Home Dental treatment Oleg Anatolyevich Tsarev - biography, incriminating evidence, photographs. People's Deputy of Ukraine Oleg Tsarev told where the separatist leaders are now

Oleg Anatolyevich Tsarev - biography, incriminating evidence, photographs. People's Deputy of Ukraine Oleg Tsarev told where the separatist leaders are now

Oleg Tsarev. Photo: lenta-ua.net

Behind last month The most famous leaders of Novorossiya resigned - the Minister of Defense of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) Igor Strelkov, the Prime Minister of the DPR Alexander Borodai, the head of the Lugansk People's Republic (LPR) Valery Bolotov. Today they have disappeared from the information space. Of the most prominent figures of the people's liberation movement in Donbass, only the speaker of the parliament of Novorossiya Oleg Tsarev remained. In an interview with Lenta.ru, the politician told where his comrades in arms had gone.

"Lenta.ru": Oleg Anatolyevich, where have the main figures of Novorossiya gone?

Oleg Tsarev: For example, I am now in Donetsk, in the building of the regional administration. Now the leadership of the DPR sits here, as well as the office of the parliament of Novorossiya. I want to say that everyone is in place and working - the prime minister, the ministers and me.

Where is former DPR Defense Minister Igor Strelkov now? There is information that he left for Sevastopol.

Strelkov fought for a very long time. Even during the Great Patriotic War, commanders-in-chief were given leave every six months. Igor Strelkov is resting, but I don’t know where exactly.

It is known that Alexander Borodai left for Moscow back in July. Where is he now?

He did not return to Donetsk; he is also resting.

What about Bolotov?

Valery was in Moscow at one time. I don’t know where now. But there is none in Donbass. It is located on Russian territory. Bolotov was wounded, so he is currently undergoing treatment.

The famous commander Motorola, who celebrated his first wedding in Novorossiya in July, has already returned to the battlefield from Yalta, where he went on his honeymoon?

I do not know. Of course, he is widely known in the media, but not so much that I track his movements. Of course, Motorola good fighter, but we have a lot of them.

What is the current humanitarian situation in Donbass?

In Lugansk, the humanitarian catastrophe (is unfolding - Lenta.ru note) is already in full force. Firstly, it is almost impossible to bring anything there - the road is constantly under fire. Secondly, there has been no electricity there for a long period of time. The Ukrainian army shoots precisely at stations. And since there is no electricity, the pumps cannot pump water. Therefore, there is basically no water either. There is also no connection because the batteries located on the cell towers are dead. Imagine a large metropolis that does not have all this - the situation is difficult.

What's happening at the front?

Now the militias are putting the squeeze on the “southern cauldron” (Ukrainian units that are surrounded at the Russian border - Note by Lenta.ru). There were about four to five thousand Ukrainian soldiers there. About a thousand people escaped. On this moment A few scattered groups remained - the rest were destroyed by the militia. There are battles near Donetsk and Lugansk. Now the militia has set the task of clearing the passage to Lugansk.

They say that overall the militia is now losing the war. This is true?

On the contrary, today the situation is different. Ukrainian troops no longer have anyone to throw into battle. And the militias are finishing cleaning up the “southern cauldron.” And, believe me, in the near future they will go on the offensive in other areas. The Ukrainian army abandoned a simply enormous amount of military equipment and artillery. On Monday, August 18, I drove in the area of ​​Snezhnoye and Shakhtersk and myself observed entire batteries of howitzers abandoned along with stationary shells, tanks, and armored personnel carriers. All this went to the militia, which until then had always lacked equipment. I think that now there are good prerequisites for restoring this equipment within a few days and moving it into battle.

Unfortunately, more and more often our interest in political figures is limited only to information about their scandalous behavior or luxurious life. The problem is that the deputies themselves are more busy with fights in parliament or PR on television, but they have no time left for their constituents. This is where incredible legends about such politicians are born. People no longer remember why they voted for them! The former prosperous “heralds” of the people feel especially frivolous; they do not hesitate to demonstrate their wealth and lead a glamorous lifestyle. So the regional Oleg Tsarev has long been known as a real television star, and also an excellent fighter when it comes to defending the rights of the party in the Verkhovna Rada!

