Home Pulpitis Temporal lifting (temporoplasty). Forehead and eyebrow lift Possible complications after lifting

Temporal lifting (temporoplasty). Forehead and eyebrow lift Possible complications after lifting

Impact of time on human body So far, unfortunately, it’s the same - every year he gets older. And if the processes of changes in the biochemistry of cells as a result of aging are not visible to the naked eye, then their result is “obvious”. Most a common symptom Aging are various marks on the skin such as wrinkles, folds, loss of firmness. When such processes occur in the areas of the eyes, forehead, and eyebrow line, our face becomes noticeably older. A temple lift allows you to get rid of this negative effect.

Performed by an experienced plastic surgeon, a temple lift tightens the facial tissue in problem areas, allowing the skin around the patient's eyes, forehead and cheekbones to regain youthful appearance. The degree of interference in the body during surgery can be judged by the following fact. To perform a temple lift, the surgeon makes a minimum of incisions and only in the temple area at the edge of hair growth. That is, the intervention is minimal, and the effect of the procedure is noticeable almost immediately.

+The procedure for performing a temporal lift

Temporal lift includes the preparation stage and the operation itself. At the preparation stage, the patient must visit the surgeon, and also undergo tests. Only based on their results, the specialist will be able to correctly draw up a plan for the future operation and admit the patient to it. Tests will help ensure that the patient does not have diseases or pathologies that would make a temporal lift impossible.

The temporal lift, being a minimally invasive procedure, is performed using local anesthesia. Its duration rarely exceeds one hour. During the operation, the plastic surgeon makes a small “cut” on both temples at the edge of the hair growth in the form of small and even cuts. Using these incisions, the tissue at the temples is tightened and fixed in a new position. After this, the tightened tissues are fixed and the incisions are sutured. The complexity of the operation is considered low, but requires certain skills and knowledge from the plastic surgeon.

+Rehabilitation period – duration and features

A temporal lift is a minimally invasive procedure, but it is very demanding in the postoperative period. To avoid having to repeat the procedure and spoil the result, you should follow the doctor’s recommendations and remember that:

— removal of sutures is permissible no earlier than a week after the procedure;

- in the first days after a temporal lift, wearing a special bandage-fixator is mandatory;

- the first two weeks after surgery must be excluded physical exercise;

- trips to the solarium and the beach are prohibited for some time;

- baths, saunas and similar procedures can cause harm during rehabilitation period, therefore they are unacceptable for the entire period specified by the doctor.

+Indications, contraindications, possible complications

To perform a temporal facelift, age-related changes in the skin are sufficient. Also, a temporal lift is often used as one of sequential procedures in special anti-aging complexes aimed at changing the shape of the face, correcting the shape of the eyes and improving the condition of the skin.

Among the contraindications to a temporal lift, the only thing worth highlighting is the patient’s diabetes mellitus, oncological diseases, acute infections and poor blood clotting. In all other cases, surgery is permitted in consultation with a doctor.

Side effects from a temporal lift are most often expressed by the appearance of swelling, which, if the recommendations of the attending physician are followed, usually disappears within a few days. Other complications include problems arising with cut wounds, such as suppuration, infection. As a rule, they all arise due to non-compliance with the recommendations of the attending physician.



Check-lifting (or cheklift) is a modern technique for correcting the midface area, developed in 2004. The initial purpose of this operation was to correct the consequences unsuccessful plastic surgery lower eyelid - elimination of a complication called “round eye” or inversion of the lower eyelid. The developed lifting technique turned out to be so effective and low-traumatic that today this operation has become one of the most popular methods for correcting age-related changes in the midface. Typically, a check-lift is combined with blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids, achieving rejuvenation of the entire middle part of the face from the molar area, cheekbones and cheeks to the nasolabial area.

This technique has a number of advantages over other lifting technologies:

  • The operation is performed through single incisions along the edge of the lower eyelid (as in lower blepharoplasty). After the check-lift there are no additional scars left.
  • This technique reduces the duration of the operation (up to 70 minutes) and minimizes the usual operational risks;
  • Check-lifting is a non-invasive operation, so it is usually performed under local anesthesia (general anesthesia is used in rare cases, mainly at the request of the patient), and the recovery period is 10-14 days;

  • Tissue tightening is carried out from the bottom up (and not diagonally to the temple, as with other lifting techniques). The tissues return to their original position (without displacement to the periphery), which ensures the most natural result;
  • Despite the minimal invasiveness, check-lifting provides no less long-term effect than such a serious operation as circular lift faces (on average about 7 years).
  • This method eliminates such an unpleasant complication as the “round eye” effect, which sometimes happens after conventional lower eyelid blepharoplasty.

However, for all its advantages, this operation is not an absolute panacea. Plastic surgery also has other modern techniques for plastic surgery of the midface. For the right choice lifting techniques always take into account many factors, including: individual structure, the severity of age-related changes and the goals that the patient sets for the plastic surgeon.

Photo: check-lifting and lifting of eyebrows and eyelids. Surgeon I.A. White.

Temporal lifting is another modern method of endoscopic lifting of the midface.
and during such plastic surgery, incisions are made in the temporal part of the head, laterally (inside the mouth) and along the lower eyelid. Until recently, the main disadvantage of temporal lifting was the inability to adequately correct ptosis of the cheek tissue. The result was not entirely natural due to the point fixation and incomplete coincidence of the vector of tissue movement (from below diagonally, towards the temple, and not exactly against the direction of age-related ptosis, which always moves tissue from top to bottom). Rebirth technique temporal lifting received along with the development of endotins. Their use made it possible to achieve the main effect - to obtain a harmonious and natural result when lifting the cheeks.

