Home Coated tongue Review of the fairy tale by D. Rodari “The Adventures of Cipollino. Research work: "Portrait gallery of characters and heroes of Gianni Rodari's fairy tale "The Adventures of Cipollino"

Review of the fairy tale by D. Rodari “The Adventures of Cipollino. Research work: "Portrait gallery of characters and heroes of Gianni Rodari's fairy tale "The Adventures of Cipollino"

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Research: Portrait gallery of characters and heroes of Gianni Rodari’s fairy tale “The Adventures of Cipollino” Completed by: Zakharchenko Valeria 3 “B” class. Classroom teacher: Borozdina Yu.A.

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Purpose: By example goodies cultivate a sense of friendship, a desire to do good, the ability to come to the rescue and resist evil. Task: Compare the character and disposition of positive and negative heroes. Hypothesis: Positive and negative heroes are endowed with different characters.

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What is character? No two people are the same. Character, like a flower bouquet, consists of many positive and negative traits: kindness, hard work, honesty, rudeness, greed, deceit. Some are indifferent to the suffering of their neighbors, while others protect everyone. Some bravely enter the fight against evil, while others are afraid of everything.

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Chipollino – main character, very good-natured, restless, not capricious. He never deceives anyone, firmly keeps his word and always protects the weak. Cipollino is very truthful. He comes from a simple family, endowed with the best of human qualities. Cipollino helps the people of his country free themselves from the power of the cruel prince. He is brave and knows how to make friends - the clever, fearless and resourceful girl Radish, the kind and smart boy Cherry.

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Count Cherry, nephew of the countesses Cherry. He was an orphan and lived with his rich relatives, who did not favor the boy much. The boy suffered from a lack of attention, love and affection. Cherry is a modest, quiet boy, but decisive moment could perform an act worthy of a man, despite his shyness. Cipollino helped a lot in the fight for justice.

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Senor Tomato is the manager of the castle of Countesses Cherry. The tomato is bright red, always dissatisfied, often angry. He speaks extremely poorly of positive characters and constantly scolds them. Very greedy and cruel. Tomato is obsequious to Countesses Cherries and Prince Lemon, who are richer and occupy a higher position in society. He is ready to do anything to please them.

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Prince Lemon - fat man yellow color, the ruler of the country, an arrogant, arrogant rich man, hates the poor... Lemon is cruel and deceitful, the suffering of others gives him pleasure. The prince loved to mock animals. He even organized horse races and whipped poor animals to give vent to his anger. His words show us well what kind of character he has: “May God protect me from my friends, but I myself will take care of my enemies.” Princes do not attach importance to friendship and do not strive to make friends.”

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Conclusion: Reading this fairy tale, we experience different emotions: sympathy, indignation, delight. We see what different tempers at the characters. Using the example of positive heroes and their actions, we learn to empathize, be friends, not leave in trouble, be brave, believe in the best! Negative heroes warn us against bad deeds, cowardice and evil.

Details Category: Author's and literary fairy tales Published 01/05/2017 14:47 Views: 1831

This tale by an Italian writer was extremely popular in the USSR. And currently this is one of the most popular books for children's reading.

The famous children's writer, storyteller and journalist Gianni Rodari was born in Italy (in the town of Omegna) in 1920. full nameGiovanni Francesco Rodari.

The family of baker Giuseppe Rodari had three boys: Gianni, Cesare and Mario. The father died early, and the children grew up in their mother’s native village, Varesotto.
The future journalist and writer grew up as a sickly and weak boy. He was interested in music and reading. After graduating from the seminary, at the age of 17 he began teaching at primary school. During World War II, Rodari was released from service due to poor health.
Initially he was interested in the ideas of fascism, but after the imprisonment of his brother Cesare in a German concentration camp, as well as other circumstances, he reconsidered his views and became a member of the Resistance Movement. In 1944 he joined the Italian Communist Party.

Since 1948, Rodari worked as a journalist for the communist newspaper Unita and also wrote for children. His most famous work, “The Adventures of Cipollino,” was published in 1951. The tale was published in Russian translation by Zlata Potapova, edited by Samuil Marshak, in 1953.
J. Rodari visited the USSR several times.
In 1970 he received the Hans Christian Andersen Prize, after which he gained worldwide fame.
Many of J. Rodari’s poems for children were translated into Russian by S. Marshak, Y. Akim, I. Konstantinova.
Gianni Rodari died of serious illness April 14, 1980 in Rome.

"The Adventures of Cipollino" (1951)

Plot summary

Cipollino is an onion boy. He lived in a large onion family: mom, dad Cipollone and 7 brothers: Cipolletto, Cipollotto, Cipolloccia, Cipolluccia, etc. The family was poor, living in a house the size of a wooden seedling box on the very outskirts of the city.
One day, the ruler of the country, Prince Lemon, decided to visit this place.

