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Joseph Murphy's prayers. Joseph Murphy: Scientific Prayers That Grant Wishes

By using Scientific Prayer you can connect to the channel of Divine Abundance and receive everything you need from the Universe. The only thing you need is the sincerity of your intention.

By using Scientific Prayers you can attract ANYONE material benefits- starting from Real Estate, ending with the necessary amounts of Money - for a vacation, to buy the necessary things or just for life.Money ALWAYS comes in the right amount.
When you formed your most cherished wish, select the Prayer that we will read before visualization (Prayers from the books of Joseph Murphy)

You need to read the prayer in a relaxed, half-asleep state, when your subconscious is most receptive. Best time- in the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed. If there is not enough time in the morning, then only in the evening - but be sure to do it regularly, every evening. If possible, read more often - in the morning and during the day - this will speed up the process.

The wish comes true, it happens earlier, it happens later. Again, it all depends on your Faith.

Never think about lack, limitations, loneliness and disappointment. Instead, make a mental plan of the things you want to receive, and then realize that whatever you apply the "I AM" formula to, you will create in your life. Imprint in your memory some small phrase like “I am Healthy, Happy, Cheerful, Free”... Repeat it over and over again consciously and with feeling. What you sow in your subconscious is what you will receive in reality.

Make a decision. Forget the past and saturate your mind with Divine Love, Peace and Harmony. Understand that Divine Love dissolves all negativity.

It doesn't matter what happened in the past; you can change that now. Fill your subconscious with uplifting thoughts and you will get rid of the bad.

Every day before going to bed, repeat two words: “Wealth, Success.” In this way you will bring into action the immeasurable Powers of your deep Mind.

What What is Prayer Therapy? ?

In prayer therapy, the functions of the conscious and subconscious are united according to scientific principles and are directed, after careful consideration, to achieve perfect specific purpose. In Scientific Prayer you must know exactly What you do and Why you do it. You plant your trust as a seed into the law of Healing, and this is what is used in prayer therapy and is sometimes referred to as scientific prayer or spiritual healing.

Choose a very specific idea, mental image or plan that you want to implement. And now instill in your subconscious the corresponding content of thoughts, imagining them with maximum vividness as already realized. If you, with unshakable Faith, maintain within yourself this idea of ​​an already fulfilled desire, then your Prayer will be heard. Prayer therapy consists of the implementation of a very specific mental activity, which is aimed at achieving a clearly defined, specific goal.

How to use Scientific Prayer correctly?
From the beginning of reading the Prayers to receiving the result, it takes from several days to several months.
The prayer must be read consciously, thoughtfully every evening (before going to bed) and every morning for 15 minutes for at least a month, or even more.

To speed up getting results, imagine the end result as clearly as possible.

Get rid of fears, sincerely believe that the Universe has powerful Force and is able to solve your problem in the best possible way.

If you have time, read the Prayer as often as possible. The more, the better, the faster you will get the result.

Let's figure out what it is Scientific Prayer?

Scientific Prayer
- this is conscious contact with the Higher Mind, part of which is located in you. Your Prayer should be based on the premise that you are a part of the Universe that helps you get what you desire. You must understand that Scientific Prayer- these are not tears and prayers, but a conscious appeal to Cosmic, Divine Energy. This, to some extent, is a conversation with God in a freer form.

Every morning when I wake up,choose eternal truths, remembering what the events, conditions and circumstances of your life represent total amount everything you choose. Persistently affirm the following:

"Today is God's day. I choose Harmony, Peace, ideal Health, Divine Law and Order, Divine Love, Beauty, Abundance, Security and Inspiration. By affirming these truths in my life, I know that I am bringing into action the abilities of my subconscious that make me demonstrate all these qualities. I know that God can give me everything I want. Thank you, Lord, for this is so!

Prayer to choose Happiness
Learn today to decide to choose Happiness. The technique is extremely simple. As soon as you open your eyes in the morning, tell yourself:
"The Divine Will determines my life today and always. Everything today will work out for me in the best way. Today begins a new Wonderful day, Happier than ever. Divine Wisdom guides me on my Path, and God Blesses me for everything that I today I have not started to do anything. Divine Love surrounds and protects me, and I step towards the Light. As soon as my thoughts begin to retreat from what is good and constructive, I will immediately call myself to order, and again concentrate only on the Beautiful and the Beautiful. Good. I am a mental and spiritual magnet that attracts Happiness and Goodness! All my current endeavors will develop extremely successfully!
Start every day in this way, then you will be accompanied by Happiness and a Cheerful Mood.

Mental Attitude to Achieve Wealth

Repeat to yourself three or four times for about five minutes:
“Wealth-Success” .
These words have great power because they represent the Infinite Power of the Subconscious. Focus your thinking on this power within you, and the circumstances and conditions you desire will soon appear in your life.

Repeat this Prayer when it’s hard for you, when some turning points occur in your life, or just every morning and before going to bed, and Divine Grace will always be present in your life!
"Divine Love surrounds me!"
"Divine Peace fills my Soul!"

"The Divine Light shows me the Path!"

" Divine Beauty fills my Heart!"
"God favors me in everything!"

Joseph Murphy's Prayers to Attract Money, Wealth and Abundance. read all these prayers each 2 times:

1. "I am born for Success. The Infinite that is within me knows no failure. Divine Law governs my life. Divine Peace fills my Soul. Divine Love saturates my Mind. Infinite Intelligence guides me. I succeed, move forward, grow mentally , spiritually and financially. I know that these Truths are sinking into my Subconscious Mind and will continue to develop."

2. "I know that God cares about my Prosperity. Now I lead a life of Prosperity. I have everything that contributes to Prosperity, Progress and Peace. Every day I cultivate the fruits of the Spirit of the Lord within me. I am calm, balanced ( a), sincere and peaceful. I am one with the Source of life. All my needs are immediately satisfied. Now I direct all “empty vessels” to God. Everything that belongs to Him is Mine!

3. "I am aware of the presence of the Source within me and come into contact with my thoughts. I bring my gratitude to the Lord for the fact that now the entrance to Infinite Riches is wide open before me and they are freely flowing to me. Every day I become Richer spiritually, mentally and financially, money is God's idea circulating in my life and there is always enough of it!”

4. "God is a constant Source, satisfying all my Needs in every moment of life!"

5. "The Holy Spirit is my instantaneous and constant attitude. It takes the form of food, clothing, money, friends..., and everything that I need right here and now. I affirm this and know that I am now receiving Divine Riches!"