Compared to a check-lift, this operation is more invasive. Its duration is about 2 hours. The recovery period is also longer – 3-4 weeks. For several months after surgery, endotins, which fix the tissue, can be felt under the skin. Then the tightened tissues take root in their new position, and the endotins are completely absorbed.

Silhouette Lift

Silhouette Lift is a new gentle technology for correcting soft facial tissues using an improved system of threads with fixing elements - microcones made of absorbable material. Microcones reliably fix the tissue, and the tension of the threads ensures that the soft tissue returns to the correct position. (More details about this technique can be found here).

Photo: Silhouette Lift plus Chin Liposuction. Plastic surgeon I.A. White.


Softlifting is a unique injection technique for correcting the middle zone of the face (primarily the molar and nasolabial area). This technology, created by Swedish plastic surgeons at the intersection of plastic surgery and cosmetology, can significantly rejuvenate the middle area of ​​the face and postpone the need for plastic surgery for several years, replacing it with an easy 20-minute procedure, the effect of which lasts on average up to 10 months. (Find out more detailed information you can learn more about the methodology here).

DoctorPlastic surgeons always strive to achieve the result you want using the most effective, but gentle and safe methods. If you are planning aesthetic facial correction, contact our clinic, and together we will determine the optimal way to solve your problems.


Indications for surgery

Like any operation, a temporal lift is a serious stress for the body, so it is better not to carry out such a procedure unless necessary. The operation can be done only if you really have some problems on the skin of your face, which can only be eliminated with the help of such an operation. A lift in this way will not hurt if you have:

  • there are fine and deep wrinkles around the eyes;
  • the upper eyelids and tips of the eyes are too drooping;
  • there are so-called pronounced crow's feet;
  • there are many horizontal wrinkles on the forehead.

In all these cases, a thread can be used for tightening.

There are several methods for carrying out this type of procedure. One of the most common is endoscopic lifting. We can say that this is a kind of frontotemporal lifting that makes the face smoother and more attractive in appearance. For quite some time now, endoscopic lifting has replaced the dangerous coronary method and is in demand among clients of any age. Firstly, this procedure has fewer contraindications, and secondly, the operation is absolutely safe.

How to prepare for a temple lift?

Before undergoing a temporal lift and lying on the surgical table, every woman must go through a full preparatory stage.

At your first appointment with a professional cosmetologist, you should receive a comprehensive consultation. IN in this case You should ask a professional what results you can expect and what risks there are during the procedure.

If you are taking any serious medications, then be sure to notify the doctor, even if he did not ask you about it. It is likely that the specialist will administer drugs to you that are incompatible with your medication. We also must not forget about all kinds of allergic reactions. If you have an individual intolerance to a particular food product, etc., be sure to inform your doctor.

Once you finally decide to have a temple lift, the specialist will prescribe many different tests for you. It is very important to undergo them, since the results of all these studies will tell you exactly whether you can have a similar procedure or not, and what risks there are.

A couple of days before surgery you should refrain from drinking alcohol and tobacco products. In this way, you normalize the normal blood circulation process in your body, which is necessary for a successful procedure.

For a temporal facelift to be successful, you must also stop taking blood thinners during surgery and recovery. Before doing this, you should consult with your doctor who prescribed the appropriate drug.

When performing temporal facial skin tightening, you should avoid eating a couple of hours before the procedure. If you follow all these preparatory steps, then the operation will take place successfully.

Temporal lift surgery process

Typically, the procedure is performed endoscopically. During its implementation, several standard-sized vertical incisions are made in the scalp near the temple. The size of each incision should be at least 2, but not more than 10 cm. Thanks to this incision, the surgeon will be able to peel off the skin and pull it up. A temple lift can tighten the skin around the eyes, cheekbones, forehead and other upper parts of the face.

As a rule, such an operation is performed under local anesthesia, but the most sensitive patients can also use anesthesia. Strong sedatives and painkillers are used as local anesthesia. The procedure is suitable even for young girls over 20 years of age.

Video of the temporal facelift procedure:

Often, a temple lift does not require much time. Within an hour, the patient will leave the operating room with a fresh, toned face, but it will be possible to see it only after proper rehabilitation.

Features of the rehabilitation period after a temporal lift

Recovery from this major cosmetic surgery is reminiscent of... recovery period after any other surgical intervention. At this time, you should completely avoid saunas, steam baths, Jacuzzis, solariums and sun exposure. As a rule, the rehabilitation period is no more than 2 weeks. 7 days after the operation, you should definitely contact a professional to remove the stitches and so that he can evaluate the effectiveness of the procedure.

During recovery, the patient usually needs to wear a special mask that supports the skin in its new position. This is how the patient gets used to the new face.

Many women are convinced that wearing such a mask is not necessary and does not provide any effect. In fact, without this procedure, the result may be canceled and the skin will return to its previous state. Feeling uncomfortable, patients refuse the mask and, accordingly, the facelift. Experts say that it is better to wait a week, especially since there are now many options for masks that resemble an ordinary sports bandage used by athletes while jogging.

