Home Hygiene Causes of skin diseases in children. Infectious and non-infectious skin diseases in children

Causes of skin diseases in children. Infectious and non-infectious skin diseases in children

Skin diseases in children, it is known to affect the upper layer of a person. This includes nails, hair, and sweat glands.

From a medical point of view, the terminology of skin diseases includes various types of diseases, these are infectious, allergic, viral, but, nevertheless, they are all associated with the upper integument.

Diseases are also divided into groups according to the nature of their course and complexity.
Some of them are incurable, others go away on their own without any external medications or surgical interventions.

We have placed diseases that are associated with allergies in a child into a separate group; there is also a separate section for volatile viral infections. This is a special species that, by its nature, is capable of infecting a person over a long distance.

But do not forget that any rash or redness on the body, especially when accompanied by high fever and poor health, may not be a separately progressive disease, but the cause of a disease of a person’s internal organs.

Therefore, for any symptoms, contact a specialist dermatologist and do not refuse to undergo tests, motivating, doctor, I have a normal skin rash, prescribe some ointments and that’s it...

The symptoms for each of the diseases, which we will consider in detail below, are different and there is no point in talking about similarities.

Some are accompanied by severe itching, sometimes, like measles, which appears on the body after a few days, but precedes it heat.

Let's look at the main causes of skin diseases in children.

As mentioned above, the development of skin disease can be caused by disruption of the liver, kidneys, stomach, or a significant decrease in immunity, which ultimately come to the surface.

Poor nutrition or poisoning leads to allergic reactions on the skin.

One of the types of disease is the appearance of purulent wounds on the child’s body.

The reason is dirty objects that the baby constantly encounters on the street. And the slightest cuts or damage lead to suppuration.

Nails and hair are often susceptible to fungal infections.
The fungus spreads either through animals (cats, dogs), or there was direct contact with a sick person. Hair color changes and spots appear on nails.

Light redness in the form of pimples, indicating prickly heat, may not be considered a disease at all.
Small red pimples appear on the body on hot days, where there is not enough fresh air, or the baby is forced to dress. They disappear on their own, over time, with a change in climate or cold weather (taking a cool shower).

Sometimes the heat rash may appear for several hours, then the body returns to its former self.

Common symptoms of skin diseases in children

In 80-90% there is body itching. It often precedes the appearance of a rash, but not always.
During chickenpox, the whole body itches until the disease subsides. Along with the itching, a very unpleasant feeling arises - a burning sensation over the entire surface.

Further, in all skin diseases, both in children and adults, the first redness appears.
Usually the skin becomes covered with red spots, which become more numerous over time.
With different signs and course of the disease, red spots turn into a rash.
For example, during the manifestation of rubella, redness remains the final phase of the disease.

Together with the above listed symptoms, the body is exhausted, lethargic, accompanied by insomnia, poor appetite, and irritability.

Parents should know that newborn children up to one year old, the disease and the course of such diseases are severe, unlike school-age children.

But there is a limit to this. Measles in older age (16-20 years) is accompanied by high fever and possible complications.
Don't neglect this. Starting from chronic and ending with partial loss of vision.

Diseases are distinguished by the nature of the rash and the area affected

Some of them affect only exposed skin, others specifically the face and neck, and others only the extremities (arms).

Damage to the face and neck is typical for warts, acne, and pimples, which to one degree or another bring discomfort and make some adjustments to our lives.
Sometimes it is hormonal, that is, it occurs during the transition period, and after passing this stage, it disappears on its own.
In other cases, infection occurs with a virus where treatment is inevitable.

Open areas of the skin are often affected by frostbite (in winter) or burns (in hot weather) sunny days). The degree of complications depends on the length of stay, the environment and how timely and effective first aid is given.

Skin diseases in children are the release of toxins from the body.
Thus, the human body gets rid of excess toxic substances, and since the dose exceeds the permissible one several times, they are not able to completely get out in the usual way.

How to treat skin diseases?

For each individual case, appropriate measures are taken.
The child can overcome mild forms at home.
Complex cases are treated in a hospital.

This is the use of antibiotics, the absence of a source of infection, restoration of hormonal balance, and the use of pyrogenic drugs. For superficial treatment, use various ointments and compresses.

It is impossible to establish the timing of treatment for a particular disease from the first day.
Sometimes it drags on for up to several months.
Chronic or with complications - years.

Prevention and diagnosis

First, protect children when viral infections skin will help various kinds vaccinations.
It's up to you to decide, of course. The state does not provide for compulsory vaccination.
Moreover, for some diseases, there is no mention of possible vaccination at all.
Everything is at the request of the parents.

But remember, when using any vaccine, you must first undergo all tests for possible complications and allergic reactions. The baby on the day of vaccination must be completely healthy, active in the absence of

Parents need to pay special attention to changes skin child. Rashes on the dermis often indicate the presence of diseases, which, if ignored, are fraught with disastrous consequences. To prevent a disease from causing harm to the body, it must be properly diagnosed and treated.

Only a few childhood diseases can provoke rashes on the dermis:

Important:rashes on the body may also indicate an allergic reaction. It appears after contact with a common allergen or an object new to the child.


Each disease is characterized by certain symptoms:

  1. Allergy. In addition to skin rashes, a child may complain of itching of the dermis, nasal congestion, sneezing and general poor health. Allergies often cause swelling and tearing.
  2. Measles. Three days before the rash, the baby shows signs of a cold (cough, nasal congestion, purse). After this, the main symptoms of measles are localized on the body, which are large red spots. They first appear on the face and then spread throughout the body and limbs.

  3. Chicken pox. Reddish spots spread throughout the body, gradually turning into bubbles with liquid inside. After treatment with medications, they disappear, leaving areas of rough skin that gradually come off.

  4. Meningococcal infection. If meningococci have attacked the baby's body and caused meningitis, the resulting rashes will be similar to small hemorrhages. Another sign of the disease is a feverish state.

Attention: meningococcal infection often causes the death of a child. You should immediately consult a doctor if you suspect it and take all necessary medical measures.


Only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis. The examination must be carried out in stationary conditions. The doctor may take measures such as:

  1. Basic inspection. The specialist will determine the nature of the rash and take into account other symptoms.
  2. Analyzes. The doctor may refer you to donate blood, urine and feces.

Attention: if serious complications are suspected, special diagnostics are required (X-ray, ultrasound, etc.).


The treatment regimen for childhood diseases that cause spots on the skin directly depends on many factors. In most cases, parents are given recommendations and a list of medications, but in case of a serious diagnosis, the child is treated in a hospital.

For each disease there is a specific treatment regimen:

  1. Chickenpox. The spots need to be lubricated daily with brilliant green. If the temperature rises above thirty-eight degrees, it is necessary to give the child antipyretics based on Paracetamol.
  2. Allergy. It is necessary to give your child anti-allergy medications. Eg, Suprastin You should give half a tablet in the morning and evening.
  3. Prickly heat. It is recommended to take baths with herbs ( chamomile, series), wipe the spots where the stains are located with a solution potassium permanganate and use talc. If the specialist diagnoses the bacterial origin of the disease, he will prescribe suitable antibiotics.

