Home Oral cavity What not to do after eyelash extensions. Care for eyelash extensions

What not to do after eyelash extensions. Care for eyelash extensions

What women can’t come up with to highlight their beauty. Another secret to a mesmerizing look is eyelash extensions. If you take proper care of them, you can stop using mascara for a long time. Unfortunately, not all women can resort to this procedure, because there are contraindications. More on this later. Now let's find out how to care for eyelash extensions.

Care instructions

Going to a salon and getting eyelash extensions is not the only thing a girl should do. To preserve the beauty, and most importantly the health of your eyes, you need to follow some rules:

Care products

The main enemy of eyelash extensions is creams and oil-based cosmetics. When purchasing, pay attention to the composition. And best of all, ask your specialist what is best for you to care for your eyelashes. He will determine the oiliness of your skin and recommend a makeup remover lotion that is right for you.


As mentioned above, not all girls can get eyelash extensions. There are contraindications:

  1. High oily skin. The glue won't last long. Therefore, extensions are not recommended.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. Individual intolerance to eyelash glue.
  4. Allergies.
  5. Irritation and eye diseases.
  6. Use of antibiotics.
  7. Frequent tearing.
  8. Weakness of natural eyelashes.

Important! The use of lenses is not a contraindication. If you carefully put them on and take them off, your eyelashes can be extended.

Restoring your own eyelashes

In order not to damage your own eyelashes, you need to adhere to all the above rules. After a month's break, the eyelashes are restored. You can also use almond, olive and coconut oil for quick recovery.

Taking care of eyelash extensions means following recommendations, following procedures, and making your appearance close to perfection. Thanks to the technology of the procedure, every girl can achieve an irresistible effect. You need to contact a specialist, then remember the principles of preserving the resulting beauty.

Prolongation of the result is influenced by proper care and other factors:

  1. Poor quality materials shorten the service life of the artificial material and lead to hair loss. To prevent this, you should choose mink, silk, and sable. Barbara and Lovely products have excellent quality.
  2. A good lash maker has techniques for conducting a session. He will prepare the eyes, select materials and a suitable effect. The wrong approach will shorten the life of your eyelashes.
  3. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will prolong wear by correcting imbalances. The skin will be in perfect condition.

Don't cry: tears dissolve the glue.

You need to know what you can and cannot do with hair extensions. If you follow the instructions, they will last a long time.

Basic rules of care

The selection of materials and techniques rests on the shoulders of the master. You can get explanations and instructions on home care and schedule for visiting the salon.

The need for special care for the eyes and eyelashes is obvious. It should be remembered that it is individual in nature.

The range of procedures depends on your skin type and lifestyle.

You need to learn how to correctly:

  • put on contacts, wear glasses;
  • sleep on a pillow;
  • visit the bathhouse, solarium;
  • wash your face.

You need to learn about the principles of caring for eyelash extensions in 2 aspects:

  1. The first days after the operation.
  2. Remaining wear time.

The eyes require a delicate attitude immediately after the procedure.

Reminder in the first days after the procedure

The condition for maintaining a charming look is proper care.

Prohibition rule

During the first hours, you should not get your eyelash extensions wet. Following this will speed up drying. Frail hairs will not feel the load from the drops. It will help to hold them firmly.

The first wash should take place within 24 hours. It is necessary to follow the algorithm of actions.

Postpone visiting the pool, bathing, showering for a few days. Avoid using eye drops. Moisture and the composition of the substance can cause harm.

Failure to comply with care will lead to the dissolution of the adhesive composition and detachment of eyelash extensions.


Temperature changes can lead to a similar problem. Until final consolidation, such influences must be avoided.

You can visit the bathhouse or sauna after 3 days. The temperature should not change sharply, exceeding the limit of 70 degrees Celsius. It is better to avoid using unnatural fibers throughout the period.

The solarium can be visited no earlier than after 3 days.

Do not carry out the extension procedure before leaving for a warm country. The combined effects of high temperature and serious concentration of salt in water can lead to loss and loss.

Eyelash comb, curler, mascara

Combing with a special brush will determine the presence of defects. This will prevent sticking, the formation of lumps, and straightening will occur.

Curling irons cannot be used. They will peel off the hairs and ruin their shape.

You should not use decorative cosmetics in the first days. Failure to maintain proper care will result in destruction of the adhesive layer. The pigment may stick and require the use of special removal products.


Growing up requires changing habits. One of them is to touch your face. You shouldn't rub your eyes. If your eyelids have not been itchy before, you should consult a specialist to avoid allergies.

