Home Prosthetics and implantation Plastic surgery works wonders: Marina Mayer before plastic surgery and after photos. Marina Mayer Instagram: Instagram, biography, personal life, family and photos Marina Mayer and jab who is he

Plastic surgery works wonders: Marina Mayer before plastic surgery and after photos. Marina Mayer Instagram: Instagram, biography, personal life, family and photos Marina Mayer and jab who is he

If you are a spectacular woman and can boast of simply crazy beauty, then you don’t have to be a show business star to become famous on the Internet. Instagram Marina Mayer- just an example of this.

The stunning brunette has effortlessly amassed almost 400 thousand followers, who give her tons of likes and comments on her posts every day. Do you also want to follow beautiful life models? Subscribe to her by nickname marinamayer777.

Who is Marina Mayer and why is it worth following her on Instagram?

An ordinary girl from Rostov, whose life changed a lot after meeting businessman Dmitry Nechaev. She became famous on the Internet for her photographs from different parts of the globe, chic bouquets from her beloved and model photo sets from famous artists. It is also known that there is an important influence plastic surgery in her biography and about her love for sports training, which helps her keep fit. After marriage, she officially became the stepmother of her husband’s four children from his first marriage.

Marina Mayer's Instagram will appeal not only to lovely ladies who need to follow the example of a spectacular beauty, but also, of course, guys. By the way, in addition to photos of the owner of the profile, in your feed you will see other Moscow dolls, her friends: Olga Ibragimova,

Marina Mayer did not need to make a dizzying career to become famous. The girl just adjusted her appearance and became one of the representatives of a new profession - Instagram model. Her beauty and grooming are admired by more than a million subscribers, with whom Marina generously shares recipes for perfection.

Childhood and youth

The social media star was born on January 3, 1984. In some sources, the age is significantly reduced - the year of birth is indicated as 1988, but journalists and fans claim that this information is incorrect. Marina grew up in Rostov-on-Don, she has a younger brother.

From her youth, the girl loved to take care of her body, was a regular at solariums, and also did not miss noisy discos and parties. That's all that the press managed to find out about the early biography of the socialite; the rest of the details are a secret behind seven seals.


The first steps towards Marina’s popularity were the TV show “Dom-2”. The girl participated in the project under her own real name- Bristles. However, popularity began to rapidly gain momentum after the marriage of the sultry brunette. Marina married restaurateur Dmitry Nechaev, receiving unlimited access to her husband’s fortune.

Marina Mayer in the show "House 2"

Armed with money, Marina began to reshape everything that nature had given her. Surgeons from the best clinics in the capital transformed her appearance beyond recognition: first, the girl corrected the imperfection of her nose, becoming the owner of a thin upturned nose, enlarged her breasts, installed dental veneers, which gave her a snow-white Hollywood smile, pumped up her cheekbones and lips with Botox. Plastic surgery touched almost every part of the body.

Marina Mayer has gained subscribers in "Instagram", a million followers are happy to read tons of recommendations from the socialite on the microblog regarding communication with doctors and tips on improving your appearance. Special attention focuses on beginners who are just planning to go under the surgeon’s knife.

The blogger generously shares the names of medications and also shares medical innovations in the field of cosmetology. Recently, a girl revealed to her subscribers the secret of how to actively play sports, spend a lot of time outside in the summer and not sweat - just pump Botox into your armpits, which is what Marina did.

Fans were also attracted by the luxurious lifestyle that Mayer does not hesitate to demonstrate. The page is replete with photos of branded clothing and cosmetics, a fleet of luxury car brands, lunches and dinners in chic metropolitan restaurants.

Fans admire Marina's style. The girl loves sporty chic, preferring mainly the German designer Philipp Plein, although her wardrobe also includes many dresses from the French fashion house Herve Leger. However, she prefers to wear jeans, baseball caps, platform sneakers and T-shirts.

Personal life

Marina Mayer married Dmitry Nechaev, owner of the Assorti restaurant chain and co-owner of the Nechaev Group group of companies (one of the three leaders in the hospitality business in southern Russia). The girl became the stepmother of her husband’s four children and helped him in business. At this time, the diva’s social networks were filled with photographs from travels around the world and brand stores in which she whiled away free time.

However, in 2015, the marriage broke up, according to rumors, due to Nechaev’s infidelity. A year later, fans received the news that Marina was successfully establishing her personal life - she was dating a Moscow businessman, a Chechen by nationality, Dzhabrail. What exactly the young man does for a living is left behind the scenes; it is only known that he received his education in the USA, and his interests include expensive exclusive cars.

Immediately after the news about the new romance spread across the Internet, fans received another good news - Marina Mayer became a mother. In June 2016, a son was born, whom the girl named Adam. Fans have still not been able to find out who the father of the child is.

After giving birth, the socialite’s blog lost its piquancy for six months; the new mother brought her body back to its previous shape. Then, finally, she again began to pamper the public with pictures in swimsuits and mini-dresses. Marina managed to return to her previous shape (the girl’s height is 173 cm and her weight is 56 kg).

