Home Wisdom teeth Depression - symptoms, first signs in adults, types, causes of depression and treatment. Symptoms of depression and causes of its occurrence Mild depression

Depression - symptoms, first signs in adults, types, causes of depression and treatment. Symptoms of depression and causes of its occurrence Mild depression

Such symptoms mild depression, such as apathy, problems with sleep, lack of desire to contact people - these are signs that the sound vector is experiencing a lack of realization of its properties, a “lack of meaning in life.” How can a sound engineer get rid of this condition?

Everything seems to be fine, but the condition is disgusting. Mild depression, my dear.

Every morning, the body, as if programmed, leaves the bed and wanders to the kitchen. Thoughts are somewhere far away.

The miraculous alliance of coffee and music helps overcome apathy, obsessive anxious thoughts, and the first signs of depression. Coffee and music every day. Almost 24/7.

People around point with concern mild symptoms depression. Well, okay. Symptoms are not proof that you have human lung a form of depression, right?

I don't want to talk about this with anyone. Firstly, no one will understand, and secondly, it’s pointless. The world will not change from empty chatter. I don’t want to listen to advice on what to do for mild depression from people who look falsely happy (I wonder if they only lie to others or to themselves too?). They will probably advise some nonsense. Go there, do this, change your hair, find a guy. Well, what's the point? What the hell is all this for?

Oh, if only someone could tell me not what to do and how to do it, but why...

Symptoms of mild depression

Symptoms of mild depression of situational or neurotic origin include:

    problems with appetite;


    anxious or intrusive thoughts;


    sleep disorders.

The main problem is that the reason for the appearance of such symptoms of mild depression for different people different, while the methods used mild treatment Depression is almost the same for everyone.

Many treatments for mild depression do not work precisely because they are aimed at combating the consequences, the appearance problem, not at its root. Unfortunately, this only makes depression worse.

Mild depression - treatment

There is nothing they offer today for the symptoms of mild depression.

Perhaps the most common treatment for depression mild degree the severity that the Internet and psychologists offer and which first comes to mind are antidepressants. There are entire forums where people advise each other which ones to take to improve performance and get out of a state of apathy.

The main disadvantage of antidepressants is that they are not omnipotent. They affect the biochemistry of the brain, but are not able to change the state of the psyche.

There are other ways to treat mild depression - hypnosis, psychotherapy, personal journaling, yoga, aromatherapy...

It remains a mystery why these methods do not work equally well for everyone, if at all, when diagnostics seem to show the same problem.

For mild depression of situational or neurotic origin, there is no specific treatment at all. Very often, this type of depression lets the patient go for a while, then returns with renewed vigor.

Mild depression is...

What is mild depression? Of course, mild depression is the first step on the path to a more severe form of depression. Let's figure out what this condition is and why it arises, based on knowledge about the psyche of System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan.

IN modern world Literally everything is often called depression. Bad mood, depressed state, fatigue. Kicked out of work, no girlfriend - depression, that's one answer. They offer the most different methods Treatment of mild depression: from changing impressions to taking antidepressants.

However, depression that can be cured with the help of the benefits of the material world: buying new things, new relationships, profitable work - is not real depression.

According to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, people with real depression suffer. It is their hidden desires that are aimed at understanding the meaning of life, the laws by which our world lives. Symptoms of mild depression such as apathy, sleep problems, lack of desire to contact people are symptoms that the sound vector is experiencing a lack of realization of its properties, a “lack of meaning in life.” How can a sound engineer get rid of this condition?

By nature, every person is endowed with innate properties and talents that require their development and implementation in society, among other people. One of these qualities of a sound artist is abstract intelligence. Its implementation in society is the ability to concentrate one’s mind, seek answers to metaphysical questions and generate new ideas for transforming the world around us.

When the carrier of the sound vector does not have the opportunity to realize his desire to comprehend the world around him and apply his intellect in society, he plunges into himself. Into the dark basement of your ego. He is trying to find the meaning of his life separately from the whole world.

And this is his mistake

It is impossible to find the meaning of life, to get out of depression, wandering through the dungeons of your consciousness. No antidepressants will help if a person is fixated on himself.

The very phrase “coming out of depression” implies that you need to come out of the dark basement of your ego into the light. This allegory means that knowledge of oneself is possible only through a system of differences with others. And to do this, you need not to avoid people, but, on the contrary, to carefully study them, comprehending your meanings and desires through their values ​​and aspirations.

Our world is a complex system. And a truly hopeless task is to look for the design of the existence of a separate part without understanding how the entire mechanism works. What's the point of having a hand if the rest of the body doesn't exist?

