric shapes scattered.

Guys, please look at our magical winter screen and answer the question: what animal is depicted? (hare). What color is a hare's coat in winter? (White).

What geometric shapes is it made of? (Circles, ovals, triangle).

Color white only those figures that make up the hare.

(remember the techniques of drawing with a poke)

Music is playing, children are coloring the hare.

Physical education lesson “Snowball”

One, two, three, four bend their fingers

You and I made a snowball, imitation of making a snowball

Round, strong, show appropriate movements

Very smooth

And very, very unsweetened

Once - let's throw it up, hands up

Two - we'll catch them, they wrap their arms around themselves

Three - let's drop, give up

And we'll break it. stomp their feet.

How many circles did you color? - show the number, How many ovals? - show the number. How many big ovals? How many little ones? How many figures are there in total? Here we dressed the hare in a white fur coat.

Music plays and the Snowman appears. Teacher holding a figurine of a cardboard snowman

"Snowman": Hello children, I am a snowman, Winter's best friend. Do you want to play with me?

"Snowman": I will show you cards, and you will speak and perform the movement: imitate the movements -

Snowball children squat, take snow, form lumps with their palms, throw,

Snowflakes - squat, hands as if snow is falling,

Skis - imitate the movement of skiers,

Blizzard - blowing and spinning,

Felt boots - jump on one leg.

First in order, then scattered.

« Snowman": How attentive, I’m getting hot, cool me down quickly, otherwise I’ll melt.

Teacher: Name the words that make you feel cold. (Icicle, ice, floe, snow, avalanche, blizzard, wind, frost, snowflakes, etc.).

« Snowman": How good is it, I love winter games? We'll play again another time, but now I have to go.

Teacher: Guys, say goodbye to the snowman. What winter games do you know? (Sledding, skating, skiing, ice-skating, playing in a snow fortress, etc.).

Teacher: What holiday is celebrated in winter?

Children: New Year.

Teacher: Who comes to New Year?

Children: Father Frost, Snow Maiden.

Teacher: What tree is decorated for this holiday? Christmas tree. And we also have a Christmas tree in class, look. It is also decorated with balls, but unusual ones. The Christmas tree gives us a task. Let's listen to him.

The forest beauty came to visit,

She brought balls on green branches,

Look carefully at these balls

You need to hang balls with the sound Z on the Christmas tree

Teacher: Well done on the task of the Christmas tree.

Lesson summary:

What time of year were we talking about today? Who came to visit us? Did you like the lesson?

What did you like most?

Software tasks:

- teach children to perceive the poetic image of winter through artistic and musical expressiveness;

- provide an opportunity to reflect impressions in drawings;

- develop cognitive interest in wintering birds;

- cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, a desire to help them in winter conditions;

- consolidate knowledge about the winter months;

- cultivate a love for the nature of your native land

Didactic material:

  1. Demo:

Photos, illustrations, paintings, postcards on the theme: “Winter-winter”.

2. Handouts:

Landscape paper





Preliminary work:

  1. Conversation with children about the seasons.
  2. Learning poems about winter and proverbs.
  3. Learning songs about winter.
  4. Compilation of stories on the theme “Winter has come.”
  5. Drawing on the theme “Spread out your snow-white carpets winter-winter.”
  6. Modeling on the theme “Santa Claus”.

Methods and techniques:




Practical work





Artistic creativity.


Progress of the event.


"White snow is fluffy

Spinning in the air

And the ground is quiet

Falls, lies down

And in the morning snow

The field turned white

It’s as if everything has covered him with a veil.

Dark forest with a hat

Covered up weird

And fell asleep under her

Strong, unwavering..."

The teacher reads I. Surikov’s poem “Winter”.

Guys! What time of year is the poem talking about?

Children's answers.


On earth, different countries experience different climates. There are countries where it is always hot, summer all year round. There are places where it is always cold, winter all year round. And there are countries where generous nature gives spring, summer, autumn, winter. You and I live in Russia and have the opportunity to admire all the seasons. Each season pleases with its uniqueness: spring scatters emeralds of greenery; summer paints the earth with all the colors of the rainbow; autumn bestows the earth with the gold of leaves, and winter generously envelops the earth with the silver of snowflakes.

