Home Pulpitis Amiksin: description, instructions and use for children (with reviews). The drug "Amiksin" for children: instructions and indications for use Amiksin instructions for use for children 3 years old

Amiksin: description, instructions and use for children (with reviews). The drug "Amiksin" for children: instructions and indications for use Amiksin instructions for use for children 3 years old

  • If hepatitis is detected in a child, therapy is prescribed only after the pathogen strain has been clarified. In this case, the course is selected strictly individually. Amiksin is taken in the morning after meals.
  • For simple forms of ARVI, acute respiratory infections and influenza: 60 mg (1 tablet) once on the 1st, 2nd and 4th days of treatment. General course – 180 mg (3 pieces)
  • If complications arise after suffering from influenza, acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections, such as tonsillitis and pneumonia: 60 mg (1 piece) once on the 1st, 2nd and 4th and 6th days of treatment. The general course is 240 mg (4 pills).

For adults in therapy and prevention various diseases Amexin is used with a dosage of 125 mg (you do not need to present a prescription to purchase it).

It is advisable to take Amiksin after meals.

Use the following therapeutic instructions for use of Amixicillin:

1.To carry out non-specific preventive measures arrangements viral hepatitis A - dose 125 mg once a week, 6 weeks in a row. The total dose of the course is 750 mg (6 tablets).

2. In the treatment of viral hepatitis A (as a component in the composition complex therapy) the instructions for use are as follows: on day 1, 125 mg twice a day, later they switch to this regimen of 125 mg after 48 hours. The general course is 1.25 g, which is 10 tablets.

3.In the treatment of hepatitis (acute forms):

  • hepatitis B and instructions for use: on days 1 and 2 daily dose 125 mg/day, later 125 mg every 48 hours. The general course is 2 g (16 pieces).
  • hepatitis C looks like this: on the 1st and 2nd days of treatment, a dosage of 125 mg/day is prescribed, later 125 mg every 48 hours. The general course is 2.5 g (20 pills).

4. In the treatment of hepatitis (chronic form):

  • hepatitis B - at the first stage of treatment: total dose 2.5 g (20 pills). And it is used as follows: for the first 2 days, 250 mg per day, then 125 mg every 48 hours. With continued therapy: total dose from 1.25 g (10 pcs.) to 2.5 g (20 pcs.), 125 mg (1 pc. .) weekly. The total course dose of Amiksin is in the range from 3.75 to 5 g, the total duration of therapy is from 3.5 to 6 months. Selected based on laboratory research(immunological, biochemical and morphological), which illustrate the degree of activation of the process.
  • hepatitis C - at the beginning of treatment, a total dose of 2.5 g (20). During the first 2 days, take 250 mg/day (2 pills), after that, 125 mg (1 tablet) every 48 hours. When continuing therapy, the total dose is 2.5 g (20 tablets), take 125 mg (1 tablet) once per week The general course is 5 g (40), the duration of treatment is about 6 months. It is selected on the basis of laboratory studies (immunological, biochemical and morphological), which illustrate the degree of activation of the process.

5. During neuro therapy viral infections The instructions are as follows: take 125-250 mg/day (1-2) in the first 2 days of therapy, later 125 mg (1 tablet) every 48 hours. Dosage is strictly individual. Total duration course 3-4 weeks.

  • For the treatment of cytomegalovirus and herpes - a therapeutic dose in the first 2 days of 125 mg (1 tablet), then 125 mg (1 tablet) every 48 hours. The general course is 1.25-2.5 g (10-20 tablets).
  • When carrying out complex therapy of tuberculous lung damage - in the first 2 days, take 2 tablets (250 mg) per day, then 125 mg every 48 hours. The general course of administration is 2.5 g (20 tablets).
  • For chlamydia of various etiologies - in the first 2 days - 125 mg / day, later 125 mg every 48 hours. The total dose per course is 1.25 g (10 pieces).
  • For the treatment of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and influenza - during the first two days of illness, 125 mg (1 tablet) per day, then 125 mg every 48 hours. The total dose of the course is 750 mg (6 tablets).
  • For preventive measures against influenza, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections - 125 mg (1 tablet) once a week. one and a half months. The total dose of the course is 750 mg (b pieces).

Amiksin instructions for use for adults

Amiksin - international name(INN):

  • Tilorone (Tilorone) is a low molecular weight synthetic drug. When it enters the body, it induces interferon and stimulates the formation of α-, β-, γ-interferons.

