Home Tooth pain The concept of illness in society. Disease - description of the phenomenon

The concept of illness in society. Disease - description of the phenomenon

Human health is the subject of study of many natural and social sciences: biology, medicine, sociology, psychology, philosophy and many others. The study of the basics of health is largely a biomedical aspect. And yet it must be remembered that although all medical doctrines were based on two interrelated goals - the preservation of health and the treatment of diseases, in fact medicine is the science of diseases. A person is connected with relationships in society and his social structure. Therefore, it is impossible to solve health problems without taking into account wide range social factors. Let us remind you that according to foreign and domestic researchers, a person’s health depends 50% on his lifestyle. Every aspect of social work concerns and promotes health. Social workers must have a clear understanding of the phenomenon of health and a healthy lifestyle. Without such ideas social work inferior.
According to the World Health Organization: health is a state of complete physical, mental, sexual and social well-being and the ability to adapt to constantly changing conditions of the external and internal environment and the natural process of aging, as well as the absence of disease and physical defects.
Health is the ability of a person to perform his biosocial functions in a changing environment, with overloads and without losses, in the absence of diseases and defects.
Health is physical, mental and moral. Physical health is impossible without moral health.
Health is a normal physical state, i.e. a state of wholeness and freedom from physical and mental illness or disease.
There is a distinction between individual health and population health (public health). Individual health varies greatly the most important indicators vital activity, adaptive capabilities of the body. Between health and disease, as opposite states, there may be a so-called pre-disease, when there is no disease yet, but the protective and adaptive forces of the body are overstrained or sharply weakened, and a harmful factor, which normal conditions would not cause the disease, but may cause it. In addition, health does not exclude the presence in the body of a pathogen that has not yet manifested itself, fluctuations in a person’s well-being, or even some deviations from what is considered the physiological norm. Thus, atherosclerotic changes that develop with age in all people blood vessels are undoubtedly a pathological process, however, a person’s health may not be affected if these changes are expressed slightly.
In this regard, the concept of a “practically healthy person” arose, implying that some deviations from the norm observed in the body, which do not affect the well-being and performance of a person, cannot yet be regarded as a disease. At the same time, the absence of visible signs of health impairment does not yet indicate complete health, since the disease, for example in the latent (latent) period, may not have external manifestations.
Health status can be determined based on subjective feelings a specific person in combination with clinical examination data, taking into account gender, age, as well as social, climatic, geographical and meteorological conditions in which the person lives or is temporarily located.
Public health as a characteristic of the health of members of society as a whole is not only medical concept. It represents a social, socio-political and economic category, as well as an object social policy. Public health needs to be measured, accurately assessed, taking into account not so much its medical as its social significance. When assessing public health a systematic approach is needed that allows us to consider how its complex dynamic system, containing many integrally related constituent elements and interacting with other numerous social and natural systems. This approach allows us to establish the dependence of health not only on the state of science and medical achievements in the field of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation, but also on the participation of the entire society in its formation, protection and strengthening.
When studying and assessing public health, the social, natural and biological factors that determine it are taken into account, expressing the result of their impact through a system of medical, statistical and demographic indicators. Three groups of indicators are used to characterize population health.
1. Demographics, or indicators of the number, composition, movement of the population, both in the form of migration processes and natural ones (fertility, mortality, natural population growth, average life expectancy, etc.).
2. Indicators physical development population.
3. Indicators of morbidity, injury and disability.
Public health is determined by social factors that depend on social conditions— socio-economic and political development, as well as from natural conditions- external natural environment, surrounding a person. Public health indicators are influenced by numerous specific factors of the reality surrounding a person, among them important occupies the state of health care and security environment. Biological factors that influence public health include the genetic characteristics of the population and the age and sex structure of the population.
The scientific organization of health protection for individuals, groups and the population as a whole is based on the development of a set of measures to strengthen the protective and adaptive mechanisms of the human body, as well as on creating conditions that prevent the possibility of human contact with unfavorable stimuli, or on weakening the effect harmful factors. In this regard, exclusively important role belongs to environmental protection, labor protection, industrial safety, anti-epidemic measures, improving the sanitary culture of the population, as well as a healthy lifestyle.
From a formal point of view, a healthy lifestyle is a set of sustainable, healthy habits. It is rational to begin their development in early childhood, since with the right combination of a stable daily routine, proper upbringing, healthy living and study conditions, a set of healthy lifestyle habits is developed easily and is firmly established for life.
A healthy lifestyle is the only means of protection against all diseases at once. Therefore, it is especially rational, economical and desirable.
A healthy lifestyle is the only lifestyle that can ensure the restoration, preservation and improvement of public health. Therefore, the formation of this lifestyle among the population is the most important social technology national significance and scale.
A healthy lifestyle includes a culture of relaxation and interpersonal relationships; here lies the key to successful mental and physical health.
In the era of market relations, when working with the population, it should be emphasized that leading a healthy lifestyle and being healthy is beneficial. But leading an unhealthy lifestyle and getting sick is unreasonable and ruinous.
Traditional modern medicine and the health care system, despite the high achievements of medical and biological science, turned out to be powerless in solving the health problem.
The attention of medicine is already focused on the sick person, his illnesses and their treatment until recovery, complete or incomplete, and the issues of rehabilitation, diagnosis and treatment of borderline conditions, as well as the preservation and strengthening of health - the highest good of human life, were beyond the sight of practical medicine.
Factors that increase the risk of many modern diseases (nervous tension, insufficient physical activity, irrational excess nutrition, alcohol and drug abuse and smoking) indicate their social conditioning. In this regard, the need to develop effective methods and means of prevention, early diagnosis and treatment. Significant advances have been made in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

