Home Prosthetics and implantation Positive words or a life changing story. Positive quotes for every day

Positive words or a life changing story. Positive quotes for every day

A selection of the best positive quotes and sayings about life, for every day, about love and mood, in pictures and funny. Statuses about positive people.

Positive quotes for every day

Appreciate those who put aside their pride for you, who always forgave and always waited; fate provides you with such people only once.

Evaluate the day by the evening, and life by the end. (D. Herbert)

Aim for the Moon... because even if you miss, you will land on one of the stars. (Les Brown)

Let all the negativity pass through your fingers, and then only joy will remain in your palms!

Best Positive Quotes Funny

Looking for a woman? ...better look for money. The woman will find you herself.

At the hairdresser: “I want to get my head in order.” Hairdresser: “This is not for us, the psychiatrist is in the house opposite!”

You sit on Odnoklassniki all day, press exit and they ask you: “What, are you leaving? So fast?" And somehow it becomes funny.

It's good when it's good! Otherwise it's disgusting.

Well, okay, the bear stepped on my ear, but it looks like he slept with you.

Have you learned how to kiss on tomatoes and think you're ready for life? Buy bananas.

For everything to come out well in the end, it must first go in well.

Positive statuses and quotes

Think about something else, your thoughts can be seen through your pants.

In what year were you born? In what month? What date?... And what the hell?

Never doubt your attractiveness! Remember: scales lie, people are jealous, and the mirror is generally crooked!

My family is strange: dad talks to his car, mom with flowers, sister with cats, I’m the only normal one - with a computer and phone.

And where??? - the gynecologist asked the mermaid...

The most useless struggle is the struggle between the heart and the mind. After all, often a completely different part of the body wins.

Everything fell into place - according to the Indian horoscope, I am a deer.

Want to change your gait? Don't drink TEA, but drink VODKA!

Positive quotes in pictures

Positive thoughts, quotes about life with meaning.

Life is the art of drawing comforting conclusions from disappointing premises. (Butler Samuel)

To reach the goal, you have to go. (Honore de Balzac)

Wherever you can live, you can live well! (Aurelius Marcus Antoninus)

Fate is fate, but the choice is yours!

You cannot take one huge step that will immediately ensure you achieve your desired goal. For any necessary goal is achieved through many small and quite ordinary steps. (Peter Cohen)

Happiness is not having what you want, but desiring what you have.

Miracles are where people believe in them, and the more they believe, the more often they happen.
Denis Diderot

Act as if you are already happy and you will actually become happier.
Dale Carnegie

Success is moving from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.
Winston Churchill

If you're falling off a cliff into an abyss, why not try flying? What do you have to lose?
Max Fry, "The Chronicles of Echo"

Confidence in yourself and what you do.

A person only achieves something when he believes in his own strength. L. Feuerbach

Show yourself positive sides your personality, imagine yourself in in the best light, and people will perceive you the same way. V.Zeland

Positive Quotes About Love

“Chaste is the one whom no one desired.” (Ovid)

If someone else likes your beloved woman, this is not a reason for jealousy. So you're done right choice. This is a reason to be proud - someone’s dream is in your hands!

Why do you always fall in love with someone who can get along without you?

I spent the night with him, got some sleep... in general, I realized - not my thing...

Late love may not have the passion inherent in twenty-somethings. But she has such a depth of feeling that young people never dreamed of.

In a relationship, you need to give so much freedom that the person himself wants to be with you more and more often. Love is when you don’t hold a person, but always give them the right to choose...

Only when you fall in love at first sight do you realize how short-sighted you are.

Positive thinking and attitude - quotes.

God, give me wisdom to understand a man, Love to forgive him, Patience to withstand... Just don’t give me strength, otherwise I’ll kill him!!!

I’m at a great age: the nonsense has already worn off, I’m still far from insanity! This is not about me))) I haven’t gotten over it))) insanity will come - but the place is occupied...

Remember this simple phrase, everything will happen, but not right away!!!

Don't be afraid of change. Most often they happen exactly at the moment when they are needed.

“You should only marry someone who has beauty!” - The cheerful young man noticed...

But the sad one answered him like this: “You have to take the ugly girl as your wife. It won’t be scary to lose.”

