Home Stomatitis The sun continues to play its rays over the forest. Fairy tales

The sun continues to play its rays over the forest. Fairy tales

There two stars lit up.

Elevator Beast

Whatever you want -
Believe it or not
But there is a beast living behind the elevator.
He loves the smell of cars.
He has a screwdriver in his paws.
At night a shaggy monster
He slides down the ropes
Climbing on the bars
Lubricates the mechanisms.
Wires, contacts, doors -
He will fix everything, check everything.
He only comes out at night
He doesn't want to scare people
And in the morning the strange beast
Climbs into the attic
Sits in the dark all day
And he repeats one thing to himself:

Children can use the elevator
unaccompanied by adults
strictly prohibited!
Children can use the elevator
unaccompanied by adults
strictly prohibited!

Whatever you want -
Believe it or not
This is a very wise animal.

Grandmother and granddaughter

Blue dusk was pouring
Into the sails of the frigate...
Collected for robbery
Pirate's grandmother.
I packed the pistols
And a bag for gold.
And, of course, soap
And tooth powder.
The spoon is here
The cup is here
I have a clean shirt.
Here's a shot musket,
Here's a barrel of rum...
He's so distracted -
He will leave everything at home.
old grandmother,
Gray head
Grandma spoke
Kind words:
- Our dear breadwinner,
One-eyed falcon
Look at the boarding
Don't waste your time.
Don't visit unless necessary
Dirty dens.
Don’t hurt orphans in vain -
Take care of your ammo.
Don't drink rum without a snack,
This is very harmful.
And always walk with diamonds,
If there is no move.
Put the silver in the chest,
Gold in the pillow... -
But in this place there is a grandson
Interrupted the old lady:
- Listen, if this is all
So familiar to you
Come on
Go yourself
And I'll stay at home!

Angry day

My affairs are very bad:
Poems don't work out.
I keep walking around the room
And I keep looking at the street.

And the sky is angry
and the wind is angry,
Angry old man
sitting on a bench.
And from the sidewalk,
Both important and strict,
Looks angry
Angry bulldog.

A boy is dragging
With a briefcase in hand.
Apparently he's a D
He keeps it in his diary?..
Everyone got angry
And I myself am angry,
into writers
I'm no good.

Merry sky
Cheerful old man
Merry sun
In a cheerful window,
Cheerful bulldog
Smiles at me.

The boy is jumping
With a briefcase in hand:
So, fives
He carries it in his diary.

Everyone makes me happy
And everyone is my friend.
Look, there's a book
It will happen suddenly.

About advertisements

Known: advertisements
We need it in order to
So that the population knows
Reading the advertisements
What, where, when and why,
Why and for whom.

“The kindergarten needs a laundress,
Call the kindergarten."
“The kitten left us
Nicknamed Marmalade."
“Summer cottage for rent
With a goat and a garage."
“There will be a lecture at the theater
About life abroad."
"We need a cart with a horse
And loaders to the warehouse."
"Expected tomorrow
Thunderstorm and leaf fall."
"The teacher teaches singing
And drawing."
And "Nanny needed"
To a good family."

Typesetter in a printing house
Suddenly he dropped the set -
Mixed up in ads
Words and sentences
And in these where, when, why
All hell broke loose.
“The kindergarten needs a nanny
With the cart to the warehouse."
“The teacher left us
Nicknamed Marmalade."
"Tomorrow is expected
Thunderstorm abroad."
“There will be a lecture at the theater
"Goat over the garage."
“The kitten teaches singing,
Besides drawing.”
And "Horse Wanted"
To a good family."

The population laughed
Reading the advertisements
And who couldn't laugh?
I was perplexed.

About the cold

The cold is entering the courtyards,
Wanders around looking for a hole.

Where the cold creeps in,
Everything immediately freezes.

We won't let out the heat
Behind the window glass.
Let's cope with the cold...
Cotton wool, brush and glue -
Here are our weapons.

Amazing landscape

Window. In front of him
My chair is standing.
And outside the window
Wonderful view.

