Home Wisdom teeth Fasting for weight loss. Using fasting to treat obesity

Fasting for weight loss. Using fasting to treat obesity

Overeating, junk food, poor water quality, stress are the best friends of excess weight. This is a problem for many people on the planet, the number of which continues to grow.

Among the many ways to stop this epidemic, fasting for weight loss is an effective method that also contributes to the overall health of the body. Fulfillment of all conditions, consultations with nutritionists, doctors, keeping a table of weight loss during fasting will ensure the most positive expected result.

Proper therapeutic fasting for weight loss: principles and types

Therapeutic fasting consists in the fact that for some time a person does not consume either food or water or drinks only water. Indications for such a temporary lifestyle may include stomach, liver, skin diseases, obesity, or a desire to lose a few extra pounds.

Thanks to the existence of several types of such a diet, everyone can choose the most acceptable option that they can withstand. Weight loss during fasting usually occurs smoothly. It should be noted right away that you need to prepare for such a step, since it is not easy: you need to overcome your stereotypes, radically change your diet, fight temptations (this is probably the most difficult thing in this process). For the successful implementation of the plan, two points are important: morale and motivation. And one more thing: you need to remember that such fasting for weight loss is correct.

So, at its core, fasting happens:

  • water;
  • dry

According to cyclicity there are:

  • cascade;
  • periodic.

By time:

  • one-day;
  • multi-day.

Water fasting for weight loss

This type of abstinence involves drinking only purified or distilled water. You can drink it in any quantity. It is better to do this at the first sign of hunger.

Dry fasting for weight loss

Since in overweight people fat surrounds all internal organs, during dry fasting for weight loss it is actively burned. This method is used under the supervision of a doctor, since it is the most severe of all types. At this time, the ban is imposed not only on water, but also on food. You should not even allow your skin to come into contact with water. A tough test, but with good results.

There are many positive reviews about dry and water fasting for weight loss. As a result, weight loss was smooth, the condition of hair and nails improved. The digestive system began to work better: constipation and stomach pain disappeared.

Cascade fasting for weight loss

With this fasting period, “hungry” days and days when it is allowed to eat raw plant foods alternate. This mode is softer, but no less effective. The weight gradually (which is very important!) decreases and stabilizes. The skin does not sag, energy and efficiency appear. The time for changing cycles is determined in advance, for example: one day - dry fasting, one day - raw food diet.

Second option: 1 day fasting - 2 days raw food diet, then 2 days fasting - 3 days raw food diet, etc. After reading the reviews about cascade fasting for weight loss, you can make sure that it works! There is no debilitating feeling of hunger, and fans of raw vegetables and fruits will be able to enjoy their favorite foods.

Intermittent fasting for weight loss

The essence of such a diet is to fast for periods, between which you need to adhere to a normal diet. For example, 1 day of dry fasting - 1 day of proper nutrition or follow the scheme (3 - 3, 7 - 7, etc.). This does not mean that during the permitted days you can eat your fill and then go hungry. The correct approach is to gradually enter the fasting mode: kefir at night, a lot of water during the previous day.

There are many supporters of this method to improve your shape in the world, reviews regarding fasting for weight loss are different: someone expected a quick result, but the scale arrow was stuck at one mark for several days, for others the process started right away. In any case, the effect was positive.

One-day fasting for weight loss

Having chosen such a nutritional mechanism, a person refuses food on a certain day of the week (let it be constant). Even without eating once a week, you can move the scale arrow to the left. This diet allows you to learn how to enter and exit fasting, improves immunity, and gets rid of toxins.

Before you begin a longer process of losing weight (multi-day fasting), you should do one-day fasting several times. This speeds up the process of adaptation to new conditions.

Some tips for fasting for weight loss

First you need to try to hold out on this regime for a day. Then repeat 3 times a week. If the body reacts normally and there is no exacerbation of chronic diseases, you can go on longer periods of fasting. This type of fasting for weight loss is therapeutic, so gradually getting used to it will protect your health and will not be a big stress for the body.

All the time you need to write down your feelings in a notebook. Good advice: make a table of weight loss during fasting, where in the columns you note the date, weight on that day and the difference with the initial readings of the scales.

Of course, everyone is free to choose their own means in the struggle for beauty, but losing weight through fasting can help you gain it without spoiling your health.

(2 Votes)

Fasting has been familiar to humans and animals since time immemorial. For primitive people this was the only method of treatment. Centuries passed, man starved when he was wounded or sick, because the instinct of self-preservation told him so.

The last day of fasting is not at all difficult, but getting out of fasting correctly is quite difficult. Along with the description of the last day of my diary, I am posting a detailed table of weight loss during long-term fasting.

One day short of the round number “20,” I (finally!) felt hungry and decided to start breaking out of fasting. After waiting another two hours so that the fast would be exactly 19 days, I went to make apple juice. Thanks to everyone who read my diaries, asked me questions, criticized or supported me - without you it would have been difficult for me to survive 19 days psychologically. My health is excellent, my blood pressure, pulse, temperature are normal.

As you can see, over such a long period, I lost 13.5 kilograms of excess weight. Of course, this is not only adipose tissue, it is also muscle, connective tissue, and other tissues too, to a certain extent. If we evaluate such a weight loss from a medical point of view, then I have lost about 8 kg of fatty tissue, about 4.5 kg of connective tissue (including muscles), and about 1 kg of everything else. My body has cleansed itself as much as possible; the kilograms I lost were mainly due to old and weak cells. The volume of my waist, which can now probably be called by this word, is now 93 cm, which is about 20 cm less than the original one. The shape of my body has changed quite a lot. This is especially noticeable in the arms, where the loss of both fat and muscle is especially noticeable, but this is all fixable. These results suit me quite well.

Of course, very quickly I will gain several kilograms, at least due to the food that was completely eliminated from the body during fasting, and under a normal diet can be digested in it for up to six days. But if I succeed in the most difficult thing - to get out of fasting correctly, then the weight gain will be no more than 3-4 kg, which will suit me quite well. As you can see, without any diets I managed to significantly improve my weight, and therefore the general condition of my body. But this is not the main thing, the main thing is that my body was able to rest, cleanse itself, and now begin restructuring, renewing lost tissues with younger ones. The result of this renewal is especially noticeable on the skin of the face. I have never used creams in my life, but the skin on my face looks pretty good, which is the envy of many of my female peers.