    MeansFeatures of use
    Soda-salt rinse solutionDissolve a large spoonful of salt and the same amount of soda in a glass of boiling water. After the liquid has cooled and is warm, give it to your child as a gargle. The product should be used three times a day
    Herbal infusion for rinsingPour one teaspoon each of dry sage and chamomile into a glass of boiling water. Leave for ten minutes. Strain the liquid and let your child gargle it twice a day
    Tea with honey and lemonAdd a large spoonful of honey and a slice of lemon to your green tea. You can drink it several times a day

    Video - Rash in children

    Treatment errors

    Incorrect actions reduce the effectiveness of treatment and aggravate the situation. Take into account the measures that should not be taken:

    1. Initiation of treatment before diagnosis in an inpatient setting. You should not use medications before your child has been examined by a doctor.
    2. Scratching out rashes. Explain to your child that you need to touch the skin where the symptoms are located as little as possible. If the baby ignores the request or is very small, carefully monitor his hand hygiene.
    3. The use of additional medications and folk remedies before the approval of the attending physician. From various sources you can learn that some herbs and medications help fight rashes. But many of them have side effects and are not suitable for treating certain diseases.

    Important:Monitor your child's hygiene. Pathogenic organisms should not be allowed to enter wounds.

    Video - Causes of rashes in children

    How to increase the effectiveness of treatment?

    To ensure that the disease stops bothering your child as quickly as possible, you need to follow these recommendations:

    1. Make sure your child drinks plenty of fluids. This rule is especially relevant in cases where the appearance of spots is accompanied by an increase in temperature. Give your child tea, fruit drinks and juices.
    2. Take your child for a walk if the weather and the state of his body allows. Keep baby at home until full recoverybig mistake. The baby must stay on fresh air at least a few minutes a day, if he does not have a fever, and it is not too cold outside and there is no precipitation with wind.
    3. Fortify your baby's diet. Any disease negatively affects the immune system. To prevent the recurrence of the disease, speed up treatment and strengthen the immune system, prepare your child dishes from vegetables and fruits. It is advisable that they be raw or steamed.

    Important:If the appearance of red spots is caused by an allergic reaction, exclude citrus fruits and bright fruits from the baby’s diet.

This is a skin disease that is caused by biological, chemical, physical or internal agents. In children, pathology develops mainly against the background of a hereditary tendency to allergic reactions. Often skin inflammation in infants it occurs in the first months of life. What is dermatitis in children after 4 years of age, mothers know much less often. The following groups are at risk:

  • children whose both parents suffer from any form of allergy;
  • frequent infectious diseases of the mother during pregnancy;
  • improper feeding;
  • prolonged stay in a heavily polluted environment (exhaust fumes, dyes, smoke).

Skin diseases in children are usually the result of disorders in the body. At the first manifestations of pathology, it is urgent to show the child to a doctor, since any omission can lead to unpredictable consequences. How to recognize infectious and non-infectious skin diseases in children in order to take the necessary actions?

Skin disease in children is a common phenomenon, since the delicate skin of children is an excellent target for the disease. Children get sick much more often than adults. Most cases are allergic in nature. Diseases should be treated only after an accurate diagnosis has been made and confirmed.

Every child has suffered from such an illness at least once in their life. Children's skin diseases are numerous, and each pathology manifests itself differently. Their reasons are also quite diverse, ranging from polluted ecology to contact with carriers of the infection.

All childhood skin diseases are divided into two large groups:

  1. Infectious.
  2. Non-infectious.

Each group includes many skin diseases with characteristic manifestations, causes, features, and treatment methods for each of them.

The presence of a specific disease can usually be determined by the first signs

Rashes of infectious origin

Infectious skin diseases in children can be divided into types that differ significantly from each other.

These include:

  • skin changes caused by viral infections;
  • pyoderma, or pustular lesions of the dermis, appear as a result of the ingestion of streptococci, staphylococci and others;
  • mycoses caused by the introduction of pathogenic fungi;
  • chronic infectious skin lesions caused by mycobacteria and borrelia.

We have previously written about the treatment of psoriasis in children and recommended bookmarking this article.

Today, science knows 44 species of dermatophytes - fungi that provoke skin diseases


Skin rashes on the body due to many infectious diseases Doctors call them exanthemas. Infectious skin diseases in children with exanthemas include:

  • measles;
  • chicken pox;
  • scarlet fever;
  • rubella;
  • baby roseola.

The incubation period for these diseases is different, and the characteristic symptoms skin diseases in children, in particular, by the appearance of the rash. Thus, measles is characterized by large, merging papules, while rubella is characterized by rare and small rash. Chickenpox is accompanied by small blisters filled with liquid.

Scarlet fever stands out pinpoint rash mainly in the following places:

  • on the sides of the body;
  • on the face.

In infantile roseola, a maculopapular rash is observed. It is very similar to urticaria.

The virus of this disease - measles - is transmitted from a sick child to a healthy child by airborne droplets.

Pustular and viral diseases

Pustular changes (pyoderma) are quite common childhood skin diseases. The causative agents are staphylococci and streptococci, available:

  • in the air;
  • in house dust;
  • in the sandbox;
  • on clothes.

The most common manifestations of pyoderma:

  • Furunculosis.
  • Carbunculosis.
  • Impetigo.

Viral dermatoses include those skin diseases in children that are caused by various viruses. Among them:

  • Herpes simplex, characterized by changes in the mucous membrane and skin of the mouth and nose.
  • Warts, among which there are both regular and flat, as well as pointed ones. The disease is transmitted through skin contact, if there are microtraumas, and cellular immunity is reduced.

This is how the skin can react to pathologies of internal organs

Non-infectious skin lesions

  • pediculosis;
  • scabies;
  • demodicosis

It is possible to become infected through contact with a sick person.

Allergic skin diseases in children are a specific reaction of the body to an irritant (allergen). The most common of these is considered atopic dermatitis. The rash is accompanied by paroxysmal itching. The reasons for such a violation may be:

  • medicines;
  • food products;
  • cold.

Very young children often experience heat rash, which appears as a result of improper care, overheating or dysfunction sweat glands. This type of allergic skin disease in children is characterized by a pink-red rash (small spots and nodules), located:

  • in the upper chest;
  • on the neck;
  • on the stomach.

Daily hair care and frequent brushing will help protect against lice.


According to the recommendations of doctors, the prevention of skin diseases in children should be carried out comprehensively. Health and psychological approaches are used here. It should be remembered that some skin diseases may be an external reflection of a serious internal pathology in the child’s body. Often skin lesions can be accompanied by problems:

This is why prevention of skin diseases in children is necessary. The basic rules are:

  • wearing clothes made from natural fabrics - they should be chosen according to size, and should not irritate or injure the skin;
  • systematic ventilation of premises and wet cleaning;
  • increasing the immunity of children by hardening and organizing proper nutrition;
  • the use of various medicinal herbs that can prevent cracks and itching of the skin in young children.

