Home Prosthetics and implantation Why do you dream about being strangled? Animals in a dream

Why do you dream about being strangled? Animals in a dream

Dreams are not always filled with pleasant events and joy; quite often the opposite happens, and fear fetters the dreamer, forcing him to think about the dream constantly. Naturally, there is a desire to understand what a dream can mean and what events in real life warns. A dream about strangulation can frighten anyone. After such a dream, it’s scary to even fall asleep again. Let's consider several options for interpreting such a dream in well-known dream books.

Dream Interpretation of Medea. Why choke in a dream?

if you dreamed of strangulation- come to terms with your not the best situation until the most successful times.

  • choke someone- it’s worth getting rid of the conflict that gnaws at you.
  • If you dreamed that you were using an action of a similar nature on an animal or person, it means that in real life there is a long-term conflict (with family, work colleagues or neighbors) that haunts you. The dream book urges you to make every effort to resolve it in order to stop the meaningless dispute.
  • If you are a victim, then the dream book explains this by saying that you are subordinate to someone’s will, pressure is being put on you, the dream book advises you to come to terms with this for a while.

Dreaming of strangling a child in a dream - in real life it means starting a new business, however, the dreamer will soon lose interest in it, which is why such reluctance will lead to the failure of the project and the loss of significant investments. Lack of determination and performance may be due to nervous breakdown or resentment towards someone; also due to misunderstanding and disapproval of the new project by loved ones.

If you dreamed that children strangle the dreamer - bad sign, you will become a victim of an unfulfilled dream, on which a lot of effort, time and money were spent. Your own child is strangling you, which means your heir will ruin your reputation and drag you into unpleasant affairs from which you will not be able to get out without losses.

If a woman uses similar actions towards a woman in a dream, it is worth thinking about her chosen one and her relationship with him. Due to attacks of jealousy on the part of the dreamer, a break in the relationship is possible, which will have a rather painful effect on health. This may also be due to the appearance of a rival, an envious friend who is trying to harm as in career growth to his competitor and in his personal life.

If you dream that a woman is strangling a man, then in real life there is a woman who offended him. If the spouse or beloved woman strangles the dreamer- expect the worst, perhaps the chosen one will leave for another man. It could also mean that you are not paying enough attention to your other half. Wife strangles husband in his sleep- a woman’s desire to dominate. Such behavior can lead to divorce if she does not change her attitude towards her husband. If wife victim spouse- the dream book calls for paying attention to problems in the family.

If you see in a dream that strangling your parents- a symbol of tense relationships with them in real life. Perhaps childhood grievances take place in the dreamer’s life, and any attempts to forgive do not bring any results, which is why remorse follows. This may also be due to the dreamer’s feelings of shame towards his parents due to lack of time to visit them. If in real life there are no grievances towards the parents, it means that the person who committed the strangulation is in danger; the dreamer may be involved in a bad situation, make wrong decisions, which will entail a lot of trouble.

If you dream that such actions are applied to a dead person, while the criminal understands that he is dead, this means the impossibility of letting go of the past.

In this case, it is not important to know whether the victim was familiar to the dreamer; if so, the dream book explains this by saying that emotional distress due to loss loved one do not give the dreamer peace.

Choking an unfamiliar dead person in a dream means a desire to get rid of painful memories, however, with effort, you will be able to free yourself from the past and learn to live again.

Dream Interpretation Wanderer. Why dream about suffocation?

To strangle someone in a dream- the desire to free yourself from something that weighs you down for a long time, there are responsibilities that are unpleasant for you, you should not attach importance to this great importance. If you are a victim of strangulation - a bad dream, it speaks of hopelessness in a given situation.

Eastern Dream Interpretation. Strangled in a dream

If you dream that you are a victim such a dream means unexpected misfortune. If you can’t look at the criminal, you won’t cope with the problems. Sudden suffocating spasms- this is a lot of your ill-wishers; the dream book advises to be careful in your words and deeds, not to give a reason for your position to be darkened because of unkind people.