Man is social form life, therefore, his purpose is always in life among other people. Only by concentrating your consciousness on outside world By trying to understand people, you can gradually come to an understanding of yourself and your purpose, and get out of depression once and for all. This is especially important for carriers of the sound vector, whose natural role is to comprehend the Plan, that which is hidden. This means that understanding people is a potential pleasure for them.

What to do for mild depression?

If nothing in life makes you happy anymore, everything has lost its meaning, you don’t even understand why you live. If you have found all the symptoms of mild depression and don’t know how to deal with it. If you are trying to understand what to do with mild depression, come to the next free online lectures on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. We will help you understand what really motivates people and find your place in it complex mechanism of the universe! .

The article was written based on training materials “ System-vector psychology»

Depression is spreading more and more. She's getting younger. Effective methods based on the use of basic principles physiology and biochemistry.

What is depression?

Depression is an illness, a mental and somatic disorder. The main signs of depression are depression and Bad mood. Along with them, there is inhibition of motor skills and brain activity. When examining the brains of people suffering from the disease, multiple areas of reduced activity are identified.

Other somatic manifestations possible as a result of a decrease in the overall energy of the body. This:

  • headache;
  • digestive disorders;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • joint pain;
  • heart pain;
  • sexual disorders.

At the biochemical level, depression is associated with disturbances in the functioning of the brain. This is a decreased production of monoamines or hormones Have a good mood. They are involved in the transmission of nerve impulses between neurons. If there is a lack of serotonin, dopamine or norepinephrine, the brain cannot function normally.

This fact shows that the disease has a mental and material background.

Types of depression

In psychiatry, depression is distinguished according to two principles. The disease is caused by three categories of causes:

  • somatogenic;
  • psychogenic;
  • endogenous.

With different genesis, the manifestation of the same symptoms of depression is possible. Therefore, it is advisable to distinguish the nature of the course of the disease. Possible unipolar and bipolar depression. The first is characterized by a permanent depressed state that does not change for months and years. Second view - part affective disorder. Periodically it gives way to a manic, active stage.

Unipolar forms are divided into:

  • clinical;
  • small;
  • atypical;
  • postnatal;
  • recurrent;
  • dysthymia.

With such a gradation, the boundaries of states are not clear, the classification remains imperfect. At Stanford University, depression was divided according to how it manifests itself:

  • voltage;
  • anxious arousal;
  • generalized anxiety;
  • anhedonia;
  • melancholy.

Conditions vary in severity. They require different treatments.

Anxiety-depressive disorder

This neurotic state, in which depression and despondency are aggravated by anxiety and anxiety. The subjective feeling of fear is unreasonable. Against the background of the usual obsessive fear frequent panic attacks occur. Result - nervous exhaustion and breakdowns.

The patient feels apathy, fatigue, irritation. Under such conditions, somatic reactions begin:

  • diarrhea;
  • dyspnea;
  • chills;
  • insomnia;
  • tachycardia;
  • headache;
  • muscle blocks.

In severe cases, nausea, fainting, panic attacks. An adult does not suspect that he needs treatment for depression. He goes to the therapist with complaints about his health. It is important for a doctor to quickly distinguish the latent course of the disease from secondary symptoms to refer the patient to a psychiatrist.

Women are more susceptible anxiety disorders. This is the influence of unstable hormonal levels and natural emotionality.

Depression in spring

Spring depressed mental states are of an endogenous nature, but do not fall under the definition of severe medical pathologies. They talk about asthenic syndrome, which appears as:

  • avitaminosis;
  • drowsiness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • causeless sadness;
  • feeling of hopelessness;
  • prostration.

A prolonged period of cold weather and short daylight hours help weaken the production of hormones, including neurotransmitters. Oxygen starvation, climatic, astronomical factors, physical inactivity are the prerequisites for a decrease in vitality in the spring. Both men and women are susceptible to it. But they can cope with depression on their own.

Proper nutrition, physical exercise, Fresh air- well-known folk methods.

Sleep and wakefulness, music, aromatherapy, a week's vacation will become effective medicine. Experiencing joyful moments in life works better than pills.

Postpartum depression

Pregnancy and childbirth mobilize vital resources female body. IN postpartum period functional disruptions in the functioning of the digestive, nervous, endocrine systems. Transient depression occurs in the first week after birth and lasts 2-3 days. 80% of women are able to get out of depression on their own. But 20% of young mothers have a history of:

  • hereditary predisposition to the disease;
  • major life stressors;
  • unsuccessful pregnancies.

These are risk factors. Together with hormonal changes, they provoke severe postpartum depression. The symptoms are similar to the classic ones, but add:

  • fear or hostility towards the child;
  • suicidal thoughts;
  • anxiety;
  • tearfulness;
  • attacks of anger;
  • delusions or hallucinations.