Place of Birth

Oleg Tsarev was born in the east of Ukraine, in the city of Dnepropetrovsk, on June 2, 1970. The future politician saw the light in the family of a design engineer spaceships(father's specialty), and his mother was a teacher at a pedagogical institute. He lived the first years of his life with his grandparents in the small village of Katerynivka. But he graduated from school in the city of Ternopil.

Oleg Tsarev’s biography already from childhood suggested a bright and meaningful life: “I was named after the physicist from the novel “I’m Walking into a Storm,” the author, so I simply had to justify the hopes of my parents,” says the deputy himself. Already at school he became seriously interested exact sciences and began to show excellent results in studying physics and chemistry. He was actively involved in classical wrestling, participated in local competitions, and, as we see, this hobby “helped” him a lot in his political career.

Study in Moscow

IN graduating class Dnepropetrovsk secondary school Oleg Tsarev, a deputy of the Supreme Court, participated in the prestigious Olympiad in Physics of Moscow University. According to the politician, he managed to score the highest score, and he was invited as the winner to study in the capital of Russia. This is how Oleg became a student at a prestigious university and in 1992 he graduated quite successfully from the Moscow Engineering and Physics University. Received

According to the deputy, it was his university group that worked on the creation of a project to destroy enemy ballistic missiles by order of the country's top leadership. Although this information has not been confirmed. Despite his upcoming “dizzying” career in Moscow, Tsarev returned to his native Dnepropetrovsk immediately after graduation.

Working career

Oleg Anatolyevich Tsarev, after graduating from university, went to work at the large association “Southern Machine-Building Plant” (“Yuzhmash”). From 1992 to 1993 he worked as an engineer at the Avex MP. However, this position did not suit the ambitious young politician, and he soon went into business. In 1993, he headed Kursk LLC in his native Dnepropetrovsk. For a long time made his living supplying computer equipment. As Oleg himself stated, this helped him accumulate initial capital for a “high start.”

Business - lifestyle

Oleg Tsarev, whose biography began as an ordinary engineer, changed dramatically when he became a businessman. He began investing money in various enterprises and creating his own companies:

  • In 1993, he created the financial and insurance structure Dovir, which he headed until 1995.
  • But the supply business computer equipment prompted Oleg to create and head the Dnepropetrovsk Computer Center - 1995-1997.
  • In 1997-1998, he created and headed Silicon Valley LLC.
  • 1998-2000 - Chairman of the Board and main owner of a paper mill in Dnepropetrovsk.
  • In 2000, the politician became interested in the Dnepropetrovsk bakery, in which he invested for some time, and then bought it and headed it.

Personal life

My future wife I met Oleg Tsarev through work. Larisa worked in a bank where her future husband applied. She helped him fill out the necessary financial documents. But when a businessman needed an accountant, he again remembered the bank specialist. And so their romance began. As Oleg says, such a meeting completely changed his life. He planned to save money and travel around the world, but when he fell in love, he realized that his place was with Larisa.

Soon the young people got married and began living together in the city of Dnepropetrovsk. We lived in a small apartment of only 18 square meters. m, where their first son Maxim was born. At the moment the family is raising 4 children. They live in a picturesque place on the banks of the Dnieper, in the village of Starye Kodaki. Oleg Tsarev’s house is more reminiscent of a luxurious mansion, although, according to the family, they inherited the apartment from the father of the scandalous politician. The luxurious property is carefully guarded by numerous guards, and the family is very unhappy about welcoming strangers to their land.

Children of the people's deputy

The biography of Oleg Tsarev evokes different emotions in people, because his actions provide food for thought. But the family, according to Oleg, is for him main value. He proudly calls himself a father of many children:

  • Son Maxim was born on May 11, 1995.
  • Daughter Olga - October 2, 1999
  • Daughter Ekaterina - 10/11/2003
  • Son Igor - April 1, 2008

Despite the fact that the deputy publicly declares that it is necessary to study and build a life only in Ukraine, his children are successfully gnawing on the granite of science in the UK. Although, according to official data, they are studying at Kyiv universities. The eldest - Maxim - graduated from a British school and entered prestigious establishment. Daughter Olga is studying in Scotland.