Sonarium. Interpretation of a dream about suffocation

Such a dream is an alarming harbinger depending on who is the victim and who is using an action of this nature. It is important to consider the details of the dream in order to more accurately understand what it means.

Esoteric dream book. Choking a man

If you dream that you are strangling someone in a dream, the dream book urges you to check your health; diseases related to the lungs are possible. If you are a victim, you should pay attention to the situation in the house; you may feel uncomfortable due to the incorrect placement of the bed in the room or an inappropriate place to sleep.

Miller's Dream Book. Choking a man

The interpretation of a dream about strangulation according to Miller’s dream book can have completely different meanings. It is worth paying attention to the plot of the entire dream and identifying important details, actions, and emotions.

If you have a dream that the dreamer applies similar actions to someone, and his victim fights him, it means that in real life the person who had such a dream runs the risk of becoming an accomplice in unpleasant events; in this case, shame cannot be avoided, your reputation will be damaged and no one will be able to trust you. The dream book advises you to take a closer look at your surroundings and briefly refuse to communicate with people who could be potentially dangerous.

A bad dream and one in which the victim is the dreamer. The dream book urges you to beware of trouble.

Adaskina's dream book. Why do you dream of strangling a person?

If you dream of strangulation, the dream book explains such a dream by saying that in reality you are trying to restrain and control your emotions and feelings. Choking a person in a dream - poor health. Choking someone in a dream is a bad sign; the dream book warns you of illness.

If in a dream you cannot see a person who is using similar actions towards you, the dream book warns you that you will not be able to cope with difficulties on your own, it is better to turn to people close to you for help.


The only thing that can be interpreted as some kind of sign is a dream about suffocation that you had healthy person. If in a dream you have to suffocate for a long time and painfully, most likely this is a sign of a lack of finances, which occurs in the sleeping person in reality. Apparently, the issue of money is of paramount importance at the present time, and the one who causes such inconvenience in a dream is connected with this in one way or another. Most of the strength and energy in life is now aimed at solving this problem. Perhaps in a dream the subconscious mind gives a sign about nervous exhaustion On this basis, it’s time to give yourself a little break.

A dream about strangulation may mean that a person is currently in an intermediate state, perhaps on the verge of making some important decision for himself. The weight of accumulated problems can also suffocate, but such a dream - sure sign that at least some of them need to be addressed in the near future, otherwise it cannot be avoided unpleasant consequences. A dream in which a person or someone else experiences suffocation can be a very real sign of incipient health problems. After such a dream, it would be a good idea to visit a doctor and at least check cardiovascular system and respiratory organs.

If a person dreams of someone strangling him, this is often a sign that in reality this person is trying to cut off oxygen, exert pressure in one way or another, create obstacles and hindrances. If in a dream the face of the strangler is clearly visible, then in reality you need to take a closer look at his behavior and stop communicating or teach him a lesson. Such a dream may indicate internal struggle, uncertainty, and indecision. In a dream you can clearly see what waiting for everything to resolve itself can sometimes lead to, and in reality it is better to avoid this. Perhaps this dream comes to a person dependent on circumstances or on another person. Then it does not need interpretation - such a situation cannot but upset, especially if nothing can be done, and the dream will most likely be repeated again and again.

Some dream books interpret strangulation in a dream as an unpleasant reality of coming to terms with a subordinate position for an indefinite amount of time. If the strangler attacks you from behind and you cannot see his face, the dream warns of misfortune that will come with unexpected side. If you can’t make out the face and features of the one who is strangling, this is a sign of impending troubles that will require outside help. The same dream may mean that the person seeing the dream has a lot of ill-wishers and envious people. Perhaps this dream warns of hopeless situation, which a person can get into.

Dreams about strangulation may be medical symptom, especially if we are not talking about a one-time dream, but about recurring nightmares. Sometimes a brownie who doesn’t like the state of things in the house makes himself known by strangulation in a dream. The dreams of strangulation themselves are most often a warning that something is wrong in the dreamer’s life, and this needs to be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise the situation will worsen. In addition, these dreams can indicate illness, stress, chronic fatigue.