6. "I have absolute faith in God and all that is good. I know that I can handle any situation at any time because God is the Immediate Source providing me with all the necessary ideas in the best way and at the most appropriate time. Divine Riches are pouring in into my life and they are always in Abundance. As I repeat these truths, I feel how my Mind is tuned to receiving Benefits from the Divine Inexhaustible Source!

7. Repeat the following statement for five minutes in the evening and morning: “I am now writing into my SubconsciousMind the idea of ​​Divine Wealth. God is the Source of my supplies and all my Needs are surely met. Riches flow to me freely and unceasingly, and I am grateful to the Lord for the blessings that are present in my life.”

8. "God sends me Prosperity in all my paths and I now accept His Gifts!"

Joseph Murphy's Prayer for Wishes Granted

"God reveals my True Destination!"
"God is directing me to the best Work!"

"God provides me with everything I need!"

"All my desires are conscious, I know that they exist in the invisible World. Now I ask that they come true and I am ready to accept this Gift. I rely on the Will of the Creative Power that is within me. She is the source of all Good and Miracles I feel how my desire is imprinted in the Subconscious, so that it can then come true in reality, because everything we think about sooner or later happens in reality.
I feel that what I asked for will certainly come true, and therefore I am absolutely calm. There is a strong confidence in the heart that the desire will soon come true. My whole being is full of joyful excitement. I am at peace, for the Lord is Peace and Tranquility. Thank You, my Heavenly Father. Let it be so!"

say several times a day with deep conviction:

"The Infinite Wisdom, which brought this (.....) desire into my Heart, guides and guides me always and will show me the best Path to the fulfillment of my Desires. I know that the deep insight of my Subconscious will win and realize all my Thoughts, Feelings and Ideas. Harmony, Balance and Peace of Mind reign in me and around me (Joy.....)."

How the Powers of the Subconscious Can Serve You
Just as a pipe gives shape to the stream of water that flows out of it, your habitual way of thinking gives your life direction and meaning. Therefore, say to yourself with deep conviction: “The Infinite Healing Power of my Subconscious fills my entire being; it manifests itself in the form of Harmony, Health, Peace, Joy and material Well-being. Look at your Subconscious as an infinitely wise and caring companion who accompanies you always and everywhere. Believe with all your heart that His Powers will revive you, make you more enlightened and shower you with Blessings. It will put them at your disposal. Because every person is rewarded according to his Faith.

Effective Prayers for Prosperity

"The gifts of God are my Gifts. I take advantage of every moment of this day to praise the Lord. Divine Harmony, Peace and Abundance are with me. Divine Love comes from me, Blessing everyone who comes into my environment. Divine Love is healing me now. I will not fear evil, because God is with me. I am always surrounded by the Sacred Halo of Divine Love and Power. I affirm, feel, know and believe strongly and positively that the spell of Divine Love and Vigilance guides, heals and cares for me, oh. all the members of my family and those I love.
I forgive everyone and sincerely radiate Divine Love, Peace and Goodwill to all people, wherever they are. Peace reigns in the center of my being, this is the Peace of God. In this silence I feel His Power, Guidance and Love of His Holy Presence. I am Divinely guided in all my paths. I am a clear channel for Divine Love, Truth and Beauty. I feel His River of Peace flowing through me. I know that all my problems dissolve in the Mind of God. God's Ways are my Ways. The words I speak go where I send them. I rejoice and give thanks, realizing that I will receive an answer to my Prayer. And so it is!

Repeat the following oftenPrayer for Success in Business, Prosperity and Wealth :
"...Now I send the image of Success and Prosperity into my deep Mind, which is the Law. Now I personify myself with the Infinite Source of Wealth. I listen to the calm, quiet voice of God inside me. This inner voice directs all my activities. I know and believe that there are new and better ways to run my business. Infinite Intelligence will suggest them to me."

"I grow in Wisdom and understanding. My business is a Divine Business. The Divine Wisdom within me gives me the Ways and Means by which all my Businesses are immediately dealt with properly."

“The words of Faith that I now pronounce open all the necessary Doors and Roads for my Success and Prosperity. I know that the Lord will make everything that concerns me perfect. I am on the right Path, because I am the son (daughter) of God!”

"I know that there is only one Source from which everything arises. He created the Universe and what is in it. I am the center of the Divine Presence. My Mind is open and receptive. I am a channel for the free passage of Harmony, Beauty, Guidance, Wealth and Divine Abundance. I know that Health, Wealth and Success are released from within and are manifested outside. Now I am in Harmony with Infinite Riches and I know that these thoughts penetrate into my Subconscious Mind I wish every person All the Blessings of Life! (a) and receptive to Divine Riches - spiritual, mental, material - and they flock to me like an Avalanche."

Prayer to Create an Account in your “Prosperity Bank”

"I know that Good things come to me in this moment. I believe with all my Heart that I can receive Harmony, Health, Peace and Joy. I know and believe that these seed thoughts will sprout in my life and bear fruit."

“I am a sower - what I sow, I will reap. I sow Godly thoughts. These beautiful seeds will bring Peace, Success and Goodwill.

From this very moment I begin to put seeds into the Bank of the Almighty (my Subconscious Mind) - thoughts of Peace, Self-Confidence and Calm. I believe and accept the fact that My Desire is a seed planted in the Subconscious. By feeling its reality, I make it real. I know that grain grows in darkness; so my desire will grow in the darkness of my Subconscious Mind. After a short time, like a grain, it will emerge from the Earth and be realized as a condition, circumstance or event.

Infinite Intelligence guides me. I pray for that which is true, honorable, just, amiable and worthy of praise. I think about these concepts and High power remains in my thoughts about virtue."

Prayer for Financial Welfare

Use prayer to ensure a rich financial harvest. "Over any matter You give him power."

"I know that my Faith in God determines my future. I believe only in good things. Now I am guided by true ideas and I know that the future will correspond to my thinking."
“As are the thoughts in his soul, so is he.”
From now on my thoughts will be:
“...whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, whatever is virtuous or praiseworthy.”

Repeat these words day and night and know that they will bring you a rich harvest: “I am the captain of my soul, I am the master of my destiny, because my thoughts and feelings are my lot.”

“I am infinitely grateful for the Divine Riches, which are always effective and unchanging” - the action of the law of Abundance.

"Heavenly Father, Thank you for my Financial Well-Being!"

How to find an endless source of wealth

"God is the source of my Goods, be it Energy, Vitality, Creative Ideas, Inspiration, Love, Peace, Beauty, Right Action or the Wealth that I need. I know that the Creative Forces of my Subconscious can give me all of this. I tune in on Good. Every day I treat people better and better. Divine Riches flow to me! My thoughts penetrate into the Subconscious and are realized in the form of Prosperity, Security and Peace.

