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Origin of Uzbek surnames.

History of Uzbek surnames quite meager. Especially compared to Uzbek names. From ancient times until recently, the personal name of an Uzbek was the only name that distinguished him from the crowd. Sometimes the name of the father or the name of the area where he was from was added to the personal name. Sometimes poets and scientists took something like pseudonyms for themselves, for example, Alisher Navoi (Alisher Melodichny). But they were not inherited and were not generic names in the strict sense of the word. The nominal Uzbek model, which changed several times, was greatly influenced by the fact that the formation of the Uzbek people took place over a long period of time (XI-XVI centuries). Assimilation with Turkic and Mongolian tribes, the proximity of Arab and Persian cultures also influenced Uzbek naming.

Formation of surnames according to the Russian model.

Surnames in the modern sense began to be assigned to Uzbeks only in the 30s of the last century during the Sovietization of Uzbekistan. Naturally, they underwent Russification, like the names of some other peoples that were part of the USSR. List of Uzbek surnames in alphabetical order allows us to notice that they are formed using the Russian endings -ov, -ev. The ending -a is added to women's surnames. Declension of Uzbek surnames fully corresponds to the declension of Russian surnames with such endings. That is, both masculine and women's options surnames

Meanings of surnames.

Meaning majority Uzbek surnames associated with the personal name by which the surname was assigned. For example, if a person without a surname was called Rashid, then he became Rashidov without any difficulties. It is not surprising that many men born in the 30s and 40s of the twentieth century, when the familyization of Uzbeks was in full swing, had the same patronymics and surnames.

As already mentioned, the Uzbek names that form the basis of surnames are very diverse. Which means interpretation of Uzbek surnames may not always be simple. Thus, the first owners of the surnames Nuruddinov, Fathullaev or Saifutdinov most likely belonged to the clergy. IN dictionary of Uzbek surnames some of them symbolize strength, courage or correlate with the heroes of legends - Batyrov (from the word “hero”), Pulatov (from the word “steel”), Rustamov, Iskanderov, Ulugbekov. Interestingly, the surname Urusov suggests that its first bearer may have been fair-haired, like Urus (Russian). Outside of Uzbekistan (in Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan), the surname Uzbekov is often found. Apparently, once upon a time a lazy official did not “bother” and simply wrote down the surname by nationality.

Top Uzbek surnames shows which ones are the most common and popular.

List of popular Uzbek surnames:


What do you think male names in Uzbekistan are the most common? What do modern parents most often call their children?

The site factorname.ru presented statistics of companies carrying out marketing research in order to identify consumer preferences of the population, from which data on the most popular names was extracted.

The data of about 5 thousand people was analyzed, as a result of which the most popular names among young people (from 17 to 25 years old) were identified. In total, the analysis revealed more than 200 varieties of names. The analysis of popular names was complicated by a large number of repeated names with prefixes or additions, such as BEK, ABDU or ZHON. For example, the name Sardor has 3 variants - Sardor, Sardorbek, Mirsardor or Sardorjon (that's all different names, but in statistics they were considered as one name). That is, any name can potentially be duplicated several times in one form or another. As an example, we can cite such names as: Aziz, Azizbek, Abdulaziz, Azizjon, Orif, Orifjon, Sanzharbek, Sanzharkhuzha, Sanzhar, Khushruz, Khushroz, etc.

It should be noted that contrary to expectations popular name Aziz was not in the top ten popular names - he took 16th place (out of 200).

The most popular name can be considered the male Uzbek name Sardor, it has first place. A newborn child was named Sardor in approximately 25 per thousand children. It is not without reason that the meaning of the name Sardor means “leader”, “leader”. Here are the ranking results:

20 most popular names:

The name Bekzod took second place. If the name Sardor is repeated 25 times per thousand, then the name Bekzod can be found 13/1000. Next come Doston (Duston) and Sherzod.

Contrary to popular belief about the popularity of the name Aziz, it turned out that it is not in first place. However, it falls into the top twenty. In the ranking, the name "Aziz" (meaning "respected") took 16th place.

The top twenty most popular names included famous people from the history of Uzbekistan and Central Asia, including: Alisher Navoi, Mirzo Ulugbek, Zakhiriddin Babur, etc.

Here's how the list of popular male names continues:

The name Mashkhur (“celebrity”) turned out to be unpopular, on the contrary, one of the rarest.