The maximum values ​​of interferon production after administration are determined in the period from 4 to 24 hours. Here the sequence is as follows: intestines, liver, blood.

Amiksin is available in tablet form with a dosage of 60 mg (for children) and 125 mg. According to the instructions approved in 2008 for the use of the drug "Amiksin", the conditions for dispensing in pharmacies are: dosages of 60 mg are dispensed upon presentation of a prescription, and dosages of 125 mg are dispensed without presentation of a prescription.

Amiksin is banned in Europe because targeted clinical trials towards the prevention of ARVI. Its effectiveness in this capacity has therefore not been proven. As an antitumor drug (there were such studies), it did not show any effect.

It is used in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

In adults it is widely used in the treatment of:
ARVI, acute respiratory infections or influenza, as well as their prevention;
chlamydia of various etiologies;
pulmonary tuberculosis (in complex therapy);
in the treatment of hepatitis;
HIV infections (in complex therapy)
as well as for the treatment of encephalomyelitis of various etiologies (in complex therapy).

Amiksin for children how to take - dosage of Amiksin for children

Amiksin is strictly forbidden to be taken by children under 7 years of age. For children over seven years of age, amiksin is prescribed for the treatment of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza (various strains) and hepatitis. In pediatrics, a special children's dosage of 60 mg is used, which is dispensed by pharmacies only with a prescription.

Instructions for use for children are agreed with the attending physician. Amiksin is taken in the morning, after meals, in the following dosages:

  • For complications after influenza or ARVI: 60 mg (1 tablet) once on the 1st, 2nd and 4th and 6th days of treatment. The general course is 240 mg (4 tablets).
  • For simple forms of ARVI and influenza: 60 mg (1 tablet) once on the 1st, 2nd and 4th days of treatment. The general course is 180 mg (3 pieces).
  • If hepatitis is detected, therapy is prescribed only after the type of pathogen has been clarified. In this case, the course is selected individually.


Even if the child is over 7 years old, there may be contraindications for the use of the medicine, namely:

To avoid this, you must not only follow the instructions for use for children, but also remember that the medicine can only be used as prescribed by a doctor.

For swine flu, colds

In complex therapy, Amiksin or Amiksin i si is prescribed simultaneously with antibiotics, other antiviral drugs and means symptomatic treatment.

Often during treatment viral diseases immunomodulators work well only if taken in the first hours of the disease, and later they turn out to be useless. However, amiksin does not have such a time frame. It can be used at the onset of the disease and in late treatment.

Instructions for adults:

  • For preventive measures against influenza, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections - take 1 piece (125 mg) weekly for 1.5 months. The general course is 750 mg (b).
  • For the treatment of ARVI, acute respiratory infections or influenza - during the first two days of illness - 125 mg (1) per day, then 125 mg every 48 hours. The general course is 750 mg (b).

Children over 7 years old:

  • For simple forms of ARVI, acute respiratory infections or influenza, the instructions for use are as follows: 60 mg (1) once on the 1st, 2nd and 4th days of treatment. The general course is 180 mg (3 tablets)
  • For complications after influenza or ARVI, such as tonsillitis and pneumonia: 60 mg (1) once on the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 6th days of treatment. The general course is 240 mg (4).

Composition, antibiotic or not?

Amiksin is NOT an antibiotic. It interacts well, as an integral element of complex therapy, with the use of antibiotics such as amoxicillin, fuflomycin, flemoxin salutab, etc. (in their various forms: tablets, syrup, injections), symptomatic treatments and other antiviral drugs. Such combinatorics do not cause harm or negative consequences.

What is the price?

The price of amiksin varies (depending on the manufacturer) and averages for different dosages:

  • 685 rubles (60 mg No. 10);
  • 760 rubles (125 mg No. b);
  • 1140 rubles (125 mg No. 10).

Analogues are cheaper

By analogue we mean a drug that has a different tradename, but similar therapeutic effect due to the same active substance. Analogue drugs have a single code according to the international Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification.

Amiksin has several analogues, the price of which is sometimes significantly lower than that of the original (according to the pharmacies of the Gorzdrav network). These are drugs such as:

  • levomax,
  • anaferon,
  • who is whole,
  • arbidol,
  • isoprinosine,
  • remantadine.

