Home Stomatitis Where can I get initial capital to start a business? Start-up capital for business.

Where can I get initial capital to start a business? Start-up capital for business.

Today, for entrepreneurs who decide to start a small business, there are several affordable and quite acceptable options for finding start-up capital:

  • subsidies from the state;
  • venture financing;
  • lending;
  • crowdfunding.

Let's consider each option separately.

State subsidies

Today there are government programs, which provide start-up capital for small entrepreneurs. For example, you can contact the employment center for financial assistance for opening an individual entrepreneur.

What is required to receive start-up capital from the labor exchange? You must be registered as unemployed for at least a month.

In addition, you need to seek advice from a labor exchange specialist who will provide a list necessary documents. You will also need to prepare a detailed business plan. The advantage of this method of getting money to open a small business is that funds from the state are issued free of charge. However, in return, you will have to provide full reporting of all expenses for starting your business.

Another way is to receive a subsidy from the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Enterprise. Those entrepreneurs who already have a developed project can count on start-up capital, but due to the lack of Money it doesn't develop. Businessmen are offered to go through a certain competition, according to the results of which the winner will receive a subsidy in the form of a monetary reward. The advantage of this method is that even if you don’t win the competition, you can still show yourself to investors and establish the necessary connections.

As a rule, assistance from the state is provided free of charge.

Search for investors

One of available ways Obtaining start-up capital for development is considered to be attracting venture investors.

What is the essence of this method of financing? An entrepreneur can count on receiving start-up capital in a situation where a venture investor considers his project successful and promising. At the same time, a businessman who gives money to a small business receives the following rights:

  • make a profit within 3-5 years;
  • control the affairs of the organization in which he has invested money;
  • take part in management issues.

After the entrepreneur who issued the start-up funds receives the planned income, he can resell his share to another investor or company owner.

In order to attract a venture investor, you need to seek help from special investment funds, government agencies or large companies.

A significant advantage of obtaining start-up capital this way is that you can take a large sum money for development. However, in this case you will have to give up part of your own company in exchange for financial assistance. This is the only drawback.

Another way to attract investors in order to obtain start-up capital to open a business is to search independently. To do this, you will need to attend exhibitions and presentations on relevant business topics. This method is less effective than venture investment, since the chance of being noticed at exhibitions is much lower.


Today, any entrepreneur can borrow money from a bank to develop a small business. However, obtaining capital in this way is quite difficult. Firstly, banks are reluctant to lend to start-up entrepreneurs. For the most part, loans are issued to businessmen who require funds to develop an existing business.

Secondly, the interest rate is quite high.

You can also take out a consumer loan, but the average rate in this case will be, on average, at least 26% per annum.

A significant disadvantage of receiving such capital is that if your business stops making a profit and “goes bust,” you will still have to return the funds you took for your own business to the bank.


Not so long ago another one appeared in our country effective method Taking money to start a business is crowdfunding (from English - crowd funding).

To receive starting funds in this way, you will need to register on one of the following platforms:

  • planeta.ru,
  • boomstarter.ru,
  • crowdsourcing.ru.

Next, you need to create file and video documents with detailed information about your business idea. The presentation should be interesting and at the same time informative. Don't forget to indicate the necessary capital to develop your business. The more interesting your video is, the more people You will be able to attract as investors.

Along with finding funds, you can promote your project in in social networks using SMM.

Don't forget about the reward. If you, for example, open your own confectionery shop, you can make sweet gifts to investors. If you are developing your own application for mobile phones, the reward may be free access to it.

Most often, a business enterprise is organized to produce some goods or services and directly promote them to the market. It is quite difficult to give universal recommendations regarding the amount of funds that will be needed to organize a traditional business. Much here will be determined by the nature of the business and the scope of the proposed activities.

The biggest expenses await an enterprise focused on the production of goods. In this case, initial capital will be needed to purchase or rent production space, purchase equipment, and purchase the first batches of raw materials.

Depending on the businessman’s plan, start-up costs can range from several tens to several hundred thousand dollars.

You can reduce the amount of initial financing if you optimize manufacturing process, eliminating a number of auxiliary operations or transferring them to an outsourcing company. It is not necessary to purchase the necessary equipment; at the first stage, some of it can be rented or leased.

Other types of business

Purchasing a ready-made enterprise based on the principles of franchising can save an entrepreneur from many organizational worries. A franchise is an agreement giving the right to use trademark and a set of exclusive rights to a certain type of product. The franchisor, that is, the copyright holder, provides such enterprises to entrepreneurs on a turnkey basis. Such organization of business makes it possible to significantly reduce overhead costs.

