Home Prevention European medicine: features and advantages. Healthy ten: the best sanatoriums in Europe The best clinics in Austria with multidisciplinary treatment

European medicine: features and advantages. Healthy ten: the best sanatoriums in Europe The best clinics in Austria with multidisciplinary treatment

ggoriy in European medicine is a beautiful myth.

A friend called me: “Have you read it? In an English hospital, the staff killed 1000 people! Horror! How can this be - this is enlightened Europe!” But for some reason I wasn’t surprised. Alas. Stories about the splendor of European medicine turned out to be the myth that was most painful to part with.

Oh, you will immediately see the difference with Russia! Yes, we can tell you everything with one blood test! - a Viennese friend assured me, who, like all Austrians, believed that there was no better medicine than theirs.

My husband was the first to turn to the miracle doctors - his leg hurt for some reason.

You only have general social insurance, right? - they asked him. - then go to the family doctor at your place of residence!

“Finally, I will find out what kind of family doctor you are, about whom all Russian patients dream!” - I thought dreamily, waiting for my husband.

By that time, I was surprised to discover that there are no clinics in Austria. At all. And if you are sick with something, you must first go to a general practitioner: there are several of them in the area (although you may not be tied to your place of residence.). And he will either prescribe treatment himself, or refer you for tests and then to specialists. A small detail - all the laboratories are also private and scattered throughout the city: in one place they take blood, in another they do X-rays and ultrasounds, in a third they check the heart... Well, specialists also opened their offices wherever they liked. Not every patient can run around them all...! But what a professional level!

The husband returned discouraged.

There, there... - he stuttered slightly. - Well, in general, I won’t go there again!

It turned out that our family doctor’s waiting room was the size of a closet, with nowhere to even sit (and in the Moscow clinic, I remember, there was a harpist playing in the marble hall!). And there were a lot of people. Someone is sneezing and coughing, some old woman is humming slightly, shaking her head, and a dark-skinned guy is dripping blood from his bandaged hand...

When, after an hour of waiting, the husband came into the office right after the boy and saw bloody bandages on the floor, he felt sick. An elderly, tired doctor in a blood-stained robe silently wrote out a prescription for painkillers - and that was the end of his first meeting with advanced European medicine.

Well, you should have gotten private insurance! - an Austrian friend immediately stopped our complaints. -The service is completely different there! Best clinics, professor!

We took heart. But then it turned out that good treatment in Europe can only be absolutely healthy people. That is Insurance Company First of all, it requires you to prove that you are not sick with anything - for this you undergo a mini-examination at your own expense.

What if they find me sick? - I was amazed. - Well, for example, gastritis? Am I not going to be insured?

Why not? They can insure for the treatment of everything except gastritis,” a friend explained to us. - Well, if it’s something more serious, they’ll refuse.

But people want to treat what hurts?

You never know what they want! A car won't be insured against damage if it's already damaged? Why should a company risk its funds? - the crown convinced us.

And we set out to prove that we never get sick, but simply want to give our money to the insurance company for free.

The polite doctor himself took blood from our finger and immediately wrote out a check: 120 euros for the appointment and 100 euros for the blood test. From everyone.

And a week later he told us by phone that we were healthy and eligible for medical insurance.

I was surprised, but terribly happy! Because these Moscow doctors found so many things in me that they forbade me to eat and drink anything tasty!

For several months, despite various ailments, we were afraid to disturb Austrian medicine. They will also think that we are sick. They'll get angry...

But then chance intervened. My temperature rose to 39 and lasted for five days. Local doctors - both we and the insurance company called about five people - refused to visit me at home. They just didn't want to. They have the right - they have no responsibilities to their patients. There is no ambulance in our understanding either - you can call a car with a doctor for 500 euros to take you to the hospital. But I’m not ready for the hospital yet.

I had to go on my own with the temperature. Fortunately, through private insurance, we found a center that saw various specialists and had its own laboratories. But we are not the only ones so smart! It turned out that here you have to make an appointment with doctors a month in advance!

But I have a fever now! - I begged.

And what? And it's our turn! Okay, once you've arrived, wait! - the receptionist had mercy. And after two hours of waiting, I saw a doctor.

The doctor listened to my tale of woe for a few minutes and immediately began to write something.

Here is a prescription for an antibiotic, take it for 10 days!

But what do I have? Maybe you'll listen to me? Maybe I should take some kind of test?

For what? Whatever it is, it will go away with an antibiotic!

I didn’t know then that it was here main principle medicine. On the tenth day the fever actually went away. And who cares what hurt there...

I went to this elite clinic several more times. And tired. Wait an hour or more for an appointment, although you have an assigned time. So that later the always busy doctor, barely looking at you, immediately sends you out of sight to donate blood. To find out the results, you need to make an appointment for the next appointment. A month later... Once I received a consultation from an ENT professor. He immediately clicked his tongue: he needs to have a nasal septum operation!

I won't! - I resisted.

The annoyed professor immediately lost interest in me.

Do you have 150 euros with you? - asked businesslike.

