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Read scary stories, creepypastas. What to do with an empty apartment

Seeing your apartment in a dream foretells cash receipts.

Changing your apartment for another means betrayal in love.

Someone else's apartment means that the person you are with intimate relationships, is cheating or intends to cheat on you with your closest friend.

If in a dream you rent an apartment, in reality this foreshadows a wedding.

Not having an apartment means you will become interested in a dangerous business, tempted by big profits.

If someone is arrested in your apartment, this is a sign of surprises and surprises.

Taking on a tenant for your apartment is a sign that you will be included in the Don Juan list of your admirer.

If a tenant moves out of the apartment without paying you, you are in for trouble with men due to financial settlements.

Finding yourself in the hallway of someone else's apartment, waiting until the owner deigns to come out to you, is to be humiliated in reality.

Seeing yourself in someone else's bedroom means the jealousy of your husband or lover.

To dream of a rich and tastefully furnished apartment with an office and a large library - such a dream foretells that your desire to live better will be realized.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Apartment

Have her in a dream good condition and with a decent environment means that your business will go well.

Finding a new apartment or changing it in a dream is a sign of a change in occupation;

Renting an apartment in a dream means starting a new business;

Giving a “corner” to someone in a dream is a harbinger of obstacles in business;

Paying rent in a dream is a sign of retribution for something. Sometimes such a dream means separation from a loved one and deep emotional experiences.

Accepting rent in a dream is a sign that the past will remind you of itself. Sometimes such a dream means that you will have to do something that you left long ago.

It is possible that after such a dream you will meet a person whom you have not seen for a long time and who repents of his mistakes.

See interpretation: tenant, house, dwelling.

Interpretation of dreams from

It is believed that an apartment seen in a dream means good news or joyful changes in life. For a more specific interpretation of this dream, it is necessary to recall all the details that caught your eye or surprised you. Then look at all the interpretations in the dream book.

In such a dream, your feelings and sensations are important; by your emotions you can understand how this dream will affect the future. An apartment in a dream can also reflect your energy state.

Why do you dream about an apartment?

It’s difficult to answer unequivocally what the apartment was for. A new apartment in a dream speaks of changes in financial sector life. Such changes will help you gain financial independence. Also, such a dream is interpreted as a possible new relationship that will last for a long time.

If you dream of an empty apartment, then such a dream indicates your loneliness and spiritual emptiness. You are subconsciously trying to escape routine life.

When you dream about someone else’s apartment, such a dream promises changes in life. But what they will be like - only your feelings from it will tell you. If you see a bright room and you feel calm there, then such a dream speaks of success and good luck in business. This could be a promotion at work or an offer of a new job.

When in a dream you are in a dark room and you feel anxious there, then in life you will have difficulties in solving problems. Or you will have to wait a long time for a decision on the issue of interest.

If an unmarried girl dreams of someone else’s apartment, then she will soon be proposed to. But the same dream for a married lady means the opportunity to experience new feelings and a long-term love affair.

A dream in which various disasters occur in an apartment may mean a difficult period in this person’s life. If this happens in someone else’s apartment, then you don’t want to have contact with others. In the case when the room is visible muddy water, then quarrels in the house are possible. And here pure water means big success person in life.

Why do you dream about buying an apartment or renovating it?

Buying an apartment in a dream means that you can successfully invest your savings. Buying a large apartment hints that your desires are difficult to realize and you will have to work for this.

If in a dream you are renovating an apartment, then in life you are moving in the right direction, and everything will work out for you. When someone makes repairs in your apartment, then someone helps you in solving everyday problems selflessly. If in a dream you are renovating someone else’s apartment, then soon you will have to provide support to your friend.

If you dreamed of an old apartment, then there may be difficulties in fulfilling your plans. When you renovate such an apartment, in life you will receive a lucrative offer from your old job.

If in a dream you saw the keys to an apartment, then new horizons will open up before you. Have you lost your keys in your sleep? This means that you will miss some chance, you should be more careful. In the opposite situation, such a dream promises you success in all your endeavors.

Moving to another apartment

If you move to an apartment, then changes in life and changes in priorities await you. Moving to a new apartment predicts success, but moving to an old apartment warns of possible difficulties.