River. For her
Water meadows.
The herd is grazing
The haystacks are turning yellow.

Rinsing in the river
In a word, the picture -
There is nothing more beautiful!

And in admiration
From kind of like this
I called the artist

- Listen,
Uspensky is talking to you.
Here outside the window
Wonderful view:

There are cows in the river -
Covered with flies
Smoking nearby
Postman and shepherd.

The blue ones are picking cornflowers,
The yellow ones are running around

And far, far away
Over the hill
A horse pulls a cart
With a man.

So hurry up
Take a pencil
And draw for me
This whole landscape.

“Okay,” he answered me.
V. Ivanov, -
On Wednesday your drawing
He'll be ready.

Sunday has passed
Wednesday has arrived.
And here it is by mail
Parcel arrived.

And in this parcel
The picture was lying there.
I watched -
I almost felt bad.

The sun is like in a circus
Plays with rays.
Trotting village
Runs into the fields.

Cows smoke
Escaping from flies.
They are sitting in the river
Postman and shepherd.

Blue girls
Cornflowers are tearing,
In the field there is no bronze,
And armored cars.

And on the hill
Where the climb is very steep,
Horse and driver
The cart is being transported.

Well, what an artist
What have you done?
I'm not talking about that at all

More guys
Here's my word of honor
I don't say hello
With V. Ivanov.


Who is friendly with the rules,
He is firmly convinced:
We really need porcelain,
And you don't need porcelain.

Don't say the alphabet
But only the alphabet.
Who speaks the alphabet -
He says it wrong.

Don't say catalogue,
But only the catalogue.
What about cottage cheese? You can have cottage cheese,
Or maybe cottage cheese.

And if you suddenly go to the store
The briefcases were delivered,
Then don't go to the store -
You can't buy briefcases.

When we're in the car
We fly at full speed,
It’s not the driver who’s driving us,
And the driver is driving us.

The driver, he loves the job,
Your profession.
And with the driver we boldly
We'll have an accident.

And let it not be a secret
For adults and children,
That there are no statues in the park,
And the statues stand.

And if you're going to the theater
For example, they appeared
Then don’t go to the stalls,
Welcome to the stalls.

I ask you guys
Unlearn all this
And it will immediately become easier
Get an A.

It’s not for nothing that I, guys,
Flipping through textbooks
Almost a whole block
That's right - a quarter.

Congratulatory song

It's our mother's holiday,
And we will congratulate her.
Good grades
We will present it immediately.

We'll wash the dishes ourselves
And we'll clean the house.
And congratulations to mom
Let's sing something merry.

We want mom to go on vacation
I only went in the summer
To become a deputy
District Council.

May our mother have fun
And she lived happily
And so that everyone else she
It was more beautiful!

We want you to smile
She is happy in every matter,
So that dad helps her,
And the children have become wiser.

And we will try
Don't upset her
And we will only be fours
And get straight A's.

TV doctor

Unusual Doctor
He goes home.
He's knocking on me
And he is knocking on your door.
He heals TVs
All brands and names
And carries tools
With me in my suitcase.
And clients from the door
They call him to the house quickly:

– Our “Rubin” is completely hoarse -
He probably has the flu -
Listen to the singer -
You won't understand a word.
Is this singing -

- But with us it’s the other way around -
The singer can be heard singing:
- A-ah-ah!
And the face is not visible,
It's so insulting.
What if it’s a singer,
Where is this good?

- Well, we'll fix that.
One and two.
And we'll make you dance and sing.
One and two.
We put a new phone in,
That's it. Everything is ready.
Please dads
Please moms
Sit down and watch
Any programs.

- No, I won’t become a doctor,
Circus performer and violinist.
I don't want to be a mechanic
Driver and professor.
I want to be a technician
By radio devices -
It's a pity that this is the time
Not coming soon!

About Sidorov Vova

It turned out that the boy Vova
I was terribly spoiled.
Clean and fresh
He was a terrible sissy.

