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Funny poems about school. Inspirational Poems About School

They say there are schools
Where the fence is is from a palisade.
To all the children from these schools
They stake very often!

There are many other schools
Where they don’t put a “stake” at all,
What do you call the fences there?
I suggest:

If it's a break at school,
So, a fight is a must!
Here Popov is pushing Petrov,
Treblet Koshkin Komarova,
Mosquitoes are already squeaking -
The new form is cracking!
And at the new break
I gave Popov to Gena,
And the Mosquito attacked the Cat
And I gave him a little.
That's what change is for,
So that there are shifts in fights!

Grandfathers to school
no need to walk.
I wish I could
live to see this.

Givargizov A.

Dream. Alarm. Shower. Charger.
Breakfast. Tea. Briefcase. Notebook.
Shoes. Path. Crows. Check.
Being late. Fail.

Turn. Behavior.
Two. Head teacher Sadness.
Clarification. Call.
Running up the stairs. Lesson.

Numbers. Rules. Torment.
Light. Window. Dreams. Visions.
Verbal counting. Example. Board.
Multiplication. Yearning.

Two. Disappointment.
Perspective. Punishment.
Optimism. The fight against vice.
Jokes. Laughter. End of lessons!

House. One. Hooray! Toys.
Soup. Pancakes. Compote. Cheesecakes.
Rest. Cartoon program.
Telephone. Computer. Mother.

Meeting. Kiss. Diary.
Oh! Belt. Questions. Scream.
Excuses. Snot. Tears.
Exclamations. Threats.

Reconciliation. Textbook.
- Do it yourself! - Yes. Reshebnik.
Dinner. Bath. Relaxation.
Repeat tomorrow morning:

Dream. Alarm. Shower. Charger…

Varlamova T.

If you start right away
Only get A's -
At home they will soon get used to them
And they won't notice.

Therefore, turn on your brains:
Get a couple of deuces
Mom will be indignant
But don’t argue, just keep quiet.

And then again
You can get five
Mom will definitely become
Kiss and hug.

Take a secret look at her
And sit and groan,
Hint: these fives are
Oh, they are not easy!

Bundur O.

We've been here for an hour today
They cleaned out the new class.
A hundred toffee papers
A hundred bits and notes
We discovered it.

There were only three lessons
Not five
And not six.
How did we manage to do so much?
Write, read and eat?!!

Makhotin S.

I once accidentally
I dozed off during class.

I feel comfortable and pleasant
I'm sailing on a boat
And one thing is not clear to me,
Whether in a dream or in reality.

Suddenly out of nowhere
Sounds in the distance:
- Shura Volkova,
to the blackboard!

And then a miracle happened:
I'm sailing on a boat
And in a dream I tear water lilies,
And I learned the lesson without hesitation
I answer in reality.

Got a C+
But I took a nap in style.

Agniya Barto

Our Petka Rubashkin is very contagious,
It's dangerous to approach him, guys!
You can't talk to him on the phone -
Even so, he can infect all of you!

Who even looked at Petka through the crack,
Even though I was wearing a gauze bandage, I got sick.
But our Petka is not in a rash, not hoarse,
And he doesn’t have the mumps, and he doesn’t have the flu.

I’ll tell you a secret for those who don’t know:
He...infects us with a bad example!

With me
You did it
But not on your own
I got hurt

The shell rustled
During the lesson…
And the sea is all around
And rushed
The ship is mine
Towards the wave...

From the spectacle
It was impossible to tear it away
Why are you
brought me back
To class?

Ostrovsky S.

Clown is on stage!
He makes good jokes
Say a word -
And laughter is heard.

School explodes
With volleys of laughter:
Clown - first grader!
What fun!

Girls laughing
Especially the call!
But he doesn't laugh
One of the girls.

Something's ruffled
This girl:
- I don't feel like it
Choking from laughter!

The girls whisper:
- She's not laughing
Tanka can't stand it
Someone else's success.

Agniya Barto

I was walking home from school
Slowly slowly,
He kept coming up with excuses.
Carrying a four
According to natural history,
And in Russian -
Half a quarter.

Aldonina R.

Can I work with such a board?
But dad never dreamed of her!
I ran my hand lightly across the screen -
And immediately the picture changed.

I'm standing at the blackboard, there's no chalk in my hands
And somehow the decision is difficult,
Well why is it impossible
Contact a friend's mobile phone:

From Vovka’s mobile phone - and an immediate response
Would appear on the board instantly,
Well, why isn't this function available?
And there absolutely should be!

Bundur O.

On Tuesday the bed let me down -
I couldn't wake up on time.
I forgot my briefcase the day before yesterday
There was a banana in it - I had to go back.
I figured out my mistakes,
I wanted to come on time today,
But I went too fast
And flew past the school.

He reaches his hand over the desk and pulls.
Surely no one will even look at him?

There is no need to make notes in the journal or diary.
It's enough that he penetrated the secret,

That a miracle has happened, the problem has been solved...
Please ask! Do me a favor!

Valentin Berestov

You can sleep on math
In botany and Russian.
In gym class
Out of habit, though, it’s narrow,
Hard and rather high -
The horizontal bar still presses -
I put cotton wool
And I’m almost used to it already.
Birds sleep on branches, chickens,
Flies sleep on the ceiling...
In gym class
Andrey is sleeping on the horizontal bar.

Mom writes me the decision,
Dad sat down with an essay.
Tomorrow at school I'll get an A,
I'll get it only for dexterity.

Ivanov's diary is buried here.
Ivanov treated him harshly.
But if Ivanov had not been harsh,
That would have been a harsh father with Ivanov.

Weiner B.

I wish I could live until the holidays
The student dreams
I'd like to throw it further away
With grades diary!

I wish I could live until the holidays
The teacher dreams
After all, what the teacher could not do,
Not even God can do it!

The problem is not solved -
At least kill it!
Think, think, head
Hurry up!
Think, think, head,
I'll give you some candy
On your birthday I'll give you
A new beret.
Think think -
Once again I ask!
I'll wash you with soap!
I'll comb it!
We are with you
Not strangers to each other.
Help out!
Otherwise I’ll hit you on the top of your head!

Boroditskaya M.

The end of the learning torment!
Judge for yourself:
A whole year of granite science
Gnawing with baby teeth.

A whole year of memories:
In lessons plus after-school...
How is there such a wealth of knowledge?
Does it fit in a child?

In the body of a high school student
There is no more space left.
But on holidays I quickly
I will overcome my fatigue.

I'll raise myself decently
At grandma's and at the dacha,
So that it's great in the fall
Click new tasks.

To school curriculum
From socks to top
Wedged in tightly
Well, straight away
Like cucumbers in a tub.

Smetanin A.

I opened my notebook,
Briefcase in the snow.
And I can’t take my eyes off the top five!
With a period.
Carrots are redder.
The notebook is so elegant with it!

Fadeeva L.

Every day I'm in class
Like on the battlefield.
My opponent Vasya
He doesn't take his eyes off Olya.

Losers are running around
A whole evening on the slide.
And I'm sitting over books,
I need A's.
Legs are numb
And my back has a cold.
I'd rather retire
Take a well-deserved rest.

Givargizov A.

I have letters in my notebook
They are going to the mountains.
When checking an essay
Teachers argue.

Textbooks are like bricks
Size, shape and weight.
For those who decided to get a certificate,
It is advisable to be Hercules.

I can do pull-ups many times,
I've been doing exercises since the morning.
But the school bag bends into an arc,
It was as if I was going on a hike.

I won't throw my bag away, keep that in mind!
This is out of the question.
I will become a scientist and find a way
How to make textbooks easier.

Starikov A.

We're done studying
The class handed over textbooks,
My textbook is the cleanest -
I didn't open it.

On Monday I tried
And I held out without any deuces.
Tuesday too – well done!
He walked with a beaming face.
But Wednesday...
And Friday!!!
Who will see the diary?
Backing away...
My poor dear dad
Dedicated a day off to me.
We wrote
We read
We shared
Did you read!
We didn't watch football!
We forgot that we were tired!…
And I thought -
Well, honestly! –
What is INTERESTING to study!

Fadeeva L.

I will study for many years
Don't yawn and don't be lazy,
Don't hide in the silence of the night
Over the notebooks of the eyes,

So that, after completing the training course,
Get a medical diploma
Make a stern face
And send a letter:

"Citizen school director,
Come for injections!”

Bad I.

We quietly go to class,
Let's get ready, let's go.
We don’t pass by knowledge
And we won’t leave the lesson.

What a strange day today!
Petrov opened the door with a bow -
He let Marina Glebovna in,
And then our whole class jumped up!

Maksimov brings her a bouquet,
Singers - a box of chocolates,
The girls, shouting joyfully,
Large crystal jug.

And I'm the only one sitting
I'm in the general hubbub - I'm not buzzing.
My gift is cooler than theirs,
He will outshine others!

Yes! The teacher will be happy -
Yesterday I learned a lesson!

Frolov A.

She's ready to wear anything
But this “something” should be fashionable!
And if it were fashionable to study,
She would have been an excellent student long ago!

Vasily is the bravest in our class!
Bandits, storms, wolves - nothing!
And Vasya is afraid of only one thing -
Solve problems at school at the blackboard.

Writing dictations is torture for you!
What could be more disgusting and boring?
But the fences are all without exception
You wrote all over your street.

Ulanova L.

When the candy runs out -
Everyone is very upset.
And when the oranges run out -
Everyone is upset too.

And when the lessons are over -
Rarely does anyone get upset:
They'll meet in the yard soon,
They put on their armor,
They learn to ride each other,
They are swinging at full speed on the swing...
In general, a lot of things happen,
When classes end.

But candy and oranges
They differ from lessons in that
What if they end?
That’s for sure - they’re completely ending,
It is unknown how long they end...
You can really despair!

And lessons from oranges
That's what makes them different
That never end until the end -
Every day they happen again.
Even extra ones are appointed...
That's the thing
what is.
This is not going well!

Shevchuk I.

And I have a briefcase in my hand

With a heavy deuce in the diary!
And everyone walks lightly.

And everyone is walking here and there
And just like that, and on business.
And near house number two
There is bus number two,
And the steamer from afar
For some reason it rang two beeps...

And my legs barely drag,
And my legs barely drag,
And my head hung down
Like the head of the number two!

And everyone is walking here and there
And just like that, and on business.
And someone sings a song,
Someone is selling candy
And someone buys...

And I have a briefcase in my hand
With a huge D in the diary!
With a heavy deuce in the diary!

And everyone walks lightly...

Moshkovskaya E.

I wrote cheat sheets all night!
Didn't sleep, exhausted, tired.
Now I’m standing, pulling for a ticket
- Will I be happy or not?