If you wish, you can find a franchise on the market that costs no more than 10-15 thousand dollars.

To open a commercial enterprise, you will need a much less impressive amount. The main costs here will be for the purchase of the initial batch of goods. After its implementation, the entrepreneur will have working capital at his disposal, which can also be put into business, gradually expanding it. Practice shows that in order to organize an enterprise focused on trading the most popular goods, such as everyday items, only require a few thousand dollars.

Even more attractive for a beginner is opening an enterprise that provides any services to the population. These could be, for example, different types consulting: legal, psychological, organizational. Such a business will require minimal financial investments necessary to cover the costs of renting an office, purchasing office equipment and Supplies. To start a small business providing services, there may be enough funds that the state, represented by the Employment Centers, allocates to beginning businessmen in the form of a subsidy. To date, the amount of such assistance is almost 60 thousand rubles.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 12 minutes


Opening own business requires starting capital. But what to do if the required amount of funds is not available at the moment? This is not at all a reason to give up the prospect of starting your own business. Moreover, there are many ways to find money to open a small company.

Most businessmen who start their own business from scratch use bank lending as a source of funds to open a company. However, this source of funds is not as easy to use as it might seem at first glance.

  • Firstly , Russian banks put forward quite stringent requirements for borrowers, including:
  1. Having resident status.
  2. Preparation of a detailed business plan.
  3. Ideal credit history.
  4. No criminal record, including those legally expunged.
  • Secondly , interest rates on bank loans are quite high and amount to about 15-20% per year.

Pay attention to high risks financing a new company, many banks oblige their borrowers to provide them with collateral or a guarantee.

At the same time, it is fashionable to obtain a bank loan in just a few days, and in the amount that is necessary to create your own business.

If such a possibility exists, then this option is extremely beneficial because:

  • The interest rate will be minimal or non-existent.
  • Friends will not require an extensive package of papers, collateral or surety.
  • The debt can be repaid in a single payment at the end of the term.

However, it is important to take into account some negative sides attracting a deputy through your friends:

  1. Delay in payment of a debt can cause a serious disagreement.
  2. If friends suddenly urgently need funds, they will have to return them, which may negatively affect the functioning of the business.

Important point: You can protect yourself from negative aspects by issuing a simple receipt for receipt of the amount of funds, indicating the terms of their use. This document is subsequently certified by a notary office.

A rather difficult path that only a few choose for themselves. This is due to the fact that hoarding always involves withdrawing part of your current income into a piggy bank and austerity.

What you should do to save for your business as quickly as possible:

  • Firstly , determine exactly how much starting capital is needed.
  • Secondly , determine how much of your current income can be saved.
  • And finally , calculate the period during which the required amount will be collected.

Many citizens have gold jewelry, coins and even bars at home. When starting your own business, you can always sell them to a pawnshop, at specialized auctions or to private individuals.

Important point: In the second half of 2016, it was possible to sell 1 gram of gold in Russian pawnshops for 350-2000 rubles (depending on the standard). That is why such a transaction can become a source of funds to cover part of the costs of starting a business.

An apartment is an extremely valuable asset. Selling your own apartment in order to open a company is an extremely risky undertaking. is quite real. With such an impressive collateral, even banks will provide a loan to a beginning entrepreneur at a favorable rate and in a large amount.

At the same time, we should not forget that at any time the mortgaged apartment can be taken away for debts.

Find investors

Even experienced entrepreneurs recognize this method as an effective source of obtaining funds for starting a company.

The essence of the method is as follows:

  1. An aspiring businessman generates an idea for a future business.
  2. Based on it, a business plan is drawn up with a reasoned and convincing justification.
  3. who may be interested in it and invest their funds in it.

Important point: Large investors will never agree to finance hackneyed and dubious ideas. They are mainly interested in innovative and promising startups with a detailed study of income and costs, as well as ways to protect against risks.

Initially, most of the profits will go to investors. However, gradually an entrepreneur can buy out the part of the business he needs and earn a lot of money from it.

Apply for a government subsidy

This option can be considered as the optimal way to form start-up capital. The fact is that the state is interested in unemployed citizens of the Russian Federation finding work or realizing themselves in entrepreneurial activity.

That is why the Russian budget annually allocates funds to subsidize new companies.

