Home Dental treatment Endoscopic studies: methods, features of the procedure and reviews. Endoscopy of the stomach: the essence and procedure of the procedure Endoscopic method for examining the esophagus

Endoscopic studies: methods, features of the procedure and reviews. Endoscopy of the stomach: the essence and procedure of the procedure Endoscopic method for examining the esophagus

Currently in medical centers In hospitals, clinics and sanatoriums, endoscopic research methods are widely used when examining patients with diseases of the digestive system. Endoscopy- a study consisting of direct examination of the internal surface of cavity or tubular organs (esophagus, stomach, duodenum, colon) using special devices - endoscopes.

Modern endoscopes used for research gastrointestinal tract, are a flexible tube equipped with an optical system in which the image and light beam (for illuminating the organ under study) are transmitted through fiberglass threads - the so-called fiberscopes. The technical excellence of the instruments used for research ensures the absolute safety of diagnostic procedures for the patient.

Endoscopy in gastroenterology is used to examine the esophagus (esophagoscopy), stomach (gastroscopy), duodenum(duodenoscopy), direct and sigmoid colon(sigmoidoscopy), the entire colon (colonoscopy

). In each specific case, endoscopy is carried out using a special endoscope, slightly different in design in accordance with the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the organ being examined. Endoscopes are named according to the organ for which they are intended.

The role of endoscopy in the diagnosis of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is significantly increasing due to the ability, during the examination of an organ, to take material from the surface of its mucous membrane for cytological analysis(i.e. studying the form and
structure of tissue cells) or pieces of tissue for histological and histochemical examination ( biopsy). During endoscopy, you can also take photographs (using special photo attachments) of areas of interest to document the identified changes, record on a video recorder if necessary, monitor the dynamics of pathological processes or the healing of emerging disorders during repeated endoscopic examinations (for example, the development of polyps, the progress of scarring of a stomach ulcer, etc.) .d.).

Endoscopy is often performed with therapeutic purpose: small polyps are removed through an endoscope, bleeding is stopped, cauterized, sealed, ulcers and erosions are injected with medications, laser therapy is performed, etc.

The most accurate instrumental studies performed using a videoscope.

Examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract - esophagus, stomach, duodenum ( esophagogastroduodenoscopy , FGDS ) - is usually carried out simultaneously.

Patient preparation. Planned gastroscopy carried out in the morning on an empty stomach. Before the study, patients should not smoke, take medications, or drink liquids. Emergency gastroscopy (for example, for gastric bleeding) is performed at any time
days. To improve the tolerability of endoscopy, immediately before the examination, patients are given pharyngeal irrigation with medications that reduce the sensitivity of the mucous membrane. For patients with allergic reactions to these drugs, esophagogastroduodenoscopy ( FGDS) is performed without medication preparation.

It should be borne in mind that after esophagogastroduodenoscopy, patients are not allowed to eat or drink water for 30-40 minutes.
If a biopsy was done, then only cold food can be taken that day.

Patients scheduled for endoscopy should do the following: rules:
The stomach is examined on an empty stomach. On the eve of the examination, a light dinner can be taken no later than 18:00. On the day of the examination, you should skip breakfast.
Before the examination, patients may be given an injection to facilitate the procedure and prevent discomfort.
An anesthetic helps ensure smooth and painless insertion of the endoscope.
Before the procedure, you should free yourself from restrictive clothing, take off your tie and jacket.
Be sure to take off your glasses and dentures, if you have them.
The procedure should not cause concern to the patient - it lasts several minutes. You need to follow the doctor's instructions and breathe calmly and deeply. Do not worry.
Immediately after the procedure, you should not rinse your mouth, try to make up for missed breakfast - you can eat food an hour after the end of the study and, of course, you should not drive a car - the anesthetic continues to act for another thirty minutes.

Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS) is contraindicated in patients with severe cardiac and pulmonary heart failure, aortic aneurysm, who had a myocardial infarction less than six months ago, stroke, if mental illness, severe deformation of the spine, large goiter, varicose veins of the esophagus, significant tendons of the esophagus (after operations, burns, etc.). If patients referred for esophagogastroduodenoscopy have inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, coronary heart disease (angina pectoris), hypertension, obesity, large diverticula of the esophagus, the endoscopist must be informed of the existing pathology in order to perform the study with extreme caution and take all measures to prevent deterioration in the patients’ well-being during and after the procedure.

Before sigmoidoscopy the night before and in the morning on the day of the study (no later than 1.5-2 hours before) cleansing enemas are given. No dietary or other restrictions are required.

One of important methods diagnostics for diseases of the digestive system is endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). ERCP for a number of types of pathology is considered by clinicians as the most informative method for identifying organic changes in the pancreatic and bile ducts. ERCP is especially often used to determine the causes of obstructive jaundice, painful conditions of patients after operations on extrahepatic bile ducts and pancreas, for diseases such as primary sclerosing cholangitis, internal pancreatic fistulas, etc. ERCP combines endoscopic examination - fibrogastroduodenoscopy and X-ray examination contrasted pancreatic and biliary ducts. Preparing patients for ERCP combines preparation for fibrogastroduodenoscopy and cholecysto-cholangeography (see above).

Colonoscopy carried out after thorough bowel preparation.
3 days before the colonoscopy, a slag-free diet is prescribed: vegetables, rye bread, as well as coarse wheat bread, legumes, oatmeal, buckwheat, barley, hard meat, etc. are excluded from the food. On the eve of the colonoscopy, after the second breakfast, patients are prescribed 40 g of castor or Vaseline oil to obtain a laxative effect, in the evening a cleansing enema is done. At night, patients should take a mild sedative (tincture of valerian or motherwort, seduxen, 1/2 tablet of diphenhydramine). In the morning, 2 hours before the study, a cleansing enema is given again. Patients do not have breakfast on the day of the study.

Colonoscopy is contraindicated (very dangerous) in patients with severe cardiac and pulmonary heart failure, a myocardial infarction or stroke less than 6 months ago, mental illness, or hemophilia. The endoscopist should be warned in advance about the postoperative, postpartum cicatricial narrowing of the rectum, acute inflammatory and purulent lesions of the perineum, cardiovascular failure, hypertension, coronary heart disease (angina pectoris) in patients, so that he can take all necessary measures to prevent possible deterioration of the patient's condition during colonoscopy.

A procedure such as gastric endoscopy helps to identify the disease in advance, confirm the diagnosis and prevent complications.

How is endoscopy performed and what methods of endoscopic examination exist?

Indications for the procedure

Most often, endoscopy of the esophagus and stomach is performed in order to make the correct diagnosis.

If a patient comes to see a gastroenterologist, and according to the described symptoms, the doctor suspects the presence of pathological processes in the gastrointestinal tract, he gives a referral for an endoscopic examination in order to:

Endoscopy is also used to assess the quality of treatment and adjust the subsequent course of therapy. Endoscopic results help determine whether conservative methods Or is it worth resorting to operational ones?

Gastric endoscopy can also serve as a way to:

  1. Removal of foreign bodies;
  2. Removal of small tumors;
  3. Stop bleeding.


Gastric endoscopy is a procedure that is not without contraindications. Conventionally, all contraindications can be divided into absolute, when endoscopy is strictly prohibited, and relative, when final decision taken by the patient together with the attending physician.

TO absolute contraindications relate:

  • violations cerebral circulation acute;
  • coronary circulation disorders;
  • epilepsy;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • burn of the esophagus;
  • cicatricial stricture of the esophagus;
  • atlantoaxial subluxation.

