Home Gums Toothpaste 3 years. Children's toothpaste: reviews

Toothpaste 3 years. Children's toothpaste: reviews

Fluoride in children's toothpaste. Yes or no? Is everything so clear?

IN last years Due to the growing popularity of so-called “organic” and environmentally friendly products, I very often come across information on the Internet and in various printed publications that toothpaste for children should not contain fluoride.

The main reason for this statement is the fact that fluoride is poisonous, and children swallow quite large quantities of toothpaste, sometimes deliberately due to its pleasant taste, sometimes accidentally due to the undeveloped skill of rinsing the mouth.

But at the same time, scientific research Even last century it was established that fluorine plays an extremely important role important role in the prevention of caries development. Therefore, in fact, fluoridated toothpastes arose.

If we look at the statistics on the incidence of caries in very young children (1-7 years), we will see that this disease is very widespread in the child population. And in many ways, this is logical, because children are especially greedy for sweets and are not able to control their consumption; their oral hygiene skills are not yet sufficiently developed, younger age not even enough elementary motor skills for high-quality teeth cleaning.
Therefore, the entire burden of caring for the health of children's teeth falls entirely on the parents during this period. And in particular, the question of choosing hygiene products.

According to epidemiological dental examination population of Russia (1999), the prevalence of caries in primary teeth in 6-year-old children was 73%.

Permanent teeth junior schoolchildren Teenagers suffer no less. An analysis of dental morbidity in children in various regions of Russia, according to an epidemiological survey of the population conducted in 1996-98 in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia N 181 dated 05/06/96, showed that 78% of children aged 12 years have caries lesions permanent teeth. By age 15, the average prevalence of caries reaches 88%.

Thus, fluoride is necessary to reduce the incidence of dental caries in children. But why do supporters of “organic” toothpastes for children dislike it so much?

Fluoride is poisonous. This is true, but he is aggressive and reactive when he exists in pure form, in the form of gas. However, fluorine in its pure form instantly reacts with most chemical elements. Therefore, we will not find fluorine gas in its pure form in nature.
Fluorine is most common in nature in the mineral fluorite (CaF2), found in soil.
In natural water sources, fluorine is contained in the form of the F− ion (up to 95%), followed by the complex magnesium fluoride complex ion (MgF+). Fluorine enters water from the soil when fluorite (CaF2) is dissolved.

Minor concentrations of fluorine compounds are present in the air of some natural areas with volcanic activity, as well as in industrial regions with unfavorable environmental conditions (man-made sources of fluorine).

Fluorine is a vital element for the body. In the human body, fluorine is mainly found in tooth enamel in the composition of fluorapatite - Ca5F(PO4)3 - and in bones.

The toxicity of fluoride compounds to humans depends primarily on their solubility in water, weak alkalis and acids that are present in our body. In addition, the toxicity effect of fluorine compounds is highly dose-dependent, since it is usually achieved through a cumulative effect.

There is a concept of one-time toxic (up to fatal outcome) doses of some highly soluble fluoride compounds, but this value is difficult to achieve unless you deliberately take the specified substance by spoonfuls. Thus, the lethal dose of sodium fluoride for an adult weighing 70 kg is 5-10 g.

With long-term use of low doses of fluorine-containing compounds, toxic effects are not observed due to the active absorption of fluoride from the bloodstream by bone tissue; dental fluorosis is rare and is usually due to the genetic characteristics of a particular person ( individual characteristics metabolism and degree of absorption of calcium, magnesium, strontium).

Absorbed from the blood, fluoride ions are absorbed to the greatest extent by dental tissues, since they are a normal building material for them (the hard layer of enamel consists of calcium and fluorine compounds, with the addition of a certain amount of other elements).

Excess fluoride is eliminated without problems by the kidneys. When the concentration of fluoride that is optimal for a particular person is exceeded, the skeleton is actively involved in the absorption process. Bone tissue constantly exchanges ions of various components of its composition with the blood, thus bones grow and regenerate. In case of excess substances entering the blood that can be absorbed bone tissue, they are absorbed by it in large volumes, which sooner or later can cause harm to the body if the excess intake is not stopped. This also applies to Fluorine. However, its absorption by the skeleton without obvious harm to the body is possible in fairly large quantities.

Toothpaste with fluoride acts topically. When you use fluoride toothpaste or mouthwash, small amounts of fluoride remain on the surface of your teeth and soft tissues as a film of calcium fluoride for a long time after use. It is believed that calcium fluoride helps prevent demineralization of tooth enamel when exposed to acids due to alkalization of the environment with calcium ions. And during periods of pH balance in the mouth, it is a source of calcium ions to supply them to areas of carious lesions. The effectiveness of surface-active fluoride-containing substances for stopping carious processes has been confirmed by clinical studies.