The court lemon soldiers urgently began to spray the outskirts with cologne and perfume to destroy the smell of onions. During the stampede, old Cipollone accidentally crushed the ruler's curve thin leg with a callus. For this he was captured and thrown into prison. When Cipollino got a meeting with his father, he learned that it was not criminals who were in prison in the country, but only decent and honest people. His father advised Cipollino to go around the world and learn his wits. Cipollino entrusted his mother and his brothers to his uncle, tied his things in a bundle and hit the road.
In one of the villages, he met old man Pumpkin, who was sitting in a brick box - this was his house, for the construction of which he had saved money all his life and collected 118 bricks. Cipollino began asking godfather Pumpkin about his life, but then the residents began to hide in their homes - Signor Tomato came out of the carriage.

He announced to his godfather Pumpkin that he had built his “palace” illegally on the land of the landowners Countesses Vishen. Pumpkin objected, Cipollino defended him. And then Signor Tomato asked him why he wasn’t working. The boy replied that he was studying - studying scammers. Signor Tomato became interested, and then Cipollino brought a mirror to Signor Tomato. He realized that the boy was mocking him and became furious. He grabbed Cipollino by the hair and began to shake him. Immediately tears came to his eyes from the bow, and he hurried away.
Master Vinogradinka invited Cipollino to work as an apprentice in his workshop. And people flocked to him from everywhere.

He met Professor Pear, who played a violin made from a pear; with the gardener Luk Leek, on whose mustache his wife dried clothes in sunny weather; with a family of centipedes.
Signor Tomato again visited the village with a dozen lemon soldiers and the guard dog Mastino. They forcibly pushed poor old Pumpkin out of his house, where they moved watchdog. But Cipollino dissolved a sleeping pill in water and gave it to the thirsty dog ​​to drink. When he fell asleep, Cipollino took him to the park of Countesses Cherry.
But everyone was now afraid of Signor Tomato’s revenge. The house was carefully loaded onto a cart, transported into the forest and left under the supervision of Cherniki's godfather.
And at that time two guests arrived at the estate of the countesses of Cherry - Baron Orange and Duke Mandarin. Baron Orange ate all the supplies of his peasants, then ate all the trees of his gardens, then he began to sell his lands and buy food. When he had nothing left, he asked to visit one of the Countesses Vishen.

Baron Orange had a huge belly and could not move on his own. Therefore, they had to assign servants to him with a wheelbarrow on which his belly was transported. The Duke of Mandarin also caused a lot of trouble. He was very greedy. So he acted out suicide scenes. Countesses Cherries gave Signor Mandarin jewelry, silk shirts, etc. to distract him from bad thoughts. Because of these troubles, the Countesses of Cherries were in a terrible mood.
At this time, Signor Tomato was urgently reported about the disappearance of Pumpkin's house. Signor Tomato sent soldiers to quell the riot. Almost all the village residents were arrested. Cipollino and the girl Radish ran away from the soldiers.
The nephew of the countesses Vishenka, the boy Vishenka, lived extremely lonely among luxury. One day he saw village children running along the road with backpacks on their backs. He asked his aunts to send him to school. But he was a count! His aunts assigned him a teacher, Signor Petrushka. But the teacher turned out to be a terrible bore: he hung notices everywhere with prohibitions. One day, just on the day of the arrests, Cherry saw Cipollino and Radish behind the fence.

The children became friends. But Signor Tomato heard their cheerful laughter and forbade Cherry to be friends with the poor.

The boy Cherry was very upset and cried constantly. But they laughed at him. Only the maid Zemlyanichka sincerely felt sorry for Cherry. Soon Cherry developed a fever. He began repeating the names Cipollino and Radish. Everyone decided that the child was delirious and invited doctors. But they couldn't help Cherry. Then Strawberry Girl invited the poor but truthful Doctor Chestnut. He said that Cherry has melancholy and needs communication with other children. For these words, Doctor Chestnut was kicked out of the castle.
Cipollino was finally captured and thrown into the darkest and deepest cell found in the Countess Vishen prison. But by chance he met Mole, who was digging a new tunnel. Cipollino persuaded Mole to dig a new underground corridor leading towards the dungeon where his friends were. Mole agreed.
When Signor Tomato discovered that Cipollino's cell was empty, he became furious. He sank down onto the bench in frustration; the cell door slammed shut from a gust of wind. The tomato was locked. At this time, Cipollino and Mole reached their friends’ cell. The familiar voices and sighs of Pumpkin’s godfather could already be heard. But then Master Grape lit a match, and Mole hated the light. He abandoned Cipollino and his friends.
Cherry learned that Signor Tomato carries the keys to the dungeon in his stocking pocket. He slept in stockings. Cherry asked Strawberry to bake a very tasty chocolate cake and give him sleeping pills. The tomato ate the cake with pleasure and began snoring. So Cherry and Strawberry released all the prisoners. In the morning, Tomato gave an urgent telegram to Prince Lemon that unrest had broken out in the castle of Countesses Cherry.
Then there were many adventures, but the struggle with the rich rulers ended in the victory of the poor. Prince Lemon, seeing the Banner of Freedom, went to the once abandoned dunghill. Countesses Cherries immediately left somewhere. Signor Pea also left the country. Beans stopped serving Baron Orange, pushing the wheelbarrow with his belly. And without Beans, the baron could not leave his place. Therefore, Orange soon lost weight. As soon as he was able to move, he tried to beg. But he was immediately shamed and advised to work as a loader at the station. Now he is slim. Duke Mandarin did not work, but settled down with Orange and began to live at his expense. Good Orange could not refuse him. Signor Petrushka became the castle's guard. Godfather Pumpkin got a job as a gardener in this castle. And his student was Signor Tomato - however, before that, Tomato had to serve several years in prison. Master Vinogradinka was elected chairman of the village. The castle was handed over to the children. It housed a school, a creativity room, playrooms and other rooms for children.