The given list of analogues and generics will make it possible for buyers to select a similar substitute at a lower cost, which will help cope with the disease with high efficiency. However, after replacing Amiskin, it would be right to consult with specialists, since instructions for use and indications for taking medications may still differ.

Are the tablets compatible with alcohol?

Amiksin is NOT compatible with alcohol. Amiksin, when taken together with alcohol, can give a pronounced picture of food dyspepsia: pain in the abdomen, copious waste of bile and indigestion. At the same time, alcohol (even in the smallest doses) completely neutralizes healing effect from taking the drug.

Can Amiksin be taken during early pregnancy?

According to the annotation that comes with the drug, taking Amiksin during all trimesters of pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding, is strictly prohibited. But there are moments when threats to the health of the expectant mother force the doctor to take risks and use antiviral drugs. This primarily applies to pregnant women at risk (with high hepatitis titers and negative liver test readings). In such cases, the woman is admitted to the infectious diseases department of the hospital and antiviral therapy is administered there (with strict monitoring of blood biochemistry parameters).

In situations where the use of Amixin is urgently needed during lactation, breastfeeding should be stopped immediately.

Amiksin side effects and reviews of the drug

According to reviews of patients who took amixin during treatment according to the instructions for use, pronounced side effects this drug does not have. In rare cases, patients experience the following consequences:
loss of appetite and diarrhea (only in the first 2 days of use and only when taking large doses with a possible overdose);
discomfort in small intestine(1-2 hours after taking it goes away on its own);
slight chills and low-grade fever(should be perceived as an increase in the immune response);
urticaria (the rash is eliminated by prescribing antihistamines and external ointments)

Contraindications to the use of amixin even according to the instructions:

Individual intolerance;
childhood(up to seven years);
Official information about the dangers of taking amixin when diabetes mellitus not available, but in severe forms you should consult an endocrinologist.

How to take Amiksin to prevent colds?

As a method of preventive measures against influenza, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, the instructions for use of Amiksin suggest the following course of treatment: 125 mg (1 tablet) once a week in the morning after meals for 1.5 months (1 package of 125 mg No. 6 is enough).

According to Russian experts, based on a number of laboratory studies, taking Amixin for preventive purposes gives the body the opportunity to normalize the activity of its own immune system and reduce the likelihood of contracting influenza, acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections.

Most parents do everything possible to strengthen their child’s immunity and protect him from various diseases: healthy eating, daily walks fresh air, playing sports, taking vitamins. However, this is not enough, and the child still gets sick. Today in pharmacies in wide range drugs are presented that effectively stimulate the baby’s immunity or can speed up recovery if the disease does occur. One of these products is Amiksin. Children's body more susceptible to various colds than an adult, so prevention is very important.

The drug "Amiksin": description

This is an antiviral immunostimulating drug that is an inducer various types interferon (alpha, beta, gamma types). The active ingredient of the product is tilorone. Oral administration of the drug "Amiksin" activates the production of interferon in the blood, liver, and intestines. Its level increases four hours after the first dose of the drug, the maximum production of this substance is observed on the first day of treatment. Also, in addition to its main task, the production of interferon, this drug promotes the growth of stem cells, has a mild immunomodulatory effect and an antiviral effect.

Indications for use

The drug "Amiksin" is used for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, and treatment of viral hepatitis. The product is effective in the fight against cytomegalovirus and herpetic infections, encephalomyelitis of a viral and infectious-allergic nature, chlamydia, and tuberculosis. The drug "Amiksin" for children can be used for children over seven years of age in the treatment of ARVI and influenza. Most immunomodulatory drugs provide the necessary therapeutic effect only when taken in the first hours of illness, if treatment is delayed, they do not bring the expected benefit. "Amiksin" has no restrictions on the period of prescription, but taking the drug at the very beginning of the disease, of course, enhances its effectiveness. This remedy can be used in conjunction with antibiotics, antiviral drugs and agents for the symptomatic treatment of infectious diseases.

Medicine "Amiksin" for children: instructions for use

The drug is taken orally after meals. The dose of the medicine is selected depending on the patient’s age and purpose of use (treatment, prevention, type of disease). For ARVI or simple flu, children over seven years of age are prescribed 60 mg in the first two days and on the fourth day of illness (three tablets in total). For complications of the disease, you need to take four tablets: in the first two days and on the fourth and sixth days. Also, the drug "Amiksin" for children is used to prevent ARVI and influenza. For this purpose, use 60 mg once every seven days for six weeks. A preventive course can be carried out 1-3 times a year.