Our winter in Kuban is especially beautiful. No matter where you look, everything around is white.

The teacher suggests looking at illustrations about winter.

Guys! Let's come up with beautiful words for the word "winter".

Children's answers:

1st child: “Winter is a wonder!”

2nd child: “Winter is a magician!”

3rd child: “Winter is beautiful!”

Educator: - What do you like about winter?

Children's answers.

Educator: - Yes, guys, winter is the mistress of three months. Which ones?

Children's answers.

Educator: - Please remember what proverbs you know about the winter months?

Children's answers:

1st child: “December ends the year, and winter begins”

2nd child: “January is the roof of winter”

3rd child: “In February there are two friends: frost and blizzard”

4th child: “In February, in February there is a lot of snow in the yard”

Educator: - Nature freezes in winter, but life in nature does not stop! Snow, like a fluffy blanket, protects the ground from frost. S. Yesenin wrote very beautifully in his poem about winter.

The teacher reads S. Yesenin’s poem “White Birch”.

Physical education lesson “Unravel the tracks.”

Educator lays out tracks of wild animals on the carpet - suggests solving the tracks and following the tracks.

Educator: - Guys! What birds are left to spend the winter and what needs to be done to prevent the birds from dying?

Children's answers.

Educator: - To feed birds you must follow some rules:

Do not litter while feeding

Birds must be fed in the same place

Feed the birds regularly

“Feed the birds in winter

Let it come from all over

They will flock to you like home

Flocks on the porch..."

And maybe we will save more than one bird’s life.

And in the summer, birds will help people - they will eat harmful insects and continue to protect gardens, parks, public gardens, and delight us with their singing.

Now I suggest you draw winter - winter.

(Children draw pictures to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”)

Summary of the final comprehensive lesson in the preparatory school group, topic: “Winter Sorceress”

Program content:

To cultivate in children a sense of beauty, a love for nature, for their native land through fine art, music, and poetry.
Develop the ability to give aesthetic assessments, express judgments, and correlate examples of painting, music, and poetry by mood. Evoke an emotional response to an artistic image.
Continue to improve children’s artistic and speech performance skills when reading poems and singing songs; instill sensitivity to the poetic word.
Teach children to distinguish shades of moods and changes in the nature of music. Convey the mood and character of the music in singing, movement, and dance. Create your own dance improvisations.

Enrichment and activation of the dictionary:

Ancient names of the months: gloomy, fierce, snowy; ballet, ballerina, azure.

Reproductions of paintings:

I. Velts “Rime”; I. Grabar “February Azure”; A. Savrasov “Winter”.
Audio recording of musical works: P.I. Tchaikovsky “Winter Dreams”, “On Troika”; A. Vivaldi “Winter”; Sviridov “Blizzard” (waltz).
Video recording of a fragment from the ballet “The Nutcracker” by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Snow Storm"

Equipment and materials:

Music center, computer, plumes (white and silver).

Preliminary work:

Observations of winter phenomena in nature. Examination of reproductions of paintings depicting a winter landscape; listening to music on the theme of winter.
Reading poems about winter, talking about the content, explaining unfamiliar words. Memorizing poems, songs, proverbs about winter. Viewing fragments from the ballet “The Nutcracker” by P.I. Tchaikovsky in video recording.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the hall to the music and greet guests.


Guys, please tell me what time of year it is now? (Winter). Yes, but winter, unfortunately, is ending, and I would like us to finally remember winter today and talk about this wonderful time of year. Guys, do you like winter? Why? (Children's answers).

Indeed, winter is a fun time. There are many different countries on our huge planet called Earth, but winter is different in each country. There are countries where there is never snow. They are called hot countries. Guys, what country do we live in?
Please tell me what kind of Russian winter we have?

Children's answers:

White, fluffy, silver, cold, snowy, beautiful, icy, magical, fairy-tale, frosty, blizzard, sparkling, harsh, cheerful.


