Home Stomatitis Is it possible to find out who your future husband is? How to find out your husband's name: fortune telling by name

Is it possible to find out who your future husband is? How to find out your husband's name: fortune telling by name

People often experience emotions, feelings, antipathy, sympathy. Get into various situations, want to know more, better for their destiny.

This article will help reveal some of the meaning of fortune telling by date of birth.

Fortune telling: how many children will I have by date of birth

Let's consider an example: Anfisa was born on October 17, 1990. We count: 1+7+1+0+1+9+9+0 = 28+4 = 32 = 3+2 = 5. It turns out that the number is 5. Now calculate the number of personal birth .

8. Adopt a foster child. Just don’t pay less attention to your own children, expected by the age of 35.

9. Become a mother of two children, maybe one or even three. Everything depends on material well-being. Most likely, exit several times.

Fortune telling for the future husband by date of birth

The numbers believe that the future husband has already been determined by fate. At the beginning of the fortune telling, an example of calculating the numerological code is given (for Anfisa it was 5). There are 9 of them in total.

The name of the future husband begins with nominal letters:

1. A – Anton, Artem, Andrey, I – Igor, Ivan, Ilya, S – Sergey, Semyon

2. B, T, Y. This is Bogdan, Taras, Boris

3. V, K, U. Vlad, Kirill, Ustin

4. G, K, F, E

5. D, M, X, Y

6. E, N, C, Z

8. F, L, P, W

Numerology fortune telling by date of birth is a proven way to learn more about yourself: to calculate your fate, determine what is good and what should be avoided, or just have fun.

Almost every person wants to know about what “is waiting and waiting” and “how the heart will calm down.” And this is not at all surprising; who doesn’t want to avoid trouble, or what woman doesn’t want to meet her future husband fully armed? In this article we'll talk about how you can find out what awaits in the future, and what needs to be done to find out the name of the chosen one sent by fate itself.

Fortune tellers

What can you do if you want to know what lies ahead? And why not go to a fortune teller for this? She will scan a person in a certain way and give answers to everything important questions. However, in this case, you need to remember that not every person who calls himself that can actually predict the future. Today there are quite a lot of charlatans who will not give even an approximately correct answer.

Fortune telling

What to do in such a situation, how to find out the future, if you don’t want to contact strangers? Fortune telling will be an excellent way out of the situation. So, you can carry out a certain magic ritual and find out what the future holds. However, in this case, you should remember that fortune telling itself must be taken seriously. Only in this case everything will work out, and the result will be true.

Fortune telling - Twig If a person wants to figure out how to find out the future, you can turn to quite simple fortune telling, which will answer the desired question. So, for this you need to stock up on a branch of bird cherry. One point is important: you can only guess using this method on December 25, the day of the winter solstice. In the morning of this date, you need to break off an approximately 10-centimeter branch of bird cherry, bring it home and put it in water. While it is in the fortuneteller’s hand, you need to think about what interests you: will your wish come true, will there be a career advancement, will your loved one propose this year. At home, the bird cherry tree will become obsessed with the window and for 12 days, until January 5, every day you need to talk to it, pick it up, and think about a successful outcome of the matter. If the branch blooms before January 5, the answer to the problem or question is yes. If not, it is negative. It is worth mentioning that in the old days girls used to tell their fortunes about marriage: the twig blossomed - the girl given year will get married.

Fortune telling - New Year's

Another way to find out the future? So, we can guess what the next year will be like. For this purpose in New Year's Eve you need to take a teaspoon of water and take it outside (if the temperature is sub-zero). The kitchen item is placed flat so that the water cannot “escape”. The next morning you need to see exactly how the water has frozen. If it’s smooth or with a bump, the year will be successful and bring a lot of joy. If it is a hole, then this year the fortuneteller will have a hard time: there will be a lot of trouble and difficult situations.

Fortune telling - Mirror

When figuring out how to recognize the future, it is worth saying that a mirror is a huge assistant in magical matters. It can not only show the future husband, but also tell about what awaits the person. So, if you want to find out what will happen next year, you need to pour water on the mirror on New Year’s Eve and take it outside for about 10 minutes. After that, you need to bring in the fortune-telling object and take a good look at the patterns that the frost has drawn. Seeing circles, you should expect prosperity, a spruce branch - fulfillment cherished desire, triangle - success in all matters and endeavors, square - difficult life situations. Everything else won't tell you anything, which means otherworldly forces don't want to this moment predict the future for a fortuneteller.