Handle Money Well be it a dollar bill or one cent. Understand that everything comes from the invisible mind of God and man. Understand that God is the Source of all Blessings and that He answers your requests. One man had only a dollar left and for an hour he argued:"God Multiplies it Manyfold." His Subconscious mind opened up new possibilities for him and a short time he achieved fabulous success and made a fortune.

Your inexhaustible source of Money
"I am one with the infinite Wealth of my Subconscious. I have the right to be Wealthy, Happy(oh) and lucky (oh) . Money comes to me in Abundance from Inexhaustible Sources!

Every moment I realize my true worth. What I can and have, I will willingly put to the service of my neighbors, and I am well financially secure. I will use them Wisely and for the Good of myself and my neighbors! I spend them with Joy and a generous hand, and they come back to me multiplied a thousandfold! Life is great!"

Start practicing the Law of Increase

Remember: any object to which you give special attention will tend to grow and multiply in your consciousness. Think Zoom. Feel yourself succeeding and prospering. The feeling of having Wealth generates Wealth. Try to wish all those around you Success, Happiness and Prosperity, knowing that if you wish goodness to others, you thereby attract even more Infinite Wealth to yourself. When you send Abundance and Wealth to others, they subconsciously take over your thoughts and are filled with goodwill and Love that comes from you.

You can slowly send out the following blessing to everyone you meet: “God has given you everything abundantly for your enjoyment, and you are prospering beyond all expectation.” This simple prayer can work Miracles in your life.

Prayer to Find a Good Job
“Infinite Intelligence knows all my talents and opens more and more doors for my self-expression in the Divine order. I follow the path that the Lord clearly and definitely tells me!”

Prayer about Life Abundantly

Repeat the following words and it will help you solve your problems:
“I know that to prosper means to grow spiritually. God is now present in my mind, body and my affairs. Divine ideas constantly arise within me, bringing me Health and Wealth!”

"I am in awe as I feel God quickening every atom of my being. I know that He is now encouraging, supporting and strengthening me. My body is a perfect form, filled with Energy and Power!"

“My business is a Divine activity, and it is running successfully and efficiently. I feel inner integrity functioning in my body, Mind and my affairs. I bring my Gratitude to God and enjoy life in Prosperity!”

Prayer for an Amazing Future
The following prayer, used daily, will bring you many amazing results:
"I know that I model and create my own Destiny. My Faith in God is my Destiny; this means an unchanging faith in goodness. I live in joyful anticipation of a Miracle; only the best comes to me. I know what harvest I will reap in the future , because all my thoughts are Divine thoughts, and God is present in them. My thoughts are the seeds of Goodness, Truth and Beauty. Now I sow thoughts of Love, Peace, Joy, Success and goodwill in the garden of my mind, This is the Divine Garden. and it will yield a bountiful harvest. The Glory and Beauty of the Lord will be manifested in my life. I am happy and prosperous. I thank You, Father!”

Prayer for achieving Success.
“I was born to Win. I have achieved colossal Success and with the help of Divine Power I will rise above all obstacles, obstacles and difficulties. I am Happy, Free and full of Joy!”

"The success of my trading operations is growing day by day!"
"My Wealth Increases Every Day!"

Prayer for promotion Career Ladder and achieving success
"I am getting Promotion. I am Successful. My actions are right. I am Healthy. Day and night I am continuously moving forward and seeing my growth spiritually, mentally, socially and financially. I know that I will become who I want to be “I know and believe that the truths I proclaim will settle in my Subconscious and, like seeds, will bear fruit. I water and fertilize these seeds with my faith and hope and will be grateful for the answer that my prayer will give.”

Use the following very effective prayer in order tofill your life with success:

"I now realize the Omnipotence of God. I know that this Infinite Wisdom guides the planets and also guides all my affairs. I know that all my activities are controlled by this Divine Presence abiding within me. All my motives are pleasing to God and True. Almighty inside me knows what and how to do. My business is completely under the guidance of God and is directed by His Divine Guidance. I know that God is helping me because my Mind is at rest in His hands!"

How to achieve success: advice for business people
You have to solve not only work-related problems, but also your personal problems. So become a Man of Success in all respects!

Imagine that you are already doing what you love and you have everything your soul desires. Use your imagination and imagine yourself in the position of a person living in Happiness and Prosperity. Make this setting your habit. Every night go to bed with the deep conviction that you are “the darling of Happiness and Success”; It won't be long before your Subconscious Mind will become imbued with this idea. Firmly believe that you were born for Success, and your prayers will bring you a Miracle!

" The Power of the Subconscious Mind helps overcome the Power of Habit."

Repeat this prayer daily morning and evening,before visiting your clients.In a short time you will begin to reap Success after Success.
“I understand that I am one with the Infinite Wisdom of my Subconscious, for which there are no barriers or difficulties! I live in the Joyful Expectation of the Good! My Subconscious reacts to my thoughts. I know that nothing can resist the action of its Infinite Power. Infinite Wisdom brings everything started to a successful completion.
The wisdom of the Subconscious acts through me and will lead all my plans and intentions to Success. Whatever I start, I will finish successfully! My life's purpose is to serve all people, and especially for the benefit of my business partners. My work will bring a rich harvest according to the will of God."

"Wisdom “My Subconscious mind protects all my financial transactions and instills in me the right decision, so that all my affairs will bring profit.”
“I am one with the infinite Wealth of my Subconscious. I have the right to be Wealthy, Happy and Lucky. Money comes to me in Abundance from Inexhaustible Sources!

Every moment I realize my true worth. What I can and have, I will willingly put at the service of my neighbors, and I am well financially secure. Life is great!"

Prayer for self-affirmation. Everything has its own C Ilu!

Use the Power of your Subconscious and affirm with conviction:

“The power of my Subconscious will show me the path to true Self-Affirmation!”

Your Subconscious is at the same time a treasury of your Memory. Whoever wants to improve his Memory must be imbued with the conviction: “The Infinite Wisdom of my Subconscious will give me always and everywhere the answer to everything I want to know.”

“For the wisdom of my subconscious, nothing is unclear, and it will show me the right path in accordance with the Divine order. I will be able to recognize and interpret the answer given to me.”

The dream offers advice
"My Subconscious knows what's best for me. It patronizes all that is good and gives me the right decision, which will benefit me and everyone involved in this enterprise. I am full of Gratitude because I know that I will be reliably given the right advice."