And now, the ticket is already in your hands,
There is white in the eyes, like in the clouds...
- Hooray! I wrote all night for good reason!
“Napoleon,” I read.

It's in my cheat sheet!
I wish I could read it now.
I'm hiding like a cockroach
And I reach into my right pocket.

I'm reading: "Crimean War".
I don't need this topic!
And quietly, like a cockroach,
I reach into my left pocket.

I look: “The Baptism of Rus'.”
Have mercy, Lord!
Well, how can I pass the exam?!
And I started looking for a cheat sheet!

I searched in boots and socks,
In a shirt, in trousers, in a jacket!
And I was terribly surprised
Where did Napoleon go?!

But my thought suddenly woke up!
And I, having overcome my fear,
I remembered everything I wrote about!
And a flurry of knowledge erupted!

Austerlitz, Napoleon,
Kutuzov and Bagration!
Council in Fili, fire in Moscow, -
Everything was found in my head!

So I got an A
But frankly speaking,
I'm saddened to the point of tears now,
Why did you bring a cheat sheet to school?

Varlamova T.

We sighed: “Those times...” -
Taras got sick.
How to treat him now?
How to alleviate suffering?
Taras moans pitifully -
Apparently it hurts a lot.
We said: “And we
There was no test..."
Taras sat on the bed
And put on a shirt.
And he said: “Those times...
Well, I gave up...”

Shlygin A.

Oh my little feet!
Oh you little legs!
Why aren't you going?
Along the path?

Oh you little hands,
They hung like whips.
No good why
For work?

You little head
Always riotous and cheerful,
The nose is almost in melancholy-sadness
Hung it?

Ali don't want to go to school
Unhappy ones,
Where they fight
The teachers are terrible
Loading hard
Is the falcon clear?
Be patient a little longer
A small fraction.

Two days for you
All that's left is to suffer.
Summer is soon -
Well, who studies in the summer?

Smetanin A.

We quickly formed our class in pairs,
We will be vaccinated urgently today.
Even though our parents took us to the hospital,
This important vaccine was missed.

Because of this missed vaccine,
There is no discipline in our class.
In class we sometimes cry, sometimes we laugh,
Some of us chew, some sleep, and some fight.

So that we can become an example for the whole school,
We will now be taught... good manners.

“Change, change!” –
The call is ringing.
Vova will definitely be the first
Flies out of the threshold.
Flies over the threshold -
Seven are knocked off their feet.

Is it really Vova?
Dozed off the entire lesson?
Is this really Vova?
Five minutes ago, not a word
Couldn't you tell me at the board?

If he is, then undoubtedly
There's a big change with him!
You can't keep up with Vova!
Look how bad he is!
He made it in five minutes
Redo a bunch of things:

He set three steps
(Vaska, Kolka and Seryozhka),
Rolled somersaults
He sat astride the railing,
Dashingly plopped off the railing,
Got a slap on the head

He gave someone back on the spot,
He asked me to write off the tasks, -
In a word, I did everything I could!
Well, here comes the call again...
Vova trudges back to class.
Poor! There is no face on it!

“Nothing,” Vova sighs, “
- Let's relax in class!

Boris Zakhoder

Today is my day of bad luck,
And the test is proof of this,
What can I write on Monday?
It was my birthday yesterday.
And the cheat sheet is a faithful guardian angel,
In my sleeve he lies motionless,

Turns away from me for a moment.

She stopped far from me...
I looked back to see
Didn't she look back?

And my neighbor, the guy, is also a slacker,
He was at my birthday yesterday,
And I saw his rubbish,
Either a formula, or a vision,
A girl sits behind me - my savior,
Gray-eyed excellent student Dasha,
And I'm waiting for my beloved teacher,
He will move away from our Dasha.

She walked like a queen through the rows,
She stopped far from me...
I looked back to see
Didn't she look back?
To see how I would copy.

Bon E.

As is known, nature
There is no more bad weather -
Every season is good in its own way.
Hurricanes, hail of bullets
Or drought in July -
There is both good and reason in everything.

If the sea is stormy,
Life is not nice for sailors.
But whenever the ninth wave -
It’s clear even to a cretin
What then would be your picture?
Aivazovsky did not draw.

There is, of course, no doubt
That flood is dangerous.
But the Neva would not overflow,
If poor Peter would not suffer -
Essay “The Bronze Horseman”
Pushkin would have written the hell out of it.

If the elements are raging,
Shall I bring sins upon my soul?
Take and scold the terrible sky?
Why be sad about the bitter lot,
Better to be happy: at school
Our lessons may be canceled!!!

Sirota L.

Petya and I were walking home from school,
They carried two at a time - what a shame!
And the friend said: “To become cheerful,
You need to see the positive here!”

Where can you find such a miracle?
I didn’t find anything positive...
Tell me, is he scary or handsome?
I've never met him!

You're a weirdo, brother! After all, he is everywhere!
For example, a deuce will happen,
But I won’t be sad about it, -
After all, someone has one!

Yes, that's right! There is a deuce in the briefcase...
- But if you think positively,
She is the ONE of everything and only!
You can't expel us for this!

Do you understand? Don't be sad in vain!
There is good in bad!
After all, life in the world is so wonderful!
Everything will definitely work out!

Look! Huge crow
Spun in the sky above us!
- Hurry up and bend under the maple branch!
She digested the food!

Oh oh! Spot! What a bad day!
The suit is dirty! How disgusting...
- They’ll definitely buy a new jacket,
And this is very positive!

Well! Let's go play football, -
I see the players on the field!
We are unlikely to get bored with them,
And we will find positive things in football!

Throw it, pass it! Glasses are broken!
What a pity... But the goal was scored beautifully!
- But we are even with the enemy!
And there’s a lot of positive stuff here!

My palm was hit by a ball,
And my finger hurts all the time...
- But you for two weeks
Free from the piano!

The day has passed. They were waiting for us in the briefcases
Preposition, verb, infinitives...
And we all breathed the air
And we found positives...

We were looking for positivity all day, -
We arrived home at about six...
And then dads showed us
That there are negatives too.

Varlamova T.

Seasons of the school year


Autumn rain drums on my window
There are puddles and fallen leaves near the school.
And the gray clouds and the wet path,
And there was dirt everywhere, and my head hurt...

Sad nature sheds tears of sorrow.
My heart is sad and I want to sleep.
Well, what a shame in inclement weather


The earth is shrouded in a crystal shroud,
Children dive into white snowdrifts,
The skates are sharpened and the skis are in front of me,
The snowstorm is over, and it’s time to go to the forest.

The street is full of cheerful people!
Winter the prankster invites you to play in the snow!
Well, what a shame in frosty weather
Do you have to give schoolchildren so many lessons?!


The spring rays warmed the whole earth,
Green grass is everywhere,
And bird trills flow over us,
And the sun is shining and your head is spinning!

Enchantress nature beckons you into your arms!
I look outside and feel like going for a walk...
Well, what a shame in wonderful weather
Should we, the unfortunate children, be given lessons?!

Nikita hurried to class,
Walked without slowing down,
Suddenly a puppy growls at him,
A shaggy mongrel.

Nikita is an adult! He's not a coward!
But Tanyusha walked nearby,
She said: - Oh, I'm afraid! —
And immediately there were tears in a hail.

But then Nikita saved her,
He showed courage
He said: - Go quietly to class! —
And he drove the mongrel away.

His Tanyusha is on the way
Thanks for your courage.
-Save her one more time
Nikita wanted it.

You'll get lost in the forest
And I will come and save you! —
He offered it to Tanya.

Oh no! - she answered.-
I won't go for a walk alone
My friends will come with me.

You can drown in the river!
You'll drown someday! —
Nikita proposed to her. —
I won't let you go down!

I won’t drown myself! —
She responds angrily.

She didn't understand him...
But that’s not the point!
He's all the way to the corner
He saved Tanyusha bravely.
In my dreams I saved her from a wolf...
But then the guys came to class.


Happy child 03.02.2018

Dear readers, you will agree that school years are a special time. No one remembers them indifferently; everyone has both good and bright memories associated with them, as well as memories of unpleasant moments. Likewise, for our children, school is dear and loved in its own way and, of course, teaches them a lot. The first teacher, friends and classmates, joint hikes and trips, long-awaited vacations, school love, successfully overcome difficulties - school gives us so much experience, so many impressions that it is not surprising that so many poems have been written about school and school years.

This collection is dedicated to poems about school. These are poems about different classes, about the first of September, about graduation, about meeting and farewell to school, and, of course, there are funny poems among them, because at school, despite all the serious and responsible attitude towards it, there is always a reason for laughter and fun.

Poems about school for primary school children

For children, the transition from kindergarten to school is a very important moment. Everything is unusual and arouses interest, the guys feel grown up, and new stage awakens joy and excitement in life. In this section you will find poems about first teachers, true friends, holidays and lessons.

Maximum and minimum

Counselor Lena at recess
She gave advice to the quiet Gena:
- To become an excellent student, Ivanov,
The maximum is needed
sleeping at night,
notebook writing...
– Is it possible to have a minimum? – he mumbled to Lena.
- Minimum? Can. Minimum laziness!
Igor Shevchuk

New school

Dad, mom, grandma
I told you everything:
How we walked to the music
From the great hall
How then we are in class
We sat well
Like Anna Pavlovna
The girls looked
How we are to Anna Pavlovna
They answered in chorus,
How we our desks
Confused at first
As the sticks wrote,
Drawing a vase
And poems about a bird
We learned it right away.
Mom and grandma are happy,
My dad is happy
And I like it myself
At our new school.
N. Naydenova

Just leaving for school

Just leaving for school,
Yes, I sat at my desk,
Yes, I signed my name in the notebook,
Yes, I looked at the board,
I got noisy during recess,
I listened to all my friends -
All of a sudden
For some reason
They attacked me!
Lyudmila Fadeeva

Kolya goes to first grade
Music school.
Covered double bass
Three times more than Kolya.
Jump straight through the puddles
He rushes to school.
- Well, he’s a little guy and a strong man! –
Then the people laugh.
How so? The answer is simple:
The double bass inside is empty.
Oleg Grigoriev

I'm in the fourth grade,
I love my school.
As soon as I arrive, say hello to everyone.
I'll shout to the whole class.
I always learn lessons
I still go to clubs.
Your school is very nice
Guys, I find it.
And I love studying here,
And get straight A's
And after the holidays
Walk back to school again.
N. Safo

Beautiful and touching poems about school

School is faithful friends, kind teachers, favorite subjects, first of September. There are many pleasant and good memories associated with the school. And even if there was something bad, it has long since lost its edge, got worn out, forgotten...


