Home Removal Midges cling to the lamp, warming the thin legs. Tongue twisters for pronouncing the letter sh

Midges cling to the lamp, warming the thin legs. Tongue twisters for pronouncing the letter sh


E. Alexandrova

The squirrel dries the russula,

He picks nuts from a branch with his paw.

All supplies in the pantry

They will come in handy for her in winter.


Y. Akim

The hedgehog puffs and winces:

What am I to you, a cleaning lady?

I can’t sweep the forest...

Keep clean!

Fox cubs

E. Alexandrova

Playing hide and seek under a bush

Playful little foxes.

And the fox is for kids

Catches mice in thickets.


E. Alexandrova

The hare rushes from the fox,

The tail trembles, the whiskers tremble.

The pine trees got in the way,

You can't escape the chase!

There is no salvation in the forest...

Jumped into the hedgehog's hole!


V. Danko

Petya, Petya the Cockerel

I spent the whole day learning a poem.

And he memorized the line

Only one - “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

Mice and donuts.

Donuts and mice

Yu. Shcherbakov

There were donuts on the table,

And the mice were playing in the corner.

If there weren't a mouse here,

If only these donuts were intact.

Counting book

V. Levin

One two three four,

Let's count the holes in the cheese.

If the cheese has a lot of holes,

This means the cheese will be delicious.

If there is one hole in it,

So it was delicious yesterday.

E. Alexandrova

The wolves went hunting.

They wander in a flock through the swamp.

By the way, they say

Wolves eat berries.


Squirrel from a branch to his little house

She was dragging a cone.

The squirrel dropped a pine cone

It hit Mishka straight.

Mishka groaned and groaned -

A lump appeared on my nose.

Horrible dream

Mouse, mouse, why don't you sleep?

Why are you crunching straw?

I'm afraid to sleep, sister,

I'll dream about a mustachioed cat!


Frog - jumping -

Eyes on the top of the head.

Hide from the frog

Mosquitoes and flies.


The bunnies were dragging a big carrot,

They took a little bite from the carrot,

Then I wanted to take another bite,

Then... there was nothing left to drag.


Midges stuck around the lamp,

Thin legs are warm.

Be careful, midges!

You'll burn your feet!


I put on a big hat

I sat down under the Christmas tree.

The puppy won't find me

Because I am a fungus.


O. Rozhdestvenskaya

Dressed up legs

In new boots.

You walk, legs,

Right along the path.

You walk and stomp,

Don't splash through puddles,

Don't go into the mud

Don't tear your boots!

Counting table

Once at our Stepan's

The cat was guarding the sour cream,

And when lunch came,

The cat is sitting -

There is no sour cream.

Help Stepan -

Look for sour cream with it.

Why don't snails leave the house?
-Why don’t they come out?

From the snail's house?

Not in their house

No doors, no gate.


V. Orlov

Well-mannered ponytail

My cat has:

He is respectful everywhere

Follows her.

And he’s at the door before her

Won't go in -

He's polite to the cat

Let him go ahead.


V. Orlov

The spider arrived at the market.

The spider brought goods to the flies.

He hung it on an aspen tree:

How many of you want a cobweb?


V. Orlov

A pig saw a pig in a puddle:

This, of course, is not me, but a friend!

Well, my friend is dirty!

It's just wonderful that it's not me!


Cat, Cat,

Do you want some porridge?


I like birds.

Cat, Cat,

Do you want a crumpet?


Better give me a mouse!


Cats have one answer:

MEOW - yes.

And MEOW - no!

However, if

The cat is not gloomy

Can he tell you:



The CUCKOO screams at the bitch:


Why are you shouting?

I don't shout.

I'm learning the letters K and U!

Sloppy toys
Svetlana Avdeenko
There are cars in the corner

There are no wheels, the tires are punctured.

A clown nearby without a shoe,

The picture in the book is torn out.

Here are springs, brands, plugs,

Three torn boxes...

We urgently send "SOS" -

I really need a vacuum cleaner!

Svetlana Avdeenko
Well, how stubborn my mother is,

If she insists that her grandmother is her mother.

Our grandmother is like a good fairy

There is no kinder grandmother in the world.

Even the wrinkles around the eyes laugh,

If grandma is with us today.

How to convince my mother then,

That grandma will always be a grandma.


Svetlana Avdeenko

I took my favorite pencil

And our garden became blue.

I drew a blue house

And blue rain outside the window.

And a cloud with a blue bruise,

And the sun turned blue

And the sky and the forests,

And the red fox turned blue.

I drew another path,

And the pencil disappeared in the palm.

I wrote myself off, became dull,

Everything turned into a picture

Svetlana Avdeenko

The ball bounces down the hill,

Teasing fat Yegorka:

Even though you are round, Egorka,

This way you won't slide down the hill.


Svetlana Avdeenko

It's raining outside, there's a thunderstorm,

Suddenly something hit me right in the eye

Probably the thunder took my pistol, -

Vitalik said to his mother in fear.