Now, in a week or two, when I start eating normally and consuming enough protein, I will need to start rebuilding my muscles by doing some physical exercise every day. Thus, in 2 months I will be in good shape, I will not be ashamed to undress on the beach.

The next time I plan to fast for such a long period no earlier than in a year, I think that I don’t need more frequent fasting. Of course, from time to time I will arrange fasting days for myself, fasting for about a day, but no more than that, until the onset of an acidosis crisis. I really hope that my experience will be useful to many people who would like to try fasting for a while, but just can’t decide to do it. Be brave, because fasting is easy!

Does fasting help you lose weight?
Eat a little at lunch, even less at dinner, and even better, go to bed without dinner at all."
Benjamin Franklin

Is fasting an effective method for losing weight? Is it possible to lose weight quickly by fasting?
Yes, fasting is an effective method of losing weight. With the help of therapeutic fasting you can lose weight quickly. However, this method has its own characteristics.

When a person begins to fast, his weight decreases. For each day of fasting (at the first stage of fasting), from 100 grams to a kilogram of weight is lost - this depends on individual characteristics. That is, losing 5-8 kilograms in 7-8 days of proper fasting is quite possible. However, in order to begin such fasting for the first time in your life, you must first cleanse your body for at least two to three months with weekly 24-48 hour fasts. I highly recommend that before starting fasting, read special literature on therapeutic fasting. Remember - take medications, smoke, etc. You can't do it while fasting!

People often ask: “Will the weight come back after fasting?”

Yes, the weight will come back. Moreover, according to the law of nature, it can become 5-10 kilograms more than its original weight before fasting.

When fasting, weight quickly decreases. After leaving fasting, a person’s weight increases just as quickly - in approximately the same proportions in which it decreased during fasting, and reaches the initial level in a period equal to its duration, and sometimes even faster. At the same time, physical strength also increases, well-being quickly improves, mood improves, painful symptoms mostly disappear. Blood pressure reaches a normal level, the pulse becomes stable, and stool returns to normal. A large appetite and elevated mood last after fasting, approximately one and a half to two times longer than the fasting time.

If you do not want your weight to return to your previous weight after fasting, be sure to change your diet. Eat less, eat rationally. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Eat not when you are supposed to, but when you want to eat.

During fasting, the body completely switches to internal nutrition, the basis of which is human fat accumulation. For normal life activities during the day with complete water fasting, the body has enough 300-400 grams of own fat, the breakdown of which produces glucose, which is the main vital activity of humans.

With a complete transition to internal nutrition, this is exactly the number of grams you will lose weight per day. But the transition to internal nutrition does not happen immediately. This requires some time, the duration of which depends both on your experience of fasting and on a number of other reasons. The average time frame for such a transition is 5-7 days, but for some people the crisis occurs later. This mainly applies to beginners, for whom the transition to internal nutrition may even take up to 10-11 days. Before the onset of this transition, which is called an acidotic crisis, the weight loss is much greater and most often amounts to 1 kg per day. With significant obesity and in beginners, weight loss these days can be even greater - up to 1.5-2 kg per day. The onset of an acidotic crisis indicates a complete transition to internal nutrition. The body begins to spend its resources very economically. Weight loss slows down, first to 500 grams per day, and then to 300-350 grams per day. This weight loss usually continues throughout the fasting period, even despite physical activity. With regular use of fasting, the body quickly switches to internal nutrition and is able to use its own fat more economically, so weight loss may be less.

This is what an approximate weight loss chart for water fasting would look like:

from days 1 to 7 of fasting - approximately 1 kg per day;

from 7 to 10 days - 500 grams per day;

from the 10th day and the entire subsequent period of fasting, weight loss is 300-350 grams per day.

Table of approximate weight loss during water fasting for various periods.

As you know, a loss of 20-25% of total weight is considered safe. As can be seen from the table, even for people with a low initial weight, fasting for short and medium periods is quite safe and can be used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

Overeating, junk food, poor water quality, stress are the best friends of excess weight. This is a problem for many people on the planet, the number of which continues to grow. Among the many ways to stop this epidemic, fasting for weight loss is an effective method that also contributes to the overall health of the body. Fulfillment of all conditions, consultations with nutritionists, doctors, keeping a table of weight loss during fasting will ensure the most positive expected result.

Proper therapeutic fasting for weight loss: principles and types

Therapeutic fasting consists in the fact that for some time a person does not consume either food or water or drinks only water. Indications for such a temporary lifestyle may include stomach, liver, skin diseases, obesity, or a desire to lose a few extra pounds.

Thanks to the existence of several types of such a diet, everyone can choose the most acceptable option that they can withstand. Weight loss during fasting usually occurs smoothly. It should be noted right away that you need to prepare for such a step, since it is not easy: you need to overcome your stereotypes, radically change your diet, fight temptations (this is probably the most difficult thing in this process). For the successful implementation of the plan, two points are important: morale and motivation. And one more thing: you need to remember that such fasting for weight loss is correct.

So, at its core, fasting happens:

  • water;
  • dry

According to cyclicity there are:

  • cascade;
  • periodic.

By time:

  • one-day;
  • multi-day.

Water fasting for weight loss

This type of abstinence involves drinking only purified or distilled water. You can drink it in any quantity. It is better to do this at the first sign of hunger.

Dry fasting for weight loss

Since in overweight people fat surrounds all internal organs, during dry fasting for weight loss it is actively burned. This method is used under the supervision of a doctor, since it is the most severe of all types. At this time, the ban is imposed not only on water, but also on food. You should not even allow your skin to come into contact with water. A tough test, but with good results.

There are many positive reviews about dry and water fasting for weight loss. As a result, the weight loss was smooth and the nails improved. The digestive system began to work better: constipation and stomach pain disappeared.

