Home Smell from the mouth Rocs toothpastes: types, photos, description, composition. r.o.c.s toothpaste

Rocs toothpastes: types, photos, description, composition. r.o.c.s toothpaste

When purchasing toothpaste for children, you must take into account that it does not contain harmful substances, had a kariostatic and strengthening effect on the enamel, and also had an attractive taste. Most companies make toothpastes for children of any age category. Nowadays you can find a huge assortment of this product, but sometimes it can be very difficult to make right choice.

Toothpastes for children should take into account the structural features of children's teeth

Characteristics of the composition of children's toothpaste

Particular attention should be paid to the composition of the toothpaste. It should not contain the following substances:

  1. Antiseptics (triclosan, metronidazole and chlorhexidine). Together with harmful bacteria, they destroy the natural microflora in the mouth. The use of pastes containing this substance leads to a decrease in the protective function oral cavity. If you do not find a component in the product, look for the word “TOTAL”, which indicates the presence of some kind of antiseptic. It is better to refuse to buy such paste.
  2. Foaming agents (sodium lauryl sulfate SLS, E487). They are detergents, which are obtained from coconut oil using chemical synthesis. These substances pose a serious danger and are included in almost all cosmetic products. Most companies pass them off as a natural component, indicating “derived from coconuts” instead of the real name.
  3. Preservatives, including sodium benzoate, parabens, benzyl alcohol, as well as the substance that makes the paste viscous - propylene glycol (PEG-32, PEG-40. All of them are strong carcinogens.
  4. Sugar (sorbitol, glucose, sucrose), as it helps create favorable conditions for bacteria to multiply in the mouth.

Lauryl sulfate is an aggressive foaming agent that is dangerous for child's body

Substances that do not pose a threat to the baby’s health:

  1. water;
  2. glycerol;
  3. xanthan gum;
  4. sorbitol;
  5. titanium dioxide.

These components influence the density and appearance pasta. For example, xanthan gum acts as food additives to give thickness and gel-like state. Thanks to the addition of water, glycerin, or sorbitol, the paste does not dry out in an open tube. Titanium dioxide gives a rich white tint.

Main active ingredients

The main active ingredients contained in children's toothpaste include:

  • Dicalcium Phosphate Dihydrate (dicalcium phosphate dihydrate, DDCP). Gently acts on tooth enamel without disturbing it, gently removes plaque on teeth. When this substance comes into contact with saliva, calcium and phosphorus ions are produced, which help restore hard fabric enamels.
  • Xylitol (xylitol). Helps eliminate caries or prevent its occurrence. Thanks to xylitol, minerals are absorbed faster by tooth enamel and harmful bacteria in the mouth are destroyed. According to research, a 10% concentration of xylitol has a greater effect. As an exception, the concentration of xylitol reaches 12%.

Xylitol is responsible for preventing the formation of caries
  • Calcium Glycerophosphate (calcium glycerophosphate), Calcium Citrate (calcium citrate), Magnesium chloride (magnesium chloride). These substances help saturate the enamel surface, strengthen its structure, and also have an anti-caries effect.
  • Hydrated Silica. It acts gently and removes plaque without damaging tooth enamel.
  • Zinc citrate. Has an antibacterial effect, eliminates bad smell from mouth.
  • Sodium monofluorophosphate. Helps strengthen the hard tissues of the oral cavity, thereby increasing the protective function of teeth against the action of dangerous acids.
  • Calcium carbonate. It cleanses the oral cavity well of soft deposits on the teeth and has a strengthening effect. Unlike dicalcium phosphate dihydrate, calcium carbonate has the most powerful effect, as a result of which pastes containing it are recommended for use in children over 3 years of age.
  • Aminofluoride is a form of fluorine organic origin. 20 seconds are enough to create a reliable protective barrier on the tooth surface. It has great importance, because most children do not like to brush their teeth for 3 minutes, as expected.

Parents often face the question: should a child's room toothpaste be with fluoride? Fluoride is very dangerous if swallowed, so you should not buy such toothpastes for children under two or three years old. Older children are allowed to use pastes containing fluoride in a small volume and organic form in the form of olaflur or aminofluoride.

Since children often taste toothpaste, fluoride content is not recommended.

It is advisable to avoid pastes that contain abrasives, as there is a risk that too hard particles will adversely affect the child’s vulnerable enamel. Toothpaste for children should not contain fluoride or any abrasives.