For Peace and Harmony in everyday life
“In my World everything is calm and full of Harmony, for God is in me. My Mind is balanced, serene and calm. In the atmosphere of goodwill that surrounds me, I feel deep Inexhaustible Power and liberation from all fears. Now I comprehend the Love and Beauty of the Divine presence, and I throw away everything false. I see God in all people. I am in God, so I know that all my problems are solved. My life is the life of God.

Fall asleep in Peace and wake up in Joy!

Anyone who suffers from insomnia can apply the following prayer with great success. Repeat calmly and with feeling before going to sleep: “My toes are relaxed, my calves are relaxed, my abdominal muscles are relaxed, my heart and my lungs are relaxed, my brain is relaxed, my face is relaxed, my eyes are relaxed.”relaxed, my whole body and my whole brain are relaxed. Willingly and with joy, I forgive everyone everything and with all my heart I wish every person Harmony, Health, Peace and All the Blessings of life. I am at Peace with myself and with the World, I am full of clear and joyful peace. I am in Peace and Security. Deep silence reigns around me and deep peace fills my soul, because I feel that God is very close. My thoughts are filled with Love and give me Healing. I wrap myself in the blanket of Love and fall asleep, full of good intentions towards all my loved ones. My Peace and Calm will not be disturbed all night, and in the morning I will wake up full of cheerfulness and Love. Love has erected a protective rampart around me."I am not afraid of trouble, because You are with me." I sleep in Peace, I wake up in Joy andIn Him and from Him I am and live!”

Prayer for gaining Faith

Use the following prayer to help you find and maintain your Faith:

“Faith in the Lord will heal the sick. I know that my prayer and affirmation of the truth will triumph over negative circumstances.
Today is God's day. It is very important to me because I am full of Peace, Harmony and Joy. Faith in Good fills my Heart. I am absolutely convinced that there is a God and a Divine law that constantly attracts into the orbit of my existence all the good things that my heart longs for. Now I am in Peace."

I know that I am a guest of the Infinite and that God is my teacher. I hear his words: “Come to me, you who suffer, and I will give you peace.”

“I deeply Believe that the unconscious Power that instilled in me this (...) desire is already intending to fulfill it with my help!”

We find the only truly correct answer in the book of sayings, where it is said: "Happy is he who believes in the Lord" .

Prayer to restore Memory

"From today, my Memory will improve in all respects. I will be able to access my memory at any time and anywhere, whenever I wish. My impressions will be stored in memory more clearly and for a longer period of time." a long period. I will keep everything in my memory, simply and independently. Whatever I want to remember, everything immediately pops up clearly in front of my mind's eye. I am making significant progress every day and soon my memory will be better than ever."

The Power of Creative Thought - "Thoughts are material"

Here daily prayer: “I am a mental and spiritual magnet, attracting to myself all those people who want the same thing as me. There is a Divine exchange of ideas between us. I affirm Harmony, Prosperity, right action and inspiration and know that my Subconscious Mind accepts these truths."

Prayer for choosing the Path to right Action

The following prayer will promote fair judgment and confidence in making the Right Decision in any situation.
"I radiate Goodwill towards all mankind in thought, word and deed. I know that the Peace and Goodness that I send to every person will return to me a thousandfold. Everything I need to know comes from Almighty God, who in me. Infinite Intelligence acts through me, revealing the Truth to me. God knows the answer and makes all decisions through me, and only the right action takes place in my life. Every evening I clothe myself with the Mantle of Divine Love and fall asleep, knowing that Divine guidance belongs to me. When the dawn comes, I will be calm. I enter a new day with Faith. Thank You, Father!

Healing Prayers

Belief in the Power of the Subconscious HEALS!

The Bible says: “ Go, your faith saved you (Mark 10.52)

"ABOUT whatever you ask with Faith in your soul, it will be given to you.

Repeat the following words several times a day:
“I am absolutely Safe and Healthy, Strong, Strong, Mighty, full of Love, Harmony and Happiness.”

"The Healing Divine Presence now goes to work transforming, healing, restoring and directing all the processes of my body, according to His wisdom and Divine nature. My entire body is cleansed and activated by the life-affirming Energy of God. Divine Purification is taking place in my mind and body. Joy The Lord is my constant Strength. Every part of my body is Healthy, and I offer my Gratitude for this.

"The Divine Healing Power is now moving through me, healing my body. The Infinite Healing Presence created me. It knows how to heal, knows all the processes and functions of my body. I declare that the Holy Spirit is now moving through me, supporting and restoring my entire being in accordance with the principle of Integrity, Beauty and Perfection."

“My body was created by the Infinite Wisdom of my Subconscious, which can also heal me. His Wisdom shaped all my organs, tissues, muscles and bones. The same Infinite and Healing power within me is now changing every atom of my body and making me healthy and whole again, I am deeply grateful because I know that I am on the road to recovery. Wonderful works of creativityThe wisdom inherent in my Subconscious!”

“The Perfection of God finds its expression in my body, a feeling of complete Health now fills my Subconscious. God created me in a perfect image, and my Subconscious is now creating my body anew in full accordance with the perfect image created by God.”

Prayer for vision:

“The subconscious created my eyes, so it can heal them.”

Prayer for healing a specific organ
"The Mind of the Creator, which created my body, now restores my ( speak about the organ that needs to be healed). The Healing Mind is changing every cell in my body according to God's plan. I can already hear and imagine the doctor telling me that I am completely cured. This picture is imprinted in my brain. I clearly and distinctly hear his voice saying: “You are completely healthy. This is just a miracle". I know that this constructive image will penetrate deeply into my Subconscious, where it will mature and come to life.
I know that God's Healing Power is reviving me, even though my senses may say otherwise. I feel it, I believe it, and I am fully committed to achieving my Goal of Excellent Health."

The essence and effect of treatment at a distance
“The Mental Healing Power is omnipresent and also surrounds (person's name), who is far from me.... His (her) physical suffering is an exact reflection of his (her) inherent ideas and thoughts. The mind transmits its ideas and images to the body, like a movie screen. To change the course of events, I must therefore install a reel with a different film strip. My Mind takes upon itself the task of a projector, and I send only those representations in which (person's name) appears completely healed and healthy. The same Infinite Power that created the body of (person's name) with all its organs now permeates and heals every atom of his (her) being; Peace and Harmony in every cell of his (her) body. Divine inspiration illuminates the treating doctors, and every hand that touches the body of (person’s name) brings Grace and Healing. I know that in reality the disease does not exist, because otherwise no one could get well. I unite now with the Infinite Principle of Love and Life, and I know and want these thoughts to bring (person's name) Harmony, Health and Peace."