The main advantage of government subsidies – no need for a refund; and its disadvantage is a small amount of funds (usually up to 300,000 rubles).

To receive government funding you may need to:

  • Presentation in government bodies package of documents (entrepreneur’s passport, tax identification number, etc.).
  • Development of a business plan indicating its payback period and financial solvency.

Important point: The state most often provides subsidies to those entrepreneurs who offer economically significant or social life individual regions projects.

Receive an inheritance

Many aspiring businessmen dream of receiving an inheritance from a rich uncle. However, this method of enrichment may seem fabulous only at first glance.

In practice, the newly-minted heir may encounter some difficulties:

  • Firstly , registration of inheritance is a long and complex procedure that requires the involvement of professional lawyers.
  • Secondly When accepting an inheritance, a person takes on not only the property, but also the debts of the deceased relative.

With all this, this method of enrichment cannot be written off.

Important point: Before accepting someone's inheritance, you should make sure that the testator has no serious debts.

Ask your parents

One of the easiest ways to obtain initial capital to open a company.

However, from a moral point of view – attracting parents’ savings does not look so attractive: they already had to invest a lot in their child. However, if there are no other options, you should use this method, but subject to full repayment of the borrowed funds.

Sell ​​home appliances

If the issue of creating your own company is serious, then it makes sense to consider the possibility of selling home appliances. You can start with those devices that are used less often.

How can you sell equipment? You can place ads on thematic forums and sell it to individuals, hand it over to consignment stores or pawn shops.

Find treasure

Luck never leaves resourceful entrepreneurs who believe in the success of their business. Perhaps one of them will be lucky enough to find, if not a treasure chest, then a rare ancient coin or other artifact.

Important point: If a treasure is found on a plot owned by a person, then he is reimbursed 100% of the value of the treasure; in any other places - only 50%. It is better to transfer the treasure to the state legally, and not try to sell it on the “black” market, since criminal liability is completely unnecessary for a novice entrepreneur.

This method does not imply the possibility of turning a novice entrepreneur into an experienced trader. Here we are talking about the ones he has. In Russian practice, there are cases where grandparents left shares they received during privatization as an inheritance to their grandchildren.

Important point: You can sell shares on the stock market or offer to buy them back to the joint stock company itself.

Make extra money on the Internet

Making money on the Internet has long become a source of additional income for hundreds of people around the world. If the basic salary provides a person’s current livelihood. Then the funds earned on the Internet will be able to accumulate and accumulate in order to form start-up capital.

Write texts, create and promote websites, draw banners, maintain your own blog, act as an intermediary for large trading platforms and so on.

Get a second job

A similar option to the previous one, which assumes that the funds from the second job will become a source of savings for the business.

Today we will touch on one serious question that every aspiring entrepreneur asks himself: “Where can I get start-up capital?” But without it, it will not be possible to organize a single business, since you need to immediately spend a certain amount of money on its opening in order for the business to work and begin to bear its first fruits.

Of course, you may think that it is possible to open a serious business without investment, but this is far from the case. Without investments, you can only earn money from writing articles, programming and other freelance services. But there is a catch, you will have to invest a lot of time to become a professional in this field. This is where you have to choose: either you will spend money on organizing a business, and it will be faster, or you will have to spend a lot of effort, time and nerves to start making decent money on the Internet or on handmade goods. Unfortunately, now there is probably not a single type of business where you won’t have to invest money. An entrepreneur always incurs some costs, it all depends on the chosen direction of his activity.

The ideal option would be your own funds, which you either saved in your stocking or withdrew from a bank deposit. However, this option is extremely rare in our lives, so we will not consider it. As long-term practice shows, not a single entrepreneur, even a large one, has his own free funds to invest in his projects. All available money continues to work on other projects that are already generating some income.

In this case, what can we say about ordinary people who decide to start their own business? It will be very helpful if you have all the required amount in your bank account. And if she is not there, what then? Where can we get the notorious start-up capital or get the missing amount? The simplest answer to this question is to look for third-party sources of funding.

Saving money

The simplest and most harmless way to obtain start-up capital is to save money yourself for a future business. Start small and make it a rule to save 10% of every salary. total amount to a separate bank account. No matter how trivial it may sound, but this method time-tested, and many successful businessmen recommend this method of saving money.