As if out of habit
as if as always,
I'll jump off the train
and I'll come here.
Irrigation puddles,
glare mess.
I'll be surrounded again
old houses.
Poplar in the summer heat.
Pooh flies into your face.
Painted picket fence,
school porch.
Our classroom is empty
the desks are out of order.
Under your foot with a crunch
the chalk crumbled.
Just now (you see
signs on the board?),
just now (can you hear
screams in the distance?),
just from here
we left with you
crowded at noon
hot blue.
Signs on the doors
suddenly so familiar!
...But from the train
don't have time to go out
P. Serebryakov


The notebooks rustled in the briefcase,
They decided what was more important in life.
The lined notebook mutters:
- Grammar!
And the notebook grumbles into the cage:
- Mathematics!
How did notebook and notebook reconcile,
It still remains a mystery to us.


In high school, every student
Studying the triangle.
Some three corners
And the work is for centuries.


In winter he runs on the street,
And in the summer it lies in the room.
But only autumn comes,
He takes me by the hand.
And again in the rain and snowstorm
My briefcase walks with me


I am an eraser. I am a rubber band
Little grimy back.
But my conscience is clear:
I erased the blot from the sheet!


I am an elegant bookmark.
I'm lying here for order.
Don't flip the pages in vain.
Where is the bookmark, read there!


Above the paper above the sheet
The brush waves its tail.
And not just waving,
And he smears the paper,
Paints in different colors.
Wow, what a beauty!

Beautiful poems about school from famous poets

The school leads children from the first lessons along the paths of knowledge and skills. It is not surprising that many poets have more than once dedicated their poems to the school. The school leaves indelible memories in our memory.


Volodin's marks
I'll find out without the diary.
If a brother comes with a three -
Three bells ring.

If suddenly in our apartment
The ringing begins -
So five or four
He received it today.

If he comes with a deuce -
I hear from afar:
Two short sounds are heard
Indecisive call.

Well, what if one is
He knocks quietly on the door.
Agniya Barto

September holiday

Every year the call is funny
Brings us together.
Hello, autumn! Hello school!
Hello, our favorite class.

Let us feel a little sorry for summer -
We will not be sad in vain.
Hello, the road to knowledge!
Hello, September holiday!
Vladimir Stepanov

In class

The cold hands crumpled the apron,
The spoiled girl is all pale and trembling.
Grandmother will be sad: her granddaughter
Suddenly - one!

The teacher looks as if he doesn’t believe
These tears in the downcast gaze.
Ah, one is a big loss!
First grief!

Tear after tear fell, sparkling,
The page floats away in white circles...
Will the teacher know what
Is pain a unit?
Marina Tsvetaeva

If there were no teacher,
It probably wouldn’t have happened
Neither poet nor thinker,
Neither Shakespeare nor Copernicus.
And to this day, probably,
If there were no teacher,
Undiscovered Americas
Remained unopened.
And we wouldn’t be Icari,
We would never have soared into the sky,
If only through his efforts we
The wings were not grown.
Without him there would be a good heart
The world was not so amazing.
Because it is very dear to us
Our teacher's name!
Veronica Tushnova

Funny poems with humorous scenes make us remember that school is not only about study and knowledge, lessons and homework, but also funny incidents, interesting stories, incidental situations!


– Did you really decide everything yourself, Nina?
– By myself... Only, really, half of it.
- And who is on the other?
- Mom decided.
True, her grandmother helped her a little.
Only they didn’t agree on the answer -
The neighbor must have messed something up.
And the brother intervened - a sage was found...
Thank you, my father is back from work!
Igor Shevchuk


I told my dad and mom:
- You can
Check it yourself.
Lay it upside down
My school notebook
Place a mirror nearby.
Do you see?
Homework assignment
And under it there is a mark.
Make sure
It's five".
Roman Sef


Textbooks are like bricks
Size, shape and weight.
For those who decided to get a certificate,
It is advisable to be Hercules.
I can do pull-ups many times,
I've been doing exercises since the morning.
But the school bag bends into an arc,
It was as if I was going on a hike.
I won't throw my bag away, keep that in mind!
This is out of the question.
I will become a scientist and find a way
How to make textbooks easier.
A. Starikov

Half marks

I was walking home from school
Slowly slowly,
He kept coming up with excuses.
Carrying a four
According to natural history,
And in Russian -
Half a quarter.
R. Aldonina

Loser student Kukushkin

There are classics in the world
Lermontov and Pushkin.
Available in fourth grade "A"
Loser student Kukushkin.
Everyone knows Lermontov,
Everyone knows Pushkin.
Who knows?
Loser Kukushkin?
And the poor student is known
At school number seven,
And the loser is known,
Oddly enough,
What a loser doesn't know
Nikolay Kukushkin,
What is Lermontov famous for?
What is Pushkin famous for?
M. Bertenev

I once accidentally
I dozed off during class.

I feel comfortable and pleasant
I'm sailing on a boat
And one thing is not clear to me,
Whether in a dream or in reality.

Suddenly out of nowhere
Sounds in the distance:
– Shura Volkova,
to the blackboard!

And then a miracle happened:
I'm sailing on a boat
And in a dream I tear water lilies,
And I learned the lesson without hesitation
I answer in reality.

Got a C+
But I took a nap in style.

Poems about school for graduation for grades 9-11

School years fly by in one short moment. And now yesterday’s first-graders are taking their final exams, saying goodbye to their teachers and good friends. They are waiting for the last call, prom and such an alluring, but difficult adult life.

The sun pours into the schoolyard like a stream.
The bouquets contain fragrant lilacs.
And it echoes everywhere
The last bell rings with a piercing trill!
He will remain in memory forever,
And the schoolyard and the sunny stream!
We congratulate you, friends, heartily!
Last time the bell is ringing for you!

This is a joyful holiday
And he's a little sad.
Together with the ball into the sky
We will let go of childhood.
Alumni Ribbons
We will put on ourselves
But where is this sadness?
Our bright day?
School is letting us go
And calls us back
Let us think about the future
Both easy and pleasant,
But it's time to understand:
We won't go back to school
Just one last thing
Let's turn around once.
You taught me everything:
Don't be afraid of problems
Be responsible for yourself
And stick to each other.
School, dear school,
But the time will come,
Maybe one of us
Suddenly he will become a teacher.
Last call
We hurry, smiling.
How many roads are there in life?
So go without being afraid,
Dear graduate,
We all continue on our way,
New life dawns
We are meeting today!

Here Bach's fugues sound reverently,
Here is the sun of life, the smells of the sea
Mozart's sonatas speak to me.
I am glad that there is a teacher at school,
The one I love the most.
For my music, born of the piano,
I thank him from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you for your kindness and affection,
For a bright moment of success
And the cry of false notes,
For competitions an exciting fairy tale.
May the music lesson last forever!

The tablet of knowledge is a blackboard.
And for ten whole years according to that tablet
Drawings, numbers and words ran,
And someone's hand erased them.
To the left, the windows are almost the entire wall,
To the right is a door, like the entrance to the stage.
And behind? But look ahead.
Don’t even think about looking back – you’ll get there!

The sun is above the desk, summer is at your feet.
How long does it last, last call?
The universe doesn't fit in the windows,
The school watches, but itself shrinks.
Views fly over the distant helm,
With a sharp lancet, a mighty machine,
And over the country, like over an assembly hall,
The day is filled with blue and scarlet,
School farewell crystal bell...

Today is a holiday at school.
Merry, sad holiday,
And the thick blue looked out the windows.
There's so much noise everywhere
And so many different rumors,
That I even felt a little dizzy.
Dressy girls
Smart boys
They will laugh loudly
Then they suddenly fall silent again.
And somehow unusual,
Both happy and sad
In this elegant hall
We can sit and stand.

Home school! Bright time!
A noisy crowd hurried here.
To plunge into joy here in the morning
And take this joy with you.
Dear oasis!.. A spring of creativity...
We were all romantics, poets,
Everyone who came close to him at least once
Then over a blank piece of Whatman paper.
Living in my own special world,
Then Peter was bending over his pen,
They were gathering at Yura’s apartment.
And let those school years pass,
We can't escape the past.
There is no memory stronger than the memory of the heart,
What stays with us forever.
Oasis dear! Bright time...

We went to first grade, we sat down at our desks,
And many people don’t remember their first lesson.
And every spring came closer every time
Our sad, sad, farewell call.

School called us, science attracted us,
And we were bored playing in the yard.
Minute lessons have become habitual,
There are so many good things in school time.

Here we were taught and raised,
There were good teachers here.
We are leaving school for new children,
Farewell and see you, my school.

Congratulations on graduating from school in verse

For every school graduate, doors open to another world, completely different from the one that came before. The children have grown up, and everyone will go their own way and choose their own path.

The years flew by unnoticed -
Goodbye, school, forever!
Know this minute of parting
You will never be able to forget!
Try to make your dream come true
And go boldly into a great life!
Believe in friendship, don’t doubt yourself -
Success and happiness lie ahead!

Happy and easy tasks to you,
Wonderful finds and new victories!
Congratulations to you Congratulations to the school,
Great achievements and life without troubles!

Let the end of school
This will be just the first step!
Let all roads lead
Toward a clearly defined goal!
May there be success ahead
In all areas of life at once!
Let it beat in unison with yours
The heart of the mighty Fatherland!

The globe model is
Not just a globe, but a planet.
Now, having graduated from school, you know:
Life is a ray of sunshine.
May many things be possible
Amazing things are waiting nearby!
Let happiness become an ocean
Success - like a stormy waterfall!

You were older, but still children,
The whole world revolved around the school floors.
But as you grow up you need to move on
To the next floor of your destiny...

And the world is waiting for you - open and big,
He will be fickle and jealous,
But don’t let his tough temper scare you:
Don't miss us, graduates!

Your last bell is ringing,
Eleventh grade,
But he doesn’t call to class -
He accompanies you.
He will be happy and victorious
Let it be a harbinger.
What awaits you ahead is a secret;
But what is more beautiful than secrets?..
Let this mystery bloom
It turns out to be fate
What will lead you to success
Quickly follow along!

Happy victory, friends! The long-awaited moment of fate!
Blooming, elegant June times
He came, pleasant, cheerful, welcome,
Your joyful holiday, your day is graduation!
Feel free to hit the road! To your rainbow-colored distances
Fly on the wings of a beautiful destiny,
May you be bypassed by sadness
And many good things lie ahead!
I wish you happiness, success, health,
Smiles from greeting family and friends,
May the road be wonderful and bright
Into the world of bright discoveries and bold ideas!

Poems to the school principal and head teacher from graduates

For teachers

Teachers! Like a light on the way!
What a fiery heart you need,
To bring light to people,
So that his trace cannot be erased forever!