Here are beautiful prayers for Forgiveness. Forgiveness Technique:

“I forgive myself for harboring negative and destructive thoughts about myself and others. I resolve not to do so again. As soon as I have a negative thought, I will immediately begin to affirm: “Divine Love fills my Soul."

Whoever applies the following simple technique will soon see what has come into his life. Miracle. Let your thoughts calm down and relax your body and mind.Think about God and his Love for all people. Then say from pure heart: "I give (name the person here) complete forgiveness. My Mind and my Soul are completely free from bitterness. I forgive him, without any limitation, for everything that happened to me in connection with this. I am free, and he (she) is free. This is a great feeling! Today is the day of “amnesty”. I wish them and all their neighbors Health, Happiness, Peace and All the Blessings of life. I do this of my own free will, with Joy and Love, and now as soon as possible. I will remember the name of the person who harmed me, I will say: “I am not guilty of anything and may all the Blessings of life be with you!” I am free and you are free!

"The Love of God surrounds and covers me. The presence of God in my home (the presence of Harmony, Beauty, Love and Peace) is undeniable fact. Divine Love envelops my home. Whatever I do - whether I was walking down the street or working, sleeping or awake - God’s Love surrounds me, it envelops me and shelters me!”

In order to overcome your pessimism and fulfill your heart's desire, say several times a day with deep conviction:
“The Infinite Wisdom, which brought this desire into my Heart, guides and guides me always and will show me the Best Path to the fulfillment of my Desires. I know that the deep insight of my Subconscious will overcome and realize all my thoughts, feelings and ideas. Harmony, Balance and Spiritual Peace reign in me and around me.”

Calm your thoughts racing in despair, relax and
say with deep confidence:

“My Subconscious Mind knows the answer. It is now responding to my call. I thank with all my heart for the Infinite Wisdom of my Subconscious, which reveals to it all the circumstances and tells me the best decisions. This unshakable conviction of mine now releases the infinite effective and shining power of my subconscious . I am full of Joy and Gratitude for this! "

if you havedifficulties selling a house , Before going to bed, start imagining that you are holding a check in your hand with the amount for this house. Thank God for this check, feel the reality and naturalness of it all. Thank the Almighty and you will find that Miracles will begin to happen in your life.

How to successfully buy and sell

If, for example, you want to buy a house, you must relax and say to yourself: “Along with other magnificent abilities, my Subconscious Mind also has the gift of omniscience. It will now tell me where the ideal house is located, which is located near public transport, in a great location, satisfies all my ideas and requirements and corresponds to my income... I now entrust my Subconscious with the task of finding this object and I know that it will find a solution . I convey this request to him with boundless confidence that it will be fulfilled with the same confidence with which the peasant sows and knows that his sowing will bear fruit.”

Another proven method that is used when selling houses, land or other real estate. Say judiciously, calmly and with feeling the following conviction: “Universal Wisdom will bring to me a buyer who wants to have this house and will be Happy in it. The never mistaken creative Wisdom of my Subconscious sends it to me. No matter how many other houses he looks at, my house is the only one he wants to buy, because the clear prudence of his own subconscious instills this decision in him. I am convinced that this is the right buyer, the right time and the right price. Everything about this deal is exactly right. The divine will will bring him and me together on the waves of our subconscious. I know this is true."

Always remember that what you are looking for is in turn coming to you, and for everything you want to sell, there is always a person who wants to buy it. By correctly using your Subconscious Mind, you free your Mind when buying and selling from any anxiety and unnecessary fear of competitors.

To find an apartment...you urgently need:

“Now I affirm Divine Wealth, and my subconscious mind responds to this. I make an application for a wonderful apartment for me: “I live in a separate comfortable apartment,” and my Subconscious mind fulfills this desire. Success accompanies me. And now I give thanks to the Lord for making my Dream come true.Thank you, Almighty, for making my Dream of a beautiful apartment in Divine order come true."

You can add details that are important to you.

If you want totravel around the world, but you don't have a penny in your pocket, say:
"God opens the Path for me in Divine order and through Divine Love." Picture in your mind how you get on a plane or a boat and visit all the famous places. Imagine this until you feel the reality of the images. Once you fix this picture in your subconscious, you will get what you want. "Ask, and it shall be given you!"

To find peace of mind
“Divine calm and incomparable peace fill my Mind and Soul.”

“I am completely calm, because every minute my thoughts are full of Peace, Harmony and Goodness.”

Prayer to build confidence in to myself
"I know that the answer to my problem will come from the Divine Presence within me. I now become calm, balanced and relaxed. I am at peace. I am in tune with the Infinite. I know and have absolute faith that the Infinite The intellect will give me the answer. I think about the solution to my problems. I feel as if my problem is already solved. The Spirit is Almighty. I Thank Him for this. I know that God has the answer for Him. perhaps He is the Source of all Wisdom and Light.
Evidence of the Divine Presence within me is a sense of calm and composure. I know that the Divine Wisdom I need to live worthily is within me. I relax my body. I am free. I feel Divine peace flowing through my mind, heart and my entire being. I know that I will get answers to all my questions. I am in Peace!"

To overcome all obstacles on the path to a Rich Life
"I now entrust all my problems to God. I lead a fulfilled life because I know that Divine Love guides, guides, supports and heals me. The Divine Healing Presence is manifested in every atom of my body. There can be no obstacle to the realization of my Dream . The Higher Power is now acting in my interests. I know what I want; I am faithful to it. I understand that my prayer is answered.

To always make the right decision,
use the following prayer:

"I know that the Higher Mind of my subconscious controls my actions, revealing to me what I need to know. I know that the answer is within me and will be given to me at the right time. The Infinite Intelligence and the Limitless Wisdom of the Subconscious realize all decisions through me , and in my life there will be only the right actions.
I recognize the validity of the decisions that come to my Conscious Logical Mind. It's impossible for me to make a mistake. The answer will come in a clear and definite manner, and I am grateful that my prayers are not unanswered."

Never say: " I can't!" Overcome your fear with these words: "Thanks to the Infinite Power of my subconscious mind for me Nothing is impossible!"

When thoughts full of fear come into your head or you feel the symptoms of illness approaching , we must calmly say:
“I breathe in the peace of God and breathe out the Love of God.”

Prayer to get rid of negativity, your anger, fear of failure... and to improve your life
“Now all the gifts of the Lord belong to me. I live with God in my soul, receiving from him all the Benefits of Life.
I use every moment of the day to glorify God. God's Harmony, Beauty and Abundance live in me. His Love flowing through me Blesses all my endeavors. She is visible to everyone and heals everyone around her.

