Home Hygiene Meltser Alexander Vitalievich biography. Welcome to alma mater SZGMU im

Meltser Alexander Vitalievich biography. Welcome to alma mater SZGMU im

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, few people think about why a person needs hair. But they are given to us not just for beauty.

Hair performs several very important functions for humans.

1) Firstly, hair is a kind of “antenna” that receives cosmic energy.

2) Secondly, hair acts as a battery. They accumulate energy. Personal strength of a person. A person with long hair has better intuition. A woman with long hair carries a child WITHOUT toxicosis.

Thus, according to the apocryphal “Book of the Genesis of Heaven and Earth,” Samson, an Old Testament hero who became famous for his exploits in the fight against enemies, wore long braids that gave him heroic strength. When Samson broke the vow of celibacy he had given to the gods and fell in love with Delilah, he revealed a secret to her while drunk: “If you cut my hair, my strength will retreat from me.” The insidious lover waited until the man fell asleep and cut seven braids from his head. Samson immediately weakened, which his enemies took advantage of - they blinded him and forced him to work at the mill. But when Samson's hair grew back, his strength returned to him, and he destroyed the building where the enemies were located.

3) Thirdly, hair stores a person’s memory. I remember the story of my friend. She was an excellent student, a Komsomol athlete, with a braid down to her waist. And then she managed to get a fashionable haircut just before the exams. And what do you think? She failed her exams. She just couldn’t remember anything that she knew with an A yesterday. She cut off her memory. Therefore, a person who has experienced very great grief is often advised to get a haircut. Under no circumstances should you cut the hair of small children. There is a belief that a child must have his hair cut when he is one year old. So I’ll tell you that this is complete stupidity. A child actively explores the world, learns every second of his life, and you simply cut off all his memory. He starts learning all over again. There is a developmental delay. Why do girls tend to develop faster? Because, as a rule, they are not trimmed. It has been proven that children who do not have their hair cut develop much faster.

The commandment of God Svarog says: “Do not cut your brown hair, different hair, and with gray hair, for you will not comprehend the Wisdom of God and you will lose your health.”

We all know that in the old days people did not cut their hair. A woman with cropped hair was considered disgraced, among all nations. Even men didn't cut their hair. It was customary among some nations to cut men's hair, but note that the haircuts were far from short.

Hair should never be dyed. We all studied physics at school.

The color of objects arises mainly in the process of wave absorption. A red vessel appears red because it absorbs all other colors of the light beam and reflects only red. When we say, “this cup is red,” what we really mean is that the molecular composition of the surface of the cup is such that it absorbs all light rays except red ones.

So, your hair has a certain color, as we know, there are no pure colors, hair shades are varied and very complex. Based on the above, hair absorbs energy flows of a certain wavelength. And exactly the energy that your body needs. What happens when you dye your hair? Your body begins to receive energy that is alien to it. What is the result? That's right, illness. So women, think a hundred times about whether it’s worth covering your gray hair; does it really spoil you? By the way, French women, who are considered the ideal of style and taste, never painted over their gray hair.

Do you know that the average hair length for a woman is up to her buttocks? What about a normal one, capable of providing her with the necessary supply of energy – up to her knees?

A woman with long hair has such powerful energy that she is able to create a protective circle for her beloved man, protecting him with her energy from any troubles.

By the way, the husband receives protection from his wife when he combs her hair. The Slavs had such a tradition.

A woman could only let her hair down at home or in nature. For the simple reason that loose hair (and even more so cut) absorbs all the negative energy. Including the lustful thoughts of men. Imagine a girl who has had her hair cut short throughout her entire childhood. And why is everyone surprised when she grows up and falls into fornication? Just imagine how much vulgarity she has absorbed throughout her life, so why be surprised?

Girls were given a braid, it was located along the spine and it was believed that all the bright Ecumenical forces pass through the hair into the spine and fill the body, Soul and Spirit of the girl with special vitality, preparing her for the future Sacred mission of motherhood. She symbolized unification vitality Worlds Reveal, Navi and Rule. Married woman I braided 2 braids to get energy for both myself and my unborn child. To prevent the braids from interfering with work, they were collected in a bun or hidden under a scarf.