No treatment postpartum depression Over time, it goes away on its own or develops into psychosis.

The child's father, along with other relatives, also become sources of irritation. The disease is treated with antidepressants, supported by psychotherapy and physiotherapy.

Protracted condition

Making this diagnosis is extremely difficult due to the vagueness of the symptoms. Often a prolonged depressive state (depressive neurosis, neurasthenia) accompanies a person from childhood or adolescence. Therefore, manifestations of the disease are considered character traits. This leads to decreased self-esteem, isolation, and distrust of the world. A person suffers from misunderstanding and loses interest in life. Markers of the disease in young girls - bad habits and unkempt appearance.

The danger of prolonged depression is that it becomes habitual. The patient himself considers it normal and refuses to recognize it as a disease. In this case, there is no chance of cure.

The patient must perform homework. You should contact one of the following specialists:

  • psychologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • psychotherapist;
  • neurologist.

He will prescribe auxiliary medications.


In the International Classification of Diseases, dysthymia is coded F34. Clinical manifestations similar to a depressive episode (code F32).

Prolonged depression is often called dysthymic conditions. The clinical manifestations of both diseases are similar. In ICD-11, the term “dysthymia” is replaced by “dysthymic disorder”.

The principles of diagnosis and treatment are common to all types of disease. Dysthymia - common reason pathological weight gain, loneliness, lack of prospects, goals. But it does not interfere with leading a normal lifestyle and going to work. This is where the difficulty of diagnosis lies.

On early stages Self-healing of the disease is possible.

The difficulty is that diagnosis is difficult due to unclear symptoms. Prevention after traumatic factors prevents the development of depression. These include:

  • divorce;
  • parting;
  • death of loved ones;
  • treason;
  • difficulties with money;
  • conflicts at home;
  • menopause in women.

Preventive measures - pharmacological in combination with psychotherapeutic ones.

Features of depression in men

Depression is the most common mental disorder. Women suffer from it more often. 25% of women are familiar with this disease. The percentage of sick men is 15-20%. But male depression is more severe and more often ends tragically.

Men are susceptible to depression of an exogenous nature. Their hormonal levels are stable. Social pressure leads to breakdowns. Heredity and childhood impressions are the basis for the development of mental disorders and neuroses.

Manifestations in men have their own characteristics. Often this is:

  • aggressive behavior;
  • tendency to take unnecessary risks;
  • alcoholism;
  • uncontrollable outbursts of anger;
  • sexual promiscuity and perversion.

These signs are mistakenly taken for manifestations of male nature, the influence of testosterone or adrenaline. Men tend to hide depressive feelings and emotions.

This behavior aggravates the patient's condition.

Depression in children

Symptoms of the disease in children are mistaken for whims. This:

Previously, it was believed that depression occurs only in mature individuals after 30 years of age. Later they started talking about depression in children and adolescents. Now you can hear about depression in infants due to improper weaning.

Depression is a biochemical malfunction in the body. It is possible at any age.

Parents need to pay attention to:

  • speed of reactions, motor skills of the child;
  • interest in communicating with peers;
  • sleep, appetite;
  • mood.

If the child is depressed, loses weight without visible reasons, then this is a signal of violations.

Children tend to anxiety states. They can develop into full-blown depression or destructive disorder.

10% of children are genetically predisposed to depression. They have insufficient production of neurotransmitter hormones. Accession external factors gives a typical clinical picture mental disorder.

What causes the disease

Depression has internal reasons related to the biochemistry of the body.

The first of them is a lack of neurotransmitters norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin. It is associated with insufficient synthesis of these hormones or with an excess of the enzyme that breaks them down. MAO (monoamine oxidase) is sometimes produced in large quantities. It destroys three enzymes responsible for the synaptic interaction of brain neurons. This is the second possible reason diseases.

The theory of suppression of the functions of brain synapses underlies the action of currently used antidepressants.

It is unknown what is primary for the onset of the disease - external circumstances or internal hormonal imbalances. Cases of drug-free treatment for depression prove the inverse relationship between external and internal factors.

Signs and symptoms

Mood changes functional disorders normal in healthy people. They do not mean illness or mental disorder. But if the symptoms do not go away within 2 weeks, then something needs to be done about them.

Action should be taken if:

  • chronic fatigue appeared;
  • haunted by anxiety, causeless fear;
  • attacks of irritation and anger become more frequent;
  • bad mood does not go away;
  • suicidal thoughts arise;
  • It became difficult to concentrate.

The physical body responds to the suffering of the soul with pain in the heart, solar plexus, joints, and head. In advanced cases, psychosomatics is expressed in skin diseases, stomach ulcers, arterial hypertension.