As already mentioned, a temple lift is a simple operation that does not require much recovery time. If you follow all the tips, you will see the result very soon, as in these photos before and after a temporal lift:

Possible complications after lifting

Like any operation, face lifting can also cause a lot of complications. It is very difficult to predict their severity. Even if the operation is performed very carefully and almost perfectly, it is almost impossible to avoid bruising and swelling. This is the most harmless complication, which is short-term. If you follow all the surgeon’s recommendations and regularly lubricate the skin in areas of swelling by special means, you can get rid of bruises after a few days.

Another, but more serious side effect can be suppuration of cuts or infection. This can happen if the wound is not treated or if the specialist used unsterile instruments. The problem is also eliminated quite quickly, but with special disinfecting solutions. Blood poisoning can also occur, but this occurs extremely rarely and only as a result of the work of incompetent specialists. Therefore, before you trust a doctor, be sure to verify his professionalism.

As you can see, the procedure has virtually no contraindications. If you want to make your skin more elastic, use this currently popular method.


What is the essence of thread lifting?

The first plastic surgeries using threads appeared a long time ago. Initially, notched threads were used. That is, the surgeon pulled the thread in one direction and it no longer moved back, but caught the tissue with notches and thus supported it in the given direction.

Several threads supported the skin, which had lost its elasticity, and thereby ensured fixation in one place.

A significant drawback of this operation was that facial asymmetry often occurred and it was very difficult to correct the situation.

Later, instead of notches on the threads, special cones appeared; they are still used in cosmetic surgery to this day. With their help, nasolabial folds, oval and bottom part faces.

On modern stage Intertemporal lifting is used, the features of which lie in the design of the threads and conductor. The threads are called "Intemporel" and are placed at a controlled, uniform depth. They don’t go outside like in the old days. Accordingly, asymmetry practically does not exist and the face looks more natural after surgery.

Threads are made from propylene and pulled into the fabric using a special conductor. It is very thin and has different shapes- straight and curved.

Round and hollow inside, makes a neat small puncture, after which skin covering recovers quickly without scars or scars.

The ends of the threads are attached to the muscles in a special way, thereby protecting them from irregularities and bulges.

Types of thread lifting

To tighten the skin, threads from various materials are used; this is what distinguishes the types of lifting. Most often used:

Mesothreads 3D. Made from polydiaxone. It is coated with lactic acid to bring the material as close as possible to the structure of facial tissue. It is located inside a special needle, with which it is inserted inside. Then the needle is removed, but the thread remains. Since the thread is made from biologically active substance, then it itself dissolves and leaves the body, and connective tissue, which has grown in its place, remains. It is used to correct not only the skin of the face, but also the entire body.

Silhouette Lift. Manufacturing material - polypropylene. The cones on them are made of lactic acid enriched with a special substance called glycolide. As in the previous case, the thread itself dissolves and the overgrown tissue remains, which supports the facial tissues. The advantages of this type of lifting are that you can do maintenance procedures without reintroducing threads.

Aptos. The materials used for production are caprolac or propylene. The thread is even and smooth, special notches are made in order to stretch the facial tissue and securely fix it in the desired position. The effect lasts from 3 to 6 years.

Threads of gold. This is the first technology to be used in cosmetic surgery. Threads are made from real gold and bioactive polyglycolene, which, when dissolved, stimulates the production of natural collagen, thereby creating a natural frame and holding the skin tissue in the desired place and position. Flaws this method is that when extreme temperatures, the skin changes color and you cannot use other cosmetic procedures in the future.

Intemporal. An innovative method of tightening. The threads are made of biocompatible propylene, but the method differs in that it is possible to control and set the same depth for threading and fix it in a special way, due to which unevenness and bulges are reduced to zero.

A cosmetic surgeon will help you choose the appropriate method for tightening the skin on your face or body. Each technology has its pros and cons, as well as contraindications.

Arguments in support of intertemporal lifting

Intertemporal face lifting, compared to other types of surgical skin tightening, has significant advantages.

It is worth choosing this method according to the following reasons:
After the operation, the face looks natural.
If desired or necessary, the threads can be tightened further or eliminated altogether.
The method is absolutely safe. It is impossible to damage or catch the facial nerve.
The threads are securely fixed.
There are few incisions and they are small, which means the rehabilitation period is as short as possible.
The effect of the operation lasts quite a long time, if you follow the surgeon’s recommendations for up to 10 years or more.
Facial plastic surgery using this method can be performed both in the cold season and in the summer.

Used during surgery modern way pain relief - TIVA anesthesia. It does not require special preparation; after use there is no nausea, dizziness or other temporary disturbances. In addition, intertemporal lifting has very positive reviews. Women who have tried this facelift are satisfied with the results.

Contraindications to plastic correction

Intertemporal facelift is used in different cases, it is most often used for:
Vertical correction to make the face look as natural as possible.
Plastic surgery of eyebrows, neck and cheeks.
Formation of more pronounced cheekbones.
Elimination of jowls or nasolabial folds.

Despite the safety and low-traumatic nature of the procedure, intertemporal lifting also has contraindications and they should be taken into account. It is advisable to refrain from facial plastic surgery using this method if:
Pregnancy and during the period of breastfeeding.
Heavy infectious diseases including immunodeficiency.
Any infections or skin diseases in the active phase.
Serious illnesses blood.

