Home Oral cavity Goddess athena images. Who is Athena? In ancient Greek mythology, Athena is the goddess of organized war, military strategy and wisdom.

Goddess athena images. Who is Athena? In ancient Greek mythology, Athena is the goddess of organized war, military strategy and wisdom.

ATHENA ATHENA (Pallas Athena), in Greek mythology, the goddess of war and victory, wisdom, knowledge, arts and crafts, the patroness of Athens. Daughter of Zeus, born in full armor (helmet and shell) from his head. Athena's attributes are a snake, an owl and an aegis - a shield with the head of the gorgon Medusa. In Homer, Athena is the protector of the Achaeans. Athena corresponds to the Roman Minerva.

Modern encyclopedia. 2000 .


See what "ATHENA" is in other dictionaries:

    - (Άθηνά), in Greek mythology, the goddess of wisdom and just war. The pre-Greek origin of the image of A. does not allow us to reveal the etymology of the name of the goddess, based only on the Greek language. The myth of the birth of A. from Zeus and Metis (“wisdom”, ... ... Encyclopedia of Mythology

    Athena- Lemnia. Reconstruction of the statue of Phidias on the Acropolis of Athens. OK. 450 BC Sculpture collection. Dresden. Athena Lemnia. Reconstruction of the statue of Phidias on the Acropolis of Athens. OK. 450 BC Sculpture collection. Dresden. Athena in the myths of the ancient Greeks... ... encyclopedic Dictionary"The World History"

    In the myths of the ancient Greeks, the goddess of wisdom and just war. Born from Zeus and Metis (wisdom). Zeus swallowed his pregnant wife, then Hephaestus (or Prometheus) split his head with an ax, and Athena emerged from there in full combat... ... Historical Dictionary

    - (Pallas, among the Romans Minerva) in Greek mythology, the goddess of wisdom and military affairs; daughter of Zeus, born from his head; was considered the patroness of Athens. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Pavlenkov F., 1907. ATHENA (Greek... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    - (Pallas Athena) in Greek mythology, the goddess of war and victory, as well as wisdom, knowledge, arts and crafts. Daughter of Zeus, born in full armor (helmet and shell) from his head. Patroness of Athens. The Roman Minerva corresponds to her. Among … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Athena- Lemnia. Reconstruction of the statue of Phidias on the Acropolis of Athens. OK. 450 BC Sculpture collection. Dresden. ATHENA (Pallas Athena), in Greek mythology, the goddess of war and victory, wisdom, knowledge, arts and crafts, the patroness of Athens. Daughter of Zeus,... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Pallas Athena, in ancient Greek mythology one of the main deities, a virgin goddess; revered as the goddess of war and victory, as well as wisdom, knowledge, arts and crafts. According to myth, A. in a helmet and shell came out of the head of Zeus. A.… … Great Soviet Encyclopedia

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Pallas Athena (ancient Greek myth)