Itching may be accompanied by slight redness. There is no need to panic in the first hours. We must arm ourselves with a fan. The phenomenon is associated with the evaporation of adhesive substances. The effect wears off quickly.

In the first hours, you need to observe restrictions: this will minimize the likelihood of a negative result.

How to make eyelashes last longer

To extend the period of wearing extensions, you need to use recommendations for proper care. They concern the issue of proper sleep, applying and removing makeup, and glasses.

Lifestyle, cosmetics

Prepare new cosmetics in advance. They should not contain oil or alcohol. Replace thick cream. If you can’t completely abandon your usual products, then you don’t need to apply them to your eyes.

You can use special anti-fragility care substances.

Decorative cosmetics must be water-based and not water-resistant. It is not advisable to use mascara. Use shadows with care.

Purchase a special care brush that will help keep facial hair extensions in order. You need to style your eyebrows and eyelashes with it once a day - it will give them a neat look and prevent the formation of lumps and gluing.

Avoid visiting the sauna and solarium. It is better to replace it with sports.


An aesthetic approach to choosing an effect will eliminate the use of decorative cosmetics. If a person does not plan to walk like this, then a light, high-quality product must be applied carefully, according to special care rules:

  1. Washing. This is done using water. You need to wet your face with gentle movements, with minimal mechanical impact.
  2. Drying. Dry with a clean cloth using gentle movements. Comb dry hairs with a brush. It is prohibited to use a hairdryer for drying.
  3. Eye makeup. A clean face can be moisturized. Afterwards it will be easier to apply foundation and concealer. The shadows are applied on top with a special brush. Liquid eyeliner should not get on the hairs. Mascara must be fat-free and can be applied in 1 layer. It should be suitable for hair extensions. It is better to correct mistakes with a cotton swab or a disk with a micellar composition.
  4. Makeup removal. It’s easy to wash off decorative cosmetics from artificial eyelashes: wet your face with warm water and apply a water-based gel (foam) with massaging movements. When caring for hair, wash it with your fingertips, using light movements along the length of the hair. Everything is thoroughly washed, dried with eyes closed, with a soft towel (no rubbing). They cannot be touched until they are completely dry. The dried villi are combed and the absence of cosmetics between them is checked.


After extensions, the lash maker must schedule the next visit for correction (in a few weeks). The procedure allows you to restore the original appearance of your eyes at the lowest cost.

There is no need to remove eyelash extensions yourself. A visit to the salon will allow you to correct the problem with proper care, unstuck areas, and preserve your natural hairs.

Allergies, pregnancy and diseases of the visual organs may be a contraindication to their renewal.

When using lenses, you need to warn the technician in advance. It is necessary to take it off and put it on carefully in the future.

When using glasses, choose the appropriate material shape.

Review of care products for eyelash extensions

Caring for eyelash extensions at home requires special products.

The beauty industry offers special foams and gels for delicate cleansing. Their composition gently cleanses artificial hairs and does not dissolve glue.

It is necessary to apply a fixative for the client. It extends the life of extensions and strengthens natural hairs. Helps correct the shape of the bend. Models from Lovely have won trust.

Cosmetic companies offer toners. They contain vitamins and useful components. They are equipped with a special brush, which allows you to apply the substance to the roots.

The purchased cosmetics will please you if they suit you. The lash maker must determine effective care kits, a schedule for visiting the salon, and how to care for artificial eyelashes so that they last longer.

Eyelash care on vacation

To make your extensions last longer, you need to take care of your hair while on vacation:

  • summer - all year round, hot;
  • salt water (in the sea, tap);
  • saunas, baths.

High temperatures, salt, humidity - the hairs will not withstand. Negatively affects the glue and increases destruction. An unusual environment accelerates the process of natural hair loss.

It is better to postpone the care procedure until you return and replace it with lamination. If the eyelashes are already ready, then you should stock up on natural cosmetics and follow the recommendations of a specialist.

Rules for extension of artificial material:

  • choose a natural effect (extensions using a classic template);
  • do not touch your face;
  • give up decorative cosmetics and lenses;
  • don't dive.

If the villi are not retained, then you do not need to remove the remaining tufts yourself. We need to make a correction. Possible consequences of non-compliance: loss of your own hairs.

Eyes are a reflection of the soul. They require attention and reverent attitude. Eyelash extensions are even more demanding. You can achieve beauty and maintain it by enlisting the rules of care, advice and support of a specialist.