Svetlana Avdeenko

The grandfather asked his granddaughter Sveta:

Take one candy

And then add three to it.

How much will it cost, look?

“Not at all,” was the answer, “

If there is no candy in the house.

Blind rain

Svetlana Avdeenko

Granny told me that the rain is falling blindly,

But there is sunshine outside and no clouds.

First I watered the beds and ran around the garden

I lay down on the silky grass for a while.

And again the rain began to fall on the summer pavement.

Why did grandma decide that the rain is completely blind?


Svetlana Avdeenko

Lesha asks him to take off his shoe,

He can't do it himself.

On his right leg

My palm is very itchy.


Kirill Avdeenko


Crayfish ate pebbles!

And the squirrels are in a hurry

Nuts were cracking.

And beavers and hamsters

They ate logs and twigs.

We ate and ate for a long time!

And my teeth hurt.

Yes so much! Oh-oh-oh!

Where does our dentist live?

The path to it is not long -

Woodpecker dentist

On wood - knock-knock!

Our friend is nearby.

If suddenly it hurts -

He will remove the tooth

And if possible, it heals,

He will fix your tooth

He's so smart and dexterous

Our dentist!


He is the best friend.

Well, let everyone eat,

And my teeth didn’t hurt,

The woodpecker will say:

Do you need

Eat calcium! One hundred grams a day!

Eat kiwi, oranges,

Eat onions and tangerines,

Drink juices, milk,

Eat eggs - co-co-co!

Also eat cottage cheese,

And for a bite - a pie,

And of course - eat porridge,

Your teeth will become stronger!

And it’s important to write down -

Stop biting the hard stuff!

And forget, forget about laziness,

Brush your teeth every day!

Otherwise - knock-knock-knock,

Your teeth will suddenly fall out...

So the woodpecker says,

Only the truth - don't cheat!

And for many, many years

He calls everyone to his office.

And let him be high

And it's not easy to get there

Everyone who takes care of their teeth,

Everyone, everyone, everyone runs to him,

To show them to the woodpecker,

And thanks!" to say!

He's so smart and dexterous

Our dentist!

He heals everyone - here and there!

Our very best friend.

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.

Masha has poppies and daisies in her pocket.

Ruffe are good in Sheken, pike are also good.

I was walking along the highway with a walking stick and heard the noise of the chassis.

There's a midge in the porridge.
Hurry up, cat, eat from the bowl
Porridge with midges.

Our chess player will out-chess your chess player, out-chess.

Cuckoo bought a hood.
Put on the cuckoo's hood,
How funny he is in the hood!
(I. Demyanov)

Sixteen mice walked
And they found six pennies.
And mice, which are worse,
The pennies are noisily fumbled.

In the hut only the bumblebee makes noise.
There, curled up, Sasha is sleeping.

Hush, mice! Cat on the roof!
Make some noise - he will hear!

A hat and a fur coat - that’s our Mishutka.

I walked over the pebbles and found a silk fur coat.

Hurry up, don't hesitate,
Run for a nut.
And the nuts are good
Don't hesitate, hurry up.

They walked and walked and found the pie.
We sat down, ate, and moved on.

Misha knocked a bump off with his hat.

Our path is strewn with peas.
Take a spoon and eat some peas.

The cockerel whispers to the cat:
- Do you see the lush comb?
The cat whispers to the cockerel:
- Take one step and I'll take a bite!

The hedgehog washed his ears in the bathhouse,
Neck, skin on belly.
And the hedgehog said to the raccoon:
"Won't you rub my back?"

Shishiga walked along the highway,
He walked, rustling his pants.
The step will step, whisper: “Error”,
Moves his ears.

Cones on a pine tree
Checkers on the table.

There are six naughty girls in the hut.

Barrels mumble and shawls shuffle.

They put on Pasha's galoshes and gaiters.

At Andryushina's car
Good tires.

The wallet contains a meter of silk.

I write jokes for Dashutka and Mishutka.

The little mouse has crumbs in his hole.

Pies with potatoes are good for the road trip.

Sasha was walking along the highway.

Funny jokes from Sasha and Mishutka.

Six little mice rustle in a hut.

You are welcome to our hut.

Mother gave Romasha whey from yogurt.

The mouse whispers to the little mouse:
- You keep rustling, rustling!
The little mouse whispers to the mouse:
- I will rustle more quietly!
(A. Kapralova)

Porridge is ripe in the meadow.
Porridge is the cow Mashka.
Masha likes lunch:
There is nothing tastier!
(A. Shibaev)

Forty mice walked, carrying forty pennies.
Two smaller mice carried two pennies each.

Our gray cat was sitting on the roof.
And your gray cat sat even higher.

Midges stuck around the lamp,
Thin legs are warm.
Be careful, midges!
You'll burn your feet!
(V. Lunin)

I sewed a fur coat - I sewed a skirt.
I sewed a hat - I sewed a slipper.
Natasha is a good seamstress!
(E. Blaginina)

Masha is tired of the hat,
Masha didn't finish her porridge.
Masha, finish your porridge,
Don't bother mom!
(V. Lifshits)

Sasha sewed a hat soon,
The seam was quickly sewn with silk.