Teachers! Your kindness is boundless...
All thoughts and deeds are full of spirituality.
We always bow to you
And we promise not to stray from the path of knowledge!

Thank you for your noble work,
Teachers, seekers, poets at heart!
Neither years nor barriers will erase
Mentors words and wise advice.

May respect, pride and honor
Your difficult path is inspired,
And let the years be lost,
Russia, the Motherland knows its heroes!

The last bell rings, and summer has come,
It rang loudly throughout the area,
The news will rush across the world,
And everyone will say what they wanted.
It’s such a pleasure to congratulate the director,
And I personally wish you success,
We wish you interesting students
Meet more often in school practice.
And we'll be back soon, time will pass,
And we will bring our tribe to the threshold of the school.

Our head teacher at school is an irreplaceable person,
You are fair and strict at times,
But you are still loved by your students,
In your work you just go with your head!

The last bell rings - very sad,
And we say goodbye to school forever,
Without us, our school will not be empty,
New guys will come here!

May your work be pleasant
Always monitor the educational process
Let there be less stress and worries,
And come here with joy!

Don’t forget the way to your home school, remember the best moments school life, flip through your school album more often. Read poems to your children about school, about friends and classmates, about strict but kind teachers. Touching poems about school will help your children love it even more, and you will remember again the wonderful days of your school years.

We present you funny poems about school for children. We have a large selection, so on this page you can choose what you like best. See also school humor - jokes about school and funny scenes about school.

1. I would rather retire

Losers are running around
A whole evening on the slide.
And I'm sitting over books,
I need A's.
Legs are numb
And my back has a cold.
I'd rather retire
Take a well-deserved rest.
(A. Givargizov)

2. On the test

The problem is not solved -
even kill me!
Think, think, head
hurry up!
Think, think, head,
I'll give you some candy
On your birthday I'll give you
A new beret.
Think think -
For once I ask!
I'll wash you with soap!
I'll comb it!
We are with you
Not strangers to each other.
Help out!
Otherwise I’ll hit you on the top of your head!
(M. Boroditskaya)

3. Unusual school

There are many different schools in the world.
It's a pity that among these schools
There is no such school yet.
This is where I would go!

The animals there will teach people
All your skills.
And there will be no better school.
What's there? Let's see together.

The teacher cat will teach us
Living carefree in the world:
Think everything through better
And don’t rush.

The dog will teach you not to give up,
Stand until the last.
And also teach you how to fight
And always forgive friends.

The bunny will teach you patience
The mouse will teach dexterity,
Parrot to repeat
He will teach us all sciences.

Many different teachers
At this school, you understand.
But there are few items there.
Only: “How can we be human.”
(L. Slutskaya)

4. Who will learn what

What's first?
Will the cat learn?
- Grab it!
What's first?
Will the bird learn?
- Fly!
What's first?
Will the student learn?
- Read!
(V. Berestov)

5. At dawn

At dawn, at dawn
The best catch for a fisherman.
At dawn, at dawn
The mushroom picker's best mushroom.
At dawn, at dawn
Bird calls from all sides.
At dawn, at dawn
At the lazy man's best sleep!
(V. Berestov)

6. Who is Nophelet?

What a scientist Fedya has become!
Who could compare with Fedya?
He flipped through the whole summer
Encyclopedia volumes.
Famous people, for example,
He knows everyone... down to the letter R.

Come on, Fedya, give me the answer:
Who was Nophelet?

Who? Nophelet? Ah, Nophelet...
I'll tell you this,
What a shame for people your age
Don't know about Nophelet!
Lived in ancient Rome
Nophelet -
Either a sage or a poet. -

How does he know?
Such a sage?
We are just the word "te-le-fon"
Read it to him from the end.
And it turned out to be No-fe-let -
Either a sage or a poet.
(V. Berestov)

7. First two

And I have a briefcase in my hand

And everyone walks lightly.

And everyone is walking here and there
And just like that, and on business.
And near house number two
There is bus number two,
And the steamer from afar
For some reason it rang two beeps...

And my legs barely drag,
And my legs barely drag,
And my head hung down
Like the head of the number two!

And everyone is walking here and there
And just like that, and on business.
And someone sings a song,
Someone is selling candy
And someone buys...

And I have a briefcase in my hand
With a huge D in the diary!
With a heavy deuce in the diary!

And everyone walks lightly...
(E. Moshkovskaya)

8. School epitaph

Ivanov's diary is buried here.
Ivanov treated him harshly.
But if Ivanov had not been harsh,
That would have been a harsh father with Ivanov.
(B. Weiner)

9. Just yesterday you were a baby...

Just yesterday you were a baby,
My little son
Now you are sitting at your desk,
There is a book in front of you.

Just yesterday you were walking into the garden,
I didn’t want to go to bed.
Today I collected my briefcase myself,
And he didn’t forget to wash his face.

Just yesterday you were a baby,
My little prankster
Today you proudly say:
- Now I'm a first grader!
(Olga Chusovitina)

10. Day of bad luck (to the tune of the song “I looked back to look”)

Today is my day of bad luck,
And the test is proof of this,
What can I write on Monday?
It was my birthday yesterday.
And the cheat sheet is a faithful guardian angel,
In my sleeve he lies motionless,

Turns away from me for a moment.

I looked back to see
Didn't she look back?

And my neighbor, the guy, is also a slacker,
He was at my birthday yesterday,
And I saw his rubbish,
Either a formula, or a vision,
A girl sits behind me - my savior,
Gray-eyed excellent student Dasha,
And I'm waiting for my beloved teacher,
He will move away from our Dasha.

She walked like a queen through the rows,
She stopped far from me...
I looked back to see
Didn't she look back?
To see how I would copy.
(Elena Bon)

11. Song of an optimist schoolboy

As is known, nature
There is no more bad weather -
Every season is good in its own way.
Hurricanes, hail of bullets
Or drought in July -
There is both good and reason in everything.

If the sea is stormy,
Life is not nice for sailors.
But whenever the ninth wave -
It’s clear even to a cretin
What then would be your picture?
Aivazovsky did not draw.

There is, of course, no doubt
That flood is dangerous.
But the Neva would not overflow,
If poor Peter would not suffer -
Essay "Bronze Horseman"
Pushkin would have written the hell out of it.

If the elements are raging,
Shall I bring sins upon my soul?
Take and scold the terrible sky?
Why be sad about the bitter lot,
Better to be happy: at school
Our lessons may be canceled!!!
(L. Sirota)

12. Characteristics

(Zoo Man)

I'm dumb as a fish
I often run like a moose
Somehow swim like a dog
I happened to be on the river.
They say I'm very cunning
Like a fox in a dense forest.
Sometimes he's as cowardly as a hare,
That he hid under a bush.
And I can also cry
Very loud, like a bear!
I can be a quiet sheep
And stubborn as a donkey.
They say like a turtle
I left school with a bad grade.
I'm talkative like a magpie
A bully is like a rooster!
In the yard, in a fierce fight,
I'm replacing two at once.
And I’m also there
Cunning as a snake.
I make faces like a monkey,
I neigh like a horse: -Yikes! –
But in general I'm normal
I'm like everyone else, I'm nothing!
(A. Shevchenko)

13. How dad skipped school

He only skipped school once,
He was punished for this, however...
He thought then, so gloomily:
It's better to walk the dog, of course.
(O. Bundur)

14. School epic

Oh my little feet!
Oh you little legs!
Why aren't you going?
Along the path?

Oh you little hands,
They hung like whips.
No good why
For work?

You little head
Always riotous and cheerful,
The nose is almost in melancholy-sadness
Hung it?

Ali don't want to go to school
Unhappy ones,
Where they fight
The teachers are terrible
Loading hard
Is the falcon clear?
Be patient a little longer
A small fraction.

Two days for you
All that's left is to suffer.
Summer is soon -
Well, who studies in the summer?
(A. Smetanin)


15. Call

If the lesson ends -
Beauty, not a call!
To class - on the contrary -
Such a freak is rattling...
(O. Bundur)

16. Change

“Change, change!” –
The call is ringing.
Vova will definitely be the first
Flies out of the threshold.
Flies over the threshold -
Seven are knocked off their feet.

Is it really Vova?
Dozed off the entire lesson?
Is this really Vova?
Five minutes ago, not a word
Couldn't you tell me at the board?

If he is, then undoubtedly
There's a big change with him!
You can't keep up with Vova!
Look how bad he is!
He made it in five minutes
Redo a bunch of things:

He set three steps
(Vaska, Kolka and Seryozhka),
Rolled somersaults
He sat astride the railing,
Dashingly plopped off the railing,
Got a slap on the head

He gave someone back on the spot,
He asked me to write off the tasks, -
In a word, I did everything I could!
Well, here comes the call again...
Vova trudges back to class.
Poor! There is no face on it!

“Nothing,” Vova sighs, “
- Let's relax in class!
(B. Zakhoder)

17. Port "Fel"

Ships enter the port of Fel -
Like a steamship, the Album steers,

Notebooks lined up -
Notebook boats are rushing to the port.

But the Diary-frigate is flying,
And the pirate sounds the alarm on it:

- Hurry to the port!
To the port "Fel!"
Brave ships are sailing -

Sharpener, Eraser, Pencil
(He boarded Album!)

Behind them is a Pen and... Pie –
The pie floated and lay down...

Port "Fel" delivered in an hour
To the port "School" the navigator -
Boy Stas.
(G. Ilyina)

18. Cheat sheet

I wrote cheat sheets all night!
Didn't sleep, exhausted, tired.
Now I’m standing, pulling for a ticket
- Will I be happy or not?

And now, the ticket is already in your hands,
There is white in the eyes, like in the clouds...
- Hooray! I wrote all night for good reason!
“Napoleon,” I read.

It's in my cheat sheet!
I wish I could read it now.
I'm hiding like a cockroach
And I reach into my right pocket.

I'm reading: "Crimean War".
I don't need this topic!
And quietly, like a cockroach,
I reach into my left pocket.

I look: “The Baptism of Rus'.”
Have mercy, Lord!
Well, how can I pass the exam?!
And I started looking for a cheat sheet!

I searched in boots and socks,
In a shirt, in trousers, in a jacket!
And I was terribly surprised
Where did Napoleon go?!

But my thought suddenly woke up!
And I, having overcome my fear,
I remembered everything I wrote about!
And a flurry of knowledge erupted!

Austerlitz, Napoleon,
Kutuzov and Bagration!
Council in Fili, fire in Moscow, -
Everything was found in my head!

So I got an A
But frankly speaking,
I'm saddened to the point of tears now,
Why did you bring a cheat sheet to school?
(T. Varlamova)

19. At the wall newspaper

I read about Yegor:
- Wow, that’s great! - I shout. -
What fun! This is hilarious! -
I want to laugh until I drop.

