Home Gums Dream interpretation of a bat. I dreamed about a bat: interpretation of a dream

Dream interpretation of a bat. I dreamed about a bat: interpretation of a dream

Since ancient times, dreams have aroused increased interest among people. They were a connection with the other world, omens of future events. The appearance of a bat in a dream foreshadows negative energy. In what area of ​​life it will manifest itself: in career, personal relationships, health - additional details and accompanying circumstances will tell.

Dream Interpretation, I dreamed of a bat

Freud interprets the appearance of a bat in a dream as a search for illicit sexual pleasures. Nocturnal animals, in his interpretation, symbolize deceit and deception between sexual partners.
For a man to see a bat flying past him is a sign of betrayal by his beloved; she will begin searching for a new life partner. For a woman, such a dream foreshadows the appearance of a rival, a secret enemy ready to launch an energy attack.
In any case, Freud cautions, advising caution in dealing with suspicious individuals.

According to Vanga, the bat is a manifestation of evil in human destiny. It is associated with a negative impact on him from the outside: through gossip, the evil eye, intrigue. The larger the size of the animal, the more significant the disturbances caused by others will be.
To dispel the darkness approaching the dreamer, he needs to pray to a higher power, God, for protection. You can protect your home from the influence of evil people by walking around all the rooms clockwise from the candles.

According to Miller's dream book, a bat is a symbol of sorrows, illnesses, and all kinds of shocks. For the dreamer, it means the possibility of accidents and injuries. He needs to be extremely careful to avoid the impending dangers.
If relatives and friends were also present in the dream, it means that troubles will come into their lives. Relatives may be diagnosed with a serious illness, they will experience severe pain and trials.

Hasse interprets the dream of a bat as sadness and inner feelings. Fears, phobias, and negative attitudes can come out from the depths of the subconscious. A mouse flying out of a cave is a sign that it’s time to clear your mind and defeat your inner demons.
According to Hasse, a bat attack means a conflict from the immediate environment. The dreamer will have to make a lot of effort to avoid it.

Nostradamus does not consider all dreams about bats to be ominous. It all depends on other related factors. A bat flying out of the house through the window portends an imminent journey, a change of place of residence. An aggressive flock warns of injuries and possible losses.

Bats, according to the esoteric dream book, symbolize twilight, darkness and the sphere of the mysterious. They provide the dreamer with opportunities to reveal intuition and the ability to introspect. This is a sign indicating the need to go inside yourself, to be alone.
However, the dream warns: when plunging into the astral plane, you need to be very careful so as not to encounter energy vampires, dark entities. Bats disappearing into the distance are interpreted as superstition and over-indulgence in the world of magic and witchcraft.

Additional dream details

A bat seen in a house does not bode well. She warns of a serious illness and even death in the dreamer’s house. In addition, such a dream indicates troubles related to money, debts, and the danger of fire. The dreamer needs to be extremely careful in the near future.

Seeing an aggressive bat in an apartment means personal disaster, difficulties and trials in the dreamer’s life. It is urgent to replenish energy resources and show all the courage to overcome adversity with the least losses. It is much better if you manage to drive the mouse outside, which means that difficulties and adversities will pass by.

If an animal restlessly flies around the rooms and then flies away, a trip is expected soon. Whether it will be pleasant or not is judged by the mood and emotions experienced during sleep.
Holding a bat in your hands means comprehending mystical knowledge, discovering other people’s secrets, and developing intuition. If she was flying and then managed to catch her, soon the secret will become clear, everything will become clearer in the dreamer’s life.

A woman, a pregnant woman, a man dreams of a bat

The interpretation of the dream also depends on who the dreamer is:

  • For a woman, such a dream promises the appearance of a rival. If the bat managed to bite her, it means that the rival will make attempts to destroy the sleeping woman’s family or relationship. If the animal is sleeping and not moving, there is still time to protect the relationship from discord.
  • For a young girl to see a flock of flying mice, troubles and hardships in life are approaching. If the dream is accompanied by negative, depressing emotions, a break in relationships, loss of friends and loved ones is expected.
  • For a pregnant woman, seeing this animal means possible fatigue and health problems. She needs to have as little contact as possible with unfamiliar, unpleasant people. In order not to harm the baby’s health, be sure to avoid stressful situations and any conflicts.
  • For a man, bats promise financial difficulties, debts, and problems with the law. In his professional activities, he needs to be especially careful so as not to make enemies and overcome the attacks of competitors and ill-wishers.