Cascade fasting for weight loss

With this fasting period, “hungry” days and days when it is allowed to eat raw plant foods alternate. This mode is softer, but no less effective. The weight gradually (which is very important!) decreases and stabilizes. The skin does not sag, energy and efficiency appear. The time for changing cycles is determined in advance, for example: one day - dry fasting, one day - raw food diet. Second option: 1 day fasting - 2 days raw food diet, then 2 days fasting - 3 days raw food diet, etc. After reading the reviews about cascade fasting for weight loss, you can make sure that it works! There is no debilitating feeling of hunger, and fans of raw vegetables and fruits will be able to enjoy their favorite foods.

Intermittent fasting for weight loss

The essence of such a diet is to fast for periods, between which you need to adhere to a normal diet. For example, 1 day of dry fasting - 1 day of proper nutrition or follow the scheme (3 - 3, 7 - 7, etc.). This does not mean that during the permitted days you can eat your fill and then go hungry. The correct approach is to gradually enter the fasting mode: kefir at night, a lot of water during the previous day.

There are many supporters of this method to improve your shape in the world, reviews regarding fasting for weight loss are different: someone expected a quick result, but the scale arrow was stuck at one mark for several days, for others the process started right away. In any case, the effect was positive.

One-day fasting for weight loss

Having chosen such a nutritional mechanism, a person refuses food on a certain day of the week (let it be constant). Even without eating once a week, you can move the scale arrow to the left. This diet allows you to learn how to enter and exit fasting, improves immunity, and gets rid of toxins.

Before you begin a longer process of losing weight (multi-day fasting), you should do one-day fasting several times. This speeds up the process of adaptation to new conditions.

First you need to try to hold out on this regime for a day. Then repeat 3 times a week. If the body reacts normally and there is no exacerbation of chronic diseases, you can go on longer periods of fasting. This type of fasting for weight loss is therapeutic, so gradually getting used to it will protect your health and will not be a big stress for the body.

All the time you need to write down your feelings in a notebook. Good advice: make a table of weight loss during fasting, where in the columns you note the date, weight on that day and the difference with the initial readings of the scales.

Of course, everyone is free to choose their own means in the struggle for beauty, but losing weight through fasting can help you gain it without spoiling your health.

Even V.V. Pashutin, speaking about the struggle of the organs of a starving organism, about the existence of “strong” organs at the expense of the “weaker” ones, pointed out that “the tissue of the nerve centers and sensory organs abundantly use the reserves of other parts of the body, maintaining their weight “status” quo" until the very last moments of fasting... This apparatus is designed to develop special forces with the help of which it controls the activity of almost all elements of the body, and therefore it is natural that with such an important function of this apparatus it does not have any others, so to speak, purely nutritional purposes, in the sense of supplying the blood with certain substances."

Another interesting phenomenon was discovered. According to the definition of I.P. Pavlov, “the food center is the nervous regulator of the acceptance of liquid and solid substances necessary for vital chemistry.” He is in a state of increased excitability due to the appearance of increased appetite only in the first days of fasting, and then the excitability weakens and completely disappears. This “inhibition” operates until the body uses up all its internal reserves.

And where are the “pangs of hunger” that are so vividly depicted by many writers? Every day, judging by the descriptions, they are growing, turning into unbearable suffering, forcing people to lose their human appearance and devour their brothers.

Everyone who has completed a course of therapeutic fasting knows that the “feeling of hunger” appears only in the first days, then almost completely disappears. Physiologists confirmed this experimentally and gave a scientific explanation for the phenomenon: the amount of reserves that the body can use during fasting until complete exhaustion occurs is 40-45% of its weight. It was also found that with a complete refusal of food, when weight loss is up to 20-25%, no irreversible pathological changes are observed in the organs and tissues of animals.

The same must be said regarding disorders of fat and protein metabolism. No degenerative phenomena were observed with properly administered dosed fasting treatment. Dynamic studies of both detoxification and urinary functions of the liver during therapeutic fasting and subsequent recovery showed that these functions are fully compensated.

All scientists who have studied metabolism during therapeutic fasting, carried out within acceptable periods, note that the need for protein is covered without compromising the vital functions of the body due to protein reserves and significant cost savings.

Here is the answer to the question that was discussed by theorists and practitioners: will degeneration of various organs occur during fasting? It turns out that the issue is the duration of abstinence. The safe limit for weight loss by the body is 20-25%, and it should not be crossed. With the currently used treatment method, weight loss within 25-30 days is usually 12 - 18%, that is, significantly below the safe norm. Treatment with dosed fasting, as physiologists have found, uses that physiological stage of the process of depriving the body of nutrition when no pathological changes have yet occurred (reversible stage). Consequently, it differs sharply from forced long-term fasting, leading to nutritional dystrophy or “hunger disease,” as it was called (pathological, irreversible stage), leading to tuberculosis, dysentery, edema, and metabolic disorders.

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor L.V. Polezhaev, a leading specialist in the regeneration of limbs in animals, who developed a method for restoring lost paws and tails, for example, in amphibians, writes: “Fasting is a process of increased physiological regeneration, renewal of all cells, their molecular and chemical composition. It is interesting that the biochemical changes during starvation and reparative regeneration are very similar. In both cases there are two phases: destruction and restoration. In both cases, the destruction phase is characterized by a predominance of the breakdown of protein and nucleic acids over their synthesis, a shift in pH to the acidic side, acidosis and etc. The recovery phase is also in both cases characterized by the predominance of the synthesis of nucleic acids over their decay, the return of the pH to a neutral state. From the study of regeneration it is known that an intensification of the destruction phase leads to an intensification of the recovery phase. Therefore, with sufficient grounds, one can consider therapeutic fasting as a natural factor stimulating physiological regeneration. The basis of therapeutic fasting is a general biological process that leads to renewal and rejuvenation of the tissues of the whole organism."

Scientists distinguish three types of fasting in living beings, including humans.

First option– forced malnutrition, when a person consumes even an insignificant amount of food or food of insufficient quality, defective in composition with a deficiency of proteins, vitamins, microelements, etc. Without providing cells, organs and systems with a minimum norm of nutrients, it at the same time does not allow the body to switch to a full internal diet. At the same time, the body's reserve reserves are quickly and irrationally consumed.

This variant of fasting is observed in countries where social inequality reigns, where there are “well-fed” and “hungry”, during natural disasters, etc. The first option also includes many starvation diets (“English”, “French”, “spectacled” diets). ", etc.) with a monotonous limited diet.