A dream in which you see a dirty apartment promises troubles associated with human activity. Also, such a dream can indicate your depression and possible sadness. If in a dream you see your apartment like this, then you need to solve all the problems as quickly as possible so that they do not attract new troubles.

Robbery of an apartment in a dream

A robbery of an apartment in a dream occurs when a person has internal problems. It could be some kind of new complex, or maybe a secret grudge against relatives. Also this dream may promise the arrival of guests whom you have been waiting for a long time.

Video on the topic of the article

Why do you dream about an apartment? Seems like a good sign. But is it? In most cases, not a single symbol seen in a dream has an unambiguous interpretation, and in order to solve the dream, you need to take into account many nuances.

In most cases, not a single symbol seen in a dream has an unambiguous interpretation.

According to dream books, an apartment is a symbol of change. Especially if you dreamed of an unfamiliar living space. Moreover, they can be both for the better and for the worse. To understand what changes await you, try to remember the details of your dream:

  • What impression did the apartment make on you?

Usually, the emotions experienced in a dream directly indicate the nature of upcoming events in life. Joyful, bright feelings in a dream predict good changes in the future.

  • Whether the situation was rich or poor

On the one hand, the decent appearance of a dreamed home means favorable changes in life, while its poverty and squalor means worsening conditions. On the other hand, an apartment that is too richly furnished, even luxurious, (according to the Wanderer’s Dream Book) warns that the sleeper is in danger of a difficult situation in the near future.

  • Your actions in relation to it (are you moving in, moving out, renovating, or maybe tearing down?)

For example, moving from one apartment to another signals that the dreamer is internally ready for change and can completely abandon his past. Moreover, if there are a lot of things when moving, then you can expect great luck in something. Renovating your apartment foreshadows parting with a not-so-happy past, significant changes in the family (sometimes family squabbles). If the repair is a success, then the changes are for the better, and peace in the family will improve. If after it the house only got worse, then the dream promises a breakup of the family, nothing has changed - some kind of compromise will be found.

  • What floor was it on and how many rooms did it have?

A high floor is a symbol of the height of your thoughts, the desire for high ideals. If the apartment is on a low floor, you are an earthly person who prefers to stand firmly on his feet.

Any detail of a dream can change its meaning to the opposite. For example, a clean, spacious, bright apartment in which you enjoy being and which evokes only positive emotions also promises pleasant changes in your life. real life. But a dark, cluttered or, conversely, empty apartment speaks of the sleeper’s fatigue and inner emptiness, his desire to get away from routine.

Apartment in the interpretation of the esoteric dream book

In this dream book, an apartment symbolizes the dreamer’s living space. It is wider and freer than larger size apartments. And the less, the more junk it contains.

If you dream that you are furnishing your house anew, then your knowledge and strengths will find a new use.

Renovating an old apartment promises something new in the old (which will lead to re-registration of documents).

What does the dream book of yogis say?

According to this dream book, an apartment is your physical body, which contains thin bodies. Therefore, dreams about a house reflect the state of your aura and energy. For example, running around rooms means moving along energy channels.

By letting something or someone into your apartment in a dream, you opened up access to your energy field to something alien. If this is unpleasant for you, you need to try not to let into your home what scares you.

Apartment in the dream book (video)

Why dream of an old, someone else’s apartment or a new, after renovation, large

Sometimes you dream of someone else’s apartment, not your own. For a girl, this may be a harbinger of an imminent marriage, for a husband’s wife - a possible test of new feelings for another person. It’s bad if someone else’s apartment has no windows - difficulties await you, if there are holes in the ceiling - problems in terms of money, and destroyed walls - a symbol of the weak spirit of the sleeper.

Communication with interesting people prophesies a dream in which you see someone else’s home with a good stop. The desire to leave it indicates an urgent need to change jobs.

Moving to an old apartment that is decades old promises serious challenges.

I might dream about yours too former apartment(already a stranger). Don't be alarmed if she looks bad. This indicates a solution to many of your problems. On the contrary, we should be wary good view former housing. This means we need to think about our plans again.

New apartment promises financial well-being or a new serious relationship. Moving to an old apartment that is decades old promises serious challenges.

