Home Dental treatment What is the physiological climacteric period characterized by? Menopause in women - what it is, signs, symptoms, age of onset and treatment of menopause

What is the physiological climacteric period characterized by? Menopause in women - what it is, signs, symptoms, age of onset and treatment of menopause

– a physiological period in a woman’s life, characterized by the decline of reproductive function due to hormonal changes in the body. It begins after 40 years and lasts about 10 years. It manifests itself as a gradual cessation of menstruation. May be accompanied by a complex of vegetative-vascular and endocrine disorders: sudden attacks of a rush of blood to the upper half of the body and face (“heat”), sweating, tearfulness, irritability, fluctuations in blood pressure, increased dryness of the skin and mucous membranes, sleep disturbance. May cause dysfunctional uterine bleeding and serious neuropsychiatric disorders.

General information

is a natural stage in a woman’s life and is characterized by reverse changes in the reproductive system - the cessation of childbearing and menstrual functions. The word “menopause” comes from the Greek “klimax” - a ladder, expressing symbolic steps leading from the flourishing of specific female functions to their gradual extinction.

A woman’s life consists of several age periods that have their own anatomical and physiological characteristics:

  • neonatal period - up to 10 days;
  • childhood period - up to 8 years;
  • period of puberty - from 8 to 17-18 years;
  • period of puberty (reproductive or childbearing) - from 18 to 45 years;
  • climacteric period (menopause), including:
  1. premenopause - from 45 years to menopause;
  2. menopause – cessation of menstruation (49-50 years);
  3. postmenopause - from menopause - up to 65-69 years;
  • old age period - from 70 years.

With the average life expectancy of a woman being 75 years, a third of her life is spent during menopause.

In some women, menopause has a physiological course and does not cause pathological disorders; in others, the pathological course of menopause leads to the development of menopausal (climacteric) syndrome. Menopausal syndrome during menopause in women occurs with a frequency of 26–48% and is characterized by a complex of various disorders of the functions of the endocrine, nervous and cardiovascular systems, which often disrupts the normal functioning and ability of a woman to work. Issues of the pathological course of menopause are of great social and medical importance due to the increased average life expectancy of a woman and her socially active behavior.

Causes of menopausal syndrome

During menopause, changes occur throughout the body: immune defense decreases, the frequency of autoimmune and infectious diseases increases, and the aging process progresses. But the woman’s reproductive system undergoes the most active changes during menopause. During menopause, the development of follicles in the ovaries stops, eggs stop maturing and ovulating, and intrasecretory activity decreases. The follicles in the ovaries are replaced by connective tissue, which leads to sclerosis and a decrease in the size of the ovaries.

The hormonal picture during menopause is characterized by an increase in the level of gonadotropic hormones (follicle-stimulating and luteinizing) and a decrease in the level of estrogen. During the year after menopause, the level of follicle-stimulating hormone increases by 13-14 times, luteinizing hormone by 3 times, followed by a slight decrease.

During menopause, changes in the synthesis of estrogen hormones include the cessation of estradiol production and the predominance of estrone. Estrogens have a biological effect on the uterus, mammary glands, urethra, bladder, vagina, pelvic floor muscles, brain cells, arteries and heart, bones, skin, mucous membranes of the conjunctiva, larynx, mouth, etc., and their deficiency during menopause can cause various disorders in these tissues and organs.

Menopausal syndrome during menopause is a manifestation of estrogen deficiency and is characterized by vegetative-neurotic, urogenital disorders, dystrophic changes in the skin, a high risk of developing atherosclerosis and vascular ischemia, osteoporosis, and psychological disorders. With an increase in the average life expectancy of a woman, the menopause lengthens and, accordingly, the period of estrogen deficiency increases, which increases the likelihood of developing menopausal syndrome.


According to its manifestations, menopausal syndrome is divided into early, middle and late manifestations of menopausal disorders. Early manifestations of menopausal disorders during menopause include:

  • vasomotor symptoms - feeling of hot flashes, headaches, increased sweating, chills, fluctuations in blood pressure, palpitations;
  • psycho-emotional symptoms - weakness, anxiety, irritability, drowsiness, inattention, forgetfulness, depression, decreased libido.

Early manifestations during menopause include premenopause and 1-2 years of postmenopause. Women with vasomotor and psycho-emotional symptoms during menopause are often treated by a therapist for hypertension, coronary heart disease, or by a psychoneurologist diagnosed with neurosis or a depressive state.

Medium-term manifestations of menopausal disorders during menopause include:

  • urogenital symptoms - vaginal dryness, painful sexual intercourse, burning, itching, dysuria (increased urination and urinary incontinence);
  • symptoms from the skin and its appendages - wrinkles, brittle nails, dry skin and hair, hair loss.

Medium-term manifestations during menopause are observed 2-5 years after menopause and are characterized by atrophic changes in the skin and urogenital tract. As a rule, symptomatic treatment of urogenital and skin symptoms during menopause does not give the desired effect.

Late-time manifestations of menopausal disorders during menopause include:

  • metabolic (metabolic) disorders - osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, cardiovascular diseases.

Late-time manifestations during menopause develop 5-10 years after the onset of menopause. Insufficient levels of sex hormones during menopause lead to disruption of the structure of bone tissue (osteoporosis) and lipid metabolism (atherosclerosis).

Symptoms of menopausal syndrome

The development and severity of menopausal syndrome is influenced by hormonal, environmental, hereditary factors, and the general condition of the woman at the time of menopause.

Vegetative-vascular (vasomotor) symptoms during the pathological course of menopause are observed in 80% of women. They are characterized by sudden “hot flashes” with a sharp expansion of the capillaries of the scalp, face, neck, chest, an increase in local skin temperature by 2-5°C, and body temperature by 0.5-1°C. “Hot flashes” are accompanied by a feeling of heat, redness, sweating, and palpitations. The state of “hot flashes” lasts 3-5 minutes, repeating from 1 to 20 or more times a day, intensifies at night, causing sleep disturbance. A mild degree of vasomotor disorders during menopause is characterized by the number of “hot flashes” from 1 to 10 per day, moderate – from 10 to 20, severe – from 20 or more in combination with other manifestations (dizziness, depression, phobias), leading to decreased ability to work.

In 13% of women with a pathological course of menopause, asthenoneurotic disorders occur, manifested by irritability, tearfulness, feelings of anxiety, fear, intolerance to olfactory and auditory sensations, and depression. Psycho-emotional symptoms during menopause develop before or immediately after menopause, while vasomotor symptoms continue for about 5 years after menopause.

The course of menopausal syndrome during menopause can develop in the form of atypical forms:

  • sympatho-adrenal crises, characterized by a sharp headache, increased blood pressure, urinary retention followed by polyuria;
  • myocardial dystrophy, characterized by constant pain in the heart in the absence of changes on the ECG, ineffectiveness of conventional therapy;
  • urticaria, vasomotor rhinitis, allergies to medications and food products, indicating changes in the body’s immunological reactions, etc.

The course of menopause falls during a period of important events in a woman’s life: the growing up and marriage of children, achievements at work, retirement changes, and menopausal disorders are layered with increased emotional stress and social problems. Almost 50% of women with a pathological course of menopause have a severe form of the disorder, in 35% the disorder is moderately expressed, and only in 15% the menopausal syndrome has mild manifestations. A mild form of menopause disorders usually occurs among practically healthy women, while women with chronic diseases are susceptible to atypical forms of menopausal syndrome, a tendency to a crisis-like course that disrupts the general health of patients.

The development of menopausal syndrome during menopause is facilitated by genetic factors, endocrinopathies, chronic diseases, smoking, menstrual irregularities during puberty, early menopause, physical inactivity, and a woman’s lack of a history of pregnancy and childbirth.


Diagnosis of the pathological course of menopause is based on complaints from patients who appear at the age of approaching or approaching menopause. Exacerbations of concomitant diseases sometimes complicate the diagnosis of menopausal syndrome during menopause, aggravating its course and causing the development of atypical forms. If there are concomitant diseases, a woman, in addition to consulting a gynecologist, is advised to consult other specialists: cardiologist, neurologist, endocrinologist.

