Home Wisdom teeth Rating of the best husbands by zodiac sign. Rating of the most faithful husbands by zodiac sign

Rating of the best husbands by zodiac sign. Rating of the most faithful husbands by zodiac sign

Using the ranking of Zodiac signs, you can find out which sign is the smartest, which is the most faithful, and which is the most dangerous. Relying on statistical data and compiled ratings, one can draw certain conclusions regarding the various characteristics that representatives of all constellations possess.

The smartest signs of the zodiac

In terms of leadership skills, Sagittarius, alas, gives way to the stupidest sign of the Zodiac, Aries, who, according to the rating, has the most low level IQ. As for the leadership qualities and skills inherent in Aries, they are not always interconnected with the mind. As a rule, they are directly proportional to intuition and the sixth sense, which cannot be developed using logic alone.

Windy Zodiac Signs

Gemini and Scorpio are the leaders of this rating. Fickle signs include Pisces, who are so smart that almost no one ever suspects that they have an affair. Virgos are also flighty, but only until they meet true love.

The most faithful zodiac signs

The most faithful include representatives of the constellations Capricorn, Leo and Scorpio. According to the compiled rating of zodiac signs, these are the most faithful life partners. They will not have love affairs if there is a loved one nearby. However, unfortunately, for some representatives of the remaining signs, physical intimacy means more than spiritual intimacy. Therefore, before making a choice and settling on a specific chosen one, astrologers recommend familiarizing yourself with the rating of husbands by zodiac sign.

Best husbands

Rating of ideal wives

For both men and women, there is a rating of wives compiled by astrologers by zodiac sign.

The most jealous zodiac signs

Such a quality as jealousy is inherent in every person, however, there are zodiac signs that cannot cope with this trait of their character. These are Taurus, Cancer and Capricorn. Representatives of the Libra sign are also very jealous, but they, as a rule, keep all emotions to themselves.

The most dangerous sign

The most bad sign The zodiac sign is Scorpio. It is the representatives of this zodiac constellation who are the most hot-tempered and dangerous people. Pushkin also argued that Scorpio combines such qualities as genius and villainy. However, among Scorpios there are also smart people However, they tend to rarely use their intelligence for intelligent purposes. Scorpios have a rich inner and emotional world.


After reviewing the ratings presented in this article, we can draw a conclusion as to who is the most a sure sign Zodiac, and who is the most windy. However, do not forget that every person cannot fully meet the above characteristics. Date of birth and, accordingly, zodiac sign is, of course, important indicator, but the above information should not be taken too seriously.

In this material you can find only the information that will help you find answers to questions about husbands of different zodiac signs. Leave your wishes and additions on this issue in the comments.

The best husbands according to zodiac signs

The most reliable and loving husbands turned out to be Aries, Cancer and Leo. These zodiac signs may show different attitudes towards their partner before marriage, but after the family has already been created, they become one of the most loving and devoted husbands.

Husbands' zodiac signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini

— Aries
Aries always show their feelings in interesting ways, so much so that it is almost impossible to forget. They can be ranked among the top four best husbands for their affectionate and accepting attitude towards their wives.

- Calf
Taurus people are not the same heroic lovers found in soap novels. No. They don’t know how to show their feelings at all, which makes it difficult for them to get attention, but they are very persistent. Their persistence does not stop even after marriage, which develops into tenacity.

- Twins
Geminis are very contradictory and fickle, which, of course, not all women like. Their marriages are often short but filled with love. They are the ones who can burn out in a couple of months and this will in no way affect the other half.

Husband: Cancer, Leo, Virgo

- Cancer
Cancers are the most romantic signs of the Zodiac, but, of course, such husbands are not suitable for everyone. Sometimes they are simply preferred, rather as lovers. They find an approach to any girl and go straight into their hearts.

- A lion
Tenacious and diligent husbands who prefer the comfort of home more than travel. For their perseverance, they can be given the laurels of a winner, but not all women like such a quiet life.