Animal color and size

The color of the animal plays an important role in dreams.

The black mouse symbolizes hatred, envy, dark thoughts. This negativity can come from the dreamer himself, then he needs to work on himself to cleanse himself of evil intentions. Also, black color indicates sadness and depression. In order for him to free himself, he needs to take a break from business and go out into nature.

A white bat indicates imminent death, either physical or spiritual.

Dead bats foretell the end of a bad streak in life. A new stage will soon begin, after a series of failures and hardships.

Little bats symbolize small difficulties, slight worries. Large ones, on the contrary, promise significant fatal events
If the mouse is tame or the dreamer managed to tame it, future troubles can be overcome through your own efforts.

Actions of a bat in a dream

Seeing a bat attacking the dreamer means that life's difficulties and a streak of failures are approaching. If, at the same time, they bite painfully, adversity will significantly spoil life, bringing losses and disappointments.

A mouse flying into a window foreshadows an unexpected meeting, most likely an unpleasant one, leading to a quarrel. If she does not want to fly out and gets tangled in her hair, the dreamer will be harmed by her immediate environment.

Several animals in a dream speak of gossip and slander towards the sleeper. The more there are, the greater the number of ill-wishers. If they attack the sleeping person, it means that the spiteful critics will move from words to real actions. If you manage to fight off an aggressive flock, all evil intentions will be stopped, and help will suddenly appear.

Dreaming of catching, stroking, killing a bat

Catching a bat in your hands means receiving new valuable information, success in business and career advancement. If she struggles, but the dreamer manages to hold her, luck will remain on his side.

Petting a bat means fighting life’s adversities and successfully overcoming all the trials that fate has in store for the dreamer. Killing an animal is an even better sign - all problems and troubles will go away by themselves.

The “Bat” dream is a significant dream and should not be ignored under any circumstances. The dream is interpreted differently, based on how the dreamers see the bat. There are dream books that say that you dream of a bat to warn you: you are in a state of ignorance, confusion, you are standing at a crossroads and do not know what to do and what to do next. Some dream books say that a bat is associated with an old, angry woman who is extremely hostile and takes away your positive energy. And there are those who see the bat as a sign of good luck.
On the other hand, a bat is an animal that is active in the dark, but has excellent orientation in the dark. Therefore, a dream about a bat can tell you that you will find a way out of this situation if you only listen to your inner voice and trust your intuition, since you do not see reasonable arguments and standard solutions. However, in a dream a bat can be aggressive, and this is interpreted completely differently. Find an interpretation that suits your dream specifically.
Below are well-known interpreters who interpret the dream about bats in one way or another and provide answers to a variety of questions about bats in your dreams.

Let’s start with the various interpretations of the dream “Bat” from the Chinese dream book, because it is almost the only dream book that says that this nocturnal animal represents good luck, while others see only negativity in such a dream.

Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

  • Seeing a bat in a dream means meeting a good adviser or assistant. In Chinese fairy tales, the bat is a symbol of a good helper who will always help with wise advice.
  • What does “a bat was flying in the sky” mean in a dream - good luck will be with you in the near future, and all the business started during this period will be successful.
  • bats in a dream says that your secret affairs will end in complete success.
  • a bat in a dream means that you will need to put in a little more effort to make the business successful.

Mayan Dream Interpretation
In a dream I dreamed of a bat. There are two interpretations:
The first interpretation is positive: if you dreamed “a bat is flying,” it means you have to travel. To make your trip a success, you need to eat exotic fruits before going to bed.
The second interpretation is negative: if you dreamed of “dead bats,” it means you will soon get sick, since your immunity will be lowered, and you have lost God’s protection. To boost your immunity before bed, drink 100 grams. warm milk.