Analysis of the tale by G. Rodari “The Adventures of Cipollino”

The fairy tale at all times and among all peoples has expressed the dream of the triumph of justice and hope for a better future.
In the fabulous fruit, berry and vegetable country of J. Rodari, everything that grows right on the ground is the people: Cipollino, Leek, Pumpkin, Strawberry, Blueberry. But the gentleman Tomato has already risen above the earth and the people and is oppressing them. Lawyer Pea clings to everything with his antennae, just to climb higher, and turns out to be a traitor. Countess Cherries, Baron Orange, Duke Mandarin - all these fruits grow on trees, they have risen high, completely cut off from their native soil, what do they care about the troubles and suffering of those who live below on earth? Life in this country was not easy for the people, because Prince Lemon was the ruler there. Can life be sweet with Lemon?
Cipollino is a cheerful and smart onion boy. All the characters in the fairy tale are vegetables or fruits: godfather Pumpkin, shoemaker Grape, lawyer Peas, girl Radish, boy Cherry, music professor Pear, old Chipolla, etc. The author said that in this fairy-tale garden society, as in life, social antagonisms operate: modest “honest citizens” are oppressed by the evil and greedy Signor Tomato, the arrogant Prince Lemon with his army of Limonchiks, and the proud Countesses Cherries.
But Rodari was confident that society could be transformed in favor ordinary people labor, and by the efforts of the people themselves. Cipollino led the process.
When his father Cipolla and the entire poor garden brethren were put into prison by Signor Tomato on the orders of Prince Lemon, the cheerful Cipollino went on a journey to “learn wisdom” and to thoroughly “study swindlers and rogues.” He finds loyal friends (the clever girl Radish, the kind and smart boy Cherry) and with their help frees his father and other prisoners from prison. Then the entire vegetable village drives its tormentors and parasites Tomato, Lemon and Cherry into prison, and the castle of the evil countesses turns into a cheerful Children's Palace, where the garden kids, led by Cipollino, go to play and study.
I would like to end the article with the words of Cipollino: “In this world it is quite possible to live in peace, there is enough space for everyone on Earth.”

"The Adventures of Cipollino" in other forms of art

In 1961, the Soviet full-length hand-drawn animated film “Chipollino” was shot. The music for the cartoon, written by Karen Khachaturyan, 12-13 years later served as the basis for the ballet of the same name.

In 1974, based on the fairy tale by Gianni Rodari, an eccentric musical comedy directed by Tamara Lisitsian was filmed at the Mosfilm studio. The leading roles were played by famous actors V. Basov, Rina Zelenaya, G. Vitsin and others. Tamara Lisitsian, who worked for some time in Italy, was personally acquainted with Gianni Rodari.

Name: Cipollino

A country: Lemon kingdom


Activity: onion boy

Family status: not married

Cipollino: character story

A cheerful and brave bulb from sunny Italy named Cipollino in the 1950s became a symbol of the victory of the oppressed people over the powers that be. A children's book that is distinguished by its bright artistic originality, the Italian raised absolutely not childish questions. Life values, justice, friendship - there was a place for everything on the pages of the work about the adventures of revived vegetables and fruits.

History of creation

The Italian writer Gianni Rodari was a supporter of communism. Advocate for the poor and committed to social justice, took over as editor in 1950 children's magazine“Pioneer” began to create for children with his own hands. To begin with, he published a collection of funny poems, and a year after he became head of the publication, he gave it to the kids fairy tale"The Adventures of Cipollino."

The book glorified the Italian communist, especially in the Soviet Union, which is quite understandable - the author put in an allegorical form the large landowners and Sicilian barons, whom he contrasted with the poor people.

The work came to Russia in 1953 on the initiative of Rodari, who sympathized with him and patronized him in every way. The Russian poet-storyteller himself took on the task of editing the Italian story translated by Zlata Potapova. The heroes immediately won the hearts of children after appearing on the shelves of Soviet bookstores. Since then, the book with colorful pictures has been published in millions of copies and was even included in school curriculum.

The story, which has not lost its relevance to this day, is far from magical works, devoid of fairies, miraculous transformations and phenomena, therefore it is classified as everyday social fairy tales. The characters rely only on their intelligence, ingenuity, courage and correct calculation. the main idea– show the injustice of oppression of vulnerable sections of society. However, in the fairy tale there was a whole scattering of problems. The story turned out to be fascinating and kind; it consists of 29 chapters, which are crowned by a collection of songs of the heroes.