The patient is unable to interact with society and is forced to live in isolation. Chronic protracted cases are not so noticeable, but bring grief and suffering to the person and his relatives.

What are the consequences of this condition?

Negative thinking in depression cultivates feelings of guilt and inferiority. This destroys the patient's personality.

Apathy is expressed in indifference to others, an inability to experience feelings. Over time, a person loses loved ones, family, and friends. This closes the vicious circle of loneliness and aggravates the manifestations of the disease.

Due to the inability to concentrate, mental work has to be eliminated. This essentially means the patient is mentally disabled. If you let the course of the disease take its course, it can lead to suicide.

History knows cases of suicide of great artists, poets, and writers. They suffered from chronic depression for years. Marina Tsvetaeva, Ernst Hemingway, Stefan Zweig, Fyodor Dostoevsky are famous suicides. Their lives took a tragic turn, giving food to neurotic tendencies. They did not even try to fight depression, considering it a part of their life. They left, unable to withstand the pressure of circumstances. But from the point of view of psychiatry, this is a natural result of advanced depression.

In older people, metabolic processes slow down and hormone production is reduced. Hence the senile strengthening of character traits and age-related depression.


Only a psychiatrist or psychotherapist can make a diagnosis of depression. To be sure, you will need a consultation of the following specialists:

  • psychiatrist;
  • therapist;
  • neurologist;
  • clinical psychologist.

The opinion of these doctors is important for determining hidden depression and identifying the cause of concomitant somatic disorders.

The psychiatrist examines the patient and draws up a clinical picture of the disease. For rapid diagnosis of the severity of depressive disorder, testing according to Zung or Beck is used.

Zung scale - 20 questions with answer options “never”, “sometimes”, “often”, “all the time”. Despite the apparent simplicity of the method, it accurately determines four degrees of severity of the patient’s condition:

  • norm;
  • light;
  • moderate;
  • severe depression.

The patient can test himself. This is important when subjective feelings do not allow assessing the condition or tracking the dynamics of treatment.

How is depression treated?

People suffered from mental disorders thousands of years ago, today the disease is progressing and getting younger. The term "depression" appeared in the 19th century. Before this, the disease was called melancholy, spleen or obsession.

Ancient methods and treatment in the Middle Ages were similar to brutal physical therapy. Doctors used:

  • bloodletting;
  • emetic, laxative powders;
  • ice baths;
  • starvation;
  • sleep deprivation.

It is not known how deprivation helps patients heal. But this effective remedy treatment. Modern doctors radical methods such as electroshock therapy are used.

Until the mid-20th century, the official cures for depression and stress were opium and marijuana. And ladies at the beginning of the last century snorted cocaine for migraines.

The disease in its early stages is curable using physiological methods without the use of drugs. Recommend:

  • physical activity;
  • socialization (communication);
  • balanced diet;
  • 7-9 hours of sleep daily;
  • psychotherapy.

Gentle methods include deep hypnosis. It has a strong effect, but requires a large number of sessions. In severe cases bipolar disorders, psychosis is treated in a hospital with the use of antidepressants.

Treatment problem depressive disorders is that 2/3 of patients turn to therapists and neurologists, and not to psychiatrists. After going to the doctor, people do not receive adequate treatment. Therefore, 50% of cases of disability are associated with advanced depression.

Medicines and vitamins for depression

Non-drug therapies are successful as long as the patient is stable. Therefore, in severe cases and conditions of moderate severity, drug treatment cannot be avoided. Antidepressants, hormones, and lithium salts are used. The mechanism of action of the latter is unknown.

It is important to note that drugs with neurometabolic action are not psychostimulants. In healthy people they do not improve mood. The mechanism of action affects the synaptic interactions of hormones with neurons. Antidepressants are divided into MAO inhibitors and tricyclics.

Clinical practice has shown the positive effect of antidepressants on concomitant somatic diseases.

Their effect on the disease is noticeable after 2 weeks of use. First of all, appetite and sleep improve, and anxiety decreases. Sometimes a sedative effect is observed.

When choosing funds, the following are taken into account:

  • patient's age;
  • his gender;
  • severity of symptoms;
  • medications taken.

Antidepressants have side effects. If they are very pronounced, then you need to choose another drug. Vitamins C, D, group B and zinc salts are recommended.


50% of experts consider psychotherapy more effective method than pharmacological. Taking pills is difficult due to patients' paranoia. They experience side effects even when taking a placebo.

Cases of treatment-resistant depression have been described when medications do not work. This occurs in 30% of patients with unipolar depression.

In such cases, psychotherapy - last hope for recovery. There are such types of it:

  • psychoanalysis;
  • cognitive;
  • existential;
  • interpersonal;
  • relaxation

Complex treatment combines pharmacology with psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is not an alternative to medications, but an additional treatment.