Eat! - I was taken aback.


He took my money, quickly wrote out some kind of receipt and immediately showed me out the door without talking. I have never spent 150 euros so quickly - it all took less than three minutes.

But maybe we are so fatally unlucky? I talked to my friends. A friend of mine sat outside the doctor’s office for three hours with a child who had just broken a finger. And she left - despite the expensive insurance, they were never accepted. Another friend had her teeth inserted at the clinic for a lot of money. Beautiful. Only she could not talk or eat.

There were also life-affirming examples. Our friend worked as a chief engineer at an Austrian plant. And suddenly he was diagnosed with heart disease. Need bypass surgery. The company fired him immediately so as not to pay expensive insurance. A hospital without insurance refused to operate on him. He borrowed money. Had surgery. To spite his former bosses, he opened his own company. And he became a millionaire. Yes, medicine can work miracles!

I went on the forums. It turns out that many Russians travel from Vienna to Moscow for treatment. They can’t stand the local order.

Understand, there is no good and bad medicine! There are good and bad doctors - and in any country you need to look for them, - a Russian friend who has lived in Vienna for a long time instructed me.

Of course it is. Yes, yes good doctors in Austria. I just never got caught. But still...

I cursed our medicine for a very long time. And now I’m just sure: the Soviet healthcare system was the best. It is precisely as a system of serving the population that Europe has never dreamed of. Yes, there was a lack of modern equipment, there were no new drugs. Well, this is how these issues had to be resolved.

Instead, we are trying to adopt the best European experience of family doctors, which will destroy the remnants of what was good we had. I'm afraid that our sick population will not survive such a battle for health!

Because the secret of the myth of brilliant European medicine was revealed to me. There are great medicines here. Modern. No fakes. They do the main work for doctors. Maybe that's why they are not sold without a prescription.

Well, a very conscious population. I kept thinking: where does such a craving for physical education and sports come from? Everyone, young and old, rides bikes, skis down the mountains, plays golf, walks through the forests with sticks... But they are simply afraid of their European medicine!

P.S. according to acquaintances, it’s not far from the truth; in Holland, an ambulance only arrives if you convince them that you’ll be off the hook in half an hour; When the body temperature is below +39, they don’t begin to treat at all, they say the body will cope on its own. In the USA, friends of mine prescribed their child to drink... water when they have the flu, since the disease is viral and an antibiotic will not help (they didn’t forget to take the money for the appointment)

European medicine is a beautiful myth
Author – Natalya Barabash

A friend called me: “Have you read it? In an English hospital, the staff killed 1000 people! Horror! How can this be - this is an enlightened Europe!” But for some reason I wasn’t surprised. Alas. Stories about the splendor of European medicine turned out to be the myth that was most painful to part with.

– Oh, you will immediately see the difference with Russia! Yes, we can tell you everything with one blood test! - a Viennese friend assured me, who, like all Austrians, believed that there was no better medicine than theirs.

My husband was the first to turn to the miracle doctors - his leg hurt for some reason.

– You only have general social insurance, right? - they asked him, - then go to the family doctor at your place of residence!

“Finally, I will find out what kind of family doctor you are, about whom all Russian patients dream!” – I thought dreamily, waiting for my husband.

By that time, I was surprised to discover that there are no clinics in Austria. At all. And if you are sick with something, you must first go to a general practitioner: there are several of them in the area (although you may not be tied to your place of residence.). And he will either prescribe treatment himself, or refer you for tests and then to specialists. A small detail - all the laboratories are also private and scattered throughout the city: in one place they take blood, in another they do X-rays and ultrasounds, in a third they check the heart... Well, specialists also opened their offices, wherever they liked. Not every patient can run around them all...! But what a professional level!

The husband returned discouraged.

“There, there...” he stuttered slightly. - Well, in general, I won’t go there again!

It turned out that our family doctor’s waiting room was the size of a closet, with nowhere to even sit (and in the Moscow clinic, I remember, there was a harpist playing in the marble hall!). And there were a lot of people. Someone is sneezing and coughing, some old woman is humming slightly, shaking her head, and the dark-skinned guy is dripping blood from his bandaged hand... When, after an hour of waiting, the husband came into the office right after the boy and saw bloody bandages on the floor, he felt sick . An elderly, tired doctor in a blood-stained robe silently wrote out a prescription for painkillers - and that was the end of his first meeting with advanced European medicine.

- Well, you should have taken out private insurance! – an Austrian friend immediately stopped our complaints. - The service there is completely different! The best clinics, professors!

We took heart. But then it turned out that only absolutely healthy people can receive good treatment in Europe. That is, the insurance company, first of all, requires you to prove that you are not sick with anything - for this you undergo a mini-examination at your own expense.

– What if they find me sick? – I was amazed. - Well, for example, gastritis? Am I not going to be insured?

- Why not? They can insure for the treatment of everything except gastritis,” a friend explained to us. - Well, if it’s something more serious, they’ll refuse.

– But people want to treat what hurts?