Also, some people may be interested in the question of how to find out the future by reading their hand. It is worth saying that this option is also possible, for this you need to seek help from a palmist - a person who reads the lines on the hand and gives answers to questions of interest. Don't be skeptical about this species predictions, because it has existed for several thousand years, and besides, not only representatives of magic, but also criminologists and doctors - people from the world of scientists - are interested in the lines on the palms. So what do you need to do to find out the future? First of all, you need to decide which hand to read your destiny with. So, women need to consider left palm, for men - right. There is also an opinion that what is given by God is “written” on the left hand, while on the right hand is what the person himself accomplishes and does. So, the main lines can predict fate.

1. Heart line. It always starts a little below the little finger, but can end approximately between the index and middle fingers (such people seek compromise in everything, they are open and friendly); the line can be very short and straight (indicates a reserved character); if it ends strictly under the middle finger, such a person is not interested in the affairs of others, focusing only on himself.

2. Mind line. It starts around thumb and descends in a semicircle to the wrist. If it is long and clear, this indicates that the person is smart and is trying to develop his brain by constantly training it. The more this line descends towards the wrist, the better a person’s imagination and fantasy are developed. If the line below suddenly becomes straight, this will indicate that the person will be haunted by material difficulties all his life. The so-called “fork” near the wrist (bifurcation of the line) will indicate that a person begins to do a lot of things, but practically does not complete anything.

3. Life line. When figuring out how to find out a person’s future by looking at their hand, it’s worth saying that you need to pay attention to the life line. So, it is located next to the line of the mind. However, the further it is from the thumb, the better life waiting for a person. If it is too close, the fortuneteller lacks vital energy and strength to complete the assigned tasks. Breaks in the line do not always mean illness or even death, often it is simply a change of views and life positions. If there are duplicate lines at the places of breaks, such people will always be protected by their angel and will not allow troubles to happen in their lives.


If a person constantly has the thought “I want to know my future” in his head, why not drink a cup of coffee? So, the residue at the bottom of the mug can also tell you a lot about what lies ahead. To tell fortunes on coffee grounds, you need to take the cup of coffee only with your left hand, after taking the last sip, you need to cup it three times circular movements and look at the bottom. Now you need to understand what you drew coffee grounds. It is worth saying that the fewer drawings and small details, the calmer and smoother the life of the fortuneteller will be. So, the wand means the beginning of a new business (if it goes from top to bottom, it will not end very successfully, if from side to side, the fortuneteller will like the result). If you can consider an animal or bird, it is worth deciding on its origin. So, if this is an animal of a noble breed - a lion or a swan, there is something good ahead, but if, for example, a pig or a sparrow - difficulties await. Figures that look like a star or a flower predict success and good luck. In general, you need to feel what the coffee grounds are saying. If, when looking at the drawings, good feelings arise, so be it, everything in the fortuneteller’s life will be excellent. If you are overcome by sadness or doubt, you should expect troubles in the future.


You can also figure out how to find out the future by name. To do this, you need to write your full name on a piece of paper, find a table that assigns a certain number to each letter, add all the numbers together and get a single number. And using the same number you need to read what can await a person in the future. Thus, these explanations provide excellent characterization of a person as an individual and sometimes even help to decide on a future profession.

Husband's name

Many girls are also interested in the question of how to find out the name of their future husband. For this there are also several simple, but very correct fortune-telling.

1. Papers. To do this, the lady must take as many small pieces of paper as she needs. full years. On each of them, an unfamiliar girl should write any guy’s name (you can ask the first women you meet on the street to do this, there’s nothing wrong with that). Then the fortuneteller puts all the pieces of paper under her pillow and falls asleep dreaming about her future husband. In the morning, the lady must put her hand under the pillow and take out a single piece of paper. Whatever name is written there is what her future husband will have.

2. Sleep. The next ritual is how to find out the name of your future husband: you just need to go to bed. However, before going to bed, you need to think carefully about your future family happiness. In a dream, the girl should dream either the name of her future husband, or he himself in all his glory.