Oleg himself constantly states that it is necessary to stop the outflow of talented youth from Ukraine, and his children simply gain knowledge in order to return to their homeland and implement their professional skills. This is Oleg Tsarev, an ardent opponent of Ukraine’s integration into the European Union! His biography and his whole life are, first of all, closely connected with caring for his children - this is what the politician himself says. Despite his busy schedule, he knows how to change diapers, was present at all his wife’s births, and taught children to swim.

Personal time

In addition to endless interviews and press conferences on central and especially local television in Dnepropetrovsk, Oleg Tsarev, whose photo you can see in the article, loves hiking. He says that for his family there is no best holiday than exploring the beauties of Ukraine. They repeatedly vacationed in Crimea with tents, made trips to mountain Altai and to Lake Issyk-Kul.

But family members do not neglect the “hated” Europe, where they vacation several times a year. In addition, the deputy loves to swim and usually chooses the most prestigious resorts in the world for this activity.

Path in the political field

Oleg Tsarev, whose biography is inextricably linked with the Party of Regions, began his political career back in 2002:

  • In 2002, he won the elections in the 40th polling station in Dnepropetrovsk. In the same year, he became a member of the Party of Regions and joined the pro-class bloc “For EdU”.
  • 2002 - Chairman of the Committee on Bankruptcy, Privatization, Property. Headed the association for economic policy, management national economy and agricultural policy.
  • 2005 - authorized representative of the “Regions of Ukraine” faction.
  • People's Deputy of Ukraine of the IV, V, VI, VII convocations.
  • 2006 - Member of the Human Rights Committee, national minorities And
  • 2007 - member of the Party of Regions faction, member of the committee on customs and tax policy.

Let us note that the biography of Oleg Tsarev was marked by his recognition as the most active legislator from the Dnepropetrovsk region. In the period from 2002 to 2004, according to monitoring data, the deputy, together with other people's representatives, developed more than 65 bills.

In addition, Tsarev received high awards for his activities:

  • Medal of A. Pushkin - 2013
  • Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine - 2003
  • Order III degree for merit - 2011


In the political field, Oleg Tsarev, for whom the Party of Regions has been a constant refuge throughout his career, never tires of surprising the electorate with strange statements. The politician adheres to a clear pro-Russian vector and proposes making “Surzhik” the second language in the country. In addition, his statements of an obvious separatist nature led to negative attitude to his person.

The politician is often attacked and insulted by people, and recently he was seriously beaten and hospitalized. In the spring of 2014, the prosecutor's office opened a case against him under the article “Call for separatism.” In addition, the politician became known for his harsh accusations of the difficult situation of the state of the “Benderaites”, communists and in general everyone who does not adhere to the ideals of the Party of Regions.

Oleg Tsarev is a former deputy of the Verkhovna Rada and a failed candidate for the presidency of Ukraine, a scandalous politician who was put on the international wanted list in his homeland. He came to power from a background of successful businessmen and in 2014 was the owner of 27 enterprises, but his public support of pro-Russian sentiments cost him his career in both business and politics.

Childhood and youth

Oleg Anatolyevich Tsarev was born on June 2, 1970 in Dnepropetrovsk in the family of a teacher at a local pedagogical institute and a design engineer in the space industry. The parents chose the name for their son in honor of the physicist, the hero of Daniil Granin’s novel “I’m Going into the Storm.” In early childhood, Oleg lived with his grandparents in the village of Katerynivka, and went to school in Ternopil. There he became interested in exact sciences and sports - he spent several years studying classical wrestling.

In high school, Oleg took part in the prestigious Olympiad in physics and scored the maximum points. The prize was an invitation to the Moscow Engineering and Physics University, from which he successfully graduated in 1992. In an interview, the politician said that during his student days he became a participant in an important government project in the defense sector, but this information is not officially confirmed.

Although after completing his studies at the university, Tsarev had the opportunity to stay in the capital, he chose to return to his native Dnepropetrovsk. There Oleg Anatolyevich worked at a machine-building enterprise. After working as an engineer, he decided to go into business.