(A. Prosvetov) Here are the kids Masha, Misha.
Masha is smaller, Misha is taller.
Misha is writing something to Masha.
Guess what Misha writes.
(M. Uspensky)

There's a puddle here, see, Lusha?
You go where there is dry land.
Go where the puddle is already!
Know steps into the puddle of Lusha.
(S. Lepilina)

Even your neck, even your ears
You've stained yourself with black mascara.
Get in the shower quickly.
Rinse the mascara off your ears in the shower.
Rinse off the mascara from your neck in the shower.
After your shower, dry yourself off.
My neck is dry, my ears are dry,
And don't get dirty bigger ears.

Silks rustle in the hut
Yellow Dervish from Algeria
And juggling with knives,
He eats a bunch of figs.

Jasper in suede became mossy.

Sixteen mice walked and six found pennies, and the mice, which are worse, noisily fumble for pennies.


Hippopotamus in a muddy puddle
No resort is needed.
He can swim in mud.
The mud softens his skin,
Replaces cream and ointment.
Wonderful mud!


Guard dog.
He may bark
Like alive.
But he doesn't bark because
That he liked you.


Quiet. Quiet. Silence.
The poor doll is sick.
The poor doll is sick
She asks for music.
Sing what she likes
And she will get better.


Nose, nose!
Where are you, little nose?
Mouth, mouth!
Where are you, little mouth?
Cheek, cheek!
Where are you, cheek?
It will be clean

A doll?
Teddy bear?
And Mashu?


Don't be lazy, my shovel,
There will be a dug up bed.
Let's smooth the bed with a rake,
Let's break all the lumps,
And then we'll plant flowers,
And then we’ll pour water on it.
Watering can, watering can!
Lei, lei!
Bed, bed!
Drink, drink!


Rain, rain, drop,
Water sabre.
I cut a puddle, I cut a puddle,
Cut, cut, didn't cut,
And tired
And he stopped.


The apple is ruddy
I won't eat alone
Half an apple
I'll give it to my beloved mom.


The refrigerator is close though -
You can't see sour cream on your pussy,
Do not open the steel door.
What should she do now?
So be it, I’ll make sour cream
I'll get it for my pet.


Wash my hands, wash my feet,
Wash our cat's back.
The cat was very angry -
I've already washed my face.


In daddy's palm
Terrible scratch.
Oh, what a brave dad!
I would have been crying a long time ago.


Stomp with one foot, stomp with another,
I'm already big
And they walk on their own
Feet straight to mom.


The cat walks without clothes
Can't handle the clasp -
Instead of hands the poor cat has
Just two extra legs.


Tap, open!
Nose, wash your face!
Eye, bathe!
Dirt, wash away!


By secret…
Between us…
The cockerel confessed to his mother:
"You know, I can already
talk to the crow! »
By secret,
by secret,
where are the big mugs,
secretly to the whole world
He said:
“KI-KI-RE-KI!!! »


If someone moves from their place,
The kitten will attack him.
If anything goes wrong,
The kitten will grab onto it.
Jumping gallop! Scratch-scratch!
You will not escape from our clutches!


Mom sewed a dress for her daughter.
And there were scraps left.
We'll take the scraps
Let's sew a dress for the doll.


But! - we said
And they rushed off without looking back.
The mane curls in the wind.
Here is the house. Horse, whoa!


Cow; cow,
Horned little head!
Don't butt small children
Better give them milk!


Little bull
Yellow barrel,
He steps with his feet,
Shakes his head.
-Where is the herd? Mooo!
It's boring to be alone!


Cloud and sunshine again
They started playing hide and seek.
Only the sun will hide
The cloud will burst into tears.
And when the sun is found,
Immediately the rainbow laughs.


The cockerels have fluttered,
But they didn’t dare to fight.
If you get too cocky,
You might lose your feathers.
If you lose your feathers,
There will be nothing to fuss about.


The bear gently rocks her son.
The baby is having fun. The baby is not bored.
He thinks it's a funny game
Not knowing that it was time for the cubs to sleep.


White socks
On the puppy's paws.
Apparently he crossed
A river of milk.


Midges stuck around the lamp,
Thin legs are warm.
Be careful, midges!
You'll burn your feet!


- What are you, cat, guarding?
- I'm guarding a mouse at the hole.
A mouse will come out by chance,
I'll invite her for tea.


Mosquito mosquitoes,
Red darlings!
They are milling and milling everywhere.
And where do they come from?

And from the dark forest,
From the sleepy swamp,
From under a shaggy willow tree,
From under a bearded tussock.


Little gray cat
Sat by the window
She wagged her tail,
She was waiting for the children:
"My children, children,
restless children,
Stop frolicking
It's time to go to bed!"


A hedgehog climbed onto the chest of drawers.
His legs are not visible.
He's so mean,
The thorns are not combed,
And you can’t figure it out -
Is it a brush or a hedgehog?

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