Besides preventive action fluoride in relation to caries can be traced from studies in various countries using fluoridation of drinking water.

Fluoride can enter the body of children with water (slightly with food), as well as with swallowed fluoride-containing toothpaste.

How much fluoride can a child eat when brushing their teeth?

There are studies that show children swallow between 35% (ages 6-7) and 100% (up to about 2.5 years) of toothpaste when brushing their teeth. At the same time, their body receives about 0.25 mg of fluoride during 2 daily teeth brushings (with a fluoride level in the toothpaste of 1000 ppm).

Development of dental fluorosis in children at the age of teething permanent teeth in 50% of cases it was detected when fluoride entered their body in quantities exceeding 0.0556 mg/kg body weight per day during the first 24 months. life. In 20% of cases, dental fluorosis developed at a fluoride intake level of 0.0376 mg/kg body weight per day in the first 24 months. lives that are critical in the development of this disease.

The amount of fluoride ingested with toothpaste during 2 brushings per day with a highly fluoridated toothpaste (1000 ppm) is up to 0.25 mg for children. As the fluoride level in toothpaste decreases (most contain 500ppm), the amount of fluoride you ingest will decrease. IN in this case doubled. Up to a level of 0.17 mg/13 kg = 0.013 mg/kg weight.

With this amount of fluoride, the risk of developing fluorosis in permanent teeth has not been identified (recommended safe and necessary levels of daily fluoride intake for the full formation of enamel for the age group 1-3 years and an average weight of 13 kg range from 0.012 mg/kg to 0.0376 mg/kg body weight child per day).

Problems, of course, are still possible due to, for example, the lower weight of babies aged 1 year and younger. Especially if the child lives in an area with normal or high levels of fluoride in the water.

However, the incidence of caries in both primary teeth and first permanent teeth remains high in Russia for many decades in a row. And preventive measures for children living in regions with fluoride-poor water are especially relevant.

Moscow, and especially St. Petersburg, are regions with insufficient fluoride content in water. Therefore, for children living in these cities, toothpaste with fluoride seems a completely justified solution.

Thus, for residents of St. Petersburg under 3 years of age, toothpaste containing 500 ppm fluoride can be recommended. Or even 1000ppm (for 2-3 year olds) provided that they brush their teeth once a day and carefully control spitting and rinsing of toothpaste.

For schoolchildren and teenagers, toothpaste with fluoride (from 1000 ppm and above) is no longer an option, but a necessity if you want to keep your teeth healthy for as long as possible.

At the same time, it is necessary to correct the diet of children and adolescents living in fluoride-poor areas, using fluoride-containing dietary supplements or fluoridated drinking water, to the level of physiological standards recommended by WHO.

From a personal conversation with my attending dentist, who has more than 25 years of practice, I learned that among her patients there was not a single native of St. Petersburg with dental fluorosis; cases of fluorosis in her practice were quite rare, and these were always out-of-town patients.

I also found out that my attending dentist gave her son a dietary supplement in the form of sodium fluoride every day throughout his school age. Until the age of 14, her child did not have a single tooth with carious lesions.

Almost everyone knows from the cradle Small child that a brush and toothpaste helps with all toothaches!

The main criteria for choosing children's toothpastes are their safety, cariostatic effect, strengthening of enamel and pleasant taste. Pastes from various companies are produced for children of different age groups. Which toothpaste is best to buy for your child from the many options presented in any store or pharmacy?

How to choose the best toothpaste for a child?

Pastes for children and adults contain identical components, only their concentrations are different. Before the child reaches 14 summer age, he is not recommended to use adult or family toothpastes, the concentration of active substances in them can be harmful to health fragile organism. Therefore, the first criterion when choosing a dental hygiene product is age. Each company produces a line of children's toothpastes aimed at a certain age, from several months to 14 years.

Since the purpose of toothpaste is to gently clean plaque from teeth, the following criterion choosing a toothpaste for a child is type and quantity of abrasive components contained in it. If the composition contains calcium carbonate (chalk) or sodium bicarbonate (soda) as an abrasive, remember that these components are too aggressive for the enamel of baby or recently erupted molars. It is better to give preference to a paste that uses titanium or silicon dioxide as an abrasive. The abrasiveness coefficient (RDA) should not exceed a certain value (0-3 years - no more than 20, 3-14 years - no more than 50).

