Home Hygiene How to measure the height of a dog at the withers. A dog’s withers: where to find them and how to correctly measure your pet’s height at the withers? Measuring Dog Paws

How to measure the height of a dog at the withers. A dog’s withers: where to find them and how to correctly measure your pet’s height at the withers? Measuring Dog Paws

“Shrink the sturgeon to a meter! Otherwise I’ll kill all the tourists!” (from an anecdote about fishing tales)

Often on message boards and forums on the Internet you can find fables and legends about Great Danes measuring twenty meters at the withers, Great Danes weighing 150 kilograms, Great Danes with a pastern girth of 21-22 centimeters... Any experienced dog handler familiar with measurement techniques understands that such There are no dogs. Some of these legends are explained by a simple human desire to “tell a better lie” about their “best, tallest, heaviest” dog. However, the other (smaller, it must be said) part is the result of a lack of information about the correct measurement.

Although the standard very generally describes the proper conformation of a Great Dane, for precise definition Some points still require measurements. Measurements are necessary for a correct assessment of height at the withers, angles of the limbs, width of the skull and muzzle, massiveness of the bones, etc. A visual assessment of all of the above is very often deceptive. It is especially difficult to equally accurately evaluate and compare dogs of different colors - for example, compare a marbled Great Dane with a black one, a fawn dog with a brindle one. On visual perception Spots and stripes also have a very strong influence: coated and brindle dogs often appear straight-shouldered due to the vertical color boundaries running along the scapulohumeral joint; in marbled dogs, an unsuccessfully placed black spot can “steal” a piece of the head and body. A white round spot on the chest of a black dog visually expands the chest, a white stripe narrows it...

We often argued about our dogs - which of them had a wider chest, which was taller, which had a stronger bone structure... A veterinarian, a teacher at the canine center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, an expert judge in working qualities Valery Leonidovich Minaev. He supervised the measurement process and helped to correctly determine anatomical landmarks. He kindly provided a special measuring compass, without which some measurements would have been difficult to make, and some impossible.

We took as a basis the main measurements and indices from the book “ Service dog"(A.P. Mazower, L.V. Krushinsky, reissue 1994). In the following, full quotations from the book are in blue italics.

A complete table of standard measurements for our dogs is.

To measure, the dog is placed on a level place so that it stands evenly on all four legs in a natural and correct posture- with a normally raised head and neck and a non-curved torso.

We decided to carry out all the main measurements, especially those requiring the use of a long rod, outdoors, because... There is not enough space at home to measure a Great Dane. At home we took additional measurements with measuring compasses.

The measuring instruments should be applied so that they touch the dog's body tightly and only press the fur, but do not press into the skin.

1. Head length.
The length of the head is measured from the occipital protuberance to the end of the nose in a straight line.

Contrary to the visual impression, repeatedly supported by descriptions and comparisons from various experts (almost all show experts claimed that Vampa has a longer head), the head length of our dogs turned out to be the same— for both Vamp and Alyosha this measurement is equal 30 cm.

2. Length of the muzzle.
Measured from the interorbital socket along the line of the inner corners of the eyes to the end of the nose.

Another measurement that proved the bias of ordinary visual perception: Vamp's muzzle (14 cm) turned out to be shorter than Alyosha's (15 cm). . Unfortunately, our impatient photographer clicked the shutter a little too early, without waiting for the compass to be accurately positioned. When taking this measurement, the legs of the compass should touch the nose and the interorbital cavity.

3. Width of the head at the cheekbones.
Measured at the widest part of the head, in the middle of the forehead and zygomatic arches, in front of the ears.

Here, finally, the measuring compass did not disagree with the experts’ vision (and our own): Alyosha (21 cm) has a much wider head than Vamp (17.5 cm).

4. Height at the withers.
Measured at the highest point of the withers.

A little clarification is required here: for correct definition Withers, you need to feel the upper points of the shoulder blades through the muscles and apply a horizontal ruler to the withers muscles strictly in this place. Many people unintentionally make mistakes when measuring height at the withers, climbing the measuring instrument far into the dog’s neck :-)

Most experts estimate the height of our male dogs to be the same. We ourselves assumed that Vamp was taller than Alyosha. With “household” tools (usually a pencil and the nearest door frame), we usually measured 89-90 cm for Alyosha, 92-93 cm for Vampa. The result of precise measurements: Alyosha - 88 cm, Vamp - 91 cm.