Tsarev’s first area of ​​activity was the supply of computer equipment. So he not only earned a living, but also accumulated a small capital for the implementation of further business plans. He began investing these funds in various enterprises and soon created his own financial and insurance company. In 1995, Oleg Anatolyevich became the founder of a computer center, and in 1998 - the head of the Dnepropetrovsk paper mill. 2 years later he bought and headed a local bakery.

Tsarev's career in the political sphere begins in 2002, when he ran for election to the Verkhovna Rada. Then Tsarev beat 11 rivals, immediately receiving 30% of the votes. At that time he was a member of the Party of Regions, but acted as a self-nominated candidate in the elections.

In 2005-2010, Oleg Anatolyevich served as chairman of the branch of the Party of Regions. In the Rada, he was in charge of issues of customs and tax policy. In 2007, Tsarev became a people's deputy of Ukraine, in 2011 he headed the Anti-Fascist Forum, and a year later he took the place of adviser to the then prime minister.

During the 2013 political crisis, Tsarev called for protesters to be dispersed by force and said that “no government should negotiate with bandits and extremists.” He publicly spoke out against the events on the Maidan, declaring them a provocation by Western intelligence services, and advocated banning the organizers of the riots from entering the territory of Ukraine. This became a turning point in the deputy’s biography.

In 2014, Tsarev registered as a candidate for the upcoming presidential elections. The “Russian Bloc” spoke for him - the Party of Regions declined to support, and later completely excluded Oleg Anatolyevich from among its members. The situation gradually escalated. After the candidate’s participation in the “Freedom of Speech” program, he was attacked by public activists and severely beaten.

In April, Tsarev withdrew from the elections and called for a boycott of them, explaining that he saw no point in voting, which was taking place against the background civil war, and compared the actions of Ukrainian troops in Slavyansk with a Nazi attack.

In April 2014, Oleg Anatolyevich visited the DPR and took part in the distribution of humanitarian aid. He later came to Nikolaev to visit the injured pro-Russian activists and again got into a fight with local supporters of the president.

Conversation between Oleg Tsarev and Ksenia Sobchak

In the fall of the same year, Tsarev established the “Union of Refugees of Ukraine” in the Russian Federation to organize financial assistance victims of the conflict in the east of the country. In the interview, he called on both sides to stop fighting and start negotiations. Later, the politician proclaimed himself chairman of the Union Parliament people's republics, Novorossiya.

The showdown in the Verkhovna Rada over the initiation of a criminal case against him in 2010 ended in a scandal. The skirmish escalated into a large-scale fight involving more than 100 deputies, and Tsarev was later recognized as one of the most zealous and cruel participants.

Photos of the conflict circulated not only in Ukrainian, but also in the world media. The opposition called the incident a planned beating: for 5 representatives of the BYuT-Batkivshchyna faction, the fight ended with fractures, two of them were hospitalized in serious condition.

The incident of Tsarev’s visit to the restaurant received wide coverage in the Ukrainian media. In 2010, the politician was invited to the Kriivka (Dugout) establishment in Lviv, decorated in a military-partisan style. At the entrance he was met by a waiter with a model of a machine gun and asked: “Are there any Muscovites?” Oleg Anatolyevich did not understand the joke (if it was her), and he was not allowed into the hall. In response, the politician held a press conference and vented his anger, calling for the restaurant’s license to be taken away for inciting ethnic hatred.

Naturally, the official authorities of the country did not leave his position unnoticed. By April 2014, three criminal cases had already been opened against Tsarev for separatism and calls for the overthrow of the constitutional order. Later they were joined by accusations of creating corruption schemes. Tsarev was stripped of his powers and immunity as a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada. The politician was put on the wanted list, and in 2015 the procedure for his conviction in absentia began. A reward of $500 thousand has been announced for assistance in delivering Oleg Anatolyevich to Ukrainian law enforcement agencies.

Personal life

Oleg Tsarev is married. He met his future wife at a time when he was a novice businessman - Larisa Anatolyevna worked in a bank and helped him fill out financial documents, and later became an accountant in his company. Soon the young people got married and settled in a small apartment in Dnepropetrovsk.