Man, being a social, social being, throughout his life and labor activity continuously exposed to social factors. We can say that all human functions, unlike animals, are socially mediated. For example, thermoregulation is mediated by wearing clothes, digestion - by consuming cooked food, reproduction - by organizing family, everyday life, etc. Social pathogenic factors include the social system, wars, epidemics, famine, etc. Microsocial pathogenic factors are the negative influences of human relationships in individual groups (family, school, production). It has been established that the mutually negative influence of people on each other significantly reduces the ability to work and may be one of the conditions for the development of neuroses, hypertension, myocardial infarction, etc. Overcoming microsocial contradictions is one of the important conditions for the prevention of many diseases.

The cause of mass diseases of people is capitalism as a system that generates wars, hunger and mental illness. However, in medicine in bourgeois countries this situation is ignored. Instead, some foreign scientists are trying to prove that the main cause of morbidity is modern people is a kind of gap (social maladaptation) between the biological nature of man, his soul and the modern way of life, modern technology, living conditions in cities (urbanization). This allegedly leads to an increase in the number of modern diseases such as cardiovascular and mental illnesses in all highly developed countries. These diseases are called “diseases of civilization.”

In economically backward and colonial countries, diseases caused by malnutrition (hunger, vitamin deficiencies), infections and infestations also predominate.

Denial or belittlement of the role of social factors in the emergence and development of diseases has led to the desire to put in the first place biological patterns in the development of diseases in humans and to identify them with those in animals. This is how biologizing trends in medicine arose, such as “social ecology”, “human ecology” and even “medical ecology”. All these directions mistakenly equate man and his life in the environment with that of animals (ecology is the science of the connections between the animal body and the environment). Biological patterns are of great importance in the life of a healthy and sick person, but they differ significantly from those of animals, since a person lives in society and all environmental influences (even biological) are mediated through him social factors and influence. The influence of the environment - biological and social - on the human body determines the state of his health or illness. The human body should be considered in inextricable connection with its habitat, both biological and social.

The social factor - labor - created speech in people, a second signaling system. A word can be both a pathogenic and a powerful healing factor. This significantly distinguishes the conditions for the occurrence of diseases in humans from those in animals. All biological, pathophysiological patterns in the occurrence and development of human diseases are mediated by his social essence.

Mental pathogenic factors

For man as a social being, the pathogenic effect on his higher functioning is of particular importance. nervous activity, on his psyche. There are numerous cases of death from strong negative or positive emotions (fear, sad news, unexpected joy, etc.).

Strong mental effects can cause a person to go into mental shock with a drop in blood pressure and other manifestations of this condition. Possible psychogenic development of diabetes mellitus.

Various psychogenic situations - “collisions” - cause psychotic reactive states that are thus instilled. Mental influences are of great importance in the occurrence of hypertension, myocardial infarction, peptic ulcer and other diseases. Impacts on the patient’s psyche have a significant impact on the course of any disease.

Mental influences take great place in the proper organization of patient care. A sensitive, attentive, caring attitude towards the patient has a huge impact on the result of any type of treatment. A brilliantly performed operation does not guarantee the patient’s recovery in the absence of properly organized and caring care. postoperative period. The influence on the patient’s psyche is part of a special and most important branch of medicine - medical deontology (from the Greek. deon- due), or medical ethics.

Concept proposed by S. G. Olkov.

"I often remember an episode from my early childhood. Then I was three years old, and I lived with my parents in the Murmansk region. I was walking somewhere with my mother, someone else, and suddenly I wondered how I got into this world It was as if some sunbeam sparkled in my head, but I did not receive an answer." (p. 64)

Ab ovo

Reason is one of the highest forms of manifestation of will.
In essence, the entire variety of intellectual answers to all sorts of questions can be reduced to four:
- Yes;
- No;
- Yes and no;
- neither yes nor no.
The main weapon in the struggle for survival is intelligence, intelligence, wisdom. Homo Sapiens confidently defeats all other species and is waging a tough internal battle, which seems to have become a threat to life on Earth.

"From the point of view of Darwinian and neo-Darwinian views best sign Today's survival is the invention of nuclear, hydrogen and other increasingly sophisticated methods of warfare. Thus, the Darwinian scheme tends towards the absurd. That's why I don't like Darwin, along with Catholics, Muslims and other killers of the human race."

The first thing that captivates the author’s chosen style is his attempt to most sincerely present his positions, to integrate them with the positions of other world-famous scientists, without trusting any templates. However, this is where the book's merits only begin. The power of logic, unexpected and sparkling conclusions, good scientific romance - will give food for thought to any scientist and practitioner who is simultaneously interested in philosophy, psychology, sociology, jurisprudence and other social sciences and humanities.