It all started at dawn:
- Give me that! Serve it up!
Put me on a horse!
Look at me!

Mom with the help of grandmother
Fries him pancakes.
Grandma with mom's help
Practices scales with him.

And his beloved grandfather
Dressed in a warm fur coat
An hour, or even four
He walks and wanders around the Children's World.
Because there are chances
Buy jeans for a boy.

For the boy's sake
Aunts and uncles
They did the impossible:
They baked a cake,
They gave in a race
Bicycles and skates.

Why? Yes very simple
We don't want to keep things secret.
There were many adults in the house
And the child was alone.

But now the years are passing
Like nowhere and never.
A year has passed
Another one passes...
It's time to come
Serve in the Red Army,
Be friends with discipline.
Vova is joining the army
And he brings his family with him.

To the location of the part
He came and said:
- Hello!
This is me myself
And this is my mother.
We will serve together with her,
I alone can’t do anything.

They gave the marshal a telegram:
"Conscript Sidorov
I brought my mother with me.
He wants to serve with her.”

The adjutant did not dare to report.

An hour passed, another...
No response from Moscow.
“Okay,” said the regiment commander. -
So be it, serve for now.

On the same day, following my mother
Grandfather appeared in the unit,
Grandmother with pillow
And the aunt with the folding bed:
- The child will be lost without us,
The plane will fall on him!

And everyone served skillfully
And everyone found something to do.

Just imagine: a training ground,
Morning, gold shoulder straps.
Sun, music - and here we are
Vovin's platoon is going on a hike.

First, cheerful and healthy,
Vova Sidorov himself is coming.

Without a rifle and a cap,
He gave the rifle to his aunt.
And the loaf is at the ready -
When he gets tired, he eats.
Next to him they walk stubbornly
Aunt, grandmother and mother.
Grandmother - with a pillow,
Aunt – with a folding bed:
- What if he gets tired from the road,
To have somewhere to stretch your legs.

And a little to the side
Grandfather on a black horse
Covers the left flag.
The right one covers the tank.

So they are a meter away
We walked a kilometer.
Mom sees the hayloft
And he commands:
- Halt!

Grandmother and grandfather
Had lunch
And Vova a little
They give spoon after spoon:
- You will eat one for your mother,
One more - for the sergeant major.
Well, for the colonel
No less than a ladle.

Lunch just ended
The council began immediately
About campaigns and battles
And about military operations.

- So, who will we send on reconnaissance?
Of course, grandma and grandpa.
Let them be like two tourists
They will crawl three hundred kilometers,
To find out where the missiles are located
And where do they sell candy?

– Who will hold the defense?
- Call Uncle Andron.
He works as a watchman for a trust.
He will kill all enemies on the spot.
- Well, what about Vova?
- Let him rest.
He, the only one, is our joy.
We need to protect Volodenka.
Give mom a light machine gun.

So Vova Sidorov
Grow up just be healthy!
In a nutshell it was:
Stupid, lazy and clueless.

It's good that other soldiers
Completely different guys.
They can stand guard for days...
Sailing on a boat in a stormy sea...
Any target will be hit
And they will never let you down.

We would all be like him, spoiled,
We should have been conquered long ago.

Fairy tales

Crocodile Gena and his friends

Introduction you don't have to read

Probably each of you guys has your own favorite toy.
Or maybe even two or five.
For example, when I was little, I had three favorite toys: a huge rubber crocodile named Gena, a small plastic doll Galya and a clumsy plush animal with a strange name - Cheburashka.
Cheburashka was made at a toy factory, but it was made so poorly that it was impossible to say who he was: a hare, a dog, a cat, or even an Australian kangaroo? His eyes were large and yellow, like those of an eagle owl, his head was round, hare-shaped, and his tail was short and fluffy, such as is usually the case with small bear cubs.
My parents claimed that Cheburashka is an animal unknown to science that lives in hot tropical forests.
At first I was very afraid of this Cheburashka, unknown to science, and did not even want to stay in the same room with him. But gradually I got used to his strange appearance, became friends with him and began to love him no less than the rubber crocodile Gena and the plastic doll Galya.
A lot of time has passed since then, but I still remember my little friends and I wrote a whole book about them.
Of course, in the book they will be alive, not toys.