The drug "Amiksin" for children: side effects

The drug "Amiksin" is not used for children under the age of seven years and with individual intolerance to the drug. The instructions indicate that taking it can have Negative influence to work digestive system. This manifests itself as discomfort or pain in the stomach area. In rare cases, allergic reactions and short-term chills may occur.

The drug "Amiksin" for children can be used both prophylactically and with therapeutic purpose. It is impossible to predict how safe and effective the use of the drug will be in each specific case. Therefore, before you start taking the drug, you must consult a specialist.

In order to confidently fight colds or acute respiratory viral infections in children, many most often choose the drug Amiksin for children, which is quite well-known and popular. This article will describe in detail the features of its use.

Children aged 7 to 14 years are very often susceptible to colds, which can develop into ARVI or influenza of varying severity. If a child has a naturally high immunity, then he will not be afraid of infections, but if his immunity is reduced, hello, disease. In this case, therapists most often, if the child is about 7 years old, prescribe the drug Amiksin, which is designed to fight viral infection and protect the child’s immune system.

Composition and release form

The instructions for use state that the drug alleviates the course of the disease and stimulates the fight against infection when immunity decreases.

"Amiksin" is antiviral agent with the active ingredient tyrolon. It is responsible for stimulating interferons - protective proteins that help the body fight infection. In total, science knows 3 types of interferons, and Amiksin allows you to stimulate all of them at once.

The drug is a two-layer tablet yellowish color with an orange core. The package may contain 6 (children's "Amiksin" - for children from 7 years old) or 10 pieces (for adults). The drug is a good immunostimulant and is effective for diseases of viral origin.

Indications and contraindications

The instructions for use emphasize that Amiksin for children is approved for use only for the treatment of influenza and ARVI. It can only be taken by people over 7 years of age.

Contraindications to the use of "Amiksin" are: increased sensitivity to the drug, in adults - pregnancy and lactation.

Be sure to follow the prescribed course of treatment to defeat viruses, otherwise an untreated infection will grow in the body and can lead to disastrous consequences, especially in the body of a child over 7 years old.

Side effects of the drug include dyspepsia, chills and allergies.

"Amiksin" is taken only as prescribed by a doctor and only after the instructions have been carefully studied.

How to use?

"Amiksin" can be used as the main medicine, or can be combined with other cold medications. It does not conflict with antibiotics.

Children can be treated for colds with Amiksin no more than 3 times a year, after which its effectiveness may decrease significantly.

"Amiksin" should be consumed strictly after meals, without crushing or chewing.

It does not accumulate in the body and is not converted into other substances, which means it does not affect the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

If you see an allergic reaction when your child uses Amiksin, consult your pediatrician or immunologist about continuing treatment.


A common analogue of this drug is Kagocel. Unlike Amiksin, it contains a different active ingredient, which is called Kagocel, but their effect on the body is similar. "Kagocel" does not have the ability to stimulate the body to produce interferons, but its price is half as much as its analogue.

Another advantage of Kagocel is its ability to treat children from three years of age. Therefore, if your child is aged from 3 to 7 years, feel free to give him Kagocel, but from the age of seven it is preferable to use Amiksin. If the child’s illness is accompanied by the activity of the herpes virus, then “Kagocel” may be powerless against it, and “Amiksin” will eliminate the disease.

The second known analogue of Amiksin is Lavomax. They have the same active ingredient, similar dosage for adults and children, but Lavomax is much more expensive.

The third analogue is “Ergoferon”. Its main advantage is that the child’s age can be from three months. In addition, it not only strengthens the immune system, but also relieves the inflammatory process.

The fourth analogue is “Arbidol”. It can be consumed as early as two years of age, but the bitter taste can cause problems with swallowing, including vomiting. The advantage of Arbidol is its ability to cure viral pneumonia, when almost all other drugs are powerless. The price of "Arbidol" in tablets is significantly lower than its comparable analogue. Its course of treatment can last a maximum of 5 days. For children it is available in the form of tablets, for adults - in the form of capsules, taken before meals. "Arbidol" is safer for children and is sold without a prescription.

The fifth analogue is Ingavirin. It contains a different active ingredient, but the principle of working with Amiksin is similar. Unfortunately, it cannot be used until the age of 18, which means it is powerless in treating children.


There are both positive and negative reviews. Buyers are also not satisfied with the price of the drug - from 600 rubles for 6 tablets.