5. Height at the sacrum
It is also measured at the highest point of the croup in molocks.

We consider this measurement to be no less important for the Great Dane than the height at the withers. Based on the difference between the height at the withers and the height at the rump, you can estimate how high the front of the dog is. We made sure that, despite the weakly defined withers, both of our males are quite high in front. For Vamp, this measurement in a free stance is 85 cm (the difference between the height at the withers and the height at the rump is 6 cm), for Alyosha it is 83 cm (the difference is 5 cm).

6. Oblique length of the body.
Measured from the anterior edge of the glenohumeral joint to the ischial tuberosity.

It is important to make this measurement with a hard rod and level standing dog. The oblique length of the body is used to calculate the format index - one of the few values ​​​​prescribed in the Great Dane standard in specific numbers. Oblique body length of Vampa - 89 cm, Alyosha - 94 cm. Looking ahead, I will say that the result of calculating the format index is quite expected visually: Alyosha turned out to be longer than Vamp.

7. Chest depth.
The fixed part of the device is applied to the lower part of the chest, the movable part is applied directly behind the shoulder blades.

Please note: behind the shoulder blades, i.e. the withers are NOT included in this measurement! Unfortunately, this measurement can be made accurately only with a special measuring instrument, so if one of the dog breeders wants to repeat our experience of comprehensive measurements, they will have to contact the veterinary clinic to take some measurements. The results of this measurement surprised us no less than the head measurements: despite the fact that visually the Vamp seems deeper, the accurately measured The depth of Vamp's chest (43 cm) is less than that of Alyosha (45 cm).

8. Front chest width.
The distance between the dog's shoulder joints is measured. Measurements can be taken from the front and from above.

We tried many times to make this measurement ourselves - with a tailor's tape through the forebreast. As a result of measurements with a tailor's tape, we always received the same result in our male dogs. We know that Vampa is visually “narrowened” by a long vertical narrow white stripe on her chest, but we didn’t expect her to “narrow” it so much! As a result of precise measurements with measuring compasses, it turned out that The width of Vamp's chest (22 cm) is significantly greater than that of Alyosha (19 cm)! Visually, Alyosha appears wider due to more prominent muscles shoulder girdle(this can be clearly seen in photo 7). However, this measurement is important precisely without taking into account the muscles: after all, it shows the functional volume chest- the reservoirs of the lungs and heart, which in such a giant dog must be powerful and healthy.

9. Chest circumference.
The tape passes behind the shoulder blades and near the elbows.

Please note: again BEHIND the shoulder blades! The withers are not included in this measurement either. Together with the previous two, this measurement helps to assess the functionality and development of the chest. Unlike the previous ones, this measurement is made with a soft measuring tape that follows the lines of the body. Therefore, the result may be slightly influenced by muscle development, but the main purpose of this measurement is, in addition to the capacity of the chest, to assess the curvature of the ribs. As expected, Vampa (103 cm) has more flattened ribs than Alyosha (105 cm). If, based on these three measurements, we try to imagine the cross-section of the chest, then with Alyosha we will most likely get a uniform oval, and with Vamp (smaller, with a larger chest width and smaller girth) we will get an “egg” pointed at the top.

10. Front leg length.
The tape runs from the elbow down in a straight line to the ground (not in line with the leg).

To obtain a more accurate result, we used a measuring rod rather than a tape. In fact, this measurement is an almost exact match to the visual estimate of leg height. Unexpected for us Alyosha (48 cm) has a larger measurement than Vamp (47 cm)- and this with less height at the withers and greater chest depth! The only explanation that comes to mind for Vamp's shorter elbow height is the soft, slightly sagging pasterns.

11. Pastern girth
The tape passes below the wrist, above the base of the fifth finger.

What do the dozhatniks measure, passing off the measurement result as the girth of the metacarpus: -) They manage to measure the wrist and even the paw - all five fingers together: -) The metacarpus must be measured in the narrowest place on the front paw. Only in this case, when calculating the bone index, you will not take into account the muscles of the forearm and the volume of the fingertips: -) The result of measuring the metacarpus of our boys turned out to be quite expected: 16 cm for Vamp and 16.5 for Alyosha.

Now that we have measured everything, we can try to analyze the information received. Generally accepted indices calculated based on measurements will help us with this.

I. Stretching index (format)- shows the relationship between the length and height of the dog.

To calculate this index, you need to multiply the oblique length of the body by 100, and divide the resulting result by the height of the dog at the withers.

Alyosha: 94 × 100 / 88 = 106.8.
Vamp: 89×100 / 91 = 97.8.