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    When a dream has extraneous causes

    Choking in a dream often happens for technical reasons that have nothing to do with prophetic signs or the work of the subconscious.

    It is important to distinguish between dreams caused by similar reasons and dreams with meaning.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

    Physiological reasons

    Sometimes a person dreams that he is being strangled if he does not have enough air in reality. This happens if something is squeezing the sleeper’s throat or the bedroom is stuffy - dreams in such situations are solely the body’s reaction to inconvenience.

    Pregnant women often have dreams about suffocation. In this state, a woman needs more oxygen, because she actually breathes for two, so sensitivity to air quality increases.

    Some people experience episodes of nighttime suffocation, called sleep apnea. This may be due to problems with blood vessels or heart, allergies or asthma, anatomical features etc. Since this condition is dangerous and significantly reduces the quality of life, a person who has had sleep apnea several times should consult a doctor.

    Mystical reasons

    If a person wakes up because someone is strangling him and pressing on his chest, it is considered that he is being strangled by a brownie. In this way, the keeper of the house survives an unwanted guest or tries to warn the owners that something is wrong in the house.

    In this case, you should ask (at least mentally) the brownie, for better or for worse. Usually he answers in one way or another that is understandable to the owners.

    Why do you dream ex-husband- interpretations in dream books

    Why do you dream of strangulation?

    Since a dream about strangulation is a dream about violence and attempted murder, in most cases it is difficult to interpret it in a positive way.

    The meaning of dreams about strangulation depends on who is being strangled. Sometimes you dream that the dreamer is being strangled, and sometimes he does it himself.

    If the dreamer is strangled

    Dreams about the dreamer being strangled foreshadow a lack of freedom of action in the future.

    If a specific person, familiar in reality, even if he looks unusual, is being strangled, such a lack of freedom will be the work of his hands. If a child is strangling, this can be understood as problems due to a business, a project that takes too much effort and attention. And if a stranger is strangling you, the dream can be interpreted as a message that the dreamer is afraid in vain, his problems are far-fetched and have no basis in reality.

    If you dreamed that a dead person was strangling, then this is a sign that not all things have been completed with this person. Either the dreamer owes him something, or did not express something, or did not let him go emotionally, or promised something during his lifetime, but did not fulfill it. In such cases, you should remember the deceased, try to remember what was promised, and fulfill it. Believers can perform the required rituals - light a candle, pray for him on their own or with the help of a clergyman, and do a good deed in his memory.

    Dream books offer other meanings of strangulation in a dream:

    • accumulated fatigue and stress;
    • powerlessness to change anything in your life, real or imaginary;
    • the dreamer is already in a hopeless situation, there is no point in trying to do anything about it;
    • feeling of guilt, especially if the chain from pectoral cross or similar item;
    • someone or something (that which is suffocating) requires too much effort and time;
    • if a fabulous, non-existent monster is strangling, you should be wary of fraud;
    • disease;
    • in Islam: the dreamer will be entrusted with a secret, and if he dies in a dream from suffocation, then in real life he will become poor.

    The result of the struggle should also be taken into account when interpreting the dream. If in a dream you managed to defeat the attacker, everything will be resolved for the better, although you will have to make some efforts. If a person wakes up with the realization that he has been killed, then the prognosis is unfavorable.

    Another interesting factor is why or why the dreamer began to be strangled. If you manage to remember such a detail, it can become the key to understanding the dream: it is in this area of ​​life that something is wrong.

    If the dreamer himself strangles

    If the dreamer strangles a specific person - perhaps in the form of an animal or object, but clearly understands who he is talking about - this means that he will have to fight, compete with this person.

    Another option is that there is already a conflict with this person in real life, but outwardly it is not yet noticeable. The situation has already reached the stage of development when it would be wiser to move on to open confrontation. Or at least openly discuss all the accumulated problems.

    The result of the struggle is also important. If you managed to strangle your opponent in a dream, then obstacles in life will be successfully overcome.