— Virgo
It is very difficult to get along with Virgo. They set their own rules and want everyone to live that way. They are difficult to break and adjust to your own way, but they also have positive features. Virgos are ready to break apart, but only to do the best for the family, they try and very often get offended by what their other half did not notice.

Husbands zodiac signs: Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius

- Scales
Libras are good and positive husbands and can be compared to cartoon bears that can be both cute and dangerous. They show their threatening side only in case of danger, which adds another small plus to them.

- Scorpion
Unstable husbands who demand a lot and rarely give in return. Strong personalities often push their partner out of their lives and simply allow themselves to be loved, which is why they are not the best partners and husbands.

— Sagittarius
Sagittarius has a hard time making a choice between work and wife, between friends and family. They are always torn by many offers and sometimes make the wrong choice, which really hurts their partner.

Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces husband

- Capricorn
It's really hard to find Capricorn husbands mutual language, but usually after marriage they open up so much that the passion desires the same communication. If Capricorns begin to open up, they mostly give love rather than negative aftertaste.

- Aquarius
Aquarians are wonderful lovers and husbands. They tend to understand female psychology at a glance and infiltrate their thoughts. They often become objects of admiration among the fairer sex, but in a long marriage such an illusion tends to dissipate.

- Fish
Pisces are surrounded by constant attention from the female sex and this cannot but anger their passion. They are not somewhat weak-willed and indecisive, which often affects marriage. Once under influence, they may even agree to a wedding, and only then think about how to escape.

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Every girl dreams of finding her prince and getting married successfully, but not everyone succeeds. Differences in tastes, interests, temperament and character become stumbling blocks on the path to creating an ideal family. Do not forget that the patronizing sign of the zodiac leaves a special imprint on each person. When choosing a partner, it is important to know who he is according to his horoscope and what character traits he has. We bring to your attention a rating of husbands by zodiac sign.

Virgos - 1st place

Men born under the auspices of this constellation have an attractive appearance. They are smart and well mannered. Virgos easily cope with household chores. They can easily clean the house, cook dinner and shift some of the worries about the newborn onto their shoulders. Such a husband will not only be a gentle and attentive lover, for his woman he will become reliable support and friend. The Virgo man is full of nobility, so he most often marries the woman who, as it seems to him, will simply disappear without him.

Lions - 2nd place

Representatives of this sign are distinguished by their penchant for patronage. As a rule, Leo chooses a very beautiful woman as his companion. Such a man will overprotect his wife and his own children and shower him with gifts. When planning to marry a Leo, think carefully about whether you are ready to come to terms with the role of an adopted child. The husband will pamper and constantly please his beloved, but in return he will want to be admired.

Capricorns - 3rd place

If your betrothed is a Capricorn, you can agree to the marriage without hesitation. Such a man has more than enough advantages. He has natural charm and charm, is smart and attractive. His strengths include honesty and kindness. However, there is one thing... Men of this sign are in no hurry to tie the knot. If Capricorn has decided to take this step, then you really deserve it.

Libra - 4th place

Men of this sign are born romantics. Even if they live with their wife for more than 25 years, they will still give her flowers, give her compliments, and declare their love. Life with such a man is full of surprises. Despite their romantic nature, Libras are very faithful husbands. They can understand their beloved without words.

Taurus - 5th place

A Taurus man can rightfully be called a devoted and caring husband. Family is the most valuable thing he has. He values ​​his wife and loves his children madly. Taurus are very domestic, they are not prone to betrayal and betrayal. If you don’t make him angry, such a man will show peace and calmness. Taurus is unpretentious and is content with what he has. He will bring every penny he earns into the house.

Aquarius - 6th place

Representatives of this sign have quite easy character and a well-developed sense of humor. Aquarians are dreamy people, so they often have their head in the clouds. A woman can easily adjust the character and habits of Aquarius.

Aries - 7th place

Representatives of this sign are bright and charismatic people. They like excitement, so if a woman wants to get this prince, she must become an impregnable fortress that he wants to conquer. Don't expect to family life Aries will strive to take on household chores. He is very nice, but such fuss is not for him.