Consumption of toothpastes containing fluorine compounds, recommended for children living in regions with low level keeping it in water. The maximum amount of fluoride should not exceed the norm for a certain age, since when the paste is swallowed, fluoride that enters the body can cause the development of fluorosis and diseases thyroid gland and other organs. The norm for ages 0-3 years is up to 200, 3-7 - up to 500, 7-14 up to 1400. Preference should be given to paste that contains fluoride in organic form(the packaging will say aminofluoride or olaflur).

It is advisable that foaming agents(sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium laureth sulfate) were included in the composition of children's pastes in minimal quantities or not at all. It is necessary to pay attention to thickeners - they must be of natural origin (pectins, resins, agar-agar). The amount of preservatives should also be low. Children are more willing to use “tasty” toothpastes, but it is better to choose a product that uses natural substances as flavoring additives (menthol, mint, eucalyptus, vanillin) and does not contain saccharin.

The composition of children's toothpaste should include lactoferrin, lysozyme, lactoperoxidase, and glucose oxide. Paste with casein helps increase the calcium content in tooth enamel. For certain diseases, the dentist may prescribe toothpaste with chlorhexidine, triclosan or metronidazal; you cannot start using medications on your own.

Rating of the best children's toothpastes

Now you can consider the best toothpastes for children of various ages:

Lakalut toothpastes for children take first place in the ranking of the best.

Photo: www.copilul.ro

These German-made pastes combine a high level of quality with an affordable price; they contain amino fluoride, fluoride, vitamins E and A. The effect of amino fluoride is not only to actively strengthen tooth enamel, it creates a protective film on the tooth surface, under which for several hours after cleaning, fluoride is absorbed. Thanks to this, mineralization of the enamel occurs, and it is even possible to treat caries at the stage white spot. The fluorine content does not exceed the norm, and the paste does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate and is therefore absolutely safe for use in childhood. Pastes for different ages have different flavors: 0-4 - raspberry, 4-8 - citrus, 8-12 - citrus-mint.

Reviews:“We use Lakalut toothpaste from 0 to 4 years old, our daughter (2 years old) brushes her teeth with pleasure, she likes the raspberry taste, and there is no fear that she swallows more paste than she spits out.”

2nd place. Children's toothpastes from President

Photo: cs22.babysfera.ru

President toothpastes are manufactured in Italy; the product intended for children from 0 to 3 years old does not contain fluoride components, so they are absolutely safe if accidentally swallowed. Thanks to xylitol, they break down food acids in the mouth and have a caryostatic effect, and this effect is somewhat less pronounced in pastes developed for children from 6 to 12 years old. Gel paste from 6 to 12 years, on the contrary, is intended for children suffering from caries, and contains a fairly large amount (up to 960) of fluoride in the form of fluoride and monofluorophosphate. All pastes have pronounced pleasant tastes and aromas 0-3 - raspberry, 3-6 - cola. 6-12 - lime. The price of these pastes is more than affordable.

Reviews:“I have two children, a 1.5-year-old daughter and a 7-year-old son. On the advice of the dentist, I bought them President toothpaste. My son’s teeth are not very good, which is why the doctor recommended a toothpaste with a high fluoride content, a pleasant lemony taste, without mint.”

3rd place in the ranking of the best - Splat children's toothpastes

Photo: www.img3.imgbb.ru

The Russian company produces toothpastes recommended for children of various age groups. The pastes contain hydroxyapatite, a complex of enzymes (lysozyme, lactoferrin, glucose oxidase, lactoperoxidase) and excipients (depending on the type of paste, licorice, aloe). The pastes from this company, aimed at children under 3 years of age and adults, do not contain fluoride, sodium lauryl sulfate, or parabens. The only exception is toothpaste for children from 4 to 8 years old - it contains a high fluoride content in combination with calcium, which, when bound, do not have any effect on the teeth.

Reviews:“We used Splat paste for up to 4 years, we were completely satisfied, we bought a loan for paste for 4-8 years and were a little disappointed, the child did not like the taste and had to purchase a product from another manufacturer.”

4th place. Rocs children's toothpastes

Photo: www.babymarket-panda.ru

The company presents competitive toothpastes for children. The pastes contain calcium glycerophosphate, xylitol, alginate, herbal and plant extracts (linden, chamomile). The pastes have low abrasiveness and pronounced therapeutic actions, related to what substance is included in their composition. They do not contain preservatives, so an open tube must be used within a month; it is better to throw away everything that remains after this period and take a new paste. When sealed, the shelf life is two years. The paste package includes a small coloring book, a game and a calendar, which helps the child determine when he brushed his teeth. They have a significant drawback - they are incredibly overpriced.

Reviews:“It’s a very expensive paste, I couldn’t find anything more expensive than it in the pharmacy, but I’m completely satisfied with the result. My daughter’s teeth are completely clear of plaque.”