Studies have proven the same clinical effectiveness of antidepressants and cognitive psychotherapy.

The latter reduces the likelihood of relapse compared to drug treatment.

How to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment?

Disease treatment effectiveness indicator - wellness patient, no symptoms. It happens that at an intermediate stage of treatment it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the drug. To understand the dynamics of the recovery process, the same Zung scale is used.

To quantitatively measure the effectiveness of treatment, indications are used electrical activity brain Depressive states are characterized by a loss of interest in once-loved activities, food, and people. Using an electroencephalogram, you can measure the brain's potential when receiving a reward. Then you need to repeat the study after a course of treatment with drugs or psychotherapy. The dynamics of potential changes will show the effectiveness of the treatment.

How to get out of depression on your own?

To get rid of depression, a person must admit that he is sick. This means taking responsibility for your own health, declaring your intention to heal.

It is necessary to exclude contacts with negativity:

  • horror and thriller films;
  • television news;
  • "toxic" communication.

The patient should be surrounded by friendly, positive people. Friendly support is very important: going to fun concerts and meetings. You need to learn to accept the help of others. Alcohol, drugs, cigarettes should be excluded.

You need to gradually achieve a full night's sleep. If you can’t fall asleep at first, then you need to lie in bed with your eyes closed, without moving. The body will perceive this as complete rest. In time, sleep will come.

Mandatory physical activity until tired. Running, aerobics, and swimming are recommended. Water generally has a positive effect on energy.

You need to learn to relax. Meditation, music, massage help well with this. Aromatherapy with lavender, lemon balm, and rosemary oils complements meditation.

You need to give vent to emotions - positive and negative, without identifying yourself with them.

What should you not do?

You should not prescribe pills yourself. Only a doctor can select an antidepressant.

You can only cure yourself initial forms diseases. You can determine the stage of the disease yourself using the Zung scale. If testing shows average or severe form diseases, self-medication is contraindicated.

For mild forms of the disease, aggressive treatment methods cannot be used. These are antidepressants and electric shock intended for the treatment of severe stages.

There is no need to fall into despair or blame yourself. The feeling of hopelessness is just a symptom. He will go away along with the disease.

Modern medicine cures many forms of mental disorders. Timely consultation with a doctor and the patient’s desire to be healthy are a guarantee of successful treatment.

I recently spoke with one person who made the following statement. He believes that depression should not be diagnosed until a person stops taking care of himself and getting out of bed. Otherwise people will be completely spoiled.

Nowadays, no matter where you look, everyone is depressed. There may be depression, but as soon as someone finds out about their diagnosis, they certainly begin to shirk work. Like, I’m depressed, in this state I’m supposed to lie on the couch and spit at the ceiling. Now, if a person cannot stand up at all, this is a good reason. Until this moment, you need to go to work, do chores around the house and not whine.

Before you continue reading, take a depression test.

Of course, most people who are far from understanding mental illness believe that as long as all parts of a person’s body are working and the tests are good, nothing has happened to him. More or less, last years People have come to understand that before lying down, a person may be in a state of moderate depression. Then he sleeps poorly, his mood is constantly low, nothing makes him happy and he thinks badly about himself (that he is worthless, stupid, unlucky, a burden to everyone, etc.).

But even earlier, there is also mild depression. If you add the adjective “mild” to the name of any disease, then in the eyes of the public the condition becomes frivolous, something that can simply be ignored. Bad mood? Who has it easy now? Everyone has children, work and home. So you live like everyone else, you have the same problems, and you are no different from those around you.

But, nevertheless, people with mild depression are different from others, despite having the same “children-work-home” situation. They, given the same living conditions, are much more stressed by them.

Pure depression is not that common Lately. In the vast majority of cases, it is accompanied by anxiety.

Any trouble at home or at work puts people with mild depression into shock and panic. A catastrophe begins to be predicted in my head. It seems that life is starting to fall apart.

Did your boss express dissatisfaction with your work? That’s it, now he hates me, thinks I’m a fool, plans to fire me, and then no one will hire me, my wife will leave me, I’ll die under the fence.

And even on those days when there are no significant changes, people with mild depression are overwhelmed by the thought that it’s about to happen, but I’m not ready, I can’t handle it. They overwhelm themselves with work and are stressed when performing even the simplest tasks. Because... if there is a puncture, then everything will go upside down.

It cannot be said that mild depression completely takes a person into the realm of a negative vision of the world. Paradoxically, people, on the contrary, are beginning to look at things more realistically. Normally (the norm in relation to mood), a person tends to love himself more, and a number of psychological effects of perception are associated with this.