Second option fasting is a complete switch to the internal, endogenous diet: mammals are in a state of hypobiosis (hibernation), and lower living beings are in suspended animation, when life processes slow down or stop. With this variant of mammalian starvation, the main therapeutic and restorative processes of RDT occur, but to a lesser extent. Nature uses this option to preserve existing species. scientists studying the problems of hypobiosis observed an amazing effect: animals painlessly tolerated increased doses of poisons, artificial infection with microbes, viruses, etc., even radiation injuries. This gave reason to think about a higher level of compensatory and adaptive capabilities of the organism with this way of existence of living matter. In a state of suspended animation, lower living beings (some microbes, even fungi) can survive in thermonuclear reactors and even in the epicenter of a nuclear explosion, and can survive in permafrost for tens of thousands of years (for example, bacteria from the gastrointestinal tract of a mammoth came to life when warmed).

Third option– this is a complete exclusion of food energy supply, in which a person is awake, maintaining water and physical activity, for up to 40 days or more. This option has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect of the widest spectrum and is a unique way of feeding a person with his own reserves. Therefore, the term “therapeutic dosed fasting”, which was used earlier, was renamed by specialists as fasting-dietary therapy (RDT).

This option also provides a complete switch to the endogenous diet. In addition, it is complemented by a number of therapeutic and prophylactic natural procedures that enhance the release of toxins // Quite often people object to the use of the term “toxins” in relation to the human body. But nevertheless, it has taken root among many scientists who practice RDT, and there is no need to abandon it.// and toxins from the body, and other processes of cleansing and restoring organs and systems.

Toxins are usually called metabolic products that gradually accumulate both in individual cells of our body and in tissues. These are mainly the end products of protein metabolism - urea, uric acid, creatine, creatinine, ammonium salts, etc., which are sparingly soluble in water and remain in the body.

Clogging with slag occurs for many reasons, which cannot be listed or explained in this work. But one of the most important - this must be emphasized - is overeating, especially oversaturation with proteins, fats, and starches. Medical statistics show that half of the inhabitants of civilized countries are now overweight. Quite a few of them are simply well-fed, obese people who breathe heavily, move with difficulty, their body is not able to utilize all the incoming food, although the excretory systems work uninterruptedly around the clock.

The accumulation of toxins is also caused by incorrect combinations of foods, abuse of hot and spicy dishes, intoxication with alcohol, tobacco, drugs, medications, polluted air, insufficient flow of sunlight, etc. But the most important factor in this is the excess of energy “consumed” with food, over its consumption (nowadays there is a lot of talk about physical inactivity), as well as over the release of breakdown products through the lungs, kidneys, skin and intestines.

Hippocrates also said that medicine is introduction and removal, addition and subtraction. Add what is missing and subtract what is not needed. He who does this best is the best doctor. This is how in those days they assessed the problem of ridding the body of toxins, and many medicines prepared from various plants were called “removing”; diaphoretics, laxatives, expectorants, etc.

Our therapy is still mainly “introductory”: we take pills, medicines, we are injected with dosage forms. But it turns out that you need to both input and help the body eliminate.

Nowadays, residents of large cities accumulate so many unnecessary elements and harmful substances in their bodies that their breathing, blood circulation, and excretion are impaired.

Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR A.V. Nagorny in the book “Aging and Life Extension” in the chapter “The Theory of Aging and Death” returns to Mechnikov’s ideas and writes: “Supporters of the theory of self-poisoning quite correctly noted the constant occurrence of toxic waste products in living organisms and completely It is correctly stated that these substances, these “waste” of life can have a toxic effect on the cells and tissues of the body.”

It should be noted that toxicity is an ambiguous concept. In the body, as in any living system, there must always be some minimum amount of waste and toxins, and this, apparently, should be considered the norm. Thus, part of the exhaled air is always retained in the lungs. But when the contamination with waste exceeds a certain permissible value, this leads to a blockade of the intermediate tissue, mesenchyme (connective tissue, lymphoid organs, smooth muscles, blood), which inhibits the function of specific cells. That is why the removal of toxins, in other words, the elimination of obstacles to the excretory functions of connective tissue, becomes so important. A “slagged” person gradually and imperceptibly gets used to a state of increased fatigue. Ask him how he feels, he will answer: “Yes, it seems fine.” He considers his frequent ailments and low energy level to be normal.

Previously, this process was called “slagging the body with toxins.” This is now called "toxemia." But the point is not in the name, but in how to extract them, these wastes, if they are in such “strong” compounds that they cannot be removed from the body by any medication. What to do then?

The question is very serious. It is the focus of attention of scientists from all over the world. And increasingly, in these cases, their eyes turn to dosed fasting, this ancient, centuries-proven method of cleansing - detoxification, which occurs at all levels - starting with each cell and ending with the body as a whole. Where do waste accumulate?

Let's name, first of all, connective tissue. It forms the framework of any organ - it is like a skeleton or support for soft tissues. The framework holds and connects (which is why the tissue is called connective tissue) specific cells that perform a specific job: for example, liver cells produce bile, salivary gland cells - saliva, spleen cells - blood, nerve cells transmit impulses. The “duty” of connective tissue is simpler than that of specific tissues, therefore its “organization” is primitive, which causes some insensitivity towards toxins and poisons. It is found everywhere in the body and is a kind of protective barrier for specific cells. Obviously, its role is also to absorb toxins that currently cannot be processed and excreted, and then, at a convenient moment, release them into the blood and lymph flow.

Toxins can accumulate not only in connective tissue, but also in fatty tissue, bone tissue, and in non-working or weakly working muscles; in the intercellular fluid, in the protoplasm of any cell, if the cell is unable to secrete them either due to lack of energy, or due to their too abundant intake, i.e., due to excess nutrition. Let's imagine that someone was offered a gift of an annual subscription to all published newspapers and magazines. Tempted, the man accepted this gift. But when daily receipts began, he began to understand that he was not able to not only read, but even simply view them. Something similar happens with excess nutrition - the body cannot process everything.

But there is nothing surprising here: for a normal body, any excess foods are harmful and act as toxins: excess salt, starches, unbalanced protein. For example, there are more than 20 amino acids in our body. If some is more than necessary (at least by 0.3%), it becomes an obstacle to the “assembly” of new proteins, at the synthesis stage, and causes toxicity.