Biography and plot

The restless boy Cipollino lives in the Lemon Kingdom on the very outskirts of the city. A large onion family lives in squalor in a wooden shack the size of a seedling box. One day, the head of the family, Papa Cipollone, accidentally stepped on the foot with a callus of Prince Lemon, who decided to visit this part of the state. The angry ruler of the country ordered the clumsy onion father to be imprisoned for many years. Thus began the exciting adventures of Cipollino and his comrades.

After a meeting with an imprisoned relative, the boy realized that only innocent people were in prison, and also received instructions from his father to “walk around the world,” gain experience, and see how people live. During the trip, Cipollone ordered his son to convert Special attention on the crooks in power.

Lukovka went on a hike across the endless country, seeing along the way the poverty and lawlessness of his compatriots. Poor godfather Pumpkin

onit Senor Tomato from a small house, which occupied a piece of the master's land, godfather Blueberry makes ends meet, having only halves of scissors, thread and a needle from everything he has acquired, the peasants are starving, sending carts of food to the palace of the countesses of Vishen, and they also pay for air and are trying to learn to breathe less. Cherries are going to establish another tax - on precipitation.

But Cipollino, having enlisted the support of friends, including Besolinka, Professor Grusha, Master Vinogradinka and others, decides to help the people. A struggle against injustice ensues, which ends in complete victory: the flag of Freedom proudly flutters on the castle tower, and the building itself has turned into a palace for children, equipped with a cinema hall, rooms for games and drawing, and a puppet theater.

The tale of class struggle has a dynamic plot and a whole range of wonderful images. Positive and negative characters from the plant world show human relationships different classes. Rodari managed to convey complex things in simple language, give the work a unique artistic style.

Screen adaptations and productions

In Russia, Cipollino managed to go beyond the paper publication. Lukovka (the meaning of the name translated from Italian) went to television - in 1961, based on the work, a cartoon was released under the direction of Boris Dezhkin, where the main character was voiced by.

The book's gallery of characters is richer than the cast of a Soviet cartoon. Thus, in the story of an Italian communist there live heroes who are not related to flora, for example, Mole, Bear, Spider. The animators kept only characters from the wild, and even then not all of them. I had to say goodbye to Orange, Parsley, and Peas to shorten the film's time.

After another 12 years, Tamara Lisitsian delighted young viewers with the fairy tale film “Cipollino”. In the musical comedy, the character was embodied by Alexander Elistratov. The film starred such Soviet cinema stars as (Countess Cherry), (Prince Lemon), (lawyer Goroshek).

Even Gianni Rodari himself was included in the cast - the writer was given the role of storyteller. Tamara Lisitsian was the wife of one of the leaders communist party Italy, so I personally knew Rodari. That's why the author suddenly appeared in her picture.

In 2014, connoisseurs of literature and theater were outraged by the production of a children's play based on the work of Rodari, directed by Ekaterina Koroleva. From the script musical fairy tale The plot where the heroes organize a revolution has disappeared. Prince Lemon simply listens to the people, inspiration descends on him, thanks to which the ruler repeals unjust laws and remains in power. The author of the play explained the decision to reshape the idea of ​​the Italian writer:

“We left a social edge in the play, but since I am terribly afraid of any revolutions, a revolution will take place in the minds of the heroes.”

Ban in Russia

Five years ago Russian society vigorously discussed the topic of restrictions that the government had imposed on some books, films and cartoons. The fairy tale “The Adventures of Cipollino” by Gianni Rodari is included in the list of harmful literature that is not recommended in Russia for reading by children under 12 years of age.

The ban is imposed according to Federal Law Russian Federation “On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development,” which came into force on Knowledge Day in 2012. In the story of the adventures of the Italian onion, legislators saw episodic depictions of violence.

  • Since the late 50s, the hero of the Italian story joined the ranks of the “Merry Men Club”, which lived on the pages of the magazine “Funny Pictures”. The children were entertained by a company from Chipollino, Dunno, Buratino, and later they were joined by Karandash and Samodelkin.

  • The talented musician Karen Khachaturyan was invited to write music for the cartoon about the brave Cipollino. Then no one even suspected that the work would result in another new work. The composer admitted: the fairy tale captivated him so much that he couldn’t get it out of his head. Karen Khachaturyan recalled:
“For some reason, every hero now appeared to me in a dance.”
  • 12 years later, amazing, sincere music for the ballet in three acts “Cipollino” was born. And so began the brilliant fate of Genrikh Mayorov’s production, which has successfully traveled across the theater stage since 1974. The composer became famous throughout the world, and the ballet became one of the best in contemporary art aimed at children.
  • Gianni Rodari first found success in Russia and only then, in 1967, in his homeland. For his “fairytale” works, the writer received a prestigious award - the Hans Christian Andersen Medal.


“In this world it is quite possible to live in peace. There is a place on earth for everyone – both bears and onions.”
“Don’t be angry, don’t be angry, Signor Tomato! They say vitamins disappear from anger!”
“And, in my opinion, today is a very good day. We have a new friend, and that’s already a lot!”
“Here you go, you can lick this piece of paper. It’s sweet, a year ago it was wrapped in caramel with rum.”