Rating of toothpastes for children

  • 1st place goes to pasta produced by Lakalut;
  • 2nd place goes to the President company;
  • 3rd place is given to Splat products;
  • Roks company is in 4th place;
  • in 5th place - Silca;
  • 6th place is occupied by Weleda products;
  • 7th place goes to Elmex.

The best advice for parents is to take their child to the dentist and get advice on choosing a toothpaste. The specialist will advise it taking into account individual characteristics child's oral cavity.

The ideal toothpaste is the one recommended by your dentist

Lakalut pastes are produced in Germany. Their advantage is reasonable price and high quality. The composition contains amino fluoride, fluorine and vitamins A and E. Amin fluoride helps strengthen tooth enamel and also forms a protection on the tooth surface in the form of a film, under which fluoride continues to be absorbed long time after use. The enamel is mineralized, which makes it possible to cure caries at the stage white spot.

Fluorine is present in a small volume, not exceeding the norm. The paste does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate, so it is not at all capable of causing harm. children's health. Products for different age categories are endowed with a variety of scents:

  • 0-4 years “LACALUT baby” with raspberry flavor. Suitable for baby teeth.
  • 4-8 years old “LACALUT kids 4+” with citrus flavor. It is characterized by the presence of fluorine in the composition of aminofluoride, which is necessary to prevent the formation of caries.
  • 8-12 years old “LACALUT teens 8+” with a citrus-mint flavor. It has a gel-like structure with multi-colored microcapsules. The paste is characterized by the presence of amino fluoride and sodium fluoride in the permitted therapeutic dose. The paste can be used as a prophylaxis against caries, as well as in its treatment at the initial stage of a white spot. The product is approved by the German Dental Society.

President's products are made in Italy. Toothpaste without fluoride, thanks to which you can brush the teeth of children from birth to three years old, without fear of accidental swallowing. Xylitol promotes the breakdown of food acids in the oral cavity and has a caryostatic effect. Products for children over six years of age have a less pronounced effect. Gel-like paste from 6 to 12 years old is made specifically for children susceptible to caries and is characterized by a large amount of fluoride in the form of fluoride and monofluorophosphate.

There are the following pastes from the President company:

  • "PRESIDENT Baby 0-3" with raspberry flavor. Characterized by low abrasiveness.
  • “PRESIDENT Kids” 3-6 years old with Cola flavor.
  • "PresiDENTJunior 6+" 6-12 years old with lime flavor.
  • From 12 years old “PRESIDENT Teens 12+” with mint flavor. It is characterized by a good composition, abrasiveness is slightly less than average. You can care for your children's permanent teeth during adolescence.


Country of origin: Russia. Splat pastes can be selected for children of different age categories. They contain hydroxyapatite, a set of components (lysozyme, lactoferrin, glucose oxidase, lactoperoxidase) and various additional substances. All Splat toothpastes are made without fluoride, sodium lauryl sulfate and parabens. The only exceptions are products made for children from 3 to 8 years old.

There are several Splat toothpastes:

  • "SPLAT Juicy Set". Effectively nourishes tooth enamel calcium SPLAT Juicy children's toothpaste can be used by both children and adults, since the composition does not contain harmful components.
  • “SPLAT Junior 0-4.” Made for children up to four years of age. The paste is available in the form of foam; there is no danger if swallowed. It contains a combination of substances that enhance the protective function of the oral mucosa, which makes it possible to prevent the occurrence of stomatitis.
  • "SPLAT Junior 3-8". Characterized by a varied composition. There is fluorine in the form of amino fluoride, calcium, a combination of substances that enhance protective functions oral mucosa. However, the simultaneous content of fluoride and calcium leads to the fact that when their ions combine, an insoluble salt is formed, which does not bring any benefit to the teeth.

SPLAT Juicy children's toothpaste deserves special attention. It is presented in children's favorite flavors: fruit, chocolate, ice cream. Moreover, this toothpaste has a very bright and attractive packaging that kids love. The paste will perfectly restore and strengthen the hard structure of teeth, help prevent the occurrence of caries and plaque. Suitable for any child's age.


The company is quite widespread. Rox pastes contain calcium glycerophosphate, xylitol, alginate, herbal extracts, as well as linden and chamomile extracts. The product is characterized by low abrasiveness and has a good healing effect. Due to the fact that there are no preservatives in the composition, an opened tube can be used for 30 days, then it is recommended to get rid of the remaining contents and purchase a new paste. An unopened tube of paste can be stored for up to 2 years.