And the third was prudent... He said this: “I’ll marry a smart one...”.

Feel the difference - heaven and earth, as if they were two different languages. And the whole difference is in the polarity of the words. Successful people use positive words for the same concepts and definitions.

I was recently “lucky” to conduct such an experiment, albeit spontaneously - I had to take a couple of tests at the hospital.

So I’m sitting near the office, as they say, not bothering anyone. A woman of about 50 is in line behind me. And after 5 minutes, while I was silent the whole time and did not pay attention to her, I already knew her whole life - how she honestly worked for 30 years in the library, and now sits on a penniless pension, how everything hurts and she feels bad, what a bad state...

To be honest, my desire to go to hospitals decreased after that.

Therefore, today I advise you to analyze your lexicon and start changing everything negative words to positive ones.

I'm sick - I'm getting better.

I feel bad - I'm on the way to improvement.

I'm afraid to lose - I want to win.

Only positive words will move you forward.

You can do this as a game - put a rubber band on your wrist and each time you use a negative word, pull it back so that it hits your hand painfully. And immediately use positive words to describe the same situation.

Through pain, you can create a reminiscent anchor that will subsequently appear in your memory every time you use a negative word.

And so, step by step, your vocabulary will change.

Positive words puts you in a fighting mood. It’s not for nothing that many teams in sports come up with their own chants before the game. In rugby, for example, this is a whole ritual with shouting and demonstration of gestures, also aimed at intimidating the enemy. By the way, this is exactly the ritual shown in the picture.

Many are looking for a magic formula like “Fuck di bi doh” or “At the behest of the pike, at my will.” But this formula is found in the use of positive words. If healthy man will walk around throughout the day and repeat - I feel bad, I’m sick - then by the end of the day HE WILL REALLY BE SICK.

And vice versa, if a sick person begins to repeat - I feel good, I’m healthy - then very soon he will either recover, or he will definitely get better.

The same goes for everything else. If you say:

I don't have much money, and you won't have much either.

Everyone around you is a scoundrel – they will be the ones who surround you.

So change the polarity of your vocabulary and look for opportunities, not excuses. Use positive words.

And very soon your life will also change its polarity.

I often accustomed my audience to the idea that positive news and good words are vital in our time. And the state of our entire body often depends on what exactly we read. And now, more than ever, it is necessary to heal society from all the negativity that pours on us from everywhere.

And recently I read an interesting theory about torsion fields, which just confirms my thoughts about the negative impact of bad information on general state body. The essence of this theory is that a person lives surrounded by information fields that interact with the body at the genetic level and the general state of health depends on which field surrounds it - negative or positive.

Reference. The term torsion fields was born at the beginning of the 20th century at the suggestion of the mathematician Eli Cartan and in order to designate a hypothetical physical field that generates all of space. These torsion fields themselves are a generalized gigantic stream of data, forming a bottomless system. And each person, rotating in these fields, influences them with his thoughts, being a kind of generator.

Scientists have found that our genetic apparatus has a tendency to think and at the DNA level the body perfectly “understands” everything that happens around it. And just as we mentally feel all the information that comes from TV, the Internet and ordinary communication with people, so DNA understands speech and its meaning. Therefore, all the semantic negativity from TV and the Internet is imprinted into a person, changing his wave hereditary characteristics. And the accumulation of such distorted data negatively affects not only the person himself, but also his descendants.

In addition, recently one of the experiments of Russian scientists confirmed the negative effect on the human body. bad news. So, with the help of special equipment Ph.D. Garyaev and Ph.D. Tertyshny recorded that a “bad” word can cause a mutagenic effect, which will be similar to the effect of radiation on a person with a power of 1000 roentgens. However, if such an effect of radiation is almost immediately visible, then negative influences words are barely noticeable.

A recent example of how negative words can be dangerous to a person is advertising company American Association for the Protection of Children. In it, creative managers reminded that a word can hit a child just as hard as physical force.