Here we follow the life of Cipollino (Italian - onion) and his friends: godfather Pumpkin, Professor Pear, godfather Blueberry, Parsley, Strawberry and others who fight the tyrant Prince Lemon, the Countesses Cherries and the castle manager Signor Tomato.

Like many other fairy tales, this story is an allegory and talks about people. In reality, this tale is about the relationship between rich and poor, rulers and subordinates, about freedom and justice.

The tale is written in a humorous style, so that even the evil characters here seem funnier than they should be. This is a children's fairy tale in which the author tried to explain important life issues in a language that children can understand. With the help of “Cipollino” he wanted to talk about freedom and that it should be treasured, because it is so easy to lose.

The plot of this story takes place in a fairy tale world where each character is associated with a fruit or vegetable. The time when the events of the fairy tale took place also did not exist in reality, since the castles railways, bicycles, carriages exist in one period.

Genre: fairy tale

Time: fictional

Place: fictional

Cipollino retelling

Prince Lemon was about to come to the city where a big parade was to take place. Old Cipollone was in the crowd that was awaiting the prince's arrival, but someone accidentally pushed him and he stepped on Prince Lemon's foot. Cipollone was arrested and sent to prison for the rest of his days.

His son Cipollino came to visit him. There he learned that the prison was designed in such a way that all the murderers and robbers who should have been locked up were now on parade, while the innocent and honest people were in prison.

Cipollino learned a lot from his father and therefore he decided to become a good boy. His father told him to go and live in this huge world, but beware bad people, but added that you can learn something from everyone, even from a bad person.

And Cipollino decided to follow his father’s advice. In the nearest village he met godfather Pumpkin, who was insulted by Signor Tomato. Cipollino decided to protect him and told Signor Tomato everything he thought about him. Signor Tomato wanted to punish him for this and pulled Cipollino by the hair, tearing out some of it. The smell of onions began to spread around, which is why Signor Tomato's tears involuntarily flowed and he ran away. Godfather Pumpkin was so delighted with Cipollino that he decided to hire him.

Signor Tomato wanted revenge, so he returned with several guards and threw godfather Pumpkin out of his house. He also tied a dog to the house so that it would scare away children with its menacing appearance. When Signor Tomato left, Cipollino put the dog to sleep and took it to its owners in the castle. Before leaving the dog, he petted it and disappeared. Godfather Pumpkin was too excited to return home.

All the villagers were afraid of Signor Tomato, so they decided to move to the forest. They placed their houses there, and godfather Blueberry guarded them. He placed bells on doors and messages for thieves. Thieves came and went, and all meetings ended in friendship.

When Baron Orange ate all the money he had, he became poor. Baron Orange decided to contact his cousin, Senior Countess Cherry, who invited him to her castle. At the same time, the younger Countess Cherry received her cousin. Both cousins ​​angered the countesses, but they took their anger out on their innocent nephew. Only the maid Zemlyanichka consoled him.

Signor Tomato noticed that Pumpkin's godfather's house was missing. With the help of officers he borrowed from the prince, he arrested everyone. Only Leek and Cipollino were able to escape.

Cipollino, with the help of the girl Radish, decided to investigate the situation in the castle so that they could develop a plan and free the prisoners.

The next day, Cipollino and Radish went to the castle, where they befriended Cherry, the duchesses' nephew, despite the fact that he was forbidden to communicate with the villagers. Cherry was so happy to have new friends that for the first time in for a long time Laughter could be heard in the castle.

The cheerful laughter was heard by Signor Tomato, who headed into the garden to find out what was happening. He saw three friends together and recognized Cipollino among them. Signor Tomato screamed, and Cipollino and Radish began to run away. Then Signor Tomato started yelling at Cherry, who was very sad. Not because Signor Tomato screamed, but because he was not as free as his friends.

Cherry got sick from sadness. Four doctors examined him, but none of them could tell what had happened to him. Then they decided to call Kashtan, the doctor who treated the poor. Chestnut concluded that Cherry suffered from sadness and loneliness, and the only cure was spending time with friends. No one in the castle believed such a diagnosis, so Kashtan was driven away.

When the villagers were arrested, they were thrown into a basement filled with mice. The mice attacked them and stole all the candles, leaving the prisoners in the dark. The mice were already ready to launch their next attack, but the villagers began to make cat-like sounds, which scared the mice away.

At the same time, the prisoners realized that the walls had ears. Their cell was connected by a secret listening device to Signor Tomato's room, so he could hear everything the villagers said.

Strawberry helped Cipollino contact the prisoners through this secret device. She conveyed Cipollino's message to them and gave them several candles and matches.

The mice attacked again, but the prisoners fought back. The leader of the mice decided to punish his subordinates for their failure by killing every tenth mouse soldier.

Cipollino was having a secret meeting with Strawberry Shortcake and Radish when they were attacked by a dog. She caught Cipollino and reported this to Signor Tomato. Signor Tomato locked Cipollino in a secret hole.