Noble dream book of Grishina

  • Dream Interpretation: why a bat dreams - to sadness, bad news, misfortune. Perhaps you will participate in some kind of night orgy.
  • Why do you dream about a lot of bats - if they were flying literally everywhere, and you felt that the entire space around you was filled with them, it means that soon you will have prophetic dreams and you yourself will become clairvoyant.
  • Sleeping people dreamed of bats - the dream book says that a “bad” time is coming, there will be the power of darkness and evil force.
  • Dream Interpretation: bats chased (a lot) in a dream - such a dream symbolizes your fear of reality, which prevents you from living a full life.
  • Why do you dream of bats looking out the window - the phenomenon of an alien world, primordial chaos, is invading your life.
  • If you dreamed “bats were crawling all over your body” - in reality you are walking into an abyss, possessed by a demon, you strongly feel your own vampirism, which oppresses you, eats you from the inside and does not allow you to enjoy simple human happiness.

Freud's Dream Book
Freud's Dream Interpretation: a bat in a dream means your passionate desire to indulge in night orgies.

Vanga's Dream Book

Vanga's dream book: a bat seen in a dream speaks of trials and attacks that will be sent to you by some demonic forces that thirst for your blood.

Gypsy dream book
I dreamed of a bat flying in the air - the troubles will be minor and will soon disappear.
If you dreamed about “a bat is cheerful upside down” - minor troubles will turn into big, intractable problems.

New family dream book
Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of “bat” dreams comes down to the following - the dream calls on you to be careful and persistent.

Ancient French dream book

  • Seeing bats in a dream means that in reality strangers will cause you suffering.
  • The dream of “marrying a bat” prophesies a beautiful woman whom you will meet very soon.
  • Why do you dream of bats biting - strangers will cause you a lot of problems and troubles.

Miller's Dream Book
Miller's dream book: a bat in a dream will bring all the worst things into real life: sadness, mourning, losses, serious injuries and a lot of evil. This ugly monster only dreams of troubles and therefore you must be persistent and careful.
I dreamed of a white bat - Miller’s dream book prophesies death to the dreamer.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation
Dream Interpretation: a bat in a dream prophesies death.
Dream Interpretation: a bat flew into a house in a dream - in reality a sudden trip, leaving home.

Eastern women's dream book
Eastern dream book: the interpretation of “bat” comes down to everything bad - these are troubles, misfortunes, misfortunes, and losses.

Islamic dream book (Muslim dream book)
Islamic dream book: a bat in a dream symbolizes a woman’s witchcraft. But to see a bat at home in a dream means that your life energy is being taken away by an insidious woman who knows how to cast magic. In general, according to Islam, a bat is associated with an evil vampire woman who will be responsible for your further misfortunes.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn
You saw the dream “bat”. Everyone knows that bats are nocturnal animals that live in dark caves. In a dream, a bat represents fear of the unknown, the inability to come to a definite conclusion, tossing and confusion. A bat that appears in a dream says that, being in the dark about your future, you should make your way in the “darkness” by trusting your intuition. Perhaps you're acting like a grouchy old woman? After all, a bat in a dream represents such an old woman. A bat seen in a dream also represents strangeness in your behavior.
The Chinese symbolize the bat with a long happy life, the Americans - with shamanic intuition, as well as rebirth. Revival here plays the following role: a bat flying into a cave dissolves in the darkness and then flies out again alive and unharmed. So in the female uterus, when sperm enters, it enters into pitch darkness, and when it comes out, a new life is obtained. This is all a symbol of the rebirth that will come after symbolic death.

Esoteric dream book
I dreamed about a bat, what does it mean? You will have a strange vague premonition, you should not rely on it or pay any attention to it at all. Ignore it, otherwise you will find yourself in a difficult situation.

Dream Interpretation of Tarot Symbols
On Tarot cards, the shape of the wings of a bat is displayed on the wings of the Devil and symbolizes hidden desires, the shadow part of your personality and, in general, the entire dark world in which this evil spirit lives, the ancestor of all evils and troubles.