In order to correctly diagnose the complicated course of menopause, a study of the levels of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones and estrogens in the blood is carried out. To clarify the functional state of the ovaries during menopause, a histological analysis of scrapings of the endometrium of the uterus and cytological studies of vaginal smears over time are carried out, and a graph of basal temperature is plotted. Identification of anovulatory ovarian cycles makes it possible to associate functional disorders with menopausal syndrome.

Treatment of disorders during menopause

The approaches adopted in modern gynecology to the problem of treating the pathology of menopause are based on reducing its manifestations and symptoms. Reducing the severity and frequency of “hot flashes” during the pathological course of menopause is achieved by prescribing antidepressants (venlafaxine, fluoxetine, paroxetine, citalpram, sertraline, etc.).

To prevent and treat the development of osteoporosis during menopause, non-hormonal biophosphonate drugs (alendronic and risedronic acids) are used, which reduce bone loss and the risk of fractures. Biosphosphonates effectively replace estrogen therapy in the treatment of osteoporosis in women during menopause.

To reduce the manifestation of urogenital symptoms during the pathological course of menopause, local (vaginal) administration of estrogen in the form of cream or tablets is recommended. The release of small doses of estrogen into the vaginal tissue reduces the sensation of dryness, discomfort during sexual intercourse and urinary disorders.

The most effective method of treating menopausal syndrome during menopause is hormonal therapy individually prescribed by a doctor. Taking estrogen drugs effectively eliminates, in particular, “hot flashes” and discomfort in the vagina. For hormone therapy in the treatment of menopause pathology, natural estrogens (estradiol valerate, 17-beta-estradiol, etc.) are used in small doses in intermittent courses. To prevent hyperplastic processes in the endometrium during menopause, a combination of estrogens with gestagens or (less often) with androgens is indicated. Courses of hormonal therapy and hormonal prophylaxis are carried out for 5-7 years in order to prevent myocardial infarction and mammography, cytological analysis of smears of discharge from the cervix, biochemical study of blood test parameters and coagulation factors (coagulogram).

Hormone therapy regimen

The choice of hormone therapy regimen depends on the stage of menopause. In premenopause, hormone therapy not only replenishes estrogen deficiency, but also has a normalizing effect on the menstrual cycle, and is therefore prescribed in cyclic courses. In postmenopause, when atrophic processes occur in the endometrium, to prevent monthly bleeding, hormone therapy is carried out in a continuous regimen of medications.

If the pathological course of menopause is manifested only by urogenital disorders, estrogens (estriol) are prescribed locally in the form of vaginal tablets, suppositories, and cream. However, in this case there remains a risk of developing other menopausal disorders of menopause, including osteoporosis.

A systemic effect in the treatment of the pathological course of menopause is achieved by prescribing combined hormone therapy (for example, tibolone + estradiol + norethisterone acetate). In combination hormone therapy, hormones are combined with symptomatic medications (hypotensives, heart medications, antidepressants, bladder relaxants, etc.). Combination therapy for the treatment of menopause disorders is prescribed after consultation with specialists.

Solving the problems of the pathological course of menopause is the key to prolonging women's health, beauty, youth, performance and a real improvement in the quality of life of women entering the wonderful “autumn” time of their lives.

"Climax" translated from Greek means "stairs". At some point, due to the reverse development of the reproductive organs, a woman has to overcome this stage, leading to the extinction of reproductive function. The hormonal changes that occur during menopause are a natural process and there is no need to be afraid of it.

Stages of menopause

Menopause is a period of life during which the functioning of the reproductive system ceases.

There are three stages of menopause in women:

  1. Premenopause. It begins several years before the complete end of menstruation. The duration of the stage ranges from 1 year to 3 years. The functions of the ovaries gradually begin to fade, ovulation ends, and the process of conception becomes problematic. Irregular periods are observed. The interval between them increases, and the duration gradually decreases. The stage drags on.
  2. Menopause. The period when a woman does not have periods for a year. At this time, a woman can gain a lot of weight, heart problems arise, and diabetes can develop. Menopause most often occurs between the ages of 45 and 50. Stopping menstruation before age 45 is considered early menopause, and before age 40 is considered premature.
  3. Postmenopause. Time from the end of menopause to 69-70 years.

It is often believed that menopause and menopause are the same thing. However, menopause is defined as the loss of reproductive function, and menopause is a year without menstruation.

There are cases when menopause occurs unexpectedly, despite the fact that the woman planned to prepare for this stage. To avoid this situation, you need to know the symptoms of approaching menopause in women.


The table shows the main signs of impending menopause.

Menstrual irregularitiesWith the decline of the hormonal function of the ovaries, the duration of menstruation changes. They occur irregularly and sparingly. There can be an interval between menstruation of one to three months, and sometimes more. After a certain time, menstruation stops completely.
TidesAt such moments, the woman feels hot, which spreads to the face, neck, chest and arms. At this moment, the temperature rises, sweating and lack of air occur. The skin turns red or becomes blotchy. These symptoms may be accompanied by dizziness, nausea and tachycardia. The duration of hot flashes ranges from 30 seconds to 3 minutes.
Change of moodIn the premenopausal period, women experience disturbances in their psychoemotional state. They are expressed in aggressiveness, irritability, tearfulness, anxiety, and restlessness. For most women, such changes in mood appear before their period.
Change your appearanceHormonal imbalance in the body leads to dull skin and hair loss. The nail plates become brittle, dry, and begin to peel.
Weight gainExcess weight is not always a sign of menopause. Fatty, high-calorie foods also affect weight gain. Insulin resistance may develop. With age, muscles decrease and layers of fat increase.
Nocturnal hyperhidrosisManifests itself in severe sweating during sleep.
Vaginal drynessWith the slowdown of metabolic processes in the body, a decrease in elasticity and tissue moisture occurs. become loose and cracks appear. The pelvic organs may descend and fall out.
InsomniaPeaceful sleep depends on the balance of estrogen and progesterone. A lack of the former leads to sweating, while the latter leads to insomnia.
Decreased libidoThe first reason for decreased sexual desire is the unpleasant sensations that arise during sexual intercourse. The second is a decrease in the level of hormones responsible for sexual desire.
Heart problemsLow estrogen levels cause the development of heart disease during menopause in women.
OsteoporosisThe most dangerous symptom. Changes occur in bone tissue, characterized by its rarefaction and increased fragility. The risk of bone fractures increases. The woman feels increased fatigue and weakness.
Urinary incontinenceA deficiency of female hormones weakens the pelvic muscles and leads to relaxation of the bladder sphincter
Muscle pain and headachesDuring menopause, the tone of blood vessels changes, resulting in headaches. Muscle pain occurs when calcium metabolism is disrupted.
Memory problemsThe cause is low estrogen levels. When hormonal levels are normalized, the problem disappears.
Gynecological diseasesAffect the appearance of early menopause (primarily ovarian tumors).
AllergyIts appearance is influenced by the connection between the endocrine and immune systems. With hormonal changes, allergic rhinitis, asthma, and dermatitis may occur.

There are many more signs of the oncoming female menopause, but a woman should not be scared or worried about this. Timely consultation with a doctor and the correct selection of medications will help alleviate the condition.

Complications of menopause

Not in all cases the normal course of menopause in women is observed. The following complications are possible during this period:

  • severe climacteric syndrome with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, which causes the woman to become exhausted;
  • pathological fractures (a symptom of osteoporosis);
  • breakthrough uterine bleeding due to hormonal imbalances;
  • endometrial hyperplasia;
  • development of uterine fibroids;
  • mastopathy, tumor-like formations of the mammary glands.

Due to the large number of possible complications, regular preventive visits to the gynecologist are necessary.

Menopausal syndrome

This is one of the common problems of menopause. Menopausal syndrome is expressed in the occurrence of a complex of endocrine and neurological disorders. Symptoms of this syndrome include:

  • headaches, migraines, dizziness;
  • hot flashes to the head and upper body;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • insomnia;
  • exacerbation of existing chronic diseases;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • hypertension, etc.

Taken together, these symptoms significantly worsen a woman’s quality of life and lead to decreased performance.

The severity of menopausal syndrome depends on the frequency of hot flashes. A mild degree is characterized by the occurrence of hot flashes up to 10 times over 24 hours; moderate – up to 20 times, severe – more than 20 times a day.