Pallas Athena differs not only in her wisdom from all the other immortal gods who live on Olympus. Not only because from her very birth she loves military pleasures more than anything in the world. But also because, unlike other immortals, she did not have a mother. Of course, she had a mother, but at the same time, it was as if she didn’t have one. Pallas Athena was born by her father, the thunderer Zeus himself. And this is how it happened.
The great Zeus has long reigned over the world, and there is no one who could compete with him in power. But all this time the great thunderer’s heart was restless. The goddess Gaia predicted to him that the fate of his father, the great Cronus, awaited him.
“Like his father, he will also lose power over the world,” the wise goddess said, and it was impossible not to believe her.
The mighty titan Prometheus constantly talks about this.
“You think, new kings, that you will bliss in peace forever.” But didn't I see two tyrants fall from Olympus? And I will see how soon the third one will fall!
In vain did Zeus seek for Prometheus to reveal to him the fatal secret of which of his sons would overthrow him from the throne and when he would be born. But Prometheus persisted:
- Let him throw lightning as much as he wants, let him thunder with terrible thunder. Even if the whole sky turns into a white-winged blizzard and destroys everything to the ground, he will not break me, and I will not say from whose hand he will lose power!
What could Zeus do? He decided to defend himself as best he could. The goddesses of fate Moira, who never make mistakes, told Zeus that the goddess of reason Metis would have two children from him: first a daughter, Athena, would be born, and then a son of extraordinary intelligence and strength. And when he grows up, he will take away the power over the world from Zeus. Zeus was worried: after all, the goddess Metis was about to give birth. He put her to sleep with gentle words and swallowed her along with the unborn child.
And everything went as before. He was feasting and having fun in his golden palace on Olympus, when suddenly, after a while, he felt a strange headache, so much so that it literally tore him apart. He calls his son, the glorious blacksmith Hephaestus, and orders him:
“Hit me on the head with your sharp ax and cut it in half.”
Hearing such an amazing request, Hephaestus asks his father:
“You seem to want to make sure I’m sane?” Tell me to do something else you need.
“I need exactly what I ask of you,” the angry Zeus answers him, “if you don’t do this right now, then you will have to experience a lot of grief.”
Hephaestus fulfilled the strange demand of his royal father, he waved his ax and lowered it on the head of Zeus.
“What is this,” exclaimed the amazed Hephaestus a moment later. - The maiden is fully armed! There was a heavy thing sitting in your head, Zeus, no wonder you were in a bad mood. Carrying such a large daughter under your skull, and even fully armed, is no joke. So, do you have a military camp for a head? Oh, look, in an instant she has already become an adult, and what a beauty! Zeus, as a reward for helping you give birth to such a daughter, let me marry her!
“This is impossible, my glorious Hephaestus,” his father answered him, “she will never get married and will want to remain an eternal virgin.”
“It’s a pity,” Hephaestus said, “but if you don’t mind, I’ll still try to deal with her.”
While they were discussing the future fate of the newborn goddess, she had already jumped out of Zeus’s head and, out of joy that she was born and seeing the light, began to jump and dance a war dance, shaking her shield and waving her spear. Looking at his warlike daughter, Zeus answered the blacksmith:
“I don’t mind, but I think it won’t be easy for you.”
This is how Pallas Athena was born. But she was famous not only for her military courage, defending all those unjustly offended. She patronized the Greek heroes, guarded fortresses and cities, and in intelligence and wisdom she soon became equal to Zeus himself. That's what they called her - the goddess of wisdom and just war. And she also had one favorite thing in which she had no equal. She loved to weave linen, and no one could surpass her in this art. And it was dangerous to compete with her. Everyone knows how Arachne, the daughter of Idmon, paid when she wanted to become higher than Athena in this matter.

(c) "Argonauts"

The goddess Athena appears in ancient Greek legends as the goddess of crafts and just war. Many legends were created about her. She always appears majestic and sublime.

Appearance on Olympus

The myth about the birth of Athena tells that she is the daughter of Zeus and the Titanide Metis. The Thunderer was predicted that he would lose his throne when the son of Metis grew up. Without thinking twice, Zeus followed in the footsteps of his father and swallowed his pregnant girlfriend.

After some time, the Lord of Olympus began to suffer from terrible headaches. Other gods began to avoid him so as not to fall under hot hand Thunderer. The pain did not go away. And then Zeus sent a messenger for Hephaestus, the blacksmith god. He appeared immediately, came running in what he was wearing, covered in soot, clutching a hammer in his hands.

Zeus turned to him with a request - to hit him on the back of the head with his heavy copper hammer. Hephaestus recoiled in horror when he heard the strange order.

Zeus was adamant:

“Hit it as if it were your own anvil,” he ordered sternly.

Hephaestus no longer dared to object to his father. He swung and hit with all his might. Zeus's skull split and a maiden stepped out of it in full military garb. Olympus shuddered from the powerful tread, the lands lying around shook, the sea boiled, and the tops of the mountains were covered with snow-white snow. Surprised to say the least, Hephaestus dropped the hammer.

Zeus the Thunderer himself was no less amazed, but did not want to show that he himself was in the dark about something, and therefore, as if nothing had happened, he turned to the divine forge, introducing him to “sister Athena.”

Zeus said:

Since she was born with the help of your hammer, she will have mastery like you.

Hephaestus frowned; he was used to being the only artisan on the mountain of the gods. But Zeus reassured the blacksmith, saying that no one would claim his hammer, and Athena would get the spindle. Athena worked sparingly. But when the sounds of battle, the whistling of arrows and the clanging of swords reached her ears, she put on armor and rushed into battle.

Athena - goddess of wisdom

Athena was sometimes considered the wisest of the ancient Greek pantheon, since she emerged from the head of Zeus. The Thunderer himself valued his daughter and consulted with her if he doubted something.

Mortals loved the warlike goddess. They turned to her for advice, asked for help and called out for help. She gave people the knowledge of how to make threads from wool, and then weave them into durable fabric and decorate it with patterns. The young men learned from her how to clean the obtained skins and then make soft sandals from them. Others received axes as a gift from Athena and learned carpentry. Someone received a bridle to tame the horses.