By chance, a Mole fell into Cipollino's hole. After a friendly conversation, the Mole continued digging underground tunnels. Cipollino followed him after Signor Tomato came to hang him.

The mole dug tunnels to other prisoners so that Cipollino could talk to them. The Mole agreed to dig another underground passage so that the prisoners could escape. But someone lit a match, which scared the Mole, and he ran away, leaving the prisoners in a dead end.

Strawberry told Cherry that Cipollino went to prison. Cherry was very saddened by this news, but still, he stopped crying and decided to help his friends. Together with Zemlyanichka they came up with a great plan. They sent Signor Tomato a pie that contained sleeping powder. Signor Tomato was so insatiable that he ate the whole pie and immediately fell asleep.

Strawberry took his keys to free the prisoners. But first, Strawberry Shorthair told the guards that the prisoners had escaped, sending them to hunt for non-existent fugitives while the real prisoners were actually escaping.

When Signor Tomato woke up and saw the empty prison, he decided to ask Prince Lemon and his guards for help. The next day, Prince Lemon and his guards arrived in the village and arrested Pea and Leek.

The guards went to the castle, where they began to destroy everything. They insulted all the inhabitants of the castle, but most of all Leek, since Prince Lemon wanted him to tell where the rest of his friends were and where they were hiding godfather Pumpkin's house.

Leek remained silent and was sent to prison. Then they decided to interrogate Goroshka’s lawyer. But he was as hard as the Leek. Soon Pea was joined by Signor Tomato, who was also sentenced to hang.

Pea was too friendly with Signor Tomato, and told him too much information about the location of Pumpkin's godfather's house. Signor Tomato wanted to use this to his advantage by telling Prince Lemon everything. He hoped it would save his life.

The gallows was installed in the main square, and everything was ready for the execution of Pea. They had already tightened the noose around his neck, and he fell into the hatch. But soon Goroshek heard that someone was telling Cipollino that he should cut the rope.

The backstory began with what Zemlyanichka told Radish, and she, in turn, told Cipollino about the execution of Pea. Cipollino found the Mole, and he dug an underground tunnel to the gallows.

Cipollino waited until Pea fell through the hatch, and then cut the rope around Pea's neck, thereby saving his life. Then they ran to the underground chamber where the others were hidden. Peas told about Signor Tomato's betrayal, and Cipollino hurried to godfather Blueberry to try to save godfather Pumpkin's house, but, unfortunately, he did not have time.

Prince Lemon and the rest of his group hired Mr. Markow to help capture the escaped prisoners. Mr. Markow imagined that he was looking for dangerous pirates, but in fact he was following a dead-end path, which Radish sent him to, thereby trying to protect his friends.

Eventually, Mr. Markow and his dog were caught in a trap and left hanging from a tree. At the same time, Cipollino became friends with Bear, whose parents were at the zoo. They decided to visit them, and when the sun set, the bear put Cipollino on his back and headed to the city where that zoo was located.

Upon arrival, they were helped by the Elephant, and there they also met many animals who spent their nights thinking about their native lands.

But when Bear's parents were released from the cage, they had problems. The seal heard them, and his hostility towards bears played a role. The guards heard him and locked all four in cages.

In the end, Cherry freed Cipollino, and together they hurried to the train. It was a train consisting of only one carriage, the seats in it only had windows, and there were also shelves for fat people. The driver of this locomotive was a strange man who stopped at every meadow to pick flowers. As they passed the forest, the woodcutter freed Mr. Markow and his dog after three days of captivity.

After that the game began. Everyone is looking for everyone. Mr. Markow continued the investigation, the guards were looking for him, Prince Lemon was looking for his guards, Mr. Grape and his friends were looking for Cipollino, Cipollino was looking for Grape, and Mole was looking for everyone.

Duke Mandarin and Baron Orange were in the castle with the servants. Duke Mandarin decided to find the hidden treasures in the cellar, and he took with him Baron Orange, who was a great lover of wine. They were both greedy and they both wanted the same bottle, which was actually the key that opened the secret door. When they pulled this bottle, the door opened, and Cipollino and his friends came out of the opened passage. They captured the castle, locked Duke Mandarin in his room, and left Baron Orange in the basement because he was too drunk.

Some of Cipollino's friends became scared because they had no weapons or strategy and they thought that these two were the key to victory. Everyone went to bed, and their enemies made themselves a tent in the forest and also decided to rest. Signor Tomato looked towards the castle and realized that someone from inside was signaling him. It was Duke Mandarin. Signor Tomato decided to find out what happened there. When he came closer, the dog by the fence told him everything. Signor Tomato told everything to Prince Lemon, and they decided to attack the castle early in the morning.

In the morning the battle began. Something huge and never seen before rolled down the hill from the castle and swept the army away. It was Baron Orange who managed to escape, but accidentally rolled down the hill. The remnants of the army attacked again. The problem was that Pea told Signor Tomato valuable information, and thus the army managed to enter the castle and arrest Cipollino. In prison, Cipollino met his father, who consoled him by saying that time spent in prison allows him to think about things he had never thought about before. In response, Cipollino promised that he would get his father out of prison.

