Home Prevention Lore articles. Bulletin of Otorhinolaryngology

Lore articles. Bulletin of Otorhinolaryngology

The harm of magnetic resonance imaging is associated with the influence magnetic field. Obtaining slices high sensitivity possibly due to the resonance of hydrogen atoms under the influence of a strong magnetic field.

Excited hydrogen protons change radio frequency pulses, which are recorded by special sensors. The image is being lined up software. The 3D modeling mode creates a spatial reconstruction of the area under study.

Practical studies show that water is part of 90% of tissues. After exposure to a magnetic field, protons are activated. The effect lasts for the duration of the procedure. After magnetization stops, the structure of the liquid molecules is restored.

Answering readers whether MRI of the head is harmful, we note that the absence negative consequences on practice. Medical discussions regarding the likelihood of the influence of a strong magnetic field on the genetic apparatus years after the procedure continue.

When an MRI of the head and brain is prescribed, doctors first identify contraindications and indications.

X-ray radiation is more dangerous. The rays damage the genetic apparatus and lead to chromosomal abnormalities. The effect of high doses of x-rays causes acute radiation sickness. Magnetic resonance imaging excludes genetic defects.

A doctor can determine whether an MRI of the brain is harmful for a particular person. radiology diagnostics after a preliminary analysis of the outpatient card and the results of diagnostic methods.

There are no other symptoms. The benefits of MRI many times exclude theoretical long-term changes in the genetic apparatus. Scientific research continues, medical discussions regarding negative consequences are ongoing, but rapid expansion MRI scanning by private clinics.

Are there any harmful effects from MRI?

There are contraindications to the procedure. Any metal objects inside the human body begin to move under the influence of magnetization. Moving a pin or screw leads to damage to soft tissues.

When answering whether it is harmful to do an MRI of the brain, you need to focus on individual characteristics health. Danger allergic reactions occurs after contrasting. The intravenous administration of the paramagnetic gadolinium improves the visibility of blood vessels and can provoke hypersensitivity.

Potential harms of brain MRI free below computed tomography. After using contrast, pinpoint hemorrhages rarely occur, and arterial permeability increases. The effects are associated with poor quality contrast agents. An allergy is formed to ballast compounds included in the drug.

Verification of dangerous head diseases is much more important than theoretical complications (allergies, vascular changes).

What does a brain MRI show:

  • Skull fractures;
  • Intracerebral hematomas;
  • Strokes;
  • Meningeal hemorrhages;
  • Aneurysms;
  • Neoplasms (malignant, benign).

Complications from non-contrast head scanning are rare. The expected harm of the procedure when excluding cancer or tumor is less important than verification of a malignant neoplasm.

The truth about the dangers of magnetic resonance imaging

The minimal harmful effects of MRI on health are actively discussed by critics of the examination. There are versions regarding significant changes in DNA molecules, damage to the course of intracellular chemical reactions. Confirmations scientific research There is no harm to the procedure. Some authors describe increased heart rate and headaches in people after MRI. Sometimes the back of the head hurts, muscle tremors appear.

Magnetic resonance imaging spinal column, brain has indications and contraindications. If you follow the doctor’s requirements and correctly carry out preliminary diagnostics, the harmful effects of MRI will be minimized.

Definitely state that it is harmless a certain way diagnosis is not possible. An individual assessment of the benefit/harm ratio by a specialist allows you to obtain maximum diagnostic information while minimizing consequences.

High-frequency magnetic fields cause dizziness in people with sensitive blood vessels. Perform MRI on people with neurological diseases, mental disorders better after taking sedatives.

Harm from magnetic radiation

It is possible to say that MRI is not harmful after excluding the presence of metal prostheses, implants, metal alloys, vascular stents, and pacemakers.

Before contrasting, be sure to do a provocative test. Under the influence of magnetization, the functioning of pacemakers is disrupted. Exception harmful influence achieved by consulting a cardiologist. Magnetic resonance imaging is contraindicated for a person with a pacemaker due to the danger to life - a violation occurs heart rate, interruptions, stop.

If after an MRI you feel unwell, the back of your head hurts, you need to rule out damage to the capillaries and arteries. Standard 1.5 Tesla tomographs cause slight heating of soft tissues. Devices with power from 3 Tesla provide high resolution images, but the likelihood of complications increases.

What are the consequences of MRI?

When describing the consequences of a contrast injection, it is necessary to indicate not only allergies. Improper manipulation causes dangerous complications:

  • Blockage of a vessel with air (embolism);
  • Infectious infection – shock, sepsis, phlebitis;
  • Local inflammation when gadolinium drugs are administered past a vein.

Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain with a contrast agent verifies small tumors and determines the size of tumors. It does not matter how harmful MRI is in such a situation, since the risk of an undiagnosed tumor at an early stage is more dangerous than minor complications.