Positive reviews note its positive properties:

  • rapid relief;
  • prevalence in pharmacy chains;
  • eliminates severe symptoms diseases.

Negative reviews include the following side effects:

  • the occurrence of allergies;
  • disruption of the digestive system;
  • frequent loose stools;
  • may cause chills headache and nasal congestion.

The drug has a minimum of side effects, which is also noted as positive side drug.

In any case, every review is true, and you should not think that good feedback are bought, and negative ones are deleted by unscrupulous drug manufacturers. Each organism can react differently to one or another component. It should also be remembered that the immune system Children aged 7-14 years also vary and are individual. If the drug did not suit one child, this does not mean that it will not suit yours. Most likely, Amiksin will cure a child from viruses, since it has a balanced composition, and its active substance in the vast majority of cases effectively acts on the production of interferons.

Also, when reading reviews, you should carefully pay attention to the symptoms that the person was treating with this drug - if he was treating sinusitis or a runny nose, naturally, Amiksin will not help - it simply does not have such an opportunity. Be vigilant, and do not let fears and faith in the first reviews you encounter defeat your reason.

Some interesting facts about Amiksin

  • drug of domestic origin;
  • is not an antibiotic, but interacts well with them, mutually reinforcing the effect, so when writing a doctor’s prescription, do not be alarmed if you see “Amiksin” and antibiotics nearby;
  • "Amiksin" can be used in the midst of an epidemic;
  • excellent for viral herpes;
  • In no case should you break the tablet or damage its integrity, since the active ingredient begins to work only by combining with gastric juice;
  • according to established data and experiments conducted, viruses cannot adapt to the action of the drug;
  • You cannot purchase adult “Amiksin” to treat a child over 7 years old - only children’s, as they have different concentrations active substance;
  • in order to avoid allergic reactions and the ability to prevent or eliminate them, it is recommended to take the first tablet immediately in the doctor’s office, and then after 1.5-2 hours, if allergies do not occur, feel free to go home;
  • When purchasing Amiksin for children, you will need a doctor's prescription.

In any case, at the first signs of influenza or acute respiratory viral infection in a child over 7 years old, consult a general practitioner or pediatrician to prescribe a competent professional treatment. Do not prescribe any medications yourself or self-medicate under any circumstances. Once you receive a prescription for a medicine, carefully read the instructions and remember the dosage and duration of the course.

Remember, the health of you and your children is in your hands!

Amiksin – immunomodulatory and antiviral medicinal product, which is an inducer of interferon synthesis.

Composition, release form and analogues

The drug Amiksin is available in the form of round, biconvex, film-coated tablets. At the break, the tablets are orange; small inclusions of white or bright orange are possible. The active ingredient in the drug is tilorone (tilaxin). One tablet of the drug contains 125 mg of tilorone. Amiksin for children contains 60 mg of the active ingredient. Both forms contain the following excipients:

  • Croscarmellose sodium;
  • Microcrystalline cellulose;
  • Calcium stearate;
  • Potato starch;
  • Povidone (kollidon 30).

The shell of Amiksin tablets is orange. It includes:

  • Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose;
  • Sykovit yellow-orange 85;
  • Titanium dioxide;
  • Polysorbate 80 (Tween 80);
  • Macrogol 4000 (polyethylene glycol 4000);
  • Quinoline yellow.

Amiksin for children, like this drug intended for adults, is available in blister packs of 6 or 10 tablets. One cardboard box contains 1 or 2 packages. Also medicine produced in polymer jars of 6, 10 or 20 tablets. One cardboard pack contains 1 can.

Among the analogues of Amiksin, the following drugs should be highlighted:

  • Tiloron;
  • Tylaxin;
  • Actaviron;
  • Lavomax.

Pharmacological action of Amiksin

Amiksin is a low molecular weight synthetic interferon inducer. It stimulates the synthesis of interferons such as alpha, beta and gamma. Lymphocytes developing in the thymus gland, liver and intestinal epithelial cells, as well as granulocytes, which are a subgroup of white blood cells. The intestines react to the drug first, then the liver, then the blood.

After using Amiksin, the maximum amount of interferon is produced within 4-24 hours. The drug has an immunomodulatory and antiviral effect. Therefore, it is used in the treatment of various viral infections. Its antiviral effect is explained by its ability to have a suppressive effect on viral reproduction by inhibiting the translation of virus proteins in infected cells.