Yes, guys, you are right, our winters are indeed very different. It is both cold and thawed, with snowstorms and dripping snow, with crisp snow.

(The teacher invites the children to sit on the rug and talk, and sits down herself).


Each season has its own 3 months. Name all the winter months.

Children's answers:

December January February.


Guys, in the old days, people called December “gloomy”. Why do you think? (Children's answers) Correct, because in December the sun rarely peeks through the low gray clouds, it is a gloomy, sunless month, the days are short, the nights are long, it gets dark early.

And in the old days January was called “fierce”. Why do you think? (Children's answers). I agree with you, because the cold is fierce, the frost is crackling, and the snow is creaking underfoot. And February was popularly called “snowfall”. Why? Yes, this month snowstorms and blizzards sweep up high snowdrifts, and gusty winds drive drifting snow along the ground.

The teacher offers to play the game “Winter Signs”.

Game "Winter Signs"


If the night is frosty,
Quiet and starry,
Smoke is coming out of the chimneys...


So it will be clear during the day.


Blue spots over the forest,
A fine curtain of snow,
The frost has eased a little,
Wind from the south...


Wait for the snowstorm.


If the fish is on a winter day
Walks right under the ice
Walks right under the ice
And his tail hits the ice -
So without a doubt...


Expect warmer weather.


If it's sunset in the evening
Was slightly green
If there is frost on the branches,
There is a bouquet of roses on the glass,
If the smoke is a blue palm
Reaches to the stars
And the wind does not whistle menacingly...


It will be clear and frosty.


Do you know proverbs about winter?


(one by one)

Take care of your nose in the extreme cold.
A snowdrift and a blizzard are two friends.
In the winter cold everyone is young.
December ends the year and begins winter.
Winter without snow is summer without bread.
Cold winter - hot summer.
Blizzard in winter, bad weather in summer.
Thank you, frost, for bringing snow.
Father January - frosts, February - snowstorms.

The teacher goes through 1-2 proverbs with the children.


Poets, artists, composers convey their winter mood in music, poetry, and colors. And now let's look at paintings by Russian artists.

(The children, together with the teacher, approach the paintings and look at them to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky “Winter Dreams”).

Guys, all these pictures are already familiar to you. Name them and who the author is. (Children's answers).
Please tell me how they are similar? (Landscape, winter, trees)
What is the difference? (Time of day, colors, etc.)
Look how the artists depicted snow? What determines the color of snow? (from surrounding objects, from weather, from time of day, from lighting) But indeed, snow can create a feeling of calm, silence, stillness, as shown in these paintings. Each artist conveys his mood and feelings in his painting.

What mood does the painting “Rime” by Ivan Velts evoke in you?
What is she like? (Mysterious, alarming, sad, magical, fairy-tale, etc.). Why did you decide so? (Children's answers).

What about the painting “Winter” by Alexei Savrasov? In your opinion, what is she like? (Calm, thoughtful, quiet, etc.) Why did you decide this? (Children's answers). And “February Azure” by Igor Grabar? Why did the artist call it that? (Children's answers) How do you feel looking at this picture?

Children's answers:

Good mood, joy, fun, delight, etc.)


Looking at these paintings, we saw how artists, using paints, convey the mood of winter. At first glance, you look, all the pictures are the same, but if you look closely, you can see that they are all different and this is all because our winters are different. She can be happy, sad or quiet and calm.

(The teacher invites the children to relax and play.)

Physical education lesson “Snow-snowball”

It creeps along the path.
(Children’s hands are raised up, gradually lowered down)

White blizzard.
The paths were covered in snow. (Smoothly swing your arms left and right)

Melts on the palm.
(Alternately extend the right and left hand forward)

We'll make snowballs
Let's play together
("They're making snowballs")

And snowballs into each other
Have fun throwing
(“Throwing snowballs”)

But it's warm in the yard
(Clap their hands)

Ears are not frozen
(Rub their ears with their palms)

We'll make snow
(Clench your fingers into fists and rotate them in front of your chest.)

