Home Smell from the mouth Shiitake mushrooms - beneficial properties of healing mushroom polysaccharides. Shiitake mushroom - a wonderful remedy for beauty and health Treatment of oncology with shiitake mushrooms

Shiitake mushrooms - beneficial properties of healing mushroom polysaccharides. Shiitake mushroom - a wonderful remedy for beauty and health Treatment of oncology with shiitake mushrooms

Kira Stoletova

Shiitake mushrooms are amazing representatives of the mushroom kingdom, used both in cooking and for the treatment of various diseases for many years. In the East, this legendary mushroom has been popular for more than two millennia and is considered a symbol of longevity and health. It can also be successfully grown at home.

Description and distribution of the fungus

Shiitake mushrooms, also called shiitake, are widespread in the Far East. Over their two-thousand-year history, they have become known as “imperial mushrooms,” being a popular part of the menu exclusively for the rulers of China and Japan.

Shiitake, an edible representative of the genus Lentinula, is a saprophytic macromycete, because. uses organic matter from dead plants for nutrition. It has a plate-like cap of a dark brown color, with a diameter of 5 to 20 cm. The plates themselves are thin, covered in young fruiting bodies with a membrane, when damaged, they almost immediately change color to dark brown. The surface of the cap looks dry with thickening and cracks. In young individuals, the edges of the cap have a flatter shape, and with age they become curved. This sign will tell an attentive buyer about the age of the mushroom.

Its leg is straight, light brown in color, slightly narrowed at the base, fibrous, 3-19 cm in length. The pulp is white, fleshy in structure and quite dense, with an islandy taste and pleasant aroma. The weight of one mushroom ranges from 90-100 grams.

The shiitake tree mushroom grows naturally in Southeast Asia on fallen deciduous trees and old stumps. In the Russian Far East it most often grows on dead oak and linden wood. Fruits from spring to late autumn, growing from small to mature in 6-8 days.

It has similar counterparts among the Champignon family, which, unlike it, grow on the soil.

Useful properties and contraindications

Imperial mushrooms are healthy, have excellent taste, high nutritional value and have optimal KBJU. The calorie content of the product is 34 kcal, and 100 g of unprocessed product contains 2.2 g of protein, 0.5 g of fat and 6.8 g of carbohydrates.

Shiitake mushrooms are also beneficial due to their high content of various vitamins and microelements. The product is a source of vitamins B, C and D. Contains iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, selenium and other minerals. Rich in amino acids, plant hormonal substances and polysaccharides, coenzymes that can have powerful antitumor, immunostimulating and antioxidant effects.

In terms of its ability to increase the production of interferon in the human body, this mushroom is on par with ginseng.

In cooking, fresh shiitake caps are highly valued; the fibrous stem is less tender and tasty. In the homeland of shiitake, it is processed immediately after collection to preserve the taste and smell. In Europe, they prefer to use dried or frozen edible fruiting bodies in dishes. They are used to prepare soups, side dishes, fry, salt, marinate and serve as a delicacy.

Chinese shiitake mushrooms, under certain conditions, can cause harm to the human body, therefore they have a number of contraindications:

  • can provoke attacks of bronchial asthma or allergies, therefore they are not recommended for use by people with such health problems;
  • during pregnancy, this product can change a woman’s hormonal levels and thereby cause harm, and during breastfeeding it has the ability to penetrate into breast milk, causing digestive disorders in the child;
  • Contraindicated for children under 5 years of age, because can cause disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • has contraindications for use at any age, because overloads the gastrointestinal tract with the indigestible substance chitin contained in it.

Application in medicine

It has been used in Eastern medicine for several centuries. Modern fungotherapy uses medicinal preparations based on this product for many diseases and disorders in the human body:

  1. Immune stimulation: The polysaccharides it contains help produce interferon, which is necessary to fight diseases.
  2. Reducing blood cholesterol levels: Japanese researchers have proven that daily consumption of shiitake for 7 days causes a decrease in this component by 12%.
  3. Fighting cancer: is considered one of the means for treating cancer patients, because The lentinan it contains helps fight cancer by forcing the body to stop the development of malignant cells.
  4. Treatment of cardiovascular diseases: the chemical composition helps normalize blood pressure and dissolve cholesterol plaques, preventing vascular thrombosis.
  5. Fighting diabetes and preventing its complications: the benefit of its chemical composition is to gradually increase the production of insulin by the restored pancreatic cells.
  6. Benefits for the liver: they have the ability to produce antibodies to fight hepatitis and restore human health.

Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

Research has shown that shiitake spores contain components identical in properties to the influenza virus. However, they are completely harmless to humans. With regular consumption of this mushroom, they stimulate our body to produce interferon, a special protein that is an immunostimulant.

Dried shiitake mushrooms are widely used in Chinese and Japanese folk medicine. At home, a tincture is prepared from them. To do this, they are crushed, filled with alcohol and left for 21 days in a sealed glass container. Then the tincture is filtered and consumed in a dosage of 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals.