It's great that there are cosmetic procedures that can make a significant difference for the better! What a pity that their effect does not last forever, and you have to maintain the result with your own efforts... For example, it is not enough to simply extend eyelashes and forget about them. You really don’t need to apply mascara every day anymore, but you need to take care of your eyelash extensions so carefully that daily makeup won’t seem so tedious. But the main thing is that a careless attitude can negate all the work of the master, your wasted time and money. In order not to risk all this, you need to know exactly how to care for eyelash extensions yourself.

Features of eyelash extensions
There is nothing supernatural in the eyelash extension technology itself: individual eyelashes or eyelashes collected in bundles are glued to natural eyelashes with special glue. And it is the glue that ensures their durability or, conversely, fragility. So the main task of the owner of eyelash extensions is to protect not so much the eyelashes themselves, but this glue. And he is most afraid of fat: oils, oily creams, lotions and other similar cosmetics. Fat chemically dissolves eyelash glue. It follows from this that even if after extensions you do not use a two-phase makeup remover and make nourishing masks, the glue will still gradually dissolve over time from natural skin secretion containing fat.

Well, as for the eyelashes themselves, they are elastic and resilient enough to withstand environmental influences, wind, rain and ultraviolet radiation. But they can be mechanically damaged if you handle eyelash extensions too roughly. Even your favorite pillow can ruin them if you sleep with your face buried in it. And if you forget yourself and rub your eyes with your hands, thoughtful or sleepy, then it is possible that a few eyelashes will remain in these hands. But you really don’t have to dye your eyelash extensions, because they already look quite bright. This means your eyes get less tired during the day, and you are unlikely to want to rub them. And there is no need for intensive makeup remover. In other words, caring for eyelash extensions is more about prohibitions than requirements.

What can't you do with eyelash extensions?
So, if you have eyelash extensions, then from now on your main task is not to do harm. And there is logic in this: those who did not want to spend time and effort on makeup every day should not do so now. At all! To be more precise, after eyelash extensions it is prohibited:
And girls with eyelash extensions don’t cry! Not because they are proud and strong, but because salty tears can also damage eyelash glue. So it’s better to hold back the tears than cry your heart out in an embrace with a cosmetologist who will restore your thinning eyelashes.

How to properly care for eyelash extensions
Now, after so many “don’ts”, let’s talk about what you can, or rather even need to do with eyelash extensions. Proper care of eyelash extensions involves not only the use of special cosmetic products, but also several specific care procedures. For example, do you know what and how to wash your face with eyelash extensions? And we know and willingly talk about this and other rules for caring for eyelash extensions:

  1. Immediately after finishing the procedure in a beauty salon, ask the specialist to treat your freshly extended eyelashes with a special solution - the so-called insulator. This is not a necessary step, but it can significantly extend the life of artificial eyelashes.
  2. In advance or immediately after extensions, stock up on facial care products that do not harm your eyelash extensions. As a rule, water-based products, light foams and gels for washing, lotions for removing makeup from sensitive skin. To be on the safe side, look on the packaging or check with your consultant for information about whether the use of this cosmetics can be combined with eyelash extensions.
  3. Decorative cosmetics for eyelash extensions should also be suitable. When applying base and foundation to your face, avoid the eyelids and the entire area around the eyes. Avoid greasy eyeshadow and use concealer very carefully. If, despite all the beauty of eyelash extensions, you cannot refuse mascara, buy a special mascara without fat in the composition. And even apply this mascara only to the ends of your eyelashes, without touching their base.
  4. Instead of cotton wool and inexpensive cotton pads, use soft wipes or very high-quality and dense cosmetic pads. Make sure that small fibers do not separate from these consumables - if they get tangled in the eyelashes, they look terrible. It is very difficult to remove cotton wool from eyelash extensions.
  5. Get a special eyelash comb. Eyelash extensions are thicker and longer than natural eyelashes, so from time to time they can get tangled and stick together. In addition to looking untidy, it also damages your eyelashes, so it’s best to brush them regularly and keep them in order.
  6. If you like to curl your eyelashes, then eyelash extensions simply don't need it. But occasionally you can use a curling iron - exclusively cold, mechanical, with a soft rubber pad.
Even with perfectly careful care, eyelash extensions will not last you forever. And they won’t even last long - three, or even two weeks at most. After this, every single one of them, of course, will not fall out, but you will see for yourself that the situation needs to be corrected - this means that it is time to correct your eyelash extensions. Correction is an inevitable procedure for caring for eyelash extensions if you want to continue wearing them. If one extension seemed enough to you, and you do not plan to extend eyelashes in the future, be prepared to treat and restore natural eyelashes. After applying strong glue and attaching artificial eyelashes, natural eyelashes may begin to break off and fall out. This damage is directly proportional to the amount and time of wearing eyelash extensions.

