Home Removal I don't feel like eating when it's hot. Five most important tips on how to eat healthy in the heat

I don't feel like eating when it's hot. Five most important tips on how to eat healthy in the heat

Imagine: a hot summer day, you have the choice of a plate of berries or a grilled steak. What will you choose? We bet that the first option is still preferable (although there’s probably nothing to deter steak lovers :)

So, why does the heat force us to eat some foods and completely refuse others? Maybe it's all a matter of habit?

Water, water...water all around!

We've all heard about dehydration in hot weather. At the same time, lack of moisture causes quite serious problems, ranging from dry skin to fainting. If you don't want to experience this for yourself, keep yourself hydrated.

But it’s impossible to drink only water all the time! This is why you crave juicy fruits, berries and refreshing cocktails in the summer. But for some reason coffee is losing its position a little at this time of year. This is probably how the body tries to protect its water reserves, since caffeine has a dehydrating effect.

I want a tan!

It is not only your desire that is responsible for an even and beautiful tan, as it might seem. The hormone melanin allows the skin to change color when exposed to ultraviolet light.

But in order for this hormone to be produced in the required quantity, you can eat spinach, beef liver and buckwheat. What's not a great set of ingredients for dinner? In addition, it is very balanced in nutrients, but we want a great figure for the beach season, right?

Another supporter of a beautiful tan is vitamin A, which is found in carrots. Juices, salads, and just crunchy carrots as a snack are a great help for your tan.

Don't pour salt on me...


Do you think you're just bored with them? Partly yes, but that's not all. It is difficult to find such a set of vitamins and microelements as are contained in berries in any other products. And during the winter and long spring, we were so exhausted in this regard that we had almost no strength left. Shall we replenish supplies? Berries also contain flavonoids that will protect your skin from photoaging better than any cream with SPF.

These are the discoveries the summer menu offers us. But all of the above is so tasty that you don’t even want to think about why we like salad or watermelon so much. Therefore, let's just enjoy the delicious and juicy summer while it's still in full swing!

And if you are planning a hot party, be sure to prepare! And share your impressions of the summer in the comments!

Usually everyone says to themselves: “Summer will come, and I’ll start losing weight, because in warm time I don’t feel like eating at all.” The temperature is growing every day, and for some reason I want to eat more and more. What's going on? According to the logic of things, in conditions close to combat, and this is how almost two months of heat can be called, there should be no appetite. But many complain of attacks of hunger. Almost all of my friends have called me over the past two weeks complaining about what is popularly called “eating attacks.”

There are several reasons for this. First of all, similar high temperatures for a resident of an average

stripes are unconditional stress, and serious. Add to this the thoughts, no, no, and even creeping into our heads, that it will really only get colder in January, that the end of the world will generally come in 2012, and the picture turns out to be completely bleak. The hand reaches out to the can of ice cream in the refrigerator. After all, under stress, most of us eat foods that are far from safe for our figure.

Many now began to eat in the evenings with triple force, wondering why this was happening. The fact is that during the day, only those who work in an air-conditioned room, who, as we know, are in the minority, can squeeze in lunch and dinner. Even when it comes to lunch, the body intuitively chooses light foods like okroshka, salads, and in the evening, when the heat subsides, hunger persistently reminds itself.

Is it possible to somehow combat this phenomenon? First of all, remember that the body is a smart, balanced machine. He does not forgive “unloading”, regardless of whether they are conscious or forced. Therefore, do not try to feed on vegetables alone, so as not to struggle with hunger pangs later at 10 pm. Don't forget that your diet should contain both proteins and carbohydrates obtained from cereals. Then the feeling of fullness after lunch or dinner will last much longer.

Don’t think that you can eat one okroshka or some other summer soup, fruits, vegetables for weeks with impunity. Maybe you will lose a couple of kilograms, but then you will gain it back just as quickly, and you will even be in profit.

Try to wake up early if you get up late so you can have a hearty breakfast. Because after 11 o'clock in the afternoon the thought of normal food at a temperature of forty degrees causes us nothing but disgust.

If you have a hard time eating meat for lunch or dinner, try to use less spices when cooking or choose the least “complicated” dishes from the menu if lunch is not at home. This will make it easier to digest food and will save you from getting “hot” after eating. Choose low-fat varieties of fish. It is not necessary to eat meat or fish hot. Cold carpaccio, boiled chicken or marinated fish are an excellent replacement for steak or kebab.

Less coffee and tea, more mineral water! Even fruit drinks and juices contain sugar, which contributes to the desire to drink more and more. To avoid swelling, drink mineral water, with or without gas. For those who cannot drink tasteless water, I advise you to add a few drops of lemon or lime juice to the glass and a couple of pieces of ice.