Now his wife Larisa Tsareva is listed as assistant director of the Dnepropetrovsk paper mill. The couple has 4 children. They have 2 daughters, Olga and Ekaterina, and 2 sons - Maxim and Igor. Younger children- schoolchildren, and the two eldest are studying in the UK.

Oleg Anatolyevich willingly shared details of his personal life with the media: he said that he was present at all of his wife’s births, loved to tinker with babies and play sports with older children.

Before emigrating from Ukraine, they lived in a house in the village of Starye Kodaki, Dnepropetrovsk region, far from the city and surrounded by security. According to Tsarev, he inherited this mansion from his father. Now local authorities families of refugees from the Donetsk and Lugansk regions were settled in the politician’s house.

Oleg Tsarev now

Today, the politician remains a supporter of integration and cooperation with Russia. European values ​​are also not alien to him, but he categorically rejects Ukraine’s accession to the European Union on the terms proposed by the EU.

Tsarev has an official website and public accounts in almost all in social networks, which he actively uses to demonstrate his political position.

In 2018, a number of Ukrainian media reported that Tsarev had been killed, but the source of this information was not disclosed. The former Verkhovna Rada deputy personally denied the rumors:

“As you can see, he’s alive. Otherwise I’ve already been buried 10 times.”


  • 2011 – Order of Merit, III degree
  • 2003 – Certificate of honor Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
  • 2013 – Pushkin Medal (Russia)

In the spring of 2014, a bruised Oleg Tsarev, the only holder of a real mandate in this booth of impostors, joined the motley company of “people’s governors” and “people’s mayors” in the rebellion-ridden Donbass. However, immediately after this, Tsarev was deprived of the powers and immunity of a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, which he exchanged for the virtual crown of “chairman of the parliament of Novorossiya.” And from that moment on, the ephemeral “Novorossiya” was doomed to complete failure, because Oleg Tsarev has a remarkable talent to destroy and compromise any political project he touches.

Well then, in in this case Ukraine only benefited from this! To some extent, she was saved by the fact that in the difficult chaos of 2014, “leaders” like Tsarev, stupid and restless, entangled in their own illusions, stood at the head of the separatist and collaborationist forces. It is worth agreeing that if the enemy were well organized and clearly understood his goals, then it would be much more difficult to stop him.

And yet, one should not perceive Oleg Tsarev only as some fool with a black eye or a disinterested preacher of the “Russian world” (depending on how one sees him). Although he completely failed and disgraced himself as a public politician (both in Ukraine and in Novorossiya), Tsarev had previously established himself as a very successful, albeit dishonest, businessman. Moreover, he successfully continues to do business today.

Olezhka Tsarev

Oleg Tsarev: the unlucky “chairman of Novorossiya”. PART 1 updated: January 24, 2018 by: creator

The politician, elected speaker of the parliament of Novorossiya, told on Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda why he left Donbass and went to live in Crimea. Presenter Sergey Rybka

Good evening. Greetings to all. The power was turned off in Crimea. We had a scheduled Skype session with our colleague Israel Shamir and Oleg Tsarev, who are now in Crimea. Hello Israel.

Hello. There is no great need to introduce our guest. Surely many of our listeners already know Oleg Anatolyevich Tsarev very well. This is a politician of old Ukraine who now finds himself on the side of Russia. He ended up in political exile. And began new life in Crimea, where we are now talking with him in the good old sanatorium named after. Kirov.

Do you mean that Oleg Anatolyevich lives in Crimea? His office is in Moscow.

Yes, he lives in Crimea. An arrest warrant has been issued for him in Ukraine. If they are waiting for him there, they are waiting with clearly bad intentions. He told me a wonderful joke: thank God that I am waiting not in Kolyma, but in Crimea. And, indeed, Crimea is warmer than Kolyma. But the life of an emigrant is still not easy. And here, of course, it’s quite difficult for him in all respects. But the most interesting thing, in my opinion, is that for a short time Oleg Anatolyevich was practically an alternative leader of Ukraine, the speaker of the parliament of Novorossiya - a state that never came into existence. And one of the things that interested me was why Novorossiya did not arise, is it worth dismantling the flights now or is it no longer worth thinking about. Will there be any future for the Novorossiya project? What will happen next to the Russian people in eastern Ukraine? And what will be the fate of the million-strong diaspora of Ukrainians who moved to Russia?