Washing the skin in most cases prevents disease, as it removes dirt, germs, and sweat.


Treatment of skin diseases in children should begin with a correct diagnosis. Such a diagnosis can only be made by an experienced specialist.

The fact is that each disease occurs differently and has its own characteristics. For example, some rashes should not be wetted, while others, on the contrary, should be kept clean and washed constantly.

In some cases, drug treatment is required, in others it is not.

In this case, parents must:

  • call a doctor at home;
  • protect the sick child from communicating with other children;
  • refrain from treating rashes with iodine, brilliant green or other solutions - this may complicate diagnosis.

Only an experienced doctor can determine the disease by external signs.


A wide range of products is used to treat skin diseases in children. medicines, which are used during a variety of painful changes in the dermis, such as:

  • acne;
  • warts;
  • fungus;
  • other inflammatory neoplasms.

Pharmaceutical products include:

  • ointments and creams;
  • sprays;
  • pharmaceutical talkers;
  • pills.

Effective medications include creams and ointments:

  • "Akriderm" (for the treatment of dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis).
  • "Candide B" (mycosis, fungal eczema).
  • "Laticort" (dermatitis, psoriasis).
  • “Skin cap” (seborrhea, dandruff) and many others.

The most effective means are used for local therapy

Treatment should be carried out comprehensively - both pharmacy and folk remedies. We should not forget about skin cleanliness and hygiene.

Before meeting with a doctor, it is difficult to find out the nature of the trouble that has occurred, and in some cases, manifestations may be congenital or of a hereditary nature.

The older a child gets, the easier it is for him to have certain diseases, including skin ones. This is due to the body’s resistance: babies are extremely unstable to harmful influences from the outside, their skin is very sensitive, and the ability to resist harmful microbes is negligible. IN early age The baby’s nervous system has an insufficient regulatory effect, and the endocrine glands do not work at full strength. The richness of children's skin with lymphatic and blood vessels contributes to a greater intensity of reaction to external stimuli.

Believing that after a couple of days the inflammation will go away as suddenly as it appeared, parents make a mistake. Today, doctors know more than 100 types of skin diseases that can easily overcome a child. Unfortunately, no one is immune. The symptoms of skin diseases are varied, but many are not without similarities.

Immediate contact with a specialist is the first step towards a competent diagnosis of a skin disease and a speedy recovery for the baby!

How chickenpox begins: how the initial stage manifests itself in children

Chickenpox is called that way because it can be spread by the wind, that is, by airborne droplets. Let's figure out how chickenpox manifests itself in children. Someone sneezes contagiously next to you, you will already forget about this insignificant episode in your life. And after 1-3 weeks the temperature suddenly rises. This initial stage chickenpox in children.

"Acyclovir" for chickenpox in children

In order to relieve chickenpox symptoms such as itching, you can ask your pediatrician to prescribe antihistamine in a safe dosage. When the rash spreads to the eyes, you can use a special eye gel"Acyclovir" for chickenpox in children, which effectively fights against the herpes virus.

Many parents are absolutely sure that the treatment for chickenpox in children is to lubricate the blisters with brilliant green. Even now, walking down the street in this way, you can easily identify a child who has had chickenpox - by the characteristic “specks” of brilliant green. In fact, brilliant green does not treat the symptoms of chickenpox, but only performs a disinfecting function and protects against penetration bacterial infection in the wound.

This is especially important for a child. It is convenient for doctors to determine from these spots whether the child is contagious. That is, brilliant green is not a treatment for chickenpox in children, but serves to fix new rashes. This is very convenient, first of all, for doctors. In addition, brilliant green slightly reduces itching. In addition to brilliant green, rashes can simply be lubricated with a weak solution of manganese. This option is more suitable for an adult who does not want to walk around covered in brilliant green. Under no circumstances should you lubricate with alcohol.

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Causes and consequences

Since skin diseases are a heterogeneous group of pathologies, united only by the fact that they all affect the skin, it is impossible to identify common causes for them. After all, each type of skin disease has its own causes and characteristics of the development mechanism. Therefore, exact causative factors can only be given for each specific skin disease. And for the entire class of skin diseases, it is possible to identify only certain common factors that can play the role of causes of the development of pathologies.

The first and main causative factor of skin diseases is the inability of the liver, kidneys, intestines, spleen and lymphatic system to completely eliminate all toxic substances present in the body. Toxic substances can be produced in the body during life, or can come from outside in the form of medicines, vegetables and fruits treated with pesticides, herbicides, etc.

If the liver and spleen do not have time to neutralize these toxic substances, and the intestines, lymphatic system and the kidneys excrete them, they begin to be removed from the body through the skin. And this becomes the cause of the development of many skin diseases, such as dermatitis, dermatoses, psoriasis, eczema, etc.

The second very important causative factor of skin diseases are allergic reactions and irritation of the skin by chemicals, physical objects and other things present in the environment (bright sun, wind, low or high temperature, etc.).

The third most important causative factor of skin diseases is infections. Moreover, we are talking not only about infections of the skin itself, which develop when various pathogenic microorganisms, such as fungi, bacteria, viruses and others, come into contact with the skin, but also about infectious diseases of internal organs, for example, hepatitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc. .

The fourth most important causative factor of skin diseases are “internal allergens,” which are protein substances produced by worms or opportunistic microorganisms, for example, staphylococci, streptococci, fungi of the genus Candida and others. These protein molecules are constantly present in the body and are a source of continuous irritation and stimulation of the immune system, which can be clinically expressed in provoking skin diseases in the form of rashes, blisters, etc.

The fifth most important causative factors of skin diseases are intestinal dysbiosis and stress.

Let's first figure out what skin diseases children have and what causes them.

For reasons, skin diseases in children are divided into the following groups:

Hereditary and psychosomatic diseases are not dangerous for others. But it is worth remembering that they are the rarest skin diseases in children. They appear more often in newborns and infants. As a rule, these rashes and irritations are a consequence of allergic reactions that are characteristic of the child’s parents and are transmitted through genes.

Children's skin diseases lead to significant consequences. Pustular rashes leave scars on the baby’s delicate skin, which then only become larger; ignored skin symptoms of other diseases lead to severe consequences up to disability.

The predominance of dermatomycosis among all fungal diseases is due to constant close contact of the skin with the environment. The causative agents of fungal skin diseases in children are widespread in nature, have great diversity and are highly resistant to external factors. Fungal skin diseases in children are usually observed in the form of sporadic cases; epidemic outbreaks are more typical for dermatophytosis of the scalp.

The source of anthropophilic dermatomycosis (trichophytia) is a sick person, zoophilic (microsporia) is a sick animal (stray cats and dogs, cows, horses), rare geophilic ones are soil. Infection occurs through direct contact of the child with the skin and hairline patient or through household items contaminated with fungi and their spores (towels, washcloths, combs, toys, hats, shoes).

Features of children's skin (hydrophilicity, increased vascularization, reduced bactericidal activity of sweat and sebaceous glands, easy vulnerability), immaturity of the immune system facilitate the penetration of the pathogen into the epidermis, contributing to the rapid development of fungal diseases in children.