3. First passerby. There is another way to find out the name of your future husband. To do this, you need to go outside on Christmastide (preferably at midnight) and ask the name of the first man you meet. The future spouse will have the same name. You shouldn’t be surprised, fortune-telling is ancient, and before, no one could offend a girl at midnight.

4. Peel. Another way to find out the future, or rather, the name of your betrothed. To do this, you need to carefully remove the peel from the apple, making sure not to tear it. Next, you need to carefully throw it through left shoulder. When it falls, it is believed that the name of the future husband can be read from its curls.

Fortune telling about your husband has long been popular among girls. Special ceremonies and rituals helped them find out who will become their betrothed and what will happen next. Today it is not necessary to resort to magic to obtain this information.

Numerology claims that a person’s entire destiny is encrypted in a person’s date of birth; the main thing is to correctly unravel this code.

How to find out by date of birth

In order to find out the name of your future husband, you need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth so that you end up with a simple single-digit number. For example, the girl’s date of birth is 07/14/1994. We calculate the sum: 1+4+7+1+9+9+4 = 35 = 3+5 = 8. The number eight is the numerological code of a person of a given date of birth.

So find out the exact name of your future husband by using numerological calculation it won’t work, he will only roughly tell you what letters the chosen one’s name will begin with and what sounds it will consist of.

  • Number 1 is the sounds a, s, and. Most likely, the name of the future spouse will begin with these letters. Or these letters will appear frequently in the name. This could be Alexander, Ivan, Ilya, Seryozha, Anton, Artem, Anatoly.
  • Number 2 – b, s, t. Names such as Brotislav, Bogdan, Boris, Timur, Timofey begin with these letters.
  • Number 3 – y, k, v. Names with these letters: Valera, Vlad, Vitya, Vasily, Valentin, Kamil, Kirill, Konstantin, Ulyan.
  • Number 4 – e, g, f, k. Names that contain these letters: Edward, Edmund, Emmanuel, George, Gregory, Thomas, Philip, Gleb, Konstantin, Kirill.
  • Number 5 – sch, r, z. These are Roman, Robin, Ruslan, Radik, Zakhar.
  • Number 6 – i, e, n, c. Names with these letters: Yakov, Yan, Yaroslav, Yaropolk, Evgeniy, Nikolai, Nikita, Nathan, Egor.
  • Number 7 – h, o, k. Names: Oleg, Kirill, Kupriyan, Kostya.
  • Number 8 – w, l, g, p. Names: Shamil, Leonid, Georges, Pavel, Peter.
  • Number 9 – u, m, x, d. Names: Julius, Misha, Matvey, Dmitry, Dormidont, Daniel.

Fortune telling on cards is the most accessible and easiest way to determine what will married life be like? and find out the name of your betrothed. If you already have someone in mind or you are faced with a difficult choice and cannot decide who to give your hand and heart to, try fortune telling with four kings.

Take four kings from the deck and give each one the name of a man you know. It turns out that each king will symbolize one of your admirers. The Queen of Diamonds will symbolize you. Place the kings in the deck and shuffle it thoroughly.

Get started lay out three cards on the table until one of the threes has any king next to your card. If you run out of cards and there is no king next to the queen of diamonds in the top three, then shuffle the cards again and repeat the fortune telling. The king who appears next to your card will be your chosen one in the future.

Exists another way to find out the name of your future chosen one. Shuffle the cards and place them in a row so that there are nine cards in each row. Next, count the number of letters in your name and take the same number of any cards from the layout. Place them in order in front of you and decipher the meaning using the alphabet. Each card symbolizes its own letter.