Relative contraindications include:

  1. The patient’s refusal of the procedure, accompanied by panic;
  2. Comatose states (without intubation of the trachea or larynx);
  3. Zenker's diverticulum;
  4. Coagulopathy;
  5. Cardiac ischemia;
  6. Hypertensive crisis;
  7. Thoracic aortic aneurysm;

However, if the patient is in critical condition, he had an opening stomach bleeding and it is necessary to stop it - any risks are justified: in such conditions, doctors can perform an endoscopy of the stomach, otherwise death will occur.

Methods for endoscopic examination of the stomach

Endoscopes, which are used to perform endoscopy, are tubes equipped with lighting devices, as well as cameras that allow a detailed examination of the cavity of the esophagus, stomach and intestines. Endoscopes are inserted into the esophagus and then into the stomach through the mouth.

Previously, tubes that were too rigid were used for such studies, so the procedure turned into real torture for the patient. But over time, flexible endoscopes were developed, after which the invasiveness of endoscopy began to gradually decrease.

Modern technologies have made it possible to create ultra-thin endoscopes, which are gradually replacing old-style devices and are being put into service not only in private medical institutions, but also in public ones. Ultra-thin endoscopes are so elegant that they are not capable of causing discomfort or in any way seriously damaging the delicate mucous membrane of the esophagus.

The latest development in this area is capsule endoscopy. It is carried out without the use of a flexible hose, which is replaced by a small plastic capsule equipped with special microequipment: a camera, a transmitter, batteries and an antenna. The swallowed capsule takes about 50 thousand high-quality photographic images of the esophagus, stomach and small intestine, which are immediately transmitted to a special device. In this case, the patient does not feel the presence of a foreign body in the stomach, does not receive any injuries, and the decrypted images fully convey the picture of the condition of the internal walls of the stomach. digestive organs.

Preparing for endoscopy

TO mandatory conditions The steps that must be performed before the endoscopy procedure include the following:

  • Carry out the study on an empty stomach. Endoscopic examination is carried out exclusively on an empty stomach, so it is preferable to do it in the first half of the day. Naturally, you can’t have breakfast in the morning. What is allowed is water, but again in small quantities and without gas. If the study is scheduled for the second half of the day, then 7-8 hours before the procedure you must refuse any food.
  • Follow the diet for 1-2 days. A few days before the test, it is necessary to give up all substances that irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus: nicotine, alcohol, hot spices, fatty foods, coffee. Otherwise, endoscopy results may be inaccurate.
  • Stop taking certain medications. If the patient is taking medications that somehow affect the acidity of the stomach, 2 days before the procedure you need to stop doing this, otherwise the doctor will not be able to determine the true acidic environment inside the organ.

All other preparatory measures carried out before endoscopy directly depend on the person’s health status. For example, especially impressionable patients who suffer from increased excitability or any mental disorders, you need to take a tranquilizer tablet 3 hours before the test. Also, a few minutes before insertion of the endoscopic tube, local anesthesia nasopharynx and esophagus.

During the procedure, some patients may experience increased salivation, so it is advisable to take a disposable towel or diaper with you.

How is gastric endoscopy performed?

Endoscopy of the stomach is performed in the supine position - the patient is placed on a couch or table. Having turned over on his left side, he should straighten left leg and bend the right one, pulling it towards the stomach. Place a towel or diaper under your head.

Then the patient opens his mouth and bites a special ring with his teeth, through which the endoscope will be inserted in the future. The thin part of the device is then inserted into the mouth and passes directly through the esophagus into the stomach. It is important to swallow at the right time at the doctor’s request, otherwise the endoscope risks getting into the trachea. After this, you need to relax and breathe through your nose. The doctor will need a few minutes to examine in detail the walls of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum. The tube will then be removed.

The procedure using a capsule endoscope is much simpler. A special device is placed on the patient's belt, and then he swallows a plastic capsule on an empty stomach. The capsule, passing the path that food usually takes, takes detailed pictures internal state gastrointestinal organs. It will then take time for the pictures to be transferred to the bodypack. While waiting, the patient can do anything except heavy physical work. Then he returns to the doctor, who processes the results of the study.