A decrease in the child’s body’s defenses can be caused by poor environment, stress, vitamin deficiency, long-term use of antibiotics, dysbiosis, endocrinopathies and chronic infections. In case of immunodeficiency, opportunistic fungi that normally live on the skin of a child can transform into a pathogenic form and cause fungal disease(for example, Malassezia furfur - the causative agent of lichen versicolor).

Classification of fungal skin diseases in children


  • Skin abscess;
  • Acne;
  • Acrodermatitis atrophic;
  • Actinic granuloma;
  • Actinic keratosis;
  • Actinic reticuloid;
  • Skin amyloidosis;
  • Anhidrosis;
  • Kaposi's angioreticulosis;
  • Anyum;
  • Pasini-Pierini atrophoderma;
  • Atheroma;
  • Atopic dermatitis (including Bernier's pruritus);
  • Atrophic stripes (striae, stretch marks);
  • Basalioma;
  • Gougereau-Duppert disease;
  • Warts;
  • Epidermolysis bullosa;
  • Reiter's vasculitis;
  • Freckles ;
  • Wine stains;
  • Vitiligo;
  • Dermatitis herpetiformis (During's dermatitis);
  • Skin herpes;
  • Hidradenitis;
  • Hyperhidrosis;
  • Hyperkeratosis;
  • Granuloma annular;
  • Decubital ulcer;
  • Diaper dermatitis, allergic, seborrheic, contact, exfoliative, irritant contact, infectious, radiation;
  • Dermatomyositis;
  • Dyshidrosis (pompholyx);
  • Impetigo;
  • Ichthyosis;
  • Calcinosis of the skin;
  • Carbuncles;
  • Keloid scar;
  • The skin is rhombic in the occipital area;
  • Molluscum contagiosum;
  • Urticaria idiopathic, allergic, dermatographic, vibrational, contact, cholinergic, solar;
  • Lupus erythematosus;
  • Lichen planus;
  • Lichen monoliformis;
  • Xerosis;
  • Krauroz;
  • Lentigo;
  • Leprosy;
  • Livedoadenitis;
  • Lymphatoid papulosis;
  • Necrobiosis lipoidica of the skin;
  • Lipoma;
  • Lichen is shiny and linear;
  • Lichen atrophic;
  • Melanoma;
  • Mycoses (trichopytosis, microsporia, candidiasis of the skin, etc.);
  • Calluses and calluses;
  • Coin eczema;
  • Skin mucinosis;
  • Neurodermatitis;
  • Neurofibromatosis (Recklinghausen's disease);
  • Burns;
  • Frostbite;
  • Gottron's papules;
  • Parapsoriasis;
  • Paronychia;
  • Pilonidal cyst;
  • Flaming nevus;
  • Pigmented chronic purpura;
  • Pyoderma (streptoderma or staphyloderma);
  • Pityriasis white and pink;
  • Pemphigoid;
  • Perioral dermatitis;
  • Pint;
  • Poikiloderma Siwatt;
  • Polymorphic light rash;
  • Polymorphic dermal angiitis;
  • Miliaria deep, crystalline, red;
  • Pruritus;
  • Transient acantholytic dermatosis;
  • Lichen simplex chronicus;
  • Psoriasis;
  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever;
  • Pemphigus;
  • Skin cancer is squamous cell;
  • Reticulosis;
  • Rhinophyma;
  • Rosacea;
  • Stevens-Johnson syndrome;
  • Scleroderma;
  • Sclerema and scleredema;
  • Sunburn;
  • Senile skin atrophy;
  • Subcorneal pustular dermatitis;
  • Toxic epidermal necrolysis (Lyell's syndrome);
  • Lupus;
  • Acne;
  • Phlegmon;
  • Phototoxic drug reaction;
  • Photodermatosis;
  • Yaws;
  • Boils;
  • Cheilitis;
  • Chloasma;
  • Scabies;
  • Elastosis;
  • Eczema;
  • Wells eosinophilic cellulitis;
  • Erythema toxic, nodular, marginal, ring-shaped centrifugal, patterned, burn, septic, multiform bullous and non-bullous;
  • Erythematous diaper rash;
  • Erythrasma;
  • Erythrosis (Lane's disease);
  • Buruli ulcer.

The list includes most of the currently known and identified skin diseases, however rare diseases, which are practically never encountered in the practice of a dermatologist primary care(regular multidisciplinary clinic or private medical center) are not given.

This list contains the official names of skin diseases as they are designated in the international classification of diseases (ICD-10). Next to some of the official names, others are listed in parentheses that were historically accepted and are still in use today.

Since there are quite a lot of skin diseases, and they differ in the causes of their occurrence, in the characteristics of their course, as well as in the type of pathological process that has a predominant influence in the development clinical manifestations, then they are divided into several large groups. Groups of skin diseases can be conditionally called types, since they are distinguished based on simultaneously three very important signs– the nature of the causative factor, the type of pathological process and the leading clinical symptom.

So, currently all skin diseases are divided into the following types: 1. Pyoderma (pustular skin diseases):

  • Streptoderma;
  • Staphyloderma;
  • Strepto-staphyloderma;
  • Pyoallergides.
  • Ringworm;
  • Pityriasis (multicolored) lichen;
  • Athlete's foot;
  • Rubromycosis;
  • Onychomycosis;
  • Skin candidiasis;
  • Favus.
  • Leprosy;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Leishmaniasis;
  • Impetigo;
  • Furuncle;
  • Abscess;
  • Phlegmon;
  • Paronychia;
  • Pilonidal cyst;
  • Erythrasma;
  • Chicken pox ;
  • Smallpox, etc.
  • Herpes;
  • Warts;
  • Molluscum contagiosum.
  • Ichthyosis;
  • Xeroderma;
  • Congenital ichthyosoform Broca's erythroderma;
  • Pityriasis pilaris;
  • Epidermolysis bullosa simplex;
  • Dystrophic epidermolysis;
  • Weber-Cockayne syndrome;
  • Neurofibromatosis (Recklinghausen's disease).
  • Dermatomyositis;
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • Scleroderma;
  • Sclerema;
  • Scleredema;
  • Periarteritis nodosa;
  • Poikiloderma vascular atrophic;
  • Anyum.
  • Burns;
  • Frostbite;
  • Dyshidrosis (pompholyx);
  • Coin eczema;
  • Diaper dermatitis, allergic, seborrheic, contact, exfoliative, irritant contact, infectious, radiation;
  • Lyell's syndrome;
  • Erythematous diaper rash;
  • Pityriasis white.
  • Skin itching;
  • Pruritus;
  • Neurodermatitis;
  • Hives;
  • Simple chronic lichen.
  • Psoriasis;
  • Parapsoriasis;
  • Lichen planus;
  • Lichen;
  • Gianotti-Crosti syndrome.
  • True pemphigus;
  • Pemphigoid;
  • Transient acantholytic dermatosis (Grover's);
  • Acquired keratosis pilaris;
  • Epidermolysis bullosa;
  • Dermatitis herpetiformis (During's disease).
  • Gilbert's lichen (pityriasis rosea);
  • Multimorphic exudative erythema;
  • Erythema migrans of Afzelius-Lipschutz;
  • Stevens-Johnson syndrome;
  • Erythrosis (Lane's disease);
  • Septic erythema.
  • Dermal angiitis is polymorphic;
  • Purpura pigmentosa chronic;
  • Reiter's vasculitis;
  • Rosacea;
  • Livedoadenitis;
  • Periarteritis nodosa;
  • Malignant granuloma of the face;
  • Three-symptom Gougerot-Dupper disease.
  • Primary reticulosis;
  • Gottron's reticulosarcomatosis;
  • Kaposi's angioreticulosis;
  • Urticaria pigmentosa (mastocidosis, mast cell reticulosis).
  • Asteatosis (atheroma, steacytoma);
  • Acne;
  • Acne;
  • Rhinophyma;
  • Hyperhidrosis;
  • Anhidrosis;
  • Red grainy nose.
  • Vitiligo;
  • Chloasma;
  • Freckles;
  • Lentigo;
  • Wine stains;
  • Coffee stains;
  • Pigmentation incontinence (Bloch-Sulzberger syndrome);
  • Fusk line (Andersen-Verno-Hackstausen syndrome);
  • Buschke's warm melanosis;
  • Riehl's melanosis;
  • Toxic melasma of Hoffmann-Habermann;
  • Broca's erythrosis;
  • Poikiloderma Siwatt;
  • Photodermatosis.
  • Buruli ulcer;
  • Yaws;
  • Pint;
  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.
  • Squamous cell skin cancer;
  • Melanoma;
  • Basalioma.