That is why RDT is the best means of cleansing and healing, when the supply of food from the outside stops and the body switches to internal nutrition from accumulated reserves. At the same time, all extraction systems work extremely efficiently. After all, about 150 different toxins in a gaseous state are removed through the lungs alone.

With RDT, the body gets rid of primarily fats, as well as stagnant water, table salt and calcium salts. Toxins and waste are then released. And only after this does it come to the reserve substances of the cells themselves, in strict dependence on their vital needs. By getting rid of fat, the body also gets rid of a significant amount of waste and toxins. Cells begin to be better supplied with oxygen and nourished more fully from internal reserves. The number of sclerotic plaques decreases. At the same time, along with urine, toxic products of the breakdown of fat (acetone, butyric acids) and protein (tyrosine, tryptophan), phenylalanine, phenol, creazol, indican (all these toxic substances with an unpleasant odor, their chemical composition is yet to be determined) are excreted through the intestines and lungs specify).

The processes of excretion through the kidneys can be recorded visually: the urine becomes very cloudy, sediment appears in it, it acquires an unpleasant odor (tests show that protein, urate and phosphate salts, mucus and bacteria appear in it). If the connective tissue is clogged with toxins to a large extent, then one should expect a “blockade”, expressed in the loss of the body’s adaptation to starvation - maladaptation. The patient stops losing weight, weakness increases, nausea, headache, poor sleep and other signs of increasing intoxication appear. This is often observed in obese patients who are being treated for obesity. An experienced doctor does not prescribe long periods of therapeutic fasting, but gives several courses of medium and even short duration - 7 - 10 days, interspersing them with periods of a juice diet. Or a small amount of honey is prescribed (to relieve headaches, nausea) - 2-3 tablespoons during the day, especially if arrhythmia or mild heart attacks occur. At the same time, the “cleansing actions” in the body become less violent, the process seems to “slow down,” and the patient tolerates fasting more easily. Yves Vivini prescribed laxative herbal decoctions in such cases, alternating them with very short – 1-2 days – “dry” fasts, sharply reducing the drinking regime or completely abolishing drinking water for 1-2 days, but continuing to do enemas daily.

Often it is necessary to abandon the terms of therapeutic fasting planned in advance, to begin restorative nutrition ahead of schedule, in order to resume it again after some time, recommending to the patient, after the end of recovery, a dairy-vegetarian, vegetarian diet for several months, with a sharp limitation of animal proteins - meat , fish, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese, smoked meats and pickles, since they produce a large amount of toxins.

Determining the correct timing of fasting and the moment of withdrawal from it is the art of a doctor, a specialist in RDT.

The liver, spleen, pancreas, after stopping external nutrition, are able to better process toxins, neutralize poisons and more effectively perform their special functions (at the same time, all the internal secretion glands - salivary, reproductive, etc. - rest).

During the RDT period, a number of other positive healing processes were noted.

At the beginning of fasting, the secretion of the gastrointestinal tract changes qualitatively. The release of hydrochloric acid stops. Instead of the usual gastric juice, unsaturated fatty acids and proteins seem to sweat from the inside into the stomach cavity - a kind of nutritional mixture, reminiscent of the one that some birds, such as a pigeon, regurgitate to chicks that have just hatched from an egg. This mixture is somewhat similar to curd mass. Saturated fatty acids are animal fats, paraffins, which harden at room temperature. Unsaturated oils are vegetable oils that remain liquid at normal room temperature.

During the period of therapeutic fasting, when consuming water, saturated fats are broken down primarily into unsaturated fatty acids, which are the basis for the synthesis of most hormones, vitamins and other biologically active substances. In addition, adipose tissue is used to energy supply the physiological functions of cells and enhance their barrier manifestations. The cells that are the weakest energetically during therapeutic fasting contain the most fatty compounds; after the end of fasting and the transition to restorative nutrition, during the first 24-48 hours of the eating regime, they are again released by these cells into the bloodstream (for example, the lining cells of the stomach). That is why in the first days of resuming nutrition there should be no fat - even sour cream and cottage cheese are “poisonous” foods.

Unsaturated fatty acids activate the tissue neurohormone cholecystokinin, which suppresses the feeling of hunger in mammals. That is why on the 3-4th day of fasting, patients usually lose their cravings for food. At the same time, the irresistible attraction to alcohol disappears in alcoholics, drugs in drug addicts, nicotine in smokers, etc., which facilitates the therapeutic effect. Unlike drug treatment, RDT has clear advantages, if only because there is no withdrawal syndrome - a reaction to the cessation of intake of a particular substance. If doctors ironically call the medication method the “revolving door” method (an alcoholic or drug addict, after a certain period of time, again becomes dependent on his illness and returns for treatment), then RDT gives lasting results for many years and even decades, especially when the patient after treatment strictly follows the prescribed diet and behavior regimen.

These acids provide a pronounced choleretic effect: bile during RDT is found even in the large intestine.

Further research by I.P. Razenkov, a student of I.P. Pavlov, showed that starting from the 7th – 9th day of complete fasting, gastric digestive secretion completely stops, and instead of it, the so-called “spontaneous gastric secretion” appears. The resulting secretion contains a large amount of proteins, which are reabsorbed through the gastric mucosa into the bloodstream. The occurrence and use of spontaneous gastric secretion during fasting is an important adaptive mechanism that reduces the loss of proteins and provides the body with a constant supply of amino acids - plastic material used to build and restore the proteins of the most important organs.

The intestinal microflora also changes in patients during fasting. The putrefactive one dies, but the flora of fermented milk fermentation is healed and preserved (as in long-livers). As a result, the synthesis of vitamins, amino acids and other biologically active substances, such as enzymes, including the so-called essential ones, is improved by the intestinal microflora.

Academician M. F. Guly, during 14 days of fasting, observed the synthesis in sufficient quantities of the amylase isoenzyme (an enzyme contained in saliva and the pancreas), which differs from the amylase enzyme involved in digestion outside of fasting by a decrease in sulfur-containing amino acids in it. After the end of fasting, the synthesis of this isoenzyme stops. Most likely, the rapid restructuring of synthesis is associated to a greater extent with the need to redistribute sulfur-containing compounds in favor of the skin barrier, where they are necessary to enhance barrier functions.