How to care for eyelash extensions at sea
Considering all the pros and cons of eyelash extensions, many girls choose an alternative option and do not do eyelash extensions all the time, but before a vacation or other events during which they need to look especially good. But if we are talking about a trip to the south, to the sea or to an area with exotic conditions, then the question of caring for artificial eyelashes naturally arises. Cosmetologists answer this question unequivocally: 99.9% of the time, caring for eyelash extensions at sea is no different from caring for eyelash extensions at home. With the only exception that salt water, scorching sun and wind-blown sand will become additional risk factors. Moreover, swimming in the sea with eyelash extensions is not prohibited - just make sure that they do not remain wet for a long time.

And before extensions, it doesn’t hurt to strengthen your own eyelashes so that they can withstand all the hardships that lie ahead. Take a course of vitamins for eyelash growth in advance and make strengthening masks. The same methods will also be useful after removing eyelash extensions. And besides, it wouldn’t hurt to visit an ophthalmologist and make visits to him regular. Because ophthalmologists, to put it mildly, do not share fashionistas’ enthusiasm for eyelash extensions and question the safety of this procedure for vision. Therefore, take care of yourself, your health and be beautiful!

In order to make their eyes more expressive, women have been tinting their eyelashes since ancient times, lengthening and giving them volume. Technologies are moving forward, and you no longer need to get up an hour earlier before work in order to properly and efficiently give expressiveness to your eyes. The eyelash extension procedure is an excellent alternative to mascara.

Eyelash extension procedure

Eyelash extensions have many advantages. There are a large number of varieties of material intended for extensions, several types of this procedure. The duration of the procedure itself depends on the individual characteristics of the client and the experience of the specialist.

Eyelash extensions

The essence of the eyelash extension procedure is to combine artificial hair with natural hair. Whatever extension method is promised to the client, the process remains the same. Some masters prefer to work with bundled hairs, others prefer to work with single hairs. The effect of these two processes is slightly different. Both eyelashes look natural, but eyelash extensions involve gluing one artificial eyelash onto one natural one. The beam extension technique involves gluing several artificial eyelashes, welded together, onto natural eyelashes. The beams are located at a small distance from each other.

In most cases, the material used for extensions is chosen by the artist himself. There is a lot of artificial material on the consumer market that differs in weight, touch, visual, length, bend, etc. The most important thing that you should pay special attention to is that all the material is hypoallergenic.

Note! Depending on the desired effect, the master selects the thickness of the extension material.

There are 4 groups of cilia, distinguished by thickness:

  1. The first group includes eyelashes whose thickness does not exceed 0.1 mm. With their help, a natural look is created and volume is increased.
  2. The second group includes eyelashes with a thickness of 0.1 mm to 0.15 mm. This thickness is quite noticeable for natural eyelashes.
  3. The third - from 0.15 mm to 0.2 mm. This thickness allows you to reduce the extension process to a minimum, since a large amount of extension material will not look natural, and it is not possible to glue a large number of eyelashes of such thickness.
  4. The last group includes eyelashes, the thickness of which ranges from 0.21 to 0.3 mm. Frequent use of such extension material can severely damage the client's natural eyelashes.

With the help of glued eyelashes, an experienced specialist can visually correct the shape and shape of the eyes, remove the effect of a heavy eyelid, soften facial features, etc.

Important! Most often, for these adjustments it is necessary to correctly select the curve of the eyelashes being extended. Also, many masters use a mixed type of hair for this procedure, often they differ in color.

Eyelash extensions at home

More recently, eyelash extensions were much less accessible to a wider audience. This was due to both the inability to obtain high-quality material and the inaccessibility of technology. And this procedure was very expensive. Today, extensions can be carried out even at home. It is absolutely painless and takes little time and effort.

In order to extend eyelashes at home, you need to have convenient and high-quality material, the necessary tools and knowledge of the technique of the procedure being performed.

Materials should be selected with special care, since low-quality products can cause an allergic reaction, which may take a lot of time to eliminate. The glue with which artificial hairs are attached to natural ones is recommended to be purchased only in specialized stores.