(lipoma, etc.).

  • Calcinosis;
  • Amyloidosis;
  • Necrobiosis lipoidica of the skin;
  • Vitamin deficiency.
  • Atrophic acrodermatitis;
  • Kraurosis of the vulva or penis;
  • Riehl's melanosis;
  • Anetoderma Schwenninger-Buzzi;
  • Anetoderma Jadassohn-Pellisari;
  • Pasini-Pierini atrophoderma;
  • Keratosis;
  • Keloid scar;
  • Granulomas.

(develop in people who come into contact with harmful chemicals and infectious agents or who constantly injure the skin by any physical factors):

  • Allergic dermatoses;
  • Chemical burns;
  • Epidermites;
  • Oily folliculitis;
  • Toxic melasma;
  • Skin ulcers;
  • Warts;
  • Occupational eczema;
  • Calluses and calluses;
  • Burns and frostbite;
  • Erysipiloid (pig erysipelas).
  • Hyperhidrosis;
  • Anhidrosis;
  • Hypertrichosis;
  • Change in hair color;
  • Epidermal, trichodermal cyst;
  • Atheroma;
  • Sweet's febrile neutrophilic dermatosis;
  • Wells eosinophilic cellulitis;
  • Mucinosis.

The division of skin diseases into the above types is used by dermatologists in clinical practice, since it allows us to combine pathologies with common clinical symptoms and the same development mechanism into one group. In turn, such a combination of pathologies with similar symptoms and development mechanisms into one group makes it possible to develop optimal approaches to the treatment of several skin diseases at once.

In addition to the above classification, there are several more options for dividing skin diseases into types, however, in the CIS countries they are used much less frequently. The main difference between other classifications and the one given is the smaller number of types of skin diseases, since similar varieties are combined into larger groups.

Allergic skin disease

During the first months of life, infants often experience exudative changes in the facial skin in the form of erythema, swelling, dryness and peeling of the cheeks. Subsequently, they may become more pronounced and form atopic dermatitis or childhood eczema with the appearance on the skin of the face (except for the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle), body and extremities of erythematous itchy lesions with microvesicles that break open to form weeping, erosions and crusts.

  1. On open parts body, a nodular itchy rash may appear - strophulus. After a few years, eczema can transform into neurodermatitis.
  2. Urticaria often occurs in the form of itchy blisters, often merging into large areas of infiltration with jagged edges.
  3. Quincke's edema is a rapidly developing limited allergic edema of the skin of the face, mucous membrane of the nose or oropharynx, and less commonly of the genitals.

Fungal skin diseases and dermatozoonoses

The most common types of fungal infections in children are trichophytosis, microsporia, favus and candidiasis. Dermatozoonoses are quite common in children:

  • with scabies, microvesicles appear on the skin, from which curved scabies ducts extend, severe itching occurs, especially in the evening and at night, traces of scratching are visible;
  • lice bites are also accompanied severe itching and lead to scratching on the scalp.

Childhood illnesses with skin rashes

It is a chronic inflammatory disease caused by genetic factors. Therefore, the risk of developing this disease is higher in children whose close relatives suffer from atopy.

Factors that increase atopic dermatitis:

  • increased sensitivity of the skin to external factors;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • infectious skin diseases;
  • smoking tobacco in the presence of a child;
  • high content of dyes and flavor enhancers in the child’s food;
  • use of cosmetics that are unsuitable for child care;
  • bad ecology.

This dermatitis most often affects children under 12 years of age; at older ages, the disease appears extremely rarely. With atopy, children's skin becomes very dry, begins to peel and become covered with spots. Most often, the rash is localized on the neck, elbows, face, and knees. The disease has a wave-like course, periods of exacerbation are replaced by long remissions.

A childhood skin disease that causes severe itching, rashes, and blistering of the skin. Gradually, single blisters merge into one large lesion. The child may also experience fever and intestinal upset.

Factors that increase urticaria:

  • contact, food or other allergies;
  • viral and infectious diseases;
  • exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • unsuitable temperature conditions;
  • insect bites.

Localization of the disease: lips, skin folds, eyelids, cheeks. Visually, the skin lesion resembles a nettle burn.

A disease of newborns that causes rashes white on the cheeks and chin. It may appear in the first six months of a child’s life. Occurs due to hormonal changes in the body and high level estrogen, as well as blockage of the sebaceous ducts.

Acne that appeared in childhood, do not require drug treatment. White or slightly yellowish papules disappear within two weeks, leaving no marks or scars. However, acne in children increases the risk of infection skin infections, therefore require observation. The presence of infection is indicated by redness and swelling of the skin around the acne.

are most susceptible to infectious and allergic skin diseases, so most often they suffer from ringworm, erythema, impetigo, warts, herpes, urticaria and contact dermatitis. Also, children are characterized by skin irritation reactions that occur in the form

Itching and redness of individual areas or the entire skin. Other skin diseases rarely develop in children under 5–7 years of age, and upon reaching this age, children become susceptible to the same skin pathologies as adults.

Only a few childhood diseases can provoke rashes on the dermis:

Among viral diseases skin most often develops in babies herpetic infection. In newborns, this type of skin disease is often severe and takes on a generalized form.

Children of preschool age may be infected with the molluscum contagiosum virus. In this case, pale pink papules up to 5-7 mm in size appear on the skin with an indentation in the center and the release of a white pasty mass from it.