At the same time, not a single show expert ever noted Vamp’s short format in the description, although many noted Alyosha’s elongation. When they stand next to each other, Vamp seems similar in format to Alyosha. Contrary to the popular myth that all crossbred dogs are pacers or use a short trot, the Vamp moves superbly at a very flexible long trot with excellent hip abduction. Apparently, the format is still not the main component of beautiful movements...

II. Bone index- shows the relative development of the bone structure based on the relationship of the pastern to the height at the withers.

To calculate this index, you need to multiply the circumference of the pastern by 100 and divide by the height at the withers.

Alyosha: 18.75, Vamp: 17.5.

This result is also expected visually - taller, Vamp has a lighter frame. We really liked Lyudmila Ruzhich’s comparison: she called Vamp an Arabian horse, and Alyosha a Vladimir heavy truck: -) And this statement is confirmed not only by the bone index, but also by the massiveness index (see below).

III. High-legged index- shows the relative length of the dog - the ratio of the length of the leg to the total height at the withers.

It is calculated by multiplying the length of the front leg to the elbow by one hundred and dividing by the height at the withers. Since Alyosha has a greater height of his front leg to the elbow, and a shorter height, according to this index (54.5) he turned out to be taller than Vamp (51.6)! A completely unexpected result - visually the impression is the opposite.

IV. Chest index- shows the relative development of the chest, the ratio of the width and depth of the chest.

To calculate, chest width is multiplied by 100 and divided by chest depth. Based on this index, we can conclude that Vamp’s breasts (51.1) are significantly more developed than Alyosha’s (42.2). But visually, 99% of experts evaluate them in comparison with exactly the opposite!

V. Massive index- shows the relative development of the body, the ratio of chest circumference and height at the withers.

It is calculated by multiplying the chest circumference by 100 and dividing the result by the height at the withers. A completely expected result - Alyosha (119.3) has this index significantly higher than Vamp (113.1). Indeed, visually Alyosha looks more massive.

VI. Long-headed index- shows the relative length of the head, the ratio of the length of the head to the height at the withers.

Since the length of the boys' heads is the same, but the height at the withers is different - Alyosha (34.1) turns out to be longer-headed than Vamp (32.96). And since Alyosha’s skull (the width of his forehead, according to these measurements) is wider, his head as a whole looks more massive, more harmonious in relation to the body.

VII. Broad-brow index- shows the relative width of the dog's head.

The classic broad-brow index is calculated by multiplying the width of the forehead by 100 and dividing by the length of the head. Of course, for working breeds of dogs, in which exterior qualities that ensure functionality are decisive, a wide head is a plus. However, Great Danes it would be advisable to calculate a completely different index: an index showing the relationship between the width of the forehead and the muzzle. We will talk about this in the next part of the article, devoted to “non-standard” additional measurements. However, the classic index quite accurately shows us the differences between Vamp’s chiseled head (58.3) and Alyosha’s rougher, brutal “teapot” (70.0).

Of course, accurately performed measurements and calculated indices can help not only in assessing a dog’s constitutional type, but also in assessing its motor capabilities and “weak” points in health. When comparing the indices of dogs that we observe daily during active games and prolonged movement, we can conclude that a more massive dog does not always have a more developed chest, a higher-legged dog does not necessarily move better, and a “over-squared” dog can have excellent movements with a large amplitude... But all this needs to be explained! Additional measurements are clearly required. And we carried them through.

To be continued - about additional dimensions - to be...

It is not difficult to determine the place where the dog’s withers are. This is the area between the shoulder blades on top. The highest place is on the back. The height of the animal is measured by the height of the withers. The size of the dog is great importance for some calculations.

Why does a dog need withers?

The withers are the collection of muscles and joints of the dog's neck, front legs and back. These muscles coordinate the animal's motor functions. The stronger the withers, the better pet physically developed. Some service breeds they train the withers by forcing them to carry weights (as, for example, bull terriers and Staffordshire terriers: they hang heavy car tires around their necks). The strength of the back and legs depends on the power of the withers.

How to measure an animal

In order to measure the height of your pet at the withers at home, you can make a simple device yourself. You will need two wooden blocks, one twenty-five centimeters in size, the other five centimeters. The wooden parts are glued together in the shape of the letter “L”. To a block of shorter length, along it, you need to glue a measuring tape. For ease of measurement, you can glue it on bottom part weight. Now you need to call the dog to you (it is better to carry out the manipulations with an assistant), put the pet in a calm position and put a device on the withers for measuring the long part. It is important that the measuring device is positioned strictly vertically.