Mayer takes baby Mayer with him on long trips; the family often vacations abroad, as well as in the Russian outback. The girl is friends with other Moscow divas. She can be seen at parties in the company of Olga Ibragimova, Dasha Belize.

Marina Mayer now

In addition to earning money on the Internet, Marina has income from her own brand store in the center of Moscow. According to the beauty, a young man (he doesn’t mention his name, perhaps Dzhabrail) helps run the business.

At the end of 2017, Mayer, together with another socialite who also changed her appearance, Elina Romasenko, visited the Channel One studio visiting. On the “Male/Female” program, the girl opened up about spending on things and accessories, saying that in six months she spent 6-7 million rubles on “necessities.” Viewers saw footage filmed in the luxurious apartment of the Instagram model, where she lives with her son.

The child also dresses immaculately: the baby’s shirts cost at least 15 thousand rubles, and outerwear- 30-40 thousand rubles. Marina does not skimp on the creative development of her son. Adam goes to a children's club, a subscription to which costs 130 thousand rubles. Mayer gives away the clothes that have become small to friends - recently the closets were emptied by 250 kg.

In the spring of 2018, Marina became a participant in the STS channel project “Supermomochki”. According to the rules of the reality show, every week four young women compete for the title of best mother. The winner is determined by a psychologist.

The rivals were housewife Marina Chesnokova, wife of football player Dmitry Khomich - Alina Khomich and ophthalmologist, mother of three sons Marina Alexandriyskaya. The women visited Marina Mayer and learned the details of her motherhood. The nanny mainly takes care of his son, while Adam does not have his own room; he sleeps in the living room with the nanny.

The crib in Marina's bedroom is not used for its intended purpose - it is overflowing with toys and covered with dust. Participants appreciated the young mother’s emphasis on nutrition; the refrigerator is full of food, and there is also a separate set of products from the dairy kitchen. The Super Moms participant refused to talk about her personal life, but during filming the girl received a gorgeous bouquet of flowers from an unknown fan.

Marina Mayer (Shchetinina) is one of the modern Moscow socialites, as well as a blogger and fashion model. Her name has been heard for several years now, but Marina began to be discussed especially zealously in Lately. The reason for this is the appearance that has changed too much due to plastic surgery.

Born January 3, 1984. According to her, the girl’s height is 173 centimeters, although many followers believe that Marina is lying and her height is about 165 centimeters.

Before her marriage to the rich and influential co-owner of the restaurant business, Dmitry Nechaev, Marina was an ordinary girl with her own complexes and a completely typical Russian appearance.

Big money opened up many opportunities for her, her routine changed once and for all. It included sports, spa treatments, travel, expensive boutiques, shopping and, of course, plastic surgery.

Marina is credited with rhinoplasty, correction of cheekbones and eyebrows, lip correction and augmentation, breast augmentation, liposuction in the waist area, as well as regular anti-aging injections.

After her divorce from Dmitry, the girl’s new boyfriend, Dzhabrail, seems to have nothing against his beloved’s hobbies. In 2015, Marina’s son Adam was born, and Dzhabrail is credited with paternity; however, the couple is in no hurry to legitimize their relationship.

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Instagram marinamayer777

The ideal facial features and wasp waists of the owners of thousands of likes turned out to be fakes

These girls are watched by tens of thousands of fans every day. They are a real decoration for any social network feed. Men admire their wasp waists, outstanding forms, angel-like faces with ideal features. Thanks to their subscribers, beauties have become real Internet stars: they are discussed, copied, and many try to match them. “Nature has not endowed everyone with such genes, she was just lucky,” users often write in the comments. When asked if they were lucky, bloggers answer decisively and publish their photo investigation. Beauty injections, plastic surgery and Photoshop - these are all the secrets of ten thousand likes on the Internet.

After this photo, 25-year-old ex-participant of the reality show “Dom-2” Olesya Kozhevnikova, known under the pseudonym Olesya Malibu, you will have to justify yourself not only for accusations of prostitution, but also for plastic surgery. Veneers, repeated injections for lip augmentation, correction of the shape of the nose and chin are far from full list the tricks the girl went to.

Bloggers also offer to evaluate the appearance of the 21-year-old star of the show “Vacations in Mexico” Nita Kuzmina before she became known to Russian youth. Because of excess weight, non-protruding breasts, fleshy nose and hair scorched by hydroperite, the girl in the photo on the left can hardly be recognized as today’s plump-lipped brunette with an impeccable smile. Behind Nita's page in "I" Instagram" 585 thousand followers follow daily. In order not to disappoint her subscribers, who lavish sweet compliments under each photo, Nita also resorts to tricks with Photoshop. So, for example, in order to give her body even more expressive curves and shapes, Kuzmina, according to bloggers, corrected the shape of her buttocks using a graphic editor.

Bloggers literally picked apart photographs of the 22-year-old mother of rapper Timati’s child, Alena Shishkova. In addition to the correction of the breasts, the shape of the nose and a noticeable increase in the volume of the lips, other imperfections in the figure of “Vice Miss Russia 2012” were added. As it turns out, the blonde beauty’s wasp-shaped waist is the result of a photo editor, and not heredity or hard work on exercise machines. The model is suspected, judging by her scanty hair in her youth, of regularly wearing hair extensions.