You can also start making money at home by repairing and restoring cars, making various crafts from beads and other tinsel, knitting children's clothes or doing manicures at home. Designer souvenirs have proven themselves to be quite good, and they are widely distributed on the Internet to different parts of the country. In general, you understand the essence, the main thing is to find yourself in any business. And if it goes like clockwork for you, then it’s time to expand and enlarge your business.

Borrow money

If you don’t want to wait or you don’t have time for this, then it’s better to borrow the missing amount:

  • Apply for a loan at a low interest rate from a bank;
  • Borrow from friends or colleagues, but only stipulate the terms of repayment of the debt and the availability of interest;
  • Receive money against a receipt in which you stipulate the terms of repayment of debt and interest;
  • The lender's investment in your business, in which you will give him a share or distribute profits.

Each of the above methods has its own disadvantages and advantages. Let's start with a bank loan... After all, not every businessman can afford to pay high interest on a loan while his business does not bring in a penny. You will have to pay the debt a fixed amount every month, and it doesn’t matter whether you earned anything this month or not.

In addition, not every bank will issue a loan for the development of small businesses due to high risks. Therefore, for a novice entrepreneur with such a status, getting money from a bank is very problematic, and sometimes even impossible. And if you do not have a permanent job and a stable income, then obtaining a loan from a bank generally becomes an impossible task. No self-respecting bank will lend money due to the high risks of loan non-repayment.

Obtaining a loan against receipt also has its disadvantages, since you will have to pay the agreed amount strictly on time. If you fail to comply with the agreements on the receipt, the creditor will simply terminate the contract with you, which may lead to legal action in the future.

The option of attracting an investor to the project with his equity participation in the business looks quite attractive. But there is one BUT... There is a high chance that as the scale of the project and earnings from it increase, the investor partner’s appetite may increase. And you will soon get tired of working for yourself and this guy and you will start looking for ways to get rid of your investor. Often, investor partners are entitled to the bulk of the income, and this despite the fact that they do not strain at all. And at this time, the creator of the business is trying his best to promote the business and try to earn more.

But of all the above means of obtaining a loan, the most optimal, and, perhaps, safest, is to obtain a loan from friends, family and friends. Only here you must take into account that you are unlikely to be given a second chance to show your entrepreneurial spirit, therefore, you will have to try your best. If you once do not live up to the hopes of your comrades and family, you may not be given a second chance. And in this case, you will 100% not be able to convince anyone that new idea will be realized to the maximum.

In addition to the above methods of acquiring start-up capital, there are several more options that have the right to exist:

Receiving subsidies from the state

Receiving a subsidy from the state is a fairly real chance to acquire start-up capital for the development of your business free of charge. As a rule, the bulk of such subsidies are issued targeted, and they are aimed at supporting businesses in a certain sector of the economy or a specific region/region.

Selling your own property

Just don’t think about selling your last apartment to open a beauty salon, or selling your first car to open a stall. But you can optimize your expenses a little by selling your second family car or unused property. In rare cases, people worsen their living conditions, selling or exchanging your three-room apartment for a one-room apartment, but with an additional payment. This step allows you to receive a certain amount of funds that can be used as start-up capital for a future business.

And finally, participation in various investment programs

If you search properly, you can find a lot of areas of entrepreneurial activity where large businessmen are ready to invest their money in new projects that are promising for them. IN in this case, aspiring entrepreneurs can receive start-up capital free of charge. The only caveat is that the funds will have to be spent strictly for their intended purpose and the investor will have to provide reporting documentation on where and for what the money was spent.

Who wouldn't want to become the owner of a large company? Perhaps no one would refuse such an opportunity, but the problem, as always, lies in one thing - finances. Wanting to open a business and become an entrepreneur is one thing, but being able to do it is completely different. For a good business you need good investments, otherwise there will be no business. About where to get start-up capital for a business we'll talk Further.

Size is everything!

First, you need to decide how much money you need to implement your idea. Of course, to decide, there must be a specific business project. Becoming a businessman is a great dream, but it is not enough, you need specifics. Thus, before thinking about where to get start-up capital for a business, you need to come up with a project for this very business.

It is traditional to divide all companies into small, medium and large, but these groups are quite flexible, and, say, a small enterprise can cost either 30,000 rubles or 50,000 dollars. Before you start executing your idea, roughly estimate how much all the equipment needed for work, office rent, employee salaries, etc. will cost. Also take into account that the business is unlikely to make a profit in the first month, so it is recommended to have funds available that can cover at least 6 months of the company's operation.