Causes of early menopause

Early menopause is called hormonal changes that begin before the age of 45. This may be due to a number of reasons:

  • ovarian depletion associated with a genetic abnormality (X chromosome defect);
  • inherited diseases (galactosemia, amenorrhea, blepharophimosis);
  • consequences of surgical intervention - removal of fibroids along with the uterus, oophorectomy;
  • the effect of radiation and chemotherapy prescribed for the treatment of malignant neoplasms;
  • reduction of immune tension.

A woman should know which doctor to contact if she experiences early menopause. A professional gynecologist-endocrinologist will conduct a consultation and prescribe treatment.

How to delay the onset of menopause?

Experts have developed several methods to delay menopause. the period most suitable for applying deferment measures.

  1. Hormone replacement therapy is prescribed by a doctor strictly according to indications. Estrogen preparations (Ovestin, Divigel, Klimonorm, Norkolut, etc.) can delay the onset of menopause.
  2. The doctor may prescribe long-term use of phytoestrogens - plant substances similar in their mechanism of action to natural estrogen. Such drugs include Feminal, Estrovel, Femiwell, etc.
  3. Herbal medicine is the use of decoctions and infusions of some medicinal plants (thyme, lungwort, sage, horsetail and many others). Monastic tea is also effective for delaying menopause.
  4. In addition, for effective results you must adhere to the following rules:
  • do not eat fatty, sweet foods; the diet should be dominated by fruits, vegetables, and fermented milk products;
  • play sports, thereby stimulating the production of biological substances that prolong youth;
  • take care of women's health and regularly visit a gynecologist;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • to refuse from bad habits.

By following these tips, a woman has the opportunity to delay the onset of menopause.


Diagnosis of menopause includes consultations with a gynecologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist, and neurologist. The functional state of the ovaries is determined using histological analysis and cytological examination of smears. If necessary, ultrasound of the breast, pelvic organs, and mammography are performed.

Ways to eliminate menopause symptoms

Modern medicine offers the following methods to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of menopause:

  • Hormonal drugs (estrogen) are indicated for severe menopause.
  • Phytoestrogens are a mild option for the treatment of menopausal disorders.
  • Physiotherapy – massage, physical therapy.
  • Traditional treatment.

The video shows how female menopause is treated.

Menopause is an inevitable physiological process in a woman’s life. Therefore, sooner or later she is forced to go through this period.

Menopause and menopausal syndrome: what happens in a woman’s body? Precursors, hot flashes, symptoms and manifestations, diagnosis of menopause (menopause). Diseases associated with menopause (uterine fibroids, endometrial hyperplasia and others)

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The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Climax- this is the depletion of the female sex glands - the ovaries, which every woman inevitably experiences. And although menopause is a completely physiological process, and not a pathology, every woman experiences different symptoms and requires observation from her gynecologist and treatment.

All the rich symptoms of menopause are the result of a deficiency of female sex hormones, which play a huge role in a woman’s life. There is probably not a single organ in the female body whose activity does not involve sex hormones. Therefore, during menopause, changes affect the entire body as a whole, including appearance, psycho-emotional state and sexual life.

What happens in a woman's body?

Ovaries during menopause

The ovaries undergo irreversible changes during menopause. As has already become clear, at all stages of menopause, a change in their functions occurs. Ovarian activity decreases in premenopause and stops completely at postmenopausal.

In addition to their functions, the ovaries change their shape, size and structure. At the initial stages, the ovaries slightly decrease in size; a small number of follicles can still be found in them. After the onset of menopause, they seem to shrink, their size decreases several times, follicles are not identified in them, and the ovarian tissue is gradually replaced by connective tissue - that is, tissue devoid of any function.

Changes in the uterus and endometrium during menopause

The uterus also reacts to hormonal imbalances. During the normal menstrual cycle, physiological changes constantly occur in it, necessary to prepare for the consolidation of the fertilized egg. Special changes occur in the inner layer of the uterus - the endometrium; it is renewed monthly, rejected during menstruation and thickens after ovulation. And all this under the influence of estrogen and progesterone.

Involution in the uterus and fallopian tubes during menopause:

  • Premenopausal the uterus increases slightly in size, but becomes less dense.
  • After menopause the uterus decreases in size several times.
  • Myometrium , or the muscular layer of the uterus gradually atrophies, in postmenopause it is replaced by connective tissue - that is, it loses its contractile functions.
  • Still at the beginning of menopause endometrium of the uterus , or its inner layer gradually becomes thinner, by menopause it is also replaced by connective tissue - the internal cavity of the uterus is overgrown.
  • Cervix also shortens, the cervical canal connecting the uterus with the vagina significantly narrows or becomes completely overgrown. The functioning of the mucous glands located on the cervix is ​​also disrupted, which reduces the amount of vaginal mucus, or “lubrication.”
  • The fallopian tubes gradually atrophy, their patency disappears, and over time they also become overgrown with connective tissue.
  • Ligaments and muscles weaken , which support the uterus and appendages in the pelvis. As a result, the risk of vaginal and uterine prolapse increases.

How does menopause affect the vagina and external genitalia?

Female hormones are responsible for the elasticity, firmness and moisture of the vagina, which is necessary for normal sexual life and fertilization. With the decline of the ovaries and estrogen deficiency, changes also occur in the vagina that bring unpleasant discomfort to women.

Changes in the vagina during menopause:

  • A gradual loss of elasticity and firmness of the vagina, thinning of its walls, as a result - it narrows and does not stretch well during sexual intercourse, bringing pain to the woman.
  • Decreased vaginal secretion, or “lubrication.” The vagina becomes dry and poorly lubricated during sexual arousal.
  • The acidity of vaginal mucus changes, which reduces local immunity, leads to disruption of microflora (dysbiosis, thrush) and increases the risk of infection with sexually transmitted diseases.
  • There is fragility of the vessels that nourish the vaginal wall, which can be manifested by bloody discharge.
During menopause, the appearance of the external genitalia also changes:
  • The labia majora become flabby due to the loss of adipose tissue;
  • the labia minora gradually atrophy;
  • Pubic hair is thinning.

Processes in the mammary glands

The condition of the mammary glands directly depends on female sex hormones. They constantly undergo changes associated with the menstrual cycle and lactation. During menopause, as in the genitals, changes also occur in the mammary glands (involution, or reverse development), because there are few sex hormones, there is no menstrual cycle, and breastfeeding is no longer useful.

Physiological involution of the mammary glands during menopause:
1. Fat involution – replacement of the glandular component of the mammary glands with adipose tissue, which does not carry specific functions.
2. Fibrous involution – replacement of glandular tissue with connective tissue. In this form, the reverse development of the mammary glands can be complicated by the formation of tumors and cysts, which are usually benign in nature, but always have a risk of malignancy. This process is called fibrocystic involution.
3. Fibrofatty involution – The mammary gland consists of fat and connective tissue.

What does the mammary gland look like after menopause?

  • During premenopause, the mammary glands may become denser, swell, and slightly increase in size.
  • After menopause, the mammary glands become soft, sag, change their size; in overweight women they increase in size due to excess fat, and in thin women, on the contrary, they decrease and can atrophy completely.
  • The nipple also changes, it sags, decreases in size, and turns pale.

Skin during menopause. What does a woman look like after menopause?

Female hormones are the beauty of a woman, beautiful skin, hair, a toned face and figure, attractiveness. And the saddest thing that happens during menopause is the appearance of age-related changes, that is, aging. Of course, the pace of aging is different for every woman. Everything is very individual. Some girls are already covered with wrinkles at 30, while other ladies even look very young at 50. But with the onset of menopause, everything becomes very noticeable, because changes in the skin cannot be avoided.

What changes in appearance may women experience after menopause?