You can measure height without special devices. To do this, apply a centimeter to the pet standing on a flat surface, to the highest point of the shoulder blade, where the dog’s withers are located, and the lower part of the measuring tape is lowered to the floor. The result obtained is the height of the animal. If the dog has long hair, they push it apart hairline to the skin and then apply a measuring tape.

It's even easier to measure your pet's height by holding a measuring board to it.

Why do you need to know your dog's height?

Why do you need to know where a dog's withers are? What are the dog sizes for? There are breeds in which height is the main difference. For example, royal and miniature poodles.

First of all, the parameters of the animal are taken into account at exhibitions, where the height at the withers is the basis for determining many coefficients. For example, the ratio of the dog's length to height (extension index) is calculated. Massiveness, long-leggedness, long-headedness and other parameters of animals are also calculated. To calculate these values, you need to know the height at the withers. Then, by comparing these dimensions, the judging committee will find out whether this specimen meets the standard of the required breed. The required dimensions, according to the exterior, can be found at the kennel club or on the Internet.

The photo below demonstrates quite clearly the exact place on the body where the dog’s withers are.

Size matters

If you can determine where the dog's withers are, you can calculate the size of your pet's clothing. Overalls for animals are sewn taking into account their height and other parameters. Carrying for pet is also selected according to the size of the dog at the withers.
The dimensions of the pet are also important for calculating the construction of a booth or enclosure. The entrance to the booth is made according to the height of the withers and the width of the animal.

A dog's withers, where the shoulder blades are, is an area by which the animal can be grabbed and moved to another place in case of emergency. For example, if you need to place your pet on the veterinarian's table.

Knowing where the dog's withers are is necessary in order to give injections to this area of ​​the body if necessary. Some medications are administered intramuscularly for better absorption and absorption. Subcutaneous tissue in the area of ​​the dog's withers - this is the most inaccessible place for the animal. It cannot be reached with either paw or teeth. Therefore, drops against ticks and fleas are most often applied to the withers. The withers are also a vulnerable area into which blood-sucking insects attach themselves. During competitions of official and hunting dogs The dimensions of the animal being tested also matter. The height of the dog for hunting dogs in terms of exterior is an important value. Knowing the size at the withers, the judges will know whether this dog is suitable for baiting an animal or not, and whether it is worth sending it for testing.

Having learned the height of his pet at the withers, the dog owner will be able to easily care for his pet.

Why do you need to know how to measure a dog's height at the withers? Elementarily, height at the withers is one of the fundamental indicators of the standard of any breed. Even if your dog is not purebred, you may need measurements to correctly select equipment and accessories.

A dog's withers is the section of the body where the lowest point of the neck and the slope of the shoulder blades meet. Identifying the withers and the folds of skin on them is a basic skill that any owner needs.

Inexperienced owners often have to “sweat” to find the fold of skin at the withers in dogs with a non-standard physique. There is a method that allows you to determine the fold of skin at the withers, regardless of the dog’s build.

Place your hands on the animal's shoulders and press them to the body, begin to move your hands up, tightening the skin until there is a fold in your hands. Lower your arms so that they rest on your shoulder blades. The skin that will be in your hands is called the fold at the withers or the nape.

Note! People call the withers the scruff of the neck. It is by the fold of skin on the withers that the mother dog carries the puppies (carries them by the scruff of the neck).

Height at the withers - how to measure?

At any show or breeding inspection, the puppy must be stood in a stand to measure its height at the withers. Why not measure your height using your head or nose? The fact is that the position in the necks and heads of dogs of the same breed may differ, which will give a certain error when taking measurements.

Another common problem with stunted growth in a puppy is related to improper bone formation. Usually such problems arise when raising dogs. large breeds. In fact, the puppy does not stop growing, but under the weight gained, its joints sag. It turns out that the owner takes measurements and does not see changes in growth. At the same time, the joints on the front and hind legs become more beveled in relation to the surface.

Important! Abnormal growth or growth delay may be affected by excess weight. At unbalanced diet even a young dog can become impressively overweight. Poor bones and joints are not ready for additional loads; obesity in this case leads to a delay in their formation or subsidence.

Growth retardation in a young dog or puppy may be due to: congenital or hereditary pathologies. U large dogs a hereditary disease is dysplasia of the joints, most often the hip. For some breeds of dogs, osteochondrosis is also considered a hereditary disease, which must be monitored by a veterinarian and treated individually. Trying to do the best, the owner begins to intensively feed the puppy supplements with calcium and other trace elements, and in the case of osteochondrosis, such measures can only do harm.