Chapter first

In one dense tropical forest there lived a very funny animal. His name was Cheburashka. Or rather, at first they didn’t call him anything while he lived in his tropical forest. And they called him Cheburashka later, when he left the forest and met people. After all, it’s people who give names to animals. It was they who told the elephant that he was an elephant, the giraffe that he was a giraffe, and the hare that he was a hare.
But the elephant, if he had thought, could have guessed that he was an elephant. After all, he has a very simple name. And what is it like for an animal with such a complex name as a hippopotamus? Go ahead and guess that you are not a hip-pot, not a pot-pot, but a hip-po-pot.
So here is our little animal; he never thought about his name, but simply lived for himself and lived in a distant tropical forest.
One day he woke up early in the morning, put his paws behind his back and went for a little walk and breathe. fresh air.
He walked and walked and suddenly, near a large orchard, he saw several boxes of oranges. Without thinking twice, Cheburashka climbed into one of them and began to have breakfast. He ate two whole oranges and was so full that it became difficult for him to move. So he went straight to the fruit and went to bed.
Cheburashka slept soundly; He, of course, did not hear how the workers approached and nailed down all the boxes.
After that, the oranges, along with Cheburashka, were loaded onto a ship and sent on a long journey.
The boxes floated across the seas and oceans for a long time and eventually ended up in a fruit store very big city. When they were opened, there were almost no oranges in one, and there was only a fat, very fat Cheburashka.
The sellers pulled Cheburashka out of his cabin and put him on the table. But Cheburashka could not sit on the table: he spent too much time in the box, and his paws became numb. He sat and sat and looked around, and then suddenly fell off the table and onto the chair.
But he couldn’t sit on the chair for long - he fell over again. On the floor.
- Ugh, what a Cheburashka! – the store director said about him. – He can’t sit still at all!
This is how our little animal learned that its name is Cheburashka.
- But what should I do with you? – asked the director. - Shouldn’t we sell you instead of oranges?
“I don’t know,” Cheburashka answered. – Do as you wish.
The director had to take Cheburashka under his arm and take him to the main city zoo.
But Cheburashka was not accepted into the zoo. First of all, the zoo was crowded. And secondly, Cheburashka turned out to be a completely unknown animal to science. Nobody knew where to place him: either with the hares, or with the tigers, or even with the sea ​​turtles.
Then the director again took Cheburashka under his arm and went to his distant relative, also the director of the store. This store sold discounted goods.
“Well,” said director number two, “I like this beast.” He looks like a defective toy! I'll take him to work with me. Will you come to me?
“I’ll go,” Cheburashka answered. - What should I do?
– It will be necessary to stand in the window and attract the attention of passers-by. It's clear?
“I see,” said the animal. - Where will I live?
- To live?.. Yes, at least here! – The director showed Cheburashka an old telephone booth that stood at the entrance to the store. - This will be your home!
So Cheburashka stayed to work in this big store and live in this small house. Of course, this house was not the best in the city. But Cheburashka always had a pay phone at hand, and he could call anyone he wanted, right from the comfort of his own home.
True, for now he had no one to call, but this did not upset him at all.

End of free trial

Poems by Eduard Uspensky

Window. In front of him
My chair is standing.
And outside the window -
Wonderful view.

River. For her
Water meadows.
The herd is grazing
The haystacks are turning yellow.

Rinsing in the river
In a word, the picture -
There is nothing more beautiful.

And in admiration
From the sight of this
I called the artist

Uspensky is talking to you.
Here outside the window
Wonderful view.

Sun behind the forest
Plays with rays.
Next is the village
Runs into the fields.

There are cows in the river,
Covered with flies
Smoking nearby
Postman and shepherd.