Bacterial skin diseases

Bacterial purulent diseases Skin lesions (pyoderma) in children are most often caused by staphylococci and streptococci, and less commonly by spirochetes pallidum.

Staphyloderma in newborns. These types of skin diseases occur as:

  • vesiculopustulosis (inflammation of the mouth of the eccrine gland ducts),
  • pseudofurunculosis (formation of subcutaneous nodes followed by their opening and release of yellow-green, creamy pus),
  • epidemic pemphigus (formation of superficial blisters that break open to form erosions).

The most severe type of staphyloderma is exfoliative dermatitis with the formation of large, flabby, easily opened blisters. Symptoms of this type of skin disease: the epidermis also exfoliates in areas outside the boundaries of the blisters, often covering a significant area. Detachment of the epidermis in the form of ribbons occurs especially easily with oblique pressure (Nikolsky's symptom).

Streptoderma manifests itself in the form of impetigo (the appearance of soft blisters - phlyctene - followed by erosion and the formation of crusts), erysipelas, papuloerosive streptoderma, pemphigus, localized in the folds of the skin.

Syphilitic pemphigus develops not only on the skin of the body and face, but also on the palms and soles, where staphylococcal pyoderma rarely develops. Treponema pallidum is detected in the contents of the vesicles using special methods.

In newborns during the first days of life, in some cases, omphalitis occurs - inflammation of the umbilical ring with its redness, infiltration and swelling, often with the release of serous fluid, blood or pus.

Hereditary dystrophic skin diseases primarily include various forms of congenital epidermolysis bullosa. With this disease, with any, even minor, injury, extensive blisters form on the skin due to detachment of the epidermis from the dermis, followed by secondary infection of the contents of the blisters.

Acquired form of epidermolysis bullosa - autoimmune disease with the appearance of autoantibodies to type VII collagen.

Types of hereditary dystrophies include acrodermatitis, which is based on a sharp violation of zinc utilization. This type of disease manifests itself in the first year of a child’s life in the form of foci of hyperemia, blisters and blisters on the hands, feet, buttocks, in the perineum, around all natural openings. At the same time, the growth of hair and nails is disrupted, and intestinal disorders, fever and exhaustion.

Skin diseases in the form of red spots

Important diagnostic value has a rash in a number of non-infectious diseases. Thus, hemorrhagic rash is observed in thrombocytopenic purpura (Werlhof's disease), hemorrhagic vasculitis (Schönlein-Henoch disease), hypovitaminosis C (scurvy), aplastic and hypoplastic anemia, leukemia, diseases associated with disorders of the blood coagulation system.

It is much easier to cure dermatitis in an infant than in girls and boys. adolescence. The famous pediatrician Komarovsky claims that at the first signs of the disease, parents need to contact an experienced pediatrician to establish the correct diagnosis. To cure the pathology, you must strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions. You need to pay special attention to the baby’s nutrition - look at the body’s reaction to accepting any food, especially new ones.

Drug treatment of dermatitis in children includes the prescription of tablets, creams, ointments, and syrups. All drugs for external and internal action are divided into categories:

  • glucocosticosteroids, which reduce inflammation and reduce itching;
  • antihistamines, relieving allergic manifestations;
  • antiseptic, helping to destroy germs;
  • immunostimulants, which strengthen the immune system;
  • dexpanthenol, used to treat skin at any stage.

The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

Atopic dermatitis

Atopy is a genetic predisposition to produce too much immunoglobulin E when exposed to certain allergens from environment. The term “atopy” itself is of Greek origin and means foreign.

External manifestations of this feature of the body are a variety of allergic reactions. The word “allergy” itself is often used in diagnosing diseases that are provoked by the mediator immunoglobulin E, however, in some people suffering from allergic reactions, the level of this protein is normal.

Atopic dermatitis can be called one of the most common diseases of the epidermis in children. In the vast majority of cases, it occurs in the first six months of life and often occurs periodically in adulthood.

Most of the cases are infants under one year of age who have relatives suffering from similar problems. Atopic dermatitis is often accompanied by certain diseases, both allergic and related to the respiratory system.

Atopic dermatitis includes three variants of the course of dermatitis:

  1. Infant, which occurs in children under two years of age. The infant form is characterized by the localization of rashes on the face and bends of the limbs. Sometimes, but much less frequently, the disease affects the skin of the torso. The rash is characterized by dry skin and the appearance of crusts. Infantile atopic dermatitis also differs in that periods of its exacerbation may coincide with the time of teething.
  2. Childish, common among children from two to thirteen years old. The childhood form is characterized by the appearance of rashes mainly on the flexor surface of the limbs. Manifestations of the disease in this case are skin thickening, swelling, erosion, plaques, scratching and crusts.
  3. Adult, which affects adolescents over thirteen years of age and adults.

Allergic contact dermatitis

As the name implies, it occurs due to direct contact with an allergen.

There are two types of this disease:

  1. Acute form, when the disease makes itself felt immediately after contact with the allergen, all manifestations are also easily eliminated after determining the root cause and starting treatment measures.
  2. Chronic form, when the disease manifests itself fully upon repeated contact with what causes the allergy. Exacerbations in this case are quite difficult, and treatment takes a lot of time.

Diaper dermatitis

Skin diseases - symptoms (signs)

Skin diseases are very diverse, but they are all united by a common feature - the presence of any change in the structure of the skin. These changes in skin structure can be represented by the following elements:

  • tubercles;
  • Vegetation;
  • blisters;
  • Lichenification;
  • Papules (nodules);
  • Petechiae;
  • Bubbles;
  • Bubbles;
  • Pustules (pustules);
  • spots;
  • The spots are hypermelanotic or hypomelanotic;
  • Telangiectasia;
  • Cracks;
  • Knot;
  • Scales;
  • Erosion;
  • Excoriation;
  • Ecchymoses;
  • Ulcers.

The listed elements are formed during skin diseases and determine clinical symptoms and signs of pathology. Moreover, each disease or type of pathology is characterized by certain pathological elements, thanks to which, based on their nature and properties, skin disease can be accurately diagnosed. Let us consider the characteristics of pathological elements that are symptoms of skin diseases.

The tubercle is a dense round formation that rises above the skin and does not have a cavity inside. The color, density and size of the tubercle may vary. In addition, closely spaced tubercles merge with each other, forming an infiltrate. After completion of the inflammatory process, an ulcer or scar is formed at the site of the tubercle.

This is what distinguishes a tubercle from a papule. The tubercles are characteristic of tuberculosis, leishmaniasis, leprosy, late stages syphilis, chromomycosis. Vegetations are thickening of the skin that occurs in the area of ​​papules and ulcers due to the long course of a chronic inflammatory process. Vegetations erode, bleed, and purulent infections can develop in them.

A blister is a round or oval formation that rises above the surface of the skin. The blisters are pink or white with a pink border. The size of the blister can vary from a few millimeters to centimeters in diameter. Blisters are typical for burns, insect bites, allergic reactions to medications, as well as bullous diseases (pemphigus, pemphigoid, etc.).

