Home Oral cavity Nosebleeds in cats. The cat has a nosebleed

Nosebleeds in cats. The cat has a nosebleed

Man knows how unpleasant it is nose bleed, but can still take some measures right away. But what should you do if your cat’s nose bleeds? You can’t explain to her that she needs to keep her head elevated for a while, and you can’t apply ice to the back of her head. And yet, where does this come from? unpleasant symptom? It is not a fact that the animal was simply injured; it may also indicate serious disorders in its body.

Causes of nosebleeds

An animal's nose has a mucous membrane that contains blood vessels and nerve endings. Most often, bleeding is caused by damage to blood vessels as a result of mechanical trauma or inflammation in the nasal cavity.

There are many causes of a cat's nosebleed.

But besides this, there may be other reasons:

  • Nose injury. Injury with a sharp object (thorny plant, needle), fight with cats or dogs. Bleeding can also occur after a fall, bruise, fracture, or as a result of an accident.
  • Foreign object. Nosebleeds can be caused by grain, beads, or a piece of branch getting into the nasal passage.
  • Neoplasm in the nasal cavity. Tumors in the nose in cats and kittens occur mainly in mature age. It can be recognized by the asymmetry and deformation of the nose. In addition, swelling of the affected side may be observed, varying in size. eyeballs, tearfulness, etc.
  • Dental infection. Bleeding is often caused by the presence of infectious diseases of the teeth, since with an abscess, the root of the diseased tooth touches the nasal sinus. The inflammatory process causes dryness and bleeding of the nasal cavity.
  • High blood pressure. Hypertension leads to micro-ruptures in the capillaries of the mucous membrane, which in turn provoke nosebleeds.
  • Poor blood clotting. Platelets are responsible for the formation of blood clots and stopping bleeding. If there are not enough of them, the blood becomes thin, which causes nosebleeds.

There are many diseases associated with poor clotting. With such pathologies, other symptoms are observed, such as red spots located on the gums or ears, fast fatiguability, drowsiness, pale gums.

A cat's nose may bleed due to injury or an infectious disease.

Severe nosebleeds can be caused by poisoning with certain substances, such as warfarin, or substances that cause hemolysis.

Here are other causes of nosebleeds:

There is no cause for concern if the nosebleed is caused by a minor injury and stops quickly. But if bleeding is frequent and repeated again and again, and other symptoms are present, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is necessary.

If there is severe bleeding, the cat should be taken to the veterinarian.

What are the types of bleeding in cats: their symptoms

Nosebleeds in cats are divided into two types: acute or chronic. If the first occurs abruptly and without any symptoms, then in the second case it is systematic, appearing from time to time.

In addition, bleeding can be unilateral or bilateral. For correct diagnosis It is important to know whether the blood is coming from one nostril or from both. Generally, unilateral bleeding means the presence of a foreign object in the nose, a tumor, or injury. Bilateral signals the presence of a disease of infectious origin.

In some cases it is necessary urgent help specialist

Signs and symptoms accompanying bleeding in serious diseases:

  • when sneezing, blood sprays from the nose as if from a spray bottle;
  • swelling in the form of gumboil or periodontal disease is observed;
  • in severe situations, not all the blood comes out, but the main part is swallowed, in which case the feces may be black in color, and also viscous;
  • with mouth goes metallic smell:
  • difficult and noisy breathing;
  • loss of appetite or decreased appetite.

First aid for nosebleeds

If you notice a nosebleed in an animal, you should not panic; first of all, you need to calm down and examine your pet to understand how serious it is. The animal should not be nervous so that the pressure does not increase, which can aggravate the situation.

If your nose bleeds, apply ice to it.

If the bleeding is quite severe, you need to apply ice to your nose, then rinse it and pat dry with paper towels. If these manipulations did not help and the bleeding did not stop, or additional symptoms, you need immediate consultation with a doctor.