In addition to the product, the package contains a small coloring book and a calendar game so that the baby knows when to brush his teeth. The only disadvantage of this company is the high price.

There are several known Rox toothpastes:

  • "ROCS - PRO Baby". Not hazardous if swallowed. Made for children up to three years old.
  • “ROCS Baby – fragrant chamomile” for children under three years old. The disadvantage is the lack of components aimed at strengthening tooth enamel, for example, calcium. In addition, it does not contain fluoride, so it does not have an anti-caries effect. It is advisable to use it at the moment when teeth are being cut, since the components contained in it are aimed at protecting not the teeth, but the gums.
  • “ROCS kids – berry fantasy” for children from 4 to 7 years old with raspberry and strawberry flavors.
  • “ROCS kids – barberry” for children from 3 to 7 years old. This children's toothpaste is fluoride-free, so it can be used in places where drinking water with excess fluoride. The paste is characterized by the presence of a calcium compound to strengthen the enamel, as well as xylitol to neutralize acids.


The pasta is made in Germany and is inexpensive. Approved by the German Dental Society.

This company produces the following pastes:

  • SILCAMED line
    • 0+ BABY – for the first teeth.
    • 2+ with extracts of sage, linden, chamomile (depending on the release form). Pastes are available in different flavors: apple, strawberry, cola, chewing gum.
  • 1-5 years “SILCA Putzi – banana”. Endowed with low abrasiveness. The composition does not contain dyes or sodium lauryl sulfate, so you don’t have to worry if your child accidentally swallows the paste. It is recommended to use a similar paste without fluorine and calcium alternately with other products that contain calcium glycerophosphate or amino fluoride.
  • 2-12 years old “SILCA Putzi – orange”. It has low abrasiveness and can be used to clean both milk and permanent teeth(we recommend reading: ). The composition contains fluorine in the form of sodium fluoride. You should know that toothpastes containing fluoride are not recommended for use by children under five years of age if they are not susceptible to caries. It is better to opt for a product with calcium.

Weleda calendula gel is suitable for children under three years of age. To his active ingredients relate essential oils and alginate, which have an anti-inflammatory effect. The product is most effective when the child is teething. Thanks to abrasive and polishing components, baby teeth are cleaned of microbes. The gel is completely safe, so no need to worry if your child accidentally swallows it. Since this product does not contain fluorine and calcium, you need to choose another paste that contains calcium glycerophosphate or amino fluoride and alternate their use.


The company Colgate produces such products. The country of origin is China. The amino fluoride content is within the range therapeutic dosage, and there are no dyes or preservatives. It is inexpensive, but is dangerous if swallowed because it contains excess fluoride.

The following Colgate children's toothpastes are available:

  • "Elmex for children" is used for cleaning baby teeth. Thanks to amino fluoride, it is well suited as a prophylaxis.
  • "Elmex Junior" Aminofluoride is in a therapeutic dose, so its action is aimed at protecting teeth from caries, as well as treating the initial stage of white spots.

It is important to choose the most the best remedy for your little one. Follow all recommendations, pay attention that the paste does not contain harmful substances and fluorine in inorganic form. Do everything you can to ensure your child has healthy, strong teeth. It's always nice to look at photos from beautiful smile, especially if your blood is imprinted on it!

Maintain oral health, especially teeth and gums, long years very difficult. It is required to carefully approach the issue of purchasing hygiene products, regularly visit the dentist and perform a complex preventive measures. The right choice of toothpaste for children is especially important. Rocs toothpaste is popular among consumers - what it consists of, what types exist and how to use it correctly, we will look into this article.

The composition of children's toothpaste R.O.C.S.

R.O.C.S. - This is a domestically produced pasta. No aggressive agents are used in its production. chemical compounds and coarse abrasive particles, so a person with sensitive tooth enamel can use this hygiene product. To prevent dental diseases, the paste contains classic minerals such as magnesium, fluoride and calcium. In addition to these beneficial microelements, ROKS also contains:

  • calcium glycerophosphate - in order to saturate the enamel with minerals;
  • potassium nitrate – reduces the level of tooth sensitivity to chemical and thermal irritants;
  • bromelain – helps get rid of deposits accumulating on the surface of the tooth, stimulates mineral exchange between dental dentin and salivary secretions;
  • mineralin – reduces inflammation, fights cariogenic microorganisms, helps lighten enamel (patented composition);
  • To give the product a pleasant taste, mint components are added to the variety for adults, and fruit components are added to the paste for children.


