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Maxillofacial surgical department. Maxillofacial Surgery

Maxillofacial surgery is one of the most complex areas modern medicine. Specialists are called upon to cope with diseases of the neck, jaw, face, teeth, which sometimes include neoplasms, purulent processes, and inflammation of the nerves. The surgeon not only relieves the patient of the disease, but also saves appearance man in pristine beauty.


Institute of Dentistry and maxillary facial surgery(Moscow) - it's budget medical institution, opened in 1962. TsNIIS conducts research and practical activities in two main areas - dentistry and maxillofacial surgery. Also implemented learning programs, methodological and coordination activities.

The Institute of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Moscow provides services for children and adults compulsory medical insurance policies(temporarily suspended as of 07/01/17), voluntary health insurance and commercial agreement. Patients are served in the outpatient consultation department and in the hospital. The pediatric population is served in a separate clinic.

Dental services

The dental clinic provides the following services:

  • Therapy (caries, pulpitis, whitening, root canal filling, restoration, etc.).
  • Surgery (laser surgery, tooth extraction, tooth preservation surgery, etc.).
  • correction of bite in children and adults, etc.).
  • Orthopedics (all types of prosthetics, metal ceramics, production of bridges, veneers, etc.).
  • Children's dentistry.
  • Treatment of periodontal diseases.
  • Implantation followed by prosthetics.
  • Treatment of diseases of the oral mucosa.
  • Functional dental diagnostics.

Maxillofacial center

The Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Center provides services to the population in a hospital setting. The clinic uses the most modern equipment and uses proprietary microsurgery techniques. The Institute of Maxillofacial Surgery performs most interventions using endoscopic and minimally invasive technologies.

Types of assistance:

  • Removal benign neoplasms with simultaneous tissue restoration.
  • Osteosynthesis (treatment of fractures of the facial bones of the head).
  • Reconstructive operations of facial bones, ears, elimination of congenital and acquired deformities.
  • Blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty, treatment of pathologies of the palate and upper lip.
  • Motion restoration facial muscles surgical methods.
  • Plastic surgery to correct facial proportions.
  • Surgical treatment of facial paralysis.
  • Microsurgery facial nerve(paresis of various origins).
  • Correction of bite using surgical methods.
  • Endoscopy of the paranasal sinuses and much more.

Children's clinic

The Institute of Maxillofacial Surgery in Moscow provides a full range of dental services and treatment maxillofacial area of any complexity.

The field of pediatric surgery began in the 80s, and in the early 90s a center was created for the implementation of scientific and practical activities, which included inpatient, outpatient and research departments. Over 26 years of operation, the institution has become largest center on problems of pediatric dentistry and maxillofacial surgery.

Treatment for children

The children's center provides the following services:

  • A full range of diagnostic procedures for preparation for operations (CT, computer biomodeling, MRI, production of implants, endoprostheses, etc.).
  • Examination, treatment, rehabilitation of children with any types of diseases or pathologies of the maxillofacial area (burns, bone deformities, congenital pathologies, scars, etc.).
  • Dental therapy and surgery for children and adults with the possibility of treatment under general anesthesia in a day hospital.
  • Orthodontics, all types of anesthesia.
  • Rehabilitation after surgical interventions (specialists from related fields are involved - ophthalmologists, psychologists, dentists, pediatricians, etc.).

The clinic accepts patients from the first days of life and provides a full range of services for treatment, including rehabilitation and further observation.

Reviews about the dental clinic

The Central Institute of Maxillofacial Surgery in Moscow has been considered one of the best medical dental centers since its founding. On modern stage, the use of high-tech equipment has made the clinic’s services more efficient. Due to the use of the latest diagnostic and treatment methods, the duration of procedures has been significantly shortened and the quality has improved. This is confirmed by patient reviews. Most of them came to a medical institution with complex problems in dental treatment or with maxillofacial diseases.

The stories left indicate that the doctors of the dental center try to save the patient’s teeth at the slightest opportunity, carrying out surgical operations or prescribing effective therapy.

Clients who visited the Institute of Maxillofacial Surgery in Moscow wrote words of gratitude to many therapists and surgeons at the dental center, mentioning that only professionalism and fundamental knowledge helped solve their problem. The reviews indicate the names of those doctors whom patients recommend contacting in order to get the desired result.