  • Six of hearts and diamonds – A, I
  • Six of spades and clubs – O, E
  • Seven of hearts and diamonds – S, S
  • Seven of spades and clubs – B, E
  • Eight of Hearts and Diamonds – F, R
  • Eight of spades and clubs – B, W
  • Nine of hearts and diamonds – G, K
  • Nine of spades and clubs – L, D
  • Ten of hearts and diamonds – M, R
  • Jack of red suit – H, C
  • Jack of black suit - T, X
  • Queen of red suit – H, I
  • Queen of black suit – Y, P
  • King of red suit - T, U
  • King of black suit – Ш, А
  • Ace of black suit - O, D
  • Ace of red suit – E, C

Compare the resulting cards with their corresponding letters. Of course, it is unlikely that you can form a person’s name from the letters received. But, nevertheless, they can suggest the constituent letters in the name of the future husband. For example, if you have the letters C, O, D, E, G, then most likely your future husband will be Sergei (three letters C, G and E match) or Oleg (three letters O, G and E match).

Palmistry, the science of lines on the palm, allows find out about future marriage and even children who will be born in marriage. ABOUT love relationships they'll tell you marriage lines. They are located under the little finger on the edge of the palm. These lines are small dashes running horizontally.

The number of marriage lines does not indicate the number of officially legalized relationships. Most often, this is the number of love affairs that have left an indelible imprint on a person’s heart. The boldest and most distinct line indicates marriage.

Marriage can also be indicated by the longest line extending to the base of the little finger. Loosely defined lines indicate intense emotional romances or cohabitation. The shorter and thinner the line, the shorter the relationship lasted.

If the marriage line bifurcates at the end, then this promises divorce or frequent quarrels in family life. If there is an island-shaped sign on the line, then the relationship in this union will be very painful and shaky. The husband will probably be a tyrant and despot.

If next to the marriage line If a thin, barely noticeable line runs parallel, this is a symbol of betrayal. Most likely, the woman will have a lover. If small dashes come down from the marriage line, then this means about unhappy relationships, quarrels, fights, betrayal.

Small lines emanating upward from the marriage line symbolize children. The number of these lines indicates the number of possible children. The closer these lines are to the edge of the palm, the earlier children will be born.


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Unmarried representatives of the fair sex are very interested in the question of who will become their betrothed. For this, girls turn to various fortune telling, as well as other non-traditional esoteric methods. In this material we will tell you how to find out the name of your future husband by date of birth.

How to find out your spouse's name by date of birth

If you want to find out which person with what name fate has prepared for you, you just need to add all the numbers of your date of birth until the final result is a simple single digit number. Let's look at a specific example.

Let's say the date of your birth is 05/25/1994.

The calculation of the amount will be as follows:

This means that the number 8 represents your personal numerological code.

Of course, from this figure, unfortunately, you will not be able to find out the exact details of the appearance of your future chosen one, his last name, patronymic, and even the features of your meeting with him. Numerology only helps to move in the right direction and indicates a possible combination of circumstances.

Therefore, you will not receive the exact name of your betrothed using this method, but the method will approximately indicate what letter it will begin with and what sounds will be present in it.

Now let's look at the interpretation of all the numbers:

  • unit – correlates with the sounds a, s, and. This means that either your spouse’s name will begin with the indicated letters, or they will appear in it very often. You should take a closer look at the fans - Alexander, Ivan, Ilyam, Sergey, Anton, as well as Artyom and Anatoly.
  • Two - corresponds to the letters b, t, s. These include the names of Brotislav, Bogdan, Boris, Timur and Timofey.
  • Three - the letters y, k, v correspond to it. Do not push away Valera, Vladov, Viktorov, Vasiliev, Valentinov, Kamilei, Kirillov, Konstantinov and Ulyanov ahead of time.
  • Four - corresponds to the letters e, g, f, k. The names that relate to the 4 are: Edwards, Edmunds, Emmanuels, Georges, Gregory, Thomas, Philippi, Gleb, Constantine and Cyril.
  • Five – it is answered by the letters: w, r and z. Take a closer look at the fans-Romans, Ruslans, Radislavs and Zakhars.
  • Six – corresponds to the letters i, e, n, c. These are the names of Yan, Yakov, Yaroslav, Yaropolk, Evgeniy, Nikolai, Nikita, Nathan and Egor.
  • Seven - oh, h, k. It is worth paying attention to the Olegs, Kirillovs, Kupriyanovs and Konstantinovs.
  • Eight - letters l, w, zh, p. Corresponds to the names of Shamil, Leonid, Georges, Pavel and Peter.
  • Nine - letters yu, m, x, d. Correlates with the names of Julia, Mikhail, Matvey, Dmitry and Daniel.