And I read to myself -
Something doesn't make me want to laugh.
And I read
About myself -
I don't want to read it out loud...
(A. Shlygin)

20. When classes end

When the candy runs out -
Everyone is very upset.
And when the oranges run out -
Everyone is upset too.

And when the lessons are over -
Rarely does anyone get upset:
They'll meet in the yard soon,
They put on their armor,
They learn to ride each other,
They are swinging at full speed on the swing...
In general, a lot of things happen,
When classes end.

But candy and oranges
They differ from lessons in that
What if they end?
That’s for sure - they’re completely ending,
It is unknown how long they end...
You can really despair!

And lessons from oranges
That's what makes them different
That never end until the end -
Every day they happen again.
Even extra ones are appointed...
That's the thing
what is.
This is not going well!
(I. Shevchuk)

21. Knock Knock

He tapped his forehead for a long time with his finger,
Forgot the title of the volume.
But why knock on the house,
Where is no one home?
(A. Pope, translation by S. Marshak)

22. Order

Elder Nastya instructed me to
Post poems about teachers in the classroom.
All night I tossed and turned, sighing bitterly,
Well, what should I write? I don't know anything!

The physics teacher gave me a lesson yesterday,
The chemical engineer took my cheat sheet,
I fell off the rope during physical education
The teacher sighed and said: “It’s a bit weak...”

These poems were given to everyone, I just don’t know!
Better let the excellent students write them!
(A. Grachev)

23. Holiday

What a strange day today!
Petrov opened the door with a bow -
He let Marina Glebovna in,
And then our whole class jumped up!

Maksimov brings her a bouquet,
Singers - a box of chocolates,
The girls, shouting joyfully,
Large crystal jug.

And I'm the only one sitting
I'm in the general hubbub - I'm not buzzing.
My gift is cooler than theirs,
He will outshine others!

Yes! The teacher will be happy -
Yesterday I learned a lesson!
(A. Frolov)

24. Laziness

Everywhere, every day
Laziness is getting in the way of my work!
Follows me like a tail!
Doesn't give me peace of mind
And in spite of everything
Always getting into conversation!
Here's an example: I'm on a tram
Have lunch at grandpa's place,
Grandmother enters the tram -
Laziness whispers to me: “Don’t get up!”
I'm going to school in the morning,
I try not to be late:
Two tests ahead!
I hear a whisper: “Don’t go.”
I do my homework at home -
More vile hints:
I just wrote an example,
Laziness whispers to me: “You’re tired!”
I want to wash the dishes
Sweep, clean everywhere,
There will be joy for everyone at home!
I hear a whisper: “Why?”
Laziness is an insidious creature!
There is no excuse for laziness!
The fact that I sleep all day,
It's not my fault, it's laziness!
(T. Varlamova)

25. Seasons of the school year. Winter

The earth is shrouded in a crystal shroud,
Children dive into white snowdrifts,
The skates are sharpened and the skis are in front of me,
The snowstorm is over, and it’s time to go to the forest.

The street is full of cheerful people!
Winter the prankster invites you to play in the snow!
Well, what a shame in frosty weather

26. Spring

The spring rays warmed the whole earth,
Green grass is everywhere,
And bird trills flow over us,
And the sun is shining and your head is spinning!

Enchantress nature beckons you into your arms!
I look outside and feel like going for a walk...
Well, what a shame in wonderful weather
Should we, the unfortunate children, be given lessons?!
(T. Varlamova)


27. Autumn

Autumn rain drums on my window
There are puddles and fallen leaves near the school.
And the gray clouds and the wet path,
And there was dirt everywhere, and my head hurt...

Sad nature sheds tears of sorrow.
My heart is sad and I want to sleep.
Well, what a shame in inclement weather
Do you have to give schoolchildren so many lessons?!

28. Positivity

Petya and I were walking home from school,
They carried two at a time - what a shame!
And the friend said: “To become cheerful,
You need to see the positive here!”

Where can you find such a miracle?
I didn’t find anything positive...
Tell me, is he scary or handsome?
I've never met him!

You're a weirdo, brother! After all, he is everywhere!
For example, a deuce will happen,
But I won’t be sad about it, -
After all, someone has one!

Yes, that's right! There is a deuce in the briefcase...
- But if you think positively,
She is the ONE of everything and only!
You can't expel us for this!

Do you understand? Don't be sad in vain!
There is good in bad!
After all, life in the world is so wonderful!
Everything will definitely work out!

Look! Huge crow
Spun in the sky above us!
- Hurry up and bend under the maple branch!
She digested the food!

Oh oh! Spot! What a bad day!
The suit is dirty! How disgusting...
- They’ll definitely buy a new jacket,
And this is very positive!

Well! Let's go play football, -
I see the players on the field!
We are unlikely to get bored with them,
And we will find positive things in football!

Throw it, pass it! Glasses are broken!
What a pity... But the goal was scored beautifully!
- But we are even with the enemy!
And there’s a lot of positive stuff here!

My palm was hit by a ball,
And my finger hurts all the time...
- But you for two weeks
Free from the piano!

The day has passed. They were waiting for us in the briefcases
Preposition, verb, infinitives...
And we all breathed the air
And we found positives...

We were looking for positivity all day, -
We arrived home at about six...
And then dads showed us
That there are negatives too.
(T. Varlamova)

29. Factory of First-Graders (to the tune of the song "You Got It Cool")

First grader is cool!
First grader - yes!
After all, study in first grade
This is not nonsense!
In our northern people
We guys are just awesome!
And our teacher
He's an ace in his field!
Charges us with tasks,
Numbers, letters, not for a moment!
And then pass grades
Flying away to our diary!
We studied a lot of books
Our interest has not disappeared
And all the problems were solved,
In general, you got it cool.

Cool, you got into 1 "A"
You study, don’t be lazy!
Get down to business quickly!
Cool, you got into 1 "A"
You study, don’t be lazy!
Get down to business quickly.

Like sunflowers, we are towards the light,
Let's go to the secrets of knowledge!
And the parents at the same time
They help us with rubles.
In our northern people
Our ancestors are simply class!
We celebrated a year,
We have another one ahead of us!
We will gnaw on the granite of science,
Answer in class.
Knowledge is our strength
They won't let you get bored!
The material has been absorbed by the brain,
He fell into the convolutions,
In the meantime, it is quite possible
In general, you got it cool.

Cool, you got into 1 "A"
You study, don’t be lazy!
Get down to business quickly!
Cool, you got into 1 "A"
You study, don’t be lazy!
Get down to business quickly.
(I. Dumnova, Seversk)


30. Opening

On Monday I tried
And I held out without any deuces.
Tuesday too – well done!
He walked with a beaming face.
But Wednesday...
And Friday!!!
Who will see the diary?
Backing away...
My poor dear dad
Dedicated a day off to me.
We wrote
We read
We shared
Did you read!
We didn't watch football!
We forgot that we were tired!...
And I thought -
Well, honestly! –
What is INTERESTING to study!
(L. Fadeeva)

31. Half-mark

I was walking home from school
Slowly slowly,
He kept coming up with excuses.
Carrying a four
According to natural history,
And in Russian -
Half a quarter.
(R. Aldonina)

If you start right away
Only get A's -
At home they will soon get used to them
And they won't notice.

Therefore, turn on your brains:
Get a couple of deuces
Mom will be indignant
But don’t argue, just keep quiet.

And then again
You can get five
Mom will definitely become
Kiss and hug.

Take a secret look at her
And sit and groan,
Hint: these fives are
Oh, they are not easy!
(O. Bundur)

33. Taras fell ill with us

We sighed: “Those are the times...” -
Taras got sick.
How to treat him now?
How to alleviate suffering?
Taras moans pitifully -
Apparently it hurts a lot.
We said: "And we
There was no test..."
Taras sat on the bed
And put on a shirt.
And he said: “Those times...
Well, I screwed up..."
(A. Shlygin)

34. Olezhkin’s notebook

The notebook says:
Antonov the donkey!

On the third page -
Sea battles,
On the fifth are dragons
And the inscription "Ours!"

They show off in the notebook
Brave pirate,
Soviet tanks
And a company of soldiers...

Olezhka's notebook
She blushed more than once.
Sighing in shame
Flew to Mars.

And for a long time along it
The Martians wondered -
What's in schools
Distant Land
Have you studied?
(G. Ilyina)

35. Five

I opened my notebook,
Briefcase in the snow.
And I can’t take my eyes off the top five!
With a period.
Carrots are redder.
The notebook is so elegant with it!
(L. Fadeeva)

36. Loser Kukushkin

There are classics in the world
Lermontov and Pushkin.
Available in fourth grade "A"
Loser student Kukushkin.
Everyone knows Lermontov,
Everyone knows Pushkin.
Who knows?
Loser Kukushkin?
And the poor student is known
At school number seven,
And the loser is known,
Oddly enough,
What a loser doesn't know
Nikolay Kukushkin,
What is Lermontov famous for?
What is Pushkin famous for?
(Mikhail Bartenev)

37. Textbooks

Textbooks are like bricks
Size, shape and weight.
For those who decided to get a certificate,
It is advisable to be Hercules.

I can do pull-ups many times,
I've been doing exercises since the morning.
But the school bag bends into an arc,
It was as if I was going on a hike.

I won't throw my bag away, keep that in mind!
This is out of the question.
I will become a scientist and find a way
How to make textbooks easier.
(A. Starikov)

38. Money changer

He is ready to change all day:
That's why
And then for that!
He can't refuse
From exchange

Stamps, candy wrappers,
- Do you want this?
Give me that!
Well, I'll tell you
I'll give this as a gift
And then!

On the hedgehog
Already replaced
Well, the hedgehog -
Ran away!

He is ready to change again!
He just talks about it.
They say he will stay
Maybe in class
In the second!

And the teacher said:
- I saw all sorts of things...
It would be better if you got a deuce, buddy,
For fours
Changed it!
(Tofik Mahmud, translated by A. Chernov)

39. School epigrams (short satirical poems)

Vasily is the bravest in our class!
Bandits, storms, wolves - nothing!
And Vasya is afraid of only one thing -
Solve problems at school at the blackboard.

She's ready to wear anything
But this “something” should be fashionable!
And if it were fashionable to study,
She would have been an excellent student long ago!

Writing dictations is torture for you!
What could be more disgusting and boring?
But the fences are all without exception
You wrote all over your street.
(L. Ulanova)

40. School day routine

Dream. Alarm. Shower. Charger.
Breakfast. Tea. Briefcase. Notebook.
Shoes. Path. Crows. Check.
Being late. Fail.

Turn. Behavior.
Two. Head teacher Sadness.
Clarification. Call.
Running up the stairs. Lesson.