    If a man dreams that he is strangling his wife, this is a bad symbol, predicting that she will soon leave her husband. To prevent this from happening, you need to treat her more respectfully.

    If the dreamer strangles an unfamiliar child, this means that one of his current projects is interfering with him, he would like to get rid of this matter. Another option is that the dreamer is trying to kill the child in himself, abandon childish character traits, and become more mature.

    If the dreamer strangles himself

    Such dreams warn that the dreamer is interfering with his own life. Perhaps he has internal conflicts and contradictions, or he is confused, not knowing how to act correctly in a particular situation. Perhaps he is doing harm to himself without realizing it.

    Such dreams are dreamed by those people who do too much against their will, as well as by those whose words are at odds with their thoughts, and their actions with their intentions.

    Dreams in which a person strangles himself are serious warnings that are worth listening to. It makes sense to consult a psychologist, talk to a person who can give advice. It is the view from the outside that will help, from someone who is not involved in the situation and has no interest in it, and therefore is able to see contradictions and inconsistencies.

    Interpretations in famous dream books

    According to Miller's dream book, if a person is strangled in a dream, this is a warning that you need to express your opinion with caution - you can bring misfortune upon yourself.

    Juno's dream book says that such a dream means a person's dissatisfaction with his environment. Perhaps he wants a change of environment, and the current environment is “suffocating” him.

    According to Freud, if a dreamer strangles his partner, then he wants to add variety to his personal life.

    Vanga's dream book says that if the dreamer is strangled, this is a sign that he does not value life. He needs to rethink his actions and turn to God.

This dream has several meanings. Most often, you have to strangle a person when you, figuratively speaking, cut off his oxygen in some important situation for him.

The same thing means a dream in which strangulation threatens you. But not in the literal sense, but figuratively.

Breathing in a dream symbolizes freedom of action, creativity and activity, love, and the absence of difficult circumstances. Therefore, the dream book interprets strangling someone in a dream as a sign of restrictions, illnesses respiratory tract, as well as an attempt to harm someone and drive a friend or stranger into some kind of framework.

Sometimes it is an indicator of great hatred, of wanting someone you don't love to die. But often dreaming of strangling a person you know means that you will try by all means to suppress his will and prevent him from unfolding in real life.

To understand what a dream might mean, pay attention to a strangled man or a hanged man, who he is in your life and why he interferes.

This is what it means to dream of strangling someone in a dream or if people want to strangle you personally. Pay attention to whether you managed to do this or not, just like your murderers.

Shut off oxygen

If in a dream you are trying to harm a person you know, then such a dream indicates that in some way you are suppressing him or he himself begins to interfere with you in a dream. Why dream of strangling him with your hands or with a pillow or rope is not difficult to guess: you you want him not to bother you, to get rid of his presence or for him to disappear from your life.

Brothers and sisters who do not like the newborn baby and want him to stop screaming at night often begin to see such dreams. Or they think that if there is no child, the parents will return their love and former attention.

Therefore, why dream of strangling them in a dream, no questions arise: in a dream they simply want to find a way out of hatred for a small creature that is very bothering them.

The dream book writes that such a dream can occur in children under 14 years of age, when they have already come to terms with their position in the family and jealousy and reluctance to have another family member in the house will gradually leave their souls. But, if your adolescence is long behind you, then the dream book gives similar interpretations of such a dream.

Choking a friend in a dream is an indicator of fierce hatred towards him. The dream book writes that you not only want him to leave your life and stop disturbing you, but you also dream of taking revenge on him.

Sometimes such a dream is an indicator that the dreamer is very bothering you and can harm you. Most likely, you are competitors with him and are fighting together for freedom, interfering with each other.

Therefore, strangling a partner, subordinate or colleague is a sign of expressed rivalry or a desire to suppress someone, to deprive someone of a good opportunity to live freely or to do whatever the heart desires.

Why does a girl dream that a guy starts strangling her? The dream book writes that such a dream means its suppression of your will, the desire to subjugate it.

Such a dream can warn you that he is jealous, can do something very bad to you, and also force you to submit to your will and do what interests him.