Eyelash extensions

There is no shortage of glue to choose from; it is selected by the craftsman based on ease of use. The main parameters that you should pay attention to when choosing an adhesive are:

  • Hypoallergenic. The main component of glue is resin, which in turn consists of latex. When getting eyelash extensions, you should know if you are allergic to these components. In case of individual intolerance to these components, a different adhesive composition is selected.
  • Consistency. The glue itself should not be thick. The liquid consistency will avoid lumps during extensions, and the eyelashes will look more natural.
  • Smell. High-quality glue, despite the fact that it is still a chemical, should have a slight odor. A pungent odor may indicate that low-grade materials were used in the production of the glue.
  • Color. It is recommended to use clear glue. This will help you take material for building up any color scheme.
  • Persistence. The glue should not react to external factors such as water, sun, dry air or friction. Hardening should last no more than 3 minutes, this will protect the eyelashes from sticking together.

Note! The glue exists with different levels of adhesion, which allows even beginners to extend eyelashes. For beginners, select glue that adheres in 5 seconds. This time is enough for a technician with a little practice to attach the eyelash. For professionals, glue with instant adhesion is selected.

The choice of eyelashes for extensions is very wide. They may differ in basic parameters, such as: length, bend, thickness, color.

A degreaser, or primer, is used immediately before the extension procedure to remove makeup, open pores, prepare natural lashes for extensions and provide better adhesion.

Among the tools needed to grow eyelashes at home are the following:

  • Protective tape;
  • Tweezers;
  • Jade stone.

Note! The protective tape is glued to the lower eyelashes, the tweezers help to properly fix the thin eyelash, and the jade stone ensures cooling of the glue, which allows you to minimize the amount of material consumed.

Proper care for eyelash extensions

How to care for eyelash extensions at home? In order for eyelash extensions to last as long as possible and look natural, they need proper and high-quality care. For this purpose, there is a special reminder for a client who has just undergone this procedure. Immediately after the procedure, you must adhere to the following precautions:

  • In the first day after extension, contact with water should be avoided;
  • In the first two days after the procedure, it is recommended to avoid visiting the bathhouse, sauna, or solarium. It is advisable to prevent eyelashes from coming into contact with moisture.

Daily care for eyelash extensions at home consists of the following points:

Requires constant care

  • Avoid friction and touching. These actions can break the glued material, which visually spoils the overall appearance. Contact of hands or towels with eyes should be minimized. But, if contact is unavoidable, for example, the daily need for lenses, you should ensure that your hands are clean.
  • Avoid contact of eyelashes with greasy cosmetics. Cosmetics, which contain a large amount of essential oils, are one of the main factors that negatively affect the glue. By reacting with them, the glue loses its properties, and the eyelashes fall off much earlier than expected.
  • It is recommended to monitor your sleeping posture. When the eyelashes touch the pillow, they tend to curl, which gives them an unkempt appearance.
  • Eyelash extensions do not require the application of mascara. But, if there is a need for mascara, you should use water-based cosmetics. Waterproof mascara is contraindicated for eyelash extensions, since during its removal the eyes must be rubbed; waterproof makeup removers help weaken the adhesive base.
  • Eyelash extensions require regular correction. In order not to harm the eye and not experience discomfort from regrown eyelashes, the correction procedure should be carried out approximately once every three weeks.
  • Using tools designed to curl natural eyelashes with extensions can be harmful.
  • Eyelashes need daily combing. For this purpose, there is a special brush with stiff bristles, during use of which you need to make sure that it does not touch the border of the eyelashes and eyelids.

Note! There are cosmetic gels, the daily use of which can protect the glue from the negative influence of external factors.

You can also use various nourishing tonics that help strengthen natural eyelashes and protect them from fragility and premature loss.

In order for your eyelashes to look neat for a long time, you should follow the step-by-step recommendations of experienced professionals:

  • If natural eyelashes are too thin, it is recommended to carry out volumetric extensions, but with thinner material. This option is more gentle and does not weigh down your own eyelashes.
  • If you have blond or red hair, brown eyelashes will look more natural.
  • The “squirrel” type of extension will visually lift the drooping outer corners of the eyes.
  • The most negative effect on eyelashes is mechanical. Any other exposure, such as sun, swimming, cosmetics or contact lenses, does not have such a detrimental effect.
  • Oil-based cosmetics are not recommended to be used not only after the extension procedure, but also 3-4 days before.
  • Any discharge that appears in the corners of the eyes after a night's sleep should be removed with a cotton pad soaked in chamomile infusion.