Crayfish - 8th place

The Cancer man adores his wife and helps her in raising their children. He is simply an exemplary example of an ideal husband, but this is only in front of the public. In fact, Cancer loves to come home, lounge on the couch with a bottle of beer in front of the TV and do absolutely nothing. The man of this sign is kind-hearted by nature and knows how to create positive opinion About Me.

Scorpios - 9th place

Tyrant is the middle name of Scorpio. If a woman agrees with him in everything and indulges him, he is ready to provide her with a heavenly life. However, if the wife has an opinion opposite to his, their marriage is doomed to collapse. The wife will have to do all the housework herself.

Sagittarius - 10th place

Sagittarius could be called the ideal husband. He is very courageous, romantic, gentle and caring. The Sagittarius man is good in bed, so the woman will be crazy about him. It’s easy to live with him and pleasant to communicate with, but he has a huge disadvantage - he won’t be able to miss a single skirt. If a woman is not ready to put up with constant cheating, it is better for her not to agree to marriage, otherwise she will be disappointed in the relationship.

Pisces - 11th place

Pisces husbands are consumers. They need unrestrained sex, so that food is always prepared and the wife takes care of him like a mother. However, what Pisces doesn't care about is devotion. Even if you want to break up with him, you are unlikely to succeed.

Gemini - 12th place

According to the rating, the Gemini man is the worst husband. He loves to live by his own laws. IN Hard time he simply may not be around. Geminis are witty and good at sex, probably these are the qualities that attract representatives of the opposite sex to him.

When dating a guy, every girl tries to at least roughly imagine what kind of husband he will be. Interesting, isn't it? But the candy-bouquet period and living together are too different things. Since this question worries many, let’s talk about what kind of husbands are based on their zodiac sign.

We will not make a rating on the topic of the best or most reliable husbands - this would not be correct in relation to men. Every woman values ​​in her chosen one those qualities that suit her specifically, so we will dwell on the psychological portrait of each husband according to his zodiac sign.


An Aries husband is the very stone wall that a woman dreams of without expressed leadership qualities. He is both a provider and a protector, and true friend who knows how to keep secrets. At the same time, one can hardly call him an easy-going person with a light character. He is demanding, but his desires are not material. The Aries husband is jealous and may demand an account of every minute his wife spent without him. Even the most innocent lie can become a reason for a long quarrel, since he himself does not lie, and counts on extreme frankness on the part of his wife.

Sincerity is the most positive trait in the characteristics of Aries. He needs to receive love and respect from a woman, and he will give the rest to her himself. An Aries man will never sit on his wife’s neck in life, and even more so, he will never marry for profit. In addition, husbands born under this zodiac sign occupy one of the first places in marital fidelity.

ARIES ♈ Zodiac sign

Read more about the characteristics of Aries.


Taurus are the most stable husbands according to the zodiac sign. Before getting married, these people will think about every detail, so the decision will be balanced. Early or passion-based marriage is almost 100% excluded.

A Taurus man will only marry the girl who seems reliable to him. A marriage without special feelings is quite acceptable - the main thing for him is that the wife is economical, predictable and calm. Outbursts of passion, emotional showdowns and other “surprises” are not included in his plans, and if something like this starts to happen after the wedding, he may renounce his principles and get a divorce. It is worth noting that Taurus husbands divorce much less often than representatives of other zodiac signs.

IN family relationships Taurus husband recognizes only equality. Both should work and earn money, as well as take part in household chores. If his wife has a desire to improve her financial situation, then most likely she will have to take care of it herself.

TAURUS ♉ Zodiac sign

Read more about Taurus.


The Gemini man is a source of positive emotions and pleasant impressions, and it doesn’t matter whether you are married to him or not. Before the wedding and after it, he behaves the same. Freedom comes first for him, and it is better for his wife to claim it.