Italian dream book Meneghetti
Interpretation of the dream: a bat in a dream means vampirism.

Psychotherapeutic dream book
I dreamed about a bat - the interpretation of the dream comes down to night orgies in which you will participate.

Fairytale-mythological dream book
What does it mean when you dream of a bat? The bat is an animal with which a negative perception of the world, negative influence, danger, threat and death are associated.

Dream book for women
The dream “a bat attacks” warns: a test awaits you that will be too serious for you, a nervous breakdown or depression is possible. Losses await you.

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

A bat in a dream, the meaning is unfavorable: anxiety, troubles, worries.

Wanderer's Dream Book
I dreamed of a bat, the interpretation of the dream is very negative - it is an evil force, and unkind activities, and sorrows, and suffering, disappointment and even death.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite
Why do you dream about a bat in a dream - to vain worries.
Why do you dream about a bat biting you in a dream – unnecessary worries.

Dream book for the whole family
Why do you dream about bats attacking - a warning dream - very soon you will experience loss, loss or a serious test.

Intelligent dream book
If you dreamed about bats in the house, it means an ugly night orgy.

Generalized dream book

  • I dreamed about bats, the dream book says that this means trouble, loss or travel.
  • The dream “black bats in the house” is a sign of trouble. However, if you saw a dream “catch a bat in the house” or a dream “drive a bat out of the house”, then the troubles will be temporary and will pass without a trace. (Cm. )
  • A dream about a white bat is considered by the dream book to mean death and a warning that you will have to be extremely persistent and careful to survive the coming stage of your life.
  • Dream Interpretation: a bat attacks in a dream - this means in reality some adult woman who is opposed to you is taking away your energy.
  • The dream of “a bat bitten” foretells troubles and a deterioration in one’s financial situation.
  • The dream “there is a black bat in your hair”, the dream book says that in reality a certain elderly woman gives you dark thoughts and is a vampire, taking away your life energy. (Cm. )
  • If you dreamed of killing a bat in a dream, it means in reality you will be able to overcome depression, fear and find a way out of the current situation, come out of the darkness into the light.

Modern dream book
Dream Interpretation: to see a bat flying in the sky in a dream means that in reality you will have to travel. (cm. )
Dream Interpretation: if bats bite in a dream, it means in reality there will be problems from strangers you don’t know.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya
The dream “a bat bites” means that you should be careful with fire, watch your children, do not let them play with an open fire, with matches, a fireplace, etc., because if you dreamed of “a bat bit”, then a big the likelihood of a fire in your home.

ABC of dream interpretation

  • If you dream of a bat, it means there is an invisible danger; your intuition will help you.
  • The dream “bats are flying everywhere” brings bad news and someone’s evil power.
  • Dreaming of sleeping bats says that your intuition will help you and you will be able to understand the situation.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

  • The dream “bats in the room” is a harbinger of troubles that you do not expect. Such a dream is for people who have a depressed state of mind and depression can soon develop into a nervous breakdown or severe psychological trauma.
  • The dream “a bat in your hands” speaks of your vague premonitions that you should not trust. You need to be patient, courageous and try to look at life more optimistically.
  • In a dream, bats reflect the dreamer’s darkness, which is going on deep in his soul.


In the overwhelming majority, a dream about a bat is interpreted extremely negatively, and dreams with bats are negative, prophesying troubles, illnesses and generally everything bad. But, as with any rule, there are exceptions. For example, take the Chinese dream book, which represents a bat in a dream with good luck. So don't panic if you dreamed about this nocturnal animal. Be optimistic!

Animals are nocturnal and often like to live in dark caves: they can personify the fear of the unknown, although they know how to move in the dark.

If you are ignorant and the bat appears to you as a sign, then you will be able to make your way in the darkness.

Trust your intuition.

The bat could be: an old, grumpy woman.

Are you acting like a grumpy old woman? On the other hand, a bat may indicate strange behavior.