Method with cards

Card fortune telling is the most accessible and in a simple way, by which you can really find out the features of your future married life, as well as the name of your betrothed.

We bring to your attention fortune telling with cards of all kings (4). Turning to him for help is especially recommended in situations when you have a fan in mind, or even several, and you cannot decide which of them to give your hand and heart to.

  1. For fortune telling you need to prepare cards of four kings, separate them from the deck and wish for a specific person for each card. Also removed from the deck is the Queen of Diamonds, which symbolizes your personality.
  2. After this, the kings return to the deck and you must stir it well.
  3. Then the cards are laid out 3 at a time on the table until a card of any king falls into one of the threes next to your Queen. If you run out of cards, but this does not happen, you will need to shuffle the deck again and perform the fortune telling procedure again. The king that appears next to your card is your future chosen one.

Also, with the help of cards, you can find out the name of your future spouse. This is done like this: all the cards are shuffled and laid out in rows so that each row has nine positions.

Then you need to count how many letters there are in your name and take exactly the same number of any arcana from the layout. Lay them out in front of you in order, and then decipher them. Each lasso corresponds to a specific letter (or letters), for example:

  • six of hearts and a diamond - correspond to the letters A, I;
  • the six of spades and six of clubs correspond to the letters E, O;
  • for the seven of hearts and diamonds - the letters Y, S are suitable;
  • The letters B, E correspond to the seven of spades and seven of clubs;
  • for the eight of hearts and diamonds - the letters R, Zh are suitable;
  • The letters B and Z correspond to the eight of spades and eight of clubs;
  • the letters K, G will correspond to the nine of hearts and diamonds;
  • and the nines of spades and clubs are L, D;
  • the ten of hearts and diamonds corresponds to the letters M, P;
  • jacks of the red suit - correspond to the letters C, H;
  • black jacks – refer to the letters X, T;
  • ladies of the red suit - their correspondence is the letters CH, I;
  • ladies of black suit are answered by the letters Y, P;
  • for the king of the red suit - the letters U, T are suitable;
  • for the king of black suit - letters A, Ш;
  • the letters O, D will correspond to the aces of the black suit;
  • and the aces of the red suit have the letters E, C.

Based on the cards received, it will be possible to determine the letters corresponding to them. Of course, it is quite difficult to obtain from them alone full name person. But you will be able to understand which letters will be most in the name of your betrothed.

For example, if you received the letters C, O, D, E and G, then with a high probability it can be said that you will marry Sergei (there is a match for three letters C, E and G) or Oleg (3 letters O also match , E and D).

Both methods described are quite fascinating and can help you get at least a little closer to solving the exciting mystery of what your future spouse will be called. And the process of obtaining this information is guaranteed to give a lot of positive emotions and impressions.

Who doesn't want to know their destiny?

Unmarried girls, whose happiness and love are yet to come, especially anxiously want to know everything - what will the betrothed be like, what kind of character will he have? But it is especially interesting to know the name of the future husband.

Fortune telling and predictions using cards, runes and other methods is perhaps the only method available since ancient times to find out what the betrothed will be called and finally discover the secret of the name of your future husband.

Is it worth turning to fortune telling and believing them? Everyone decides for themselves. On the one hand, it’s worth thinking about - if fortune telling and predictions were meaningless and did not come true, would they have reached our time, and would they have been so popular?

But, on the other hand, you should always remember and be aware of the fact that fortune-telling, whether on cards or by any other method, is only a hint of possible prospects. Will they give a truthful answer to questions about their future husband?

Any fortune telling about your husband or boyfriend does not predict the exact fate, but will only indicate to you whether there are chances to develop a relationship with him, what the probability is, and so on. But the final responsibility for making decisions and consequences is always yours.

Choosing a suitable fortune telling for your future husband is not an easy task. The method must be accurate so as not to deceive yourself and not make mistakes because of this. real life. There are two options - either online fortune telling, completely free and easy, or traditional methods.

The choice is difficult. Because the easiest way, of course, is to tell fortunes for free online - you don’t need any available tools for this, you just need to open online program and press the button.