1. Wrinkles, sagging skin. In the skin, the processes of formation of its own collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid deteriorate, that is, the skin frame becomes loose and flabby. The result is wrinkles, dry skin, sagging facial and body contours.
2. Tired appearance, morning swelling. Under the influence of a lack of hormones and cardiovascular problems, microcirculation of the skin is disrupted, which worsens metabolic processes in it. The skin suffers from a lack of oxygen and nutrients, and harmful compounds accumulate in it. Subsequently, the skin fades, turns pale, and looks tired. Red spots associated with dilated blood vessels (rosacea) may appear. Poor blood circulation is also associated with morning swelling of the face and limbs.
3. Skin inflammation. Sex hormones regulate the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands, which protect the skin from negative environmental factors. Therefore, with a deficiency of female hormones, the skin becomes sensitive, easily irritated, and various inflammatory dermatological problems appear. Seborrheic dermatitis may appear, as well as acne and acne, which are commonly associated with adolescence.
4. Age Pigment spots are more confusing to many than wrinkles and sagging skin. They cover not only the body, but also the face.
Causes of age spots after menopause:

  • A disorder of pigment metabolism, which probably involves sex hormones. In this case, the excess melanin pigment is not “utilized”, but accumulates in the skin.
  • The protective layer of the skin is weakened, so it is more susceptible to sunlight, which stimulates the production of excess melanin.
  • By menopausal age, problems with the liver often appear, which is also involved in the metabolism of pigments.
  • Many experts believe that age spots are manifestations of atherosclerosis, and since during menopause this pathology often progresses, the number of spots becomes more and more numerous.
Age spots on the skin can be in the form of ordinary dark spots that merge with each other (chloasma), freckles, which are located more on the hands, and also in the form of plaques (keratomas, xanthelasmas), which are dangerous due to the risk of malignancy.
5. Increased hair loss - hair thins, becomes drier, stiffer, brittle, lacking shine and natural color. For those who have not yet gone gray before, gray hair appears. Eyelashes and eyebrows are thinning.
6. May be noted hair growth in unwanted places , for example, antennae, individual hairs on the cheeks, back.
7. Changes in figure associated with excess weight gain, sagging skin, and redistribution of fat throughout the body. In addition, over time after menopause, posture changes and even a person’s height decreases, which is associated with age-related changes in the bones.

Why is menopause dangerous for bones?

Throughout life, bone tissue is constantly renewed, or, as experts call this process, remodeling. In this case, the bone tissue is partially resorbed and new tissue is formed in its place (osteoformation). Remodeling is planned at the genetic level and is regulated by many metabolic processes and hormones, including sex hormones; this is a very complex process. Without a sufficient amount of estrogen during menopause, bone formation is disrupted, and the bone is gradually destroyed. Also, as a result of menopause, the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, minerals that are responsible for bone strength, is disrupted.

Such changes in the skeletal system lead to the slow destruction of bone tissue, or osteoporosis, to increased bone fragility and various degenerative processes in them.

Menopause, heart and blood pressure

Estrogens during childbearing years protect women from the development of cardiovascular diseases. But as soon as their level drops, the risk of developing atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension with all its consequences increases several times.

How does a deficiency of sex hormones affect blood vessels?

  • During menopause, fat metabolism is disrupted. Excess fat, namely cholesterol, is deposited not only on the sides, but also on the walls of blood vessels, that is, atherosclerosis develops. Atherosclerotic plaques gradually increase and narrow the lumen of blood vessels, which leads to poor circulation and an increased risk of heart attack and stroke.
  • Menopause affects the processes of narrowing and dilation of blood vessels. These processes are necessary for the body to adapt to physical or emotional stress. Normally, vascular tone is regulated by the autonomic nervous system, but with a lack of estrogen, this regulation is disrupted, which leads to spontaneous vascular spasms or, conversely, a decrease in vascular tone. This is manifested by surges in blood pressure, the development of arterial hypertension, worsening atherosclerosis, the development of arrhythmias and coronary heart disease.
  • Blood clotting increases. Estrogens thin the blood, and when they are deficient, the blood becomes thick, prone to the formation of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques. The result is a worsening of atherosclerosis, circulatory disorders and an increased risk of heart attacks, strokes and thromboembolism.

Menopause and the thyroid gland

Thyroid and ovarian hormones are always interrelated. Just as with diseases of the thyroid gland, a woman’s reproductive function is disrupted, so with menopause, malfunctions of the thyroid gland can occur.

It's all about the hormones of the central nervous system that regulate the function of these organs, namely follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormone (FSH and LH) and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). They are very similar in their chemical structure. When the body undergoes restructuring at the beginning of menopause, the level of FSH and LH increases, they react to the lack of sex hormones and try to “stimulate” the ovaries to produce them. And under stress, which occurs during menopause, the thyroid gland may begin to perceive FSH and LH instead of TSH, which is often manifested by an increase in its functions and the release of a large amount of hormones. Such an imbalance of thyroid hormones leads to metabolic disorders and requires urgent specific treatment.

Menopause and the nervous system

The nervous system suffers the most during menopause. In addition to the fact that female hormones are involved in various “nervous processes,” menopause and aging for a woman are always stress, both somatic (bodily) and psycho-emotional. This is what aggravates the development of nervous disorders.

What happens in the nervous system with the onset of menopause?

  • Sex hormones influence the autonomic nervous system , which is responsible for the work of all internal organs, blood vessels and the body’s adaptation to various environmental factors, that is, for all internal processes. With an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone, the work of the autonomic nervous system is disrupted, as a result of which there are rich symptoms of menopause: these are hot flashes and disturbances in vascular tone, the functioning of the heart and other organs.
  • The influence of female hormones on the central nervous system. In the brain, the processes of excitation and inhibition of the nervous system are disrupted, this is manifested by increased emotionality, depression, emotional outbursts, sleep disturbances and other mental disorders. In addition, the lack of sex hormones affects brain structures such as the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, which are responsible for the production of many hormones, including serotonin, norepinephrine and endorphins - the hormones of happiness.
  • Mental disorders are aggravated by depression , into which a woman “drives” herself. She realizes that she is getting old, it seems to her that she has become ugly, that she has not had time to do much, has not achieved much. Besides, Sex life also suffers , which is known to be an integral part of inner peace and satisfaction. And it’s also difficult to survive hot flashes and other unpleasant symptoms of menopause.

Symptoms and manifestations of menopause in women

Deficiency of sex hormones during menopause affects many systems, organs and processes in the body. All these disorders cannot pass without a trace, therefore, with the onset of menopause, various symptoms appear that bring discomfort and drive some women to despair.

Symptoms and manifestations of menopause are very individual. We are all unique, every fifth woman does not feel any changes in her health at all. Menopause is easier to endure for people who lead a healthy lifestyle, have interesting hobbies, are in demand in the family and are ready to meet their interesting adulthood with dignity.


Experts believe that the harbingers of menopause appear already at the age of 30-40 years or even earlier, long before the onset of perimenopause, and these are:
  • problems with conceiving and bearing a child or decreased fertility after 30 years;
  • hormone-dependent gynecological diseases, for example, endometriosis, ovarian cysts;
  • diseases of the mammary glands, mastopathy;
  • disruptions of the menstrual cycle, heavy or scanty menstruation, menstrual cycles without ovulation.
All these conditions are associated with an imbalance of female sex hormones and require mandatory treatment by a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

The onset and first signs of menopause, menstrual irregularities

The onset of menopause is always characterized by menstrual irregularities. Against the background of menstruation failure, other symptoms associated with a lack of estrogen gradually develop. All these manifestations are combined into climacteric syndrome, which manifests itself very individually in each woman. Usually one of the first symptoms of menopause are hot flashes and disturbances in the psycho-emotional state.

The menstrual cycle is completely dependent on hormones that are produced by the ovaries and the central nervous system (releasing hormones, LH and FSH). At the very beginning of menopause, the female cycle does not stop yet, but obvious disruptions are already noticeable, periods become irregular and completely unpredictable. Also, most menstruation occurs without ovulation, that is, without the maturation of the egg.

In what form and with what regularity menstruation will occur traditionally depends on individual characteristics. But we can identify some Variants of menstrual irregularities in premenopause:

1. Lengthening the cycle (more than 30 days), scanty menstruation . This is the most common type of menstrual irregularity before menopause. In this case, the period between menstruation can be several months, and after 2-3 years menopause occurs, that is, the complete cessation of menstruation.