With MRI of the head, the radiation dose is not calculated. The absence of ionization does not require power summation. The devices have a tunnel structure. For people with a fear of closed spaces, the study is harmful, so scanning is performed open installations. Free sides allow you to eliminate phobias and be close to close people.

MRI conclusion diagnostic test brain can contain very complex words, which patients are not always able to understand. The specialist may be busy or absent at the time when the patient requires his consultation to clarify the medical terminology and nomenclature used in the description of MRI images.

MRI images of the brain

One of these terms in the MRI report may be the word “tumor,” which is understandable without explanation. In reality, few specialists can afford to write in their conclusion X-ray examination a term that essentially characterizes a specified pathological process that has undergone microscopic analysis. In most cases, the MRI report may say “space-occupying formation,” which reflects only the structural manifestations of the disease, but does not have to be a manifestation cancerous tumor, which each of us would not like to be imprisoned. No one would like to find the words tumor in the transcript of MRI images, for example, after undergoing an annual dispensary or screening observation in a medical institution.

Having received such a conclusion containing the phrase “massive formation,” the patient should first of all consult with a specialist about the meaning and meaning of such a common term in diagnostic circles. In fact, in most cases, a radiologist can only express his doubts about what he sees, make assumptions, or refrain from commenting at all, since radiology diagnosticians “write what they see.” And if you turn to a clinical specialist who, for example, wrote out a referral for an MRI study with a result containing the wording “massive formation,” then for most doctors medical profile There is almost no doubt that we will talk about tumor growth and the patient may be sent for consultation to an oncologist.

What to do if there is a tumor on the picture

If an MRI shows a tumor, you will have to undergo several more tests, undergo many tests, undergo repeated MRI and CT studies to clarify the identified changes, which is required to confirm or refute the presence of a tumor.

In most cases, fortunately, this is not required, since today MRI can make very strict conclusions regarding damage to the brain substance, both for tumor and non-tumor diseases. Visualization can clarify the nature of the pathological process, be it inflammatory, vascular or tumor in nature. This can be helped by the capabilities of the magnetic resonance and computed tomography method, which allow you to selectively remove liquid (Flair mode), remove adipose tissue from the image (Stir mode), and see the total diffusion of water molecules in intercellular substance brain (DWI mode), based on it, construct three-dimensional maps demonstrating the conductive pathways of the brain (DTI mode), conduct a study of blood flow along the capillary bed of the brain with an assessment of blood flow through the brain substance (perfusion studies), projection mapping nerve centers responsible for the movement of body parts in the cerebral cortex (functional MRI), evaluate metabolism (metabolism) and chemical composition tissue in a specific area of ​​the brain (MR spectroscopy).

Functional MRI (arrow – tumor, arrow head – motor center in the right hemisphere cortex)

As you can see, today imaging methods are the vanguard of diagnostic capabilities in medicine. However, everything ultimately depends on the person, the doctor, who, with an unbiased, deep understanding of the pathological processes occurring in the brain, can connect its anatomical manifestations and the name of one of a thousand diseases. This specialist is called a neuroradiologist.

Unfortunately, not all centers today are equipped with such equipment, due to the high cost and low demand, lack of qualified personnel, such opportunities may not be available to most patients. In connection with this, our resource allows the patient to receive specialized advice on the issue of his health that interests him.

What can you see on an MRI film of the brain?

Basically, MRI film, like CT film, is documentary evidence of the examination and bears diagnostic value for a specialist. Films have been used since the beginning of the last century for documentation x-ray studies, in connection with which they probably began to be used when introducing clinical practice tomographic research techniques. However, due to the large number of sections, MRI film cannot contain the array of information that is required for a full look at the result of the study. So, in connection with this, a large number of frames are displayed on film, which are small filmstrips on a large canvas. Thus, looking at the film, it is very difficult for a radiologist to interpret the MRI of the brain and give an accurate conclusion regarding the presence of a brain tumor.

How to get a consultation on an MRI image

Films were actively considered as a means of transporting data at a time when doctors did not have computers and the Internet was just developing. In addition, to review tomographic studies such as CT and MRI, sometimes a fingerprint of the image is not enough; density measurements and changes in contrast are required, which cannot be done with film, and it is also impossible to display all frames of the study on film.

Film for tomography

This makes film not a very convenient tool for transmitting and storing data. Today, for a thoughtful assessment of the results of MRI and CT examinations, it is impossible to do without viewing on a computer, which is possible using the unified DICOM data format, which is recorded on a CD and can be played on any computer. Also, research data in DICOM format can be sent digitally for consultation to other specialists, without losing the content of the research.