Therefore, a dream in which your young man begins to choke means lack of freedom, worries due to his jealousy or dictatorship. It is very good if after such a dream you can break off all relations with him and protect yourself.

Why does a girl dream of strangling her boyfriend? ex-fan? You hate him and fear that he is capable of greatly harming you, as well as ruining your current relationship.

The dream shows your fears and concerns, and also that you dream of suppressing him and making him disappear from your life forever.

The same thing means a dream in which you find yourself in the role of a girl who is being strangled by her former chosen one. The dream book writes that in reality this person only wishes you harm and you should not hope for an improvement in your relationship with him.

Also modern dream book writes that he is strangling strangers- an indicator of your powerful and cruel character. If you dreamed that someone else was doing this, the dream book writes that this person is very tough and harms others.

However, the word choke does not always mean cutting off oxygen and breathing.

This is often referred to as using perfume, where you start spraying it on each other. If you had to choke someone in this sense or you saw someone else doing it, pay attention to the aroma of the perfume.

Pleasant and gentle, sweet, but not cloying, predicts pleasant impressions and interesting communication, flattery and compliments.

Suffocating aromas usually dream of suppression and obsession. If you put such a cloud of perfume on your young man, then he will perceive your society that way.

Therefore, you should exercise caution and restraint in your relationship with him if you do not want to lose his favor forever.

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It happens that accumulated stress, negativity and fatigue are reflected in a dream. Dream books remind you that any dreams you have, not only in general outline describe the future, but serve as a warning to the dreamer. What does the subconscious try to warn us about when we see strangulation? Why do you dream about such a situation?

Miller's Dream Book - about rivalry

The dream of strangulation, according to the psychologist, is viewed from two perspectives. So, if in a dream you strangled a person, it means that in reality you will have to compete with this person. To feel that someone is squeezing your neck in an iron vice means that a favorable state of affairs will be overshadowed by a lack of freedom of action.

Don't paint yourself into a corner

The Wanderer's Dream Book explains why one dreams of feeling suffocated by the hopelessness of the situation that has developed in real life. See how stranger tries to strangle you with his hands; predicts the presence of painful problems that poison your life.

Feeling the risk of being strangled, experiencing fear, means that the sleeping person is now powerless to change something in life.

Put everything in its place

Committing murder in a dream by strangulation is interpreted by Medea’s dream book as the need to reveal and finally resolve a brewing hidden conflict with others: colleagues, relatives, neighbors. Seeing a man who commits the murder of his wife in a dream, her soul, speaks of disagreement and confrontation between spouses, which needs to be corrected in time.

Excessive seriousness of judgment and thoughtlessness of actions - this is what dreams of strangling a child mean. If your hands grab the child’s neck, it means that in reality there is a possibility that holding interesting project, you will abandon it. The reason for this behavior will be resentment towards superiors, colleagues or someone else from the environment.

If you dreamed that a child was cutting off your oxygen, then, as the dream book convinces, you will become a victim of your own idea. If the strangulation is done by your own mother, reconsider your behavior, otherwise the parent may become seriously ill because of you.

Rejoice - the situation will be resolved

The newest dream book confidently states that what people dream of strangling symbolizes successful overcoming of obstacles. Seeing from the side how two people are locked in a fight promises in reality a benefit from the disagreement of competitors. If you dreamed that you were strangling a rat, it means a peremptory victory over your competitor.

Animals in a dream

In Loff's dream book, the explanation of what dreams of suffocation mean is closely related to the animal that had to cut off oxygen.

  • strangling a rat in a dream - to identifying a negative person in your close circle;
  • a dog - benefit is more important to you than the company of friends;
  • kitten - indicates the dreamer’s excessive suspicion, phobias, fears;
  • cat - successfully overcoming an obstacle with negative energy.

Strangle yourself

Being strangled by yourself, according to the Modern Combined Dream Book, reminds you of caution. The interpretation of the dream indicates your negative thoughts, which can be dangerous even for you. Get rid of bile and poison, otherwise you may choke on them yourself.

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