Shiitake mushroom extract is produced industrially. This medicinal drug is added to dietary supplements, where the main active ingredients are the polysaccharide lentinan and lentinacin with a complex of amino acids and vitamins. Mushroom extract in the form of tablets is taken for a long time according to a certain scheme, strictly following the instructions and recommendations of doctors.

Another form of its use is shiitake capsules that contain a highly concentrated medicinal extract from mushrooms. Capsules are also used as a dietary supplement to food. You can also take this miracle of nature as tea, using a soluble form of the drug. At the same time, its medicinal properties are not reduced; the doctor selects the optimal dose necessary for treatment.

Growing at home

Mushrooms with medicinal properties are used for cultivation, especially in Japan and China. They are cultivated on wood logs, creating a microclimate as close to natural as possible.

Shiitake grown on natural oak wood in natural light is practically no different from its wild-growing counterparts. Less medicinal, but cheaper, are fruiting bodies grown at home on sawdust while maintaining the required humidity.

Wood cultivation technology

Growing shiitake at home is quite possible if certain technology is followed, although this activity is labor-intensive. They are grown in the garden using a homemade substrate. To do this, prepare dry wood from trunks, for example, oak, chestnut, beech, pre-sawn into small bars 35-40 cm long.

Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

Attention! When preparing the substrate, the mushroom grower needs to take wood exclusively from deciduous trees. This is due to the formation of resin and phenolic substances in the wood of coniferous plants, which can significantly inhibit the development of mycelium, and therefore delay the harvest time.

If mushrooms are grown at the dacha, then it is convenient to plant the mycelium in stumps that do not have putrefactive damage. With the arrival of spring, small holes are made in the selected wood material with a depth of 5 to 7 cm and a diameter of up to 1 cm, the distance between them should be equal to 7-8 cm. The holes are usually arranged in a checkerboard pattern. Then it is soaked for 3 days and excess moisture is allowed to drain. After this, the shiitake mycelium is planted in the holes, covering the top with damp cotton wool and taken outside to a shaded place or to a room with sufficient humidity.

Growing shiitake in sawdust and straw

If it is not possible to grow them on wood, dry sawdust or straw is used. To prepare the substrate, take sawdust from medium-sized deciduous trees or barley or oat straw. To disinfect them, boil them for 2-3 hours or pour hot water for 6-8 hours, leaving the container closed. To increase the nutritional composition of the substrate, you can add cereals, bran, and oatmeal. The prepared mixture is transferred to a container. You can also use plastic bags as containers. After the substrate has cooled to 25 °C, the mycelium is placed in it and covered, maintaining the required temperature and humidity, and transferred to a darkened room.


The Chinese edible shiitake mushroom is an extraordinary product of nature and is very popular. Attention! The substrate that you intend to use for growing mushrooms must be as clean as possible, which means fresh, so that spores of pathogenic fungi and bacteria do not have time to settle in it, which can nullify all your efforts.

It is worth growing shiitake in your garden to get a fresh, tasty and medicinal mushroom. The use of mushroom extract in tablets and capsules is effective against cancer and other diseases.

Shiitake mushrooms suppress the growth of pathogenic microflora, stimulating normal;

They help restore the blood formula;

Both mushrooms and preparations based on them heal erosions and ulcers in the intestines and stomach;

Shiitake effectively cleanse the body of “bad” cholesterol, normalize its level and prevent the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels;

They stabilize metabolic processes and improve the processes of cell respiration and interstitial nutrition;

These mushrooms reduce the level of glucose in human blood, which undoubtedly improves the condition of patients with diabetes;

Shiitake fruits normalize carbohydrate metabolism, treat obesity, and stimulate weight loss.

Shiitake mushrooms - benefits and harm. Properties and recipes for cooking dishes with shiitake mushrooms

In Japan, China and Korea, dishes without shiitake can be counted on one hand. Easterners simply adore this mushroom, not only for its taste, but also for its healing properties. There it is called the elixir of youth, beauty, health and longevity. Why is this mushroom so useful?

What is shiitake

It is known that shiitake is an edible agaric mushroom that grows on a tree. The cap reaches a diameter of up to 30 centimeters, and its color is light or dark brown. There is a cream-colored fringe along the edge, and the top of the mushroom is covered with scales. If you look under the cap, you can see white fibers in which a lot of useful elements have accumulated. The cylindrical leg is white, turning brown when broken, with a fibrous surface.

Growing Shiitake Mushrooms

The name alone already speaks about the method of growth. Shii means broad-leaved tree in Japanese, and take means mushroom. Other names for this plant are also known: black forest mushroom, Chinese or Japanese mushrooms, and its Latin name is edible lentinula. Under natural conditions, shiitake grows in the east: Japan, Korea, China and some areas of Southeast Asia.