Good sign - big flat, and even after a good renovation. This means that your plans will come true, changes will be for the better.

Seeing an empty or burnt-out apartment in a dream

Often the sleeper not only sees some apartment, but experiences many dramatic moments associated with various disasters in it: fire, flood, etc. There is little pleasant in such dreams. But do all these cataclysms have any significance for deciphering dreams? Certainly.

  • A fire is a real disaster, which even in a dream will cost a lot of nerves. In reality, such dreams turn into experiences associated with love. For those who are married, it may mean an affair on the side. It’s good if, despite the fire, the walls remained intact. This indicates that you will resist temptation. An empty, burnt-out apartment speaks of a protracted relationship that has become a burden, and faded feelings.
  • For those who are still looking for their soul mate, dreaming of a fire in the house - good sign. Soon the search will end and the wedding is just around the corner.
  • But a flood in an apartment is a symbol of approaching difficult times. Even if it is not your apartment that is flooded, but someone else’s, you will have a hard time due to misunderstanding and negative emotions in relations with the outside world.

For married people, a fire in a dream can mean an affair

There is also an interpretation of dreams where pipes break, water floods from somewhere, etc. depending on what kind of water you see. Dirty, with unpleasant smell, muddy water - expect quarrels in your home. But if in a dream you were flooded with clean, clear water, then you can hope for success in business.

If an apartment is robbed in a dream

Theft in your apartment also has several interpretations:

  • For girls, such a dream promises many fans.
  • He warns men that in the professional field you need to be on your guard, because... the emergence of dangerous competitors cannot be ruled out.
  • It is possible that the robbery of an apartment in a dream is evidence of the existing problems of the sleeper, his anxieties and fears, insecurities and complexes.
  • According to another interpretation, a burglarized apartment speaks of resentment towards a loved one.

If someone else’s house was robbed, then you should understand your emotions and feelings, which have acquired a negative connotation. Such a dream reflects your evil and envious thoughts.

For girls, such a dream promises many fans.

But a dream about how you yourself rob someone else’s home can be considered quite good. He talks about the long-awaited resolution of some important issue for you that has remained open for a long time.

Buying or selling an apartment in a dream - what would it mean?

Another common situation that you may dream about is the sale or purchase of an apartment. In the first case, the dream speaks of your desire to free yourself from unnecessary connections that do not give you anything. If it’s hard for you to sell an apartment, then in reality you are going through a difficult period of parting with a loved one. Joyful emotions from the sale of real estate are a sign of a successful investment (it is quite possible that you will “break the bank”).

Joyful emotions from selling real estate are a sign of a successful investment

The same thing awaits you if you buy a living space in a dream, but with one caveat: if the purchase cannot be called anything other than chic and luxurious, then you will have to work hard before your dreams come true. So far they are difficult to implement.

You can find another interpretation of this dream. If a woman dreams of him, then she needs to reconsider her attitude towards her husband: it is too demanding.

Looking for, renting an apartment in a dream: possible interpretations

If you dream that you are looking for rented housing, it means that your life is far from ideal. You want not just to slightly change something in her, but to greatly change something in her: change jobs, start a family (or, conversely, become free again). Perhaps you should pay close attention to your feelings and understand what is bothering you so much. Also, such a dream prophesies a wedding (your own or one of your relatives)

But the intention to rent out an apartment indicates the existence of problems that cannot be solved without outside help.

According to Wanderer's Dream Book both renting and looking for housing to rent means a love affair.

So, a dream about an apartment may portend changes for the better (both in financial matters and love affairs), or it may warn of getting into serious trouble. life situation(up to real poverty). In any case, the determining factor in the interpretation of dreams about an apartment can be considered the emotional background of the dream. Joy, calmness, peace say that in real life everything will be fine. Sadness, anxiety, fear accompany sleep - nothing good can be expected. It foretells futile efforts, losses and failures.

Whether you believe dreams or not, which dream book you trust, is up to you to decide. If you are a materialist and are sure that prophetic dreams doesn't happen, then:

  1. You have nothing to fear, because a dream is just a dream.
  2. Perhaps you should listen to your subconscious - after processing the information received, it gives clues for waking life in a dream?