A simple glance at the word “consciousness” gives rise to a confident association of something endowed with knowledge - co-knowledge, co-knowledge, co-knowledge of the matter. In turn, knowledge, according to popular belief, is the results of cognition, that is, roughly speaking, the process of production, development of knowledge, as well as information, information about the environment and internal environment. The concept of “consciousness” has two main features: a body of knowledge (concepts, ideas, images) and the process of producing these ideas and images.
First level of consciousness- this is the intellectual space from the Universal Mind to archetypes.
Second level of consciousness- basic perinatal matrices, engrams, prejudicial consciousness and morale.
Third level of consciousness- momentary, fixed consciousness - here and now.

Through the efforts of many philosophers, psychologists and other scientists, the concept of “consciousness” has been greatly vulgarized and blurred. The author's view of consciousness is original and worthy of respect for his attempt to resurrect and concretize this concept. On the other hand, it should be noted that consciousness cannot but be key concept themes of social diseases. Just as a biological disease narrows a person’s consciousness and forces him to think about his illnesses, so social diseases narrow and restructure people’s consciousness, limiting their spiritual life and self-realization. Any patient is primarily fixated on the negative. And after Olkov’s book, one can even make a broad generalization: fixation on the negative is a necessary and sufficient sign of human illness.

Olya, soul and psyche

Ol- this is the Sun around which our world revolves, the core that strings together everything in the personal, individual and social world, the foundation of the social scheme, under which something original cannot be subsumed.
The “sun” is hidden inside every living person. It shines through in all his actions. Wherever we turn our gaze, whatever state we analyze, our world revolves around it.
Explanations of the term “egoism” given in various dictionaries and firmly established in everyday life do not meet scientific goals, because they contain three major absurdities:
1. Selfishness is regarded as something negative, bad;
2. A clear consequence of selfishness is considered negative attitude to others;
3. Altruism is considered the opposite of egoism.
Self-love is not bad, but necessary, good and useful. It does not necessarily mean a negative attitude of the individual towards others.

"War, all kinds of other conflicts, various shapes social, psychosomatic, somatic diseases, etc. - also a way natural selection" (p. 150)

This quote obviously represents a very, very interesting point. The author (accidentally or deliberately) put objectively related phenomena on a par:
1. Somatic diseases (body diseases)
2. Psychosomatic illnesses(diseases of body + soul)
3. Social diseases
4. All kinds of conflicts
5. War
In our opinion, the hypothesis of serious scientific work The systematic nature of this scheme may become proof of the adequacy of its use when considering a wide range of problems. It is obvious that both conflicts and war can be need to considered as diseases. According to the Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary, “Disease is a disruption of the normal functioning of the body, caused by functional and/or morphological changes.” You don’t even need to change anything in this definition in order to extend it to points 3, 4 and 5. It is enough to imagine society, humanity as the notorious organism. It should be noted that conflicts and war cannot be a variant of social diseases. Social diseases cover SOCIETY, a kind of large virtual team. Conflicts involve two or more factions that differ on a number of issues. The war also involves two or more factions. The differences in the latter case are so great that each side allows the physical destruction of the enemy. That is, there is no desire to have anything in common with the enemy, not even life.
In this scheme, extreme positions (somatic diseases and war) are the most lethal, i.e. capable of causing death: The above does not mean that people do not die as a result of conflicts (domestic fights, for example), psychosomatic diseases (ulcers, diabetes, neuroses), social diseases (criminalization of society, addiction, etc.). But still, during military operations or serious illnesses, death occurs as a more logical consequence. We can say that death is the essence, an inevitable companion of these processes.
The diagram is convenient for considering the dynamics of many political processes. It is obvious that neighboring elements of the circuit are most closely connected with each other, excite and inhibit each other. And, if the “organism” has weak immunity, the inflammation is transmitted to neighboring levels. And if there are complications, aggravating circumstances, all 5 levels can “flare up”.
We will try to illustrate what has been said using the example of the history of our country at the beginning of the century:

In our opinion, the cataclysms of the beginning of the century were provoked by two important factors:
1. War
2. Low immunity of the nation.
It was the second factor that allowed the war to radiate (spread) to the remaining 4 levels. The low immunity of the nation is explained in turn by numerous other factors:
  • The science of that time was unable to provide a more or less suitable interpretation of the ongoing (psychological-)political processes, as a result of which non-scientific interpretations acquired great importance;
  • Culture and art did not increase, but decreased the immunity of the nation;
  • Over a short period of time, a large number of “infections” spread: Bolshevism, Black Hundreds, Zionism, etc., which together society was unable to overcome;
  • "Rotten head";
  • and etc.