The Greek goddess Athena willingly assisted artists, appreciating their ability to add color to life. She was praised for the fact that she accustomed people to city life.

The myth of human pride

Humanity quickly forgets all the good things; we cannot expect gratitude from them. People are constantly overcome by pride. A rumor spread across the earth that a craftswoman had appeared in Lydia to match Athena herself, who would not be inferior to her either in embroidery or weaving. These rumors also reached Athena.

Athena immediately left Olympus. The Greek goddess took the form of an old man, appeared to Arachne and advised her to pray for forgiveness for her daring speeches and unbridled pride. The mortal craftswoman rudely pulled back the conversational old man.

You've completely lost your mind, old man! - Arachne answered. “Athena is just afraid to compete with me in skill!”

Unreasonable! - Athena revealed her divine appearance. “I’m here, and I’m ready to accept your daring challenge.”

The Greek goddess Athena wove a canvas of unprecedented beauty - she depicted all twelve Olympians in their true greatness, and in the corners weaved four episodes about mortals who challenged the gods. Athena was merciful to those who were able to admit their guilt, and Arachne still had a chance to stop. But the proud princess of Lydia did not even think of using it. Having honored Athena's work with a contemptuous look, she began to work on her creation. A canvas appeared on which there were scenes of divine love affairs.

The figures on this canvas turned out to be alive. Athena appreciated the skill of her rival, but the plot caused her indignation. Athena could not stand the disrespect and destroyed the work, and hit Arachne herself with a shuttle. The unfortunate princess could not bear the shame and insult, twisted a rope and hanged herself with it. Athena pulled the mortal out of the loop and did not let her die. However, she turned the rebellious, daring girl into... Since then, the Arachne spider has been hanging in the corner and forever weaving its thin silver thread.

Why is Athena “Pallas”?

Even people not familiar with Greek mythology know the name of Pallas Athena. However, why “Pallada”, what is it? There are several speculations regarding the origin of this name. According to one version, Pallas is Athena’s “childhood” friend, daughter of Triton. One day, the friends had a serious quarrel, and the angry Pallas threw a spear at Athena, which was deflected by the magic shield-egis of the Thunderer, who noticed the quarrel in time. Offended, Athena in turn struck. It turned out to be fatal. The Greek goddess Athena later regretted what had happened. And she added the name to her own in memory of her former friend.

Another version says that the second name is also a memory, but about the winged goat-like giant Pallante. When the Olympians fought with the giants, the lustful Pallant “intended to commit violence against the goddess.” Athena threw her enemy to the ground, and then tore off his skin, while still alive, to make an aegis for herself, and placed his wings on her shoulders.

There is also a version that is somewhat similar to the first story. But according to this legend, the name “Pallada” is a sign of grief for the deceased comrade Pallant, who died from a fatal accident in a playful sword fight.

Unlucky in love

The brush of the artists of antiquity never depicted the chaste Greek goddess naked. In modern art, taking into account the revaluation of values ​​and ignorance of traditions, one can also find a more erotic image of Athena. "Shame!" - a character in the famous film by Leonid Gaidai would say.

Legends claim that the goddess Athena never touched the arrow of the god of love Eros; he always avoided the brave warrior.

His mother, Aphrodite, could not understand this and was not happy that her cheerful son did not even try to give love to the chaste goddess. For which Eros was reproached.

The God of love never tired of making excuses; he complained that he was afraid of Athena. Afraid of her watchful eyes, her courageous and majestic appearance. More than once he tried to approach her in order to hit her with an arrow, but the Greek goddess Athena again directed her gloomy gaze at him, and Eros recoiled, also frightened by the terrible head on her armor, dropped his arrows and ran away from the warlike daughter of Zeus.

Popular recognition

Athena provided special protection to the city that received her name. Its inhabitants tirelessly praised the goddess for their well-being.

People dedicated the olive tree to Pallas Athena, as the intelligence and thoughtfulness of their actions, a rooster that wakes people up early in the morning for honest work. In addition, the owl, from whose penetrating eyes nothing can be hidden even in the darkness of the night, was also dedicated to the goddess of war. The image of an owl was minted on silver coins, and everyone accepted the “owl” in exchange for goods, as if paying homage to the goddess. Ancient Greek poets gave Athena herself the epithet “owl-eyed.”