Modern Uzbek names are represented by a large number of components that are widely used. These include such components as: zhon, fight, er, bek, world, abdu, etc. In connection with this, relatively new names are constantly appearing. As an example, let's take the name Umid; some call the child Umidjon, Umidboy. The common name is Orif, and there is also the common name Orifjon.

The most popular search engines in the world and the CIS countries (Google.com and Yandex.Ru) made it possible to identify the greatest requests of Internet users for Uzbek male names, which can rightfully be considered the “audience award.”

In first place was the name Rustam - the name Rustam means “bravery”, “courage” and “strength”. These are followed by the names Azamat, Anvar, Nodir and Bakhtier.

The following names are most often searched for:

The table shows the most frequently searched male names; the rating was compiled based on statistical data from the search for all Uzbek names.

Here is an incomplete list of the rarest names. Some names sound very beautiful to the ear:

Based on the results of statistical processing, the longest male name became known - Shermuhammajuma.

Modern Uzbek names have Turkic and Iranian roots. The spread of Islam in Asian countries also entailed a modification of traditional names. Thus, under the influence of the Arabs, new names appeared in the Uzbek language: Yunus, Yakub, Ismail (not forgotten today). And after a thorough familiarization with the Koran, the names Fathullah, Karim, Abdullah arose and quickly gained popularity. But traditional Uzbek names also remained.

If a boy is born immediately circumcised, he is usually called Sunnat. If a child has many pronounced moles, he is called Kholmamat. Ancient traditions prescribe that twin boys should be named Hasan and Husan, and twin girls should be called Fotima and Zuhra. According to custom in Uzbekistan, the baby’s name is chosen not by the parents, but by the paternal grandparents. In many ways, it is this factor that has a beneficial effect and helps preserve ancient customs.

Male modern Uzbek names

Avlod – “descendant”. Usually this name is given to a long-awaited child.
Abror – “lord”. The bearer of this name is a called leader. He will cope with any leadership position, and at the same time will take care of his subordinates.
Aziz - “revered”, “dear”.
Botir - “hero”. Distinctive feature The bearers of this name have good health and a powerful physique.
Bened - “foundation”. The owners of this name clearly know what they want from life. They are homely and thorough.
Doston is a “legend.”
Nodir – “rare”. Usually the owners of this name combine in their character all the most worthy traits: nobility, courage and respect for elders.
Shokhrukh - “soul of Khan”.

Female modern Uzbek names

Asmira is the “chief princess.” In terms of charm and femininity, the bearers of this name have no equal.
Guldasta – “bouquet”. The owners of this name are multifaceted and comprehensively developed.
Dinora – “gold coin”.
Zilola – “lotus flower”.
Zukhra – “beautiful”, “radiant”.
Intizora – “long-awaited.” Usually this name is given to a long-awaited daughter.
Nigora – “beloved”. It is impossible not to love a woman with this name: she will become the decoration of the house and the pride of her husband.
Farkhunda - “happy”.

Choosing a name– an extremely important and responsible step. In order not to make a mistake and not to spoil your child’s future, you should carefully study the origin on the Islam Today portal. It will take no more than a few minutes to find out all the necessary information about the name you are interested in. Remember, choosing a name for a child influences the formation of his personal characteristics and can determine it future destiny. Navigating the site is extremely simple: you will only need a few minutes to find out all the information you are interested in.

Uzbek male names are based on ancient Iranian ones, which came to us from the Turkic language and were formed over several centuries. Occurring historical events and changes in culture, Arab-Jewish influence entailed some adjustments in names. Yunus, Ismail and Yakub, and after the adoption of Islam and the Koran - Fathullah, Abdullah and Karim - these names are relevant today in Uzbekistan.

According to statistics, the longest Uzbek male name is Shermuhammajuma.

Derived names

More than 200 varieties of names have been identified as popular in Uzbekistan, and among them there are those that are equipped with additions, for example, “abdu”, “bek” or “zhon”. For example, the popular name Sardor has varieties Sardorbek, Mirsardor or Sardorzhon. Among the common ones, Aziz with modifications Azizbek and Abdulaziz, as well as Orif (Orifjon) and Sanzharbek with the derivative Sanzharkhuzha stand out.

Strange to our ears, but popular

Uzbek male names sound like music, but sometimes quite unusual for the Russian ear. Listen to the name Bekzod, which in 2013 could be found on 13 out of 1000 newborns. The combination of letters is perceived somewhat strangely by the Russian ear (although we have already gotten used to it). Or Doston (Duston) and Sherzod, Baburikh and so on.

But the name Mashkhur in the list of popularity among Uzbek male names was not at the forefront, although in translation it means “celebrity”. This rare name.