I will fear no evil, for the Lord is with me. I am constantly surrounded by His Love and Power. I declare, feel, know and firmly believe that His Love and care guide my actions and heal me and all members of my family.

I forgive everyone and sincerely pour out God's Love, Peace and Kindness to everyone around me.

At the center of my existence is Divine Peace. In this peace I feel his Strength, Guidance and Love. His presence guides all my steps. I am a conductor of God's Love, Light, Truth and Beauty. I feel the river of his calm flowing through me. I know that all my problems disappear before the power of his mind. God's Ways are my Ways. I enjoy Life and I am grateful that my Prayers do not remain unanswered. Truly so."

From irritability
“This is the day of the Lord. This is a new day of beginnings and achievements. I am filled with the life-giving, healing, calming and loving Power of the Lord. It embraces Soul and body now and forever!”
“The Lord is with me all day, the Peace, Guidance and Love that He gives me will help me calmly and humbly solve any problems!”

To cleanse your home of negative energies.
My Home is known in the Divine Mind. The Divine World fills and permeates its atmosphere. Divine Love comes in and out of the door. My Life is Divine Life, and Divine Peace fills my Mind and Heart. I believe in God and everything is fine. God cares about me. Divine Love fills me and I lead a life full of charm. The Light of God shines in me and fills my Home. Divine Law and Order triumph!

Eliminate the contradiction between desire and fantasy - the law of reverse action
Fantasy is your greatest success. Imagine only the beautiful and the good; you yourself and your destiny are identical to your thoughts and ideas.
If your Desires and the pictures of your fantasy contradict each other, then the latter will always be stronger.

Solution Method
The power of words depends on your Faith. Thus, we only need to realize that the force that moves the world acts for us and gives power to our words. This thought strengthens our confidence and our Self-Belief. After all, it’s just a matter of unite Your Own Power with the Divine, therefore, spiritual violence and spiritual warfare are completely inappropriate. Therefore formulate the following solution:
“I release him and entrust him to Divine guidance. From now on, he will always be where he should be. I am free and he is free. My words will resonate and universal Wisdom will carry out my decision. It will be one way and no other.”

Set an intention, and it will happen for you; and light will shine on your paths

Three or four times a day, sit quietly for a few minutes and say the following words:

"I am surrounded by the sacred sphere of God's eternal Love. All the power of God surrounds and envelops me, and nothing threatens my life. God's Love watches over me, and the Living Almighty Spirit makes me immune from all evil."

This prayer, combined with a protective psalm, will allow you to walk through life with confidence and feel your continuous connection with By a higher mind. “No evil will befall you, and no plague will come near your dwelling.” You will forever be surrounded by God's Love and invulnerable to any evil.
Mentally address your spouse with these words: “I appreciate everything you do, and may the Love and Goodness that I radiate be with you every minute.”

Prayer to Attract the Ideal Partner.

“I feel like a man is striving for me, honest, sincere, loyal, faithful, peace-loving, happy and wealthy... All these virtues are deeply imprinted in my Subconscious. At the time when I mentally imagine them, they become part of my Self and take a material form in my subconscious. I know that there is a Principle of Irresistible Attraction, and with confidence in it I call on a man who corresponds to the beliefs of my Subconscious. I am unshakably convinced that everything that my Subconscious believes will come true. I can give Peace and Happiness to this man. We have the same ideals. He wants me to be who I am, and I also would not want to change him. We will be connected by feelings of Love, Freedom, and mutual respect."

Prayer for marriage

"I know that my desire to be married and happy is the voice of God within me, urging me to lead a fulfilled and Happy Life. I know that now I and the Infinite are one. I know and Believe that there is a man who is waiting for me. I know that I can make him Happiness and provide him quiet life. I can be a huge boon to him. I will cherish, love and inspire him to do great things. There will be between us mutual love, Freedom and Respect. These words go further and are implemented where they are sent."

I have written down this request in my Subconscious Mind and I affirm that it is being fulfilled, completed and realized in my deeper mind. Whenever I think about marriage, I will remind myself that “The Infinite Intelligence of my Subconscious is putting it into action in Divine order.”

Joseph Murphy's Prayer to Married Persons.
"We are united together in the presence of God. There is only One God, One Life, One Law, One Mind and One Father - our Father. We unite in Love, Harmony and Peace, I rejoice in the Peace, Happiness and Success of my partner. God guides everyone of us in all times. We speak to each other from the point of view of the Divine Center within us. Our words to each other, like honeycomb, are sweet to the ear. We identify each other with ours. best qualities and we constantly praise them. God's love passes through us to all our households and to all people in general.
We believe and know that Almighty Power and Infinite Intelligence is flowing through each of us throughout our family and that we are being positively, definitely, physically and mentally healed. We know that Divine correct action occurs in every cell, organ, tissue and functions in each of us, manifesting itself as Peace, Harmony and Health. We believe that everyone in our family is experiencing Divine guidance at this time. God the Great Advisor leads each of us along the roads of Joy and Peace.
The words we speak now express what pleases us and brings success wherever they are sent. Now we rejoice and give thanks, knowing that our Prayer of Faith is being fulfilled."

With love! All the best!

Hello! There is such a Prayer that can change your whole life in better side. Their strong action gives amazing results. This is Joseph Murphy's prayer.

Life-improving prayer

Who is Joseph Murphy is a writer, philosopher, teacher who has written many books about the power of the mind of a person himself, about his abilities to change his life.

“I now declare that she has the following qualities and virtues: spirituality, devotion, loyalty and sincerity. She is harmonious, calm, happy. We are irresistibly drawn to each other. Only the one who belongs to love, truth and integrity can enter my life. Now I accept my ideal soul mate.”

Effective Prayer for the success of a loved one

“I mentally dig inside myself and get wonderful ideas for better service to people and for my own achievements. I know that I have inner resources, energy, strengths and abilities that I have never discovered before. I know that Infinite Intelligence is revealing them to me now as I consciously delve into my inner treasure.”

Prayer for the fulfillment of any desire

“I introduce into my daily practice the rule of imagining for myself and for others everything that is worthy, lovable and honorable. Now I imagine that I am doing what I have long dreamed of; I imagine that I possess those things that I have long desired to possess; I imagine that I am what I passionately desire to be. To make it all real, I feel the reality of it and know that it is so. Father! Thank you!"