The manufacturing company offers a wide range of oral care products, including toothpastes for people of any age. Separately presented are collections of products for children from 0 to 3 years old, for preschoolers and junior schoolchildren, as well as teenagers. Each of these age categories is characterized by special needs in mineral complexes, which is taken into account by manufacturers when developing recipes. All toothpastes from children's lines are hypoallergenic. Examples of some ROKS products are presented in the photo accompanying the article.

Baby for children from 0 to 3 years

For babies whose first teeth have erupted, R.O.C.S. Baby. It contains no dyes or fragrances - almost 99% of it consists of natural ingredients, selected to protect the baby’s teeth from harmful influences.

The composition is safe when swallowed and does not produce intense foam - children from 0 to 3 years old do not have time to master the spitting technique. The taste of baby paste is slightly sweet, so that brushing your teeth is not only useful, but also pleasant. Use baby remedy it is necessary within a month from the day the tube was opened - there are no preservatives in the paste, so it does not last long. You can choose one of the varieties of ROX baby paste:

  • for the prevention of gum inflammation and caries development - PRO Baby;
  • to reduce or prevent the occurrence inflammatory processes in the oral cavity - “Fragrant chamomile”;
  • to facilitate painful sensations and reduce discomfort during teething - “Linden aroma”;
  • to reduce risk allergic reactions and to alleviate the child’s condition when a baby tooth appears - “With quince extract.”

Kids from 3 to 7 years

Children of preschool and school age constitute one of the main risk groups for caries diseases. During the shift milk bite It is especially important for permanent teeth to pay attention to the health of teeth - after eruption, the molar units are highly susceptible to aggressive influences environment. For children aged 3 to 7 years R.O.C.S. presents the Kids line.

To interest the child and do the dental care procedure fun game, rather than a boring chore, each package includes a fun, interactive comic. The Kids line includes formulations with a fluoride complex - they form a protective layer based on calcium fluoride in just 20 seconds:

  1. with a bright flavor chewing gum- "Bubble gum";
  2. “Citrus Rainbow” will delight you with its unusual orange-vanilla taste with notes of lemon;
  3. a child who loves strawberries and raspberries will love Berry Fantasy.

The company's product range also includes pastes with a remineralizing complex based on calcium glycerophosphate - they do not contain fluorine or its compounds. They are used to carry out hygiene procedures in children at risk of developing fluorosis or subject to a principled and informed refusal to use fluoride-containing formulations:

For children and teenagers

The lifestyle and worldview of adolescents is not always conducive to healthy image life and full implementation of the entire complex preventive procedures– for example, few teenagers regularly floss and eat a balanced diet. Pastes from the R.O.C.S line will help to carefully clean the surface of the teeth, prevent inflammation of the gums, preserve and increase the stability of enamel, and protect teeth from cariogenic bacteria. Teens. They are recommended for use by children and adolescents aged 8 to 18 years. The line includes various options for every taste:

  • taste of an active day – “lemon + cola”;
  • “double mint” – for lovers of extreme minty freshness;
  • the aroma of “sultry summer” - with the taste of strawberries;
  • “chocolate mousse” – with the taste of an exquisite dessert.

Terms of use

R.O.C.S pastes give tangible effect only with long-term and regular use. It should be borne in mind that until a child reaches the age of 9, the teeth cleaning procedure should be carried out under the supervision (and with the help) of parents, since he will not be able to clean all his teeth efficiently on his own.

Before using any care products, you should read the instructions and consult a specialist. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to use a set of hygiene products from one manufacturer - for example, a brush and paste. The rules for brushing teeth in children under 3 years old look like this:

  • put the child on your lap or lay him down comfortably (if he does not yet know how to sit);
  • invite him to “get to know” the toothbrush (play, roll, chew);
  • You can clean your incisors with a gauze napkin, onto which you must first squeeze out a thin layer of paste, then clean your teeth with a brush;
  • the incisors are cleaned in the direction from the gums to the cutting edge;
  • to wipe the jaw arch before teething, use a gauze swab with a small amount of paste (we recommend reading: what ointment to use for the gums when the child starts teething?);
  • chewing units are cleaned with a brush and paste, making circular movements;
  • the procedure is repeated morning and evening;
  • You need to start caring for your teeth from the moment the very first teeth erupt.