Reviews of Amiksin indicate that this drug has a number of advantages compared to its analogues. Among its advantages are the breadth of its use, duration of action, low toxicity and good effect. Amiksin does not undergo biotransformation and does not accumulate in the body. The drug is excreted almost unchanged through the intestines and kidneys.

Indications for use of Amiksin

According to the instructions for Amiksin, this drug is effective in the following cases:

  • Herpes;
  • Viral hepatitis;
  • Cytomegalovirus infection;
  • Prevention and treatment of influenza and ARVI.

In addition, the use of Amiksin is effective as part of complex therapy for urogenital and respiratory chlamydia, tuberculosis, infectious-allergic and viral encephalomyelitis (including multiple sclerosis, leukoencephalitis, etc.).

When treating influenza and ARVI in children over 7 years of age, Amiksin for children is prescribed.


According to the instructions for Amiksin, the drug is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Lactation;
  • Ages up to 7 years;
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

How to use Amiksin

The instructions for Amiksin suggest dosing the drug depending on the severity and form of the disease. Thus:

  • To prevent influenza and ARVI, you should use 1 tablet of the drug once a week for 6 weeks. And for treatment, take 1 tablet per day for 2 days, then 1 tablet every other day. The course consists of 6 tablets of the drug. The same scheme of use for complex therapy of neuroviral infections and pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • For acute hepatitis B, according to the instructions for Amiksin, the drug is prescribed as for influenza, but the course is 16 tablets, for acute hepatitis C - 20 tablets;
  • Viral hepatitis A involves the use of 1 tablet of the drug twice a day for 2 days. Then you should use 1 tablet every other day. The course consists of 10, with chronic hepatitis B – 20, and for chronic hepatitis C – 50 tablets (the course lasts six months);
  • Treatment of herpes, urogenital and respiratory chlamydia and cytomegalovirus infection occurs according to the scheme of using Amiksin for influenza and ARVI. The course consists of 10-20 tablets.

Amiksin for children is prescribed to children over 7 years of age with influenza and ARVI, 1 tablet on the first, second and fourth days of treatment. In case of complications, use the fourth tablet of the drug on the sixth day.

Side effects

According to reviews of Amiksin, this drug is well tolerated by patients and does not cause side effects. However, in some cases it can provoke allergic reactions and short-term chills.

Also, based on reviews of Amiskin, we can conclude that this drug sometimes leads to side effects from the digestive system. In particular, they can manifest themselves as symptoms of dyspepsia.

Amiksin drug interactions

Drug interaction of Amiksin with various drugs for the treatment of bacterial and viral infections, as well as with antibiotics, have not been identified. That is why the simultaneous use of this medicine with means of treating infections as part of complex therapy must certainly take place under the supervision of a doctor.

Storage conditions

The drug should be stored dry and protected from direct contact sun rays in a place inaccessible to children. Storage temperature should not exceed 30 °C. The drug intended for adults can be purchased in pharmacies without a prescription, and Amiksin for children is available with a doctor's prescription. The shelf life is 3 years.

Active substance


Release form, composition and packaging

Shell composition:

Film-coated tablets orange, round, biconvex; on the fracture - orange, minor inclusions of orange or white are allowed.

Excipients: potato starch, microcrystalline cellulose, povidone (kollidon 30), calcium stearate, croscarmellose sodium (primellose).

Shell composition: hypromellose (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), titanium dioxide, macrogol 4000 (polyethylene glycol 4000), polysorbate 80 (Tween 80), quinoline yellow (E104), sikovit yellow-orange 85 (E110).

6 pcs. - contour cellular packaging (1) - cardboard packs.
10 pieces. - contour cellular packaging (1) - cardboard packs.
10 pieces. - contour cell packaging (2) - cardboard packs.
6 pcs. - polymer jars (1) - cardboard packs.
10 pieces. - polymer jars (1) - cardboard packs.
20 pcs. - polymer jars (1) - cardboard packs.

pharmachologic effect

Low molecular weight synthetic inducer that stimulates the formation of alpha, beta, gamma interferons in the body. The main structures that produce interferon in response to the administration of tilorone are intestinal epithelial cells, hepatocytes, T-lymphocytes, neutrophils and granulocytes. After taking the drug orally, the maximum production of interferon is determined in the sequence intestine-liver-blood after 4-24 hours. Amiksin has an immunomodulatory and antiviral effect.