– You never know what they want! They won't insure the car against damage if it's already damaged? Why should a company risk its funds? - the crown convinced us.

And we set out to prove that we never get sick, but simply want to give our money to the insurance company for free. The polite doctor himself took blood from our finger and immediately wrote out a bill: 120 euros for the appointment and 100 euros for the blood test. From everyone. And a week later he told us by phone that we were healthy and eligible for medical insurance. I was surprised, but terribly happy! Because these Moscow doctors found so many things in me that they forbade me to eat or drink anything tasty!

For several months, despite various ailments, we were afraid to disturb Austrian medicine. They will also think that we are sick. They will get angry... But then chance intervened. My temperature rose to 39 and lasted for five days. Local doctors - both we and the insurance company called about five people - refused to visit me at home. They just didn't want to. They have the right - they have no responsibilities to their patients. There is no ambulance in our understanding either - you can call a car with a doctor for 500 euros to take you to the hospital. But I’m not ready for the hospital yet.

I had to go on my own with the temperature. Fortunately, through private insurance we found a center where various specialists were admitted and had their own laboratories. But we are not the only ones so smart! It turned out that here you have to make an appointment with doctors a month in advance!

- But I have a fever now! – I begged.

- And what? And it's our turn! Okay, once you've arrived, wait! – the receptionist had mercy. And after two hours of waiting, I saw a doctor.

The doctor listened to my tale of woe for a few minutes and immediately began to write something.

– Here is a prescription for an antibiotic, take it for 10 days!

- But what do I have? Maybe you'll listen to me? Maybe I should take some kind of test?

- For what? Whatever it is, it will go away with an antibiotic!

I didn’t know then that this was the main principle of medicine here. On the tenth day the fever actually went away. And who cares what hurt there...

I went to this elite clinic several more times. And tired. Waiting for an hour or more for an appointment, although you have an assigned time. So that later the always busy doctor, barely looking at you, immediately sends you out of sight to donate blood. To find out the results, you need to sign up for next appointment. A month later... Once I received a consultation from an ENT professor. He immediately clicked his tongue: he needs to have a nasal septum operation!

- I won’t! – I stubbornly resisted.

The annoyed professor immediately lost interest in me.

– Do you have 150 euros with you? – asked businesslike.

- Eat! – I was taken aback.

- Let's!

He took my money, quickly wrote out some kind of receipt and immediately showed me out the door without talking. I have never spent 150 euros so quickly - it all took less than three minutes.

But maybe we are so fatally unlucky? I talked to my friends. My friend and her child, who had just broken a finger, sat outside the doctor’s office for 3 hours. And she left - despite expensive insurance, they were never accepted. Another friend had her teeth inserted at the clinic for a lot of money. Beautiful. Only she could not talk or eat.

There were also life-affirming examples. Our friend worked as a chief engineer at an Austrian plant. And suddenly he was diagnosed with heart disease. Need bypass surgery. The company fired him immediately so as not to pay expensive insurance. A hospital without insurance refused to operate on him. He borrowed money. Had surgery. To spite his former bosses, he opened his own company. And he became a millionaire. Yes, medicine can work miracles!

I went on the forums. It turns out that many Russians travel from Vienna to Moscow for treatment. They can’t stand the local order.

– Understand, there is no good and bad medicine! There are good and bad doctors - and in any country you need to look for them, - a Russian friend who has lived in Vienna for a long time instructed me.

Of course it is. There are, there are good doctors in Austria. I just never got caught. But still...

I cursed our medicine for a very long time. And now I’m just sure: the Soviet healthcare system was the best. Precisely, as a public service system, Europe never dreamed of such a thing. Yes, there was a lack of modern equipment, there were no new drugs. Well, this is how these issues had to be resolved. Instead, we are trying to adopt the best European experience of family doctors, which will destroy the remnants of what was good we had. I'm afraid that our sick population will not survive such a battle for health!

Because the secret of the myth of brilliant European medicine was revealed to me. There are great medicines here. Modern. No fakes. They do the main work for doctors. Maybe that's why they are not sold without a prescription.

Well, a very conscious population. I kept thinking: where does such a craving for physical education and sports come from? Everyone, young and old, rides bikes, skis down the mountains, plays golf, walks through the forests with sticks... But they are simply afraid of their European medicine!

Yes, it is worth noting that the so-called doctors general practice or family doctors - a very common occurrence abroad. Such specialists treat everyone - from young to old. Pediatricians work only in hospitals.

Again It’s hard to imagine that we could refuse to admit a child to a medical institution. That is, they don’t make a discount on age.

Easily left without a diagnosis

The apotheosis in this whole story was a dialogue with one doctor. The owner of the apartment where we stayed in Amsterdam called his doctor, a very good one, according to him.

We had the following dialogue:

- The child has a temperature of 39, lethargic, poor appetite.

- Strange. Usually at this age children are healthy.

Photo source: pexels.com

I understand that the conversation is not going well. I need to help the doctor, I say:

- Maybe it's teething.

- Oh yeah! It may well be.