Pediatric dentists believe that you should start taking care of teeth even before teething. R.O.C.S. (Rox) - smart toothpastes, the composition of which is selected according to age.

Types of toothpastes R.O.C.S.

Tooth pastes R.O.C.S. are divided into lines according to the following principle: for each age there should be its own paste, which takes into account the structural features of the teeth at one stage or another.

  • Baby - from 0 to 3 years
  • Kids - from 3 to 7 years
  • Junior - from 6 to 12 years old
  • Teens - from 8 to 18 years old
  • Adult line from 18 years old

When creating products, we take into account physiological characteristics human body in different age periods and various problems of teeth and gums. The range includes R.O.C.S. there are pastes for daily care behind healthy teeth, and for the prevention of caries and the development of periodontal diseases.

For teeth and gums that require special care ( sensitive enamel, smoker’s teeth, wearing braces, etc.), you can also choose a suitable product from the brand’s collection.

Toothpastes R.O.C.S. presented in different flavors: from traditional mint to chocolate mousse, which turns brushing your teeth from a routine process into a pleasure.

Safe composition of toothpastes is the key to dental health

The advantage of R.O.C.S. toothpastes - this is, first of all, a unique safe composition. When choosing components, preference is given to plant and mineral raw materials, 97–98.5% of the ingredients are of natural origin, the remaining percentage is made up of components that are neutral for the body. The toothpastes use proprietary developments (PRO-Systems,), which provide a new experience in brushing teeth and excellent results.

Particular attention is paid to products for children: children's pastes have a hypoallergenic composition. The peculiarity of products for adults under the R.O.C.S. brand. - among the components. Instead of fluorides, the products include a safer and no less effective protective complex.

In addition, the Diarsi group of companies, which includes the R.O.C.S. brand, is developing its own high-tech ingredient base. Special technologies for preparing pastes, such as cooking at low temperatures, preserve the high activity of the components, which ensures effective oral hygiene.

Unique product formulas are protected by more than 50 patents.

Why R.O.C.S.?

  • The effectiveness and safety of the products has been confirmed clinical trials
  • Products are approved by the Russian Dental Association
  • Unique patented formulas
  • Large selection of therapeutic and prophylactic pastes for different needs of the oral cavity

Available in pharmacies and retail outlets in more than 50 countries, as well as in online stores.

Toothpaste R.O.C.S. PRO Baby is designed for babies under 3 years of age. It is made on a soft base, containing only natural ingredients:

  • calcium glycerophosphate;
  • xylitol 10%;
  • magnesium chloride.

98.5% of the ingredients are of natural origin.

Rox paste provides high-quality cleaning, strengthens teeth and suppresses cariogenic bacteria. And also, thanks to extracts with antimicrobial properties, it prevents gum inflammation. The product is hypoallergenic and safe to swallow, has a pleasant taste and smell.

For preschoolers - berries and ice cream

For children from 3 to 7 years old there is a wide selection of products from the R.O.C.S. series. kids. On the recommendation of the dentist, you can choose pastes containing fluoride and without it, based on calcium glycerophosphate.

Clinical observations and consumer reviews show the high effectiveness of R.O.C.S. series products. kids due to their low abrasiveness, which allows you to avoid damaging tooth enamel.

This is interesting: the manufacturer offers a line of children's pastes with flavors of berries, chewing gum and even ice cream.

Growing up with Rox

Toothpastes for children from 8 to 18 years old in the R.O.C.S. line. Teens. Children of this age category are often susceptible to caries and periodontal diseases.

Pastes with various flavors that are popular among teenagers are developed especially for them:

  • cola and lemon;
  • wild strawberry;
  • refreshing mint.

The AMIFLUOR® complex, containing xylitol and amino fluoride, provides:

  • resistance of tooth enamel to acids;
  • saturation with minerals;
  • protection of gums from inflammation;
  • normalization of oral microflora;
  • preservation of tooth enamel due to low abrasiveness.

It is important to note: the cost of Rox pastes, almost entirely consisting of natural ingredients, starts from only 160 rubles.

According to reviews from parents and their children, Rox toothpastes do an excellent job of cleaning teeth and are liked by their variety of flavors.

See overview video about children's toothpastes of the R.O.C.S. brand:

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