This sign can also symbolize tossing, the inability to come to a certain conclusion. For the Chinese, the bat symbolized long life and happiness.

For American Indians, the bat was a symbol of shamanic intuition and rebirth.

The bat disappears into the darkness of a womb-like cave and reappears from there: this sign may appear to you before you decide to explore the deepest fears and the unknown that lives within you.

After symbolic death, you will experience the joy of rebirth and renewal.

Interpretation of dreams from the American Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Bat

If she flies, then small problems may arise.

If it hangs upside down, problems will develop into something more.

A bat floating in the air - all minor troubles will quickly and easily disappear.

If the bat hangs upside down, this means that minor troubles can turn into big problems.

Interpretation of dreams from

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For some, bats are scary, others consider them mystical creatures. They are afraid to meet them during daylight hours, let alone in the evening and night. Does anyone know Why do you dream about bats in a dream?? To find the answer to this question, let's take a look at the interpreters together.

Seeing bats in a dream

Most often, bats dream of problems, troubles, illnesses, troubles and losses. But it is important to take into account all the details of the dream. The number of mice and the fact of attack or bite play a role here. Remember if the mouse spoke to you in a dream, where it came from, what emotions you experienced.

What is this for?

If a bat appears in a dream, try to remember the features in which you saw this creature. They are the ones who will help us find out where this whole vision will lead.

80% of dreams are warnings

Most often, a dream with bats comes to warn about the dreamer’s rash actions and frivolity. All this can lead to bad consequences, so you should thank such a dream for the hint.

To a woman

If a woman in a vision is bitten by a chiropteran, then in her life she has a rival who has destroyed more than one couple. The dream book advises to try with all your might to maintain the relationship and prevent separation, otherwise the darkest and most difficult period in life will come.

To the girl

When a girl sees flying mice in a dream, a serious life test will soon await her. You will probably have to experience the loss of a loved one. This could be either death or a break in relationship. The vision also suggests that the dreamer will soon encounter many problems and troubles.

Watch the video. Why do you dream about a bat?


If bats come to a pregnant woman or girl in her night dreams, then she should take better care of her physical condition. It is possible that health problems will begin, so to preserve it, it is advisable not to communicate with unpleasant people. This will only lead to stress.

To a man

A man dreamed of a bat - this is a sign that at this time you should not risk your name. The minimum of problems that can come is debts, and then liability before the law.

Dream Interpretation

Freud says that if you dreamed of a bat, then very soon you will be disappointed in your loved one. If a mouse bites you, then expect conflicts and quarrels. The reason for all this will be gossip that clearly did not come from you. Trust each other - then you will stay together.

If you see your loved one turning into a chiropteran, then betrayal awaits you. The mouse can also warn about the appearance of a new fan or competitor.

A squeaking animal is a bad sign for your reputation. You need to protect yourself from gossip.

When you see a bat bite in a dream, then wait for your ex-love on the doorstep. Freud's dream book does not advise starting a relationship with this person again, because if something went wrong once, it will go wrong a second and third time.

According to Miller's dream book, bats bring problems, misfortunes and troubles. They can even mean the loss of a loved one, as well as mental trauma.

If the mouse you dreamed of was white, then expect danger, or better yet, be careful, and then everything will be fine. This concerns not only the dreamer, but also his friends and relatives. These people will need your help.

Financial collapse is what awaits you if you dreamed of being bitten by a flying mouse.

The impending disaster is what Tsvetkov’s dream book predicts for those who dreamed of a bat. But if she slept in a vision, then she will be able to avoid problems.

I dreamed about bats

In all popular interpreters, the bat is a very important symbol that should not be ignored. Most often, this is a serious warning for the person who had this dream. Vision will help you avoid big problems in life.


If there was a white bat in the dream, then this is a very bad sign. Your family will experience problems, perhaps someone will even become very ill. You can change the situation if you promptly help those who need your help and support.