Choose the right name for a boy

A Muslim name should best reflect the qualities of the heir. When naming babies, representatives of Islam are guided by hadiths, according to which names for boys are divided into four categories:

  1. With the prefix "Abd-", followed by one of the names of the Almighty.
  2. Names of prophets and messengers of Allah.
  3. The righteous, the companions of the Lord.
  4. Rare and unusual names, which emphasize worthy human qualities.

Names starting with "A" indicate leadership skills, for masculinity, independence and nobility, rich inner world and wisdom:

  • Askhab - friendly;
  • Avad - reward;
  • Arsen - fearless;
  • Asim - protector;
  • Alkhan - great khan;
  • Ammar - prosperous;
  • Azer - flame;
  • Amjad - glorious;
  • Azhar - the brightest;
  • Aref - wise, prone to thoughtfulness.

Uzbek male names starting with the letter “B” are given in the hope that the person will become smart and insightful and will be able to win the love and authority of the public:

  • Behnam - one who has gained authority;
  • Bugday, Burkhan - wisdom.
  • Bakha, Bagdat - friendliness and cheerfulness.
  • Points, Bishr - cheerful disposition and friendliness.

Interpretations of rare names

Vidadi - friendship.

Wadi - calm, balanced.

Gachai, Galib - warriors, winners.

Gazi, Gaplan is a fearless defender of the faith.

Daoud is my favorite.

Jalal - majestic.

Daniel is a gift from God.

Javid is the one who lives long.

Erfan - knowledge.

Irfan - gratitude.

Zaid, Ziyad - abundance.

Imad - support

Ihsan - sincerity

Ilyas is the one who comes to the rescue.

Kia is perfect.

Kamil is perfect.

Karim is generous.

Mardan is a warrior.

Miri is the leader.

Makin - courageous, strong.

Mukhtadi, Mamduh - live for the benefit of others.

Mukhsin, Mukhtar - associate.

Nazar is a visionary.

Naim is quiet, calm.

Nazih - noble, pure in thoughts.

Najmuddin, Nuruddin - radiance, star of faith.

Omran is strong.

Nurlan is gifted, bright, charismatic.

Nadir, Namdar - possessors of exceptional abilities.

Omeir - long-living.

Rakin is respectful.

Rabah always wins.

Rabi - spring.

Shakhbulat, Shadi - unusual abilities, charisma.

Shaheen, Shafi is a unique talent.

Riyadh is a garden.

Siraj, Savalan, Sakit - greatness.

Tugan is a falcon.

Tokay is a warrior.

Tagi leads a righteous life.

Timerlan - hardy, persistent.

In this list of Uzbek male names, the name Urkel is especially worth highlighting; it expresses the love of its bearer for the Turkic land. The owner of this name emphasizes his boundless love for his homeland.

These names are called creative personalities, philosophers:

  • Khushmand - wise;
  • Habib - sacrificer;
  • Khosrow - generous;
  • Khalid is eternal.

If you want your son to be endowed with the best masculine qualities, choose one of the following names for him:

  • Fatin - sharp mind;
  • Firdaus, Fida - piety;
  • Faruk, Fadl, Faisal are leaders;
  • Khamzat, Khadi, Humam - brave, very active;
  • Genghis - powerful;
  • Yashar - suitable for a strong-willed man;
  • Rustam - courage, bravery and strength.

Meanings of names and the importance of the correct combination

The name is given for life and is recorded in the family chronicle. Responsible parents check it for compatibility with the child’s middle name and last name. All words in this combination should be in harmony with each other and easy to read.

Almost all Uzbek male names are good spells designed to give boys luck, wealth and glory, self-confidence, valor and strength, and the remarkable fearlessness of a warrior.

The most euphonious

The interpretations of the most beautiful Uzbek male names are indicated in the list below:

Rais is militant.

Sardor - leader, leader.

Farhad is invincible.

Majid is great.

Kilic - saber.

Narimon is strong in spirit.

Iskander is a defender.

Saifuddin - the sword of faith.

Botir is a hero.

Sarybek is a noble bek.

Urus is Russian.

Karimm is generous.

Bakhtier is happy.

Tahir is pure.

Farhod is smart.

Temir is strong.

Ergash - accompanying person.

Turgun is tenacious.

Rustam is a giant.

Oh - the moon.

Ok - white.

Pulat - steel.

Sukhrob - ruby.

Tosh is a stone.

Urman - forest.

From such a variety, choosing a name for a boy is quite easy.

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