Endoscopy of the stomach in children

The examination of the children's stomach is carried out with a special endoscope - for children. Everything is pre-produced preparatory procedures in full – pain relief, reception sedatives. But it is often difficult to get a child to relax and swallow a pipe - not every adult will agree to this. Therefore, children, like no one else, are recommended to undergo capsule endoscopy.

There are no age restrictions for capsule endoscopy. Children over five years old can easily swallow the capsule on their own. Children from one to five years old need help swallowing the microchamber, but in general they tolerate the procedure calmly and painlessly. The camera, having completed its task, leaves the body naturally– together with feces – without causing unnecessary worries.

Gastric biopsy using endoscopy

One of the most beneficial properties endoscopy is that it will allow, in parallel with the external examination, to carry out a biopsy of the stomach.

The essence of a biopsy is to obtain a sample of gastric tissue for further examination. Tissue sampling is done selectively (in cases where there is already an obvious pathological formation), or using a search method (to detect a tumor at an early stage).

Biopsy should only be performed experienced doctor, because this is quite a jewelry procedure. After inserting an elastic tube through the esophagus into the stomach, special forceps are lowered down it, which is used to collect tissue. After samples are removed, they are impregnated with paraffin and sent to the laboratory.

It is worth noting that the biopsy procedure is painless and the patient does not feel manipulation with forceps.

How to decipher the results of the study?

Only the attending gastroenterologist should interpret the research results in detail and prescribe a further course of treatment. The endoscopist is only obliged to issue a detailed conclusion of the study and, at the patient’s request, make any general clarifications.

The research protocol must describe the following points:

  1. Condition of the walls of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum;
  2. Appearance of the lumen of the stomach;
  3. The nature of the stomach contents;
  4. The degree of elasticity and other characteristics of the internal surface of the walls of organs;
  5. Full characteristics motor activity organs;
  6. Description of changes and focal lesions, if any.

Having received the gastric endoscopy protocol in hand, the patient should not make premature conclusions and independently diagnose himself, guided by information from the Internet or any other sources. Needed in as soon as possible visit your doctor and develop the optimal course of treatment for the detected pathologies or conduct repeated, more in-depth studies of the problem that has arisen.

Endoscopy of the esophagus - modern method diagnostics used to assess the condition of this part of the digestive canal. The procedure is performed using a special device, which is a flexible tube equipped with optical and lighting systems. The method is required for early diagnosis pathologies of the esophagus, making a prognosis for the development of the disease, determining treatment tactics and the type of surgical intervention.

Indications for use

Esophageal endoscopy is prescribed:

  • at severe pain, heartburn, belching, difficulty swallowing
  • inflammation of the esophagus due to thermal or chemical burn
  • entry of a foreign object into the esophagus
  • bleeding, etc.

An endoscopic examination can reveal the presence of polyps, erosions and ulcers on initial stages diseases, hernias, pathological changes in the mucous membrane, weakening of tone, etc.


Endoscopy of the esophagus has a number of contraindications, namely:

Relative contraindications to esophagoscopy include various inflammatory diseases respiratory organs that prevent the insertion of the instrument. In these cases, endoscopy of the esophagus is performed after recovery. Sometimes the implementation of therapeutic manipulation can be difficult due to the presence of scars or severe injuries to the organ.

Preparation for esophagoscopy

Endoscopic examination of the esophagus requires compliance with a number of simple recommendations. It is usually carried out in the morning on an empty stomach. If the procedure is scheduled in the afternoon, the patient can eat a light breakfast, but no later than 4-5 hours before the procedure. It is recommended to refrain from smoking 2 hours before the examination. Subject with increased anxiety Doctors may prescribe sedatives and muscle relaxants to prevent the development of spasms.