Intertemporal lifting - preparation for the procedure

You should begin preparing for plastic facial correction in the office of a cosmetic surgeon. It is mandatory to undergo appropriate diagnostics.

On the day of the operation, after waking up, it is forbidden to consume any food or drink.

The procedure lasts up to 60 minutes. Since the threads are fixed in the temporal part of the scalp, small incisions are made there, onto which sutures are subsequently applied and removed after 4-5 days.

After the cuts heal, the scars are completely invisible.

Immediately after the operation, you should remain in the hospital for some time. After 5 hours of observation, you can go home. On day 2 or 3, the patient returns to his normal way of life.

Possible complications

Intertemporal lifting is therefore considered a fairly popular procedure, because... has virtually no serious complications.

The maximum that can happen after manipulation is:

Allergy to threads (extremely rare).
Hematomas, bruises, swelling are mild and disappear within a few days.
If the surgeon is inexperienced, facial asymmetry is possible, so it is extremely important to contact a real specialist.
In order for the traces of the operation to quickly disappear without consequences, it is important to adhere to the recommendations of the attending physician. In particular, the first few days:
Use prescribed medications.
Refuse for 14 days from rough foods that need to be chewed intensively.
Try not to actively use facial expressions.
Do not go to the solarium, sauna or bathhouse for at least 21 days.
Sleep exclusively on your back.

If you follow these rules, there will be no complications. Cosmetologists say that intertemporal lifting is a new generation facelift; it is not only effective, but also safe.

After a short rehabilitation, the skin will heal quickly, and more for a long time will delight you and those around you with natural beauty and smartness.


Advantages of temporal lift and plastic surgery

The main strengths of a temporal lift include:

  1. The ability to create good volume in the cheekbone area, which will significantly emphasize the beauty of the patient’s appearance and youth.
  2. The size of the incisions made during the operation is small. The incisions are invisible to others.
  3. There is no risk of loss of skin sensitivity or increase in this property.

First of all, a preparatory process is necessary for the operation. At the first appointment with a surgeon, the patient should tell in detail about the characteristics of the body, and also clarify whether he has allergic reactions or intolerance to specific types of medications.

Then it is necessary to undergo a set of tests, with the help of which the doctor can make sure that a temporal lift is not contraindicated for the client or, on the contrary, identify a pathology or disease that will become an obstacle to the operation.

For the temple lifting process, local anesthesia is used. Plastic surgery involves minor surgical intervention.

The doctor makes small incisions in the temple area along the edges near the hair. The cuts must be even. With the help of such incisions, the surgeon tightens the tissue on the temples.

The new position of the tightened tissues is fixed, after which sutures are applied.

A temple lift can be classified as a simple procedure, but it requires professionalism and skills from the surgeon. The operation lasts no more than one hour.

After a temporal lift, a rehabilitation period begins, which requires compliance with some necessary recommendations:

  • The stitches are worn for a week, after which the doctor removes them.
  • You should wear a bandage for several days after the operation. special purpose as a fixative. Typically this bandage is worn for 4-5 days.
  • Avoid heavy physical activity for several weeks after a temple lift.
  • Excessive exposure must be avoided sunlight, and therefore give up the solarium and relaxing on the beach for a while.
  • You cannot visit saunas and steam baths for a certain time, which can be agreed with your personal doctor.

If you refuse to comply with the above points, you can significantly neglect the situation and miss the effectiveness of the result. Working patients usually return to work on the fifth day after surgery.

The main contraindications for temple lift include:

  • oncological diseases;
  • presence of diabetes mellitus;
  • psychological disorders;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • problem with blood clotting; disease of the vascular systems.

Side effects arise mainly as a result of incomplete compliance with medical recommendations by the patient. Therefore, you should take proper care of yourself and follow all points of the surgeon’s instructions for Get well soon and to avoid complications.


Temporal facelift and indications for it

Like any other operation, external intervention in the human body, a temporal lift is performed when certain changes occur on the face. Temporal lift is an upper lift. The following are indications for a temple lift:

  1. Fine wrinkles in the eye area;
  2. Drooping of the eyebrows and tips of the eyes. To correct the shape of the eyebrows, eyebrow thread lifting is done;
  3. Wrinkles near the outer edge of the eye (“crow’s feet”);
  4. Sagging of the upper eyelid;
  5. Horizontal wrinkles on the forehead.

There are several ways to carry out this type of operation. Let's consider endoscopic method. Endoscopic eyebrow lifting, endoscopic temporal lifting or, in general, endoscopic lifting of the upper third of the face are currently the most popular and have practically replaced the coronary method of surgery. Endoscopic temporal lift is much less traumatic than the coronary method.

Preparing for surgery

Before you undergo surgery, you need to prepare for it:

  • At your first appointment with a cosmetologist, you will be able to get a consultation, discuss what result you would like to get by performing a temporal lift, etc.;
  • Be sure to tell us about your allergic reactions and the characteristics of your body, because... some drugs used may be incompatible with your body;
  • If after the consultation you still haven’t abandoned the idea of ​​a temporal lift, you will need to undergo a series of tests, the results of which will make it clear whether you can undergo such an operation or whether it is contraindicated for you;
  • In order to normalize blood circulation in the body, it is recommended to refrain from consuming alcohol and tobacco products before the operation;
  • For those who use blood thinning medications, it is also necessary to stop them for a while;
  • You should not eat for several hours before the operation.