"The goal of scientific knowledge is not just passive adaptation to the environment and inner world, but an attempt to organize it, to learn to manage the environment." (p. 59)

Public health and disease

Ideally, public health is identical to the concept of happiness - the most favorable life for the maximum number of people in the most favorable conditions. Specific life phenomena must be considered in three aspects:
Necessity- evolutionary-historical, natural aspect
Happiness- conformity with this highest good
Sample- a specific system of moral, legal, medical, technical, etc. coordinates
“Certain images are hung as standards, icons, for example, Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Buddha or Vladimir Lenin, Arnold Schwarzenegger, etc. I would hang up as a standard the symbol of a person who lived his maximum life long life, at least on this basis." "Let us immediately note that in the history of mankind no one has yet managed to create scientific morality and, as far as I know, for the first time the goal of creating such morality was set by the author of this work, recognizing that all previous moral lines, underlying social science are anti-scientific, harmful to the health of mankind, because they are pushing it into the grave with all their might." The question is how perfect are certain standards in terms of usefulness for the progressive, happy development of mankind. The author notes that "it is possible Quite often you hear rollicking songs about thieves, robbers, and rapists. They sing about suicides less often, but for the most part we classify those as normal and healthy. Nobody writes songs about someone with cancer, AIDS or a sore throat." All of these are phenomena of the same order, illnesses.

Thus, Olkov proposes to evaluate all diseases equally from a moral point of view: cancer, AIDS, (suicide) murder. Meanwhile, there is one subtle point that the author overlooked. As he accurately notes, ordinary illnesses do not carry with them the slightest moral prestige. But they also are not condemned society. People with influenza are not obstructed. If we follow the author’s logic, treating (self) murders as ordinary diseases, we will be forced to recognize (self) murders as a variant of the norm, the normal existence of people. Because what could be more normal for modern man How get sick?! And the core of our population is hypochondriacs, disease people. Exactly for this psychological type, by the way, the majority relies modern politicians, primarily regional ones.

In our opinion, it would be too straightforward to interpret illegal behavior solely as a social disease. If only because such a view will never take root among the masses. For the average person, illness is normal; crime is bad; and they can’t get together!

“God forbid I go crazy - it’s better to have a staff and a bag.”
The disease of the disease is discord. And some diseases are completely unprestigious. This primarily concerns mental disorders. With the exception of neuroses, all others mental disorders absolutely "not quoted". “Schizophrenic”, “Paranoid”, “Oligophrenic”, etc. The labels are very persistent and effective. Voluntarily turning to a psychiatrist is shameful; a person who has visited a psychiatrist usually faces communication problems and bias. Psychologists also got a piece of the “fame” of psychiatrists. Half of the blame lies with psychiatrists, who are mostly convinced that mental illness is completely incurable, so non-propaganda the possibilities of their science. Nevertheless, very, very many mental disorders are correctable. Adjustable and majority psychological problems with whom they come to see a psychologist.
It is obvious that the universal recognition of the treatability of mental disorders and their equality with ordinary diseases will have a greater effect than the usual statement of a sick society. Usually a person does not even allow himself to think that he has a sick soul; he is afraid to imagine himself in consultation with a psychologist or psychiatrist. If a person with a cold does not want to go to see a doctor, he self-medicates (with varying degrees of success). A person with an upset psyche does not even seek to engage in self-help. At best, he limits himself to taking alcohol and other drugs, which, as a rule, is not self-help. Thus, if the effect of the traumatic factor is not stopped by rational means, one can only rely on the last bastion mental health- psychological defense mechanisms. When she can’t stand it, the disorder begins to develop rapidly, with an unpredictable outcome. Clients most often come to psychiatrists and psychologists in this acute phase, when it is no longer enough to get rid of the effects of one or several traumatic factors. Mental disorder quickly and decisively becomes systemic. The sooner a person turns to a psychologist or psychiatrist (uses psychocorrection methods independently), the easier it is to overcome the problem. It may seem paradoxical, but Without a “fashion” for mental disorders, it is not possible to talk about the spiritual health of society.

Indicators of public health and disease

1. The prevailing morality in society (the number of moral schools and the degree of conflicts between them), the ideological position of individuals and forms of behavior corresponding to it, the orientation of law and law enforcement; degree of development of science.
2. Average duration life of the population and its size.
3. The degree of cohesion of individuals in society (group).
4. The number of persons destroyed in the course of law enforcement activities of the state.
5. The number of persons destroyed during revolutions.
6. The presence of interstate and major intrastate armed conflicts.
7. Crime.
8. Suicides (differentiated).
9. Occupancy rate of prisons and other places of deprivation of liberty.
10. The number of convicted persons serving and serving a sentence of imprisonment.
11. The number of people detained on suspicion of committing a crime and those arrested.
12. The number of people previously sentenced to other criminal penalties other than imprisonment.
13. Number of repeat offenders.
14. Quality of treatment of criminals.
15. Violations of the law by persons ensuring the rule of law.
16. Total number of offenses.
17. Number of mentally ill people.
18. Number of alcoholics and drug addicts.
19. Prevalence of drunkenness.
20. Number of disasters: a) road accidents; b) air, sea, land, etc.
21. The presence of economic crises, including famine.
22. Number of patients with incurable somatic diseases.
23. The number of patients with somatic diseases and the degree of their curability.
24. Manifestation of a tendency towards physical violence and sadism among the population.
25. Quality of treatment of children.
26. Frequency conflict situations: a) with the use of physical violence; b) without the use of physical violence.
27. Level of environmental pollution and sun exposure.