Carrying out the procedure

During the endoscopic examination, the patient is in a lying position on the couch. The head should be thrown back slightly. If the patient has dentures, they must be removed. The subject is asked to open his mouth wide and stick out his tongue as much as possible to treat the back of the throat with anesthetic. This is necessary to prevent the gag reflex.

The doctor inserts an endoscope, simultaneously observing the condition of the mucous membranes of the organ and recording pathological foci. To facilitate the process, the patient is asked to make a swallowing movement. The duration of the procedure does not exceed 15-20 minutes.

Endoscopy of the esophagus, performed by an experienced specialist using modern equipment, does not cause severe discomfort. Minor discomfort does not pose a health hazard and goes away without treatment within 1-2 days. In clinics in Kurkino, Kommunarka and Maryino it is possible to carry out the procedure with sedation, “in your sleep”.


When performing endoscopy and examining its results, the doctor pays attention to the following indicators: the color and structure of the mucous membranes, the diameter and length of the esophagus, vascular pattern, folding, etc. healthy person there are four constrictions ranging from 25 to 30 cm in length. The normal color of the mucous membrane is from pale pink to reddish, the structure is fine-fibrous. Deviations from the norm are evidence of a disease and require treatment.

Endoscopy in IMMA medical clinics

Are you looking for where you can have an esophagoscopy and quickly get the results of the examination? Contact one of medical clinics IMMA. We have no queues or long waits for results. Every patient is guaranteed qualified assistance, comfortable conditions for carrying out procedures and Attentive attitude medical personnel. The procedure, performed by an experienced specialist, will not cause severe discomfort and painful sensations. We care about your safety and peace of mind during the procedure. In their work, the clinic’s doctors use only modern equipment, which shows accurate results with minimal inconvenience.

Deterioration in health most often occurs at a time when a person is not even aware of the presence of problems. This is especially true for organs digestive system. That is why practicing gastroenterologists recommend that all their patients regularly (especially those over 40 years of age) undergo gastric endoscopy.

Modern medical institutions equipped with the necessary equipment to perform laparoscopic diagnostics internal organs– its methods are considered the most informative and frequently used methods for detecting even minor changes in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT).

In this article we want to provide our readers detailed information about what an endoscopic examination of the stomach (or gastroscopy) is, why it is needed, how to prepare for it, what is the procedure for performing the diagnostic procedure and how to decipher its results.

The essence of examination of the gastrointestinal tract

The term "endoscopy" translated from Greek means "examination inside." Using flexible ultra-thin tubes equipped with an illumination and optical system, you can thoroughly examine the entire digestive tract. A mini-camera, which is located at the end of the device, allows you to visualize internal organs on a computer monitor. Thanks to new generation endoscopes, which do not damage the mucous membranes and cause virtually no pain in the patient, qualified specialists can:

  • assess the condition of the esophagus, stomach, duodenum;
  • diagnose early stages pathological processes (when characteristic clinical signs are still absent);
  • carry out a rational course of treatment and preventive measures in a timely manner.

Endoscopy of the stomach can detect internal bleeding, gastritis, peptic ulcer, esophagitis, gastroduodenitis. The procedure can also be carried out as additional examination in order to clarify the diagnosis and establish the etiological cause of some oncological diseases. One of the latest achievements laparoscopic diagnosis is capsule endoscopy of the stomach - a safe, painless and comfortable technique that is used:

To carry out the study, the patient swallows a plastic capsule equipped with a small camera - with its help the condition of the digestive organs from the inside can be visualized on a special device


Gastroscopy allows the doctor to examine the mucous membranes of each part of the digestive tract and record any changes in the endothelial layer. Using this diagnostic procedure, you can detect such pathological processes, How:

  • portal hypertension– increase blood pressure V portal vein, which causes disruption of blood flow in the inferior vena cava and hepatic veins;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • gastritis - inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach;
  • infiltrative change in the relief of the folds of the digestive tract;
  • polyp - a benign growth of the glandular structure of the stomach;
  • malignant epithelial neoplasm.