Using the DICOM data format to transfer MRI images

Returning to the question of diagnosing brain tumors based on MRI results, it is advisable to record the study on a CD and send it to relevant specialists for a comprehensive answer about the results of the study, as well as to receive recommendations regarding further actions, additional examinations, clarifying the existing state of affairs.

Can an MRI fail to show a brain tumor?

Let’s touch on the topic of false negative research results. In reality, there are cases when a pathological process may not be recognized on MRI. That is, the pathology is not just not understood, but not identified, missed, not displayed. Fortunately, such cases are very rare, since MRI has a very high tissue contrast between soft tissues. This means that the brain structures are very well visualized, distinguishable from each other and unmistakable. Against this background, almost everything pathological processes and in particular brain tumors can be successfully detected. However, an MRI may not show a brain tumor. How is this possible since the method has highly accurate parameters. The fact is that good visualization requires a high magnetic field voltage, a high image matrix (that is, good spatial resolution, which is achieved by increasing the scanning time), as well as the use of thin-section programs and intravenous contrast enhancement. For example, small tumors may be missed when examining the brain on a low-field MRI (magnetic tomographs with magnetic field voltages up to 0.3 Tesla or 0.5 Tesla). The tumor may be hidden in the area of ​​the base of the skull, which is rich in various small anatomical structures, while in the absence of contrast enhancement on early stages the tumor will not reveal itself in any way, but for more late stages, when the diagnosis is not difficult, the tumor may be difficult to treat.

There is no diagnostic panacea (cure for all diseases), at least not yet. Maybe in the future, machines trained by people will be able to flawlessly and calmly examine hundreds of people in an hour, making unmistakable conclusions about the state of health and calculating treatment algorithms using multifactor analysis of patient indicators, but today this difficult work lies on the shoulders of people whose enthusiasm and perseverance make healthy patients or prolong the life of hopeless patients. It is worth emphasizing that in our age of complexity and development of medical capabilities diagnostic equipment It is more important than ever to take advantage of the advice of specialists who know their business well.

Diagnostic and therapeutic device from the film “Elysium”

The head contains nerves, arteries and veins, muscles, lymphatic vessels, brain, organs of hearing, vision. Each of the departments has a complex structure and belongs to a specific direction. For example, the brain is the competence of neurosurgeons, the nose is the competence of otorhinolaryngologists, and the eyes are the competence of ophthalmologists. But for any violations of these organs, an MRI of the head is prescribed.

Magnetic resonance imaging is a method for diagnosing organs and tissues. It is unique in that no harmful substances are used for research. ionizing radiation, but you can check any area: the entire brain or some part of it, blood vessels, skull bones, lymph nodes, inner ear, paranasal sinuses nose, jaw and joints or eye area and optic nerves.

The MRI diagnostic method is based on the property of the nuclei of hydrogen atoms to respond to an external electromagnetic field. Under the influence of waves, a reversible reaction occurs - the spin of the proton changes briefly. Based on the relaxation time and energy released, one can judge the condition of the tissues. The device processes the received information and visualizes it in the form of a three-dimensional image, in which even the smallest details are clearly visible. Moreover, the tomograph takes a series of images with layer-by-layer sections at different depths. And if somewhere there is a focus of inflammation, the tissue structure is disturbed or there is damage, then all pathologies are displayed on the pictures.

Why is a head tomography done? Almost all pathologies associated with the head are life-threatening. Without an accurate diagnosis, it is impossible to draw up a treatment plan and decide on the need for surgical intervention or conservative treatment. AND modern medicine is already at such a level that he can not do a craniotomy or open some cavity, but simply do an MRI of the head in Moscow. The tomograph creates an image on film that looks like a 3D model. It is as informative as possible and makes it possible not only to see the picture in real time, but also to predict the course of the disease, for example, the likelihood of a stroke or cerebral infarction. MRI is also prescribed for planning an operation - doctors have the opportunity to do it not “blindly”, but understanding where and what abnormalities exist.

Preparing for the examination

The patient does not need to independently prepare for the study. In some cases (usually when a tumor is suspected), an MRI with contrast is prescribed. These are paramagnetic agents, gadolinium chelate complexes. The drug is administered intravenously before the procedure to increase the effectiveness of the examination.


MRI of the head - common name research of departments and structures. An examination of a specific area is prescribed depending on the patient’s complaints and symptoms:

  • brain and blood vessels: headaches, endocrine disorders, diseases of the central nervous system, circulatory disorders, strokes and heart attacks, benign and malignant tumors, injuries;
  • paranasal (including maxillary) sinuses - sinusitis, sinusitis, cysts, tumors;
  • eye - disorders optic nerves, eye diseases;
  • salivary glands - inflammatory processes;
  • lymph nodes - enlargement, thickening, pain;
  • ear - hearing loss, dizziness, loss of coordination, headaches.