Prayer for money, wealth and abundance

1. "I am born for Success. The Infinite that is within me knows no failure. Divine Law governs my life. Divine Peace fills my Soul. Divine Love saturates my Mind. Infinite Intelligence guides me. I succeed, move forward, grow mentally , spiritually and financially. I know that these Truths are sinking into my Subconscious Mind and will continue to develop."

Prayer based on the power of thought or faith - what exactly gives us the fulfillment of desires? If you don’t know what to choose, which religion to turn to for help and who to ask for support, then it’s time to turn to scientific prayers. The most famous author and compiler of scientific prayers focused on the power of thought, the subconscious, faith in one’s own strength and the Universe is Joseph Murphy. In the article we will consider in detail the prayers of this writer, their types and methods of reading.

Who is Joseph Murphy?

Joseph Murphy is a well-known writer, lecturer, philosopher, author of many books on scientific prayer, and advocate positive thinking. He wrote more than 30 books on self-improvement and self-knowledge, including descriptions of scientific ways to achieve what you want with the power of thought alone.

Murphy claims that a person is able to make dreams come true by believing in oneself and the Universe. He talked about this in his lectures, which he gave for 50 years at the Church of Divine Science. There he explained the mechanism of influence of applied prayers.

An undoubted advantage of Joseph Murphy's scientific prayers is the fact that they do not require affiliation with any denomination. They are also free from dogma. They don't have to be memorized. Absolutely all people can read such prayers, as long as they have enough confidence in themselves and their capabilities.

How to read his prayers correctly?

Joseph Murphy's prayers for all occasions require following a number of specific rules. Their observance is really important, because they focus on the internal personal aspects of character and consciousness, on which the result depends.

Among the main instructions are:

  1. Positive thinking.
  2. Faith in success.
  3. Confidence in one's own self.
  4. Firmness of intentions.
  5. Self-confidence.
  6. Decisiveness in action.
  7. Awareness of possibilities.
  8. Trust in the Universe.
  9. Visualization of what you want.

No matter how unattainable the dream may seem, Murphy claims that the implementation of the listed directives contributes to the fulfillment of any desire. The center of such prayers is not the highest grace, but the person himself - his essence, individuality, ambitions, perception and vision of the world. Therefore, confidence in one’s own potential opens up incredible expanses of the Universe into which the message is directed.

Reading scientific prayers when the mind is relaxed and more receptive. It is better to choose the time before going to bed so that you have time to form the right thought and maintain the desired emotional state. Moreover, it is recommended to repeat them regularly, without allowing outside thoughts, decadent state, despondency, depression, fear and aggressiveness.

The main principle of reading such prayers is the transformation of a negative thought into a positive one.

Prayers for healing are based on the power of suggestion. Every day, in addition to the main prayer, it is recommended to repeat: “I am completely healthy, I feel great, nothing bothers me, the pain disappears, my body is in excellent condition.”

Moreover, a similar text is read at any time of the day, both before and after the next prayer service: Murphy believed that such a way to convince oneself wellness

promotes a speedy recovery, strengthening not only the spirit, but also the immune system.

Joseph Murphy wrote prayers for women specifically for the following occasions:

  • to search for love;
  • to get married;
  • strengthen marriage;
  • eradicate troubles in the family.

A universal prayer for finding a future husband and love sounds like this:

There is no need to rush while reading the prayer service. When reading it, it is important to pay more attention to visualization: present in detail the image of your future husband, his character, habits. The more accurate the portrait, the greater the likelihood of finding your ideal.

Prayer therapy

Joseph Murphy's prayers for all occasions are presented in a collection that is a kind of prayer therapy. What is prayer therapy? This is a harmonious combination of the subconscious, consciousness, words and thoughts.

  • searching for love;
  • enrichment;
  • healing physical and spiritual;
  • multiplying what is available;
  • happy life;
  • success in business;
  • career advancement.

However, the writer points out that simply addressing the Universe is not enough. In addition, it is important to be able to correlate thoughts and feelings, as well as complete confidence in achieving what you want. It is necessary to maintain faith in yourself that your dream will come true, regularly concentrating on it and on the very process of its fulfillment, while not forgetting about visualization. Using the same principle, you can make a mental plan for the fulfillment of a desire, imagining it as already fulfilled.

The main thesis of prayer therapy: “Thoughts are material”

To make your wishes come true

To achieve important goals, complete difficult tasks and overcome difficult life situations— Joseph Murphy’s prayer for the fulfillment of desires is suitable for any occasion where help is needed. Twice a day, preferably morning and evening, you should repeat the following text:

When pronouncing words, you need not only to believe in them, but also to correspond emotionally and morally. If you talk about peace - be calm, about confidence - do not doubt, joyful excitement - imagine a dream come true. Think the way you want everything to turn out. Such thoughts will strengthen your message and speed up the fulfillment of your desire.

"God's gifts are my gifts..."

One of the writer’s most popular prayers is the prayer “God’s gifts are my gifts.” It is described in the book “The Magical Power of the Mind” and is believed to be able to change the life of any person. That is why this prayer service is used as a universal one.

With its help you can:

  • carry out your plans;
  • improve well-being;
  • enhance the impact of other prayers;
  • ease the soul and calm the mind;
  • find your way in life;
  • find the answer to an important question;
  • make a difficult decision;
  • increase self-esteem and give self-confidence.

This prayer works miracles if you say it with faith in this very miracle. In order to improve your life, you need to read at least once a day for a month.

If you are already familiar with the books of Joseph Murphy (or with my posts on this topic:), then you have probably heard about miracle prayers, which he composed for many people around the world.
These prayers are more like positive statements or affirmations that help change the negative attitudes of our consciousness.

The author himself claims that any problem can be solved if you program your mind for success. According to him, we ourselves prevent joyful events from flowing freely into our lives by being angry, jealous, and fearful.
But the good thing about Dr. Murphy's methods of scientific prayer is that they can eliminate any negative emotion.

Prayer in difficult situations

God's gifts are my gifts. I take every moment of this day to praise the Lord.
Divine harmony, peace and abundance are with me.
Divine love emanates from me, blessing everyone who comes into my environment.
Divine love is healing me now.

I will fear no evil, because God is with me. I am always surrounded by a sacred aura of Divine love and power.

I affirm, feel, know and believe strongly and positively that the spells of Divine love and vigilance guide, heal and care for all members of my family and those I love.

I forgive everyone and sincerely radiate Divine love, peace and goodwill to all people, wherever they are.
There is peace at the center of my being, it is the peace of God.

In this silence I feel His strength, the guidance and the love of His Holy Presence.
I am Divinely guided in all my paths.