Many said that all the clinic staff are polite and friendly. Few for anyone standard treatment teeth does not make you nervous, and if the disease is complex, then worry and anxiety take over even the most persistent patients. To the credit of most doctors, it is mentioned that they patiently and confidently cope not only with diseases, pathologies, injuries, but also strive to create psychological comfort for the patient.

Reviews indicate that doctors reassure the patient at every stage of the procedure, answer all questions and do not get tired of repeating the same thing several times to convince the patient of success and future health. In most cases, assurances and promises come true completely.

Negative reviews

Their reviews were written by patients who did not like the Institute of Maxillofacial Surgery in Moscow. Reviews talk about several specialists who made further visits to the clinic impossible. In some cases, clients felt that the doctor was inattentive and did not want to listen to complaints, relying on diagnostic results and images.

There is a review in which the clinic is accused of being unclean and indulging in the unhealthy desires of clients. This is how it is said that one of the young patients, having completely healthy teeth, turned to the dental center so that all her teeth could be completely replaced and the so-called “ Hollywood smile" The doctors happily met her halfway without warning her. severe consequences such a step. The situation was saved by the girl’s mother, but it is almost impossible to understand the approval of the procedure by the specialists.

The Institute of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Moscow has been criticized for poorly thought out logistics - procedures must be paid for one at a time, and doctors' offices are located on different floors. As a result of shuttling between floors, patients lose a lot of time because there are queues everywhere and sometimes procedures cannot be completed in one day, although this is a necessary condition therapy.

Reviews about maxillofacial surgery

The Institute of Maxillofacial Surgery in Moscow received the most enthusiastic reviews of the work of the surgeons and the clinic. This line of work differs from dentistry in that there are no trivial tasks, and the patient evaluates the skill of the specialist immediately after the operation. Clients wrote many grateful words to the doctors, nurses for excellent surgical procedures and care.

Patients say that the diseases with which they come to the clinic are aggravated by the fact that they not only harm their health, but often disfigure their appearance. The task of a maxillofacial surgeon is not only to rid a person of illness, but also to return the face that nature gave. Most patients claim that these two conditions are fully met in the Central Scientific Research Institute and Maxillofacial Surgery; sometimes it seems that wizards are working there.

Specialists do not just perform operations, but carefully monitor the patient’s condition, prescribe an individual course of rehabilitation programs, and invite you to appointments at the required frequency in order to monitor the dynamics of recovery and prevent complications. according to patients, they demonstrate miracles when dressing, performing manipulations as painlessly and tactfully as possible.

Department of Maxillofacial Surgery at the State Clinical Hospital named after. S.P. Botkin was formed as part of the implementation of the Moscow city compulsory medical insurance program, as well as Federal program providing high-tech medical care. Today the department has all the capabilities to provide specialized planned medical care to patients with various types pathologies of the maxillofacial region.

The staff of the department are high-class professionals with extensive work experience, including 2 candidates of medical sciences. The department staff is a friendly and united team, working hard to ensure that the treatment is as effective as possible and the stay is comfortable.

Priority areas of activity of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery:

  • Reconstructive surgery of the consequences of traumatic injuries and burns of the maxillofacial area;
  • Reconstructive surgery in the treatment of patients with common benign neoplasms of soft tissues and bones of the facial skeleton;
  • Dental implantation, including in patients with severe atrophy bone tissue jaws.

List of operations performed in the maxillofacial surgery department:

  • Osteosynthesis for traumatic injuries of the upper and lower jaws;
  • Surgeries for fractures of the zygomatic-orbital complex and the lower wall of the orbit (including using minimally invasive transconjunctival access);
  • Operations for facial paralysis (including reinnervating operations, transposition temporal muscle and etc.);
  • Removal benign tumors salivary glands;
  • Removal of lateral, median cysts and fistulas of the neck;
  • Surgical treatment of vascular neoplasms of the maxillofacial area (including the use of X-ray endovascular technologies);
  • Surgery cystic formations upper and lower jaws;
  • Surgical treatment of chronic odontogenic sinusitis(including the use of endoscopic techniques);
  • Removal of benign soft tissue tumors of the face and neck (including plastic surgery of defects with local tissues, as well as revascularized flaps using microvascular techniques);
  • Removal of benign tumors of the bones of the facial skeleton (including with one-stage plastic surgery with bone autografts using microvascular technology);
  • Dental implantation (including the whole range of preparatory osteoplastic reconstructive operations).