In fact, you shouldn't be jealous of him for two reasons. Firstly, free time he usually spends it in the male company of old friends, and does not talk about it only because he does not consider it necessary. If you want to quarrel, demand an account from him, and you will no longer have such a desire. But the second reason is not so optimistic... If he starts an affair on the side, he won’t betray himself in any way, so it’s better to just go with the flow - your nerves will be more intact.

As for the everyday side of life, here he has the most positive characteristic. If your future husband according to the zodiac sign Gemini, then rest assured that with him you will not have to look for a second job or independently repair a broken faucet in the middle of the night. Masculinity it’s in his blood, so you will have the opportunity to feel like a woman to the fullest.

GEMINI ♊ Zodiac sign

Read more about Gemini.


Men born under this zodiac sign are simply created for family life! Their wife and children come first, so friends and entertainment take a back seat after the wedding. Cancer carefully filters his social circle, does not invite casual acquaintances into the house, and maintains relationships only with time-tested friends.

Housework does not frighten the Cancer husband. He and participation in spring cleaning He will accept and wash the dishes after dinner if the wife doesn’t have time, and will pay attention to the children. By the way, he especially loves children. Cancer is the most caring father according to the zodiac sign.

If your beloved man was born under the sign of Cancer, remember the main rule of family life with him - he cannot be rudely criticized or ridiculed. He takes any reproaches very close to his heart, but he can initiate a divorce only as a last resort. If you regularly nag him, most likely he will either begin to seek understanding on the side, without getting divorced, or turn to the bottle. Representatives of the water element, unfortunately, are the most difficult to pull out of alcoholism.

CANCER ♋ Zodiac sign

Read more about Cancer.

a lion

Leo is the most charismatic husband according to the zodiac sign, so there is no point in jealous women marrying him. He is sociable and loves attention, so don’t even dream about the fact that after the wedding he will become a quiet and easy-going homebody!

If you look at the situation from a different angle, you can find benefit in this. Thanks to his ability to find a common language with all of humanity, the Leo man easily makes useful contacts, which has a positive impact on his career, and, accordingly, on the material wealth of his family. Have a beautiful life he loves and considers it his duty to provide for his family. His wife must be irresistible - Leo considers her part of his image, so he will never skimp on clothes or jewelry.

Leo husband needs constant admiration from his wife. If there is no reason for praise, then at least refrain from criticism! Leo will not be offended, but he will lose interest in you and will go looking for attention and affection on the side.

LEO ♌ Zodiac sign

Read more about Leo's characteristics.


If a Virgo man proposes to you, rest assured that he made a thoughtful decision. This man is guided only by reason, and the girl should be interesting to him not only from a romantic point of view. He, too, is capable of experiencing strong feelings, but in his case, passion will never serve as motivation for starting a family.

Virgos are the most practical husbands according to their zodiac sign. There will be no empty words or meaningless actions on the part of this man. He is smart, far-sighted and prudent, values ​​everyday comfort and strives for good material wealth. At the same time, one can hardly call him generous. Virgo's husband is more concerned about the state of his bank account than his wardrobe and appearance his wife. He also does not welcome spending money on pleasure, but he always protects himself with savings in case of unforeseen difficulties.

He doesn't have to be jealous of other women. Even if he becomes interested in someone, he will not put this interest above stability and a familiar life with his wife, with whom he has been living for many years. The only danger is a profitable bride, thanks to whom new prospects will open up for him. In this case, he may not resist the temptation.

VIRGO ♍ Zodiac sign

Read more about Virgo.


Libras are the most indecisive husbands according to the zodiac sign, so they usually choose independent women with a strong character. To some extent, it is easier for them to go with the flow than to make a choice, even if this does not have the best effect on their interests. Much more often than other men, Libras become participants love triangles, both in the role of a husband and in the role of a “third corner”, they prefer to let the situation take its course.

Since Libra loves everything beautiful, they decorate their family life with all their might. They like to please their wife pleasant surprises in the form of gifts and visits to social events, they know how to create coziness in the house and treat receiving guests responsibly.