List of 10 most positive words

So, what words can help us? How to find those words that we perceive as the most positive, kind and bright. Here are ten words with a “+” sign that almost anyone perceives positively:

  • Sun
  • life
  • Love
  • happiness
  • rainbow
  • warm, gentle
  • dawn
  • kindness

For example, if we equate a person pumped up with negative news and swear words, to a person prone to alcoholism, then both of them will not admit that they are sick and will not want to be treated. Therefore, such people need to be pushed in every possible way to internal changes and try to help them get rid of this negative addiction.

Recently I came across an interesting portal - “ Stack". This is the original abbreviation of the name from “Stop Kaluga,” which speaks for itself about the connection with alcohol. On this portal, just like me, they have positive goals - the fight against negativity in society. Only, if my front is informational with negative news, then at “Stopka” they announced a fight against alcoholism. Moreover, the portal contains information on how not only to quickly get rid of such a harmful habit in society as drunkenness, but also how to help overcome another one. bad habit- smoking.

After all, if you look from the outside, then without healthy body there will be no healthy spirit and vice versa. Therefore, if you do not help a person overcome this bad habit, then he will no longer be interested in any positive news. And a dependent person will not be able to produce healthy offspring and a healthy, full-fledged family. I believe that we need to help build a society that is not only spiritually healthy, but also physically healthy, so go to the portal stop-kaluga.ru and help everyone get rid of bad habits. In addition, there are a number of interesting bonuses - for regular communication and assistance, special points are awarded, for which you can pay for advertising of your portals and sites.

Encouraging, comforting, positive words, whether written down or spoken out loud, have incredible power to heal, inspire, and change thoughts and emotions.

During the day we have to deal with different people, each of them has their own individual manner of communication. Some use sarcastic phrases, others use constructive criticism, give compliments, and say caring and kind words. Have you noticed the impact that interacting with these people has on you?

Did you know that the words, phrases and sentences that we use in our speech are a projection of our inner world? A person can easily be deceived or misled by words, but there is one thing that cannot be hidden - non-verbal communication and body language.

And what about you? How do you express your thoughts and opinions when communicating with other people? Do you watch what you say or don't betray of great importance your speech?

The best way to practice using positive words is on yourself. We are constantly leading internal dialogue With myself. That is why constant repetition Negative thoughts are one of the biggest reasons why most people do not succeed in personal growth and cannot fully enjoy life.

How to learn to use positive words?

Watch what you say

If you want specific answers, ask specific questions and use positive words. Instead of asking yourself or others why you always fail at something, formulate your statements differently, ask yourself what experience you can learn from it and what actions you can take to fix it.

Your words can bring you both suffering and joy. They can predetermine your the following actions, watch what you tell yourself.


Making it a habit to think and speak positively will have a powerful effect on your behavior, morale, and motivation. Your words will be reflected in your perceptions and feelings.

Here are some examples of metaphors that have an immediate impact on feelings and emotions:

1. Life is like a piece of pie, easy and enjoyable.
2. “Life is a tightrope. Take it one step at a time and never look back." - Jay Cochrane
3. I'm in seventh heaven.
4. How to eat an elephant? One piece at a time
5. There is always light at the end of the tunnel

Read a lot, expand your vocabulary

They say that a limited vocabulary brings limited life experience. To improve your knowledge and use it to express your thoughts, emotions and experiences, constantly expand your vocabulary with new positive words.

Reading books and magazines will help infuse your words with power. When a limited vocabulary will only characterize you as an illiterate person.

Make a list of positive affirmations and read it every day

Affirmations are positive statements that are needed in order to get rid of limitations and direct your internal dialogue in a positive direction.

Examples of positive statements:

1. I feel confident and my self-confidence is growing every day.

2. I'm healthy
3. I am successful in everything I do.
4. Every day I acquire more and more knowledge and skills
5. I'm successful
6. I am constantly developing, success and personal growth await me.

List of encouraging, positive and kind words, statements and phrases:

1. You can
2. If others can do it, so can you.
3. Why not? Why not now? Why not me?
4. I love you
5. I trust you
6. I believe in you
7. Keep going
8. When action becomes difficult, difficulty becomes action.
9. It's not a defeat, it's just a reaction
10. Time heals all wounds
11. This too shall pass
12. Just do it
13. Every problem is an opportunity for personal growth and self-development.