The blue ones are picking cornflowers,
The yellow ones are running around

And far, far away
Over the hill
A horse pulls a cart
With a boy.

So hurry up
Take a pencil
And draw for me
This whole landscape.

Okay, he replied.
V. Ivanov, -
On Wednesday your drawing
He'll be ready.

Sunday has passed
Wednesday has arrived
And here it is by mail
Parcel arrived.

And in this parcel
The picture was lying there.
I watched,
I almost felt bad.

The sun is like in a circus
Plays with rays.
Trotting village
Runs into the fields.

Cows smoke
Escaping from flies
They are sitting in the river
Postman and shepherd.

Blue girls
Cornflowers are tearing.
In the field there is no bronze,
And the armored wiki.

And on the hill
Where the climb is very steep,
Horse and driver
The cart is being transported.

Well, what an artist
What have you done?
I'm not talking about that at all

More guys
I don't say hello
With V. Ivanov.



A truck without wheels!
The hedgehog's nose is unglued!
The chickens have turned black!
And cotton wool is coming out of the doll!
There were new toys
And now they are old ladies.

Let's take it quickly
Needles and glue
Threads, spools
And we fix toys!
And we thank you for it from the bottom of our hearts
The kids will thank you.

Funny Pictures, 1986, No. 10.


Mom comes home from work
Mom takes off her boots
Mom goes into the house
Mom looks around.

Was there a raid on the apartment?
- No.
- Did a hippopotamus come to us?
- No.
- Maybe the house is not ours?
- Our.
- Maybe not our floor?
- Our.
Seryozha just came,
We played a little.

So this is not a collapse?
- No.
- Didn’t the elephant dance with us?
- No.
- I am very happy.
It turned out,
I had no reason to worry!

Funny Pictures, 1987, No. 11.

I'm not into jokes
What I say, I say it seriously.
A hunter was walking down the street,
He carried the loot to the market.

They ran merrily nearby
His dogs, whose names were:
Guard, Fire, Friend,
Suitcase and Pie,
Red fiery Throw
And a huge Guess.

Suddenly from the market gate
A cat came out to meet them.
The guard waved his tail
And he rushed after the cat.

And behind it is Fire, my friend,
Suitcase and Pie.
Our hunter got angry
He shouted at the top of his lungs:
- Guard! My friend! Fire! -
The whole market was alarmed.
But the hunter is not silent:
- Oh, Fire! To me, here! -
People understood - there was trouble.

There was such a crush
That two counters were broken.
Where is it? find dogs,
May God let you take your feet away.
The hunter became sad:
- I'm a bad worker now.
I can't hit a squirrel,
You can't get a fox.

An hour has passed
The other one passed.
He came to the police station.
- I, friends, am missing.
Either chance or theft.
My friend is missing,
Suitcase and Pie.

The elder listened to him,
But I didn’t understand anything:
- Don’t grind anything,
Repeat what's missing.
- Suitcase, Buddy, Throw...
- And what else?
- Guess.

The captain frowned
He got angry and shouted:
- I am a school in Tambov
That's not why I came
To guess riddles
Throw suitcases!
I can’t and I won’t
Without that, you can’t count the worries.
But let's return to the suitcase.
Does he have any signs?

The wool is thick,
Crochet tail.
He walks a little sideways.
Loves pasta with meat
Loves sausage.
Barks in treble and bass
And trained to be a fox.

- Yes, a suitcase. -
The captain was amazed.
- As for Druzhka,
He's a little bigger than Pie.
Gives acquaintances a paw,
Doesn't growl at neighbors.

Then the duty officer collapsed on the floor,
And then he screams:

I'm confused with my friends
Suitcases, pies!
Why did you come here?
Or are you crazy?

And the Fire disappeared,
The one who ran away.

Get off it, citizen!
Call zero one.
Oh, I'm afraid, as if for an hour
I myself did not bark in a deep voice.

Our hunter is sad
He lowered his eyes.

Sad after talking
He goes out onto the porch.
There's a pack of dogs in front of him,
All the favorites are there.