The following experimental material obtained in the laboratory of G.I. Shchelkin and concerning the biosynthesis of vitamin B12 during complete fasting and subsequent recovery feeding is interesting. In rats, the highest concentration of vitamin B12 is found in the kidneys and its highest content in the liver. After two days (the animal’s weight loss is 10%), the concentration of the total content of vitamin B12 in the liver, kidneys, and blood decreases sharply compared to the control, which is associated with its intensive excretion in the urine during this period.

After four days of fasting, with a loss of 20% of body weight, the concentration and total content of vitamin B12 in the animals’ bodies changes practically little compared to the second day. Relative stabilization is associated with economical consumption of the vitamin, which indicates a developing B12 deficiency in the body, caused by large losses in the first days of fasting.

And after seven days, when the animal’s body weight decreases by 30% of the original, the concentration of vitamin B12 in the liver, kidneys and blood and the total vitamin content in them increase to the control level.

On the 7th day of complete fasting, a sharp increase in the number of E. coli in the large intestine was noted, which is expected to provide enhanced endogenous biosynthesis of vitamin B12. It has been established that by the seventh day of complete fasting, the absorption of vitamin B12 significantly increases, and this may be the reason for the normalization of its level in tissues.

To clarify the question of the physiological essence of RDT, it is advisable to compare the physiological processes occurring in the first version of fasting or chronic malnutrition and in the third version of fasting - fasting for medicinal purposes.

From the works of prominent Russian physiologists and biochemists (V.V. Pashutin, M.N. Shaternikov, Yu.M. Gefter) it is known that during forced long-term starvation the body of animals and humans dies, often not yet reaching a deep degree of exhaustion, as a result self-poisoning with decay products. When, in the process of therapeutic fasting, these decay products are removed from the body through a number of procedures (cleansing enemas, baths, massage, increased ventilation, walks), the patient’s body tolerates fasting for up to 30–40 days without any manifestations of self-poisoning. At the same time, it should be noted once again an important feature: if during a fast of the specified duration a person consumes any one-sided nutrition, at least in minimal doses, then he will develop symptoms of dystrophy. This is explained by the fact that the periodic introduction of even a small amount of food into the stomach stimulates the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, and therefore the activity of the digestive glands does not become inhibited, and the feeling of hunger remains. This also disrupts the normal metabolic process. The body does not switch to endogenous nutrition in a timely manner, and profound changes in cells and their disorganization can begin much earlier than its own internal reserves are used.

With complete fasting, when the patient receives only water, no degenerative phenomena are observed. The body adapts for a certain period to its internal nutrition, that is, feeding on its reserves of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts. It turns out that it satisfies all his needs and is complete.

Another important factor: during therapeutic fasting, the patient’s mental state is radically different from the mental state of a person forced to fast. In the first case, the patient is aware that he is fasting for the purpose of treatment, that he is being monitored by a doctor (at the same time he is in comfortable conditions), and that after a certain period of time he will eat well. This consciousness radically changes his sensations, which is reflected in all physiological functions of the body. And the fear of starvation, which is a constant companion to forced fasting, changes the entire metabolism in the body. And people often die not from hunger, but from fear of it.

So gradually doctors and physiologists lifted the curtain on the “secrets” of fasting. And there were a lot of “secrets”.

The human body does not immediately adapt to endogenous nutrition; this requires a certain amount of time and a certain expenditure of energy. Usually the restructuring occurs on the 6-10th day of fasting.

Biochemists have an expression “fats burn in the fire of carbohydrates.” At the beginning of fasting, when the body still has reserves of animal sugar - glycogen, "fat is burned in the fire of carbohydrates" completely. But as soon as glycogen reserves are depleted (and this usually happens on the first or second day of fasting), acidic products of incomplete combustion of fat (butyric acids, acetone) begin to accumulate in the blood, its alkaline reserves decrease, and this is reflected in the state of health: the patient may develop headache, nausea, feeling of weakness, general malaise. This condition is the result of the accumulation of toxic products in the blood. As soon as a person goes out into the air at this time, does breathing exercises, cleanses the intestines with an enema, takes a shower - and all these symptoms disappear. However, the phenomena of mild self-poisoning with acidic products of fat breakdown, in medical terms, the phenomenon of acidotic shift, can gradually increase until the 6th - 10th day of fasting, then they usually immediately disappear within a short time (sometimes one hour), and the patient begins to feel well feel. This critical period, called the “acidotic crisis” (some medical scientists call it the “acidotic peak” or “acidotic shift”), occurs as a result of the body’s adaptation to the endogenous nutritional regime. This adaptation consists mainly in the fact that the body, placed in difficult conditions, begins to produce sugar from its own fat and protein, and in the presence of this sugar, the fat is utilized without leaving products of incomplete combustion. In this case, the acidotic shift decreases, the amount of sugar in the blood increases, and the patient easily tolerates fasting as long as his body has reserves of fat and protein and as long as it is possible to use them.

Due to the involvement of a number of compensatory mechanisms, acidosis in a person on a fast (unlike animals, for example, dogs) is always compensated, i.e., it does not reach a pronounced stage. Being compensated, it is absolutely necessary and very useful as a therapeutic factor: due to the increase in acidosis, the body switches to internal, endogenous nutrition and begins to absorb carbon dioxide. This significant discovery of Soviet scientists is now being adopted by everyone who carries out dosed therapeutic fasting. Its essence is briefly as follows.

A full switch to the endogenous diet is carried out only with the complete withdrawal of food (and even drinks containing calories: sweet teas, water with honey, etc.), due to the breakdown of adipose tissue and the formation of a compensated acidic environment - acidosis. Acidosis is considered to be in all cases dangerous, harmful, pathological, accompanying a painful condition. But during the course of RDT, acidosis occurs, which is one of the main levers of recovery. It is this that promotes the fixation of carbon dioxide (CO2) soluble in the blood according to the principle of photosynthesis, that is, through the most ideal synthesis in our world. The atmospheric air we breathe becomes a “nutrient medium”.