Men also took care of their hair; they attached more importance to hair than women. A beard was a symbol of maturity, masculinity and independence of a man. The beard was not only a man's property, it was a symbolic confirmation of belonging to the Divine Family, that is, the bearer of the Beard was a descendant of the Ancient Heavenly Gods. Therefore, the Slavs and Aryans preserved the statement: “Our Gods are our Fathers, and we are their children, and we will be worthy of the Glory of our Gods, and we will do many good deeds, and for the glory of our Clans, three times more than the power in our ford.” .

Damaging a man's beard or forcibly cutting it off in ancient times was considered a grave crime against one's ancient Family of the Great Race and an insult to the Heavenly Gods who patronize this Family. Insulting the Heavenly Gods was not forgiven to anyone; because of this, many wars took place in the past, and the singed beard of an ambassador in the old days was considered a declaration of the beginning of war.

Since ancient times, mature beardless men were called woman-faced; they tried not to enter into military or other agreements with them, because it was believed that woman-faced men lead a feminine lifestyle (saying modern language, they are people of opposite sexual orientation. This is confirmed by various historical sources, which tell us that before the reform of Peter 1, when it was announced “to shave beards and wear German dress,” it was the Europeans with non-traditional sexual orientation who surrounded Peter 1 who were beardless.

Our Ancestors did not use shampoos, and washed their hair once a week, and the hair was thick, healthy, and did not split or fall out.

1) Mustard powder. It is mixed 50x50 with soda, diluted to sour cream and applied to damp hair. If you have greasy hair, you can leave the mixture on your hair for a couple of minutes, if it’s dry, wash it off immediately. Mustard degreases very strongly, so you can make a mask from it before washing. burdock oil. You can also add coarse rye flour to this mixture.

2) You can wash your hair with egg yolk. Beat the yolks, apply to damp hair, distribute evenly. But there is a little trick here. You need to wash off the egg yolk gradually, adding a little water and “blurring” the yolk.

3) Well, of course, no one canceled soap. The best one is economical, its composition is absolutely natural.

4) Also, the hair is treated with lye. This is how they did it in our village: a bucket of ash, filled with water, and left to infuse. Then they took a ladle of this infusion and added it to clean water, washed their hair in it, and indeed washed themselves when there was no soap.

After washing, it is very useful to rinse your hair with decoctions of herbs: burdock, chamomile, nettle.

I wash my hair myself now mustard powder with soda. Hair is clean and shiny.

Naturally, combing your hair is very useful, it improves blood circulation and, as a result, hair nutrition and growth. It is better to comb your hair with natural combs: bristles or wood. But I know from myself - Thick hair You can't comb it with a bristle comb.

Our ancestors advised: To make your hair grow faster, cut your hair on your nails during the days of the black moon. A nail is a Slavic measure equal to 1.11125 cm. The days of the black moon are the new moon. Children under 12 years old did NOT have their hair trimmed. Cut hair should not be thrown away, but must be carefully collected and burned.

By the way body hair humans perform the same functions as on the head. Therefore, doing the so-called hair removal women deprive themselves of an additional flow of energy that nourishes specific chakras. Therefore, the body experiences a lack of energy and the hair begins to grow blacker and coarser - the body strives to make up for the deficiency.

In Europe, the first to organize hair cutting was the Roman Emperor Nero, who ordered the consul to cut the hair of all foreign legions. When the consul, commander of the foreign legions, asked Emperor Nero why this was necessary, he replied:

“I don’t want them to think; it’s enough for me that they only carry out my orders and instructions.”

And in the Russian lands, hair cutting began to be practiced only with the advent of Christianity. No one now can explain why and for what purpose they cut the hair of the followers of their teaching and their priest-clergymen, even if the Bible tells about Samson, who never cut his hair and was strong and invincible until his hair was cut (Book of Judges . Chapter 17, verses 17-19). The transition to cutting hair for men was completed at the beginning of the 18th century by the Decree of Emperor Peter I “to shave beards and wear German dress.” Because Peter did not have a beard, and about this he was very complex. A solution was found - to deprive everyone else of their beards.