Tip: if you want to learn how to interpret dreams, start by memorizing them. When you wake up, write down in as much detail as possible what you dreamed and keep track of further events.

Why do you dream about house, housing (video)

Comparing the interpretations of his night visions given by different dream books and what happens to you in life, you will find “your” way and will be able over time to highlight the details of the dream that are significant for interpretation.

Attention, TODAY only!

Seeing your apartment in a dream foretells cash receipts.

Changing your apartment for another means betrayal in love.

Someone else's apartment means that the person with whom you are in an intimate relationship is cheating or intends to cheat on you with your closest friend.

If in a dream you rent an apartment, in reality this foreshadows a wedding.

Not having an apartment means you will become interested in a dangerous business, tempted by big profits.

If someone is arrested in your apartment, this is a sign of surprises and surprises.

Taking on a tenant for your apartment is a sign that you will be included in the Don Juan list of your admirer.

If a tenant moves out of the apartment without paying you, you are in for trouble with men due to financial settlements.

Finding yourself in the hallway of someone else's apartment, waiting until the owner deigns to come out to you, is to be humiliated in reality.

Seeing yourself in someone else's bedroom means the jealousy of your husband or lover.

To dream of a rich and tastefully furnished apartment with an office and a large library - such a dream foretells that your desire to live better will be realized.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Did you dream of a completely empty apartment? Unknown prospects are open before you, or a boring and dreary stage of life is coming. What exactly does this plot mean in dreams? The dream book will lift the veil of the dreamed secret.

According to Miller

In dreams, an empty apartment symbolizes spiritual devastation and loneliness. But if the space is filled with pure light, then it means spiritual renewal and good luck.

Better refuse!

Why does it appear? new flat? Expect major changes of an unknown nature, personal losses are possible.

Did you dream of a new, but dark apartment? Forget about your plans, you won’t be able to implement them. The dream book advises girls to refuse some offer.

A new living space in a dream also symbolizes a change of plans, a renewal of life, new beginnings, a transition to a new level of relationships, and one’s own awareness.

Luck or obstacles?

What does a very large, bright, but completely empty apartment mean? The dream book promises a period of fabulous luck.

Seeing such a room and feeling unpleasant emotions is much worse. The image guarantees difficulties, misunderstandings and obstacles.

Did you dream of a big and gloomy shack? A life test is approaching. But a small apartment is an opportunity to avoid trouble literally at the last moment.


Why else do you dream of an empty apartment? In a dream, she predicts separation from loved ones, disappointment, an empty life. Entering such a home means that you are destined for a period of loss and worry.

Did you manage to enter an empty house in the night, but were unable to leave it? The dream book believes that planned plans or trips will be overshadowed by bad news. In addition, you risk getting involved in a bad story or a risky scam with consequences.

What they were doing?

To determine exactly what an empty apartment means, it is worth interpreting personal actions in a dream.

  • Selling is ruin.
  • Buying is a benefit.
  • Repair - moving.
  • Cleaning up means family tragedies.
  • Destroy – conflicts.
  • Moving is a marriage.
  • Filming - beginnings, unfamiliar things.
  • Leaving, leaving is a forced separation.

Wealth or loss?

Why do you dream of a home completely unfurnished? The dream book promises a period of loneliness and major troubles. At the same time, seeing your own home without furniture can be before serious enrichment.

If you dreamed of a room without furniture and without windows, you will feel aching melancholy and hopelessness. But furnishing it in a dream is good. In reality, you will begin to explore unknown horizons, affairs, and activities.


Why do you dream of absolute emptiness in your own apartment? The dream book suspects that you have made a terrible mistake and will soon have to answer for your actions.

Seeing the same plot can indicate the futility of hopes and expectations. Did you dream of complete emptiness in the house? You will get sick or need help from others.

Life will get better!

Did you dream of someone else's empty apartment? Get ready for major changes. If a lonely woman dreams of someone else’s living space, then she will soon acquire the status of a legal spouse. For a married lady, the interpretation of a dream promises an unreliable lover.

Why else do you dream about someone else’s house? The dream book believes that in reality you will get a great job. If in a dream you managed to occupy an empty room, then you will start making good money. The presence of neighbors indicates the number of future colleagues.

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