With the help of the postman spider, Cipollino sketched the prison and sent three letters. One of them was for his father, one for the Mole and one for Cherry. But the mailman spider failed to deliver one of the letters, and Cipollino began to fall into despair.

The postman spider went through many adventures on his way to the castle. He met one of his cousins, who decided to accompany him to the castle. However, when crossing one of the paths, a large chicken swallowed the spider, but he was able to throw the mail to his brother, who delivered the last letter.

You could walk around in prison, but everyone had to walk only in circles. One of the prisoners, taking the chance, jumped into the hole made by the Mole and continued to escape through the underground tunnels. The guard who was supposed to keep an eye on them was not very good at mathematics, so he was unable to correctly count the number of prisoners. He didn't even realize that they were disappearing one after another. When everyone disappeared, the guard himself jumped up and ran away.

Prince Lemon decided to hold horse races, so he thought he would distract people from important issues. Suddenly, during the race, Cipollino and Mole appeared, who accidentally chose the wrong path. Cipollino took the chance, grabbed Prince Lemon's whip and hit him three times. Behind him the others began to run out. former prisoners. Prince Lemon was so scared that he began to run away, but ended up in the trash.

Signor Tomato at the same time gathered the rest of the people and announced a law according to which the poor must pay a tax on snow, rain, fog and everything else. He tried to make them believe that with the help of taxes they could restore the financial position of the castle.

Prince Lemon still managed to get out of the garbage and headed to the castle. The storm stopped, but Prince Lemon was not happy with this, because he wanted a storm so strong that he would not have to deal with people.

Signor Tomato had already begun to fear a revolution that no one could believe in. Everyone was watching everyone, so they did not notice the flag that Cipollino hung in the castle.

Signor Tomato went to the castle to remove the flag, but was unable to get through the door because it was too thick. But then he again ran into Cipollino and again pulled out some of his hair and started crying again. He would have drowned in a sea of ​​his own tears if Cipollino had not saved him.

When Prince Lemon saw the flag, he tried to hide in the trash, hoping no one would find it. Besides him, Duke Mandarin and both countesses left the castle. A school and playroom for children were opened in the castle.

Characters: Cipollino, Strawberry, godfather Pumpkin, Grape, Prince Lemon, Signor Tomato, Peas, Countess Cherries, Baron Orange, Chestnut, Mr. Carrot, Spider, Mole….

Character Analysis

Chipollino – the main character of the fairy tale. He's a little onion, and when his father was arrested without apparent reason and sent to prison for life, Cipollino was greatly disappointed and decided to go wandering. His father gave him a lot important advice. His appearance not described in a fairy tale. He is funny, smart and always ready to help. He was brave when he had to argue with Signor Tomato. His goodwill gives him the strength to believe that every problem has a solution. He quickly makes friends and has many like-minded people who help him achieve justice. He is kind and behaves well with good people, but makes the bad ones cry.

Cherry, nephew of the duchesses - he lost his parents, and the duchesses took care of him, or should I say took their anger out on him. He studied a lot and everything else was forbidden to him, so he longed for friendship and freedom. When he met Cipollino and Radish, he was so impressed by the feeling of friendship that he always wanted to be with them. He is shown to be a very brave person because he always helps his friends in need.

Strawberry - Cherry's friend and maid in the castle. She is noble, loyal, witty and one of the leaders in the fight for justice.

Kum Pumpkin – an old man, when he was young, he wanted to build his own house. He built it all his life, and was forced to starve in order to have enough supplies to build the house. The house was small, but it was enough for him. He was not very ambitious, and was always happy with everything he had.

Grape - he was a shoemaker and loved mathematics. He admired Cipollino, who stood up to Signor Tomato.

Prince Lemon - the ruler of this country. He was yellow and wore a bell on the top of his hat. He was arrogant and always ready to fight. He believed that he was a great leader. He mistreats animals and beats them. Prince Lemon was always waiting for someone else to do his job. Everyone tried to please him, although his requests were sometimes ridiculous.

Signor Tomato – he was the manager of the castle where the countesses of Cherries lived. He was stingy and always shifted his problems onto those who were weaker than him. He had evil eyes and a round, red face. When he found himself in prison, he realized how noble Cipollino was, but this insight did not last long. He soon became selfish again and did everything he could to get out of prison.

Peas – advocate. He covered for Signor Tomato when needed. But when he realized that Signor Tomato was only using him, he turned his back on him. He always tries to be with those people with whom he is more profitable.

Countess Cherries – very rich, own many houses and almost the entire village. Both are widows and their cousins ​​often visit them. They are stingy and often take out their anger on others.

Baron Orange - owner of a huge belly, likes to drink and eat a lot. He became poor because he ate all his property. Even if he wished well to everyone, his true intentions did not surface as he was always thinking about food.

Duke Mandarin – Unlike Baron Orange, who loved to eat, the Duke loved various things and was very greedy. He even said that he would kill himself if he didn't get what he wanted.

Mole – doesn't like the light, but besides that he helped the prisoners.