The results of fluoroscopy and ultrasound do not always reflect changes in the organs of the digestive system, while endoscopic examination in almost all cases finds a pathological focus. That is why diagnostics are indicated for patients:

  • With chronic gastritis;
  • erosion of the mucous membrane;
  • changes in the venous pattern;
  • anemia unknown etiology;
  • availability clinical signs dyspepsia (disorders of the functional activity of the digestive tract) - lack of appetite, nausea (even vomiting), painful sensations in the abdomen, flatulence, feeling of fullness in the stomach.

Diagnosis of the digestive tract is also indicated during planned surgical intervention on internal organs. Any tumor-like formation detected during gastroscopy of the stomach is a reason for endoscopic biopsy– sample collection biological material for further cytological and histological examination.

Preparation for the diagnostic procedure

The first stage of planning an endoscopic examination includes a consultation with a qualified specialist, at which the patient should warn the doctor about the presence of chronic pathologies- this is very important point, in case of diseases such as acute cerebrovascular accident or severe form of bronchial asthma, the study is prohibited, about the medications used, possible allergic reaction.

Based on these data, the diagnostician will set a date for the examination and give recommendations for subsequent preparatory activities. Three days before the actual manipulation, the patient must completely eliminate the use of alcoholic beverages, limit smoking and physical activity, stop taking medications that inhibit the activity of the blood coagulation system and prevent thrombus formation.

Most often, the stomach is examined in the first half of the day. The day before, the patient needs to have dinner with easily digestible foods and take Espumisan. You will have to skip breakfast - you can drink 100 ml of non-carbonated mineral water. To suppress feelings of anxiety, 3 hours before the procedure, you can take a daytime tranquilizer - Seduxen or Diazepam.

The last meal on the eve of gastroscopy should be no less than 10 hours before the start of the study.


Despite the fact that this diagnostic technique It is distinguished by its versatility and ease of implementation; it also has its contraindications:

  • acute inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • stenosis (narrowing of the lumen) and cicatricial strictures of the esophagus caused by burns, injuries or tumors;
  • hemophilia – genetic pathology associated with a violation of the blood clotting process;
  • aneurysm (pathological expansion) of the cardiac aorta;
  • deformation spinal column;
  • bronchial asthma in the acute stage;
  • mental disorders.

Such restrictions do not allow gastroscopy; in order to study the state of the digestive organs, other alternative methods are used - sonography or computer bioresonance testing.

Execution order

Gastroscopy takes no more than 10 minutes. A qualified specialist performs the following actions: sprays Lidocaine spray into the oropharynx - a local anesthetic that helps reduce the sensitivity of the mucous membranes, lays the patient on his side and inserts a special plastic device into the oral cavity - a “mouthpiece”, necessary to protect the endoscope, inserts a flexible tube into the funnel and asks the patient to swallow it .

During the manipulation, the patient should breathe through the mouth, remain calm and unquestioningly comply with all requests of the medical personnel. When moving the fibrogastroscope along the abdomen, you may experience discomfort, caused by spastic contractions of the muscles, which are trying to “get rid” of a foreign body in the pharynx.

The discomfort that the patient experiences during gastroscopy remains at the same level, so you need to wait a few minutes - the diagnostician examines the mucous membranes and pulls out the device.

Are there complications after endoscopy?

This study is considered safe diagnostic method. After it is carried out, there remains a feeling of numbness in the root of the tongue and a bitter taste in the oral cavity. With the exception of unpleasant memories, gastroscopy usually passes without a trace.

If the patient violates the instructions for dietary nutrition reflux of stomach contents up the esophagus into the lower parts of the respiratory tract may occur - this threatens the development of lung tissue acute infectious-toxic inflammatory process (aspiration pneumonia).