I am a clear channel for Divine love, truth and beauty.
I feel His river of peace flowing through me. I know that all my problems dissolve in the mind of God. God's ways are my ways. The words I speak go where I send them.

I rejoice and give thanks, knowing that my prayer will be answered. And so it is.

It is best to read prayers early in the morning, immediately after waking up. At this time, there are still no opposing thoughts in our consciousness, and new positive truths will take root in the mind much faster.
You can also recite the text of the prayer before going to bed, when you have stopped the flow of restless thoughts and are half asleep.

Joseph Murphy recommends reading the right prayer about 15 minutes, as a rule, after this a feeling of harmony and confidence appears inside.
To completely eliminate habitual destructive thoughts, it is best to repeat the affirmations for 3 weeks. After which amazing changes will begin in your life.
This confirms the experience of many of his readers.

If you are not yet familiar with the books of Joseph Murphy, to better understand how his prayers work, read the famous bestsellers “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” and “How to Attract Success.”

In his books, Dr. Murphy shows the enormous potential of the power of the subconscious, and in an understandable form that allows you to immediately apply it in the life of every person.

Here are some excerpts from his books:

The all-encompassing Mind Power is greatest power in the world. Whatever you wish, this Power will help to fulfill your desire, and this Power is your mind, which is one with the Universal Mind.

Prayer is always the solution. Prayer is the desire to turn to God for support, and God will answer you.

Let Divine love and peace enter your heart, and let the unworthy past leave your memory forever.

Changing life positions, you change everything in your life; your whole world miraculously dissolves into the image and likeness of your core belief.

In prayer, give up your doubts and fears and realize that Infinite Intelligence knows the way out and the ways to implement it.

How to get rid of fears using scientific prayer

Don't fight fear by focusing on it; instead, come before it with an open affirmation of the Divine Presence and energy that will disempower it.

Tell yourself:

“God is the strength of my life; whom should I fear?”

Below is a wonderful prayer for getting rid of fear. Pray as often as possible and you will feel an inner sense of peace and tranquility descend upon you.

“The love of God is flowing through me now; I am surrounded by the Divine and everything is beautiful.
Divine love surrounds, supports and protects me.
This endless love is imprinted on me, in my heart.
I radiate love in thoughts, words and deeds.
Love unites and harmonizes all the powers, virtues and manifestations of God within me.
Love means joy, peace, freedom, bliss and approval.
Love is freedom. I radiate love to each and every person God loves.
I welcome the Divinity in others.
I know and believe that Divine love is healing me now.
Love is the guiding principle in me; he brings perfection into my life, harmonious relationships.
God is love. And he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.”

Step-by-step prayer to overcome anxiety

If you are overwhelmed by restless thoughts, fears and anxiety, the author advises you to follow these three steps to help calm your mind.

First stage
Every morning, as soon as you wake up, turn to God in prayer and know that God is your loving Father.
Relax and then talk to God, who is your Higher Self.
Behave like a little child, that is, completely trust in God the Presence, and know that God is now healing you.

Second phase
Affirm with love:

“Thank you, Father, for this wonderful day.
This is God's day; it is full of joy, peace, happiness and success for me.
I look forward with joyful hope to this day.
The wisdom and inspiration of God will guide me throughout the day.
God is my partner; everything I do will come out in the most amazing way.
I believe God is guiding me and His love fills my soul."

Third stage
Persistently affirm:

“I am filled with confidence in the goodness of God. I know that He protects me at all times.
I walk, full of composure, calm and serenity.
I know that God is at work in all phases of my life, and the Divine law is being realized in the highest order.”

Make it a habit to linger on these three stages of prayer, and when troubled thoughts enter your mind, replace them with any spiritual thought taken from the above; Gradually your mind will tune in to peace.

Joseph Murphy is a popular writer, philosopher, and lecturer. For almost thirty years, he was the permanent leader of the Church of Divine Science in Los Angeles, where his world-famous lectures were attended by more than a thousand people every Sunday. He was the author of a daily radio program and had an academic degree.

Life's work

Murphy devoted almost 50 years of his life to studying the capabilities of the human subconscious. Joseph Murphy's prayers are a kind of lever for knowing ourselves, our own thoughts and talents. This man wanted to show people that they already have everything they want. You just need to change your attitude a little life circumstances. On this topic he gave his lectures and taught thousands of people how to correct use possibilities of your subconscious.

The main theme of all his lectures and books is prayers for all occasions in life, in all difficult situations. Affordable and in simple language Joseph Murphy explains: prayers are a way of communicating with your own subconscious. Instead of destructive struggles and untimely actions, try to accept the situation, calm down and look at it from a position of divine awareness. This means that the subconscious knows perfectly well that the prayer will not go unheeded in any case. For example, you have no doubt that you live on planet Earth. So in in this case. You are absolutely sure that the answer to your prayer will come to you one way or another, so do not worry or be nervous.

To fulfill your cherished desire

On a piece of paper, write down your performance which will not harm others. Below the wish, write the text of the prayer. It must be said twice a day: immediately after you wake up and before you are about to fall asleep for 15 minutes (two weeks). Depending on the energetic force thoughts and specific desires, its fulfillment will take from two weeks to a couple of months.

My desires are all conscious, I know for sure about their existence in a world invisible to us. At this moment, I ask that my wishes be fulfilled, and I am grateful to accept this wonderful gift. I calmly rely on the divine will of the Creative Power that is within me. This power is the source of blessings and miracles in our world. I clearly feel how my cherished desire is imprinted in my subconscious in order to come true in reality. Absolutely everything we think about happens in reality sooner or later. This is how our consciousness works. I sincerely feel that what I asked for will definitely come true, and therefore I am calm. There is an unchanging confidence in my heart that my wish will soon come true. I am all full of joyful excitement. I am at peace, for the Lord God is peace and tranquility. I Thank you, my heavenly Father. Let it be so.

Prayer for Healing

The book “How to Gain Health and Longevity” will be an excellent guide for changing your own habits, gaining physical and psychological health through the prayer of Joseph Murphy. Reviews huge amount people who have experienced it are filled with gratitude and faith in their own strength.

My beautiful body was created by the absolute wisdom of the subconscious, and my subconscious can heal me with ease. Divine wisdom created all my tissues, bones, muscles and organs. This same absolute and healing power within me is now changing every cell of my body, and I am turning into healthy person. I am deeply grateful because I am confident that I am on the divine path to absolute recovery. Wonderful are the beautiful works of wisdom that is inherent in my subconscious!

Joseph Murphy's books, lectures and prayers have given thousands of people hope and the ability to solve their problems on their own, see miracles in every moment of life and simply enjoy!

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