Contraindications to the procedure

  1. People suffering from diabetes;
  2. Oncological disease;
  3. Poor blood clotting;
  4. Infectious diseases.

Performing a temporal lift

Temporal lift (thread eyebrow lifting) is considered a simple operation, so it is performed under local anesthesia using sedatives. As a rule, fine wrinkles around the eyes begin to appear at the age of 20, so this type The operation is very popular and its age group is quite young.

The essence of the method is a horizontal dissection of the skin in the temple area in the hair. The doctor tightens the skin and applies stitches. The operation itself is not long (lasts no more than 60 minutes).

The advantage of this operation is that the marks after it are almost invisible and the natural contours of the face and muscle mobility are preserved.

Rehabilitation after temporal lift

The recovery process after surgery is similar to the period after any surgical intervention. It is necessary to refuse any physical activity, baths, solarium. The rehabilitation period is no more than two weeks. After about a week, you should see your doctor for a final conclusion and to determine the effectiveness of the operation, as well as to remove the sutures if they were not made with self-dissolving threads.

During the rehabilitation period, you will need to wear a special support bandage on your head so that your skin gets used to its new position.

Many women believe that wearing a support bandage after a temporal lift is unacceptable for them, as they see and imagine themselves to be extremely ugly and uncomfortable in it. The fixing bandage is in no way similar to an elastic bandage; it is quite ergonomic appearance and it can be associated with the sports headband that athletes wear while jogging. To date, fixing bandages are made in different colors, which will not make it difficult to choose a color that will suit you.

In general, as mentioned earlier, a temporal lift is a fairly simple and short-term operation, and the rehabilitation process is also quite simple and, as a rule, without complications.

Possible complications after surgery

Any intervention in the human body can provoke the development of various complications, the severity of which cannot be predicted in advance:

  • In the case of a temporal lift by-effect may manifest itself in the form of swelling and bruising. These phenomena are not serious and are considered minor and short-term side effects. If you fully comply with the surgeon’s instructions, then all complications can be avoided, and if they do appear, they will disappear within a few days;
  • Also, one of the side effects during operations is suppuration of the incisions or infection;
  • Basically, the side effect is a consequence of incomplete compliance with the doctor’s instructions, which immediately appears on the face.


What age-related skin changes force you to resort to a forehead lift?

Age-related changes that necessarily occur in human body, are also reflected on the condition of the facial skin. A forehead lift becomes necessary due to the following changes in the upper third of the face:

  • under the influence of gravity, the lateral tails of the eyebrows, lateral canthus, and fasciocutaneous structures gradually shift downward temporal region;
  • the distance between the free edge of the upper eyelid and the eyebrows is shortened;
  • due to mm. corrugator, procerus and depressor supercilii form glabella wrinkles;
  • true dermochalasis develops upper eyelids.

Main goals when performing frontotemporal lifting

Frontotemporal lifting is carried out using several methods and pursues clear goals, which are determined by the plastic surgeon based on an objective analysis of the proportions and structural features of the patient’s face, and with mandatory consideration of her personal wishes. The main desired effects that forehead lift surgery is trying to achieve are:

  • restoration of eyebrow position and elimination of upper pseudodermachalasis;
  • decreased activity of the facial muscles of the glabella;
  • correction of the position of the outer corners of the eyes;
  • if the fold of the upper eyelid is insufficiently expressed, its formation;
  • elimination of areas of excess tissue of the frontal and temporal lobes, as well as excess skin of the upper eyelids.

Open technique of frontotemporal lifting: advantages and disadvantages

All methods of performing frontotemporal lifting can be divided into three more group: open, closed and combined. An open or coronal lift is performed by making a large incision in the skin of the forehead and is recommended for patients over 40 years of age who need to remove areas of excess skin. The main advantages of the open frontotemporal lifting technique include good visualization of the operated patients anatomical structures, the possibility of increasing the height of the forehead or reducing the hairline, if there is such a need, as well as the absence of the need to use special expensive equipment. At the same time, the traumatic nature of the operation, the formation of a long postoperative scar, possible sensitivity disorders of the scalp and the need for prolonged postoperative rehabilitation are significant disadvantages of the open frontotemporal lifting technique.

Endoscopic frontotemporal lifting: pros and cons of the technique

Today, endoscopic surgery for forehead lifting is widely used - endoscopic frontotemporal lifting. The operation is performed through several small incisions and is recommended for young patients who do not need to remove excess skin. Minimal surgical trauma, preservation of sensitivity of the scalp, fast recovery, invisible small scars are the undoubted advantages of this method of frontotemporal lifting. The only disadvantage of the operation is the high cost, which is directly related to the need to use expensive endoscopic equipment.

Methods and stages of performing closed frontotemporal lifting

Endoscopic frontotemporal lifting is carried out in several stages. The operation begins with marking - determining the number and location of incision sites. At the second stage, the introduction local anesthetic and the actual cuts.

“> Next, an optical cavity is formed, and the depth of tissue dissection can be different: subcutaneous, subgaleal, subperiosteal or combined dissection. At the fourth stage of the operation, the flap is mobilized by destroying the ligaments along the edges of the orbits, as well as mobilizing the external adhesions of the eyelids. After this, manipulations are carried out directly on the glabella muscles in order to eliminate formed wrinkles - this is the most important stage of the operation. At the last stages of the operation, the frontotemporal flap is moved and fixed in the frontal and temporal regions, as well as the closure of the skin edges of the wounds, often performed using a surgical stapler.