Have you seen a Belarusian doctor who says that he doesn’t know what diagnosis to make? They will send you for tests, to other doctors, they will tell you to come back in a week, but no one will say:

I don't know what you have.

Here, of course, one could doubt the doctor’s qualifications. However, I concluded that Dutch parents do not go to doctors with similar complaints.

39 - the temperature is low, do not give medicine

When we finally got to the doctor, we saw something similar to our clinic. There were children and adults sitting in line.

After paying 27 euros at the cash desk and waiting for an hour, we went into the office. It was an old Dutch grandfather, neither appearance him, nor the furnishings of the office gave away the fact that he was a doctor.

The grandfather, from a distance of two meters, without even approaching his daughter, said that she was healthy. In his opinion, re The baby looks quite normal for her age, looks around, is conscious, which means everything is in order.

The doctor also assured that 39 is not yet heat and it is not necessary to give an antipyretic. Just wait and everything will pass.

Here's the trick. Has anyone ever left the pediatrician to have someone put something in the baby's mouth to evaluate the throat and count the teeth? I even had to ask that doctor to listen to my daughter with a stethoscope.

And for a doctor not to prescribe medicine for a child is completely nonsense!

For example, our local doctor, when a child had a runny nose, said that perhaps this was a reaction to teething, but it was better to take antiviral drug in case it is still a virus.

Dutch method: wait - and everything will pass

When we returned to Belarus a few days later, the temperature really subsided, but some kind of rash appeared. When we got to our pediatrician at the clinic, the rash was almost gone.

Oddly enough, the Dutch method of “wait and everything will pass” worked.

Our pediatrician, when he learned that the child was sick, asked:

What did you take, besides antipyretics?

The very wording of the question showed a striking difference in approaches to treatment. And seeing the remnants of the rash on her daughter, the pediatrician prescribed her to take Suprastin for a week (!).

But I decided to continue the Dutch treatment and wait: the next day everything went away.

Not a coincidence, but a rule

Daria, Netherlands, son 1 year 6 months

“I had torticollis. A specialist looked at me. He said that it would go away in six months, if it doesn’t go away, come back. It went away. Previously, such an answer would have infuriated me, but now I began to trust it. Would he really put my son’s health at risk? Why? There is no logic in this! "

Katerina, Canada, two sons, 6 years old and 3 years old

“Doctors don’t force things. Medicines are only given if there is a real need. A common cold goes away on its own, without a seven-item list of bullshit.”

Photo source: pexels.com

Alexandra, UK, son 3 years old, daughter 2 months old

“In the 3 years of his life, my son has only seen a pediatrician 2 times. From the recent one: my son has had a runny nose for more than a month, I went to the doctor, he said: “It’s not an allergy, it’s not tonsillitis, but I don’t know what it is... Go, it will go away on its own.”

Clara, Australia, daughter 2.5 years old

“The pediatrician and specialists do not look at the child, only the family doctor looks at him. No ultrasound of the brain through the fontanelle, no internal organs, hearts don't make. By indication only.

The ambulance only comes here if you are really dying, otherwise you take the child and go to the doctor or to the emergency department at the hospital."

All this only confirmed my idea that Foreign medicine considers a person a priori healthy.

Doctors are confident that the body is a self-regulating system, which in many cases can return to balance without outside intervention.

Marta Razumovskaya

Many citizens immigrating to Europe are interested in the quality of medicine in EU countries. Sometimes this factor can become decisive when choosing a state for further residence, especially if a person is experiencing the development of a disease or the risk of its manifestation.

Health care system in EU countries

One of the key issues for the countries of the European Union is the formation and development of the medical industry. Doctors, scientists, government bodies, as well as private individuals.

Countries adhere to the following principles:

  • bringing health care closer to economic development states;
  • ensuring quality of services medical institutions in the context of increasing budget allocations;
  • integration of health care into other areas of country policy.

The main condition for receiving free help is citizenship or residence in European countries. Moreover, each state independently determines the conditions for the provision and development of its own medicine. The European Union, in turn, only supports decisions and complements the measures taken.

Compulsory health insurance

Medicine in European countries requires mandatory health insurance. A citizen who has an insurance policy has the right to receive services in public and private clinics on free or preferential terms.

In European countries, you can receive both basic medical services and undergo examinations or tests. At the same time, the price list for treatment and consultations varies greatly depending on the country where a person intends to receive the service.

So, for example, for a foreigner in Germany, a consultation with a specialist can cost from 250 to 800 euros. Dentist services can reach up to 10 thousand euros, and an operation with a surgeon can be performed for 5.8-28 thousand euros. Laser correction An eye exam from an ophthalmologist costs only 3.5 thousand euros, which is not much higher than in some Russian clinics.

Availability of qualified medical care for the local population and foreigners

In many European countries, citizens pay annually insurance premiums. On their basis, they are entitled to receive free medical services. In addition, there are many private clinics with modern equipment that are ready to help with treatment or examination.