Tsarev joins us.


You were the chairman of the parliament of Novorossiya. You no longer consider yourself in this status. How do you certify yourself, who are you now?

This is a dual situation. On the one hand, parliament has not been dissolved. On the other hand, his activities are frozen. And we are on long-term vacation - the speaker of parliament and deputies.

Are there people who also count themselves as members of the parliament of Novorossiya?

This is 60 people. Certificates have been issued, there are a number of regulatory documents. An agreement was signed - a union treaty between the Donetsk and Lugansk republics. Rules of Parliament, laws adopted. The flag of Novorossiya has been adopted. And a number of laws.

Of the major achievements that will legalize Novorossiya, the last one is the issuance of documents and official passports of the DPR. Are you aware of this? How many people received these passports?

This procedure is just a test run. People have great fears that these passports will not allow them to come to Ukraine. But also to other countries that do not recognize the DPR and LPR. Will they provide the opportunity to come to Russia?

There were no consultations on this topic with Moscow?

This issue, as far as I understand, has not yet been fully resolved.

How do you see your own functions while in Russia? Do you regularly live in Crimea?

Yes it's true.

What do you do?

I spent the last two years actually at war.

Mr. Shamir introduced you as a person who needs no introduction. But in Yandex, before the first news with your mention, you will have to scroll through several pages. It's like you disappeared.

Indeed, it is so. I'm not in active politics right now. And I am more involved with children and family. Believe me, the family that was forced to leave their home and job is my wife, and we are now settling into a new place.

Have you found a job in Crimea?

Oleg is not actively involved in politics now, as he himself says. However, he was one of the most active participants in the events that took place two years ago. The topic is huge and overwhelming. Why did the Novorossiya project fail? Why was it not possible to liberate his native Dnepropetrovsk? Why didn't Kharkov liberate itself? Why did Oleg Anatolyevich end up in Crimea? As a turning date, I propose February 22 - the day when the congress took place in Kharkov. After this, many leaders of the future Novorossiya decided to support the Kyiv junta.

I think there were several turning points. The opportunity to stop the Maidan was until the morning of February 19. This is the night when there was last chance in order to restore order on the Maidan. And on the 20th, weapons warehouses on Western Ukraine... In Kharkov, Lviv, Ternopil. And with these weapons, the Maidan was already stormed on the 20th... Nothing could be done. As for the possibility of preserving a large part of Ukraine, large in population, this possibility persisted for quite a long time. I think this can be called the end of a more or less peaceful opportunity to create Novorossiya, this presidential elections and the recognition of Petro Poroshenko by many states, including Russia, as the legitimately elected president of Ukraine. In Kharkov, yes, there was a congress. The congress showed that it is quite difficult to consolidate... However, each region had its own active people who did not give up, who continued the struggle. I want to say that the opportunity to raise the Southeast remained for quite a long time. In every district, in every region there were leaders appointed by Yanukovych. Police, armed forces, security service, administration, regional councils. These were all officials and deputies who understood that with a change of government they would lose power. And no one was going to defend this power.

We do not have a history program. These memories are valuable for you, for your colleagues, for many of our listeners. But they own this data. Let us turn to circumstances that are more recent chronologically. Let's turn to the Minsk agreements. Are the Minsk agreements and the fate of what is meant by Novorossiya related? Or are you an opponent of the agreements that were reached in Minsk?

The one who was in the Donbass at that moment when we stood on the brink of disaster, when there were terrible shellings, when Lugansk was practically surrounded, if you remember, the first convoy there could not get through to Lugansk because there were no entrances, he. .. has never been an opponent of the Minsk agreements. Any agreement that leads to the cessation of war and fire is a blessing and must be supported. Another thing is that this agreement actually called into question the existence of our parliament and the prospects for the independence of the Donetsk and Lugansk republics.

Do you think this is an unjustified sacrifice? The prospect of the existence of parliament, those governing bodies that were being built and established, is that this will have to be abandoned within the framework of the agreements?

If this is a question, then I will answer that you are wrong. I'm a maximalist.