How to avoid possible complications after a forehead lift

Complications after properly performed frontotemporal lifting occur extremely rarely and depend on the choice of surgical method and the anatomical features of the patient’s skin structure. Complications of a forehead lift include conditions such as skin sensitivity frontal region and scalp, damage to branches facial nerve, the formation of pathological scars, as well as persistent alopecia in the area of ​​scars, asymmetry in the position of the eyebrows and outer corners of the eyes. After performing closed endoscopic frontotemporal lifting, much fewer complications are observed, which is associated with minimal trauma of the procedure. However, whatever the chosen forehead lift technique, the competence and high qualifications of the plastic surgeon, as well as the careful and conscientious implementation of all his recommendations, will help avoid possible postoperative complications and achieve maximum effect from frontotemporal lifting.

Temporal lift (temporal lift)– a technique for rejuvenating the upper third of the face, during which the sagging outer corners of the upper eyelid and the outer parts of the eyebrows are lifted, wrinkles in the corners of the eyes are smoothed (“ crow's feet"), moderate lifting of the mid-face area. A temporal lift can be performed as an independent plastic surgery, but is most effective as part of a circumferential blepharoplasty or facelift. The scars after this type of lift are not noticeable because they are located in the temporal area of ​​the scalp.

Plastic surgery considers indications for a temporal lift to be the presence of pronounced wrinkles in the outer corners of the eyes (“crow’s feet”), drooping of the outer eyebrows, ptosis and wrinkles in the upper zone of the zygomatic region, and sagging tissue in the outer corners of the lower eyelids.

A temple lift is recommended for patients with no excess skin in the glabella area and minor signs of aging of the forehead skin, limited to drooping eyebrows.

IN at a young age At the request of the patient, a temporal lift can be performed to achieve an imitation of the “oriental” type of face: almond-shaped eyes, raised “tail” of eyebrows, more elevated cheekbones.

If there are wrinkles in the glabella area, slight drooping of the middle part of the eyebrow and in the absence of excess skin above the root of the nose, the best option is a combination of temporal lifting and transpalpebral (via upper eyelid) excision of the glabella muscles (procerus muscles - m. procerus and facial muscle wrinkling eyebrow - m. corrugator supercilii). This approach is often comparable to the results obtained with endoscopic and even open forehead and brow lift techniques. Often a temple lift is combined with blepharoplasty and facelift.

Methodology of the procedure

This operation is performed from the temporal approach, which makes it possible to influence the upper outer edges of the eye sockets, the contour of the zygomatic arch, the lateral parts of the eyebrows, the outer corners of the eyes, the lower eyelids, and the infraorbital region.

The method of pain relief during a temporal lift can be either local anesthesia or intravenous anesthesia.

Incisions up to 3 cm long are located in the hair area in the temporal part of the head, one on each side, 2-3 cm away from the edge of the hair growth. Through this access, the tissues of the temporal region are detached above the surface of the deep temporal fascia to the edge of the orbit, bypassing the nerves and vessels passing through this area.

The strong ligaments that support the outer parts of the eyebrows are dissected along the edge of the orbit and along the edge of the temporal bones so that the outer parts of the eyebrows can be easily moved upward. Next, the tissues of the temporal region are lifted, excess skin is excised, and the superficial temporal fascia is sutured to the deep temporal fascia. The dissected tissues are compared and fixed with special titanium clips, which are removed on the 10-11th day. In total, the duration of the operation is 1.5 -2 hours.

Postoperative rehabilitation

The patient can leave the clinic on his own 3-4 hours after performing a temporal lift. It is recommended to wear it for a week compression bandage and limitation of facial activity. IN postoperative period moderate hematomas and swelling develop in the projection of the orbits, gradually disappearing over the next 10-14 days.

The result of a temporal lift is a more open look, elimination of facial wrinkles (“crow’s feet”) around the eyes, and improved facial contour in the cheekbone area. Postoperative scars located in the hair of the temporal part of the head are almost invisible. Risk of hair loss correct technique operations are minimal.

Frontal-temporal lifting is a forehead and eyebrow lift surgery, the purpose of which is to correct imperfections in the upper third of the face, regardless of whether they are hereditary or caused by aging.

The upper face lift surgery is performed through several small incisions (about 1 cm) located in the scalp, so no scars are visible after the temporal lift surgery.

As a result of a forehead lift, the patient gets rid of a tired or severe appearance and appears refreshed and rested, with a more open look.

Photos before and after temporal lift

On the picture: Temporal lift. The patient is 45 years old. The result is a week after the procedure. It is already clear that the drooping ends of the eyebrows and the skin of the upper eyelid have risen and the expression of the eyes has ceased to be sad.

Who is suitable for a forehead and brow lift?

Frontotemporal lift surgery will help if you have:

  • drooping tissue in the forehead area,
  • horizontal wrinkles on the forehead
  • drooping eyebrows with the formation of excess skin in the upper eyelid area.

Endoscopic forehead and eyebrow lift

Endoscopic frontotemporal lifting allows you to perform minimal intervention, without resorting to a complete “opening”, but only what is necessary to install a mini-camera, which allows you to monitor on the monitor screen the progress of actions performed using special tools.

As a result, the plastic surgeon can minimize surgical trauma and reduce scarring. In aesthetic surgery this technique effective when it comes to problems of the forehead and temples.