Foreigners can also take advantage of European medicine. However, for them the cost of services is much higher, because such treatment is not available to everyone. You can reduce the payment by obtaining a residence permit or citizenship.

Attitudes towards people with disabilities in Europe

Europe has developed a special approach to people with disabilities. First of all, this concerns infrastructure:

  • the presence of ramps and a minimum number of underground/overground passages;
  • low floor transport;
  • the presence of tangible and audio signals for the visually impaired;
  • formation of help centers.

European cities are considered to be some of the best places for people with disabilities to live. different degrees disability. In addition, people with disabilities are provided with many benefits for treatment and other types of services, which are provided by both private and government organizations.

EU countries with the best medical care

  1. Sweden. About 97% of healthcare costs are covered by the state budget. Residents pay the remaining 3% by purchasing an insurance policy. Features include the structure of dentistry, which provides free dental treatment for children from 0 to 19 years old.
  2. Switzerland. The country has the highest standard of living of the population. Most medical services are provided free of charge to citizens; the rest can be obtained through mandatory insurance.
  3. Italy. The country has a mixed healthcare system, including both public and private clinics. Moreover, all operations are carried out absolutely free for residents, regardless of the location.
  4. Israel. Israeli healthcare is in fourth place. The system achieved this result due to the high efficiency of the treatment. The clinics employ professional doctors with the most modern equipment.
  5. Spain. Spain has the best medicine in the world. There are highly qualified personnel among all medical personnel. Healthcare is as accessible as possible. So, for example, citizens can purchase prescription medications through a special program.

There are more detailed lists, thanks to which you can find out where the best medicine in the world is, not only in terms of development, but also in terms of accessibility for foreign citizens.

German healthcare system

The healthcare system in Germany is rightfully one of the best in the world. Modern equipment produced by the German company Siemens is supplied to many countries.

The country has the best clinics in the world, among which one of the leading places is occupied by the Weiden complex. Distinctive feature This institution is a combination of highly qualified specialists, modern equipment, as well as the most comfortable conditions for each patient, taking into account the characteristics of their diseases.

Not only residents of this country, but also people from other countries can undergo treatment in German clinics. However, it is worth noting that without a residence permit or citizenship, the cost of medical services in Germany can hit the budget hard.

France and Italy: medical tourism

Citizens of various states in search of the best medicine most often they look at France or Italy. In both countries there is an optimal combination of prices and quality of services provided by both private and public clinics.

It is difficult to obtain a residence permit in France or Italy to obtain insurance. It is worth noting that citizens of EU countries have the opportunity to receive treatment on preferential terms. Therefore, many tourists try to obtain citizenship or residence permit in one of European countries before receiving medical services.

Malta, Spain: Best Health Care Systems

Malta, like Italy, has the best medical care in the world for foreigners in terms of price and quality. Along with it, there are several large clinics that allow you to receive necessary treatment. Most specialists have international certificates and use new equipment.

Doctors in Spain are highly qualified and also use modern technologies when treating their patients. In order for such medicine to become accessible, it is enough to obtain a residence permit and obtain citizenship. In general, the healthcare system in this country is similar to the Soviet one, except that everything is at a modern level.

The best clinics in Switzerland: quality

Since 2012, Switzerland has been a leader in life expectancy statistics. An important role in this fact is played by the healthcare system of this country, which includes modern equipment and highly qualified workers in their specialty.

Most Swiss doctors provide paid services, which are used not only local residents, but also visitors from all over the world. The most complex cases are treated in Switzerland oncological diseases, but without a passport you will have to pay a fairly significant amount.

Foreign citizens have the right to obtain a residence permit in Switzerland, but for this they need to make investments in the country's economy. The minimum fee is 100 thousand euros per year for 10 years. Get full rights You can become a citizen after 12 years of permanent residence.

Treatment in Hungary, Portugal: optimal prices, availability

Over the past 20 years, the flow of medical tourists to Hungary has increased. This fact is facilitated by the high quality of services of local doctors and relatively low cost.

It is worth noting that everyone can become a participant in the investment program, within the framework of which representatives of other countries are given the opportunity to obtain citizenship. If successful, you will be able to qualify for therapy from many doctors within the framework of the minimum insurance (20-40 euros).

If you need to receive high-quality surgical services and undergo examination in gynecological oncology favorable prices, then you should go to Portugal. This is the country preferred by European women who want to save money on childbirth without fearing for the quality of obstetric services.

If necessary, citizens of other countries can take out insurance for 350 euros, under which they can visit a doctor, take tests, and undergo basic examinations. And to obtain a residence permit and citizenship, which contribute to a greater reduction in prices, you should invest 1 million euros in the economy or buy housing worth 500 thousand euros.