In rare cases, serious complications occur - damage blood vessels or perforation of the mucous membranes, leading to internal bleeding.

The occurrence of such consequences is facilitated by:

Interpretation of final data

At the end of the diagnostic procedure, the patient is given a research report containing information only for a qualified specialist. His protocol describes: condition anatomical structures stomach, appearance digestive juice, the lumen of the stomach and duodenum, characteristics of the motor activity of the stomach muscles, the presence of pathological foci - their location, quantity, shape, size.

Having received the endoscopy report, the patient should not search for information on the Internet and make hasty conclusions - it is necessary to visit a gastroenterologist who will make a competent diagnosis and choose rational tactics therapeutic measures

In a healthy person, the mucous membranes of the stomach have a pink-red tint. During the study, they well reflect the light penetrating from the equipment. When air is pumped into the stomach, its folds quickly straighten out. Normally, the stomach contains a moderate amount of mucous secretion, there are no tumor-like formations, erosions, ulcers, blood and the product of the activity of liver cells - bile.

Where to have an endoscopy?

To date this study considered the most informative. To carry it out at the clinic, you need to take a referral for examination from your attending physician and wait for your turn. If data on the state of the digestive organs needs to be obtained as soon as possible, this diagnostic procedure you can go to any private clinic. Its cost will depend on pricing policy clinical diagnostic center, equipment for diagnostics, type of anesthesia and degree of qualification of the specialist.

Nowadays, medicine is rapidly moving forward, to find out the cause of the disease, you just need to visit the doctor’s office and submit it to the laboratory necessary tests. The only problem is that the esophagus is not amenable to such research. But to examine it, a way was found that made it possible to study the esophagus in detail and determine the disease and the degree of its development.

What is endoscopy

An endoscopic examination is an examination of internal organs, carried out using a special device, inserted into the natural passages or small holes are made. IN in this case the process takes place through the mouth.

The research device is called an endoscope and is a tube equipped with optical instruments, illuminating the esophagus, and the image is displayed on the monitor thanks to a video camera. A handle located at the opposite end of the device allows the specialist to control the tube in order to study the problem area in detail and determine the nature of the disease.

The research tube is three centimeters thick and penetrates painlessly inside. The only drawback is that the patient still feels some discomfort during the examination.

When is an esophageal examination prescribed?

Esophageal examinations are prescribed for unexpected occurrences pain in the esophagus; in case of any pathologies of the esophagus, endoscopic examination esophagus. Examination of the esophagus should also be carried out for the purpose of prevention in order to detect all possible diseases and prevent their development.

If it gets into the esophagus foreign body, then it can only be identified and eliminated using an endoscope. A similar phenomenon can occur in people of various ages and sometimes threaten human life. Therefore, immediate action should be taken to correct the problem.

Moreover, during the occurrence malignant tumors In the esophagus, doctors use endoscopy. Since this method is the most effective during surgery, and also does not leave scars.

Contraindications to the use of an endoscope

For use this method research, there are also contraindications, which consist in prohibiting the use of the device by people who suffer from diseases such as epilepsy or asthmatic attacks. Such diseases are accompanied by coughing, and during endoscopy a person may die from suffocation.

It also cannot be used this method at acute diseases stomach. Such a procedure is prohibited when a person suffers coronary disease heart or hypertensive crisis. In this case, suffocation is also possible, which will end fatal.

How to prepare for the procedure

Endoscopy of the esophagus should be performed after careful preparation of the patient for it. Otherwise, the research may not bring results. Sometimes the procedure is repeated because the patient is not ready. Preparing the patient involves cleaning the esophagus before the procedure. Doctors recommend not eating anything for several hours before the procedure.

Three hours before the procedure, the patient is given medicine to drink. It is completely harmless. And thirty minutes before the examination process, the patient is injected medications, which have a calming and stabilizing property and normalize physical and emotional condition patient. After which an endoscopy of the esophagus is performed.

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