Induces the synthesis of interferon in human leukocytes. Stimulates stem cells bone marrow, depending on the dose, enhances antibody formation, reduces the degree of immunosuppression, and restores the ratio of T-suppressors and T-helpers. Effective against various viral infections (including those caused by influenza viruses, other pathogens of acute respiratory viral infections, hepatitis viruses, herpes). The mechanism of antiviral action is associated with inhibition of the translation of virus-specific proteins in infected cells, as a result of which viral reproduction is suppressed.



After taking the drug orally, tilorone is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Bioavailability is about 60%.


- for treatment herpetic infection;

- for the treatment of cytomegalovirus infection;

— as part of complex therapy of allergic and viral encephalomyelitis (including multiple sclerosis, leukoencephalitis, uveoencephalitis);

— as part of complex therapy of urogenital and respiratory chlamydia;

- as part of complex therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis.

In children over 7 years old

- for the treatment of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections.


- pregnancy;

- period breastfeeding;

- children under 7 years of age;

- hypersensitivity to the drug.


The drug is taken orally after meals.

U adults For nonspecific prevention viral hepatitis A the drug is prescribed at a dose of 125 mg once a week for 6 weeks. Course dose- 750 mg (6 tablets).

At treatment of viral hepatitis A the dose of the drug on the first day is 125 mg 2 times a day, then switch to taking 125 mg after 48 hours. The course of treatment is 1.25 g (10 tablets).

At treatment of acute hepatitis B in the initial phase of treatment on the first and second days, the dose of the drug is 125 mg/day, and then 125 mg after 48 hours. The course of treatment is 2 g (16 tablets).

At protracted course of hepatitis B on the first day, the dose of the drug is 125 mg 2 times a day, then 125 mg after 48 hours. The course dose is 2.5 g (20 tablets).

At chronic hepatitis B in the initial phase of treatment, the total dose is 2.5 g (20 tablets). In the first 2 days, the daily dose is 250 mg, then switch to taking 125 mg after 48 hours. In the continuation phase of treatment, the total dose ranges from 1.25 g (10 tablets) to 2.5 g (20 tablets), while the drug is prescribed at a dose of 125 mg per week. The course dose of Amiksin varies from 3.75 to 5 g, the duration of treatment is 3.5-6 months, depending on the results of biochemical, immunological and morphological studies, reflecting the degree of activity of the process.

At acute hepatitis C on the first and second days of treatment, Amiksin is prescribed at a dose of 125 mg/day, then 125 mg after 48 hours. The course dose is 2.5 g (20 tablets).

At chronic hepatitis C in the initial phase of treatment, the total dose is 2.5 g (20 tablets). In the first 2 days, the drug is taken at a dose of 250 mg/day, then 125 mg after 48 hours. In the continuation phase of treatment, the total dose is 2.5 g (20 tablets), while the drug is prescribed at a dose of 125 mg per week. The course dose of Amiksin is 5 g (40 tablets), the duration of treatment is 6 months, depending on the results of biochemical, immunological and morphological studies, reflecting the degree of activity of the process.

At complex therapy of neuroviral infections- 125-250 mg/day in the first two days of treatment, then 125 mg after 48 hours. The dose is set individually, the duration of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

For treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections in the first 2 days of illness, Amiksin is prescribed at a dose of 125 mg/day, then 125 mg after 48 hours. The course dose is 750 mg (6 tablets).

For prevention of influenza and ARVI Amiksin is prescribed at a dose of 125 mg once a week for 6 weeks. The course dose is 750 mg (6 tablets).

For treatment of herpes, cytomegalovirus infections the dose of the drug in the first 2 days is 125 mg, then take 125 mg every 48 hours. The course dose is 1.25-2.5 g (10-20 tablets).

At urogenital and respiratory chlamydia Amiksin is prescribed at a dose of 125 mg/day for the first 2 days, then 125 mg every 48 hours. The course dose is 1.25 g (10 tablets).

At complex therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis in the first 2 days the drug is prescribed at 250 mg/day, then 125 mg every 48 hours. The course dose is 2.5 g (20 tablets).

Children over 7 years old at uncomplicated forms of influenza or other acute respiratory viral infections the drug is prescribed in a dose of 60 mg (1 tablet) 1 time/day after meals on the 1st, 2nd and 4th day from the start of treatment. The course dose is 180 mg (3 tablets).

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