The black mouse is a symbol of darkness in the soul and thoughts. Probably, the person who is dreaming is very envious of some friend or acquaintance, his merits and achievements. Maybe the dreamer even hates someone. And if you want to take revenge on the object of your hostility, then it is better to first think through the consequences that may arise in connection with this.


Gray winged creatures in a dream mean trouble and misfortune. Perhaps gray mice will even cause injuries or wounds to you and your loved ones.

Other colors

Flying mice often appear in our dreams in unnatural shades. Red bats are a hint of an unpleasant conflict with strangers. It is important to understand what you felt at the moment you woke up.


If you dreamed of a dead winged creature, then all problems and troubles will end very soon. Relief awaits you.

A lot of

When many flying mice come in a dream, then expect troubles and worries. If mice are flying around you and making nasty noises, then prepare for your reputation to suffer. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to restore it.

Dream Interpretation: bats

Most often, dream books say that flying mice dream of problems in the near future. Do not make any serious decisions, do not schedule important meetings. Changes are quite possible that will clearly not be positive. It could be an accident, some other incident, perhaps a death.

In the house

If a flying creature appears in the dreamer’s house, then an unexpected meeting awaits him. These will be uninvited guests, and such a visit will be unpleasant for the sleeping person. Most likely, the meeting will end in a quarrel.

When in a dream bats fly around the house looking for a way out, this is a sign indicating that troubles will come to you very soon, and you, just like these mice, will look for a way out of the situation.

The dream book advises not to rush things, since you still won’t be able to change anything on your own. Everything that happens will be useful to you in the future.

If a mouse sat on your bed in a dream, then troubles will overtake you in your personal life. This will be a difficult and unpleasant conversation with your significant other. For a very long time you will not be able to find a common language. After the conversation, it is advisable to try to spend more time with your loved one in order to avoid conflicts and separation.

When you see in a dream that someone stranger is letting a mouse into your house, then beware of lies and betrayal. Your friends will actually turn out to be deceitful people who cannot be trusted. If you are not careful, this friendship will cost you dearly.

On the body

If in a dream you saw a bat landing on your shoulder, then this is a sign that you are creating your own problems, and it’s time to do something about it. You demand a lot from others, but do nothing yourself. Take a closer look at your shortcomings and remove them from your life.

When a creature sits on the head in a vision, it says that all the dreamer’s thoughts are black. Such thoughts make it difficult to live, and you have to drive yourself into depression.

In the hair

It happens when in a dream bats get tangled in their hair. This is a clear sign that a dark streak of troubles and misfortunes awaits in life.

You should definitely seek help from family, friends and even colleagues. This will make it easier to survive everything that happens.


If a creature chases you in a dream, it means that you are afraid of everything around you: people, insects, animals, and life in general.

If mice attacked in flocks in a vision, it means that soon your bosses and colleagues, and perhaps relatives, will attack you in the same way for various reasons.

If a flock constantly flies after you, then this is simply an unreasonable fear of persecution in reality.

They bite

Did bats bite you in your sleep? Beware of health problems in life.

The dream may also mean that you need to watch yourself in terms of spending money, because it can become not only thoughtless, but also stupid.

If in a dream you feel bad from a bite or even die from it, then seriously think about your health.


When a flying creature speaks to you in a vision, try to remember its words. Perhaps this will be some very important information for you that will help in the future.


If mice attack in a dream, then in life you do not need to take everything to heart. Problems and troubles await you, but they should be easy to look at. Moreover, each of us always has the support of friends, relatives and loved ones.

When a mouse bites someone else in a dream, then in life you will have to witness someone else’s loss. In reality, you can help this person with your support, resulting in a loyal and devoted friend.

Drop dead

If a winged creature falls dead in a dream, then in life the dreamer will defeat his enemy. He will also learn to make serious decisions that will be correct.

In addition, the sleeper will become more confident in himself and will finally achieve his goal, and not just set it. In general, after such a dream everything will be better.

Why do you dream about bats?

They say that when you dream about bats, they only bring negativity. You should be more careful after such a dream. For example, if in a dream a flock of mice flashed over your head, then the enemies are already on the threshold, and with a bunch of traps against you. The Dream Interpretation asks you not to make any transactions in the near future and not to participate in new projects.