5th place. Silca baby toothpaste

Photo: www.kupilekarstva.ru

The paste, designed for ages 1-6 years, is low abrasive, does not contain dyes, sodium lauryl sulfate, fluorine and calcium compounds. It has a pleasant banana taste and needs to be alternated with other products that contain microelements. The paste, recommended for children aged 6 to 12 years, has an orange flavor, is characterized by a high content of active fluorine and vitamin E and is therefore used in children with increased risk caries development. One of a number of pastes that has received approval from the German Dental Society.

6th place. Our rating is completed by Elmex children's toothpastes.

Photo: www.ircenter.ru

These pastes for children are produced by Colgate - China. They contain therapeutic dose amino fluoride and do not contain dyes or preservatives. Due to its high fluoride content, it is unsafe if swallowed, but has an affordable price.

Which toothpaste is best for children?

You can choose a toothpaste for your child yourself, but it is better to rely on the advice of a dentist, whose first visit should be made immediately after the first tooth emerges. In the future, you should visit a doctor once every six months for a preventive examination.

Of course, it’s not easy to teach your baby to brush his teeth! In order for him to do this regularly and with pleasure, he must set a positive example (children always repeat after their parents).

In this article we will look at toothpastes for schoolchildren.
School-age children, including teenagers, are characterized by a high incidence of not only caries, but also inflammatory diseases periodontal disease (for example gingivitis). This is due to the fact that parental control is decreasing (it seems to us that schoolchildren are almost adults). I will not tire of repeating that parents should brush their children’s teeth up to the age of 10 and then exercise strict control over the regularity of brushing and compliance with the rules of brushing teeth. In the literal sense, you need to stand behind your back and look at the quality of cleaning. Children at this age are often lazy, in a hurry, forget, or simply don’t brush their teeth correctly.

Even if absolutely all of the baby teeth in a child’s mouth have been replaced with permanent ones, they should never use adult toothpastes.


In newly erupted teeth, the enamel is very delicate, poorly mineralized, and adult pastes can injure it.
It is very important for school-age children that they no longer have toothpastes for children or toothpastes for adults. It is important that they have their own pastes for teenagers, with original flavors and fashionable modern packaging designs.

IN school age The process of maturation of enamel continues (up to 18 years), so paste for teenagers should contribute to the mineralization of enamel and its careful protection from caries.
So, I will indicate several types of pastes for teenagers


Cola flavored. Many children's favorite flavor motivates schoolchildren to clean. It is clear that cola is harmful and is not included in the paste, but the taste of cola is achieved thanks to the combination natural aromas cinnamon and citrus.

Contains xylitol and amino fluoride,

Functions as a prebiotic

Provides protection to gums from inflammation,

Normalizes the microflora of the oral cavity.

Contains a soft, low-gravity formula that does not injure tooth tissue.

Does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate.

Increases the resistance of young tooth enamel to the dissolving action of acids.
This manufacturer also has two more pasta options for teenagers (the composition is exactly the same, only the taste is different): strawberry flavored and mint flavored.
Price approximately 200-250 rubles

PRESIDENT TEENS (Italy) from 12 years old.

Contains active components:

xylitol, sodium fluoride, monofluorophosphate.

Does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate, sugar, allergens.

Controlled abrasiveness RDA 50.

Serves to prevent caries and prevent gum inflammation.

In gel form, with mint flavor. Has a mild antibacterial effect. The long-lasting taste of Piemonte mint provides long-lasting fresh breath. Unique sparkles in toothpaste attract teenagers.
The price is approximately 160-180 rubles.

ELMEX JUNIOR from 6 to 12 years (USA)

Active set aminofluoride, without dyes and preservatives.

Protection against caries, strengthening enamel.

Treats caries at the white spot stage, remineralizes, strengthens enamel. Amine fluoride contained in toothpaste forms a stable layer of calcium fluoride on the surfaces of teeth, which provides long-lasting and highly effective protection against acid attack.

Contains fennel oil, mint oil, calendula flower extract.
Price 150 rubles -180 rubles


Does not contain fluoride! Suitable for patients with fluorosis.

The fight against caries is carried out through free zinc ions, which are present in the paste and “eat” bacteria

Pleasant strawberry taste. Does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate.
Contains a unique mixture of hydroxyapatite microcrystals that fill the dentin tubes, reducing their sensitivity, restore cracks and most small scratches enamels.

Price 300-350 rubles

So we looked at three large groups toothpastes:

, , And for teenagers from 7 years old .