Sooner or later, any owner is faced with the question: how to measure the height of a dog at the withers? And while experienced dog breeders know how to do this correctly, beginners often don’t even know where the withers are located, where the dog begins and where it ends. Of course, such a formulation may make you smile, but it will not help solve the problem. It is worth taking a closer look at canine anatomy and the procedure for correct measurement.

The withers are the area of ​​the body that begins immediately after the neck. These are the first 5 vertebrae of the back, which are located at its beginning, just between the shoulder blades. It is advisable for the dog owner to master a skill that helps determine the location of the withers and the folds of skin covering them. It is considered basic. It will be required in the following cases:

Detecting the withers is a simple task if the owner is experienced and the pet has a standard build. But even otherwise you can use special method, allowing you to accurately detect the desired skin folds:

  • You should put your hands on the dog’s shoulders and press them to the body;
  • it is necessary to move your hands up, collecting the skin until it forms a fold;
  • the arms are lowered until they rest on the shoulder blades;
  • the skin in the hands is the scruff of the neck, which is also the fold at the withers.

In addition, you can detect a dog’s withers using a flat object, such as a book. It is placed on the withers area, and when it lies parallel to the floor, the desired point has been found. It is worth noting that the first person to find a puppy’s withers is his mother. It is with this that she holds the babies when she moves them. In common parlance this area is called the scruff of the neck.

How to take the correct measurement

There are rules to follow if you want to get the most accurate data:

  1. The most suitable measuring tool is a hard measuring stick, a tape measure or a tailor's yardstick, which gives distorted results; usually the dog turns out to be 1-3 cm taller.
  2. Three measurements should be taken at intervals of 30 seconds to 1 minute. Taking all the results, you need to calculate the average value, which will be the final result.
  3. Taking a stance is a must.
  4. Measuring instruments are applied in such a way that they fit snugly against the animal’s body, pressing the fur, but are not pressed into the skin. Owners of dogs with long hair are recommended to sort out the hair in the area where the tool is applied.

Owners of show animals are aware that their pet must be able to take a special stance in which it is measured. But why are measurements not taken from the head or nose? But the whole point is that even among representatives of the same breed, head posture can be different, which will lead to distorted measurement data.

Height at the withers is the distance from the support to the point where the neck and shoulder blades meet. In addition, the withers are the highest point on the animal's body. In a dog of any breed or without one, the “scratch” consists of five vertebrae, which are located between the shoulder blades.

To measure the dog, it must be stood up. Show class dogs are trained to accept it on a specific command - at the show no one will wait for the participant to stand up properly. If the pet does not have such a skill, the owner just needs to watch him - the dog takes such a stance when he is interested in something and closely follows the object. It doesn’t matter what position his head and neck are in.

The dog should stand on a flat surface (a small four-legged dog can be placed on a table), and not be distracted by extraneous stimuli. You can attract her attention with a treat or toy. It is best if two people participate in the event. Next, you should focus on the dog’s behavior:

  • if the dog stands still, you can take measurements using a tape measure or 2 long rulers - one is placed on the dog’s back, the other is measured from the floor to the ruler located on the back;
  • a restless pet cannot be measured in this way - in this case it is better to make marks on the wall - the dog should be placed against the wall and a mark should be made at the shoulder blades.

The first method is good for measuring small and medium-sized individuals, the second - for dogs of impressive size. Growing and developing pets should be measured regularly. The best time for such a procedure is the period before a meal - the animal reacts more actively to treats.

There are a number of statistical tables with height and weight standards, and they are available for each registered and officially accepted breed. If the owner discovers that his puppy is not growing as normal, he should consult a veterinarian. In most cases, such deviations can be corrected, especially if identified on early stage. Most often they are associated with eating disorders.

An adult dog can be measured once every 8-12 weeks, this is especially important if the pet has a tendency to pathologies of the spine and pelvic bones. As the disease develops, the dog’s withers “sag.”

How to measure your dog to choose a harness

IN in this case It is best to use a tailor's yardstick, which is what tailors use. With its help, you can measure not only the circumference of the animal’s neck, but also other parts of the body. To purchase the most suitable ammunition, the meter should be applied in such a way that it fits snugly without sagging. A harness for dogs not used as sled dogs requires three measurements:

  • from the withers (scruff) to the base of the tail;
  • the volume of the sternum at its widest point, just behind the front paws;
  • neck volume.