Prevention and treatment

“So, one young Parisian clerk, tired of life under the burden of sad thoughts that overwhelmed him, decided to drown himself. On the way to the place of suicide, he met two friends who asked him about his upcoming intentions. According to eyewitnesses, both began to dissuade the future suicide, and a few minutes later all three drowned."
When introducing nosological forms, diagnosing, preventing and treating any disease, one should focus, first of all, on the key determinants, see the “roots” and influence them. In essence, the treatment and prevention of social diseases is the pursuit of happiness. The more perfect the instrumental consciousness, the better the system of social standards, the more reasonable and safe social management, the lower the level of social pathology.
“Unfortunately, we have not yet learned to treat social pathology, but are only driving it from one form to another, giving rise to more and more complex and dangerous species such diseases, condoning the development of their epidemic and ever-increasing nature. .. Any decision made, especially regarding the introduction state standards and norms, must be theoretically balanced. It is necessary to thoroughly reconsider the system of existing norms from the point of view of its usefulness for public health. Arrange proper efficient collection information about pathological processes, their determinants and anti-determinants, its strict accounting; look for ways of quality treatment and prevention of all kinds of diseases. Clearly monitor the consequences of political and legal decisions made in terms of harm and benefit to public health. .. Society, its structural and functional units should be ruled by scientific organizations. They should be divided vertically and horizontally with elements of strict centralization and subordination of the lower “intellectual centers” to the higher ones; subdivide their functions, establish a reliable system of education, selection, placement and dismissal of personnel. .. Supporters lower forms morality, especially “criminal” morality, cannot claim any position in the apparatus of power.”

Diseases of a social nature are diseases caused primarily by socio-economic conditions, causing damage to society and requiring social protection person.

Social diseases are human diseases, the occurrence and spread of which largely depend on the influence of unfavorable conditions of the socio-economic system.
The process of the spread of infectious diseases in the human community is a complex phenomenon, which, in addition to purely biological aspects (the properties of the pathogen and the state of the “human” body), is also greatly influenced by social factors: the material condition of the people, population density, cultural skills, the nature of nutrition and water supply, profession, etc. The process of spreading infectious diseases consists of three interacting links: 1) the source of infection, which releases the causative microbe or virus; 2) the mechanism of transmission of pathogens of infectious diseases; 3) the sensitivity of the population. Without these links or factors, new cases of infection with infectious diseases cannot arise.

As main social reasons distribution infectious diseases the following can be distinguished:
Low level life;
— Unemployment;
- Low level wages
— Moral decline of society, lack of values;
— Propaganda unhealthy image life, crime in the media;
— Poor environmental situation;

List of socially significant diseases:
1. tuberculosis.
2. infections that are predominantly sexually transmitted.
3. hepatitis B.
4. hepatitis C.
5. disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
6. malignant neoplasms.
7. diabetes.
8. mental disorders and behavioral disorders.
9. diseases characterized by high blood pressure.

2. List of diseases that pose a danger to others:
1. disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
2. viral fevers transmitted by arthropods and viral hemorrhagic fevers.
3. helminthiases.
4. hepatitis B.
5. hepatitis C.
6. diphtheria.
7. sexually transmitted infections.
8. leprosy.
9. malaria.
10. pediculosis, acariasis and others.
11. glanders and melioidosis.
12. anthrax.
13. tuberculosis.
14. cholera.
15. plague.
I will dwell on several diseases of a social nature, the most well-known and most pressing in our time.

First I would like to highlight cancer.
This disease has social character, since it is a consequence of NTP. Industry received special development in the second half of the 20th century. In addition to the positive results of this development, humanity has also received many problems.
The name “cancer” was coined by Hippocrates, who described in his writings “a formation that has grown in different directions, similar to a lobster or cancer.”
For a long time, the causes of tumors remained unknown. Only relatively recently have scientists been able to partially uncover this mystery. It has been established that certain factors lead to the development of a tumor.
— smoking is the cause of 30% of pathology
— dietary habits (high-calorie diet, obesity, carcinogens in foods, low amount of fiber in food) – 35% of pathology
— infectious agents (viruses, chronic foci of infection) – 10%,
- professional carcinogens ( production factors) – 4-5%,
– ionizing and ultraviolet radiation – 6-8%,
– alcoholism – 2-3%,
– polluted air – 1-2%,
– reproductive (sexual) factors – 4-5%,
- low physical activity - 4-5% of all malignant neoplasms.
Tumors are divided into benign and malignant. Malignant formations gradually grow into the surrounding tissues and spoil them, like rust corroding metal. But main danger is that they are capable of forming metastases. Tumor cells, as they develop, break away from the general mass and spread throughout the body. Settled in different organs, they continue their destructive division. This feature malignant tumors has been known for a long time. It not only destroys everything that comes in its way, but also poisons the body with its toxins. It is not at all easy for the body to cope with one tumor, and even more so with metastases.
Benign tumors grow more slowly and do not destroy healthy tissue and do not form metastases. But they can also cause great trouble if they appear in a vital organ, for example, in the brain. Besides cell structure“good” tumors can degenerate over time, acquiring the features of malignant ones.