I remind you once again that responsibility for the child, including dental health, lies entirely with the parents! Therefore, choose high-quality pastes for your children.
Very important advice: When buying toothpaste for a child, pay attention to the production date of the toothpaste and the expiration date.

Yours Tooth Fairy Alsou.

From this article you will learn:

  • how to choose toothpaste for a child,
  • dentist reviews and composition analysis,
  • best toothpaste for children – rating 2019, price.

The article was written by a dentist with more than 19 years of experience.

In this article, we have divided all the most interesting children's toothpastes in terms of composition and quality - according to age criteria. The sequence of toothpastes in each section reflects the rating we compiled, which was compiled based on an analysis of such criteria as -

  • composition analysis,
  • price/tube volume ratio,
  • child's age,
  • safety and anti-caries effectiveness.

How to choose the right children's toothpaste -

When choosing a toothpaste, parents must decide which active ingredient toothpaste will be best for a child at his age. There are 2 main groups of children's toothpastes. Firstly, these are calcium-containing toothpastes without fluoride, which allow you to saturate children’s low-mineralized tooth enamel calcium, but at the same time they weakly protect teeth from caries.

The second group is fluoride-containing toothpastes (based on sodium fluoride or amino fluoride), which have a pronounced anti-caries effect, but are not recommended for use in children from 0 to 6-7 years old - subject to increased fluoride content in drinking water. An increased concentration of fluoride is considered when it contains more than 1 mg per 1 liter of water, and this circumstance is main reason development of dental fluorosis.

Fluoride toothpastes by themselves are not capable of causing fluorosis, because... To do this, the child would have to swallow an entire package of toothpaste every day. However, they can increase the risk of its development, but again - only if there is an increased fluoride content in drinking water. According to statistics, fluorine dosages are exceeded in 21 regions of Russia, which is due to natural factors or the presence of factories for the production of glass, fertilizers, and aluminum.

An example of an optimal paste selection strategy -

If your child is under 6-7 years old and you live in a region with a high fluoride content, feel free to choose fluoride-free children’s toothpaste that contains one or more calcium compounds and preferably xylitol (xylitol). The latter also has a moderate cariesstatic effect and allows, to a small extent, to compensate for the lack of fluoride in toothpaste.

In all other cases, feel free to choose children's toothpaste with fluoride. Tooth enamel consists of hydroxyapatite, which, when exposed to fluoride ions, turns into fluorohydroxyapatite. The latter is much stronger and, most importantly, much more resistant to the effects of cariogenic bacteria in the oral cavity and the lactic acid they secrete (it is this that triggers the process of tooth destruction, i.e. caries).

You can also choose the following strategy - first start using a toothpaste without fluoride, but as soon as you notice the first (white or dark spots on tooth enamel, not to mention the formed carious defects of the teeth) - this means that you urgently need children’s toothpaste with fluoride. What concentrations are suitable for children of different ages- see below.

See Table 1 for recommended concentrations of fluoride in toothpaste for children and adults. Remember that the condition for the use of such toothpastes is the absence of an increased concentration of fluoride in drinking water, as well as compliance with the recommendations for the volume of toothpaste. For example, for a child under 6 years old, it is recommended to brush teeth with a volume of toothpaste the size of a large pea.

Table 1 -
these fluoride concentrations are recommended by the European Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (EAPD). Link to scientific publication ().

In Russia, slightly lower dosages are usually recommended. For example, children under 3 years old - 250 ppm, children from 3 to 6 years old - 500 ppm, from 6 to 12 years old - 1000 ppm, and over 12 years old - 1450 ppm. As you can see, there are several less than that, which is recommended by the European Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (EAPD). Who is right in this situation is clearly shown by the statistics on the incidence of caries in children, which in Russia is much worse than in Europe.

Toothpaste for children from 0 to 3-4 years –

The best children's toothpaste - reviews from dentists indicate that in this age category the following fluoride-containing and calcium-containing toothpastes (without fluoride) are considered the most optimal...

Comments: This is the best fluoride-free baby toothpaste you can buy at Russian pharmacies(made in Italy), which is intended for the care of baby teeth. The paste has optimal abrasiveness for children from 0 to 3 years old, as well as a pleasant caramel taste. Contains a high concentration of calcium - in the form of 3 easily digestible calcium compounds, which strengthens teeth. It has a gel structure and is safe to swallow.

Because The paste does not contain fluoride, the presence of which best protects teeth from caries - xylitol (xylitol) is added to the paste. The latter has a moderate anti-caries effect - due to the fact that it neutralizes the acid that is produced by cariogenic bacteria in the oral cavity and destroys teeth. The paste also contains anti-inflammatory components to reduce discomfort during teething.