Transform yourself

When in a dream you yourself turn into a bat, then in life, starting this morning, you will begin to create problems for yourself and strangers. Don't look down on others, they make the same mistakes as you. You are no better than them. And yet, don’t be too categorical with your family, they don’t deserve it.

If a creature bit you in a vision and you turned into a bat, then your life will begin to change for the worse due to the influence of an unpleasant person.

Perhaps now you understand that someone from your social circle has a negative influence on you and makes you angry. We recommend limiting communication with this person to save yourself and your nerves.

For many people, bats are a mystical symbol that brings danger, anxiety and fear. Few people want to meet a nocturnal animal in reality. What does a dream in which a bat portends?

Meaning of a dream about a bat

Bats appear in dreams when a person is facing change or is afraid of the unknown.

  • If you see a bat in your house, expect uninvited guests in your house. The dream book warns that the meeting may end in a quarrel.
  • The animal flies around the room and cannot find a way out of the room - the dreamer will face difficulties from which he will try to find the right way out.
  • A bat on your bed promises an unpleasant conversation and a difficult relationship with your partner.
  • A dream in which someone from your circle launches a bat into your house foreshadows betrayal and lies on the part of this person.
  • A dream in which an animal sits on your shoulder has a negative meaning. Most likely, you yourself are the source of your troubles and problems, since you place too high demands on those around you and your family. You should look at yourself from the outside and begin to fight your shortcomings.
  • An alarming dream in which the dreamer was bitten by a flying animal warns of a deterioration in his health and is a warning against unplanned expenses. Extra expenses will negatively affect your financial situation in the future.
  • To see how an animal attacks but does not touch you - friends or relatives need your help.
  • A talking bat dreams of imminent changes and promises making an important decision in reality. What she says in a dream is important information that you should listen to.
  • A flock of bats attacking the dreamer symbolizes disappointment and minor troubles. Help from those closest to you will help you overcome problems.
  • Seeing a nocturnal animal in the daytime foreshadows dramatic changes in the professional and personal sphere.
  • If a bat flies and then suddenly falls to the ground dead, the dreamer will experience success and victory in a difficult life situation.

Freud's Dream Book

  • According to Freud's dream book, a person who dreams of a bat will be disappointed in his partner. It’s worse if she bites you, such a dream promises a quarrel and conflict with your lover. This is due to rumors, slander and slander. You should trust your partner so as not to lose him.
  • Seeing your chosen one transform into a bat means betrayal or warns of the appearance of a rival.
  • For a woman, a dream in which an animal bites her means a rival who dreams of destroying her family.
  • For a pregnant woman, sleep can be a warning about deterioration in health. She should be more attentive to her health and avoid stress so as not to harm the baby.
  • A bat making unpleasant piercing sounds means your reputation may be shaken. Beware of slander and gossip.
  • Seeing an animal bite on the body means the return of a former lover. The Dream Interpretation does not advise entering into this relationship again, as it will not have a successful continuation.

Miller's Dream Book

  • According to Miller’s dream book, bats promise the dreamer trouble, sadness, and trouble. Possible loss of a loved one, mental trauma.
  • If you dream of a white bat, the dream warns of danger. Your loved ones are in trouble. They need help or support from you.
  • A bat bite in a dream means financial ruin.

Interpretation of sleep according to other popular dream books

  • Vanga's dream book advises the dreamer who dreamed of a nocturnal animal to cleanse his aura. A person himself attracts negativity and troubles.
  • Tsvetkov's dream book warns of impending trouble. If you dreamed about a bat sleeping, you will be able to avoid difficult problems.
  • The esoteric dream book claims that bats in a dream are a symbol of success and improved well-being in all areas of life. But if they dreamed of being dead, it foreshadows illness or loss of vitality.

No matter what unpleasant events the dream foretells, you should not completely trust the dream book. Dreams only tell us what to do in a given situation, warn us about danger and make us think about our lives.

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