Interesting. No matter how much care you take for natural eyelashes, they will never look as long and voluminous as after the extension procedure.

Eyelash extensions have many benefits

Eyelash extensions have many benefits. For example, you don’t need to spend a lot of time curling and applying mascara; you just need to comb your eyelashes after a long sleep, and your eyes will become bright and expressive. True, there are also unsuccessful extensions, which can cause some trouble. In most cases, it all depends on the experience of the lashmaker.

Expensive mascara, castor oil, lengthening gel - all this will not be needed for young ladies who have decided on a radical transformation and have eyelash extensions. This decoration makes life easier: with it you will look attractive, spending a minimum of time on applying makeup. At least that's what the advertising slogans say.

The realities are somewhat different: hairs can break and fall off, forming unsightly bald spots. Problems arise for several reasons:

Alas, you cannot be lazy; even artificially created beauty must be maintained.

Before the extension procedure

First thing to do: choose a qualified craftsman. Don’t rush to the nearest salon, consult with your friends, read reviews about the work of this or that specialist. It wouldn’t hurt to also look at the “before” and “after” photos.

Next step– decide what exactly you want: thicken your hair, make it longer or darker, or maybe all at once. The client's wishes are the main guideline when choosing materials and extension techniques.

Find out from the specialist the type of eyelashes that he will glue on you, and consult how to properly care for them. Find out how long you can wear them and when to make corrections.

Remember, ignoring the tips below, you will ruin your “beauty” in a few days. Eyelashes will fade, break, or fall out. It is better to immediately listen to the recommendations of the masters, so that later after a short period of time you do not needlessly scold the cosmetologist, who, in general, is not to blame.

  • You can wash your eyes only a day after the procedure. Otherwise, the glue will soften, and your beautiful curved, long and thick eyelashes will simply fall off.
  • Under no circumstances should you rub your eyelids or pull plastic hairs. Any sharp touch is fraught with creases and even falling out.
  • It's better to sleep on your back. For those who like to bury their faces in the pillow, their hairs break, lose their shape, and stick out in different directions.
  • Apply decorative cosmetics carefully. The use of eye shadow, pencil and eyeliner is not prohibited, but all makeup imperfections must be wiped away with extreme caution (not with a disc, maximum with a cotton swab), and washed off with a light hydrogel.

Consult a specialist on how to do it correctly. For example, hot water, soap and thick foam will lead to disaster.

Fatty formulations are not compatible with.

If you must regularly use a cream or oil around your eyes, avoid wasting money on fluffy frames (they won't last).

It is better to avoid visiting the bathhouse, swimming pool and sauna. In the first three days after the procedure, a strict taboo was imposed on them. Theoretically, high-quality material should subsequently withstand the test of steam and water; in practice, you can leave all the “beauty” on the shelf in the bathhouse.

Make sure that the hairs do not break on the glasses (both sunglasses and regular glasses).

Do not ignore the planned correction (once every 2-3 weeks, in accordance with the recommendations of the specialist).

Brush daily with a special brush, moving from the base upward. This simple procedure helps avoid sticking and premature hair loss.

Can it be tinted?

The question of the possibility of using mascara after extensions is also relevant. Not all women can refuse it, no matter how thick and long the artificial eyelashes are.

Experts allow additional tinting, but insist on following certain rules:

  • do not use waterproof mascara, limit yourself to formulations that wash off easily and quickly;
  • Don't apply multiple layers, your eyelashes are already gorgeous. A few light touches are enough to add even more volume or change color;
  • wash off the mascara with light movements without tugging at the hairs, ideally with a cotton swab rather than a pad.

But it’s better, after all, to refrain from this old habit. After all, you built them up in order to give up daily makeup application and save on cosmetics.

Additionally, you can use fixing gels, which prevent premature peeling of hairs and form a protective film. For example, Perfect Silk Lashes, nourishing products from Vivenne.

How to remove eyelash extensions at home?

If you believe the advice presented on the forums, you can get rid of fluffy “beauty” yourself, simply by smearing your eyelids or with a rich cream. Alas, everything is not so simple. High-quality glue holds securely.

It is possible that as a result of such manipulation, not all eyelashes will fall off, and by removing them manually, you risk damaging your eyes. For young ladies who do not want to contact a specialist for some reason, we recommend using a special remover (eyelash remover). It is advisable that this product be from the same series as the glue used for extensions.

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