Home Pulpitis Self-guided tour of Krakow powered by smf. What to see in Krakow in one or two days? Nice route! Take a look at the proletarian district of Nowa Huta

Self-guided tour of Krakow powered by smf. What to see in Krakow in one or two days? Nice route! Take a look at the proletarian district of Nowa Huta

Sanya Bay is the part of the Sanya City resort closest to the airport, most hotels can be reached in no more than 15-20 minutes, with a transfer from the meeting travel agency, the delivery procedure with the disembarkation of vacationers with things and transfer instructions to the farthest hotel will not take more than hours. For comparison: to the farthest bay - Yalongwan - it only takes about an hour to drive, plus the time to unload all the vacationers at each hotel.

Sanya Bay, or as it is also called Sanyavan, is considered the most affordable in terms of price, but this does not mean that it is very cheap there.

The average price tag for food in a hotel restaurant will be about 150 yuan per person, in a restaurant with decoration and music about the same, in a cafe with local cuisine you can eat well for this amount for two, and in the basement food court - for 70-100 yuan you can overeat for two . There are restaurants aimed at Russians (Moscow, Berezka, Lena), where there is a menu in Russian, decent Russian-speaking staff, and even food that is quite familiar to us - pork or chicken chop. But it is worth noting that there are not many cafes and restaurants far from the center. If the hotel is located closer to the airport, then the walk to the nearest decent food outlet may take more than half an hour. Most decent restaurants organize a free transfer from the hotel; it can be ordered at the reception or through the hotel guide.

This bay has hotels of all price categories, so you can save money and choose a decent option.

But there are purely local features. For example, in almost every five-star seaside hotel, the room will have bathrobes, slippers and, possibly, rubber slippers, because this is what the Chinese themselves wear for swimming, and sometimes they can wear it for breakfast. Local cuisine also influences the formation of the menu: almost every hotel, regardless of category, will have noodles as part of its breakfast menu. Most of the hotels are a bit old, and because there is high humidity in Sanya half the year, there may be a smell of dampness and mustiness. Most hotels have a specific layout: most often the hygiene area is not separated by a door from the main room, i.e. the sink is practically in the room. The toilet and shower have doors, but they can also be glass. The Chinese like to install a bathtub on the balcony, but you should not attempt to regard it as a means of ablutions and run there naked; it is closer to a small private pool, where people come in swimsuits. Since there are practically no other clients besides the local population and Russian-speaking tourists, English language Most of the staff do not speak, except for a few people at the reception. There may be Russian-speaking employees who you can contact when you have a problem, but this is not necessary.

The beach is municipal, there are sun loungers and umbrellas on it that any vacationer can use, don’t be fooled by the fact that they are located near your hotel. There is no additional security on the beach, and if there is, then, as the Chinese say, they are all alike and it will still not be possible to find the thief. Therefore, it is better to leave valuables in the hotel safe. The sand is quite fine, there are no stones, trees grow closer to the road, many of our tourists sit in their shade. The bottom is flat and quite shallow, so this bay is chosen by parents with children and older people. Due to the fact that it is quite shallow near the shore, the water is not clear, but cloudy. But in general, swimming seems quite comfortable and can be done beautiful photos against the backdrop of the sea.

The beach is dirty, there is garbage and sharp shells or their fragments, it is better not to walk barefoot. In the summer, during the wet season, the fact that the beach is not well cleaned can cause beach fleas to breed. During the dry season this problem does not arise. This bay is not so crowded, except in the center itself, so you can relax quite calmly near the sea all day. Of course, beach vendors periodically come up with fruits, circles, kites and some little things, but they are not intrusive, they go away quickly. In the evening, many locals gather on the beach in the city center, they sing, dance, and just sit and watch the animation on the skyscrapers on Phoenix Island.

The disadvantage of this bay can be considered the roadway between the hotels on the first coastline and the beach itself. The road is not very busy, but in order to get to the other side you will have to spend some time, because in China it is not customary to let pedestrians pass, even at the zebra crossing.

As far as I know, there is only one hotel with an underground passage - HOWARD JOHNSON RESORT SANYA BAY. Behind the roadway there is a walking alley on the embankment and a path for athletes (something like a health path), where, by the way, mopeds often ride. It is here, on the embankment, that local pensioners and volunteers gather in the evening and organize group dances of completely different styles. Those who wish can join the dancers, no one will mind. In the morning, early, they do gymnastics there.

In fact, the roadway is not the biggest disadvantage: in the middle of the bay after the road in front of the beach itself there is a cemetery that you need to go through to get to the shore. I thought that people were exaggerating and that this was something else, but no - there really is a cemetery there with burial mounds made of sand. Between these hills there is a narrow path to the sea - not the most pleasant walk on vacation, especially in the dark.

This bay is the closest to famous attractions such as World's End Park, Nanshan Temple and Guanyin Statue. They can easily be reached by bus 26 for 4-6 yuan per person. Bus service is generally a big plus for the resort area as a whole. Very cheap and quite comfortable, you can get to neighboring bays and places of interest. There are quite often stops scattered along the entire embankment; there are a lot of Russian-speaking tourists on the buses, they help, they tell you where to get off. The only problem is that the stops are only signed in Chinese, and the driver does not speak any languages ​​other than Chinese, so you need to carry a piece of paper with Chinese writing or a card and point your finger at it.