Comments: This children's toothpaste Splat (fluoride-free) is intended for children from 0 to 3 years old. It contains a highly effective form of calcium in the form of ultrafine hydroxyapatite, which saturates the enamel of children's teeth with calcium, strengthening it. L-arginine and plant extracts have anti-inflammatory effects and reduce teething discomfort.

But the most interesting thing about this paste is that it contains a whole complex of lactic enzymes, which effectively increases the local immunity of the oral mucosa. As a result, with this paste you will greatly reduce the risk of your child developing (oral thrush).

3. Colgate ® ELMEX toothpaste for children (from 0 to 6 years) –

Comments: Elmex children's toothpaste is the best toothpaste for children from 6 months to 6 years. It should be used when the first teeth erupt. Elmex is a professional line of toothpastes from Colgate ®, which contain more expensive and high-quality components (compared to other toothpastes of this company). The paste contains the best and most expensive type of fluoride - amino fluoride at a concentration of 500 ppm.

This concentration is recommended by the European Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (EAPD) for children aged 6 months and older. Aminofluoride not only strengthens the low-mineralized enamel of children's teeth better than all other fluorides, but it also has the highest anti-caries effect. Active fluoride ions are released faster from amino fluoride than from sodium fluoride or monofluorophosphate (this is very important, since children brush their teeth for a very short time).

Comments: toothpaste for children from 0 to 4 years old with raspberry flavor, which is intended for baby teeth. Contains amino fluoride - the best fluoride component available. In addition to the strong anti-caries effect that we described above, amino fluoride also has the property of forming a thin film on the teeth, from which fluoride will penetrate into the teeth for several hours after brushing. This is important because Children usually brush their teeth for too short a time.

The dosage of fluoride is significantly lower than permitted for children of this age, which, in principle, is more a minus than a plus. Therefore, in our opinion, it is better to use this paste only in children under 2 years of age. If, while using this paste, a child’s carious lesions still begin to grow, then it is better to switch to a paste with a fluoride dosage of 500 ppm.

Popular toothpastes for children from 0 to 3 years old, not included in the rating -

Below we decided to review several toothpastes that are quite popular among parents. This will allow you to compare their pros and cons with the pastes from our rating. The main disadvantages are that the first 2 pastes do not affect the mineralization of teeth at all (strengthening enamel with calcium and/or fluoride). The third popular pasta has too high price and a poorer composition - compared to calcium-containing toothpastes without fluoride from our rating.

Comments: Weleda is a children's toothpaste that has exceptional anti-inflammatory properties (due to the content essential oils and extracts from seaweed - alginate), and it contains absolutely no components that strengthen low-mineralized tooth enamel in children. Thus, the anti-caries effect is completely absent here and therefore we cannot recommend it for regular hygiene.

All this gel can do is remove plaque due to abrasiveness and relieve discomfort during teething. In our opinion, this gel is more suitable for treating/cleaning a child’s gums even before the first teeth erupt (website).

Comments: This Rox toothpaste for children contains a high dosage of xylitol, which neutralizes the acid produced by cariogenic bacteria. As a result, the paste has a good cariesstatic effect. Chamomile extract and alginate have a mild anti-inflammatory effect during teething. But we cannot recommend this paste for regular oral hygiene. We believe that it is more suitable for oral care even before the first teeth erupt.

The paste has too little abrasiveness - RDA 19 and therefore will be too poor at removing plaque (the norm for children of this age is RDA 30). The paste contains neither fluoride nor calcium, and therefore will not help strengthen children's low-mineralized tooth enamel and properly protect them from caries. A separate disadvantage is the very high price of this domestic paste, which for some reason costs more than all imported pastes with a richer and more interesting composition.

Comments: Rox PRO Baby children's toothpaste as active ingredients contains calcium glycerophosphate and xylitol. The dosage of calcium is not too high, in addition, the paste has too low abrasiveness and therefore will not be good enough to clean microbial plaque from teeth. If you do not take into account the low abrasiveness, then overall the composition is not bad. But if you immediately look at the cost of the paste, you will see that it costs 2 times more than the Italian PRESIDENT Baby pasta - with the same basic ingredients. active substances and the same tube volume (30 ml is approximately equal to 45 g).

Children's toothpastes from 3 to 6 years –

For children over 3 years of age, the use of fluoride pastes will be unconditionally preferable (as before, provided there is no increased concentration of fluoride in drinking water!). The European Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (EAPD) recommends the use of pastes with a fluoride concentration of 1000 ppm at this age, but Russian market pastes for this age contain an average of 500 ppm fluoride. Our rating includes pastes available in Russian pharmacies, so below you will see best pastas for children from 3 to 6 years old - although with a fluoride dosage of 500 ppm.