The Libra man is a sophisticated person. If his wife does not share his passion for art, or does not show interest in his creative hobbies, she should at least not interfere with his communication on these topics with like-minded people. Personal space is vital for Libra, and if you want your marriage with this person to be strong, just give him the opportunity to spend his free time as he wants. Otherwise, he may begin to look elsewhere.

LIBRA ♎ Zodiac sign

Read more about Libra.


The Scorpio man lives by feelings. If he proposed to you, be sure that in his eyes you are the only one with whom he wants to connect his fate. A marriage of convenience or the search for domestic stability is completely ruled out - Scorpio’s freedom is not for sale.

For the sake of the woman he loves (and he loves his wife), he is ready to do anything, and if necessary, he will sacrifice his comfort, success, or the opportunity to make his dream come true for her. The Scorpio husband gets joy from making his wife happy. He also loves children very much and is responsible for procreation. This person will decide to have offspring only when he stands firmly on his feet and achieves material independence.

Scorpios are the most jealous husbands according to the zodiac sign, but empty space They are not looking for a reason to quarrel. If Scorpio’s wife loves him, and he is the center of the universe for her (and the other option won’t suit him), she may have a lot of fans - this will only make his self-esteem soar even higher. But if interest on her part has faded, emotions will boil in him even if there is no specific opponent in the person of the other guy. Scorpio needs to be loved, and if you cannot give it to him, it is better to separate peacefully. Otherwise, it will resemble playing with fire and can end very sadly.

SCORPIO ♏ Zodiac sign

Read a detailed description of Scorpio.


A Sagittarius husband is not the person with whom family life can be calm and easy. He is attracted to fun, new acquaintances, beautiful women and other joys of life. Attempts to remake it will lead to nothing, and it is hardly worth making claims against it. The fact is that Sagittarius is an open person, he speaks the truth, even if it is unpleasant, and will never, under any circumstances, pretend to be someone he is not. If family life with him subsequently disappoints you, then it will not be his fault, but your reluctance in the recent past to take off your rose-colored glasses and soberly assess his qualities.

Sagittarius are the most temperamental husbands according to the zodiac sign, and this means that your future spouse is impulsive, subject to outbursts of passion and does not always watch his speech. For those women who put sincerity first, more suitable partner It will be difficult to find one for family life. You should not try to dominate your relationship with him. If, in your opinion, he leads an overly active lifestyle, the best solution would be to save your strength and stop participating in his ventures. He will definitely appreciate a quiet haven, but he will never give up his habits.

SAGITTARIUS ♐ Zodiac sign

Read more about the characteristics of Sagittarius.


A Capricorn man will be an ideal husband for a girl who is not looking for adventure and is serious about family values. Stability in everything is important to him, and if he takes on financial responsibility, then the emotional side of life largely depends on the character of his wife. Capricorn's wife should not be subject to sudden mood swings, hysterics out of nowhere, and other “surprises.” In other words, this person needs a mature personality as a life partner, but, as you understand, we are not talking about age.

Capricorns are the most serious husbands according to their zodiac sign. If this man asked you to become his wife, he thought carefully and carefully weighed everything possible consequences of your decision. For Capricorn it has great value procreation, and he treats the choice of the mother of his future children with all responsibility. He is a good father. Children are often more drawn to their father Capricorn than to their mother.

Capricorn husbands respect the family business much more than representatives of other zodiac signs. Working with his wife, he will feel even more connected to her, since feelings are not everything for him. However, he will not tolerate competition or a struggle for power - in any matter he must be the main one.

CAPRICORN ♑ Zodiac sign

Read more about the characteristics of Capricorn.


Aquarius is the most democratic husband according to the zodiac sign. If, when communicating with him, you sometimes get the feeling that he doesn’t care about your appearance and behavior - trust your feelings! Of course, you shouldn’t think that he won’t notice, for example, your long absence, but he definitely won’t find fault with little things. Aquarius is not Virgo, who cares about the dust on the shelf, or Libra, for whom the shade of your hair is important. He is not picky, so he perceives you as a whole, and either you suit him, or you are completely out of your way, and attempts to interest him in life together will lead to nothing.