In general, Sanya Bay is very conveniently located, here you can swim, sunbathe, eat with some discomfort if there are no decent eateries near the hotel and... dance with local pensioners on the beach. There’s not much else to do here, entertainment and even more or less decent shopping centers located in the neighboring Dadonghai Bay. There is some activity in the city center and near the pedestrian street. In the evening, the embankment in the center is very noisy, you should definitely see it: crowds of Chinese - everyone is dancing, singing, holding some kind of show. It’s interesting to watch and you can even participate.

Still, when choosing this vacation spot, you need to remember that the main contingent comes here not for parties, but for a calm, sluggish “zucchini” vacation, and local pensioners come from the north of China to wait out the cold.

Hainan Island is one of the most beautiful places in China, where vacationers come from all over the world. There are 3 bays in the vicinity; SanyaBay is considered the most attractive of the Hainan bays. It is famous for its impressive 22 km long beach and beautiful sunsets.

Sanya Bay clean water") is recognized as the cleanest resort throughout Hainan. Strict environmental requirements are met within a radius of 100 km from: there is no industry in this territory, it is not allowed to throw waste into the ocean, a reliable sewer system has been installed, directed directly to treatment facilities.

Sanya Bay: map

SanyaBay is a bay of the South China Sea, located west of Sanya, near Phoenix Airport.

Sanya is an actively developing and constantly growing city. Its residents are warm and hospitable towards tourists, always friendly, selling Chinese food and souvenirs. They can often be seen dancing along the coast.

The proximity to the central part of Sanya makes the “Bay of Clean Water” attractive for lovers of night walks around the city and the coast, exotic oriental dishes and extreme entertainment.

On the map of Sanya Van Bay you can see the location of hotels, evaluate their proximity to the coast and choose the best one for yourself:

Hainan Island itself is recognized as one of the best resort areas in China. In the Middle Ages it was considered a vacation spot for aristocrats. Now the warm sea water, long beautiful beaches and impressive scenery attract the most sophisticated tourists. Hainan has become a real health resort of the country and has become famous throughout the world.

Sanya Bay Climate

Like throughout the island, the climate here is tropical. There is clear sun and warm sea on the beach all year round; the water temperature on the coast does not drop below 26°C. During the daytime, the air very rarely warms up below 25°C. In winter, nights are slightly colder, around 14°C.

How to get to Sanya Bay?

First you need to get to the city of Sanya in one of several ways:

  1. By plane. Located in the city itself international Airport In addition, local airlines bring vacationers to Haikou.
  2. By car. The journey from the capital Hainan to Sanya takes about 4 hours.
  3. By bus. There is a bus from Haikou to the bay every half hour.
  4. By train. Trains travel from various cities in China to Sanya, and the sea is crossed by ferries.

From the city you can get to the bay by bus, taxi or rented motorcycle, you can also rent a boat in the harbor.

Advice. Before your trip, it is better to purchase yuan in Russia, since the exchange rate in Hainan is not very favorable. You are allowed to bring no more than 6 thousand yuan per person; everything over that must be declared.

Administrative division

The bay is conventionally divided into 2 zones:

  1. The first part is built up with a variety of hotels, from the cheapest to the most exclusive and most expensive.
  2. The second part is urban and consists of an embankment and several municipal beaches. Most often, the Chinese themselves vacation here, and foreign travelers settle extremely rarely. Only at night do they stop by for exotic music and dance concerts.

Things to do?

In Sanya Bay, vacationers can enjoy boat trips, water skiing, and play Beach volleyball, go diving, free snorkeling and other outdoor activities.

Fans of long walks and bicycles can explore numerous fishing villages and picturesque corners wildlife near the city of Sanya. Bus tourist routes are compiled daily to various attractions of the resort.

Foreign tourists especially loved the Sanya Temple, built in 1998. The crown jewel of the pagoda is the statue of Guanyin Bodhisattva. The excursion will cost 150 yuan and the journey will take 1 hour by bus.

The most extreme entertainment in SanyaBay is a trip to Monkey Island. In fact, this is a small peninsula called Nanwan, with wild jungle, huge trees, extraordinary beautiful coral reefs and cleanest beach, which is home to about 2,000 monkeys. Macaques are friendly and love to play with people. Primates are funny, they take small things from people, drinking water and supplies. On the peninsula you can observe the life of monkeys in natural environment. Locals show shows with direct participation of animals. To get to Nanwan you need to take the longest cable car in all of China.

  • Nanshan Temple;
  • amusement park "Qianguqing Attractions";
  • Zhujiang Nantian hot springs;
  • Luhuitou Park;
  • Taoist Park Heavenly Grottoes (Daxiaodongtian Area);
  • tropical paradise forest park Yalong Bay;
  • Sanya Redeyulin Square;
  • central square Yalongwan and so on.

Full descriptions of attractions can be found on the websites of tour operators and agencies.

Sanya Bay is actively developing, with a large number of hotels of various levels opening every year. In addition to quality service, their advantage is their proximity to the sea; the beach can only be reached by crossing the road. Some hotels have their own hot springs, and the entire island is recognized as a health tourism center.

In addition to boat trips, sports and sightseeing, vacationers in the Bay can get acquainted with national Chinese traditions, order exotic oriental dishes and watch performances by local musicians.

Advice. If during your holiday in SanyaBay there are no Russian or English speaking staff around, you can always use sign language. When asking about prices, you can simply show the corresponding numbers on your phone.

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