Numbers. Rules. Torment.
Light. Window. Dreams. Visions.
Verbal counting. Example. Board.
Multiplication. Yearning.

Two. Disappointment.
Perspective. Punishment.
Optimism. The fight against vice.
Jokes. Laughter. End of lessons!

House. One. Hooray! Toys.
Soup. Pancakes. Compote. Cheesecakes.
Rest. Cartoon program.
Telephone. Computer. Mother.

Meeting. Kiss. Diary.
Oh! Belt. Questions. Scream.
Excuses. Snot. Tears.
Exclamations. Threats.

Reconciliation. Textbook.
-Do it yourself! -Yes. Reshebnik.
Dinner. Bath. Relaxation.
Repeat tomorrow morning:

Dream. Alarm. Shower. Charger…
(T. Varlamova)

41. Vasilisa the Wise

(formerly Beautiful)

She was beautiful:
A smile is the clear sun,
Kosa - ripe wheat,
And the handle is snow-white.

But the girl took it into her head
Wisdom to learn:

Day and night at my desk
Pooring over science...
And she became hunchbacked,
Crooked, myopic.

The beauty will fade
Now called the Wise One:
She rubs her cheeks with beets,
And he smears powder on his nose...

She became skinny like a stick,
My forehead wrinkled from reading...
And she said gloomily:
- What a fool I am!
(A. Usachev)

42. Who will become who

The kitten will grow up to be a cat
The same as everyone else in the world.
The chick will turn into a bird,
The same as everything else in the world.
And the children read
And children dream
And even their moms and dads don't know
What the children will become and grow up to be.
(V. Berestov)

43. I wish I could too

Grandfathers to school
no need to walk.
I wish I could
live to see this.
(A. Givargizov)

44. Village story

Vasya Ivanov studied
In tenth grade,
And mom and dad are only one
They told Vasya:
– Our rural work is not for you –
Calves, beds...
You go, Vasily, to college,
Blow without looking back!
Now Vasily has a beard,
Drinks, sleeps, dances...
And it doesn't work anywhere
And there is no wind at the university!
(B. Larin)


45. Revenge of a Loser

I will study for many years
Don't yawn and don't be lazy,
Don't hide in the silence of the night
Over the notebooks of the eyes,

So that, after completing the training course,
Get a medical diploma
Make a stern face
And send a letter:

"Citizen school director,
Come for injections!"
(I. Plokhikh)

46. ​​Invitation to school

Children! Get ready for school -
The cockerel crowed a long time ago!
Dress quickly, -
The sun is looking out the window!
Man, and beast, and bird -
Everyone gets down to business
A bug drags along with a burden,
A bee flies after the honey.
The field is clear, the meadow is cheerful,
The forest has woken up and is noisy,
The woodpecker knocks and knocks with its nose!
The oriole screams loudly.
The fishermen are already pulling their nets,
In the meadow the scythe rings...
Pray for the book, children!
God does not command you to be lazy!
(Lev Modzalevsky)

47. Crows

What do you constantly dream about?
What are they flying around the school?
Learn to read?
Learn to write?
Is it great to spin on rings in the gym?
Make noise during recess?
Play and laugh?
Eat in the school canteen?
That they fly around the school
They dream about it every day with impatience,
What their great-grandmothers also dreamed about:
Crows dream
So that they COUNT!
(L. Fadeeva)

48. To first grade

Presses against a white shirt
Raspberry bouquet, to the chest.
Are you going to school?
So go.
Come on, come on, don't fall.
Recently you were crawling on the floor
And did somersaults on the sofa,
Jumping on a chair...
To school!!! To school!!!
Get to your desk!!!
To Mary Ivanna!!!
She's at the entrance.
The one in the helmet
In knee-high soldier's shoes.
Who waves a pointer in the air,
Looks more like a log.
(Artur Givargizov)

49. Grow up for new knowledge

The end of the learning torment!
Judge for yourself:
A whole year of granite science
Gnawing with baby teeth.

A whole year of memories:
In lessons plus after-school...
How is there such a wealth of knowledge?
Does it fit in a child?

In the body of a high school student
There is no more space left.
But on holidays I quickly
I will overcome my fatigue.

I'll raise myself decently
At grandma's and at the dacha,
So that it's great in the fall
Click new tasks.

To school curriculum
From socks to top
Wedged in tightly
Well, straight away
Like cucumbers in a tub.
(A. Smetanin)

50. We are on duty

We've been here for an hour today
They cleaned out the new class.
A hundred toffee papers
A hundred bits and notes
We discovered it.

There were only three lessons
Not five
And not six.
How did we manage to do so much?
Write, read and eat?!
(S. Makhotin)

51. Interactive whiteboard

Can I work with such a board?
But dad never dreamed of her!
I ran my hand lightly across the screen -
And immediately the picture changed.

I'm standing at the blackboard, there's no chalk in my hands
And somehow the decision is difficult,
Well why is it impossible
Contact a friend's mobile phone:

From Vovka’s mobile phone - and an immediate response
Would appear on the board instantly,
Well, why isn't this function available?
And there absolutely should be!
(O. Bundur)

52. Ant at recess

Ant for recess
Went into a noisy school
And froze in amazement,
Amazed by the change...

- Ant, say a word!
The ant exclaimed: - Yes-ah...
An anthill like this
I have never seen it!
(V. Levanovsky)

53. Cake and Petrova

So that fours and fives,
In my diary, they were full of -
We, with excellent student Petrova,
The agreement was concluded...

So, according to the agreement,
I am obliged for a whole year -
For advancement in learning,
Buy Petrova cake.

What can you do, Petrova -
Loves cakes more than life!
But I'm afraid to admit to myself,
That they will destroy her...

I tell her: “You’ll get fat!”
You'll swim with fat, Petrova!!
But she doesn't want to listen.
I’m bringing her cakes again!...

You don’t mind spending money on your studies!
I'm lucky with my grades!!
But Petrova by the end of the year
It will definitely swim with fat.
(sent by Natalya Zintsova)

54. Loser

I'm an unhappy loser -
In the third generation...
My ancestors, like me,
Not good at learning...

My grandfather was a poor student,
Dad is not successful...
Well, I too, in their footsteps,
I spank slowly...

This is my inheritance -
It's so awful!
And it’s clear why -
I'm so unhappy...

They couldn't give birth to me
With smart brains?...
I wish I could live like a man
And you would be proud of yourself!!

Here's the problem:
The loser is me, people!!
Maybe when I grow up,
Will life be easier???
(sent by Natalya Zintsova)

If kindergarten ik often becomes for small child a second home, where caring teachers look after him every minute, school for students is a huge world with its own life, cheerful and sad stories, jokes, entertainment and education. Having studied for 9 or 11 years at school, a teenager is already ready for adult life, receiving higher education, work, family. It is during the school years that the foundations of the character of young people and their habits are laid; At the same time, the first passions and hobbies are born. Arriving in 1st grade, primary school, students do not yet know that many teachers will later become not only mentors and teachers for them, but also true friends. Short, beautiful, sometimes touching and even funny poems about school tell about lessons, changes, extracurricular life, and the real adventures of classmates. We have posted examples of such wonderful poetic works on our page.

Short and beautiful poems for children at school

Most often, students learn short and beautiful poems about their home school before significant holidays - September 1, Teacher's Day, Last Bell, graduation. The lyrical lines of these wonderful works say a lot about the kindness of teachers who give all their strength to boys and girls who strive for knowledge, about first and true friendship, mutual assistance, and noble deeds of students. Many poems are dedicated to the first teacher, to the class teacher and favorite subjects.

Examples of beautiful short poems about school for children

School...How many warm, good memories are associated with this time! Starting from the time we crossed the threshold of the very first class in our lives and ending with the Last Bell, there were always wise, friendly, talented teachers next to us. They taught us not only penmanship, grammar and arithmetic, but also taught us moral lessons, gave us advice, and supported us. The children put their whole souls into short, beautiful poems about school life, telling them at formal assemblies, holidays, and class celebrations. You will find examples of such wonderful stanzas here.

The cheerful bell will ring,
And the notebook will open.
Here comes the school, here comes the school
He is calling us again.
Somewhere my favorite ball is sleeping,
Everyone is a student again.
The problem maker smiles,
And the fives are waiting for the diary.
We don't go fishing.
The call is ringing.
Goodbye, jump rope,
Forest, clearing, stream.
There’s a new backpack behind me,
There are five lessons ahead.
Hello school, hello school!
No more time to play!

How I love school, mom!
In the morning noisy crowd
We come to class the very best...
This class is of course mine.
There is no more beautiful school in the world:
It's cozy and warm here.
And with our teacher
I admit, we were lucky.
Doesn't swear angrily
Even if he puts “two”,
And he will show it in a businesslike manner,
Where the mistake is, let us know.
May there be many lessons at school,
We will overcome, no problem!
Start at the door
Our school years...

To the teacher

You opened the doors to a great life for us,
You not only taught us the alphabet.
Teacher! We love you, we believe you!
We learned lessons in kindness!
Our journey through life has just begun,
Thank you - it started as it should.
We wish you health and good luck,
Students - good and obedient!

Short and funny poems about lessons and school

Funny poems about school life can become a separate number at a holiday concert, dedicated to the Day teacher, First or Last Bell. Each of these short poems- a short story about fun breaks, funny incidents in the school buffet or canteen, comical stories related to tests, exams, incredible situations in class. The funny rhymes tell about real school “workaholics” and lazy people, notorious hooligans and excellent students, a strict director and unyielding head teachers.

Examples of funny short poems about school and lessons

Losers are running around
A whole evening on the slide.
And I'm sitting over books,
I need A's.
Legs are numb
And my back has a cold.
I'd rather retire
Take a well-deserved rest.

The problem is not solved -
even kill me!
Think, think, head
hurry up!
Think, think, head,
I'll give you some candy
On your birthday I'll give you
A new beret.
Think think -
For once I ask!
I'll wash you with soap!
I'll comb it!
We are with you
Not strangers to each other.
Help out!
Otherwise I’ll hit you on the top of your head!

What's first?
Will the cat learn?
- Grab it!
What's first?
Will the bird learn?
- Fly!
What's first?
Will the student learn?
- Read!

Good poems about 1st grade at school

It's a rare person who can't remember his first school day- September 1st in 1st grade becomes so exciting for each of us. Elegant, beautifully combed girls with large bows on their heads and first-grader boys in strict suits, the first in their lives, standing on the line dedicated to the First Bell, at first they are timid, hiding behind their parents. Later, after a month or two, first-graders become so comfortable at school that they rush around during breaks, not paying attention to the comments of the guards on duty. 1st grade is remembered by every acquaintance with the teacher, the rules of behavior in the classroom that are still unclear, and the first homework. In the kind poems dedicated to this almost carefree time of childhood, many warm words are addressed to the teachers, their patience and wisdom.