Aquarius does not need stability. He cannot offer it himself, and he will not demand it from his wife. If you, like him, need adventure and try not to burden yourself with the boring side of everyday life, the union promises to be strong. If you hope that after the wedding he will stop communicating with his many friends and will come home after work because he misses you, you are dooming yourself to pointless suffering. Aquarius needs to be accepted as he is - sociable, and somewhere this person will be frivolous until old age.

AQUARIUS ♒ Zodiac sign

Read more about the characteristics of Aquarius.


The Pisces man is a kind and caring person with a gentle character, and the most romantic husband according to the zodiac sign. If this guy asked you to marry, then you will definitely not suffer from lack of attention! Pisces love to please their wife with gifts, give compliments, and are interested in everything that worries her.

The spiritual kindness of this person knows no bounds, but when it comes to any specific actions, he can manifest himself in the most unexpected ways. It’s one thing to be an attentive interlocutor and sincerely empathize with other people’s troubles, and quite another thing to provide timely help. In difficult times, Pisces wives often have to rely only on their own strength, which, naturally, does not suit everyone.

Making money is also not their strong point. For Pisces, it is problematic to work for the sake of earning money - they are attracted creative activities, tempting, but too vague prospects, and they also rely more than necessary on luck. Even if a man born under this zodiac sign is lucky with a good job, his wife will have to manage the money. You can, of course, entrust this matter to him, but then you shouldn’t be too surprised at his ability to spend his entire salary on the first day, and then complain for the whole month about the lack of money.

PISCES ♓ Zodiac sign

Read more about Pisces.

Every woman dreams of finding one man to whom she will be faithful until the end of her days and in whom she will be confident. Of course, the search for such a life partner sometimes takes up a significant part of our lives. But we decided to make your search a little easier by telling you which zodiac sign is considered the most attached to one woman, compiling a fidelity rating for you on a scale from 1 - monogamous to 3 - ladies' man.

Aries: hot head and passionate heart

If our “experimental” fell in love, at this stage you are definitely lucky - he is romantic and sentimental. Aries tends to trust his feelings and sensations, so he will promise everything you want. But let's not rush things. Aries is a conqueror, and after achieving a goal, our handsome guy can easily switch to a new object. And yet, in a relationship he is calm and confident, he will become a good protector, a loving and faithful husband, a wonderful father, and an equally wonderful lover. However, Aries cannot be called the most faithful sign, given his love for new sensations.

Taurus: does not chase Casanova’s laurels, and rarely loses his head

Taurus men are outwardly closed, but the feelings of representatives of this sign are very deep. They are also very persistent: they will achieve their goal at any cost, so if you see desire in his eyes, remember that for Taurus desires and feelings are the same thing, which means that the boy is in love, and you are really lucky. In love, Taurus are very gentle, passionate, touching and not burdened with unnecessary questions. And if Taurus got married, it means his choice is completely conscious, he counts on reciprocity and fidelity. Therefore, Taurus can safely be considered the most faithful man!

Gemini: Impermanence is consistency

Gemini men are a complete mystery, a rebus. They are, in principle, very cold-blooded; at the beginning of a relationship, the desire to know and get to know you is clearly noticeable. But there comes a period when Gemini begins to “withdraw into himself.” At this time, he clearly analyzes everything, and if the Gemini man understands that the relationship is profitable and comfortable, it will continue, but if not, he is looking for a new goal. Therefore, as a rule, they are very fickle and prone to breaking up relationships. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t get involved with Gemini men, no, you just need to know some of the features of their character.

Cancer: so beautiful, but so unfaithful

The Cancer man, at first glance, is one of the most reliable partners, a faithful lover and an ideal family man. In fact, Cancers only strive for their own comfort. The Cancer man finds an excuse for everything, while he himself is never to blame. Even if he finds his girlfriend in bed with another, he will come up with 100 reasons and excuses, and you will be the one to blame for the situation. Cancer men are very promiscuous in relationships. However, among Cancers there are also those who have been devoted to their girlfriend since their youth. Or after 35 years.