The principle of endoscopic forehead and eyebrow lifting is to detach the entire area, weakening the muscles responsible for the formation of wrinkles. At the end of the operation, the surgeon repositions the tissues and secures them in proper position using deep clamps.

Endoscopic lifting can be done separately combined, if necessary, with additional aesthetic procedures on the face, such as blepharoplasty (aesthetic eyelid surgery), canthopexy (lifting the corners of the eyes), cervicofacial lifting, laser resurfacing, peeling, injections, etc. ..

This operation can be performed on both men and women starting from the age of 40. In some cases it is carried out in more early age when the shortcomings are pronounced ( hereditary factor) and are not related to age-related changes. For example, initially low eyebrows or some prematurely developed wrinkles due to muscle hyperactivity.

Frontal-temporal lifting surgery. Video

On video:fragment of a frontotemporal lift operation.
I focus on the stage of skin incision. The fact is that this is a very important moment of the operation, since it is necessary to make the incision in such a way as not to damage hair follicles. Therefore, the cut in this case is not a perfectly straight line. If the incision is made as accurately as possible, then the scar is then practically invisible.

Type of anesthesia and hospitalization for temporal lobe lift

Depending on the case, two types of anesthesia can be used:

  • Local anesthesia with sedation.
  • General classical anesthesia, during which the patient is completely immersed in sleep.

The operation can be performed “outpatient”, in which case the patient can leave the clinic on the day of the operation after several hours of postoperative observation.

However, in some cases, a short hospital stay is preferable. The patient arrives in the morning (or sometimes the day before, in the afternoon), and the patient is allowed to be discharged on the next postoperative day.

Progress of the frontal-temporal lifting operation

Each surgeon has his own method of working, which he adapts to each individual case in order to achieve the best results. However, I will explain the general basic principles.

Skin incisions measuring 5-10 mm (their number is from 3 to 5 pieces) will be located in the hairline, a few centimeters from the edge of the hair growth of the forehead. One of the incisions will allow the passage of an endoscope connected to a mini video camera, while the others will open the way for various instruments specially adapted to endoscopic surgery.

The location of these incisions corresponds, of course, to the location of future scars after a temporal lift, which will be practically invisible, due to the fact that they are small in size and will be hidden in the hair.

  • The entire forehead and temples are subject to exfoliation down to the brow ridges and the root of the nose. Sometimes, this peeling can be carried out to the level of the cheekbones and upper cheeks.
  • The muscles are weakened in order to get rid of the wrinkles that they cause: the frontal muscle for horizontal wrinkles, the interglabellar muscles for interglabellar wrinkles. In addition, depending on the specifics of each specific case, other operations of a special nature may be performed.
  • The detached tissue will be subjected to a tensioning procedure to smooth out crow's feet, lift the brows and remove loss of forehead tone. It will be maintained in proper position using deep fixation techniques, the type of which will depend on the surgeon's preferred technique.
  • Small incisions are most often closed using staples, which can be easily removed.

Operation duration from 45 to 90 minutes depending on the volume of intervention.

Rehabilitation after a forehead lift

After frontotemporal lifting, there is usually no pain, but sometimes there is some discomfort associated with a feeling of tension in the forehead, temples and eyelids.

Traces of the intervention progressively disappear, allowing the patient to return to normal socio-professional life after some time (5 - 20 days, taking into account postoperative signs).

In the first days, complete rest is necessary and you should refrain from excessive exertion. The consequences of the operation are mainly expressed in the appearance of edema (swelling) and ecchymosis (bruising), the significance and duration of which varies greatly depending on the individual characteristics of the patient.

The bandage is removed between the 1st and 3rd days. The staples are removed between the 5th and 15th day.

During the first weeks, there may be some loss of sensation in the forehead, and in some cases itching in the scalp. These sensations will gradually disappear.

Before and after forehead lift and temple lift

It takes 3 to 6 months to evaluate the final result after a forehead lift. During this time, all swelling should completely resolve, and the skin tissue should regain its flexibility.

Frontotemporal lifting, depending on the goal, will allow you to achieve:

  • upper face rejuvenation effect
  • reducing age-related forehead sagging
  • raising eyebrows
  • restoring the elasticity of the upper eyelids, smoothing out crow's feet
  • a pronounced reduction in frontal and glabellar wrinkles.

Results may vary from case to case, but are generally long-lasting.

Temporal lift - before and after photos

The optimal procedure for those dissatisfied with negative changes associated with age is a temporal lift. This minimally invasive lift is suitable for men and women aged 30–40 years. Temporal rejuvenating lift (this is what doctors call temporal lifting) can quickly “throw off” extra years. Basic positive results that can be achieved by a quality operation:

  • lifting of eyelids, eyebrows and cheek tissues
  • moderate narrowing of the eye shape, giving them a sexy and cat-like look
  • correction of wrinkles in the eye area
  • smoothing nasolabial folds

The main indications for a temporal lift are the dissatisfaction of people who have retained the youth of the lower part of the face, but want to get rid of wrinkles in the periorbital area or slightly tighten the area of ​​the cheeks and cheekbones.