Ways to fight.
A cure for cancer has not yet been found, although, of course, there are ways to treat tumors. Alas, on late stages diseases, when metastases have already spread throughout the body, all remedies are ineffective. That's why doctors urge us to be cautious about cancer - attentive attitude to well-being. If you feel lethargic, lose your appetite, or begin to lose weight, you should definitely consult a doctor.
So far, the most common method of fighting cancer is tumor removal. However, in the later stages of the disease, surgery does not help. You can also influence tumors ionizing radiation And medicines. Undoubtedly, the following years will bring a person closer to getting rid of this terrible disease.

The second disease I will talk about is tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis has been roaming the planet for about 5 thousand years. Information about him also comes from Ancient Egypt. But it was only in 1882 that the German researcher Robert Koch discovered the causative agent of the disease. This microorganism became known as Koch's bacillus. It reaches a person from the external environment along with inhaled air. It is very hardy: it easily tolerates cold and does not die when dried out. Tuberculosis bacilli are preserved especially well in damp and dusty rooms. It is no coincidence that the disease most often occurs in those who live for a long time in poor living conditions. Previously, it was even called “the disease of those living in basements,” “the disease of prisoners.”

— In epidemic foci of tuberculosis, there may be a contact-household route of infection through personal hygiene items.
— Of no small importance is the nutritional route of infection with tuberculosis through products infected with sick animals. Such food products can be milk, sour cream, cheese, cottage cheese.
Sometimes there are artificial ways of spreading MBT as a result of violations of the rules of asepsis, antiseptics and in violation of the BCG technique (vaccination).
— MBT infection does not always cause the development of tuberculosis. This is facilitated by poor quality of life, exhausting work, and various stresses. Factors contributing to the development of tuberculosis include diabetes mellitus, diseases digestive system, mental illnesses accompanied by depression.
— The main source of exogenous infection are patients with active tuberculosis with the presence of inflammatory and destructive changes, secreting Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The primary symptom of tuberculosis is a dry cough, elevated temperature in the evenings, strange weakness. The person does not even know that he is sick and does not see a doctor. At the same time, he already infects others. This is the insidious property of tuberculosis.
The course of the disease is also deceptive. For example, an illness may seem to have already been defeated, but it can flare up with renewed vigor. Often it is not possible to completely destroy the causative agent of tuberculosis; the infection seems to lie dormant in the body, not making itself felt for years. But as soon as the immune system weakens slightly, Koch’s wands become more active and begin destructive work.

The solution to this problem lies largely in the prevention of tuberculosis.
1) Vaccinations and medical examination:
- BSG in the maternity hospital;
- Mantoux test;
- In older age - annual fluorography.
2) Timely diagnosis of the disease is very important. Pulmonary forms are detected using fluorography, a type of x-ray examination.
3) Compliance with sanitary and hygienic measures
4) No contact with infected people.
5) As measures to prevent the spread of the disease, separate rooms were previously allocated to the infected; Now, several infected people live under one roof, which only aggravates the situation.
Around the middle of the 20th century, tuberculosis began to gradually lose ground. Thanks to mass vaccination and timely diagnosis the incidence has been reduced. But, alas, in recent years in Russia and some other countries the disease has reared its head again. You can even talk about an epidemic. In many ways, people themselves are to blame for this. A frivolous attitude towards vaccination and fluorography made life much easier for Koch’s wand.
The third disease that I will focus on is AIDS. In my opinion, the most serious medical and social problem of our time.
Some call AIDS God's punishment, others call it a hurricane of death or the plague of the 20th century. Why does he bring indescribable horror? Is there protection and salvation from it? Even experts cannot always answer these questions. And no wonder. After all, AIDS is the most mysterious disease of the century, one of the youngest.
Initially, AIDS was considered a disease of homosexuals, since in 1981 the first cases of infection in such people were identified in the United States. But then it was proven that this does not matter: the disease can affect any person. A name appeared - acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
In 1983, in France, Professor Luc Montagnier and his colleagues discovered the virus that causes AIDS, called the human immunodeficiency virus - HIV.
The causes of AIDS can be divided into two groups:
1) medical (how the virus enters the body):
a) Sexual transmission
b) Transfusion of infected blood
c) Transmission of the virus from a pregnant woman to her child.
2) social (problems of society leading to the spread of AIDS):
a) Unemployment and marginalization of the population
b) Low standard of living
c) Promiscuous sexual intercourse
d) Drug addiction
e) “Lack of thrills for bohemians”