Diagnosis of nosebleeds

First of all, the pet owner should tell the doctor:

  • does the animal drink? this moment any medications;
  • is there rat poison in the apartment, and whether the animal could have consumed a poisoned mouse or rat;
  • whether the cat walked on the street without its owner and whether it could have contact with other cats;
  • did the animal fall or hit any sharp corners;
  • does the cat sneeze and scratch its nose with its paws?
  • bleeding is one-sided or two-sided;
  • are there any problems with the teeth, and is there blood in the oral cavity;
  • whether he has rapid breathing;
  • is there any asymmetry of the muzzle or its deformation;
  • isn't it?

For staging accurate diagnosis the veterinarian will conduct comprehensive examination pet, diagnosis will be carried out by:

  • general clinical analysis blood;
  • blood clotting test;
  • urine analysis;
  • biopsy, cytology;
  • X-ray of the nose;
  • general examination of the nasal and oral cavity, as well as the throat;
  • conducting tests for the presence of diseases caused by fungi;
  • conducting tests for the presence of infectious diseases transmitted by ticks;
  • computed tomography;
  • pressure measurements.

The veterinarian is conducting several tests to find out why there's blood coming out from the nose.

Depending on complexity present symptoms, the doctor will determine what diagnostic method the animal will need. After which he will prescribe appropriate treatment that will help stop the bleeding and remove the causes that provoked it.

Cat treatment and care

Treatment begins with stopping bleeding by any means. In addition, the cat is given sedatives as it may become scared and cause more damage to the nose, which will cause more bleeding. The veterinarian will tell you how to stop the bleeding and remove its original cause during an in-person examination.

What is the main help for an animal:

  • first you need to apply an ice compress;
  • to narrow peripheral vessels and the nosebleeds have stopped, you can use adrenaline;
  • if the cat does not even allow himself to be examined, the doctor may resort to anesthesia;
  • in severe cases the animal may need surgical intervention under general anesthesia.

If bleeding occurs due to an infectious disease, you may need to take antibiotics or other antimicrobial agents. When blood flows due to diseases in the oral cavity or as a result of tumors in the nose, surgical intervention may be required. Although in some cases you can only get by with chemotherapy.

The root cause of nosebleeds should be treated by a veterinarian.

ABOUT preventive measures we can say that it is enough just to monitor timely vaccinations and add a sufficient amount of vitamins to the diet. In addition, once every three months it is necessary to take your pet to the doctor for preventive purposes so that he can identify the pathology in time, life threatening animal.

Nosebleeds are very rare in cats.

It can occur in two forms - acute and chronic.

  • Acute form characterized by a sudden onset and does not entail any accompanying symptoms.
  • Chronic form manifested by periodic bleeding when sneezing or sudden movements.

Blood leaks can be unilateral or bilateral and differ in the nature of their occurrence. One-way flow usually indicates the presence of foreign objects in the nasal passages, injuries, and neoplasms. Two-way flow typical for .

This is what a healthy nose looks like!

In very rare cases, there may be an individual predisposition to such manifestations.

Causes of nosebleeds in cats

Bleeding can be caused by many things, from injury to infection.

The main reasons to pay attention to:

In most of these cases, the help of a specialist is necessary to identify the cause and make the correct diagnosis.

Danger level

Almost all causes of nosebleeds are equally dangerous.

If we talk about the degree of danger of both types of symptoms, we can assume that both types are equally dangerous.

Traumatic origin is fraught with complications such as inflammatory processes, which can spread throughout respiratory system. Due to the severe course of the disease, secondary diseases develop.

Coagulation disorders or infectious pathologies , which are characteristic of the bilateral appearance, often lead to severe consequences. Especially young cats are at risk. As well as pets with weakened immune systems, for whom the manifestation of this disease can be fatal.

Associated symptoms

As a rule, the disease is not limited to one symptom. There are a number of signs that are inherent to a certain disease and require particularly close attention.

Establishing diagnosis

To make an accurate diagnosis, a full range of measures is required.

Anamnesis includes information about the cat's acceptance of any medicines before the onset of bleeding or currently.

Clinical examination

Clinical examination, which is carried out to identify the cause, consists of laboratory research general blood and

If you are concerned about nosebleeds in your cat, you should contact your veterinarian for a clinical examination.