Thanks to high level professional training and technical equipment, employees of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery No. 59 actively use and implement clinical practice the most effective minimally invasive, including endoscopic and computer technologies.

The department has a capacity of 10 beds and has single, double and triple wards. Each room is equipped with a private bathroom, refrigerator and TV.

  • Reconstructive surgery in full, using stereolithographic models, individual endoprostheses and implants from various materials.
  • Traumatology. Rendering emergency assistance patients in hospital and outpatient settings. Treatment of injuries to the soft tissues of the face, fractures of the bones of the facial skeleton using the latest certified methods. Are used original techniques fixation bone fragments. Performed surgery patients with chronic fractures, as well as defects and post-traumatic deformities of the bones of the facial skull.
  • Treatment of benign neoplasms of the jaws, if necessary, combined with filling bone defects to achieve targeted tissue regeneration.
  • Treatment of benign neoplasms of soft tissues of the maxillofacial area- lateral and median neck cysts, neoplasms salivary glands etc.
  • Aesthetic surgery- a full range of operations that eliminate signs of physiological aging and correct aesthetic defects:

Along with the above operations, the clinic performs surgical correction of bite (orthognathic surgery), all types of tooth-preserving operations; Qualified extraction of teeth of any level of complexity, including wisdom teeth, is carried out under local/combined anesthesia or under general anesthesia.

Dental implantation. Performing bone grafting surgery on the lower and upper jaw(augmentation of the alveolar process), its various variations using surgical templates, osteoplastic materials and autografts; use of world-leading implant systems to achieve maximum aesthetic and functional results with subsequent prosthetics.

Orthopedic treatment in the presence of defects and deformities of the upper and lower jaw using innovative equipment and materials.

In addition, many other operations are performed, which you can learn about by visiting our clinic. Professors, associate professors and assistants of the department actively participate in the medical and advisory work of the clinic, carrying out the most complex surgical interventions.

Services provided in the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery of the First Moscow State Medical University named after. I. M. Sechenova:



  • Conduction, infiltration anesthesia
  • Premedication
  • Neuroleptanalgesia
  • Intravenous anesthesia
  • Endotracheal anesthesia

Surgical dentistry

  • Tooth extraction: simple, complex
  • Removal of supernumerary, impacted and dystopic teeth
  • Resection of the apex of the tooth root
  • Hemisection or root amputation
  • Cystotomy, cystectomy
  • Treatment of alveolitis
  • Excision of the hood
  • Gingivectomy
  • Periostotomy
  • Compactosteotomy
  • Surgery for odontogenic granuloma migrans
  • Operation of jaw cystotomy within one tooth
  • Sequestrectomy:
  • Opening an abscess
  • Autopsy of phlegmon
  • Operations on maxillary sinuses ah - Operations on the maxillary sinuses
  • Puncture of the maxillary sinus
  • Opening of the maxillary sinus for acute sinusitis
  • Maxillary sinusotomy
  • Plastic surgery of the oroantral communication within one tooth
  • Plastic surgery of the oroantral communication within two teeth
  • Oroantral plastic surgery of more than two teeth
  • Cystomaxiorotomy

Maxillofacial Surgery

  • Bougienage, catheterization, lavage of the salivary duct
  • Sialo- or fistulography
  • Removing stone from the duct salivary gland
  • Removal of a retention cyst of the minor salivary gland
  • Removal of the submandibular salivary gland
  • Total parotidectomy
  • Subtotal parotidectomy
  • Parotidotomy
  • Operations for the removal of soft tissue benign neoplasms of the oral mucosa, skin, subcutaneous tissue face and neck
  • Surgery to remove benign bone tumors of the jaws
  • Surgical treatment of wounds of the face and neck up to 2 cm
  • Splinting
  • Reduction of dislocation of the lower jaw
  • Application of extrafocal apparatus EKO, EK, EK-1D, CITO
  • Reposition zygomatic bone Limberg crochet
  • Repositioning of the nasal bones
  • Metal osteosynthesis
  • Plastic surgery