Comparison of the level of medicine in Europe and Russia
Parameter Europe Russia
Worker qualifications European doctors study in modern universities and regularly improve their qualifications. Russian specialists undergo lengthy training before working in clinics. At the same time, doctors from major cities have the opportunity to practice with Western colleagues.
Availability of equipment There are many factories in Europe itself medical equipment producing high-quality equipment. Due to counter-sanctions, the supply of most types of foreign equipment to Russia has been stopped. Our own production is only increasing the pace of work.
Medicines Europe successfully produces many types of medicines and cooperates with other countries. As in the case of equipment, medicines from foreign manufacturers are supplied in small volumes. There is a shortage of some vital drugs.
Budget In Europe, large amounts of money are allocated for the development of medicine, as a result of which the level of services provided to the population increases. Contributions to healthcare are minimal, and medical staff are being reduced.
Availability Medicine in Europe is available to all residents, and people from other countries also have the opportunity to undergo treatment. But this will require a significant amount of money. Free healthcare is available to citizens. However, some prefer private clinics due to better equipment.

It is worth noting that not all European countries have high level medicine. However, their citizens can freely receive the services of doctors in other EU countries for a reduced fee.

In general, it can be noted that in Europe, the services of doctors are more accessible to the population, while their quality is many times higher. The level of medicine in Russia is still low, and healthcare in general is developing very slowly. As a result, Russians who care about their health are increasingly trying to obtain a residence permit in European countries.

In medieval European medicine, the doctrine of the main four fluids secreted by the human body was widespread:

  • black bile;
  • yellow bile;
  • blood;
  • mucus or phlegm.

An imbalance in their proportions meant the presence of a disease. Thus, it was believed that colds were caused by excessive amounts of mucus, which the body got rid of by coughing. Bloodletting and various diets were used for treatment. As a result of incorrect interpretations, medicine stagnated, leading to the death of many patients.

Hospitals in the Middle Ages were directly connected to the church. The patients were cared for by monks who had no special education. In this case, mainly pilgrims, old people and beggars were subject to hospitalization. The patients were treated at home. Only towards the end of the 12th century did city authorities begin to participate in the management of institutions.

In the 18th century, the rapid development of European medicine began. Thus, in this century, the development of obstetrics began, and the first hospitals for the mentally ill were opened. As a result of the gradual separation from the church and departure from the theory of four liquids, effective methods treatment of many diseases.

European Foundation for the Development of Medicine and Education: projects

The team of the European Foundation for the Development of Medicine is engaged in the development and development of programs aimed at improving the qualifications of applicants, medical students and doctors around the world. On this moment It is possible to register in several projects of the organization:

  1. "Military traumatology". The project is aimed primarily at specialists whose work is necessary for the army. Registration will allow you to receive Additional information on the provision of medical services within the framework of military medicine.
  2. Medical tourism is a unique set of programs aimed primarily at patients. As part of the project, European clinics can be visited not only for the treatment of diseases. You are also given the opportunity to undergo specialist examinations and attend rehabilitation events.
  3. "Europe Medical". The program allows doctors and medical staff to have the opportunity to practice in Polish institutions. In addition, training courses are conducted that will help in your independent desire to become part of European medicine.
  4. "Double diploma" Thanks to this program, students medical colleges receive the right to additional training in Polish institutions. Upon graduation, they become available official documents, allowing you to get a job in the EU.
  5. "Training". The program involves conducting trainings, courses and seminars for doctors and university students. Those who register can develop how leadership skills to promote career ladder, and gain skills to be able to run your own business.
  6. "International internships." The program can include both broad-profile and narrowly focused trips aimed at internships for doctors and future specialists graduating from universities.

You can register for the programs by visiting the official website of the project.

European medicine: pros and cons

If we talk about the advantages of healthcare in EU countries, they include the following points:

  • the presence of highly qualified specialists, from doctors to service personnel;
  • modern equipment for both treatment, prevention and research of diseases;
  • large budget funding, which makes medicine more accessible to residents of countries.

As for the disadvantages, the main one concerns foreigners. To receive quality services, a citizen of another state will have to pay a considerable amount. In addition, it is worth noting that not all EU countries have a high level of healthcare, so you should choose a place for treatment and examination with great care.

6 March 2019, 22:52

There are only two types of people: those who test their health to the limit on vacation, and those who cherish it. If you belong to the latter, this material is for you. We'll tell you where they are the best sanatoriums Europe, what they treat and how to get to them.

Montecatini Terme

Where: in Italy

What is treated: musculoskeletal system

Pros: mineral springs, Russian-speaking staff, excursions, beautiful nature

Minuses: not very budget

Here you can quietly shed a dozen years while enjoying the views and bask in the sun. After all, the resort is located in one of the most picturesque regions of Italy - in Tuscany, between Florence and the Tyrrhenian Sea. There are as many as five mineral springs, the water of which is rich in iodine, salts and sulfates, as well as healing mud based on volcanic clay. It is not surprising that there are many thermal centers here, by visiting which you can say goodbye to diseases of the musculoskeletal system. You will also be offered drinking courses, physical therapy, all kinds of massages, cryotherapy, acupuncture, cosmetology programs and much more. Nice bonus- Russian-speaking staff and an extensive excursion program.

Price: from 1500 euros for a one-week treatment course with accommodation in a sanatorium.