This makes it possible to evaluate general state pets, volume of lost blood, presence of inflammatory processes and primary infection, determine coagulability. Serological tests are being carried out to identify the fungus. Tonometry and radiography are performed chest and nose to identify the presence of tumors or edema, assess the condition of the teeth.

Held rhinoscopy to check availability foreign body. Visual examination of the oral cavity to identify dental problems.

IN difficult cases Diagnosis is possible through deep endoscopy of the nasal passages and biopsy.

First aid for detecting nosebleeds

You can quickly calm the animal using special sedative drops.

First necessary help on the part of the owner - to calm the pet.

  • You may need to resort to using sedative so that the sick animal does not harm itself even more. It is recommended to apply a cold compress for a few minutes in order to, under the influence of cold, narrow the capillaries and slow down the flow.
  • Medication solution Elimination of symptoms is the use of adrenaline. If the animal is overexcited, it is advisable to use anesthesia for a complete examination of the nasal cavity.
  • When identifying infectious disease The use of antibiotic therapy and other antimicrobial drugs is recommended.
  • Presence of tumors requires a course of chemotherapy. If this appointment is not possible for a number of reasons, it is worth resorting to surgical intervention.
  • Prevention includes caring for your pet and timely vaccination of the animal.

    To prevent this phenomenon, you should take your pet’s systematic vaccination and timely medical examination seriously. Carry out disinfection measures periodically.

There are the following types of hemorrhages:

  • acute;
  • permanent;
  • one-sided;
  • bilateral.


Why does a cat have nosebleeds? By the following reasons:

  1. Injuries.
  2. Entry of a foreign object.
  3. Development of a neoplasm.
  4. Hypertension.
  5. Diseases of the mouth cavity.
  6. Pulmonary hemorrhages.
  7. Systemic diseases blood.
  8. Side effects of medications.
  9. Poisoning.
  10. Viral infection.
  11. Heatstroke.


They arise as a result of fights with cats, dog attacks, beatings, falls, and accidents. In such a situation, pay attention to the intensity of hemorrhage. The bleeding most often goes away on its own, and when blood flows out in a trickle, cold is applied and the victim is taken to the clinic.

Foreign object entry

Cats are curious creatures; the spine of a thorny plant, a speck of dust, or a grain can get into their nostrils. The foreign body irritates the nasal mucosa, the animal tries to remove it and is injured. If the felinologist’s attempts to help the pet are unsuccessful, the animal is taken to the clinic.

Development of neoplasm

Tumors form in older cats. Pathological process develops gradually, the muzzle becomes asymmetrical. The tip of the nose takes on an unnatural color. Conjunctivitis occurs, the eye spheres may be of unequal size.

Hypertonic disease

Height blood pressure indicates cardiac or renal pathologies. The cause of bleeding is the rupture of the capillary walls.

Oral diseases

When eating excessively soft food, plaque forms on a cat’s teeth, which over time turns into dentolitis. Infection occurs, and purulent melting of the tooth tissue occurs. The process extends to the nasal sinus. Blood is released from the destroyed tissues and flows from the cat's nose.

Pulmonary hemorrhage

They arise as a result of injury, pneumonia, and the formation and melting of a neoplasm. Blood is released drop by drop, but it is difficult to stop.

Systemic blood diseases

Blood clotting processes are disrupted. Pathology occurs due to increased destruction or decreased formation of platelets. In addition to bleeding, blood escapes from the vessels. Reddish spots form, visible on hairless surfaces - gums, insides auricle.

Side effects of medications

Nonsteroidal antiphlogistants thin the blood. It seeps through vascular walls. The nasal mucosa is rich in capillaries. Bleeding occurs.


When carrying out deratization, rodents use poisoned bait containing an anticoagulant. In mice, blood clotting is impaired. Weakened rodents become easy prey for cats. The trouble is that the pet’s sensitivity to the toxic substance is higher than that of mice. Therefore, for a cat that has eaten a rodent, the concentration of the toxin is sufficient to cause poisoning. In addition to bleeding from the nose, profuse drooling is observed.