Mister Carrot - detective who searches for escaped prisoners.

Spider - he was a prison postman. He always takes his work seriously, has some problems walking, but never quits his job.

Gianni Rodari biography

Gianni Rodari is an Italian writer, born in 1920 in a small town in northern Italy, in Omegna.

Although he is known as a children's writer, he began writing children's books by accident. Many people consider him the most important children's writer in Italy.

Started working as a teacher in primary school. But in the Second World War began working as a journalist for the newspaper Unita. At this time he wrote his first children's work.

After 1950, he decided to continue writing children's books, which were translated into many countries. foreign languages, but very few - on English language. His most famous works: “Cipollino”, “Book of Children’s Poems”, “Journey of the Blue Arrow”, “Jeep on TV”...

In 1953 he married Maria Teresa Ferretti, and in 1957 his only daughter, Paola Rodari, was born. That same year, he became a professional journalist after passing the exam.

In 1970 he received the Hans Christian Anderson Prize. This award in literature is the highest recognition for children's book authors.

His health deteriorated after a trip to Russia. He died in 1980 in Rome.

The characters in “The Adventures of Cipollino” are anthropomorphic vegetables and fruits: the shoemaker Grape, the godfather Pumpkin, the girl Radish, the boy Cherry, etc. Main character- the onion boy Cipollino, who fights against the oppression of the poor by the rich - Signor Tomato, Prince Lemon. There are no human characters in the story, since the world of people is completely replaced by the world of fruits and vegetables.

Character Description
Main characters
Cipollino The onion boy and the main character of the fairy tale. Can bring tears to anyone who pulls his hair.
Cipollone Father Cipollino. Arrested for the “attempt” on Prince Lemon, as he stepped on the latter’s callus.
Prince Lemon The ruler of the country where the events took place.
Signor Tomato Manager and housekeeper of countesses Vishen. Cipollino's main enemy and the main antagonist of the story.
Strawberry A maid in the castle of Countesses Vishen. Girlfriend of Cherry and Cipollino.
Cherry The young count (in the original - viscount), nephew of the countesses Vishen and friend of Cipollino.
Radish A village girl, Cipollino's friend.
residents of a village that belonged to the Countesses of Cherries
Kum Pumpkin Cipollino's friend. An old man who built himself a house so small that he could barely fit in it.
Master Grape Shoemaker and friend of Cipollino.
Polka dots Village lawyer and henchman of the gentleman Tomato.
Professor Grusha Violinist and friend of Cipollino.
Leek Gardener and friend of Cipollino. He had a mustache so long that his wife used it as a clothesline.
Kuma Pumpkin A relative of godfather Pumpkin.
Beans Rag picker. I was forced to roll Baron Orange's belly in my wheelbarrow.
Bean The son of the rag picker Fasoli and friend of Cipollino.
Potato Country girl.
Tomatik Country boy.
inhabitants of the castle of countesses Vishen
Countesses Cherries the Elder and the Younger Rich landowners who own the village where Cipollino's friends live.
Mastino Countess Cherry's watchdog.
Baron Orange Cousin of the late husband of Signora Countess the Elder. A terrible glutton.
Duke Mandarin Cousin of the late husband of Signora Countess the Younger, blackmailer and extortionist.
Parsley Count Cherry's home teacher.
Mr. Carrot Foreign detective.
Hold-Grab Mr. Carrot's sniffer dog.
doctors who treated Count Cherry
fly agaric
Bird cherry
Chestnut “He was called the poor man’s doctor because he prescribed very little medicine to his patients and paid for the medicine out of his own pocket.”
other characters
Lemons, Lemonishki, Lemonchiki Accordingly, the retinue, generals and soldiers of Prince Lemon.
cucumbers In the country of Cipollino they replaced horses.
Kum Blueberry Cipollino's friend. He lived in the forest, where he guarded the house of his godfather Pumpkin.
General Longtail Mouse (later Tailless) The commander-in-chief of the army of mice that lived in the prison.
Mole Cipollino's friend. Helped the boy free prisoners.
Cat He was arrested by mistake and ate too much mice in his cell.
Bear Cipollino's friend, whom the boy helped free his parents from the zoo.
Elephant Zookeeper and "old Indian philosopher." Helped Cipollino free the bears.
Parrot Zoo inhabitant. He repeated everything he heard in a distorted version.
Monkey An inhabitant of the zoo, in whose cage Cipollino was forced to sit for two days.
Seal Zoo inhabitant. An extremely harmful creature, because of which Cipollino ended up in a cage.
Lamefoot The Spider and the Prison Postman. He limps due to radiculitis, which developed as a result of being in damp conditions for a long time.
Seven and a half A spider and relative of the Lamefoot spider. He lost half of his eighth leg in a collision with a brush.
Sparrow Insect policeman.
Forest thieves They rang the bell of godfather Blueberry to with my own eyes make sure that there was nothing to steal from him, and yet they did not leave empty-handed.
Palace servants
Prison mice Army of General Longtail.
Wolves The fingers of godfather Pumpkin were attacked.
Zoo animals
Railway workers

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