However, we believe that after 2 years, and especially from 3 years of age, the optimal concentration would be a fluoride dosage of 950-1000 ppm, recommended by the EAPD. For example, PRESIDENT Junior Lime paste, which you can read about below. Also in this part of the rating you will also find several of the highest quality calcium-containing pastes without fluoride, some of which have a very interesting composition (+ moderate cariesstatic effect due to the xylitol content).

1. Colgate ® ELMEX toothpaste for children (up to 6 years) –

The German Elmex toothpaste for children still ranks first - with a dosage of amino fluoride of 500 ppm. This paste was also present in the previous age category - due to the fact that it is recommended for children from 6 months to 6 years. For more details about its features, see above. Let us remind you that its price starts from 170 rubles (for a 50 ml tube).

Comments: this children's dental ROCS paste contains aminofluoride (synonym - olaflur) and a high dosage of xylitol, which is a very good combination. However, we are confused by the fact that this paste produced in Stupino (in the Moscow region) has the highest price even in comparison with high-quality imported pastes. It should be taken into account that the weight of a 45 g tube is approximately equal to only 35 ml of toothpaste - this is less than that of competitors, which makes its cost even higher.

In addition, despite the fact that the manufacturer indicated the age from 4 to 7 years - optimal age use will still not be older than 6 years. The fact is that from the age of 6 (when permanent teeth begin to erupt) the fluoride concentration in the toothpaste should no longer be less than 1000 ppm, and ideally 1400 ppm.

The weak, sensitive enamel of babies requires special attention. That is why it is important to choose the right care that will gently cleanse the oral cavity. We will tell you which children's toothpaste is better and create a rating that will help you navigate the market.

How to choose the right one

It is important that the product is safe for children. At a young age, it is very easy to damage or deform the fragile surface of teeth. When purchasing, be sure to study the composition of the tube:

  • Fluorine. Its content should not exceed 200 units. Excessive concentration leads to fluorosis (the appearance of spots, streaks and other changes that destroy the protective layer), which is subsequently difficult to treat.
  • Bleaches. Only adults need to lighten a yellowed or blackened surface. Avoid harsh chemicals.
  • Foaming agents. They do not bring any benefit, but only contribute to the formation of abundant foam, which makes the cleaning process more enjoyable.
  • Useful material. Calcium, proteins, glucose and other components help maintain jaw health.
  • Look and taste. Parents know: to teach their child to water procedures not easy. Scented products will turn every trip to the bathroom into an exciting game.

Which children's toothpaste is the best: rating according to parents and dentists

All quality products are carefully checked by specialists. They disassemble the components literally down to the molecules in order to eliminate everything that is allergic, harmful, and useless. Based on this data and experience ordinary users The following list was created.

The best products for children

The list includes both domestic and foreign brands. At the same time, the former have already won the authority, respect and affection of consumers thanks to their caring, high-quality approach and low price tag.

It is not difficult to verify this. In the “Products” catalog you will find beauty and health products from Russian manufacturers. We recommend that adults pay attention to Herbarica tooth powders, which contain useful minerals, herbs, and vitamins.

PresiDENT Teens (menthol)

The brand's line has a large number of flavors that children will like. Let's look at this popular option separately.

Brush Baby BR092

Toothpaste for children from 0 to 3 years old with a bunny on the packaging fascinates many children. Behind the colored wrapper lies a useful composition.

Colgate "Doctor Hare"

The famous company, which supplies products for adults, has not forgotten to take care of children. A separate line is presented in two variations: strawberry and chewing gum.

Fuchs Junior

Not a single top children's toothpaste is complete without this product. Its main feature is its versatility. The product is recommended for use by children and adolescents from 0 to 12 years old.

R.O.C.S Kids Sweet Princess

The new product is specially designed for girls. The product is manufactured in Russia, which means its cost is much lower than that of foreign analogues with similar high level quality. Look for other children's products from domestic brands in the "Products" catalogue.

Juicy Splat with strawberries and kiwi

Quite rightly, Juicy Splat is often called the best toothpaste for little ones. For about 80 rubles you will get an excellent cleanser that your baby will be delighted with.

“Cheerful little mouse” BioRepair

Suitable for both very young children and teenagers: the age limit is set from 0 to 13 years.

Splat Baby

The product includes a complex of useful elements.

White Edel "7 fruits"

The packaging itself looks like an attractive toy. The box contains seven tubes of different flavors. The kids really like that they can choose any of the fruit variations.