2. Abrupt cessation of menstruation , one might say, in one day. Doesn't happen that often. In this case, the development of two options for the course of menopause is possible: a woman crosses this stage in her life with virtually no discomfort, or menopause is more severe, which is due to the fact that the body does not have time to adapt to a sharp change in hormonal levels.

Why do hot flashes appear during menopause?

The mechanism of development of tides is so complex and multicomponent that it has not yet been fully studied. But many experts believe that the main mechanism for the development of hot flashes is the “suffering” of the central and autonomic nervous system from a lack of sex hormones.

Modern research has proven that the main trigger in the development of hot flashes is the hypothalamus, a structure in the brain whose main function is to regulate the production of most hormones and control thermoregulation, that is, maintaining normal body temperature under the influence of various environmental factors. During menopause, in addition to the ovaries, the hypothalamus is also rebuilt, because it disrupts the production of releasing hormones, which stimulate the pituitary gland and then the ovaries. As a result, thermoregulation is also disrupted as a side effect.

In addition, menopause affects the functioning of the autonomic nervous system, sweat glands and the cardiovascular system. Obviously, the complex of all these reactions of the body to the lack of gonads manifests itself in the form of attacks of hot flashes.

What are the symptoms of hot flashes during menopause?

1. Not all women feel the warning signs of hot flashes; many are taken by surprise. Before the onset of hot flashes, tinnitus and headaches may appear - this is due to cerebral vascular spasm.
2. Throws you into a fever - many people describe the sudden onset of a hot flash in this way, the head and upper body seem to be doused with boiling water, the skin becomes bright red and hot to the touch. At the same time, the body temperature rises above 38 o C, but it will soon return to normal.
3. Increased sweating occurs, drops of sweat immediately appear, which quickly flow down in streams. Many women describe that their hair and clothes become so wet that “you can almost squeeze it out.”
4. General well-being is disturbed - the heartbeat accelerates, headaches and weakness appear. Against this background, nausea and dizziness may appear. Severe hot flashes can even lead to short-term fainting.
5. The feeling of heat is replaced by chills - due to the fact that the skin becomes wet from sweat and thermoregulation is impaired, the woman freezes, muscle tremors begin, which can persist for some time. After an attack, muscles may ache due to muscle tremors.
6. Violation of the psycho-emotional state - during a hot flash, an acute attack of fear and panic occurs, the woman may begin to cry, and may feel short of breath. After this, the woman feels devastated, depressed, and severe weakness develops. With frequent hot flashes, depression may develop.

These are the symptoms described by women who have experienced severe hot flashes. However, not everyone experiences menopause this way. Hot flashes can be short-term, milder, without affecting general and psycho-emotional well-being. Often ladies feel only increased sweating and heat. Some women experience nocturnal hot flashes in their sleep, and only a wet pillow indicates a past attack. Many experts believe that the severity of hot flashes directly depends on the psychological state of a woman, but there are a number of factors that often provoke the development of hot flashes.

Irritating factors that provoke hot flashes:

  • Stuffiness: poorly ventilated room, large crowds of people, high humidity on a hot day.
  • Heat: prolonged exposure to the sun, clothing out of season, heating of premises with fireplaces and other heat sources, bathhouse or sauna.
  • Anxiety: stress, emotional distress, nervous exhaustion, fatigue and lack of sleep.
  • Food and drinks: hot, spicy, sweet, too spicy food, hot and strong drinks, coffee, strong tea and overeating.
  • Smoking, namely the addiction to nicotine itself. Often a rush appears during a long break between cigarettes and with a strong desire to smoke.
  • Poor quality clothes , poorly permeable to moisture and air, leads to overheating of the body, and wearing such things can provoke a hot flash.
In principle, if a woman avoids exposure to these factors, she can control hot flashes, and if she adds good emotions to all this, then menopause will go much easier.

How long do hot flashes last during menopause?

The hot flashes themselves can last from a few seconds to several minutes; this is very individual. There may be not one such attack per day, or maybe several dozen.

Individually and how long they will have to be experienced. Statistics show that almost all women experience hot flashes for at least 2 years (from 2 to 11 years). But some “lucky” women have to experience these hot flashes for many years after menopause and even throughout their lives. The duration and severity of hot flashes largely depend on when they began: with early menopause and a long period of perimenopause, hot flashes last longer.

What do tides affect?

  • Psycho-emotional state of a woman, self-confidence.
  • Immunity – impaired thermoregulation reduces the body’s ability to adequately respond to infections and other external factors.
  • There may be fears of leaving the house so that people do not see her in this state.
  • Prolonged depression against the background of severe hot flashes is not only a manifestation of psychological problems, but also increases the risk of developing other pathologies, for example, psoriasis, diabetes, arterial hypertension and many “mental” diseases.
  • Some women experience hot flashes so badly that they even have to resort to emergency medical services.
It must be remembered that hot flashes and menopause itself are a normal reaction of the body, which is not any pathology, much less something shameful and shameful. Moreover, many modern women are not only not ashamed of this, but are also ready to discuss it. It is important to prepare for menopause in advance, change your lifestyle, get everything from life, especially positive emotions, and listen to your body. All this will not only ease the symptoms of menopause, but will also allow you to move to a new stage of life with ease and dignity.

Menopausal syndrome

As already mentioned, menopausal syndrome occurs differently in each woman. It represents a huge complex of symptoms and manifestations from various organs and systems. Many of these symptoms are still experienced by most women, to varying degrees and severity. Menstrual irregularities and hot flashes are essential components of menopause. Other manifestations may be absent or unrecognized; women often associate poor health with fatigue or other diseases.

Symptoms depend on the phase of menopause. Thus, during premenopause, more pronounced symptoms are observed, but after menopause, the risk of developing many diseases that are often not associated with the manifestations of menopause increases.

Symptoms of the premenopausal period - from the first manifestations of menopause to 2 years of complete absence of menstruation

Symptoms How do they manifest themselves?
  • sudden feeling of heat;
  • profuse sweating;
  • skin redness;
  • increased body temperature;
  • chills;
  • severe weakness and cardiac dysfunction;
  • psycho-emotional disorders.
Excessive sweating
  • may accompany hot flashes and be a separate manifestation of estrogen deficiency;
  • often occurs at night;
  • Because of this symptom, many women have to change clothes several times a day and use the most “powerful” antiperspirants.
Increased body temperature
  • an increase in temperature may be associated with a hot flash or manifest as a separate symptom;
  • during high tides, the temperature can exceed 38 o C;
  • prolonged subfebrile condition or temperature up to 37 o C may be observed.
Discomfort in the mammary glands
  • swelling and puffiness;
  • nagging pain in the chest;
  • changes no longer depend on the phase of the menstrual cycle.
Insomnia And drowsiness
  • it’s hard to fall asleep at night;
  • I constantly want to sleep during the day;
  • Often women in menopause have bad dreams that are so vivid and realistic that they retain negativity for the whole day.
  • may be severe or aching;
  • often develops for no apparent reason, at any time of the day, including morning and night;
  • often has the character of a migraine (acute pain in one side of the head);
  • difficult to relieve with conventional analgesics.
Weakness, increased fatigue
  • this symptom accompanies almost all women during menopause;
  • often weakness and fatigue occur already in the first half of the day, both after mental or physical activity, and without it;
  • performance decreases, memory, concentration and attention deteriorate, absent-mindedness appears.
Irritability , tearfulness, anxiety and a lump in the throat
  • even the most reserved women can lash out at loved ones over trifles; often this symptom is accompanied by an attack of hysteria;
  • ladies become touchy and impressionable, it seems to them that no one understands them;
  • constant or sudden anxiety, many have bad “premonitions” of impending trouble, all this is accompanied by pathological fears;
  • “pessimism” prevails over “optimism”, and negative emotions over positive ones;
  • a woman may stop enjoying life as much as before, but the interesting thing is that during the postmenopausal period, love and joy for life not only returns, but also becomes much stronger than in her youth.
Depression, chronic stress
  • this is the result not only of a lack of hormones, but also of an unwillingness to realize the fact of the onset of menopause;
  • Nervous exhaustion due to fatigue, poor sleep, lack of sex, hot flashes and other manifestations of menopause “adds fuel to the fire.”
Feeling of heartbeat
    Most often, an increased heart rate or tachycardia appears. Typically, tachycardia occurs spontaneously and goes away on its own.
Urinary dysfunction
  • the risk of developing cystitis increases.
Sex, fertility and perimenopause
  • decreased sexual desire (libido);
  • slight dryness appears in the vagina;
  • sexual intercourse may become painful (dyspareunia);
  • Natural pregnancy is still possible.
Other manifestations
  • the first signs of skin aging: dryness, shallow wrinkles, decreased skin tone, etc.;
  • hair and nails become brittle;
  • blood cholesterol may increase;
  • some women begin to gain excess weight.