Temporal lift can be combined with these types plastic surgery, How:

  • eye shaping – changing the shape of the eyes
  • blepharoplasty is an operation that provides an excellent anti-aging effect due to the correction of the upper and/or lower eyelids
  • lipofilling and liposculpture – adding volume to the cheekbones
  • tightening of problem areas of the neck

Operations are often performed endoscopically - a better and less painful method, but they do not abandon the classic method - a vertical incision from 2 to 10 centimeters in the temporal region, in the hair growth area. Lifting of the edges of the eyebrows and eyes occurs through the mentioned incision to the sides and upwards.

Operational and recovery process

A temporal lift is a relatively simple operation. It takes no more than one hour, although sometimes, depending on the anatomical features, it can last up to three hours. Despite the ease of a standard operation, anesthesia or local anesthesia is mandatory conditions to carry out the intervention.

However, even such a minimally invasive and technically uncomplicated procedure requires compliance with the basic rules of preoperative preparation:

  • Stop taking at least 14 days in advance hormonal drugs and antibiotics, and also give up alcohol and smoking
  • For 2-3 days, limit the consumption of fatty and heavy foods, postpone trips to the bathhouse and sauna.
  • Take your last meal 6 hours before surgery and water 2 hours before surgery

The doctor, taking into account the wishes of the patient, but focusing on the anatomical features and the degree of existing changes, decides on the type of anesthesia (local anesthesia or general anesthesia).

The standard recovery period takes from 5 to 7 days, sometimes a little longer. Almost always, the duration of rehabilitation is determined by the characteristics of the patient’s body. In the first days, it is recommended to wear a pressure bandage, which creates compression, preventing the growth of swelling, and fixes the tissues in place. correct position. Sutures are removed on days 10-12 after a thorough examination and assessment of their condition.

A temple lift usually does not cause hair loss in the incision area, and the results are more permanent and effective than, for example, an eyebrow lift.

In general, temporal lift gives excellent results with minimally invasive intervention. However, in the presence of pronounced excess soft tissue, such an operation cannot fully smooth out wrinkles in the eyebrow area or above the bridge of the nose. In such a situation, others use effective techniques, which together give excellent results. The method and technique of surgical intervention are determined by the attending physician, taking into account the wishes of the patient and the degree of age-related anatomical changes.

Are you interested in temporal lifting in Moscow? Don't look for where it's cheaper. An organic combination of high quality and affordable price - at the Butko Plastic clinic. Team the best specialists under the guidance of an experienced Russian plastic surgeon - Igor Butko. Thousands of satisfied customers and as many positive reviews. Enjoy the most comfortable conditions of your stay. Call to schedule an initial consultation to find out the exact cost of the operation in your case and to set a date for the lifting. Waiting for you!

The price of a temporal lift today is from 125,000 rubles.

Hi all!

Let's start with the testimony:

"crow's feet"

wrinkles in the eye area

ptosis (drooping eyebrows)

My situation.

The wrinkles in the eye area are still small, but the eyelids that hang over the outer corners of the eyes have been bothering me for a long time. I’m so used to raising my eyebrows and being photographed in this position that I couldn’t find a single decent “BEFORE” photo, so, unfortunately, I can’t show before and after photos.

Before the operation, a standard list analyzes. The doctor will give it to you for consultation. RW, HIV, hepatitis, general tests blood and urine, biochemistry, coagulogram, cardiogram - approximately this list, may vary slightly in different clinics.

Anesthesia. Which to choose. General or local.

Complex topic. This is not my first plastic surgery, so I will write about one and the other so that each can draw certain conclusions for herself.

My temple lift was performed under local anesthesia.

  • pros :

There is no “get up and go” retreat

Doesn't make you sick

Do you know what they did to you?

Probably less harmful...

  • Minuses :

There is no pain as such, BUT you feel and hear everything well. You feel like they are dismantling your head, peeling off your skin, mercilessly tearing off the meat from your head (and everything else that is there). I feel incredibly sorry for my head! You begin to think that maybe this is all in vain, or maybe you should have postponed the operation, because “the way it was” will never be again. In short, it’s all unpleasant and scary.

Operations under general anesthesia

  • pros

You don't know anything

Can't see anything

You don't feel anything

Not scary

  • Minuses

The throat hurts from the endotracheal tube if it is placed unsuccessfully

It’s unpleasant to leave (nausea, delirium)

After operation A tight pressure bandage is applied to reduce swelling.

Some have more, some have less, but there will be swelling in any case. I also had bruises (not everyone does).

I wore the bandage for two days. The main swelling went down on about the 5th day and then, I think, you can already go out into public (I covered the bruises with a corrector). Finally, all the consequences passed by the tenth or twelfth day.

After the operation, it is necessary to observe a number of restrictions - do not bend over, do not visit the bathhouse, sauna, and especially the solarium! Do not take hot baths. Limit physical activity. Limit facial expressions.

The photos are not very pleasant, I hid them.


They took them off for me on the ninth day. After removal:

Hair. I had little hair in these places even without surgery. But I wouldn’t say that a lot of hair fell out on the temples. I almost never wear high ponytails. Therefore, these scars are not a big problem for me.


  • Eyebrows raised in the outer part
  • Eyelids stretched
  • The look has become more open
  • In those places where there was a detachment, deep horizontal wrinkles on the forehead disappeared.

Everything suited me. The operation fully met my expectations. The rehabilitation period is quite easy and not long - I was preparing for the worst. I took painkillers a couple of times. Now my head doesn't hurt. I recommend the operation to those who want to delay the operation of the upper blepharo. For those who are too early to undergo a full facelift.

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