MRI of the head - the most effective method diagnostics that does not harm the body.

The symptoms of a sore throat are noticeable and unpleasant. This is pharyngitis acute pharyngitis, sore throat, burning throat, sore throat, difficulty swallowing, dry throat. These symptoms cause inflammation of the pharynx (pharyngitis), tonsils and larynx. The pain mainly occurs when swallowing.

A lump in the armpit indicates inflammatory process in the mammary gland. Lumps in the groin area indicate the presence of an infection in the genital area. Every bump makes us worry. Lymphatic nodes are small, round masses of lymphatic tissue that are surrounded by a capsule of connective tissue. The nodes are critical for immunity and fighting viruses.

In many cases, such a disease can go away on its own without treatment, but it also happens that acute pharyngitis without proper therapy can develop into chronic form. According to this characteristic chronic pharyngitis can be divided into two forms.

Tonsils are collections of lymphoid tissue located in the nasopharynx and oral cavity. Tonsils perform protective and hematopoietic functions, participate in the development of immunity - they are defense mechanism the first line on the path of inhaled foreign pathogens. The full immunological role of the tonsils still remains unclear. Tonsils serve as local immune organ, a kind of barrier against bacteria and viruses that enter the pharynx during the acts of breathing and swallowing. What types of tonsils are there, in what cases is it necessary to perform adenotomy and tonsillotomy, read the article by otolaryngologist Ruin Nikolai Andreevich " Surgery with tonsil pathology childhood. What is the amygdala?"

We are surrounded by sounds with numerous nuances and characteristics. This sound stream gives us the necessary connection with other people and our surroundings. Hearing loss limits the flow of sound information, disrupts communication, and prevents you from fully interacting with the world. Did you know that one in ten people have hearing loss? Nowadays, hearing problems affect not only the older generation, but also, unfortunately, very young people. About how the ear works, what sound is, what are the causes of hearing loss and why you should immediately consult a doctor - read the article by otorhinolaryngologist, audiologist Nina Leonidovna Serebro.

Endoscopic removal adenoids under general anesthesia is a recognized world standard in modern pediatric otorhinolaryngology. If your child needs this operation, then there are 12 reasons why you should choose a pediatric day surgery hospital in our multidisciplinary clinic CELT.

According to statistics, hearing problems in newborns and children in the first months of life are not so rare. Unfortunately, there are a certain number of patients with complete deafness caused by for various reasons. If hearing is not completely absent, auditory images are formed that are insufficient for proper development speech and correct orientation in sound space. Simply put, a baby cannot repeat what he does not hear. This primarily applies to consonant sounds. All consonant letters are pronounced in the upper frequency part of the speech range, and this is where the maximum reduction audibility in most cases of hearing loss.

Strictly speaking, the adenoids are the pharyngeal tonsil, which, like other numerous lymphoid formations, is part of the so-called “lymphopharyngeal ring” and is located in the nasopharynx and is present in every child and even an adult. However, in childhood, it takes a greater part in ensuring general and local immunity and, apparently, this is why problems with adenoids arise most often between the ages of 2 and 10 years.

Nasal polyposis... Just a few decades ago, the main treatment for polyposis was surgical removal nasal tumors. Currently existing ideas about the treatment of nasal polyposis are radically different from old views. An article by an otolaryngologist at our clinic will tell you more about this. Vladimir Alekseevich Debryansky, supplemented by comments from an allergist Oksana Veniaminovna Popova.

It is generally believed that snoring is an unpleasant but harmless sound “phenomenon”. However, not everyone knows that the so-called “mighty” snoring is a harbinger and one of the main manifestations of a serious illness - obstructive snoring syndrome. sleep apnea or sleep apnea disease. Snoring can also lead to other diseases. Article by an otorhinolaryngologist, candidate of medical sciences Svetlana Valerievna Ryabova will tell you about the nature of snoring and its consequences.

ENT doctors at CELT use many methods for studying diseases of the ear, nose and throat, including the most painless and informative - endoscopic. This method allows the doctor to carefully examine organs that are difficult to access during conventional diagnostics. Most full information about endoscopic method examination of ENT organs and all its advantages you will learn from the article by an otolaryngologist, candidate of medical sciences Svetlana Valerievna Ryabova.

Each of us knows firsthand what a runny nose is, but usually everyone discomfort, associated with it, quickly pass. However, many people constantly live with difficulty breathing through their nose. To put it bluntly, their lives are not to be envied - fast fatiguability, frequent headaches, a feeling of exhaustion - haunt them constantly. About causes and consequences chronic runny nose, and also about modern ways An otorhinolaryngologist will tell you about its treatment Vladimir Alekseevich Debryansky.

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