Examples of good poems about 1st grade at school

Arriving in 1st grade, within a few days every student understands that at school they will have to work hard in order to gain deep knowledge about the world and learn the basics of science. A wise first teacher is always ready to come to the aid of first-graders, tell them how to quickly learn to count, read, and remember the stories they read. You will find examples of good poems dedicated to talented teachers and mischievous schoolchildren here.

Grown up boy

I won't take my spinning top with me,
Big green ball
And also a hare and an owl
And a pink tram...
I'm going to first grade tomorrow
Now I'm a grown boy!

The very first day of school

Twins in brand new outfits
They are in a hurry, as if to a parade:
“Now we are both first-graders!”
The little eyes are burning with sparks. -

Mom took us to school
And I remembered my childhood again:
How my fingers were covered in ink,
And in blots - a bag and a notebook.

Now everything is clean, tidy,
And school is our cozy home...
But there are also spots on the sun -
We’ll find something to get dirty with!

We sit together at a new desk,
If you want, we can change seats.
But... just something is not clear:
There is a board, and a table, and books,

Where are the dolls? Where are the toys?
Lessons - three hours straight...
No! School is very boring!
Let's go back... to kindergarten!"

To school

Yellow leaves are flying,
It's a fun day.
Sees off kindergarten
The kids are going to school.
Our flowers have faded,
Birds fly away.
-You are going for the first time
to study in first grade.
Sad dolls sitting
On an empty terrace.
Our cheerful kindergarten
Reminisce in class.
Remember the garden
A river in a distant field...
We are also in a year
We'll be with you at school.
The country train has departed,
Rushing past the windows...
-They promised well
best to learn!

School is a bright house,
We will study in it.
There we will learn to write,
Add and multiply.
We learn a lot at school:
About your beloved land,
About mountains and oceans,
About continents and countries;
And where do the rivers flow?
And what were the Greeks like?
And what kind of seas are there?
And how the Earth rotates.
The school has workshops...
There are countless interesting things to do!
And the call is fun.
This is what “school” means!

Comic children's poems about school and teachers

Thousands of wonderful, funny children's poems are dedicated to school and teachers. A few rhymed lines briefly tell about jokes on teachers and students, about competitions and awarding of winners, about long-awaited “A”s and hated “Fs.” Poems about school life are written not only by professional writers, but also by children themselves.

Examples of humorous children's poems and funny rhymes about teachers and school

The first and last school bells always open with performances by boys and girls reciting funny children's poems. By memorizing simple rhymes, children strengthen their memory, train their thinking, and develop their horizons. In poems, schoolchildren thank their teachers for their patience, kindness, and care shown towards each student.

How easy it is to become an excellent student

To look decent
I began to study with excellent marks.
I add threes to twos -
It turns out to be A's.
And now, undoubtedly,
The diary is spacious!

Very difficult in class

It's hard for Slava in class
From call to call.
Either the chair got too wide,
Either the desk is high.

Is it a hard seat?
It is impossible to sit up straight.
Is it a delicious bun?
And you can’t help but eat it.

Either you want to get some sleep,
There is no strength to resist.
Someone threw a piece of paper
You have to throw two in response.

The teacher is muttering at the blackboard,
From the window beautiful view.
- Hey, teacher, shut up.
Your head hurts.

But when he says menacingly
- Ivanov, go to the board, -
Breaking the dream of the beach
And wallowing in the sand,

Then the whole day is ruined!
Well, what's the use of Glory?
Eh, I wish I could go home, but, however,
There is still a lesson ahead.

On the back desk

Schoolboy Petya in class
With childish joy in your eyes
Everything flies like a magpie
In endless skies.

In September, April, March
Indifferent and wonderful
He sits in the back row
And he always looks out the window.

Take a break for a little bit
If the teacher calls.
And again he looks out the window
To the endless sky.

Someone is fiddling with a toy
Someone hesitates at the blackboard,
Someone is whispering to a friend,
Someone argues like a man

Someone is waiting for the end of the lesson,
Someone is learning the alphabet.
Only Petya is lonely
Everyone is looking out the window.

And schoolboy Petya doesn’t know
Watching the cranes
What did the children call him?
"Backside viewer."

Short poems about elementary school

When finishing kindergarten, every child looks forward not only to the onset of summer, but also to the arrival of the most important day in his life - September 1st. Primary school gives us the most knowledge ever gained. Over the course of four years, from a first-grader who barely knows how to put letters into syllables, an intelligent student grows up, ready, however, not only to do his homework every day, but also to play pranks at recess with his friends and kick a ball in the school yard. During the first 4 years of schooling, children become sociable, proactive, and active. Primary school prepares them to be introduced to new subjects and teachers. Many short poems about this period of life are dedicated to the first teachers.

Examples of short poems about elementary school

While first-graders are often shy in class, 2nd-grade students already feel free and comfortable at school. The children are greatly helped by their first teacher, who is always nearby at the right moment, telling them how to act in a difficult situation that has arisen in the team, supporting their initiatives, and encouraging their talents. You will find examples of short poems about life in elementary school on this page.

Three roads

I came to first grade
Along one of three roads.
I had to every time
Choose one of the three.
The first of them was
The long street of the village.
There from the windows, from the gates
People kept looking.
I met comrades
I could tell them apart from a block away,
He was waiting for someone
He was catching up with someone.
And the second one is behind the bridge
By a hidden path
Climbing through the dense spruce forest.
Listen to the birds. Sing a song.
Sit on the stump for a while
Alone with myself.
The third trail is short.
Three minutes until the bell.
You rush headlong,
Between the first two.

Days after days flew by, flashed like dreams,
And no more than a week remains in spring.
This means that the road called “first class” has been passed.
Here summer is at the doorstep - Waiting for us, hurrying us.
Summer is calling us somewhere - Away from work and worries...
So, guys, our first school year is over.
It was both joyful and difficult for each of us.
We will never forget you, our first class.
We are parting today - But sometimes in the autumn
Let's go back to class again, but now to the second one.
Let's run, come, let's come To our school
- in the meantime, let's celebrate our holiday together -
Last call day.

We finished primary school.
And we are sad to say goodbye to you!
Our first teacher, we are in direct text
We want to confess our love to you here!
Thank you for your dedicated work!
For giving us knowledge!
Don't let any years get you down!
We wish you to be happy

Touching poems about school and teachers

At the Last Bell, graduates always perform, telling touching poems about their beloved school and teachers, who became not only mentors for them, but also true comrades, in front of the assembled classes. Finishing 9th or 11th grade, already former schoolchildren They remember with love every day spent within the walls of their native school, wishing their classmates to find their life calling and happiness.

Examples of touching poems about school and teachers

Schoolchildren always tell the most touching poems about teachers at such big celebrations as the First and Last calls and Teacher's Day. With the help of their parents and older sisters and brothers, children in elementary grades learn the simplest poems about lessons, class, and school life. High school students, thanking their favorite teachers for their hard work, dedicate long lyrical works. You will find examples of such rhymes here.

What a pity that childhood is passing away!
We will never return to it.
I should dress in a short sundress,
I wish I could run through the puddles in the morning,

I wish I could get dirty in ink like before,
The boys should hide the briefcase around the corner,
Get smeared with chalk from head to toe,
Hand over waste paper, scrap metal,

March on the morning line,
Raise the school flag with pride.
Sometimes you don’t listen to teachers,
But not out of malice, but to amuse the guys,

Open a museum in our beloved school,
Meet guests at holidays, other children,
And play games of your own free will,
To be proud of our achievements.

And someone will say that our school is “not very good”,
And I still talk about her with love!
And in the future, perhaps, my grandchildren
I will proudly bring you to these walls!

Now it's time to say goodbye,
The bell rings...
We will say: “School, goodbye,”
Everything has its time, everything has its time."
We are in no hurry to say goodbye
And a hundred times nicer now
We will become images and faces
Relatives of your teachers.
But the hour has come, we know it,
And at this special hour
We gratefully invite you
To the school ball, to the school waltz!..

When you're only seventeen
Having parted from the student bench,
Sometimes it can be difficult to figure out:
Where to go, which road?

And let the first path along it be difficult,
So as not to turn towards side paths.
Let your conscience be everywhere for you
Your advisor and compass.

But even though we are parting ways with school,
There is no room for sadness and longing.
Still we remain in our hearts
Near school desk and boards!

Having already entered primary school, 1st grade, children gradually begin to memorize short poems. Gradually, the children learn to memorize more and more complex works, training their memory. Speaking at holidays in honor of the First or Last Bell, Teacher's Day, September 1, children can recite short, beautiful, slightly touching and funny poems about school and teachers on the line, examples of which we have posted on our page.

Why do the holidays always go by so quickly? The question is rhetorical... But yellow leaves are already appearing underfoot, and on the store shelves there are a lot of things , and “” appears more and more often in the conversations of children on the playground.

Indeed, soon the Day of Knowledge will let us know about the beginning of a new school year floody. For yesterday's preschoolers, the first bell is a special thing. After all, for them it sounds for the first time. Let the granite of science be given to our children easily and with pleasure. In the meantime, let's introduce, and maybe learn for the first lesson poems about school.

Walk the ladder of knowledge boldly

On the road, girls, on the road, boys!
Walk the ladder of knowledge boldly.
Wonderful meetings and good books
There will be steps on it.

Along this ladder you will soon be able
Reach inaccessible sea depths,
Go underground, climb mountains.
And even reach the moon.

There will be steep steps on the stairs,
But the treasured route has been precisely verified,
To make you friends with an amazing miracle,
Which is called Knowledge.

(K. Ibryaev)

Back to school soon

Back to school soon. I wasn't in it
ninety nine days.
And, to tell you frankly,
I missed her.

I wanted to take out the books,
Take notebooks, take a pencil case.
Because I guys
I'm already tired of resting.

(V. Lifshits)

First of September

This day is for me
Very sad
At least lunch that day
Very tasty.

My brother
Left in uniform
To class,
And I
I watch the house.

Like a puppy.
Well, let,
Well, let,
Well, let,
But I
I'll take care of the kitten!

I will be a teacher
And the cat
To my lesson
He will come in uniform.

I got the ink
And a notebook
To with Vaska
Writing lessons.

I poked the inkwell with my nose,
From the table
He jumped onto a chair.

Arched his back
Twitched his tail
And, meowing,
Disappeared under the table.

Around the apartment
I was looking for Vaska
And everywhere
got him.

Only from the chandelier
I couldn't get it...
Our lesson was interesting.

But after such a defeat
She kicked Vaska out of the house.