Viral infection

Viral leukemia causes blood clotting problems. Neoplasms are prone to metastasis. The destruction of a tumor in the nose leads to disruption of the integrity of the vessels from which blood flows.


Cats don't tolerate it well high temperature combined with sun exposure. As a result, the capillaries are damaged and blood drips out.

Reasons for visiting the clinic

The pet needs veterinary care if, in addition to bleeding, the following additional symptoms are found:

  • flux;
  • dental diseases;
  • black spotty stool. The blood is swallowed;
  • there is a bad smell from the nose and mouth;
  • breathing is difficult;
  • the cat refuses to eat;
  • she is depressed and does not get up.


Important has an anamnesis. The veterinarian needs to find out the cause of hemorrhage. If unilateral bleeding is suspected, mechanical damage or tumor process. If discharge is observed from both nostrils, probable preliminary diagnoses the following appear:

  • poisoning with anticoagulants - the cat ate a mouse during deratization;
  • side effect medicines;
  • infection.

The doctor prescribes the following studies from the following at his discretion:

  • standard blood and urine tests;
  • identification of pathogens through serological tests;
  • superficial rhinoscopy;
  • X-ray of the nose, chest;
  • endoscopic examination nasal passages.


First aid is that the cat is given depressant and apply a cold compress to your nose. You shouldn’t panic, because the felinologist’s condition is transmitted to the cat, he rushes about, and the bleeding intensifies.

Treatment consists of stopping hemorrhage using cold and vasoconstrictor medications. If symptoms of an infectious disease are detected, prescribe antimicrobials. In difficult situations, carry out surgery.


If nasal bleeding is detected, you need to calm down yourself and give sedative pet. Apply a cold compress. In most cases, this is enough to solve the problem. If these methods do not work, contact a veterinarian.

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Let's discuss what nosebleeds are in cats?

So, epistaxis is nosebleed. As a rule, this occurs due to damage to the vessels of the nasal mucosa, and may also be associated with increased capillary fragility or a tendency to bleeding. Cats of any breed and gender are susceptible to this.

When your cat has a nosebleed and you, not knowing what to do, are looking for advice on this topic on the Internet on forums, we recommend not to self-medicate or experiment on your beloved cat. The fact is that there are many reasons for nosebleeds in animals, and the consequences of your experiment may disappoint you and your family.


The veterinarian will conduct a thorough medical checkup(which will help identify the cause of bleeding) and prescribe tests:

  • A thorough examination of the oral and nasal cavities (can be done under general anesthesia).
  • A complete blood count to look for anemia, inflammation or infection.
  • Blood chemistry
  • Urinalysis to assess kidney function.
  • Blood clotting test, von Willebrand disease test.
  • Serological analysis for infectious and fungal diseases(histoplasmosis, blastomycosis), tick-borne diseases
  • X-ray of nose and mouth

Can be assigned additional research if the above tests did not help determine the cause of the nosebleed:

  • Detailed x-ray of the nasal cavity
  • CT scan
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • Rhinoscopy (examination of the nasal cavity using special mirrors) and nasal biopsy
  • Nasal surgery for definitive diagnosis and possible treatment


Treatment is aimed at stopping bleeding. It may be necessary to use sedatives to reduce anxiety and agitation in your pet. Can be applied:

  • Cold compresses to reduce bleeding
  • Adrenaline can be used to stop bleeding
  • In severe cases, general anesthesia may be required

Care and maintenance

Sometimes the bleeding will stop on its own and a visit to the vet may not be necessary. However, it is worth doing the following manipulations:

  • Limit stress
  • Apply cold compresses
  • If the bleeding does not stop and only intensifies (can be observed in other places), you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

How to call a veterinarian at home?

What questions will need to be answered?
In order to call a veterinarian, you need to:

  1. Call the operator at the numbers specified in the section;
  2. Tell what happened to the animal;
  3. Provide the address (street, house, front door, floor) where the veterinarian will arrive;
  4. Specify the date and time of the doctor’s arrival

Call a veterinarian at home and he will definitely help you.
At home, as they say, even the walls heal.