Symptoms of the postmenopausal period - 1 year after the last menstruation and until the end of life

Symptoms How do they manifest themselves?
Hot flashes, sweating and psychoemotional disorders
  • hot flashes usually become less frequent and easier; after a few years, in most women, hot flashes disappear completely;
  • irritability, tearfulness, and fatigue persist, but it gets better every month and year;
  • insomnia and weakness persist for several more years, and some women do not get enough sleep for a long time.
Excess weight
  • many women gain weight, which is associated with a sedentary lifestyle, a slower metabolism, and also with the fact that the body tries to compensate for the lack of estrogen by producing it in adipose tissue;
  • The type of figure also changes, fat is redistributed to the abdominal and upper shoulder girdle, the skin sags, and posture changes.
Muscle weakness
  • lack of hormones leads to weakening and sagging muscle tissue, muscles sag, and their performance is significantly reduced;
  • “building muscles” through sports becomes much more difficult than at a younger age.
Vaginal dryness
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • feeling of discomfort while wearing tight underwear and clothes;
  • high risk of developing thrush and other inflammatory processes of the vagina.
Vaginal discharge, itching and burning
  • vaginal discharge is normal after menopause if it is: transparent, odorless and colorless, its quantity is scanty and, most importantly, does not cause any discomfort or itching;
  • the presence of itching, burning and unusual discharge indicate the presence of inflammatory and other problems, are not a normal condition, a visit to a gynecologist is required;
  • odorless yellowish discharge, itching and discomfort during sexual intercourse indicate vaginal dysbiosis - the most common condition of the genital organs after the onset of menopause;
  • curd discharge with a sour smell indicates vaginal candidiasis (thrush);
  • discharge with a specific odor indicates the addition of various pathogenic infections, including sexually transmitted ones;
  • brown and bloody discharge from the vagina may be associated with increased fragility of the vessels of the vaginal mucosa, in which case blood appears to a greater extent after sexual intercourse, but also blood from the vagina can be a sign of tumors in the uterus and appendages, including malignant ones.
Urinary dysfunction
  • the urge to urinate becomes more frequent;
  • a very high risk of developing urethritis and cystitis, as a result – the risk of developing kidney inflammation (pyelonephritis);
  • Some women may experience urinary incontinence, especially during physical exertion, and the saying “you might wet yourself from laughter” is no longer so funny.
Sex and fertility
  • Libido continues to decline, although some women, on the contrary, develop a special interest in sex, such as they did not have in their youth;
  • pain increases during sex due to vaginal dryness and poor elasticity of its walls;
  • natural pregnancy is no longer possible.
Skin, hair and nails
  • noticeable aging of the skin occurs, it becomes dry, flabby, sagging, deep age-related wrinkles appear, and not only on the face;
  • the natural blush disappears, the skin of the face becomes dull, looks tired, problems with acne and acne appear;
  • swelling of the eyelids often appears;
  • the hair splits, becomes thin, dull, turns gray, and there is also increased hair loss; over time, the braid becomes much thinner;
  • It is becoming increasingly difficult to grow nails for a beautiful manicure; they become brittle and often lose their color.
High risk of developing various diseases
  • osteoporosis – deformation of bone tissue;
  • cardiovascular pathologies (arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, angina pectoris and others);
  • diseases of the uterus and appendages (fibroids, ovarian cysts, polyps, cancer), vaginal and uterine prolapse;
  • pathologies of the mammary glands (mastopathy, cancer);
  • diabetes mellitus, pathologies of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands;
  • diseases of the nervous system (vegetative-vascular dystonia, strokes, mental disorders and diseases);
  • diseases of the digestive system (cholelithiasis, constipation, hemorrhoids);
  • infections of the genitourinary system and others.

Diseases during menopause

One of the manifestations of menopause after menopause is the risk of developing various diseases. This does not mean that all women during menopause should suddenly begin to suffer from all diseases. Everything largely depends not so much on the level of hormones, but on lifestyle, genetic predisposition and many environmental factors. In addition, many of these diseases can develop without menopause at a younger age. And men, who are not so dependent on estrogen, also suffer from these ailments. But many scientific studies have proven that it is the deficiency of sex hormones that is the trigger for the development of many of the “age-related” pathologies. Let's look at some of them.

Diseases associated with menopause:

Disease Factors and reasons that increase the risk of developing the disease Main symptoms Why is it dangerous? How to reduce and prevent the manifestations of the disease?
Osteoporosis– a decrease in bone density, a lack of calcium, phosphorus and other minerals in them, leads to the gradual destruction of bone tissue.
  • heredity;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • excess weight;
  • rare exposure to sunlight;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • diseases of the digestive and endocrine system.
  • bone pain, especially “in the weather”;
  • impaired movement in some joints;
  • weakness, decreased physical strength, clumsiness;
  • spinal deformation, manifested by impaired movements and posture, pain and decreased height;
  • deformation of fingers, toes and other bones;
  • brittle nails, dental disease and hair loss.
Pathological bone fractures, which can occur even with the slightest injury and simply unsuccessful movements. Fractures are difficult to heal and can confine a woman to the bed for a long time.
Impaired cerebral circulation as a result of osteochondrosis of the cervical and/or thoracic spine.
  • Correct lifestyle;
  • a diet rich in calcium and phosphorus;
  • moderate sunbathing;
  • moderate physical activity, proper work and rest schedule;
  • fight against excess weight;
  • avoid falls, injuries, awkward movements;
  • Hormone replacement therapy with sex hormones reduces the manifestations of osteoporosis;
  • taking calcium supplements: Calcium D3, Ergocalciferol and many others.
Uterine fibroids are a benign tumor of the uterus associated with an imbalance of sex hormones. Myoma can be of different sizes, single or multiple. It often occurs against the background of menopause, and after menopause, small myomatous nodes are able to resolve on their own.
  • Abortion and uterine surgery;
  • absence of childbirth;
  • endometriosis;
  • irregular sex life;
  • chronic stress;
  • early menarche (first menstruation);
  • excess weight;
  • abuse of animal food;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • heredity;
  • Late pregnancy can worsen the growth of fibroids.
  • Long, frequent and heavy menstruation;
  • spotting not associated with the monthly cycle;
  • increase in abdominal volume;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • constipation;
  • pain during intercourse.
Uterine bleeding, including massive bleeding.
Pelvioperitonitis associated with torsion of the myoma node requires surgical intervention.
Cancer is a malignancy of a tumor.
  • Hormone replacement therapy;
  • healthy lifestyle;
  • regular sex;
  • prevention of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • fight against excess weight;
  • regular observation by a gynecologist.
Ovarian cysts– benign cavity formations. During menopause, dermoid, endometrioid and other types of non-functional cysts, as well as polycystic ovaries, often occur.
  • Endocrine diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, brain;
  • abortions and operations;
  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • taking contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy with sex hormones.
  • Pain in the abdomen, lower abdomen or lower back, aggravated by physical activity and sexual intercourse;
  • difficulty urinating and constipation;
  • asymmetrical abdominal enlargement;
  • spotting bloody discharge;
  • painful menstruation in premenopause.
Cancer – nonfunctional cysts have a high risk of malignancy.
Cyst rupture, ovarian rupture and cyst pedicle torsion are conditions that require urgent surgical treatment.
  • Annual examination by a gynecologist and timely treatment of gynecological problems;
  • if necessary, surgical treatment;
  • prevention of sexually transmitted infections;
  • healthy lifestyle and “no” to carcinogens.
Uterine bleeding– bleeding from the vagina of various types, associated or not associated with menstruation.
  • In premenopause, bleeding is often associated with hormonal changes during menopause and menstrual irregularities;
  • endometriosis;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • uterine polyposis;
  • pathologies of the cervix;
  • polycystic and other ovarian cysts;
  • spontaneous abortions.
Options for uterine bleeding during premenopause:
  • long and heavy menstruation (more than 6 pads per day and more than 7 days);
  • periodic spotting and spotting not associated with menstruation;
  • the presence of large blood clots, lumps during menstruation or between them;
  • frequent periods (more than every 3 weeks);
  • spotting that appears after sexual intercourse;
  • prolonged bleeding of varying intensity (more than 1-3 months).
After menopause, any spotting should be a cause for concern.
Cancer. Uterine bleeding can be a sign of serious illnesses, including cancer.
Anemia – with prolonged and heavy bleeding leads to blood loss.
Hemorrhagic shock - can develop with massive uterine bleeding and requires urgent resuscitation, surgery and blood transfusion.
  • Timely consultation with a doctor to determine the causes of bleeding and their correction;
  • food rich in protein and iron;
  • control over the amount of blood lost.
Mastopathy– benign tumor of the mammary glands.
  • Involution of the mammary glands associated with hormonal changes;
  • early onset of menstruation and early puberty;
  • various diseases of the uterus and appendages, especially inflammatory ones;
  • lack of lactation or short period of breastfeeding;
  • no pregnancies before the age of 30;
  • abortions and miscarriages;
  • stress;
  • excess weight;
  • taking contraceptives and other hormonal drugs in large doses;
  • endocrine pathologies.
  • heart attack;
  • heart failure.
  • Proper lifestyle and nutrition;
  • Regular physical activity;
  • fight against excess weight;
  • diabetes control;
  • regular use of medications containing aspirin;
  • blood pressure control;
  • timely consultation with a doctor and compliance with his recommendations.