(M. Sadovsky)

Hello school!

Summer flew by quickly
The school year has arrived
But we also have a lot of autumn
It will bring good days.

Hello, golden autumn!
A school filled with sunshine!
Our spacious, bright classroom,
You are meeting us again.

(V. Lebedev-Kumach)

August 31

Mom, Dad, and I are worried,
Our family worries all evening.
Everything has been ready for a long time - both the shape and the bow.
And miracle flowers decorate the sideboard.
And mom is confused: “Is everything okay?” –
And again I ironed the folds on the form.
And dad completely forgot from excitement -
Instead of porridge, he gave the cat some jam.
I'm worried too, and even trembling,
I follow mom and dad all evening:
“Set the alarm so we don’t oversleep.
For six hours, or better yet, five.”
My mother told me: “Don’t be naive -
I'm thinking about how I can fall asleep today!
After all, tomorrow you will go to school for the first time.
Everything changes in our lives tomorrow.”
(V. Kodryan)

What awaits me at school

The desk is waiting for me, firstly,
Lessons are waiting
Friends are waiting.
There will be no time for laziness at school,
There I am in a new country
Affairs and knowledge and skills
I will begin the journey.
Nature awaits - forest and field!
After all, we will go on a hike more than once...
A's are waiting for me at school
The whole first class is waiting for me!

(V. Moruga)

Hello school!

Windows washed
The school is smiling
Sunny bunnies
On the guys' faces.
After a long summer
Friends are here
They gather in flocks,
They make noise joyfully.

They huddle around moms and dads -
These are first graders.
They wait, worried,
Your first call.
So he rang,
Collecting for classes,
And the school fell silent
The lesson has begun.

(V. Rudenko)

First class guys

Everything is good with us
They call it first class.

Passengers without fear
Taking flight
If the pilot is first-class,
First class aircraft.

This builder is first class!
He built the first class!
To first class homes
Winter will not settle.

First class teacher
Strict with first graders:
“Put down the toys,
The lesson begins!

From Kamchatka to Arbat
On this day in our country
First class guys
Entering first grade!

(A. Stroilo)

Leaf Fall Lesson

- And then, guys, a lesson in leaf fall.
Therefore, there is no need to return to class.
The bell will ring, get dressed quickly
And wait for me near the school doors.
And in pairs, in pairs, following her.
For my dear teacher,
We solemnly leave the village.
And leaves were swept from the lawns into the puddles.
Look! On dark fir trees in the undergrowth
Maple leaves burn like pendants.
Bend over for the most beautiful leaf
In veins of crimson on gold.
Remember everything, how the earth falls asleep,
Like the wind covering it with leaves.

(V. Berestov)

First of September

Grandma in the medicine cabinet

Looking for validol:

Grandson Andryusha to school

I went for the first time.

Mom keeps sighing:

“How is he doing now?

Not an easy matter

This first class..."

Even dad, childhood

I forgot about football.

And the toys are in grief

So dejected:

"We are now probably

No longer needed..."


Leaves -
Time to fall
To the birds -
Time to fly away
Mushroom pickers -
Wander in the fog
to the wind -
Howling in the pipes.

The sun is getting cold,
The clouds are pouring,
You and I -
Go to study:
Write letters with numbers,
Read the primer syllable by syllable!

(I. Maznin)

To school

Little people
Meets a new one
School year.

In the morning along the sidewalks,
Any street
The guys are coming
In pairs,
A crowd.

Who's dragging
To classes
Homemade receiver
Who butterflies
And who - a live squirrel.

Here with my brother, a first-grader
My sister walks nearby.
The girl is assigned
For my younger brother.

Yes he himself
More than once
To my little sister
To fifth grade
Will definitely stop by
A big change!

They're coming in a crowd
With briefcases in hands,
The notebooks are untouched
Purely in the diaries.
They are in a hurry to call
And they chatter merrily.

And the adults
From the windows
They look with a smile.
We hold you in high esteem
All work -
They're coming!
(A. Barto)

Hello school!

Misha got up early today -
The long-awaited day has arrived.
Misha has a backpack behind him,
In the backpack there is a book and a pencil case.
And in the pencil case - a pen, feathers,
Three colored pencils.
Misha thinks: “Now I
Doesn’t look like a baby!”
Grandfather Artyom left the forge
Look at my grandson...
It’s so nice for Misha
What he is ready to sing out loud:
“Hello, golden autumn,
So I became a student!..”
Zhulka, seeing off Misha,
He proudly holds his tail in a hook.

(G. Ladonshchikov)


School to academic year sparkled -
The windows sparkled, looking east.
New painting on the walls of the gym,
There is a curtain in the assembly hall - delight!

The school thought: “Oh, how I like it
Live in silence, without worries and worries!
It's a pity that I won't be a beauty for long -
Soon hundreds of feet will trample me.

Again the bells will buzz like bees,
Streams of speeches will flow again...
How tiring if you are a school,
Either the Gymnasium or the Lyceum.”

Here it is September. Along a familiar road
They bring a bouquet to the school -
Any heart cannot stand it, it will tremble.
The school nodded to the kids: “Hello!

So many pleasant surprises Behind the door!
My bow to you, young minds.
How I missed having fun!
Well, did you grumble? I’m getting old, alas.”

(G. Ilyina)

What are desks afraid of?

- Oh, dear Bell!
Well, why are you making so much noise?
Can't you sleep for another hour?
- No way! Sorry.

Apparently you, friends, have forgotten
That today is an important day:
Of us on the First of September
Everyone must remember.

The desks looked at each other: “Oh!
Now the guys will come in
There will be noise and commotion" -
Partha sighed alone.

Another creaked: “Nightmare!
I'll be broken again -
Practice your strike
Belkin Vova will take it!”

- They will stab us with compasses,
Scratch, stain with paint!
“You must overcome your fear,”
The Pointer told them.

- Don't panic so much
And frown sternly,
Believe in the kindness of the guys
I'm gladly ready.

Look, there, from all sides
Children are coming to our school.
Let's forget the past like a dream,
Let's meet them in a friendly way.

The bell rings loudly,
The whole school was buzzing -
The boys are rushing to class,
And it's time for us to get down to business!

(E. Nikolaeva)


Textbooks are like bricks
Size, shape and weight.
For those who decided to get a certificate,
It is advisable to be Hercules.

I can do pull-ups many times,
I've been doing exercises since the morning.
But the school bag bends into an arc,
It was as if I was going on a hike.

I won't throw my bag away, keep that in mind!
This is out of the question.
I will become a scientist and find a way
How to make textbooks easier.

(A. Starikov)

First lesson

This is my first time in class.
Now I'm a student.
The teacher entered the class,
— Should I get up or sit down?

How to open a desk
I didn't know at first
And I didn't know how to get up
So that the desk doesn't knock.

They tell me: “Go to the board,”
I raise my hand.
How to hold a pen in your hand,
I don't understand at all.

How many schoolchildren we have!
We have four Asi,
Four Vasya, five Marus
And two Petrovs in the class.

I'm in class for the first time
Now I'm a student.
I'm sitting on the desk correctly,
Although I can't sit still.



“Change, change!” -
The call is ringing.
Vova will definitely be the first
Flies out of the threshold.
Flies over the threshold -
Seven are knocked off their feet.
Is it really Vova?
Dozed off the entire lesson?
Is this really Vova?
Five minutes ago, not a word
Couldn't you tell me at the board?
If he is, then undoubtedly
A big change with him!
You can't keep up with Vova!
Look how bad he is!

He made it in five minutes
Redo a bunch of things:
He set three steps
(Vaska, Kolka and Seryozhka),
Rolled somersaults
He sat astride the railing,
Dashingly plopped off the railing,
Got a slap on the head
He gave someone back on the spot,
He asked me to write off the tasks, -
In a word,
I did everything I could!
Well, here comes the call again...
Vova trudges back to class.
Poor! There is no face on it!
“Nothing,” sighs Vova,
Let's relax in class!

(Zakhoder B.)

School sketches


Studying the triangle.
Some three corners
And the work is for centuries.


Why from under the sharpener
Are there shavings and sawdust curling?
The pencil doesn't want to write
So she sharpens it.


The notebooks rustled in the briefcase,
They decided what was more important in life.
The lined notebook mutters:
- Grammar!
And the notebook grumbles into the cage:
- Mathematics!
What did you reconcile on notebook
with a notebook,
It still remains a mystery to us.


Printed letters -
Very neat.
Letters for writing
I write myself.
It's very fun to write with a pen:
The letters hold each other by the handles.
- Oh, fathers! - said the pen. —
What does this squiggle mean?
- You ink head!
You wrote the letter “A”!

Verbal counting

Come on, put the pencils aside!
No dominoes. No pens. No chalk.
Verbal counting! We're doing this thing
Only by the power of mind and soul.
The numbers converge somewhere in the darkness,
And the eyes begin to glow,
And there are only smart faces around.
Because we count in our heads!


In winter he runs on the street,
And in the summer it lies in the room.
But only autumn comes,
He takes me by the hand.
And again in the rain and snowstorm
My briefcase walks with me


The teacher is in my briefcase!
- Who? It can not be! Really?
- Take a look, please! He is here.
It's called a textbook.


The notebooks rustled in the briefcase,
They decided what was more important in life.
The lined notebook mutters:
- Grammar!
And the notebook grumbles into the cage:
- Mathematics!
How to reconcile notebook
with a notebook,
It still remains a mystery to us.


I am a ruler. Directness -
My main trait.


I am a little pencil.
I wrote a hundred pieces of paper.
And when I started,
It was difficult to fit into the pencil case.
The schoolboy writes. And it grows!
Well, I’m the opposite!


My compass, dashing circus performer
Draws a circle with one foot
And the other pierced the paper,
I clung on and didn't take a step.


I am an eraser. I am a rubber band
Little grimy back.
But my conscience is clear:
I erased the blot from the sheet!

Pencil case

The pencil is tossing in the pencil case,
But it doesn't break,
The handle is in cramped conditions,
But it’s easy to find.


I am an elegant bookmark.
I'm lying here for order.
Don't flip the pages in vain.
Where is the bookmark, read there!


Then I secretly think
Then again I click on the abacus.
If you count correctly,
You'll always get a high five!


In high school, every student
Studying the triangle.
Some three corners
And the work is for centuries.


Homework diary
And there are marks next to each other -
How good!
Come on, mom, sign it!


Above the paper above the sheet
The brush waves its tail.
And not just waving,
And he smears the paper,
Paints in different colors.
Wow, what a beauty!

(Valentin Berestov)

There are many more different poems

Happy school days!

With love,

Lyudmila Potsepun.

We invite you to watch a fascinating video on our video channel "Workshop on the Rainbow"

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