So healthy people more often they look for problems not in themselves, but in others, they tend to trust themselves and doubt less about the results of their work, they consider themselves “good and correct.”

Not so with mild depression. A person begins to see that a lot depends on him, and that he is not 100% able to cope with certain problems, that consequences of this or that behavior may occur.

In other words, a person with a normal background mood, having not completed a task, would rather hope that he will somehow slip through or figure out on the spot what to do. A depressed person will worry because he knows for sure that he may not get through, and may not get out of his way, and may not think on the spot.

People with mild depression often have problems communicating. They feel that they cannot communicate with others. They quickly become bored and conversation stresses them out.

Thoughts begin that you could do something else, you want to get away from interaction. They answer in monosyllables, because there seems to be nothing to talk about. If you can answer briefly, why answer long.

The topics for conversation themselves are rarely suggested, for fear that no one will be interested in it, and if they talk about what they are talking about, it will be too long. And in general, they often begin to look for negativity and negative connotations in communicating with others.

It seems to them that they are annoying the interlocutor, that he wants to run away from them, they themselves say some stupid things, inappropriate things. Indeed, when depressed people are nervous during communication, behave anxiously, and are reluctant to answer briefly, others perceive that they do not want to communicate with them. Next time they won't come any more.

People with mild depression are more likely to have angry outbursts and behave aggressively. If we take into account that their mood is more depressed than expected, then their reactions to what is happening are much brighter for outsiders.

For the depressed themselves, such attacks do not always seem unreasonable. They yell at their children more often, are more often irritated by everything that happens around them, and are more often offended and upset.

In this state there is also anhedonia, a lack of satisfaction. It is not so pronounced that a person does not like anything at all and is not happy with anything, but there is constant feeling that the grass was greener before, that their dreams did not come true, their life is boring.

And even if everything is changed radically, then again, after a short period of time, everything returns to the original sensations. In general, no matter how you change your life, everything is the same.

However, in this state, people already find it difficult to take any drastic steps, resist stress, and overcome obstacles. If a person sees that there will be obstacles, then, even though small movements will bring significant dividends, he refuses to change anything in life.

A person is mildly depressed and chronically dissatisfied with his life. Everyone in his family irritates him; it seems to him that he is not given enough love and warmth here. He himself is not able to give anything either.

He is not appreciated or recognized at work. He works a lot hard, but is too overwhelmed with emotions about every little thing. This work drains all the veins out of him and he barely manages to do the minimum.

He also lives in a crappy area of ​​a crappy city and a crappy country. This is because he can't handle living anywhere else and doesn't have enough money to leave. It's not interesting with neighbors and colleagues. I would like to find a hobby, but nothing is interesting.

Those. Yes, there is no reason to give such a person “sick leave.” He can formally go to work. But the situation is such that his quality of life suffers greatly. And no one promises that he will always remain mildly depressed.

When life's circumstances become more complicated, depression takes hold more powerfully. Depression of any severity also flourishes with other disorders - addictions, phobias, behavioral disorders, etc.

Many believe that if in such cases we give everyone a box of antidepressants, then life in the country will improve. Indeed, antidepressants can break the vicious circle and enable a person to make a breakthrough from circumstances and change his life.

However, pills by themselves never solve problems. Of course, it is easy to tell a disgruntled wife that she is depressed and needs to see a psychiatrist. But even if she goes and her depression decreases, it will not solve the marriage problems.

Problems in marriage are more often the cause of depression, not the other way around. Emotional Abuse at work leads to depression among workers. Those. This does not happen because only depressed types go to work.

The issue of drug treatment is decided in each individual case. But pills never cancel the solution to current problems.

Prolonged stress, long and intractable conflicts in the family or at work, unjustified hopes lead to emotional disorders. Depression is born from constant disharmony. Accumulated failures, problems and negative energy put pressure on a person, and cheerfulness is replaced by melancholy, sadness and indifference. This is how cheerful and optimistic people become withdrawn, gloomy and unsociable.

If mild depression lasts longer than two weeks (especially several months or years) and interferes with life, you need to consult a psychotherapist for diagnosis and treatment.

If this condition continues for more than two weeks, then the person already has mild depression. It comes in several types:

  1. Dysthymia is a long-term low, depressed mood that a person and the environment perceive as a character trait. After therapy, a person is transformed.
  2. Mild depressive episode- mild depression can be triggered by a conflict, a problem in the family or at work, life difficulties or uncertainty. May progress and lead to serious mental illness- recurrent depressive or bipolar affective disorder.

Diagnosis and treatment of the disorder should be as directed and under the supervision of a psychotherapist. The doctor must prescribe therapy individually, otherwise the condition can only worsen.