And most importantly, remember: even if you haven’t lost weight this year, you will definitely do it in the near future, maybe even in winter. Because any moment and any time of year is suitable for self-improvement! And the heat will definitely end soon. I would like to believe that this will happen next week.

I don't feel like eating in the summer. What do you eat in the summer? When summer comes, appetite disappears and most people don't feel like eating when it's hot. So when you eat, it makes sense to switch to foods that will help you stay cool. Here's what should be on your plate this summer.

Okay, water is not food, but foods high in water content can help your body maintain desired temperature, and also keep you adequately hydrated. This is absolutely necessary in very hot weather. A salad of vegetables such as lettuce, celery, radishes and cucumbers, as well as fruits such as melons, apples, grapes, pears and citrus fruits will help keep you cool.

This good idea to have sliced ​​melon in the refrigerator for refreshment at any time. Summertime is also strawberry time, and all berries have anti-inflammatory properties that can really help reduce the severity of a tan, as well as being high in water content.

Spice up your life

You might not fancy a curry or chilli in hot weather, but incorporating a little spice into your food can really help you keep your cool. The spices will make you sweat, which awakens the body's natural cooling mechanism.

Sprinkle a little ground ginger on melon slices; fish season with black pepper, and try adding chiles to meat and poultry marinades, and garlic also has a cooling effect.

Eat raw foods

You really don't want to be a slave to a hot oven when it's baking and it's so hot outside, do you? I opt for salads and BBQ instead, and I can give the stove and cook a well-deserved break.

Do your digestion a favor

In summer, reduce your consumption of meat, which is more difficult to digest than other foods and also causes a rise in body temperature. With the transition from burgers to barbecue, try fish or fried vegetables. Ice cream is also quite hard to digest, so the actual cooling effect may be less than heating you up!

Yogurt is a great cooling food. Combine it with fresh fruit, or make yogurt with mint dressing for your salad. Speaking of mint, we can remind you that it is also very useful for cooling.

You might think that soup and summer are diametrically opposed, but you'd be wrong. Soup helps keep you hydrated and helps with natural process cooling the body. Choose light soups like consommé or broth, or a delicious cold gazpacho. Why not make your own tomato soup? Tomatoes are delicious and most common during the summer.

Consume most of these cooling foods during the summer and you'll be much more comfortable in the heat. As an added bonus, when , but you'll find many of the recommended foods to help you stay cool are low in calories and fat, so you might even lose a few pounds to boot.

Elena Selivanova

The question “Why do people gain weight in the summer?” worries many.

In nature, summer weight gain is a completely reasonable way to keep animals alive during the long, harsh winter. Actually, it was the same with humans in distant prehistoric times: those individuals that could “gorge themselves” on fat in the summer and spend it sparingly in the winter survived.

Alas, this picture, ideal from the point of view of evolution and flawed from the point of view of the need to keep oneself in shape, does not suit us. However, the main reasons for summer recruitment do not lie at all in evolutionary mechanisms or some other secrets of the body.

In fact, everything is much simpler.

Why do people gain weight in the summer if they eat little?

In fact, it is important not only how much your portion of food weighs, but also what energy and nutritional value she has.

In the heat, we don’t really want to eat healthy low-calorie, say, chicken with salad. Of course, most will prefer a light snack with ice cream and iced tea with sugar or cola as a drink.

Yes, in the summer we eat less, but paradoxically, we eat more calories and simple carbohydrates. 1-2 servings of ice cream with soda, a hot dog or other fast food in the evening, beer, snacks to go with it and some berries with sugar and cream. Yes, it weighs negligibly little, but it “costs” almost 2000 kcal.

What if you add a typical evening barbecue or shish kebab to the mix? What about gatherings in nature, which should honestly be called “eating”?

Let's face it - if you eat like this, you're bound to gain a few pounds of fat by fall. Therefore, you need to be smarter:

  • Eat vegetables and lean meats, plus some porridge and fruit for your main meals. Don't skip breakfasts and lunches, just make them as light as possible by eliminating margarines, fried foods, French fries and fast food.
  • Leave yourself 200 kcal for treats. And then you can eat 1 ice cream without toppings, nuts, jam and other high-calorie additives or a piece of your favorite barbecue on the coals.
  • Avoid soda and alcohol. Yes, without beer and wine, life seems quite dull to many adults. But this simple measure will allow you to gain control over your diet and stop gaining weight. Don't be a bore - drink a glass of wine, but not a half-liter glass, but a standard one, 120 ml, and give preference to dry white.

Why do people gain weight in summer if they move a lot?

Let's say you decide to walk to and from work. And you honestly walk at a walking pace, covering, for example, 4 km in 1 hour. Will such a workout benefit fat burning? Yes and no.