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    Greek goddess Athena


    Light up our new path, bright-eyed maiden Pallas! (c) "Argonauts" The goddess Athena appears in ancient Greek legends as the goddess of wisdom, crafts and just war. Many legends were created about her. She always appears majestic and sublime. Appearance on Olympus The myth about the birth of Athena tells that she is the daughter of Zeus and the Titanide Metis. The Thunderer was predicted that he would lose...

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    Nikolay Kun

    Birth of Athena

    The goddess Pallas Athena was born by Zeus himself. Zeus the Thunderer knew that the goddess of reason, Metis, would have two children: a daughter, Athena, and a son of extraordinary intelligence and strength. The Moirai, the goddess of fate, revealed to Zeus the secret that the son of the goddess Metis would overthrow him from the throne and take away his power over the world. The great Zeus was afraid. To avoid the terrible fate that the Moirai promised him, he, having lulled the goddess Metis with gentle speeches, swallowed her before her daughter, the goddess Athena, was born. After some time, Zeus felt a terrible headache. Then he called his son Hephaestus and ordered to cut off his head to get rid of unbearable pain and noise in the head. Hephaestus swung his ax, with a powerful blow he split the skull of Zeus without damaging him, and a mighty warrior, the goddess, emerged from the thunderer’s head. Athena-Pallas. Fully armed, in a shiny helmet, with a spear and shield, she appeared before the amazed eyes of the Olympian gods. She shook her sparkling spear menacingly. Her war cry rolled far across the sky, and the bright Olympus shook to its very foundation. Beautiful, majestic, she stood before the gods. Blue eyes Athens burned with divine wisdom, all of it shone with wondrous, heavenly, powerful beauty. The gods praised his beloved daughter, born from the head of father Zeus, the defender of cities, the goddess of wisdom and knowledge, the invincible warrior Pallas Athena.

    Athena patronizes the heroes of Greece, gives them her advice full of wisdom and helps them, invincible, in times of danger. She guards cities, fortresses and their walls. She gives wisdom and knowledge, teaches people arts and crafts. And the girls of Greece honor Athena because she teaches them needlework. None of the mortals and goddesses can surpass Athena in the art of weaving. Everyone knows how dangerous it is to compete with her in this, they know how Arachne, the daughter of Idmon, paid, because she wanted to be higher than Athena in this art.


    Based on Ovid's poem "Metamorphoses"

    Arachne was famous throughout Lydia for her art. Nymphs often gathered from the slopes of Tmol and from the banks of the gold-bearing Pactolus to admire her work. Arachne spun threads like fog into fabrics as transparent as air. She was proud that she had no equal in the world in the art of weaving. One day she exclaimed:

    Let Pallas Athena herself come to compete with me! She can't defeat me; I'm not afraid of it.

    And then, under the guise of a gray-haired, hunched old woman leaning on a staff, the goddess Athena appeared before Arachne and said to her:

    Old age brings with it many evils, Arachne: years bring experience. Take my advice: strive to surpass only mortals with your art. Don't challenge the goddess to a contest. Humbly pray to her to forgive you for your arrogant words. The goddess forgives those who pray.

    Arachne let go of the thin yarn; her eyes flashed with anger. Confident in her art, she boldly answered:

    You are unreasonable, old woman, Old age has deprived you of your reason. Read such instructions to your daughters-in-law and daughters, but leave me alone. I can give myself advice too. What I said, so be it. Why isn’t Athena coming, why doesn’t she want to compete with me?

    I'm here, Arachne! - exclaimed the goddess, taking on her real image.

    The nymphs and Lydian women bowed low before the beloved daughter of Zeus and praised her. Only Arachne was silent. Just as the sky lights up with scarlet light in the early morning when the rose-fingered Zarya-Eos flies into the sky on her sparkling wings, so Athena’s face blushed with the color of anger. Arachne stands by her decision; she still passionately wants to compete with Athena. She has no presentiment that she is in danger of imminent death.