Mild depression: symptoms and diagnosis

For diagnosis of mild Symptoms of depression may include:

  • constant bad mood, in extreme cases accompanied by irritability and aggression;
  • indifference to everything what used to bring joy and pleasure;
  • feeling tired even from easy and short work;
  • decreased performance, the person moves little, there are almost no thoughts in his head, it is difficult to concentrate.

A person with depression may also experience poor concentration, poor appetite, insomnia or excessive sleepiness, and low self-esteem, which is accompanied by insecurity and feelings of self-pity. Usually a person continues his usual social and work activities.

Mild depression is dangerous because a person considers himself tired, but not sick. But even a long rest will not help cope with the disorder!

Mild depression of neurotic origin is a disorder that occurs after stress, overload, conflict, or life difficulties. It goes away when a person solves the problem with the help of a psychotherapist.

Neurotic depression is contrasted with endogenous depression. The second can appear without external stress due to a malfunction in the exchange of neurotransmitters (molecules that transmit signals between nerve cells). Endogenous depression requires correction with medications.

Treatment for mild depression

Comprehensive treatment for depression includes:

  1. Medication support.
  2. Biofeedback therapy (biofeedback therapy) .

Success in getting rid of mild depression can be achieved with comprehensive, consistent and correct treatment. Target individual psychotherapy- identify the causes of depression, direct the person to reassess the situation and solve the problem. The therapist offers the patient incentive and motivation to change behavior.

The doctor prescribes medications with the consent of the patient and strictly individually - depending on the symptoms, concomitant diseases, age, gender.

Drug treatment is based on working with a psychotherapist and taking modern medications (antidepressants, anti-anxiety drugs, sedatives).

Depression is a type of mental disorder. This concept is often used by people to describe their prolonged bad mood and apathy. Meanwhile, depression is a disease that can and should be treated, because the consequences of a long-term condition can be dangerous not only to a person’s health, but also to his life.

Most often, a depressed state that provokes is mistaken for depression. And scientists define depression as acquired helplessness in the face of difficulties, everyday problems and family troubles.

Causes of depression

As a rule, the appearance of depression is influenced by several reasons at once - from a banal quarrel with a boss to death loved one. In women, the condition in question is diagnosed much more often than in men - doctors and scientists cannot explain this precisely, but they associate this trend with hormonal levels. For example, the causes of depression in women can be:

  • pregnancy – we will talk about prenatal depression;
  • birth of a child - postpartum depression is diagnosed;
  • impairments in functionality;
  • premenstrual syndrome.

Depression can also develop against the background of strong negative emotions - for example, after the death of a loved one. It is not surprising that women more often “withdraw into themselves”, experience their sadness and melancholy on their own; men are more likely to switch to active activity to distract from gloomy thoughts.

There is also depression against the background of progressive somatic diseases - for example, against the background of pathologies thyroid gland or from severe pain and awareness of inevitable disability due to arthritis, rheumatism, and oncology.

Depression can be caused by certain mental disorders - for example, this condition is often diagnosed in patients with drug addiction.

Types of depression

There are two main types of depression:

  • exogenous– in this case, the disorder will be triggered by some external stimulus (for example, loss of a job or death of a relative);
  • endogenous– Depression is caused by internal problems, often unexplained.

Many ordinary people are confident that exogenous depression does not pose a danger to humans - this is a temporary condition, you just need to survive difficult period. But the endogenous type of depression is considered a complex disease leading to serious mental illness. In fact, the opposite is true - doctors say that an external irritant can provoke a serious disorder, but endogenous depression will most likely be classified as a depressive episode.

The condition in question does not appear in a person suddenly or immediately - there are three stages of its development:

  1. Dysthymia- Human long time is in a bad mood and experiences a loss of strength. To make such a diagnosis, it will take at least 2 years - this is exactly the period the described condition should last.
  2. Depressive episode– this is already a rather serious condition that can continue long term, up to several months. It is during a depressive episode that patients most often attempt suicide.
  3. Depressive disorder– with it, depressive episodes appear with a certain frequency. As an example, we can cite the well-known seasonal depressions (autumn, winter).

If the reasons for the appearance of the condition in question are not known to doctors for certain, then the symptoms of depression are very familiar to every specialist. These include:

  1. Sadness, irritability, withdrawal. These symptoms appear at the very beginning of the development of the disease and may be accompanied by insomnia.
  2. Feeling of pressure in the chest, feeling of suffocation, decreased potency. At the same time, the sad mood is also present, but seems to be relegated to the background - patients clearly indicate painful sensations and problems in the functioning of the reproductive system.
  3. Speech slows down, the voice becomes quiet, communication with others is reduced to a minimum.
  4. Concentration decreases, feelings of guilt and helplessness appear.
  5. Lack of appetite. Some people during periods of depression completely refuse to eat, which often leads to exhaustion. In women, against the background of such fasting, menstrual cycle, up to the complete cessation of menstruation.
  6. The ability to rejoice and receive pleasure from any things or actions is lost.