Lichenification is a growth of the deep layer of the epidermis and an increase in the number of processes of epithelial cells. Externally, lichenifications look like areas of dry, thickened skin with a changed pattern, covered with scales. Lichenification is characteristic of sunburn, scratching and chronic inflammatory processes.

A papule (nodule) is a raised, dense formation from a changed area of ​​skin, inside of which there is no cavity. Papules are formed when metabolic products are deposited in the dermis or when the size of the cells that form the skin structures increases. The shape of papules can be different - round, hemispherical, polygonal, flat, pointed.

Pink-red papules are characteristic of skin infections such as leprosy and tuberculosis. White-yellow papules are characteristic of xanthoma, pale pink - for secondary syphilis. Red papules in psoriasis and mycosis fungoides merge with each other, forming a plaque.

Petechiae and ecchymoses are spots on the skin of various shapes and sizes, which at the initial stages are colored red, but gradually change color to blue, and then successively to green and yellow. Spots less than 1 cm in diameter are called petechiae, and more - ecchymoses. A vesicle is a small round formation with a diameter of no more than 5 mm, rising above the skin and filled with liquid contents (bloody or serous).

As a rule, blisters form in large numbers in a limited area of ​​the skin, forming clusters. If the bubble dries out, then a crust forms in its place, and if it opens, then erosion. Bubbles are characteristic of all types of herpes, smallpox, enterovirus infection, erysipiloid and fungal foot infection.

A bubble is a detachment of the upper layer of skin without violating its integrity and the formation of a kind of inflated bag. There is liquid inside the bubble. These elements are characteristic of pemphigus, pemphigoid, burns, and erythema multiforme.

A pustule (abscess) is a round, small (no more than 5 mm) formation that rises above the skin and is filled with white, green or yellow-green pus. Pustules can form from vesicles and blisters, and are also characteristic of pyoderma.

The spot is a change in skin color with intact structure in a limited round area. That is, the skin pattern of the spot remains normal, but only its color changes. If the blood vessels in the area of ​​the spot are dilated, then it is pink or bright red. If the spots are located in the area venous vessels, then it is colored dark red.

Multiple small red spots no more than 2 cm in diameter are called roseola, and the same, but larger spots are called erythema. Roseola spots are characteristic of infectious diseases (measles, rubella, typhoid fever etc.) or allergic reactions. Erythema is characteristic of burns or erysipelas.

Hypermelanotic and hypomelanotic spots are areas of skin of various shapes and sizes, colored either dark or almost discolored. Hypermelanotic spots are colored dark colors. Moreover, if the pigment is in the epidermis, then the spots have Brown color, and if in the dermis, then gray-blue. Hypomelanotic spots are areas of skin with a light color, sometimes completely white.

Telangiectasias are red or bluish areas of skin with spider veins. Telangiectasia can be represented by single visible dilated vessels or their clusters. Most often, such elements develop with dermatomyositis, psoriasis, systemic scleroderma, discoid or systemic lupus erythematosus, and urticaria.

The node is a dense, large formation up to 5–10 cm in diameter, rising above the surface of the skin. Nodes are formed during inflammatory processes in the skin, therefore they are colored red or pink-red. After the disease resolves, the nodes may calcify, form ulcers or scars. Nodes are characteristic of erythema nodosum, syphilis and tuberculosis.

Scales are rejected horny plates of the epidermis. The scales can be small or large and are characteristic of ichthyosis, parakeratosis, hyperkeratosis, psoriasis and dermatophytosis ( fungal infection skin).

Erosion is a violation of the integrity of the epidermis and, as a rule, appears at the site of a opened bladder, vesicle or abscess, and can also form when blood flow is disrupted or compression of blood and lymphatic vessels skin. Erosion looks like a weeping, damp surface, painted pink-red.

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The disease of this nature is complex, but treatable therapeutic complex. Therefore, it is urgent to take measures to eliminate the disease allergic dermatitis. Symptoms and treatment in adults and children, as well as the causes of...

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Currently, a disease such as syphilis is quite common in Russia, so it is identified as a socially significant pathology that threatens the life and health of people. According to medical statistics, the incidence rate...

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Rubella is a disease that is classified as a childhood disease because it occurs in most cases in young children. The survivor this pathology child, an immunity arises that no longer gives...

Often, patients who suffer from a reaction to certain irritants turn to doctors. This disease is called diathesis. It is accompanied by numerous skin rashes and other unpleasant symptoms. When faced with a disease, people do not...

Acne is one of the most common skin pathologies, which manifests itself in the form acne on the skin of the face and body. This problem can occur in a variety of ways, both internal and...

Dermatitis of skin origin is a common phenomenon in children and adults, so efforts must be made to eliminate their symptoms and primary sources. One of these phenomena is urticaria in children. Symptoms...

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Skin rashes are complex in that they can sometimes lead to damage to internal organs. Many diseases are provoked not by the external environment and contact with a sick person, but by internal factors. One of the difficult...

Skin diseases affect many people, and this can be caused not only by poor personal hygiene, but also by other factors. One of the unpleasant ailments that causes itching, rashes and other...

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Skin diseases are a common phenomenon in adults and children. Rash and other reactions affect the skin, localizing in different places, so it is necessary to carefully consider the treatment program in order to avoid complications...

Manifestations of rashes on the body during the development of certain diseases are a common phenomenon in the 21st century. One of these ailments is prickly heat in children. Photos, symptoms and treatment...

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Skin is the largest organ human body. Another feature of the skin is that diseases can not only be independent pathologies, but also a consequence of problems with other organs. In addition, they can be triggered by a variety of external stimuli.

A distinctive feature in children is also the fact that they do not proceed in the same way as in adults. For the most part, this is due to the immune system, which in children, especially the youngest ones, is not fully developed.

Types of skin diseases in children

Dermatitis is a skin lesion that is inflammatory in nature. There are several forms:

Atopic dermatitis

Atopy is a genetic predisposition to produce too much immunoglobulin E when exposed to certain environmental allergens. The term “atopy” itself is of Greek origin and means foreign.

External manifestations of this feature of the body are a variety of allergic reactions. The word “allergy” itself is often used in diagnosing diseases that are provoked by the mediator immunoglobulin E, however, in some people suffering from allergic reactions, the level of this protein is normal.

Atopic dermatitis can be called one of the most common diseases of the epidermis in children. In the vast majority of cases, it occurs in the first six months of life and often occurs periodically in adulthood.

Most of the cases are infants under one year of age who have relatives suffering from similar problems. Atopic dermatitis is often accompanied by certain diseases, both allergic and related to the respiratory system.

Atopic dermatitis includes three variants of the course of dermatitis:

  1. Infant, which occurs in children under two years of age. The infant form is characterized by localization of rashes on the face and bends of the limbs. Sometimes, but much less frequently, the disease affects the skin of the torso. The rash is characterized by dry skin and the appearance of crusts. Infantile atopic dermatitis also differs in that periods of its exacerbation may coincide with the time of teething.
  2. Children's, common among children between two and thirteen years of age. The childhood form is characterized by the appearance of rashes mainly on the flexor surface of the limbs. Manifestations of the disease in this case are skin thickening, swelling, erosion, plaques, scratching and crusts.
  3. Adult, which affects adolescents over thirteen years of age and adults.