    The competition has begun. The great goddess Athena wove the majestic Athenian Acropolis in the middle of her blanket, and on it depicted her dispute with her for power over Attica. The twelve bright gods of Olympus, and among them her father, Zeus the Thunderer, sit as judges in this dispute. Poseidon, the shaker of the earth, raised his trident, struck the rock with it, and a salty spring gushed out from the barren rock. And Athena, wearing a helmet, with a shield and an aegis, shook her spear and plunged it deep into the ground. A sacred olive grew from the ground. The gods awarded victory to Athena, recognizing her gift to Attica as more valuable. In the corners the goddess depicted how the gods punish people for disobedience, and around it she wove a wreath of olive leaves. Arachne depicted on her veil many scenes from the life of the gods, in which the gods are weak, possessed human passions. All around Arachne wove a wreath of flowers entwined with ivy. The work of Arachne was the height of perfection; it was not inferior in beauty to the work of Athena, but in her images one could see disrespect for the gods, even contempt. Athena was terribly angry, she tore up Arachne's work and hit her with the shuttle. Unhappy Arachne could not bear the shame; she twisted the rope, made a noose and hanged herself. Athena freed Arachne from the loop and told her:

    Live, rebellious one. But you will hang forever and weave forever, and this punishment will last in your offspring.

    Athena sprinkled Arachne with the juice of the magic herb, and immediately her body shrank, Thick hair fell from her head, and she turned into a spider. Since then, the spider-Arachne has been hanging in her web and forever weaving it, as she weaved during her life.


    Athena (Minerva among the Romans) is one of the most revered goddesses of Greece: she played a large role in the Greek folk epic. Athena is the guardian of cities. In Homer's Troy there was a statue of Athena that supposedly fell from the sky, the so-called palladium: it was believed that she guarded Troy. With the growth of Greek culture, Athena also became the patroness of science.

    A state in Asia Minor, defeated by the Persians in the 6th century. BC.

    The scene of Athena's dispute with Poseidon was depicted on the pediment of the Parthenon Temple in Athens by the famous Greek sculptor Phidias (5th century BC); The pediment has survived to this day in a heavily damaged state.

    Nikolai Kun. Legends and myths Ancient Greece

    Added approx. 2006-2007


    Happy New Year 2012 to everyone!
    The site is well designed. Interesting articles.

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    [deeper into history] [latest additions]

    ATHENA - in Greek mythology, the goddess of wisdom and just war. The myth of the birth of Athena from Zeus and Metis (“wisdom”, Greek metis - “thought”, reflection) - the period of classical Olympic mythology. httr://www.5ballov.ru/referats/preview/19024/4

    The birth of Athena is depicted in this myth from the standpoint of the heroic mythology of the patriarchal period, in which the male organizing principle was especially prominent. Athena is, as it were, a direct continuation of Zeus, the executor of his plans and will. She is the thought of Zeus, realized in action. Gradually, the motherhood of Metis takes on an increasingly abstract, and even symbolic, character, so that Athena is considered the offspring of Zeus alone and takes on the functions of the deity of wisdom, just as Zeus took them from Metis. Right there.

    Zeus, knowing from Gaia and Uranus that his son from Metis would deprive him of power, swallowed his pregnant wife and then, with the help of Hephaestus (or Prometheus), who split his head with an ax, he himself gave birth to Athena, who emerged from his head in fully armed. Since this event supposedly took place near the lake (or river) Triton in Libya, Athena received the nickname Tritonidae or Tritogenae. Right there.

    Athena is one of the most important figures not only in Olympic mythology; she is equal in importance to Zeus and sometimes even surpasses him, rooted in the most ancient period of the development of Greek mythology - matriarchy. She is equal in strength and wisdom to Zeus. She is given honors after Zeus and her place is closest to Zeus. Along with the new functions of the goddess of military power, Athena retained her matriarchal independence, manifested in her understanding as a maiden and protector of chastity. http://www.5ballov.ru/referats/preview/19024/4

    The origins of Athena's wisdom go back to the image of the goddess with snakes of the Cretan-Mycenaean period. The image of a goddess with a shield of Mycenaean times is a prototype of Olympian Athena. Among the indispensable attributes of Athena is the aegis - a shield made of goatskin with the head of the snake-haired Medusa, which has enormous magical power, frightening gods and people. Right there.

    There is numerous information about the cosmic features of the image of Athena. Her birth is accompanied by golden showers, she guards the lightning of Zeus. Her image, the so-called palladium, fell from the sky (hence Pallas Athena). Right there.

    According to Herodotus, Athena is the daughter of Poseidon and the nymph Tritonis. Athena was identified with the daughters of Kekrops - Pandrosa ("all-wet") and Aglavra ("light-air"), or Agravla ("field-furrowed"). Right there.

    The sacred tree of Athena was the olive. The olive trees of Athena were considered the "trees of fate", and Athena herself was thought of as fate and the Great Mother Goddess. Right there.