In metalworking and a number of other tasks, it is often necessary to obtain rolled products of a given thickness. Anyone who has encountered this will not argue that the best tool in this area is a high-quality rolling machine. Hand rollers will easily cope with this task. They will allow you to maintain accurate dimensions throughout the entire part.

Hair on the arms and legs is a pride for most men and a curse for most women. Why did Mother Nature reward us with body hair? The answer is given by scientists who study the problems of evolution.

Our distant ancestors were very similar to monkeys. It took millions of years for man to evolve from an ape into a modern space explorer and inventor of the Internet. The ancient ancestors of Homo sapiens did not have clothing, but they needed to withstand the elements. Wool helped our distant predecessors cope with cold, heat and rain. Long, thick fur was considered a sign of health and good nutrition. In that era modern man would be considered sick, starving and very ugly. But time passed, people developed: we learned to make clothes, warm ourselves by fires, escape from bad weather in caves, and then in houses. Wool turned out to be unnecessary, and evolution gradually began to rid our furry ancestors of it. But she never completely got rid of it. Why? There are several reasons.

Fast and intense hairline develops in adolescents aged 14-18 years, especially in young men. This is a sign of growing up, developing an adult body and increasing testosterone levels. There is no need to be complex or afraid of increased body hair - this is a normal, natural process.

A question of aesthetics

It’s worth talking separately about the aesthetics of hair on the arms and legs of men and women.


As noted above, intense hair growth is associated with high level male hormone testosterone. This means that masculine (masculine) traits are also associated with hair on the legs and arms. Persistence, determination, aggressiveness are qualities that help to survive and succeed in society. And, seeing dense vegetation on the body, we unconsciously, at the level of instincts, understand that its bearer is a strong and self-confident man who can fight back the enemy and provide his wife and children with everything they need. In ancient times, women chose just such men.

However, it must be taken into account that, no matter how strong the unconscious drives are, a person is not an animal and is not guided by instincts alone. Thus, excessively thick hair on the arms, legs and chest is intimidating and gives a wild look. Not everything that was good for primitive people is good for homo sapiens. Today, moderate hairline is considered aesthetically pleasing for men. So that, on the one hand, not to look like an inexperienced youth, and on the other, to have nothing in common with a savage far from civilization.


Intense vegetation on female body today it is considered unaesthetic. The blame again lies with evolution. If since ancient times women preferred confident, strong, decisive men, then the preferences of men were different. They liked caring, calm, affectionate women - keepers of the hearth. The reason is the instinct of dominance: men experience unconscious pleasure when they are obeyed. Therefore, increased testosterone, and therefore thick hair on the legs and arms, has never made women more attractive.

The instinct of caring for offspring also played a big role. Childish traits include an instinctive program in a man that calls for protection, help and protection. Why protect a masculine female who herself looks terrifying? Therefore, men often preferred women with childish, rounded features, of course, without excess body hair.

Thus, we can briefly summarize all of the above. Hair on the arms and legs is an evolutionary heritage from our ancestors. They give the skin sensitivity and help to notice dangerous insects in time, protect against overheating and hypothermia. Thick body hair is an evolutionary sign of masculinity; its absence is a sign of femininity.