Lion is the king of the animals?

Leo men can often be picked out from a crowd by their appearance alone. They have a strong physique (or strive for such), are well dressed, combed, love nice branded clothes - they are materialists. They also give gifts willingly. Leo is one of the most faithful signs of the Zodiac. You can break up with Leo by the following reasons: if you put yourself above him, if you surpass Leo in career success, if you are trying to manage relationships. For the rest, you can be sure: Leo will be reliable and faithful to you!

Virgos: reliable and practical, but why is this not appreciated?

Virgo men are not very simple. They don’t like theatrical performances, so they won’t dance with you until the morning and read poetry under your windows. The Virgo man always analyzes and pays attention to details, he remembers what you were wearing, how you behaved, what you said. For such a man, bed is not just physical contact. They are quite squeamish and selective, afraid of becoming infected with something, so they have practically no casual connections. So, despite some “boringness” of the sign, Virgos are faithful men.

Libra ruled by Venus

Libras are honest, attentive, and can be reliable friends and partners. Libra men are not conquerors; they can break even in everyday matters when the situation develops in such a way that they cannot or do not have time to adapt to it. They like to please, seduce, play, and in return they expect praise, recognition, approval and admiration. Libra men love stability and balance, so they rarely become the reason for betrayal and breakups. If he cheats, he will be caught because he himself will not be comfortable.

Scorpio: the best lover?

It is generally accepted that Scorpios are the best in bed. A Scorpio man does not need accessibility: the less accessible and understandable, the better, the greater the interest, the stronger the excitement. Scorpio has two components - soul and flesh. Most often he uses the second one, but access to the soul must be earned. And these two components are constantly in conflict: the soul wants to be faithful, and the flesh... Well, you know where it is calling. Therefore, the Scorpio man is considered the most unfaithful of the zodiac signs. But Scorpios still get married, and if this happens, you are lucky: he protects his home and family like a fortress.

Sagittarius - he is also a Sagittarius in Africa

The name of the sign is very harmonious and in tune with its bearer. Sagittarius men are lifelong experimenters, and it doesn't matter what he discovers or receives - it's the process itself that matters. They want to try everything. However, they come in two types: the first redirect their intimate energy to creation, creativity and service to other people; and the latter become true Don Juans. Moreover, love for such representatives of the sign is a sport, a game, an adventure. Sagittarians get married when they understand that ideal partner does not exist and you will have to be content with what you have.

Capricorn - this is real stability!

Capricorns fall in love very difficult, but if this happens, their love is very deep. Capricorns are not particularly good at expressing their feelings, they are not romantics, but this in no way prevents them from creating strong relationships. If Capricorn fell in love with a woman, you can be absolutely sure that he will not cheat and will refuse divorce. Capricorn does not need to be conquered by sophisticated outfits or wonderful makeup; he is rather a conservative, and will appreciate an ordinary classic suit much more than a clown outfit. Capricorn in marriage is practical, thrifty and hardworking. He demands the same attitude from his partner.

Aquarius: freedom is our everything!

Aquarians are not used to asking, so if you want a relationship with them, take the first step, and he will step forward. Aquarians are often monogamous, and therefore faithful in marriage. They trust their partner, do not control them and often compromise. But, paradoxically, divorces are very common among Aquarius. And this happens because the partner believes that Aquarius does more for others than for the family. Aquarius may leave when he feels that he is “housebound.” At the same time, he has been preparing a retreat plan for a long time, but everything happens suddenly, according to the plan “he went for bread in slippers and did not return.”

Pisces: sensuality and soulfulness

Pisces men are soft and kind, they know how to dream and empathize. Love comes to them quietly and imperceptibly, over time it matures and develops. These are exactly those representatives of the Zodiac who can read poetry and sing serenades under the window. But, as we know, one coin always has two sides. The second is that instead of sublime feelings and emotions, Pisces often choose exclusively bed pleasure. But in marriage, Pisces men are the most attached and devoted, they do everything for the family.

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