    The powerful goddess of the archaic, the owner of the aegis, Athena, during the period of heroic mythology, directs her strength to fight the titans and giants. Together with Hercules, Athena kills one of the giants, she piles the island of Sicily on another, and tears off the skin of a third and covers her body with it during the battle. Right there.

    She is the killer of the gorgon Medusa and goes by the name "Gorgon Slayer". Athena demands sacred respect; no mortal can see her. There is a well-known myth about how she deprived young Tiresias (the son of her favorite Chariklo) of his sight when he accidentally saw her ablution. http://www.5ballov.ru/referats/preview/19024/4

    Classical Athena is endowed with ideological and organizing functions: she patronizes heroes, protects public order, etc. Zeus sent Athena to help Hercules, and he brought the dog of the god Hades out of Erebus. Athena's favorite was Odysseus, an intelligent and brave hero. In Homer's poems (especially the Odyssey), not a single an important event not without the intervention of Athena. She is the main defender of the Achaean Greeks and the constant enemy of the Trojans, although her cult also existed in Troy. Athena is the protector of Greek cities (Athens, Argos, Megara, Sparta, etc.), bearing the name “city defender”. Right there.

    A huge statue of Athena Promachos (“front line fighter”) with a spear shining in the sun adorned the Acropolis in Athens, where the Erechtheion and Parthenon temples were dedicated to the goddess. Right there.

    A monument to the glorification of the wise ruler of the Athenian state, the founder of the Areopagus, is the tragedy of Aeschylus “Eumenides”. Right there.

    Athena is always considered in the context of artistic craft, art, craftsmanship. She helps potters, weavers, needlewomen, and working people in general. Athena helped Prometheus steal fire from Hephaestus's forge. Right there.

    Athena is credited with inventing the flute and teaching Apollo to play it. Her touch alone is enough to make a person beautiful (she raised Odysseus to stature, endowed him with curly hair, and clothed him with strength and attractiveness). She endowed Penelope with amazing beauty on the eve of meeting her husband. http://www.5ballov.ru/referats/preview/19024/4

    Athena is the goddess of wisdom. She is characterized by wisdom in government affairs. For late antiquity, Athena was the principle of the indivisibility of the cosmic Mind and a symbol of comprehensive world wisdom. Athena was revered as the legislator and patroness of Athenian statehood - Phratria ("brotherly"), Bulaya ("councillor"), Soteira ("savior"), Pronoia ("provident").

    Although the cult of Athena was widespread throughout mainland and island Greece (Arcadia, Argolis, Corinth, Sikyon, Thessaly, Boeotia, Crete, Rhodes), Athena was especially revered in Attica, in Athens (the name of the city of Athens was associated by the Greeks with the name of the patron goddess of the city) . Agricultural holidays were dedicated to her. During these celebrations, the statue of Athena was washed, and the young men took an oath of civil service to the goddess. Right there.

    In Rome, Athena was identified with Minerva. Two large passages from Ovid's Fast are devoted to the Roman festivals of Minerva. Throughout antiquity, Athena remains evidence of the organizing and directing power of reason, which organizes cosmic and social life, glorifying the strict foundations of a state based on democratic legislation. Right there.

    The image of Athena is reflected in many significant monuments of Greek sculpture. The giant statue of "Athena Parthenos" by Phidias, erected in Athens in the Parthenon in 438 BC, has not survived and is known to us from several smaller copies. Numerous figurines of the goddess have been preserved. Certain scenes from the myths about Athena are reflected in the relief plastic of the temples, for example, a multi-figure group on the eastern pediment of the Parthenon depicts the birth of Athena from the head of Zeus; on the western pediment, the dispute between Athena and Poseidon for the possession of the land of Attica is embodied. http://www.5ballov.ru/referats/preview/19024/4

    Scenes dedicated to the birth of Athena, her participation in the Trojan War, and her dispute with Poseidon were widespread in Greek vase painting. There are images of Athena on Pompeii frescoes. Right there.

    During the Renaissance, Athena is depicted in accordance with the ancient artistic tradition - in a shell and helmet. In a number of scenes, Athena appears as the personification of wisdom and symbolizes the triumph of reason ("Minerva conquers ignorance" by B. Spranger, "The Kingdom of Minerva" by A. Elsheimer), virtue and chastity ("Pallas and the Centaur" by S. Botticelli, "The Victory of Virtue over Sin" by A. . Mantegna), the world ("Minerva and Mars" by J. Tintoretto, P. Veronese, etc.). Right there.

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