    • Hernioplasty
    • Taking a scallop ilium
    • Taking a split skull bone
    • Taking an edge
    • Surgery: resection of the upper and lower jaw
    • Elimination of ankylosis
    • Reconstruction of the zygomaticoorbital complex
    • Elimination of scars with plastic surgery using local tissues
    • Scar removal with free skin graft surgery
    • Plastic surgery of the red border of the upper and lower lips with local tissues
    • Blepharoplasty
    • Elimination of microstoma
    • Plastic surgery with a skin flap on a pedicle
    • Plastic surgery with local tissues
    • Elimination of defects hard palate and alveolar process
    • Cheiloplasty
    • Formation of the Filatov stem
    • Velopharyngoplasty
    • Uranoplasty
    • Revision of the lingual and facial nerve
    • Subperiosteal frontotemporal lifting
    • Eyebrow surgery
    • Temporal lift
    • Face lift
    • Face lift + SMAS plication
    • Neck lift
    • Otoplasty
    • Rhinoplasty
    • Lipofilling
    • liposuction
    • Mentoplasty
    • Laser resurfacing
    • Own hair transplantation
    • Contour plastic surgery of the frontonasal-orbital area with an implant
    • Contour plastic surgery of the zygomatico-infraorbital-cheek area (without implant cost)
    • Reposition eyeball With bottom wall eye sockets with implant fixation
    • Contour plastic surgery of the nose, forehead, chin, orbit

    What is required for hospitalization:

    • Blood tests:
      • General,
      • Biochemical ( total protein, albumin, glucose, creatinine, total bilirubin, sodium, potassium, AST, ALT, Gamma-GT, alkaline phosphatase),
      • Coagulogram,
      • Blood type, Rh factor,
      • HIV, RW, HBS-AG, HCV.
    • General analysis urine
    • X-ray chest
    • Certificate from a therapist
    • Certificate of oral sanitation
    • 2 elastic bandages (anesthesia)
    • Copy of passport, copy of insurance policy.

    Head of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery at the University clinical hospital No. 4 Agafonov Alexey Alexandrovich Ph.D.

The most extensive and complex science is probably medicine. It has not stopped, and does not stop developing, to this day. It contains a large number of independent and complex sciences. Among them are the following: cardiology; pulmonology; gynecology; andrology; dermato; phthisiology; obstetrics; ophthalmology; neurology.

Actually, there is no need to list all the isolated sciences. Firstly, there are too many of them, and secondly, today we will talk about only one of its branches - surgery. Or rather about one surgical specialization– maxillofacial surgery.

What is maxillofacial surgery

This is a separate section of general surgery that deals with the study and treatment of injuries, defects and diseases of the head, neck, hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity and maxillofacial area, jaws. In addition, in the area of ​​professional interests maxillofacial surgery fall under surgical diseases teeth, bones of the facial skeleton, oral organs (tongue, palate). Maxillofacial part human body, this is rich blood vessels region. Therefore, you should be wary of any inflammatory processes, which are aggravated, violent and painful for the sick person. In addition to the fact that such processes are dangerous for the central nervous system, since the maxillofacial zone is located in close proximity to the brain, these diseases lead to deformation and the appearance of gross defects on the face, especially if incorrect treatment. In any case, timely contact with specialists can protect you from such troubles.

What do specialists do in maxillofacial surgery clinics?

Uninformed persons unfamiliar with this area of ​​surgery may have a reasonable question: what do surgeons of this specialization do? What diseases are treated? It should immediately be emphasized that all maxillofacial diseases can be divided into five main groups. These groups are built based on the causes of occurrence and progression clinical picture.