Diseases associated with menopause can be prevented not only by hormone replacement therapy, often recommended during severe menopause, but also by a correct lifestyle and regular examinations with your gynecologist.

Menopause is one of the causes of panic attacks in women (opinion of a psychotherapist) - video

Diseases during menopause: obesity, diabetes, uterine prolapse, thrombosis, Alzheimer's disease - video

Diagnosis of menopause

Menopause is not a disease and, it would seem, there is no need to diagnose it, since everything is already clear - hot flashes, menstrual irregularities, the onset of menopause and the body’s adaptation to living on small doses of sex hormones. But there are situations when you simply need to know whether menopause has begun and at what stage it is.

Why is menopause diagnostics needed?

  • differential diagnosis of menopause and other diseases;
  • identification of complications and diseases associated with menopause;
  • examination before prescribing hormone replacement therapy and contraceptives.
What is included in the screening plan for menopause?

1. Analysis of life history and complaints (time of menarche, presence of pregnancies, abortions, regularity of the menstrual cycle, etc.).
2. Examination by a gynecologist, taking smears, bacterial culture from the vagina, cytological examination of smears from the cervix. Examination of the mammary glands.
3. Blood test for sex hormones.
4. Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages.
5. Breast ultrasound or mammography.
6. Osteodensitometry – measurement of bone density.
7. Electrocardiography (ECG)
8. Biochemical blood test: glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, lipoproteins, blood clotting factors, calcium, phosphorus, etc.
9. Test for HIV and syphilis.

Sex hormones (estrogens, progesterone, FSH and LH) in a blood test during menopause:

Period of a woman's life Blood homogene levels, normal*
Estradiol, pg/mlProgesterone, nmol/lFSH(follicle-stimulating hormone), honey/mlLH(luteinizing hormone), honey/mlLH/FSH index
Reproductive period before menopause:
1. Follicle maturation phase (days 1-14 of the menstrual cycle).
less than 160up to 2.2to 10less than 151,2-2,2
2. Ovulation (14-16th day). more than 120to 106 – 17 22 – 57
3. Luteal phase (days 16-28). 30 – 240 more than 10until 9less than 16
Premenopause Female sex hormones gradually decrease**, menstrual cycles without ovulation are observed.more than 10more than 16about 1
Postmenopause 5 – 30 less than 0.620 – 100 and above16 – 53 and aboveless than 1

* All normal values ​​are approximate. Each laboratory has its own reference (normal) values, which are usually indicated on the response form. This is due to various methods and test systems that are used in the laboratory research process. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the reference values ​​provided by the laboratory.

** Interestingly, at the beginning of perimenopause, the deficiency of progesterone, rather than estrogen, is especially pronounced. And by the time of menopause, progesterone is formed in very low doses, and estrogen is only half as much as during childbearing age.

Hormonal background Each woman is very susceptible to environmental factors, emotional state and various diseases, so the level of hormones varies in the same woman.

When to take a blood test for sex hormones?

An analysis for sex hormones during premenopause, that is, with preserved menstruation, must be taken at certain periods of the menstrual cycle, accurately indicating the day from its beginning. Typically, FSH and LH are recommended to be taken on the 3-5th day from the start of menstruation, and estradiol and progesterone on the 21st day. After menopause, the test can be taken any day.

Preparing for a blood test for sex hormones:

  • The test is taken strictly in the morning on an empty stomach, with a light dinner in the evening;
  • Before the analysis, you should stop drinking alcohol, coffee and medications, and do not smoke;
  • when taking contraceptives, the results are adjusted taking into account their doses;
  • the day before donating blood, it is recommended to avoid sex and heavy physical activity;
  • Before donating blood, you need to completely relax, sit quietly for at least 10 minutes.
Using a blood test for sex hormones, the doctor can detect the onset of menopause or the onset of menopause, and whether pregnancy and pregnancy are possible. Also, depending on the level of hormones and the severity of symptoms, the severity of menopause can be determined. Severe menopause is indicated by high levels of FSH, as well as the LH/FSH ratio: the lower it is, the more difficult the woman’s body tolerates the lack of sex hormones and the more pronounced the symptoms and diseases associated with menopause will be.

Ultrasound examination for menopause

With the advent of menopause, women's health problems often come. These are, first of all, various tumor-like formations, both benign and malignant. It is for their identification and observation that ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvic organs is necessary, and annually. In addition, ultrasound helps diagnose the onset of menopause and determines the possibility of late pregnancy.

Ultrasound signs of approaching menopause:

  • Ultrasound can detect presence or absence of follicles in the ovary and their number. The closer to menopause, the fewer follicles there are, and the less chance of getting pregnant. After menopause, follicles in the ovaries are not detected.
  • The ovaries gradually decrease in size , they lose their echogenicity. After menopause, they may not be detected at all.
  • The uterus decreases in size , becomes denser, small fibroids may be observed, which after menopause most often resolve on their own. The location of the uterus in the pelvis also changes; it moves somewhat.
  • Life after menopause - what is it like? Sex and sexual relations. Is it possible to get pregnant during menopause? Recommendations for proper nutrition for women before and after menopause. Does menopause occur in men?

The postmenopausal period is the final, third stage of menopause. It, in turn, is divided into early and late. After the decline of reproductive function, aging of the body becomes inevitable. It is accompanied by many unpleasant physiological and psychological symptoms, which are more or less familiar to all women. Fortunately, this difficult condition can be alleviated with simple and effective methods.

The postmenopausal period (postmenopause) is recorded 12 months after the last menstruation, and it lasts about a decade. There is no clear time frame, as well as a strict norm for a woman’s age. Individual characteristics and genetics largely determine these indicators.

The main signs of menopause begin to manifest themselves as changes in the body associated with a decrease in the functioning of the ovaries:

  • with accompanying excessive sweating;
  • mood swings, unstable emotional state;
  • , headaches and others.

The climacteric syndrome of the initial and final stages is different. During postmenopause, hormonal changes end, and the amount of estrogen in the body becomes fixedly small, which affects the functioning of literally all systems. In rare cases, when a woman’s health is poor, they remain during the postmenopausal period.

Women's problems in postmenopause

The postmenopausal period is, first of all, aging. The body at this stage is tired, worn out, the range of its abilities is significantly narrowed, and overall health worsens. By the end of menopause, female hormones such as estradiol, estradiol and estriol become fewer than male hormones.