Lacalut teens 8+

Until 5-6 years of age, the process of formation of enamel and teeth in general takes place. At this time, strengthening agents are needed. From the age of eight, maintaining hygiene and eliminating bacteria is enough. It is these requirements that the product from Lakaluta meets.

Hello Kitty Crest Stages

The manufacturer notes that the product is suitable for children from 2 to 6 years old. It meets all the needs that arise during this period of enamel development.

"Junior New Pearl"

Thinking about which toothpaste to choose for an older child? Pay attention to this option Russian production. The teenage line is presented in two variations: with apple and lemon. The product belongs to the mass market, which means you won’t have to pay a lot of money for it.


The main advantage is versatility. The paste-gel will be useful for both the youngest and older girls and boys: the recommended age is up to 17 years.

“My first tooth” Aquafresh

Gentle care is suitable for babies up to 2 years old. At this time, your gums are especially vulnerable, so you need to take care of them accordingly.

Jack N'Jill

Perhaps the most interesting thing is the variety of flavors. You can also buy classic pasta without flavoring. This is an ideal option for allergy sufferers and picky eaters.

Ziaja without fluoride

The components include special vitamin complexes, which penetrate the tooth structure as much as possible and enrich it with useful elements. Suitable for children with caries or other dental diseases.

How to choose children's toothpaste

IN a huge number It’s easy to get confused by the positions listed in our ranking. To make it easier for you, we have put together a short guide:

  • The child does not like morning and evening hygiene procedures? White Edel with 7 flavors will turn the washing process into a game. In addition, the set of gels itself looks like a box of gifts.
  • If your first teeth are just beginning to appear, pay attention to the children's line from AquaFresh. Tenderness and delicacy are all that is needed at this age.
  • Has the child already outgrown the infant formula? Buy him “Lakalut” with an 8+ mark.
  • Is your baby allergic? Look for Jack N'Jill, Chicco, "Merry Mouse" or R.O.C.S Kids Sweet Princess. All of them consist only of organic substances.
  • Problems with your gums? It makes sense to test New Pearl.

Which toothpaste is best for children: product features

One of the main tasks: to ensure maximum safety. We use these products every day, so they definitely shouldn't cause any discomfort. The more competently a hygiene product is selected, the better the teenager, and then an adult, will feel later. So, what should you pay attention to when purchasing:

  • Fluorine. It does not have the best effect on enamel, and if ingested regularly, it can cause a general imbalance in the body. Ideal proportion– no more than 200 ppm.
  • Bleaches. These are the main “aggressors” who help adults achieve whiteness, but are contraindicated for their children.
  • Calcium, protein, milk enzymes, vitamins. All this feeds the structure and has a beneficial effect on it.
  • Manufacturer. Choose companies you can trust.


Gels can be divided into several groups according to different criteria.

By action

  • Medical. They have a beneficial effect on oral health and are a good preventive measure for many diseases. Often prescribed by a doctor. However, you do not need a medical prescription to use them; they are sold everywhere.
  • Hygienic. A good option for every day, which is designed to clean off plaque, remove food debris and make your breath fresher. The product eliminates bacteria, but cannot have a therapeutic effect.


  • Flavored. Strawberry, bubblegum, rose, fruit. And this is not a simple marketing ploy: the gel, which has an attractive scent, will help quickly accustom your baby to independent water procedures.
  • Clean. Products for children with allergies or those who want to feel like an adult.

According to the age

  • For the little ones.
  • For preschoolers.
  • For teenagers.

Pastes from birth to 4 years

  • Weleda. Pure organic. It contains natural oils, extracts, juices and extracts that guarantee safety, softness and good cleansing.
  • President Baby. A special line is designed for babies. In its production, sulfates, fluorine and other chemicals that can destroy the fragile enamel structure are not used.

From 3 to 8 years

  • Lacalut Kids 4+. A pleasant-tasting mixture that will help your child maintain a fresh mouth on his own.
  • Splat Junior. In addition to the hygienic effect, it has therapeutic and preventive effects. Suitable for people with sensitive and painful jaws.

From 6-8 and older

  • LACALUT Teens. It has an attractive scent and contains all the components a teenager needs. It is a little tougher than options for kids.
  • Elmex "Junior". Remarkably fights caries bacteria, promotes remineralization of the enamel surface and simply cleans well, giving a feeling of freshness.

Dentists' opinion

All doctors agree on one thing: teeth must be brushed daily! At the same time, you need to select products based on the individual needs and characteristics of the body. Ideally, consult with a specialist before purchasing.

Doctors were named among the reliable manufacturing companies:

  • PresiDENT.
  • SPLAT.

Now you know which is the best toothpaste for children and we hope that the rating and review will allow you to make your choice. Find other products to support children's health in the catalog

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