About the fact that before meeting businessman Dmitry Nechaev, the 26-year-old Marina Mayer outwardly she was not very different from any provincial girl, perhaps all of her 451 thousand subscribers know. The slender brunette received an aristocratic nose, extra volume in her chest and plump lips as a gift from an admirer, along with branded handbags and dresses. But this fact does not prevent Marina from sometimes abusing the services of Photoshop. It’s a pity that Mayer has not yet fully mastered it - having reduced the width of her torso in the editor, the girl forgot to give natural volume to the arm affected during the correction.

Subscribers generally justify contacting plastic surgeons and cosmetologists, recognizing the girls’ visible improvements in appearance. However, this does not apply Dashi Kononovich. The blue-eyed blonde, who was distinguished by her most delicate beauty during her flowering years, ruined everything, according to bloggers, and lost her naturalness. Too much big lips and breasts made Kononovich’s appearance rough and her type too common.

In the arsenal of another favorite of Internet subscribers - Kayou Zhuzhi a completely standard set of detailed appearance work: nose correction, lip augmentation and surgery to increase breast size. After this, judging by the photo, best friend Ksenia Borodina stopped actively visiting the solarium and became a standard beauty for many men and girls.

Internet users are also seriously disappointed in the Ukrainian beauty Anyute Andres. Having found a photo of the girl in her youth in model catalogs, bloggers immediately showed the photo to the model’s fans. And although in Anyuta’s case everything turned out to be just a correction of the tip of the nose and injections hyaluronic acid on the lips, now hardly anyone dares to call the girl’s appearance natural beauty.

“If you don’t like something about me, don’t come to my page, but cry in front of the mirror over your face shape,” the Instagram star, who positions herself as a model, responds to criticism. Anyuta Rai. The girl became completely and completely confident in herself after the notorious correction of the shape of her nose, lip augmentation, and narrowing her waist to a wasp in Photoshop. However, readers quickly noticed the catch. “Why is the bed crooked? Photoshop is not your thing!” — subscribers wrote to the girl. The photograph really shows unequivocal evidence of an incompetent person working in a photo editor.

Alexandra Kharitonova, known as Sasha Lashes or Sasha Markina, is a real model for many girls and a dream for most young people. However, according to bloggers, the appearance of this favorite of Internet users is only the painstaking work of plastic surgeons. After surgery to reshape her nose and several injections to add volume to her lips, Sasha took up sports and lost a lot of weight. And if before the girl could hardly be called beautiful, then after several interventions by professionals Markina was transformed beyond recognition.

Thanks to her striking appearance, the 22-year-old Svetlana Bilyalova made a career as a model. As it turned out, the girl’s beauty, as in previous cases, was partially acquired artificially. Breast augmentation, surgery to change the shape of the nose, lip augmentation - according to bloggers, the list of manipulations with the appearance of a curvy beauty is far from complete.

About the magical transformation of the thin Volgodonsk blonde Olesya Sidorchik into a uniform metropolitan fatal brunette Olesya Malinskaya many have heard. According to bloggers, by changing fans and sponsors like gloves, Olesya was able not only to completely change in appearance, but also to change her dubious occupation of modeling to a passion for fashion design.

Marina Mayer - who is she? What do we know about her? And we know the most interesting thing. Marina Mayer became famous thanks to the popular Instagram network.

Marina Mayer

On Instagram, Marina Mayer won 1 million subscribers. On her page, she demonstrates a luxurious life, publishing photos from expensive resorts, restaurants and with expensive cars in the background. Naturally, the girl does not forget about her beloved, showing her beautiful body in all its glory.

Few people know that Mayer owes her beautiful appearance to plastic surgeons and numerous operations.

Marina Mayer before plastic surgery

We have several photos at our disposal showing Marina Mayer before plastic surgery. Of course, before plastic surgery, Marina Mayer had beautiful facial features, but not ideal as they are now.

Marina Mayer before and after plastic surgery

Marina Mayer was married to Russian businessman Dmitry Nechaev, but the marriage quickly broke up due to the entrepreneur’s numerous infidelities. After her divorce from Dmitry, Mayer did not grieve for a long time and got married again. This time, the husband of Marina Mayer was a native of Chechnya, businessman Dzhabrail.

Marina's appearance began to change when she married Chechen businessman Dzhabrail, who spared no expense in improving the beauty of his betrothed.

If you look at the photo of Marina Mayer before and after plastic surgery, you can see how much her husband had to invest in Marina’s beauty.

Before plastic surgery, Marina Mayer looked like an ordinary girl, but after, her facial features became more pronounced, there was rhinoplasty, skin tightening and breast augmentation.

Figure of Marina Mayer

In the photo of Marina Mayer, where she is posing in a swimsuit, her breasts are visible, or rather almost invisible. But after the magical procedures, Mayer’s breasts became lush, toned and elastic.

Thanks to plastic surgery, Marina Mayer is now a real star, she stars in advertising companies, participates in various events, where he shows himself in all his glory.

Now we have revealed to you the secret of the popularity of the Russian beauty in social network Instagram.

Marina Mayer after plastic surgery

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