To select a harness for a working sled dog, 2 measurements are required:

  • the size of the area from the highest point of the nape to the base of the chest between the front legs;
  • length from the base of the sternum to the base of the tail.

When purchasing working equipment, the most accurate measurements are required, since while riding the dog should not experience discomfort, pain or feel that anything is bothering him. A person's palm should be placed between the harness straps and the dog's body. This will help avoid discomfort and constraint while moving. If the harness is too loose or too tight, it will not only be uncomfortable for the dog, but can also cause problems in the spine and lead to spine deformation.

Preference should be given to high-quality products, durable, with strong fittings. If a stud or other part of the harness comes off while the animal is active, it can dig into the dog's skin, causing pain and leaving wounds that are a gateway for pathogens.

Correct measurements of your pet to purchase a carrier

If the dog is small, then the owners can successfully use a special carrier - an excellent device for transportation four-legged friend. It is convenient to take it on a trip, use it to deliver your pet to an exhibition, veterinary clinic and etc.

While in a carrier, the dog is less stressed and does not get its paws dirty. Naturally, it is much more convenient and humane to carry a sick dog in such a device, which reduces pain from shaking or contact with human hands.

But before purchasing a suitable carrier, you should measure your four-legged friend, otherwise a design that is too tight may cause discomfort for your pet or may not be suitable for transporting him at all. It is important that the dog has the opportunity to change his body position if the need arises. In addition, the material must withstand the weight of the quadruped. The owner needs to measure the dog's height at the withers, as well as the length of its body from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail.

Why does a dog start to grow stunted?

Have your puppy's measurements shown that he has stopped growing or is lagging behind the norm? In this case, it is advisable for the owner to consult with veterinarian. A similar phenomenon is often observed in puppies 4-6 months of age, which is associated with the natural change of teeth.

During this period, the body can spend all its resources on strengthening the molars, and it is these same microelements that are part of the bone and joint structures. In some dogs with erect ears, cartilage tissue develops during tooth replacement ears softens.

In fact, there are many reasons why a dog's growth may be stunted. But regularly measuring your pet allows you to identify the problem at the initial stage of development. And even if we are talking about an adult pet, the owner should know how to measure it - this skill will definitely come in handy in the future.

Regular measurements of the dog must be taken as the puppy grows and develops to determine the animal’s body proportions and to compare the obtained values.

Each individual breed has its own exterior standards; based on them, you can understand whether your young pet is developing in the right direction and how well it meets the breed standards.

In accordance with the standard for evaluating dogs, there are 3 fundamental measurements, one of which is the height of the animal at the withers (or height indicator). The other two are the girth of the metacarpus and the oblique length of the torso.

Where is the dog's withers?

It's hard to believe that every owner doesn't know where his beloved dog's withers are. You need to know where the withers are not only to measure your pet’s height, but also if you have to act as a home healer for your four-legged ward (very often when various diseases veterinarians prescribe home subcutaneous injections to the withers).

The height of the animal is determined in highest point lines of the top of the back. This place is formed with the help of the first five vertebrae located in the thoracic or as it is also called spinal region the animal's spine. In other words, the withers (in common parlance, the scruff) is the most high point on the back.

How to measure a dog's height?

In order to make the measurement described, it is necessary that the animal stands calmly on straight legs on hard and level ground (small dogs can be measured on a table). Best time to measure the middle of the interval between feeding the dog.

To carry out measuring work, special tools are used, ideally a height meter, but not every dog ​​lover has such a meter and it is not always easy to get. In this case, a long wooden ruler, a building level, or an ordinary thin book will help you out. It is not advisable to use a centimeter tape measure (deviations in indicators can reach +/- 3 cm).

Before starting the measurement, the dog should be introduced (allowed to sniff) with the measuring instruments in order to avoid anxiety and adverse reactions in an animal. It is advisable to measure height by three people: the owner holds and calms the animal, another takes measurements, and a third records the readings.

The easiest way to measure a dog using available tools is as follows. The dog is placed against the wall, a thin book or building level is placed on the withers (without pressure), the growth line is marked on the wall with a pencil, and then the final measurement is made with a ruler.

The height at the withers of long-haired dogs is measured by the parting. Also, the dog’s height can be measured using a level that rests on the withers and using either a folding meter or a sewing centimeter, the pet’s height is determined. It is advisable to take several measurements to get the most accurate result. True, this method is less accurate than the first.

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