Into a huge white lump. (Spread their arms to the sides).

(Children sit on chairs).


Guys, not only artists convey the mood of winter in their paintings, but also the mood can be conveyed in poetry and music. Listen to a fragment of a piece of music (“On Troika” by P.I. Tchaikovsky).

What is the name of this work? Name the composer (Children's answers). Guys, what did you imagine while listening to this music? (Answers: soft snow is falling, snowflakes are spinning, three horses are running along the road, bells are ringing.) What is the nature of the music? (spacious, wide, like a Russian song, solemn, cheerful, joyful).

Our winter for artists, musicians, poets is beautiful, sometimes mischievous, sometimes quiet, like a dream. This is how it sounds in A.S. Pushkina is cold, calm and majestic. (The child reads the poem “Here the clouds are catching up with the north...”) Winter is a fun time, everyone is happy about the pranks of Mother - winter, the frost blushes the cheeks, tingles the nose. And the snow is light fluffy, very slippery, the sleds fly over it in such a way that it takes your breath away, fun in winter! (Children read poems by A. Blok “To the naughty grandchildren..., I. Surikov “Here is my village...”)

Poems always convey a person’s mood, and those who write about nature involuntarily endow it with the feelings that they themselves experience. And then the moon in the poems becomes gloomy and lazy, and the blizzard looks really mean. (the child reads A.S. Pushkin’s poem “Evening, do you remember...”)

And another poet, Sergei Yesenin, paints winter a little sad. The lines sound calm and sad: “I’m going. Quiet. Ringing sounds are heard. Under the hoof in the meadow..."

And music was written for these poems. Listen to the song “Porosha”, composer G. Struve (Child performs a song).

And composer Z. Roth wrote music for S. Yesenin’s poem “Birch” (Duet performs a song).

Guys, winter is magical! She bewitches nature. Today we saw how different types of art convey mood: artists - in colors, musicians - in sounds, poets - in words. But there is another type of art in which mood and images are conveyed by movements, in dance. This art form is called ballet. Now we will watch a fragment from the ballet “The Nutcracker” by P.I. Tchaikovsky, which is called “Snow Storm”, where the ballerinas depict snow, and the Sorceress, Winter, dances with them. (View fragment).

Did you like it? Did you notice: the ballerinas tried to express the gentle, magical nature of the music in dance. They danced gracefully, softly, very plastically and gracefully. We looked at how ballerinas in ballet convey the image of snow in dance movements. And now I suggest you create images where the boys will be winter trees, and the girls will be snow.

(The children are given plumes and “rain”, the children perform an improvisation to the music of Sviridov’s “Blizzard. Waltz”. At the end of the music, the children sit on chairs and put away the attributes. The teacher praises them and is delighted. The Sorceress-Winter enters).


Hello, all honest people!




Today is a difficult day
I came to say goodbye to you!
Over the fields, over the forests
I was a housewife for a long time.
Warm white sweatshirt
The mother tried to cover the earth
All nature was immersed
In my snow-white outfit
All three months in a row.
The children were not afraid of me
The snow and wind did not frighten them:
Skating, skiing, sledding
In fur coats, mittens and hats
Having fun in the cold
And we were in no hurry to go home!
How could I serve you?
She gave me a wonderful holiday.
With colorful lights
With a Christmas tree, confetti, balls.
Time flew by quickly
I didn't have time to notice
That my turn is over
Spring is following me!


Zimushka-Winter, although your time is ending, we are glad to see you.
Play with us, have some fun goodbye. (The game-round dance “Winter-Winter” is played - 2 times, Winter praises the children).


Sorceress Winter, our children know a wonderful song about winter, they will sing it to you now. (Children sing the song “Russian Winter”).


I really liked your song, but unfortunately it’s time for me to leave.
And in memory of myself, I want to leave gifts, watch the ballet, listen to music and remember me. Goodbye! (Leaves).


So we said goodbye to winter, but spring will come soon, and spring has its own sounds and colors, which, just like winter, inspire composers, poets, artists, and we will also get to know their works.

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