  • 1. Spicy and chronic diseases. These include (diseases of the teeth and jaws; oral organs; tissues of the face and neck.). This type of diseases includes: Periostitis; Periodontitis; Ostiomyelitis of the jaw; Abscesses; Cellulitis; Lymphadenitis; Odontogenic inflammation of the maxillary sinus; Difficulty in teething; Inflammation of the salivary glands; Inflammation of the temporomandibular joint.
  • 2. Injuries to soft tissues of the face and neck;
  • 3. Neoplasms of the face, jaws, oral cavity organs;
  • 4. Acquired and congenital defects of the face, jaws and oral cavity;
  • 5. Plastic surgery maxillofacial area: Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty); Ear plastic surgery (otoplasty); Nose surgery (rhinoplasty); Facial contouring;* Circular lift faces.

Clinic of Maxillofacial Surgery Today it is considered the most complex and sought-after branch of medicine. After all, it is the face that determines the special individuality of a person, his appearance. In addition, a person’s face is involved in some important functions. Among them:

Methods of maxillofacial surgery

Main methods of maxillofacial surgery surgical interventions of different directions are considered. Moreover, you should be aware of this feature of modern facial surgery: to carry out successful operations, specialists use the latest methods and technologies of medical intervention, innovative materials, and low-traumatic instruments. All these actions, in our maxillofacial clinic, are aimed at ensuring the best postoperative results. In order to avoid the formation of rough postoperative scars on the facial skin, maxillofacial surgery doctors use gentle intraoral technology to access the operated object. This method guarantees the absence of surgical marks on the face, and the patient’s quick return to normal life. Such operative method allows you to restore:

After completing a course of treatment in our clinic, you can again feel the pleasure of eating and regain your original carefree smile. What diseases are treated at the Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic? It has already been said above that our clinic occupies one of the leading places in the country. This is largely due to the fact that our clinic specialists try to find individual approach to the treatment of each patient, to the identification of each clinical problem. Among such problems are the following:

  • - Perforation of the maxillary sinuses;
  • - Diseases of the temporomandibular joint (acute and chronic);
  • - Cysts;
  • - Tumors;
  • - Abscesses.

In addition to acute or chronic diseases, the maxillofacial surgery clinic performs many other medical interventions:

Diagnosis of maxillofacial surgery

Main feature our maxillofacial surgery clinics is that a number of specialists from other branches of medicine are involved in treatment:

Such actions are due to the fact that only when integrated approach you can establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe the only correct one, adequate treatment. To diagnose a disease or identify injuries or defects, our clinic uses a thorough examination of each patient. Wherein:

If there is a suspicion of malignancy, V mandatory, a tissue biopsy is prescribed. When the diagnosis is made correctly, it occurs real opportunity begin timely treatment. Used to diagnose injuries and defects newest method hardware diagnostics:

In conclusion, I would like to wish you, dear readers, good health!

Nowadays, most people have dental problems. There are completely different dental diseases: from ordinary caries to various dental injuries, where the intervention of a specialist surgeon is simply necessary. That is why oral and maxillofacial surgery is as popular as conventional dentistry.

In what cases should you contact the maxillofacial surgery clinic?

If the dentist during dental treatment reveals any dangerous situation and, in his opinion, it is impossible to do without a surgeon specializing in this problem, then the doctor himself will tell the patient where to go to in this case. Ordinary dentists do not take on cases where surgical intervention is necessary.

Our restorative dentistry clinic “On the Road” is pleased to offer you oral and maxillofacial surgery services at affordable prices. Experienced surgeons are always ready to help even in the most difficult situations. difficult situations. The latest equipment can bring joy to those who get tremors in their legs when they hear the word dentistry. All kinds of operations are carried out quickly, efficiently and without any negative health consequences.


If the patient dental clinic there are problems that require urgent surgical intervention, then there is no need to postpone this until later and you should immediately contact a specialized medical institution. It is very important to do this in time to avoid unpleasant consequences that can harm health.

By contacting a good and highly professional clinic, you can not only a short time eliminate most unpleasant problems, but also quickly return beautiful smile and a great mood. Only qualified specialists will be able to understand how to treat a patient correctly and without consequences.

If you consult a professional in a timely manner, you can get rid of any oral disease quickly and painlessly. The most important thing is to do it on time.

Our maxillofacial surgery clinic in Moscow is able to correct what conventional dentistry cannot do. Our dentistry is reliability, quality and reasonable prices.

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