Even earlier, in 1935, it was proven that heterotrophic, i.e., feeding on organic matter, birds and some mammals are able to absorb CO2 from the air like plants. But this ability of mammals in a normal diet is negligible in comparison with the “green world” or prokaryotes (viruses, bacteria). During the period of formation, development and improvement of living matter, there was a significantly higher concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere of our planet. And living structures freely used carbon dioxide, providing powerful synthesis of protein and other organic compounds. Mammals have already developed under different conditions - with a lower concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, and they have largely lost the ability to “take” it from the air. However, the process of fixation of CO2 soluble in the blood by mammalian cells continues to be the most important factor in their life activity and underlies the biosynthetic processes of the body, including humans. Qualitative and quantitative synthesis of nucleic acids (hereditary apparatus), amino acids or other biologically active substances of the body is directly proportional to the process of CO2 fixation by cells.

Improvement in the quality of synthesis of nucleic acids during therapeutic fasting is ensured even before a complete switch to the internal diet. The main “raw materials” for this synthesis are precisely CO2 and ketone bodies, and additional “raw materials” are ballast proteins, which are formed during the life of the body and are only a hindrance to it. Resynthesis, breakdown of these ballast proteins, as well as foci of infection, pathological tissue and their transformation into substances necessary for the body’s cells is one of the most important elements of “de-slagging” of the sick body during therapeutic fasting.

Many factors that contribute to improving the quality of nucleic acid synthesis have been clarified. This is a decrease in cell temperature, and a sharp fluctuation in the temperature regime in the body (which is facilitated by a sauna, steam room, winter swimming, and other types of hardening), and the additional introduction of a number of microelements or ions into the body, and especially a change in the acid-base balance towards acidic environment, etc. Motor mode, “second wind” for a runner, hiking (especially in mountainous conditions), exercises with weights and holding the breath using various systems (yoga, according to K. P. Buteyko, etc.) in one or another to a different degree they provide respiratory acidosis.

In mammals, the synthesis of protein and other biosynthetic structures undergoes the process of carboxylation - the formation of carbon compounds. The higher the level of pCO2 (partial carbon dioxide) fixation by cells, the better, more qualitative, and more complete the carboxylation of nucleic acids. And the quality of nucleic acid synthesis, in turn, ensures the complete synthesis of amino acids and other protein and non-protein compounds. There is also a feedback: the better the hereditary, genetic apparatus works, the better the fixation of CO2 by cells.

All this taken together explains the endogenous nutritious nutrition in RTD. Simplifying the process somewhat, we can say that our body is able to synthesize nutrients using carbon dioxide and nitrogen from the air.

There is convincing evidence of the possibility of assimilation of air nitrogen by the body of animals during fasting and at the time of a sharp decrease in animal proteins in the diet.

In the first course of fasting treatment in a person, a full switch to the internal diet occurs approximately on the 6-8th day, and in subsequent courses - earlier, on the 3-5th day. From the first days of fasting, the accumulation of carbon dioxide and ketone bodies outpaces the ever-increasing qualitative and quantitative synthesis of these final fat products. Therefore, acidosis steadily but gradually increases. Finally, on the 6-8th day of fasting, an acidotic “peak” (crisis) occurs. At this moment, the fixation of CO2 by cells and the utilization of ketone bodies reaches its highest point. There is a quantitative leap in cell activity. Cells begin to use CO2 according to the principle of photosynthesis. At the same time, the utilization of ketone bodies seems to outstrip the accumulation of these organic acids. As a result, in a person undergoing therapeutic fasting, the pH ceases to shift towards an acidic environment, and even decreases slightly (compared to the pH of an acidotic crisis), and this is also expressed in a slight decrease in the concentration of ketone bodies in the blood. Then the acidosis continues to remain at approximately the same level, fluctuating slightly over the subsequent days of the RDT.

After an acidotic crisis, patients lose significantly less weight during each subsequent day (compared to the first days of fasting). In this case, adipose tissue is consumed more economically and more expediently, despite the patient’s intense motor regimen during further abstinence from food. This principle of endogenous nutrition and energy supply, which is qualitatively different for humans, provides a therapeutic and prophylactic effect.

Activation of the hereditary apparatus is primarily expressed in a unique restructuring of its enzyme system, aimed at the destruction of pathological foci of infection, tissue, and tumor formations. Scar changes.

The subtleties of this remarkable, still largely mysterious process have been studied and traced by Soviet medical scientists deeply and comprehensively. RDT specialists have the opportunity to confidently manage the course of treatment at all stages, taking into account the individual characteristics of patients, the state of their reactivity, the nature of the diseases, and other important circumstances, as well as quite clearly in advance determine the indications and contraindications for treatment, predict possible complications and make appropriate adjustments in advance technique.

The very relative severity of the clinical manifestation of acidosis is designated as a factor of prognostically favorable outcome in the treatment of a number of somatic and mental diseases using the RDT method.

However, according to the opinion of many authors involved in therapeutic fasting, the degree of manifestation of an acidotic crisis can be reduced by using a number of therapeutic, general hygiene and other procedures, as well as taking mineral-alkaline waters.

Controlled compensated acidosis on RDT differs from acidosis during exacerbation of many chronic diseases, where compensatory-adaptive mechanisms are activated in the same way, but do not prevail over pathological chronic processes, as, for example, in diabetes mellitus, an asthmatic condition in patients with bronchial asthma, etc. when acidosis can become not only uncontrollable (decompensated), but even life-threatening for the patient.

However, vigorous and timely use of all procedures that promote the elimination of toxic breakdown products included in the RDT course for such uncompensated acidosis can sometimes ensure, even during the first day of fasting, a transfer to compensated acidosis due to the pronounced activation of the so-called general adaptation syndrome (hypothalamus, pituitary gland , adrenal glands, up to tissue hormones of local significance).

During the period of therapeutic fasting, a relationship between two constantly operating processes is revealed: destructive (since the body during fasting exists due to the utilization of its own, primarily obsolete, unusable, altered tissues, which are ballast for the body and the cause of many different diseases) and creative rejuvenating, restoring health, because fasting itself is, in fact, a powerful stressor that mobilizes the body's defense reactions and is a stimulus for the subsequent acceleration of the processes of recovery and self-renewal...