Any fortune-telling in the name of your future husband is available online completely free of charge - on cards, on Tarot, using a table, and so on. But the downside of online fortune telling is that they are unlikely to give a completely truthful answer, and you shouldn’t take them seriously.

Because for a reliable answer, the ritual, the mystical process, its preparation, your energy and higher powers are important. So, if you want to know more or less exactly what your future spouse’s name will be, it’s better to take the time and do everything for real.


Before you begin, it is worth performing several ritual actions and preparing. In order for fortune telling about your husband to be accurate and reliable, it is important not to rush and do everything correctly.

Fortune telling by name is an interesting, mystical and mysterious act that will bring a lot of pleasure from contact with magic and magic. Just don’t joke, don’t treat it like a game, and do everything according to the rules.

  • First of all, any fortune telling should be carried out in silence and complete solitude. No fortune-telling with a friend or in company - it will be pampering, not a mystical process, and you will definitely not know the truth.
  • Whether you are telling fortunes with cards, a table or a book, it is important to wait until evening or night, retire to your room and create the right atmosphere. Noise, music on, telephone - all this interferes.

  • Turn off the electric lights and light ordinary candles. They will set you up in the right state and give you the atmosphere, and will also help you call on higher powers for an answer.
  • A fortune-telling girl should be combed, washed and barefoot. Take a shower, put on a simple nightgown, remove absolutely all jewelry, belt, and let your hair down. IN menstrual cycle There is no need to bewitch or predict.
  • Take your time. Before you ask a question, such as “What will my fiancée’s name be?”, get in touch with higher powers. If you are telling fortunes using cards, a book or another object, hold it in your hands and ask for help.
  • And most importantly, don’t go too far. Don't ask twice. You shouldn’t guess more than once a day.

Let's find out the secret

When everything is prepared and the necessary atmosphere has been created, you can begin fortune telling. Choose the most interesting fortune telling in your opinion, and find out what the name of your future chosen one will be.

1. A wonderful, ancient girl's fortune-telling that will help you find out the name of your betrothed - from a book. Take any book from the shelf, preferably the prose of some good classic. Better, of course love prose, and not something military and certainly not a detective story.

Flip through the book without looking, tune in, ask a question. Then open the book to a random page and point your finger at any line.

If you come across this line male name(which is very rare and lucky) - have no doubt, you have learned the name of your future chosen one. In other cases, look at what letter the line begins with. The name of your loved one will begin with this letter.

If you want to find out the initials, repeat the procedure and find out what letter his middle name and last name begin with. In this simple way, our great-grandmothers learned the names and initials of their future husbands, and assured that the method was effective and truthful!

2. Another way to find out the name of your betrothed is by wax. Fortune telling with wax casting is one of the most beloved and popular, and it has proven itself to be the most effective.

Take a candle, preferably a natural one, wax, but you can also use paraffin. Tune in to your question. Bring the burning candle to a cup of cold, clean water and carefully begin to drip the wax inside.

As a result, you will get an unclear shape that will look like a letter - the name of your future husband will begin with this letter. Sometimes girls manage to see even the entire name in the wax forms! Maybe it will work for you too?

3. There is definitely no online fortune telling on the Internet that our ancestors loved so much. At midnight you need to go out into the yard, barefoot and with your hair down. Stand silently, don't talk to anyone.

And when the first male passer-by appears (no matter whether it is a boy, a man or a grandfather), you need to politely ask his name. Our grandmothers assured that in almost all cases this was the name of their future beloved husbands!

4. Online you can find out the name of your loved one for free and easily using tables. The table is one of the most popular predictions, but for it to come true, it’s worth taking the time to make it yourself. This way you will invest your own energy and get a reliable answer.

Draw a table with one hundred cells. In each cell, write a number from one to one hundred. On a separate sheet of paper, write the names of the men (you can look them up on the Internet); there should be exactly one hundred names - one next to each number.

After that, close your eyes and point your finger at the table. You will be included in the number that will represent the name of your spouse!

Remember that fortune telling is not a guaranteed and final predetermination of fate, and everything largely depends on what we believe. Believe only in the best and most pleasant, and do not be afraid of difficulties.

Then there will be only light and harmony in your destiny, and long-awaited love will come very soon!
Author: Vasilina Serova

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