Yes, if you do other exercises and diet. In this case, a walk will play the role of a kind of stress reliever.

No, if you set your alarm clock half an hour earlier, don’t get enough sleep, are nervous, stuff yourself with a sandwich with butter in the morning just to take a walk. And naturally, the effectiveness of such “pseudo-training” is reduced by the clothes we wear to work and uncomfortable shoes. It is unlikely that you would seriously think of sweating in high-heeled shoes and light-colored business suit, For example.

In general, it is better to separate training from walking. If you want to walk to lose weight, walk with a pedometer and heart rate monitor in sportswear in the park area. Watch the intensity, and don't forget about strength exercises.

Bike? Heart rate monitor and protection are required! Swimming? Sporty, not dull floundering. You can not? It's better to sign up for a fitness club. 2-3 workouts a week in a comfortable air-conditioned room with professionals will protect your figure from gaining fat better than all the street amateur activities combined.

Make feasible changes to your regimen, and you will stop gaining weight in the summer.

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The summer heat forces us to look for any cooling means and we constantly drink teas and water, compotes and juices. But the more we drink, the more we sweat and the more we want to drink! In fact, some products help fight thirst in the summer heat better than any water.

Why do you feel so thirsty in summer?

Scientists believe that for a comfortable state human body temperature environment should not exceed +24-25°C. At +30°C, the body’s thermoregulation is disrupted, because its own temperature is almost equal to the air temperature. Sweat stops evaporating and cooling the body, but simply flows down the skin. Internal organs they begin to work with maximum voltage to reduce the temperature of the overheating body, and at the same time they use a lot of fluid, taking it from all tissues.

How to quench your thirst correctly?

To make thirst torment less, you need to make sure that the liquid not only gets into the stomach, but is quickly absorbed and reaches those organs and systems where it is most needed. After this, it will be excreted from the body through the skin, lungs and kidneys and will take some of the heat with it, while the body will cool down.

For proper and rapid absorption, the liquid must contain active substances that irritate the walls of the stomach and intestines, stimulating their work. Such active substances There may be vitamins, microelements, organic acids, which are found in large quantities in fruits and vegetables, and some products. That is why thirst can be quenched faster and more effectively not by drinking, but by eating.


Watermelon rightfully occupies the palm among thirst-quenching products. This striped berry is 92% water, but also contains the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, mineral salts that promote maximum absorption of watermelon liquid by the body. 2-3 slices of watermelon (about 0.5 kg) will completely replace a liter of water, only the effect will be much higher.

Melon and papaya

Thanks to the high content of vitamin A and C, potassium, calcium and organic acids Melon and papaya are perfectly absorbed by the body, compensating for fluid loss. A few slices of melon or papaya will quench your thirst in the same way as a glass of juice, but they will only make you want to drink much less.


Cucumber holds the record for the amount of water it contains - 96.8%. However, this water is not simple: mineral salts of potassium, calcium, and iron are dissolved in it, thanks to which the cucumber is endowed with the ability to have a regulating and unloading effect on the work of the heart, liver and kidneys. The very high potassium content allows cucumber to remove water from the body and regulate body heat exchange. One medium fresh cucumber will completely replace a glass of water.


Celery contains a large amount of water, and the water is combined with an exceptionally balanced composition of vitamins, minerals and active compounds. A teaspoon of freshly squeezed celery juice is enough to not feel the heat at all for several hours.

Natural yogurt

Natural yogurt without fruit additives quenches your thirst well, a glass of this valuable fermented milk product will allow you to forget about thirst for a couple of hours.

Fresh berries

The same effect can be obtained from a glass of fresh raspberries, currants, and strawberries. They are rich in vitamin C and active substances that help remove water from the body and regulate heat exchange.

Soups for thirst

Exotic lovers can remember the most useful properties cold vegetable soup gazpacho, which the Spaniards use to escape the heat during siesta. And fans of traditional Ukrainian cuisine should turn their attention to okroshka, botvinya and green cabbage soup. Nutritionists believe that cool vegetable soup, thanks to a set of vegetables that have undergone light heat treatment, is extremely beneficial for the stomach and quenches thirst for several afternoon hours.

What not to eat so as not to want to drink?

In hot weather, eat less meat, fish, nuts, peas, beans, and soy. All of these foods are rich in protein. And protein speeds up the metabolism in the body and additionally warms it up, which is undesirable in the heat. Leave protein foods such as milk, kefir, cheese and eggs in your diet. They do not require a lot of energy from the body for absorption, but will fully provide it with proteins.

Even in hot weather, follow your diet. Don’t neglect a light breakfast, try to eat a handful of unsweetened berries and a cucumber every 2-3 hours, treat yourself to vegetable soups and salads - and no heat will stop you from enjoying the beauty of summer.

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