A characteristic feature of the adaptive process during fasting is a more economical expenditure of energy reserves, which is generally expressed in rarer breathing, slower pulse, reduction, equalization, normalization of blood pressure, temperature, the prevalence of vagotonus (increased inhibitory processes) over sympathicotonus (decreased processes) in nervous system.

The work of Paschutn, Munk, Senator, Rubner and other scientists has established that endoplasmic protein, i.e. the protein of the cell itself, the plasma of cells of vital organs remains intact (if it is not damaged and does not need to be removed), even during very long periods of fasting . Here there is a high concentration of cytoplasmic RNA - ribonucleic acid, which is, as it were, a precursor to all amino acids. It is contained in the nucleus of the cell.

Preservation of the weight of organs (central nervous system, endocrine glands, heart, etc.) indicates, first of all, the preservation of normal metabolism in them.

As we already know, in addition to fat, the body must also use for its existence proteins necessary for the activity of the brain, heart, some endocrine glands, blood, etc. During therapeutic fasting, the necessary proteins are drawn from the reserves available in tissues less important for body organs.

And then another “secret” of fasting was revealed, an important discovery was made: during the use of protein reserves, weakened, painfully altered tissue, as well as tumors, edema, adhesions, etc., present in the body are utilized first of all. This process in medicine is called "autolysis" (literally the word "autolysis" means self-digestion).

A specialist in therapeutic fasting, Dr. A. de Vries, points out that earlier “... although it was recognized that autolysis is a common life phenomenon, it was believed that this process could not be subject to human control and could not be used for practical purposes. It was known that pathological formations in the body can be absorbed during self-digestion, but it was believed that the profound changes in metabolism necessary for autolysis to occur could only occur in very rare cases (after severe exhaustion, in the postpartum period or during menopause)... Such conditions do not provide the opportunity. "bring under control and direct the process of autolysis in the desired direction. The study of fasting has led to a complete revolution in these traditional views. Fasting, producing profound changes in the metabolism of the body, is a direct stimulus for the development of autolysis and can thus act to control this process."

Fasting treatment is called internal surgery without a knife, and nature operates much more subtly than any surgeon, it spares the healthy and eliminates everything that is sick. Regarding the mechanism of action of RDT, Dr. O. Buchinger, one of the major modern experts in the treatment of fasting, points out that with it the body is in new conditions of the “need” regime, and the “internal doctor” - the healing powers of the body - is faced with the need to maintain normal metabolism, uses its own protein depot, while utilizing primarily pathological formations. Therapeutic fasting, according to Buchinger's definition, is an excretory, cleansing treatment of all tissues and juices of the body, and the products of protein breakdown act as stimulants on the nervous system. He calls therapeutic fasting “protein body” therapy, the best biological treatment method, “autoprotein therapy”, which is carried out under the highest internal control.

When switching to endogenous nutrition, the body, in order to maintain its existence, consumes and burns not only its accumulated reserves, but also waste products of metabolic origin. This is one of the essential mechanisms of the therapeutic effect of fasting. There is an intensive elimination from the body of toxic products accumulated as a result of impaired metabolism, past diseases, long-term use of medications, unhealthy diet, drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco and other harmful influences that could create a warehouse of pathogenic toxic products in it.

In conditions of complete cessation of food supply, a kind of “shake-up” of the body occurs (stress reaction, according to G. Selye), which awakens its hidden forces, mobilizing them to fight for the conditions of the best existence. Fasting here is a specific irritant, to which the body responds with a complex of protective adaptive reactions developed in the process of centuries-old evolution.

Changes in the body that occur during the period of therapeutic fasting do not go beyond the limits of these compensatory capabilities, i.e., at this time there is no “breakdown” of the regulatory and communication systems. The most complex cybernetic system, such as a living organism, is not disrupted.

The body's defenses usually increase from the moment of acidotic crisis. Thus, E. Schenk and H. Mayer, who conducted studies of the body’s reaction to various bacilli, indicate that the processes of self-defense and increased defenses against microbes begin only after the end of the acidotic crisis. This is manifested in a tendency towards rapid healing of wounds and an increase in the body's bactericidal capacity, which explains the beneficial effect of fasting on many septic diseases.

"Animal experiments support these considerations. Rogi and Josuet found that fasting increases the endurance of rabbits against colibacillus. 3-11 days after the rabbits fasted for 5 to 7 days, a culture of bacteria was inoculated. All without exception, the control rabbits developed infection, while the fasted rabbits showed no symptoms of infection,” wrote A. de Vries.

And here we are again faced with one of the contradictions of nature - simultaneously with the “shake-up” of the body, therapeutic fasting begins to inhibit the physiological processes occurring in it, and above all the functions of the nervous system. Outwardly, this manifests itself in general lethargy, slowing of the pulse, lowering the temperature, and a drowsy state. I. P. Pavlov defines this condition as “protective inhibition,” which, during fasting, gives rest to the central nervous system, which is especially important for the treatment of neuropsychiatric diseases. About inhibitory processes in the nervous system, Pavlov writes: “Each time inhibition appears on the scene, which automatically distributes everything in its place: it gives movement to one, and retards another.”

Thus, protective inhibition plays the role of organizer of complete physiological rest for nerve cells, which eliminates foci of stagnant excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system.

During fasting, prolonged sparing is provided to all organs of the body. It especially benefits the digestive organs, which get the opportunity to recover.

Fasting also has a profound effect on the state of blood circulation. With an empty stomach and intestines, no obstacles to blood circulation are created in the abdominal cavity, and its composition improves. Congestion in the abdominal cavity and liver is eliminated. RDT helps restore the functional properties of capillary circulation and compensatory mechanisms of the neurovascular apparatus in patients with hypertension.

Normalization of the function of the microvasculature of the circulatory system is especially noticeable after an acidotic crisis (“peak”).

As many studies have shown, the composition of peripheral blood does not change significantly during therapeutic fasting: the normal number of red blood cells and hemoglobin, leukocytes and platelets is maintained.

It is important that the so-called “alkaline reserve” of the blood is not impaired. In the first stages of fasting, it decreases somewhat, but then, after an acidotic crisis, it increases again and is completely restored by the end of treatment.

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