As the name implies, it occurs due to direct contact with an allergen.

There are two types of this disease:

  1. Acute form, when the disease makes itself felt immediately after contact with the allergen, all manifestations are also easily eliminated after determining the root cause and starting treatment measures.
  2. Chronic form, when the disease manifests itself fully upon repeated contact with what causes the allergy. Exacerbations in this case are quite difficult, and treatment takes a lot of time.

Diaper dermatitis

It often affects the child’s torso and represents an inflammatory reaction to chemical, mechanical and microbial factors.

The cause of this disease may be the following factors:

  • violation of personal hygiene rules, as a result of which the child’s skin was in contact with urine and feces for too long;
  • skin infection by fungi;
  • increased temperature and humidity;
  • poor child nutrition.

The disease is expressed in the appearance of foci of inflammation, namely redness of the skin and increased sensitivity. To eliminate symptoms, it is necessary to determine the root cause of the disease and eliminate it.


This is a skin dermatitis that has allergic nature. This disease differs from others in the appearance of pink blisters. This manifestation quickly spreads over the skin and is accompanied by itching. The blisters are somewhat reminiscent of nettle burns, which gives the rash its name.

The appearance of this in children may be associated with the development of the endocrine and immune systems; the list of reasons may also include:

  • bacterial infections;
  • taking certain medications;
  • air and contact allergens;
  • viruses.

Prickly heat

This is a red rash that can sometimes be accompanied by whitish blisters. A similar rash can appear on the most various parts body, however, it most often occurs on the bends of the limbs, as well as in other places where there are many sweat glands.

It does not pose a particular threat, however, the itching that accompanies it can cause anxiety for the child and, if the blisters are scratched, infection in the wounds.

Miliaria can occur on the skin of children in the following cases:

  • when wearing clothes that are too tight or too small;
  • when wearing clothes made of synthetic materials;
  • when using diapers;
  • using hygiene products of inadequate quality.

Pimples and boils

Acne is an inflammation that develops due to improper functioning of the sebaceous glands. Pimples can appear anywhere on the body. Boils are in most cases larger than pimples and painful. Inside such a formation there is pus, which is most often localized in the center of the boil. When pressure is applied to such inflammations, a light yellow substance is released. Here you can read more about purulent formations and see.

Common pimples and boils are the result of a microbial infection entering the deep layers of the skin. Despite the fact that acne most often occurs in teenagers, it can appear on the skin at any age, even at a very early age. In addition, it is worth considering that such manifestations may indicate serious illnesses, for example, about diabetes or talk about the depressed state of the immune system.

Chicken pox

Chickenpox is an infectious disease of a viral nature. The root cause is a virus herpes simplex, which affects the mucous membranes and epidermal cells. Externally, the disease manifests itself in the form of a rash, and in especially severe cases it is accompanied by fever. This virus is transmitted by airborne droplets.

It is believed that the sooner a person gets sick chicken pox, the easier it will go. Infants under six months of age rarely suffer from this disease, since mothers pass on their immunity.

Children under five years of age are most susceptible to chickenpox, however, the disease is relatively mild in them. Children who have reached the age of ten, and even adults, are less likely to get chickenpox, only if the immune system deteriorates, however, their course is the most severe.


Skin formations such as warts quite often appear in children when they have already begun to walk. This phenomenon is associated not only with infection with the human papillomavirus, but also with a decrease in immunity. Also, the appearance of warts can be caused by damage to the skin and poor hygiene. The method of removing warts depends on their location and number.


Dermatomycosis includes a large number of varieties, since there are quite a few types of microscopic fungi that are the causative agents of this disease. However, it most often appears in the form of spots that are brighter pink than the rest of the skin. The spots may peel and affect the hairline.

Infection can occur in a variety of ways, from contact with soil to contact with animals or an infected person. Treatment will also be different and determined by the type of disease, the location of the spots and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.


A disease such as childhood psoriasis is a chronic non-communicable disease, which affects the skin of children under ten years of age.

Sometimes the first signs of psoriasis can be found in infants in the first months of life. It is characterized by the appearance of inflammatory foci, the surface of which is covered with formations called papules, white in color.

Only a doctor can prescribe appropriate treatment. He can also diagnose correctly, since the manifestations of the disease may be similar to other dermatitis. It is worth noting that psoriasis is chronic disease, so it won’t be possible to cure it forever.


Keloid is a fibrous growth that occurs at the site of damage to the skin. Most often these are postoperative scars or scars that appear after the burn has healed. Sometimes keloid formation occurs as a result of healing closed injury. The reasons for the formation of keloid scars are still unknown.

Most experts believe that this is an individual reaction of tissues to damage, as well as to the presence foreign body. Such a formation is distinguished by the fact that it is dense and non-extensible, and also does not grow with the growth of surrounding tissues.

This is especially dangerous in childhood because may cause tissue deformation. Especially with extensive damage to the skin. You can eliminate a keloid with the most different ways. In the simplest cases, you can get by with special ointments. In the most severe cases, surgery is necessary.

Seborrheic dermatitis

The appearance of seborrheic dermatitis in children is accompanied by mild inflammatory reaction epidermis, which arises as a result of internal and external influence on the child's body. in young children is accompanied by the formation of gneiss in the head area, which is yellow scaly crusts.

This is what scares adults, however, there is no need to be afraid. Half of babies experience similar seborrhea; sometimes yellowish crusts can be found not only on the scalp, but also on the surface of the neck, face and even chest.

In this case, seborrheic dermatitis is not accompanied by pain or any other negative manifestations. The treatment prescribed by a specialist in the vast majority of cases is not long-lasting.

Dermatitis is a rash in the form of blisters, peeling, discomfort, itching, burning, etc. The reasons may be different, depending on which there are several types of dermatitis, for example, infectious, allergic, atopic, food, etc.

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Treatment of skin diseases in children

A general method for eliminating skin diseases in children has not been invented, since there are a very large number of varieties of these diseases. Treatment rules are determined by the severity of the disease, age group child, as well as the individual characteristics of his body.

Drug treatment may involve taking general medications. In some cases, doctors are limited to prescribing only external use. Sometimes, no specific therapy is needed at all, just general strengthening immunity, which will suppress the root cause.

Prevention of skin diseases in children

  1. Proper, completely balanced nutrition in accordance with the age-related needs of the body, which involves limiting, or even completely eliminating, foods containing allergens.
  2. Compliance with basic rules of personal hygiene, as well as maintaining cleanliness in residential areas.
  3. Elimination of occurrence stressful situations in the child's daily life.
  4. Wearing clothes only from natural materials, which ensure optimal air circulation.
  5. Timely treatment of skin damage such as scratches, inflammation and abrasions.


In general, it is unlikely that you will be able to protect your child from skin diseases, if only because they are natural for the process of developing immunity. Parents can only prevent some of them and minimize the consequences of diseases. This requires prevention and timely treatment.

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