The skeletal, cardiovascular, nervous and excretory systems function normally when they are in sufficient quantity; therefore, during postmenopause, disruptions are observed in their work.

Typical problems that await a woman during the postmenopausal period:

  1. Risk of osteoporosis. Due to the decrease in estrogen, bone tissue becomes more fragile. This also explains the frequent bone fractures in women over 60.
  2. The condition of hair, nails and teeth worsens.
  3. Problems of the cardiovascular system. The walls of blood vessels become thin and inelastic, which affects blood circulation and high blood pressure. A significantly slower metabolism causes an increase in cholesterol levels, which forms blood clots. The latter, in turn, can lead to ischemic diseases, angina pectoris, and cardiac arrhythmia.
  4. Vision decreases, hearing becomes worse.
  5. Thought processes slow down and memory deteriorates.
  6. Unstable emotional state, nervousness, hysterics.
  7. . Itching may be bothersome. Warts appear and hairiness increases on the face and body.
  8. The reduced amount of secretion secreted by the genitals affects their microflora. In conditions of insufficient amount of protective mucus, it is easier to get sexually transmitted infections or inflammatory diseases. Colpitis (vaginitis, inflammation of the vaginal mucosa) and cystitis are frequent companions of women at this time.
  9. Presence at the final stage is a very alarming sign. They indicate a high level of estrogen in the body, which is considered an abnormality at this age. The most common cause of this phenomenon is the development of breast, cervical or ovarian cancer. Any opaque discharge with an odor is also dangerous.
  10. Urinary incontinence, which occurs for two reasons: pelvic organ prolapse and rapid weight gain.

Postmenopausal syndrome develops differently for everyone. It is most pronounced in women who are too thin or too fat, who smoke or abuse alcohol, who have physically or emotionally demanding jobs, and who experience frequent stress.

The most important thing a postmenopausal woman can do for herself is to comprehensively improve her lifestyle. To alleviate your condition you need to:

  1. Follow an age-appropriate diet. This is a type of healthy, balanced diet, the diet of which must include foods containing healthy Omega acids: red fish, nuts, healthy vegetable oils, flax seeds, sesame seeds, chia. Also necessary are dairy and fermented milk products, which are indispensable for maintaining the condition of bone tissue. To speed up your metabolism, you need to eat fresh fruits and vegetables in season, and to build muscle tissue, you need to eat lean meats, all types of sea fish, and seafood. The diet includes cereals and whole grain flour products in limited quantities.
  2. Use an additional source of essential microelements. Usually these are vitamin complexes with calcium and vitamin D. It is recommended to use it as prescribed by a doctor after blood tests.
  3. Avoid nervous tension and hard work.
  4. Ensure yourself healthy sleep and leisure time full of positive impressions.
  5. Introduce regular physical activity into your life. Ideal would be long walks, yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, aerobic exercise, if your health allows.
  6. If necessary, use treatment with hormonal drugs. Gynecologists often prescribe them during menopause. These are estrogen substitutes that can be used internally or topically. Taking these drugs orally helps normalize hormonal levels. External application is effective in eliminating itching in the genital area.

The presence of women's problems characteristic of postmenopause should not affect one's attitude towards life. It continues, and it makes sense to enjoy it by doing things that you didn’t have time for before.

This section is a sentimental story about a woman’s autumn. Although not only women. We are somehow already accustomed, when talking about menopause, to mean exclusively the weaker sex. But menopause - a period of physiological decline in the function of the reproductive system - It happens, naturally, to men too.

For women, this period occurs at the age of 45-55 years. Later menopause also occurs. This period of a woman’s life, following the reproductive period, can last about 30 years.

Climax is a Greek word. Hippocrates' contemporaries did not put any medical meaning into it. In their times this was what the staircase was called. But experts saw in this an undeniable similarity with a multi-stage series of hormonal changes occurring in the body during this period.

What phases are distinguished during menopause?

These are: premenopause, menopause, postmenopause.

Premenopause- this is the period from the beginning of the attenuation of ovarian function to the complete cessation of menstruation, which is characterized by a sharp decrease in the ability to conceive and a change in the nature of menstruation. This period usually begins at 40-45 years of age and lasts 2-8 years. 60% of premenopausal women experience a gradual lengthening of the intervals between menstruation, which become increasingly scanty. 10% of women experience a sudden cessation of menstruation. 30% of women may have acyclic uterine bleeding.

Menopause This is the last independent menstruation in a woman’s life. The fact that it has occurred can be said no earlier than a year after the cessation of menstruation.

Postmenopause- this is the period from the last menstruation to the complete cessation of ovarian function, which precedes old age. The duration of postmenopause is 5-6 years. During this period, from time to time, a woman may still notice cyclical changes in the body, but menstruation does not come.

What is menopausal syndrome?

Female sex hormones affect all organs, including the central nervous system, blood vessels, heart, bones, mucous membranes, urinary system, skin and others. Therefore, when ovarian function is turned off, 40-80% of women may experience symptoms of menopausal syndrome.

This syndrome manifests itself differently in different women:
"flushes" of heat to the head, neck and upper body,
periodic “jumps” in blood pressure,
increased sweating,
depression and irritability.

The severity of menopausal syndrome is often determined by the frequency of hot flashes. If no more than 10 of them occur per day, climacteric syndrome is considered mild, if 10-20 “hot flashes” are of moderate severity, more than 20 are considered severe.

2-3 years after the onset of menopause, changes in the genitourinary tract may occur: dryness of the vaginal mucosa, itching, frequent or painful urination. 5 or more years after menopause, late metabolic disorders may occur - atherosclerosis and osteoporosis, which leads to an increased likelihood of many diseases - hypertension, myocardial infarction, bone fractures.

The thyroid gland often suffers, and metabolism may be disrupted, leading to obesity or weight loss. Diabetes mellitus often develops during this period.

The earlier menopause occurs (natural or surgical), the earlier late metabolic disorders may occur, which, along with age-related disorders, are caused by the disappearance of the protective effect of estrogens on bones, heart and blood vessels.

Why does ovarian function decline and unpleasant symptoms appear?

In the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, due to age-related changes, the process of regulating hormone formation is no longer so vigorous. They send too weak commands to the ovaries. And with a decrease in ovarian hormones, the mucous membrane of the uterus becomes thinner, and therefore menstruation stops.

The body suffers from a lack of progesterone and estrogen. Hence many problems in the body. The fact is that estrogen is responsible not only for sexual functions, it is involved in thermoregulation, protects arteries from atherosclerosis, strengthens bones, and maintains skin elasticity.

The hypothalamus is responsible for the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, lungs and other internal organs. It is because of the decreased activity of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland that during menopause many body functions are disrupted, new diseases may appear or old ones may worsen, and bone fragility increases.

The severity of all menopausal disorders varies among different women. Some people suffer incredibly from these manifestations of menopause, while others don’t even notice it. Why? It all depends on the condition of the body and lifestyle. If a woman has always led and leads an active life in all its manifestations, takes care of herself, controls her weight, plays sports and has not acquired any serious chronic diseases during her life, she will suffer less from the negative manifestations of menopause. But in women with an unstable nervous system who lead a sedentary lifestyle, existing diseases may worsen during menopause and new ones may appear.

What drugs are indicated for menopausal disorders?

Drugs that are designed to alleviate menopausal syndrome contain natural (natural) analogues of female sex hormones - estrogens and progesterones. Such hormone replacement therapy drugs(HRT) are popular all over the world today. Thanks to them, millions of women in different countries safely pass the critical age.

These medications include Klimonorm. It consists of estradiol and levonorgestrel and has a very gentle effect on the body. Women taking this drug have a real opportunity to challenge the laws of nature and prolong their youth. The drug takes control of the bone, nervous, cardiovascular and genitourinary systems. To a certain extent, it protects against uterine and ovarian cancer, polyposis, and endometriosis.

But Klimonorm, like all medicines, has its contraindications. These are oncological diseases, disorders of the kidneys, liver, pancreas, and a tendency to thrombosis. Therefore, you must first talk to your doctor and decide whether or not to take this drug.

Currently there are herbal preparations: Klimadinon, Remens, Klimaktoplan.

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