To achieve happiness in life, it is not at all necessary to make Herculean efforts. The main thing is the attitude. A collection of positive words and attitudes will attract long-awaited happiness to you and even more.

Legends are made about the power of words, the origin of which is lost in the darkness of centuries. Even in ancient times, people realized that words, repeatedly spoken with confidence in the voice, have an indelible impact on a person’s destiny. Of course, at first it was noticed that it was the negative attitudes with bad value lead to very real troubles in life. Over time, people have learned to use positive words to their advantage. They not only enhance a person’s energy, but are capable of changing the world around them once and for all. The wisdom of our ancestors was used in conspiracies, rituals, ceremonies and even prayers. And the world has changed, and along with the world we have changed. People have come close to sacred knowledge; all that remains is to take one confident step. Here is a list of words that will attract happiness by replacing negative thinking with positive thinking.

1. Fate

It’s right to start with this word, which most strongly influences a person’s existence and attitude. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but with the help of this word you can change your destiny. The main thing is to pronounce it clearly, believing that you are the master of life and you control destiny, and not vice versa.

2. Happiness

Happiness is what you strive for, so remember to remind yourself of this often. Your main goal in life is to be happy, so focus on it every day. You need to say it confidently and clearly: “I am worthy of happiness.” It’s not clear how exactly, but it works - with every word “happiness” you say, you get closer to your dream. In addition, self-hypnosis is a very useful thing. After some time, happiness will actually settle in your heart. You will be able to call yourself happy man, and then just as easily become one.

3. Passion

Passion is a strong feeling that knocks you off your feet. But, as you know, passion can be not only for a person, but for work, hobbies, and life in general. This word symbolizes passion for the process, a certain impulse, delight, happiness. This strong love with a predominance of sensual attraction. It will help you cope with stereotypical thinking and discover the world from a new side. Say it in times of doubt and the Universe will dispel them.

4. Love

Love for the world is the key to success. Happiness loves those who are open-hearted and who radiate the energy of love. Don’t be afraid to admit your love for life, for people, for God, for the Universe, for the world. Say this word as often as possible, and then happiness will definitely find its way to you.

5. Prosperity

Literally, this word means “to flourish.” Say it as often as possible, especially if you want to succeed in life not only materially, but also spiritually. Wish prosperity for yourself, other people and the whole world as a whole. Unfold your luck, and with it happiness and prosperity.

6. Thank you

The word “thank you” expresses gratitude to the world. In other words, you give a benefit, demonstrating to the world that you know how to not only receive, but also give something in return. It doesn’t matter at all what you say thank you for: for the help of loved ones, for kind words addressed to you, for the opportunities life has provided, the very fact that you express gratitude is important. In this case, happiness will always follow you, throwing you even more opportunities, meeting which you will not be able to resist saying a word of gratitude.

7. Victory

To remain a winner in any situation, it is important to believe not only in your future success, but also in the power of this word. By saying to yourself: “Today I will win,” you are programming yourself for good luck and will definitely achieve what you want. In addition, a winner is a person who is happy on the machine, without stoppers or brakes.

8. Confidence

Happiness favors the brave. It is impossible to fight for your place in the sun if you doubt yourself. As long as there is a fear of losing in your life, you don't have much chance of becoming a happy person. A successful person radiates confidence with every fiber of his soul; he believes in himself. And it’s very easy to believe in yourself: just remind yourself more often that you are capable of anything. Even if this is not true, things will soon change.

9. Trust

To be happy, you need to believe that it is possible. It is important to trust yourself and life. Without trust, the path to the top, to the very pinnacle of success, seems like a rickety stepladder. Before every important task, do not forget to remind yourself that you believe in the power of the Universe: “I believe in life. I believe in myself. I am sure that everything will turn out the way I want it.”

10. Hope

For many people, hope is the only motivator in life. The magical feeling of hope instills confidence in the accomplishment of something meaningful, favorable and joyful. Miracles happen every day, the main thing is not to let go of hope.

Changing your life for the better seems difficult only at first glance. As soon as you start repeating these words (you can do them all together), the result will not take long to arrive. You will rewrite the story of your life, leaving the past in which you were unhappy behind the scenes. Your happiness is in your hands. We wish you success,and don't forget to press the buttons and

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