The suitcase barked in a bass voice,
Buddy extended his paw.
They jumped up and danced
Guess the pie too.

I'm not one for jokes
And I’ll end the story like this:
If you, my friend, are a hunter,
Think about what to name the dogs.

Murzilka, 1994, No. 5.

Dear comrades from “Murzilka”!

You know everything. Tell me why the city of Elektrougli is named Elektrougli? I leafed through books and reference books for a long time, but I didn’t learn anything.

I am sending you a question-poem with the hope of receiving a note-answer.

Your reader and writer Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky.

I was driving along the highway
Vladimir - Moscow,
And suddenly on the poster
I saw the words:
They sparkled
And disappeared into the darkness.
And hundreds of questions
They came to me.

More than once in my life
Visited shops
And I saw, for example,
Electric fireplaces.
With heating pads
I have a matter -
I use them for my teapot
I'm heating the brewer.
There are a lot of electrical goods in life.
Everyone knows that electricity is a blanket,
Electric stove and electric iron -
Dangerous thing
For shirts and trousers.
There is an electric drill and an electric guitar,
There is an electric motor
For an electric car.
But what are ELECTROCOALS?
Even my friends couldn’t tell me.

People do not like souls in their city,
What are their names? What are they called?
Electrocitizens? Electric citizens?
Electric angles?
My brain was burning hot in the back of my head.
I urgently decided to contact Murzilka:
Answer where on the map they could
Will ELECTROCOALS ever appear?
Discover the mystery of ELECTRIC COALS,
Don't torment me, write as much as possible

Having received the letter from the writer E. Uspensky, we forwarded it to the City Council on the same day people's deputies city ​​of Elektrougli. And very soon we received an answer.

We are responding to your letter.

In 1935, a workers’ settlement was created in the Moscow region, which was given the name Elektrougli. In 1956, the village was transformed into a city. Why is it called that, our city Elektrougli? Because electric coal products are produced in the city - different types electric brushes, electric coals and other products that have great importance for our entire state.

Elektrougli is a new socialist city with a population of about 21 thousand people.

Maybe the name of our city is not quite sonorous, but we love our city Elektrougli - this name is dear to us, like, for example, Elektrostal to the residents of Elektrostal.

We introduced E. Uspensky to the letter from the City Council, and here is his telegram reply:

Thank you,
Comrades from the City Council,
For what you give me
Explained it all!
Thanks for the clear
And the exact answer is
Now none
There are no ambiguities.

Murzilka, 1983, No. 9.


Window. In front of him
My chair is standing.
And outside the window -
Wonderful view.

River. For her
Water meadows.
The herd is grazing
The haystacks are turning yellow.

Rinsing in the river
In a word, the picture -
There is nothing more beautiful.

And in admiration
From the sight of this
I called the artist

Uspensky is talking to you.
Here outside the window
Wonderful view.

Sun behind the forest
Plays with rays.
Next is the village
Runs into the fields.

There are cows in the river,
Covered with flies
Smoking nearby
Postman and shepherd.

The blue ones are picking cornflowers,
The yellow ones are running around

And far, far away
Over the hill
A horse pulls a cart
With a boy.

So hurry up
Take a pencil
And draw for me
This whole landscape.

Okay, he replied.
V. Ivanov, -
On Wednesday your drawing
He'll be ready.

Sunday has passed
Wednesday has arrived
And here it is by mail
Parcel arrived.

And in this parcel
The picture was lying there.
I watched,
I almost felt bad.

The sun is like in a circus
Plays with rays.
Trotting village
Runs into the fields.

Cows smoke
Escaping from flies
They are sitting in the river
Postman and shepherd.

Blue girls
Cornflowers are tearing.
In the field there is no bronze,
And the armored wiki.

And on the hill
Where the climb is very steep,
Horse and driver
The cart is being transported.

Well, what an artist
What have you done?
I'm not talking about that at all

More guys
I don't say hello
With V. Ivanov.

Murzilka, unknown No., 1980s

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