Where to get start-up capital for a business? Real possibilities:

Entrepreneurs often take out loans to develop their business. This is the simplest option in terms of execution, but a number of problems immediately arise.

Firstly, loans are not issued to everyone, especially if you are unemployed. No matter what plans flash through your head, modern banks only trust statements about wages from the place of work.

Secondly, the loan must be repaid, and with interest, which creates great risks for the young businessman. If his idea fails, and believe me, this happens quite often, then he will find himself in a hole of debt, and it will be very difficult to get out of it.

Even if everything works out, but the profit is not enough to pay interest, the business may fall apart just because of this. For the above reasons, loans are not very popular among entrepreneurs, and are often the last option if it was not possible to attract start-up capital in any other way.

Loans from friends and acquaintances can be identified as a type of loan. In this case, the conditions will be more favorable to you, and if the business fails, then nothing particularly terrible will happen. True, not everyone has friends who can lend such a decent amount.

A more acceptable option is to attract investors. The investor, unlike the lender, does not demand money back and does not impose any liability on you. These people simply buy part of your business, become partial owners, and subsequently receive a share of the profits. The option is very tempting, but finding an investor is not the easiest thing, and if it works out, then your sponsor will most likely take a decent share in the company, if not all, leaving you as a nominee director.

Another option for obtaining start-up capital is to make money on a less ambitious project. In fact, you can open a business even without investment. Yes, you will not have employees, you will have to work from home and literally attract each client with your own hands, but you will have the opportunity to earn your first money and use it for a more global project.

The same applies to those people who have initial capital to open a small business, but want to become owners of a medium or large company. Start small, earn money, gain experience, and then take on something more grandiose. Of course, all this will take time, and quite a lot.

The last option that will be described in this article is financial exchanges. If you look into history and study the biographies of famous American billionaires, you will notice that many of them started with financial exchanges, trading on Wall Street.

This is where they made their first money, and only then went to big business. The same can be done in modern world, and an order of magnitude simpler. The stock exchange has been replaced by Forex and binary options exchanges, where you can trade directly from home via the Internet. You don’t have to have thousands of dollars, you can start with a few hundred bucks and then rise to the level of a wealthy person in a short time.

But why then do many people not earn money on these exchanges, but lose money?

It's all about mentality common man, who believes in the “good uncle” and believes that the broker himself will earn money for him. He does not prepare for trading on the stock exchange, does not have his own trading strategy, and treats trading not as work, but as play.

Of course, it is not surprising that such people lose on the stock exchange rather than earn. But this does not mean that it is impossible to make money at all, especially for motivated people who want to open their own business and are looking for start-up capital for this.

Proper preparation is a guarantee of your success on the Forex or options exchange. You must have initial presentations about trading, trading strategy for beginners and a reliable broker. The training should not take more than 10 hours in total, and after you finish, you will have every chance to earn start-up capital for your business, not only for a small company, but also for a very decent one.

It is best to undergo training on a resource run by professional market players. One of these is PAMM-TRADE. Here you will find educational articles written by professional traders who have already been able to make money.

Time is money!

Don't forget this simple phrase, because a person doesn't have much time to waste.

On average, only 25 years a person has the opportunity to develop; for the rest of his life he can only work to maintain.

What is all this for?

Besides, you shouldn’t save a thousand rubles every month with the intention of getting start-up capital for a business in 20 years. Time will pass, and you will lose the desire to become a businessman. If you decide to follow this path, act right now, try to earn as much as you can, and you will definitely succeed.

The one who tries always achieves success, but the one who sits still, is cautious and watches for several years before rushing into battle never succeeds. Business is like a high-speed race; if you slow down, you won’t beat your competitors.

A little story!

In the end, I want to tell you a story that I recently read on one site on the Internet. This is a story about a man who dreamed of getting into big business, did not have the means to do so, but followed his own path no matter what.

Stanislav Ragozin was born into the family of an entrepreneur, but not too rich. After his father's death, part of his inheritance was enough to open a small store. It did not bring him much profit and was not able to become a large company.

Then Stanislav took up stock trading, found a professional trader, learned how to trade from him, and after 3 years earned more than a million dollars. Now he has the money to open a large company, which is what he intends to do. By the way, Stanislav’s mentor is the creator and founder of the portal http://pamm-trade.com, Viktor Samoilov.

Now, I think you all know where to get start-up capital for a business. You have several options, and which one to choose is entirely up to you. The main thing is to never give up and do everything to achieve your goal.

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