How to get there: There is no airport in Montecatini Terme itself, so you need to go from one of the large cities nearby, for example, from Pisa. Travel time - 1 hour by train (ticket - 6 euros).

Szechenyi Bath

Where: in Hungary

What is treated: rheumatism, gynecological diseases, diseases of the skin and musculoskeletal system

Pros: versatility, possibility of a one-time visit, convenient location, budget

Minuses: large flow of tourists

This is not even a sanatorium, but probably the largest and hottest bathhouse in Europe: water with a temperature of 77 °C rises from a depth of more than 1250 m! The Szechenyi Bath is located in the heart of Budapest, which is very convenient if you are passing through the city and just want to take a dip in these hot waters. It is not necessary to undergo a treatment course - you just need to buy a one-time ticket. True, after such a “sample” you will probably want to come back and purchase “ full version" Moreover, everything is treated here, from rheumatism to gynecology. The bathhouse has three large outdoor pools: a hot radon pool, a regular swimming pool and a surprise pool (jet jets of varying power come out of it every 10 minutes). In addition to them - balneotherapy courses, massage, therapeutic exercises etc.

Price: a basic spa package costs 17 thousand forints (about 4 thousand rubles).

TOcontacts: The address and all the necessary information can be found atofficial website .

Frantiskovy Lazne

Where: in the Czech Republic

What is treated: infertility and other diseases of the genitourinary system, cardiovascular diseases, treatment of the musculoskeletal system

Pros: high level of training of doctors, calm atmosphere, well-developed infrastructure, beautiful historical Center

Minuses: not very convenient to get to

Františkovy Lazne is a tiny city, with only 5.2 thousand inhabitants living here. But the world learned about it a long time ago - back in 1827 (the ancient houses have survived to this day, but the infrastructure meets all the requirements of the 21st century). Then a balneological resort began operating here on the basis of 24 Cheb ferruginous-alkaline springs: their waters are rich in carbon dioxide, chlorine and sodium, as well as sulfates and bicarbonate. All this is actively used here as medicinal baths, and they also drink mineral water and do inhalations with it. Mud therapy is based on the use of highly mineralized ferruginous peat. The health resort has always been famous for the high level of training of its medical staff; it is not for nothing that the entire European cultural elite was treated here: Beethoven, Schiller, Goethe. At the same time, the main focus of the resort is gynecological diseases, which is reflected even in the symbolism of the city. It is believed that if a woman touches the bronze sculpture of a boy named Frantisek in the historical part of the city, she will definitely become a mother.

Price: from 55 euros per day with treatment and three meals a day.

How to get there: It is best to fly by plane from Moscow to Karlovy Vary and from there take bus No. 411450 to Cheb station (40 minutes, fare - 2-3 euros), change to bus No. 411130 and go to Fantiskovy Lazne (13 minutes, ticket price - approx. 1 euro). From Prague, go further and also with a transfer.

Bad Ischl

Where: in Austria

What is treated: gynecological, neurological problems, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract

Pros: wide range diseases, beautiful nature

Minuses: not very convenient to get to

Bad Ischl, like most European resorts, is famous for its thermal baths. Just like Frantiskovy Lazne, it became a balneological center in 1827, and celebrities of all stripes loved to visit it, from Johann Strauss to Nikita Khrushchev. Here they also treat with mud and mineral water, but since in different parts Of the Old World, it has different properties; Bad Ischl mineral water is universal for a very wide range of ailments - gynecological, respiratory, digestive, etc. And since the city is located in Austria, there is also stunning nature.

Price: All healing procedures are held in the Kaiser-Therme complex. You can view the address, opening hours and cost of visiting .

How to get there: A direct flight from Moscow to Salzburg costs about 5 thousand rubles. To avoid transfers, it is better to get to Bad Ischl by taxi, which can be ordered at the airport. Travel time is 1 hour, cost is from 140 euros.


Where: in Austria

What is treated: neurological diseases, circulatory disorders, injuries, genitourinary system, gout, musculoskeletal diseases

Pros: beautiful architecture and nature, mild climate, rich history, proximity to Vienna

Minuses: not detected

Baden is a resort on an imperial scale. Literally: it has been the summer residence of emperors since the times of the ancient Romans, who discovered the local sulfur springs. As an inheritance from the monarchs, the city received luxurious palaces immersed in the greenery of the Austrian mountains. It’s not for nothing that Baden is called “little Vienna in watercolor” (by the way, it is only 26 km away from Vienna). As in many balneological health resorts, they treat various diseases, but specialize in neurology and trauma rehabilitation.

Price: treatment takes place in health complex Badener Kurzentrum. The cost of services and address can be viewed .

How to get there: by bus number 360 (or by tram Badner Bahn) from the Vienna State Opera to the Baden Josefsplatz stop.