Most scientists are convinced that the virus was born as a result of serious mutations. This happened in Central Africa. From there, the infection spread throughout the world. In terms of the number of infected people, Central Africa ranks first, followed by Thailand.
The danger of this disease is that the virus is “interested” mainly in T-lymphocytes - cells immune system. Thus, the virus disrupts its functioning and the body’s defenses are weakened. A person deprived of immunity is immediately attacked by a variety of viruses and microbes. Eventually the body cannot withstand the powerful attack.
Unfortunately, in modern society there are already a lot of HIV-infected people. In order for a sick person, even if not to be cured, to be able to exist normally, a huge amount of money is needed. In our country, these people have certain social guarantees, such as registration of a disability group, receiving material resources for it, and various charity events. But every year the number of infected people is growing. The money that is allocated to help them, too.
This is a burden for the state. But society should not think about this, because for them AIDS is a problem with a different aspect. People must learn to be tolerant of HIV-positive patients. Absolutely anyone can be in the patient’s shoes. Therefore, AIDS now is an opportunity to understand, accept and withstand such a problem, to show your best qualities. An example of the correct attitude towards the infected is charity organisations that operate in different countries. Their mercy is worthy of respect. It is from them that the whole society should learn. If a person cannot directly help, you need to at least remember the proverb “Judge not, lest you be judged.”

Ways to combat AIDS and prevent it.
1) As I already said, this government programs and charitable organizations.
2) Every person must remember safety sexual relations, avoid casual sex.
3) Search for a cure, creation of a vaccine.
4) Anonymous blood donation.
5) Distribution of disposable syringes.

What are his illnesses? There are many of them and they are different. They are different in their carriers, and in the reasons that gave rise to them, and in their course. I will list the main ones, calling them “pairs”:

1) group and system social diseases : diseases of individual social groups and Russian society as a whole;

2) chronic and acute social diseases - long-term and short-term;

3) old and new diseases , acquired by society during the reforms of the 90s of the XIX - early XX centuries.

Although this is, of course, not an exhaustive list, the main types of social diseases are reflected in it. After all, society is a complex entity that consists of many different segments interconnected into a single whole. And, naturally, social diseases that appear in one segment of society change the entire configuration of the system. They are creating a different social system.

To more accurately describe the picture of social diseases, we can divide all social diseases into three groups: psychological, political and economic.

    Psychological social diseases - aggressiveness, alcoholism, anti-Semitism, apoliticality, authoritarianism, immorality, harassment, demoralization, deviance, denunciation, confrontation, conflict, xenophobia, marginalization, alienation, drug addiction, nationalism. 2. Political social diseases - apoliticality, banditry, bureaucracy, lawlessness, hazing, prohibition, ideologization, confrontation, conflict, careerism, criminalization, mafia, militarization, fascisation. 3. Economic social diseases - beggary, poverty, unemployment, homelessness, homelessness, corruption, commercialization, money laundering, impoverishment, oligarchization, racketeering, speculation, shadowing, fictitious employment, confrontation, careerism, prostitution, registration, theft, fraud, falsification, ruin, competition, shadow economy, parasitism, double-entry bookkeeping, clannishness, hooliganism. Let's look at some of them:

Drunkenness and alcoholism

Alcohol consumption continues to be one of the most important problems in Russia. According to the Federal State Statistics Service, in recent decades, alcohol consumption per capita in the country has been steadily increasing and by 2011 had increased 1.8 times (to 9.67 liters of absolute alcohol) compared to 1990 (5.4 l.).

The spread of alcoholism in society is one of the symptoms of social ill-being. On the one hand, people are looking for “an outlet in a bottle” when they do not find a place in life and feel discord between themselves and the world around them. On the other hand, excessive alcohol consumption in itself leads to the marginalization of the individual, his exclusion from normal life. Therefore, alcoholism is both a consequence and a cause of social ill-being.

Genetic factors can play a large role in the formation of a painful addiction to alcohol. There is a hypothesis that there is a hereditary tendency to abuse alcohol, drugs, etc. About 10–15% of people have it. However, the presence of a hereditary predisposition in itself never leads to alcoholism, but is only a contributing factor.

The effect of alcohol on the human body. Alcohol taken is quickly absorbed and enters the blood. From the blood, alcohol enters the tissues; several stuck together red blood cells clog the capillary, stopping the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the cell that the capillary feeds. The nerve cell dies irrevocably. This process occurs throughout the body.

The number of dying cells depends on the amount of alconarcotic. A systematic drinker experiences a noticeable decrease in brain volume over the years (shrunken brain). The loss of entire brain structures, as a result of massive death of neurons, leads to disorganization of its work. First of all, the areas of the cerebral cortex responsible for higher human functions are affected: morality, memory, creativity. It has long been noted that a drunkard drinks away, first of all, shame and conscience, as well as everything that is given to a person by culture and upbringing. Damage to the subcortex of the brain is not so noticeable at first, so skilled workers who drink can maintain professional skills for a certain time.

The degree of intoxication depends on the quantity and quality of alcoholic beverages consumed, individual sensitivity to alcohol and the psychophysical state of the person.

Consequences of alcohol consumption. There are two main classes of problems associated with excessive alcohol consumption:

1) negative consequences for the drinker himself (destruction of his health and personality);

2) negative consequences for society as a whole (increasing social problems associated with drunkenness.

The problems of the drinker himself are:

a) in case of one-time excessive consumption of alcohol - loss of self-control, aggressiveness, accidents, hypothermia or overheating due to negligence, arrest for being drunk in public places, alcohol poisoning;

b) with prolonged excessive consumption – increased risk the development of liver cirrhosis, certain types of cancer and cardiovascular diseases, malnutrition, long-term functional disorders and loss of self-control, accidents, disability, the development of alcoholism and early psychoses, etc.