Is this a worthwhile sacrifice or not? It was worth holding on to those formations that...

I am a maximalist in life. And I have always been a supporter of the fight for all of Ukraine. After all, everyone put their own spin on the word Novorossiya. This is how politics works, I have been involved in politics for a long time, in order not to alienate all categories, we did not specify what is meant by this term. Many implied a pro-Russian Ukraine. Or part of Ukraine. Some believed - 8 regions, including Kirovograd, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Kherson, Nikolaev, Donetsk, Lugansk. Here are eight regions that were historically part of Novorossiya. Donetsk and Lugansk were part of a slightly different region; this was historically Kuban. Historical part of Russia. But Novorossiya was a different region. Except Donetsk and Lugansk.

Do you have an idea that can be formulated briefly: what are the Minsk agreements?

The Minsk agreements are an opportunity to politically end the confrontation in Ukraine.

How do you evaluate their implementation at the current stage?

The ball is in Ukraine's court. From this point of view, it is extremely difficult to present anything to Donbass or Russia. Probably, I am a wrestler myself, I am a sambo wrestler. Vladimir Vladimirovich used the enemy’s strength very well. For a very long time, Petro Poroshenko and the Ukrainian authorities whipped up Russophobia in Ukraine. And now they need to pass a law that, in principle, they cannot pass. They now have to fight against the force that they themselves created - against Ukrainian nationalism. They can't do this. And at the same time, it is extremely difficult to present anything to Russia or Donbass. Everyone talks about the need to implement the Minsk agreements in the abstract, although point by point it is clearly clear what Ukraine must implement. Ukraine must pass a law... on elections in Donbass. But Ukraine is not able to do this. Because such sentiments are inside Ukraine, inside the deputy corps. And voting is very difficult.

Oleg, tell us about your vision of Crimea, what happened in Crimea two years ago?

And about the current Crimea, Oleg Anatolyevich, also speak out.

There is definitely universal support for Russia in Crimea. There are no disappointed people. All the difficulties that arose with the blackout, with the insufficiently good functioning of the banking system, mobile communications, you know, when Kyivstar left, they removed the towers, broke the equipment so that mobile communications were as they are. Now this is all being restored. Therefore, today’s support for Crimeans has definitely not become less than it was during the referendum. The opinion poll also shows this. As for the rest of Ukraine, it is true that many Russians in Ukraine had a whole cocktail of feelings at the time of the referendum. On the one hand, there is hope that all other regions of Ukraine will follow the Crimean scenario. On the other hand, there was a fear that by annexing Crimea, Russia would put an end to its support for Russians in Ukraine. Therefore there was a difficult situation. It turns out that the current border that exists between Crimea, that is, on the border of Crimea between Russia and Ukraine, also separates Russians who live in Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa, Zaporozhye, Kharkov, from Russian Federation and from Crimea.

And these citizens who live there, do they not have the opportunity to enter the territory of Crimea, the territory of Russia? Won't they be allowed in?

A very difficult passage. People who cross the border say that there are Right Sector cordons there. An employee was traveling with us and she had to explain why the jar of cream was closed and you were taking it to sell. It is impossible to import things. A full search is underway. They look at their phones and see what contacts there are. And so on. All this creates a psychological mood that people are simply afraid to go to Crimea.

There is a question from listener Natalya: “There are rumors that all the humanitarian aid - half was sold, half was divided among DPR officials.” What can you say?

The first humanitarian aid that came to Donbass came through me, through the parliament of Novorossiya. We arranged the procedure in such a way that our deputies would not take it into their hands. There was a distribution center, and document flow was organized in such a way that deputies and officials did not have access to this humanitarian aid. People came to our deputies for an appointment, received a piece of paper stating that they could receive humanitarian aid, went to the warehouse and received it. And in fact, some of the humanitarian aid ended up in the market. Because it is impossible to check one hundred percent whether a person needs humanitarian assistance or not. This is a conversation. A man came, talked about his problems, and received coupons for a month in advance. Then he went to the crossroads and sold this humanitarian aid. Whenever there is humanitarian aid, there are abuses.

Do you have information about current supplies?