>Code: G416371/2013/5

Hygiene and sanitation[Text]: scientific and practical journal. - M., 1922 - . - ISSN 0016-9900. - Published once every two months
2013 N 5
Rakhmanin, Yu. A. State and actualization of tasks to improve scientific, methodological and legal framework in the field of human ecology and hygiene environment/ Yu. A. Rakhmanin, O. O. Sinitsyna. - P.4-10. - Bibliography at the end of Art. : table
Capacity of Member States of the WHO European Region to prevent adverse effects chemical substances on public health and measures to strengthen it. - P.11-15. - Bibliography at the end of Art.
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Analysis of dispersed and component composition dusts to assess the exposure of the population in areas influenced by emissions from industrial stationary sources. - P.19-23. - Bibliography at the end of Art. : rice.
Modern aspects condition and improvement of the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of workers and passengers of railway transport in Russia. - P.24-26. - Bibliography at the end of Art. : table
Hygienic aspects of using LED light sources for general lighting in schools. - P.27-31. - Bibliography at the end of Art. : table
Meltzer, Alexander Vitalievich. Experience in implementing the integral assessment method drinking water according to chemical safety indicators in St. Petersburg/ A.V. Meltzer, N. V. Erastova, A. V. Kiselev. - P.31-34. - Bibliography at the end of Art. : rice.
Samutin, Nikolai Mikhailovich. The influence of the oil and gas industry on environmental safety and the health of the population in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra / N. M. Samutin, V. O. Vorobyov, N. N. Butorina. - P.34-36. - Bibliography at the end of Art.
Features of changes in the electrochemical parameters of water activated by structurally strained calcium carbonate in micellar form. - P.37-40. - Bibliography at the end of Art. : rice.
Dobrokhotsky, Oleg Narevich. Main directions of harmonization of Russian and international requirements for ensuring biological safety when working with pathogenic biological agents / O. N. Dobrokhotsky, A. I. Dyatlov. - P.40-44. - Bibliography at the end of Art. : table
Harmonization of microbiological and parasitological indicators of epidemic safety of drinking water with international requirements. - P.45-48. - Bibliography at the end of Art. : table
European approaches to safety assessment food products according to microbiological indicators. - P.48-52. - Bibliography at the end of Art. : table
Actual problems improving population health risk assessment to ensure sanitary and epidemiological well-being. - P.53-55. - Bibliography at the end of Art.
Korenkov, Igor Petrovich. Methodology of an approach to express assessment of the magnitude of radiation risk for public health when exposed to radionuclides present in groundwater / I. P. Korenkov, T. N. Laschenova, N. V. Klochkova. - P.56-59. - Bibliography at the end of Art. : rice.
Shur, Pavel Zalmanovich. Identification social factors risk to children's health preschool age living in areas with high anthropogenic load / P. Z. Shur, N. A. Lebedeva-Nesevrya. - P.59-62. - Bibliography at the end of Art.
Prusakov, Valery Mikhailovich. Dynamics of population morbidity risk in industrial cities of the Irkutsk region / V. M. Prusakov, A. V. Prusakova, Z. A. Zaikova. - P.63-69. - Bibliography at the end of Art. : rice.
Konstantinova, Ekaterina Danilovna. Determination of the main risk factors for development non-communicable diseases: classification tree method / E. D. Konstantinova, A. N. Varaksin, I. V. Zhovner. - P.69-72. - Bibliography at the end of Art. : rice.
Sraubaev, Ermek Nigmetovich. Development of technologies for managing the health of the population of Kazakhstan based on an integral assessment of combined effects environmental factors/ E. N. Sraubaev, B. Serik. - P.73-75. - Bibliography at the end of Art. : rice.
Kalinina, Marina Vladimirovna. Optimization of accounting for patient doses as a basis for assessing the risk of stochastic effects due to medical X-ray diagnostic irradiation / M. V. Kalinina, T. V. Zhukova, N. A. Kononenko. - P.76-78. - Bibliography at the end of Art. : table
Study of the territorial distribution of infection Helicobacter pylori working-age population of Moscow during medical examination of production contingents. - P.79-82. - Bibliography at the end of Art. : table
Hygienic assessment of morbidity among the population of the Karachaganak field region. - P.83-86. - Bibliography at the end of Art. : rice.
Kiku, Pavel Fedorovich. Prevalence of environmentally related diseases genitourinary system in the bioclimatic zones of the Primorsky Territory / P. F. Kiku, T. V. Gorborukova, V. Yu. Ananyev. - P.87-91. - Bibliography at the end of Art. : table
Hygienic assessment of the influence of environmental factors on the functional indicators of schoolchildren. - P.91-94. - Bibliography at the end of Art. : rice.
Bidevkina, Marina Vasilievna. On forecasting hygienic standards for chemicals that have a selective effect in atmospheric air populated areas / M. V. Bidevkina. - P.95-97. - Bibliography at the end of Art. : table
On the issue of the spread and problem of hygienic regulation of fungal air pollution in residential and public buildings. - P.98-104. - Bibliography at the end of Art. : table
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