Konstantinovy ​​Lazne

Where: in the Czech Republic

What is treated: cardiovascular diseases, problems of the musculoskeletal system, metabolism and respiratory organs

Pros: highly qualified personnel, specializing in one disease

Minuses: not very budget

The ancient Czech resort of Konstantinovy ​​Lazne is “tailored” to treating the heart and blood vessels (although at the same time you can treat the musculoskeletal system and metabolism here). Another Czech town, Poděbrady, is doing the same thing, where procedures are cheaper. But in Konstantin Lazne there is more in-depth therapy. And the water is different everywhere. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the mineral water of Poděbrady is 2000 mg/liter, in Konstantinovy ​​Lazne - 3638 mg/liter. Therefore, if your heart problems are serious, it is better to go to Lazne.

Price: a two-week course of treatment in local sanatoriums starts from about 1000 euros (including accommodation).

How to get there: The most convenient way is through Prague, where you need to take the Czech Railways train and get to the Plzen station (4-6 euros per ticket, time - 1 hour 40 minutes). Walk about 200 m to the Plzen hl.n. station, change to the Os train and drive about an hour to Konstantinovy ​​Lazne (2-3 euros per ticket).

Rogaska Slatina

Where: in Slovenia

What is treated: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism, musculoskeletal system, of cardio-vascular system

Pros: lots of fun, unique mineral water

Minuses: not very budget friendly, inconvenient to get to

There are no analogues of the water that made the Slovenian city of Rogaska Slatina a resort in Europe. This is because it contains magnesium - that’s what it’s called: Donat Mg, it’s bottled and shipped to different parts of the world. The resort specializes in gastrointestinal diseases. Unlike many other similar cities, holidays here are filled with a fairly diverse cultural program. In winter you can ski, because the largest ski center in Slovenia is nearby, and in summer you can ride a horse and kick balls, because there is another center nearby for horse riding and golf. The famous Bley Castle is also located here, the same one that “hangs” on a rock above the lake.

Prices: Rogaska Slatina sanatoriums offer from 95 euros per day with three meals a day and treatment.

How to get there: first get to Ljubljana. Most cheap air ticket from Moscow you can buy for about 6.5 thousand rubles, but this includes a transfer. Non-stop tickets cost from 24.5 thousand. At Ljubljana airport you need to take bus number 28 and drive 50 minutes to Ljubljana station (1-5 euros per ticket). Transfer to train EC 150 and get to Celje station (travel time 1 hour 21 minutes, ticket price - 7-11 euros). Transfer again to train Lp 7809 and get to Rogaška Slatina in 46 minutes (2-3 euros).


Where: in Italy

What is treated: urological diseases

Pros: beautiful nature, unique water, specialization in specific diseases

Minuses: not very budget

Fiuggi is another picturesque resort town between Rome and Naples. The waters here are low-mineralized and contain humic and fulvic acids, which help with urological problems. In 1549, the great Michelangelo was treated here, who even spoke poetically about his ailments, calling the local mineral water “water that can crush stones.” To put it down to earth, Fiuggi water simply has a pronounced diuretic effect, and humic and fulvic acids give it an anti-inflammatory effect.

Price: the cost of accommodation in local hotels with three meals a day and treatment starts from 79 euros per day.

How to get there: The most convenient way from Rome is by train from Termini station directly to Fiuggi, which takes one hour and costs about 4 euros.


Where: in Slovakia

What is treated: diseases of the musculoskeletal system, skin, metabolism, neurological diseases

Pros: picturesque nature, easy access, variety of balneological procedures

Minuses: not detected

Piestany is located in the forest valley of the Vah River, and the main part of the resort area is located on the island. Vehicle traffic is prohibited here - there are only pedestrian and bicycle paths, and the only reminder of the bustle of the city is the electric train that brings people from the urban area. But the main thing, of course, is the thermal springs with a temperature of 67-69 °C and healing sulfur mud. First of all, diseases of the musculoskeletal system are treated here, although other ailments are also treated: skin and neurological. The variety of procedures is generally very large - more than a hundred.

Price: from 60 euros per day with three meals a day and treatment

How to get there: The most convenient way is through Bratislava (the cheapest direct flight from Moscow costs about 2,600 rubles). From the airport you need to go to the railway station by bus No. 1, from where a train leaves for Piestany every 2 hours. Travel time is about an hour. Ticket price is 4-6 euros.


Where: in France

What is treated: diseases of the skin, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, metabolic disorders, food allergies

Pros: prestigious resort, highly qualified specialists, convenient access

Minuses: not detected

The balneological resort of Vichy has always been considered one of the most fashionable. Nothing has changed today. Thermal water This area is known all over the world, and Vichy lozenges are also produced here, obtained by evaporating salts from spring waters. The beauty laboratory of the French company L"Oreal also operates here - it is not surprising that Vichy is treated in sanatoriums skin diseases. Although the local mineral water helps perfectly in the treatment of the stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys, and metabolic disorders, food allergies and even for weight loss.

Price: A 6-day treatment course at the Callou boarding house with a minimum of procedures, partial meals and accommodation costs from 170 euros.

How to get there: Since the resort is a three-hour drive from Paris, getting to it is easy. For example, by train from the French capital (ticket price - 52 euros).

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