I think that these questions should be asked to the current leadership of the republic. In a nutshell, I want to say that no matter how many of the processes that are taking place in Donbass are criticized now, nevertheless, order is becoming more and more every day.

Two more messages from listeners. "To Oleg Tsarev - the most good wishes revival of Novorossiya. We believe, and we are with you,” writes 09. Alexander61 speaks critically of President Putin, who is flying to Crimea tomorrow: “I believe that Putin betrayed Novorossiya.” Are you ready to comment on such a short remark from a listener?

I will answer briefly. Without Russia's help, Donbass would not have survived. Humanitarian, political assistance. Therefore, this statement is not entirely correct.

Do you expect to have an audience with the President of the Russian Federation tomorrow?

I have been a people's deputy since I was 30 years old, I have always had aversion official events. If there was an opportunity not to participate somewhere, I always took it. Now I have this opportunity - not to participate.

Our listeners express support for Oleg Tsarev. "Whatever the choice of the residents of Donbass, we will support it. They deserve quiet life“- writes listener 78. This is support for Donbass.

What happened in Crimea two years ago? What were the options for the fate of Crimea?

I have already said that I was a people’s deputy of Ukraine for four convocations. For a very long time in Ukrainian political life. Even being in Crimea, I fully monitor the situation that is now in Ukraine. Friends and politicians call me all the time, telling me about hidden things that are happening in Ukraine. There were several scenarios for Crimea. Starting from the first referendum, which took place in Crimea... Everyone understood that Crimea was a sore point in Ukraine. People live here who always wanted to join Russia. I read a certain document that was put on the table of Leonid Kuchma and then to Yanukovych by a group of his advisers, which provided for Crimea, in order to solve this situation, for its voluntary transfer, to create a territory - a free city. How Odessa was in Tsarist Russia. Create a protectorate - Russian, Ukrainian. And this document also included Türkiye, which joined the guarantee of the free zone of Crimea.

And on the Crimean side, who would participate in this agreement?

They were going to create some kind of government in Crimea that would be truly Crimean. But the guarantor countries - Russia and Ukraine in the first place - were supposed to guarantee the independence of Crimea. And there were calculations quite convincing that if Crimea becomes a free economic zone, giving the opportunity to create an offshore zone here, then all the money of the former Soviet Union, which are now spinning in Switzerland, in England, in the Virgin Islands, in Cyprus, they would be here, it would be a city-paradise. But Yanukovych and Kuchma did not go with this option. Although the authors of this memo wrote that it was better to give up Crimea voluntarily, then this would protect against a conflict that would later have a dominant role in the life of Ukraine, with far-reaching consequences. By the way, this was not the only territory that Ukraine was offered to voluntarily give up. There was also a project to disconnect Galicia along the Zbruch River.

Yes, these are my good friends. I won’t name them for obvious reasons. Some of them are still in Ukraine. The project for separating Galicia was based on the fact that Ukraine is still a divided country. The same people who go to Catholic Church, in the Orthodox, there is the Kiev Patriarchate, the Moscow Patriarchate, Russian, Ukrainian languages, they fought during the Great Patriotic War on different fronts. There is a civilizational conflict. Moreover, the Russians, like now in Ukraine, feel occupied. A country in which history and monuments are destroyed, the language of the indigenous population is prohibited, it is understandable that people feel occupied. And in order to remove this conflict, they proposed to give up Galicia. There was a controlled Svoboda party, which was controlled from the presidential administration, it was written that if the right teams were given, they would raise the topic of secession. And after which Ukraine holds a referendum where it releases Galicia. And there remains that territory in which there are no contradictions, which can move towards the Russian Federation, Customs Union. And this project was also not implemented.

Question from our listener Vlad: “There is now an aggravation in Donbass. Tsarev is in Crimea. Donbass is on fire again. What can be done about this? Why aren’t we talking about this?”

Yes, indeed, there is now an aggravation in Donbass. And this level of shelling that has been going on for the last few days, the battles near Yasinovataya, this has not happened for a long time. My heart is with Donbass. If a decision is made to resume the project, then all the deputies - 60 deputies, I maintain the closest ties with them, we are ready to get into line and work together in the Donbass.

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