Alcoholism destroys the reproductive system, adversely affecting the testicles and ovaries. With alcohol abuse, sexual potency is also impaired, which is associated with a decrease in conditioned and unconditioned reflexes due to the inhibitory effect on the subcortical centers. Women experience irregularities in the regularity of the menstrual cycle. When drinking alcohol during pregnancy, there is a high probability of giving birth to a child with birth defects (including the formation of a genetically determined tendency to alcoholism). More than 90% of children suffering from mental and physical disorders are children of drinking parents.

For the early stages of alcoholism, diseases such as peptic ulcers, injuries, and cardiovascular disorders are more typical; for later ones - liver cirrhosis, polyneuritis, brain disorders.

Alcohol abuse, according to the World Health Organization, is the third most common cause of death (after cardiovascular diseases and cancer) in the modern world. Alcoholics and drunkards live on average 15–20 years less than non-drinkers. Only 25% of alcoholics reach age 50. The risk of suicide in people suffering from this disease is tens of times higher than in ordinary people.

Narcologists and psychologists are well aware of the deceitfulness of alcoholics and the instability of their mood. Alcoholics easily find a common language only with other people who abuse alcohol; peers with teetotal attitudes are treated by them as “inferior” and “abnormal.” Those who begin to abuse alcohol become inattentive to loved ones, to former friends, insincere, cold, withdrawn and distrustful. As for external behavior, such patients are characterized by - often feigned and compensatory - arrogance, swagger, bragging, which, however, under conditions of strict control are easily replaced by depression, helplessness and passive submission.

Personality degradation of patients with alcoholism is manifested in the formation of the following behavioral attitudes:

Quick satisfaction of needs with little effort;

Passive methods of defense when encountering difficulties;

Avoiding responsibility for actions taken.

Problems of the drinker's environment– this is an increase in conflicts in the family and its destruction, an increase in material difficulties and crime.

The range of problems for society includes public order violations, road traffic accidents, industrial accidents, decreased productivity, absenteeism, as well as economic damage caused by the costs of treatment, disability benefits, and the fight against alcohol-related crime.

Statistics show that 90% of cases of hooliganism and aggravated rape are associated with intoxication. Robberies, assaults, and infliction of grievous bodily harm in 70% of cases are committed by persons under the influence of alcohol. About 40% of murders are also committed while intoxicated. 50–60% of all divorces are associated with drunkenness of one of the spouses.

The fact that drunkenness is one of the most acute problems today national problems This is nothing new to Russia. There is a well-known opinion that in Russia there is a “humanitarian catastrophe”: two million alcoholics, every second family breaks up due to the drunkenness of the spouses. Drunkenness increases crime and mortality, reduces the life expectancy of the country's population by an average of 10 years


In September 2009, 550 thousand people were registered in Russia (those who asked for help), but in fact in Russia in 2011, there were 2-2.5 million drug addicts.

According to Rosstat of the Russian Federation, 20% are schoolchildren; 60% are young people aged 16–30 years; 20% are older people. The average age of initiation into drugs in Russia is 15–17 years. The percentage of drug use among children aged 9–13 is increasing. Cases of drug use by children aged 6–7 years have been recorded (they are introduced to drug addiction by drug addict parents)

It is known that the social consequences of drug addiction are severe. Drug addicts drop out of public life - work, political, family, due to physical and social degradation of the individual.

Drug addiction inevitably affects a whole range of phenomena alien to society.

This includes intractable psychophysiological human diseases and the shadow economy, caused by the natural, growing demand for drugs and illegal ways to satisfy it for personal gain, and crime, violence against individuals associated with the distribution of drugs and illegal enrichment.

The public danger of drug addiction is expressed in the fact that drug clans are currently growing, multiplying and developing, interfering in the economy and politics of their state. Branched drug trafficking networks are being created, disrupting the established order.

The cynicism and cruelty of drug mafia members knows no bounds. In pursuit of money and domination over people, they stop at nothing, destroying and killing everyone who gets in their way. Drug addiction has become a global, transnational, international problem affecting the interests of all humanity.

A significant factor influencing drug use by young people is social dissatisfaction with life and the desire to escape from it. This motive is the main one for young people who lost their jobs during the months of the current socio-economic crisis and began to actively consume various psychotropic substances in order to escape from really significant everyday problems into the world of drugs.

Huge amounts of money are spent on the distribution of drugs, on the one hand, and on the treatment of drug addicts and the fight against drugs, on the other.

All measures that are used in the fight against drugs, such as promoting a healthy lifestyle, medicine (fights physical addiction), religion (save souls) have not yet brought the desired result, the number of drug addicts is steadily growing. Interestingly, drug use in religious institutions has increased recently.

The problem of drug addiction affects everyone. You don’t have to think that it won’t touch you, you don’t have to close your eyes to it. If the problem of drug addiction bypasses you personally, then there is no guarantee that you will not become a victim of a drug addict-robber.

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