Nosebleeds are a rather unpleasant symptom that can occur not only in humans, but also in cats. The cause of the problem in animals is various factors. The owner must know how to stop a cat from bleeding from the nose, and then find out what was the provoking factor for this disease and, if necessary, begin treatment for the disease or injury.

The main causes of nosebleeds in cats

Veterinarians distinguish two types of nasal blood flow. The first is acute, the second is chronic. If the second option was diagnosed, then the symptom will be observed constantly against the background of various irritating factors. For example, a cat's nose bleeds when it sneezes or overeats. When a symptom is noticed, the owner needs to accurately determine whether blood is flowing from one nasal passage or from two at once. Based on this information, the search for the causes of this phenomenon begins. Among the main factors that provoke the symptom are the following aspects:

  1. Blows or bruises to the head. Cats are very active creatures. While exploring the world around them, they often injure themselves. Jumping with high altitude, running quickly can result in a strong impact to the skull or protruding part of the muzzle. In this case, a vessel ruptures inside the nasal passages. A cat's nose is bleeding after a blow. In severe cases, there may even be a concussion. There will be nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness, severe weakness, dizziness, lack of coordination. It is very important to quickly deliver the animal to the clinic and conduct examinations using machines and tests. If the blow was not strong, then the blood will quickly stop, and the owner will only need to wash his charge’s face;
  2. Entry of a foreign body into the nasal passage. Cats often injure their nose while playing with various objects. There are situations when pets accidentally injure their nose with a pencil or pen. Small objects are also dangerous for furries. Beads can get stuck in a cat's nose, thereby causing severe inflammation and pain. The owner is recommended to carefully examine the animal; if it is possible to remove the object independently, it is best to do this with sterile tweezers. If there is a risk of injury during the process, then you need to take your pet to a specialist.

You should not allow your cat to play with dangerous sharp or cutting objects, as well as small parts. After all, the owner may not immediately notice the damage, and when bleeding appears, the wound will already be neglected.

If a cat has blood from the nose after a fall, it is recommended to do an ultrasound and magnetic resonance research pet's head. Timely detection of the disease will prevent serious and dangerous consequences.

Diseases that cause nosebleeds

Not only injuries or bruises can cause illness. Among the most dangerous and severe factors are diseases of various etiologies:

  • lung damage. Against the background of diseases, cats may experience bleeding in the cavities of the lungs. As a result, the fluid will have nowhere to go and will begin to flow out of the nasal passages. An ultrasound is required - examination and identification of the severity of the disease. Data driven veterinarian appoints effective treatment and regular examinations in the clinic;
  • infectious disease of the nasal cavity. Such ailments include rhinitis or another virus that has penetrated the mucous membrane of an organ. As a result, bleeding begins. As a rule, treatment is carried out using drops and ointments, as well as anti-infective drugs;
  • hypertension. High blood pressure and blood flow can occur against the background of medications, too much food, obesity. To restore your pet's health, you must follow proper feeding and consult a doctor to replace medications with suitable medications;
  • poisoning rat poison. The problem often occurs in animals that are free-range, for example, in a private home. In this case, the cat may not even eat the poison, but only smell it. Potent substances cause an unpleasant symptom and a host of other signs of poisoning, including nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness and even death;
  • malignant tumors. A growing tumor in your pet's head will be accompanied by a number of signs of cancer. With a large tumor volume, deformation of the craniofacial bones occurs. The cat's face changes, the animal becomes very quiet, lethargic, inactive, eats poorly and constantly lies down.

As a first aid, apply an ice compress to the nose and give sedatives, because in a panic the pet can harm itself even more. A cold towel or ice will quickly constrict the blood vessels and prevent you from losing a lot of blood. In clinics, as a rule, the veterinarian injects adrenaline to stop heavy bleeding. Antibiotics are then prescribed and antiviral drugs until the wound heals. In severe cases, administration is required general anesthesia and surgery.

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