Of course, the listed symptoms are very conditional - they can all be present at the same time, or they can be isolated. There are some features of signs of depression:

  • if the state in question occurs in mild form, then the person will not lose appetite, but rather have a greater need for food;
  • people may have too high a critical assessment of their abilities - they constantly scold themselves;
  • depression may be accompanied by thoughts of having dangerous disease, oncology or AIDS - people in such a condition and with such a sign cannot be convinced otherwise on their own;
  • in 15% of cases of severe depression, patients have delusions or hallucinations; they may see dead relatives, or hear voices accusing the person of committing a sin and the need to atone for it with “blood.”

Important:the most serious symptom Depression is considered to be thoughts of death, and in 15% of cases of depression, patients have clear and persistent suicidal thoughts. Patients often voice plans for their murder - this should be an absolute reason for hospitalization.

Treatment of depression

Depression is a disease, so it must be treated in tandem with specialists. Moreover, you should not delay seeking help from doctors - depression can drag on for months and years, which certainly leads to dangerous conditions.

Therapy for the condition in question is carried out in two directions:

  1. Reception medications . Under no circumstances should you decide to use any sedatives in independent mode - this is the prerogative of the doctor. Depression can be treated by various means– the choice of the attending physician will depend on several factors:
  • at what stage of development the disease is at the time of examination;
  • Are there medical contraindications to taking certain medicines;
  • what mental illnesses and general have been previously diagnosed;
  • How often does depression appear or does it not stop for a long time?
  1. Psychotherapy. Without it, treatment of depression even with the most effective medications will be incomplete. This type of therapy aims to teach a person to manage his own emotions. And this is impossible without the active participation of the patient himself - it is necessary to conduct several preparatory/introductory sessions so that the patient can trust the doctor and talk about his experiences, problems, feelings and emotions without concealment.

In addition to contacting doctors, the patient himself will also need to constantly work on himself - without this, it will not be possible to get out of depression.

Myths about depression

Since the state in question refers to mental disorders, it is surrounded by numerous myths. Doctors easily refute them, citing competent arguments. Let's look at the most popular myths.

  1. Depression is not a disease, but self-indulgence and a person’s reluctance to work/make important decisions/cope with problems.

In fact, the condition in question is precisely a disease - there are causes and symptoms of development, depression often leads to severe consequences, in many cases ends fatal. And this is not a flu or a cold, the rules of treatment for which everyone around you knows about! Cope with depressive state Neither relatives nor friends will help - you cannot do without the help of doctors.

  1. To have depression is to be a psychopath, to live in a madhouse, and this is a shame.

Illness is not a shame, but a circumstance independent of the person himself. This statement also applies to depression, so you cannot be ashamed of this condition. People diagnosed with depression are not treated inpatiently, but even if they end up in clinics, these are not psychiatric hospitals, but sanatoriums. You can only get into a psychodispensary (it really won’t be pleasant) only after several registered cases of suicide attempts - this rarely happens with proper treatment of depression.

  1. Depression cannot be cured. The disease remains for life and returns regularly.

Doctors keep their own statistics, from which we can conclude that the disorder in question is completely treatable. If a patient with a depressive episode has passed adequate treatment, then the disease does not return.

  1. Antidepressants used to treat depression are dangerous to health.

There is some truth in this statement - antidepressants have side effects, expressed in decreased libido, increased appetite, headaches, nausea. Most of all, patients fear an increase in appetite - it is believed that when using antidepressants, you can quickly gain excess weight. But with some forms of depression, there is already a significant increase in the need for food. And if anyone is concerned about the issue of decreased potency, then during periods of depression patients are not able to be sexual giants anyway. And then - after completing the course of antidepressant therapy, the side effects disappear and health is restored, but depression can last for years.

  1. Antidepressants provoke drug dependence.

Some of the older types of medicines mentioned did induce attachment, but modern drugs more perfect and do not cause an addictive effect (except perhaps psychological).

  1. Antidepressants prescribed by doctors can be stopped at any time.

This is very big mistake! Many patients, taking a course of antidepressants and feeling an improvement in their condition, decide to independently refuse therapy. Most often this happens at the very peak of treatment - this can lead to a new “round” of depression in a more severe form.

There is constant debate about the benefits and harms of antidepressants. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the opinions of experts presented in this video review:

Depression is not just a bad mood and laziness, but a disease. It needs and can be successfully treated only if you turn to professionals.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

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