Such mushrooms are also cultivated in Russia: in the Far East and in the Primorsky Territory. There are only two types of artificial production:

  • outdoors - an extensive method of growing;
  • in a greenhouse - an intensive method.

Growing shiitake mushrooms using the extensive method takes from 6 to 12 months. To begin with, small depressions are made on pieces of wood into which shiitake mycelium or an entire culture of it is placed. Then the logs are kept in the shade for some time, at a certain temperature and humidity. Fruiting of mushrooms on logs lasts from 3 to 5 years, and the yield from 1 cubic meter. m of wood is about 250 kg.

The intensive method involves cultivating shiitake on a mixture of sawdust with wheat or rice bran, in special propylene containers. First, the substrate is sterilized, pasteurized in hot water, dried, and only after that the mycelium is planted in the soil. On one block, mushrooms will grow from 30 to 60 days, and the yield for the entire fruiting period will be 15-20%.

Shiitake - benefits and harm

Shiitake dishes are not only low-calorie (nutritional value 1 kg - kcal), but also healthy. For example, there is as much calcium as in fish meat. In addition, they contain a lot of phosphorus, iodine, potassium, zinc, complex carbohydrates and B vitamins. The accumulation of substances is concentrated on the cap, because only there spores form. The stalk has 2 times less micro- and macroelements. Therefore, nutritionists advise cutting off the lower part and cooking as many caps as possible.

It is worth knowing that the benefits and harms of shiitake are a very controversial topic. As it turns out, even they are imperfect. Hardly soluble mushroom protein is practically not absorbed by our body. Plus, chitin fiber contributes to poor digestion. It interferes with the production of gastric juice and passes through the body in transit. For these reasons, doctors do not recommend giving shiitake to children under 3 years of age, and adults can consume no more than 300 g of mushrooms per day.

Shiitake mushroom - medicinal properties

The Japanese call shiitake the elixir of longevity; dishes made from it were often served at the imperial table. And in Russia, the benefits of an overseas guest were recognized several decades ago. There is even a whole science - fungotherapy, which studies the medicinal qualities of mushrooms. It has been proven that the medicinal properties of shiitake lie in its rich vitamin composition:

  • Polysaccharides, leucine, lysine normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and promote weight loss.
  • Ergosterol was found in dried mushrooms, which, when absorbed, turns into vitamin D.
  • Amino acids lower sugar levels, bad cholesterol, and improve blood circulation. This makes the mushroom an indispensable product for diabetes and hypertension.
  • According to Chinese research, the presence of this mushroom in the diet will increase resistance to stress and help cope with exhaustion and weakness.
  • Lingans with lingins - virus-like particles that make up shiitake, help the body resist herpes and hepatitis viruses.
  • With complex therapy, shiitake is used to treat the upper respiratory tract, influenza, smallpox, polio and even HIV.
  • Eating 16 grams of dried mushrooms per day will increase immunity and prevent the development of heart diseases: atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease.
  • Chitin and cellulose help cleanse the blood of chemical, toxic, and radioactive substances.

There is unconfirmed evidence that the mushroom is good for treating stomach ulcers, gout, hemorrhoids, liver pathologies, prostatitis, and impotence. Some companies specializing in medicinal cosmetics for women produce anti-aging products based on Japanese mushrooms: creams, cosmetic masks, lotions. Lentinan, added to the composition of this cosmetics, stops premature aging of the skin.

Shiitake tincture

If you want to have beautiful velvety skin, like in the photo of Japanese geishas, ​​you don’t have to buy expensive creams. Shiitake tincture prepared at home will cope with the tasks. Skin lotion is made according to a simple recipe:

  1. Dried mushrooms are mixed with alcohol in a ratio of 2 to 1.
  2. Close the container with a lid and then leave for 7-10 days.
  3. The prepared solution is applied to a cotton pad and wiped over the face, except for the eye area and nasolabial folds.
  4. The procedure is repeated regularly: morning and evening.

Shiitake mushroom for oncology

Extracts and extracts from shiitake began to be used in the prevention and rehabilitation of cancer patients. Science has found that these medicinal mushrooms have strong antitumor properties, but this does not mean that you should stop the main treatment and refuse operations. Shiitake mushroom in oncology only reduces the spread of cancer cells, slightly reduces the size of the tumor, enhances the effect of chemotherapy procedures, restores the blood formula, and relieves pain.

Shiitake mushrooms - how to cook

Chinese mushrooms are used not only by doctors; they are often included in dishes. Cooking shiitake is not a complicated process at all. They taste like a cross between a porcini mushroom and champignons. When fresh, they can be used in salad recipes or light appetizers. This mushroom will emphasize, embellish and enrich the taste of any savory sauce. In Chinese, Japanese and Korean cuisine, rich miso soups are prepared from shiitake.

How to cook frozen shiitake mushrooms

Before you start cooking frozen shiitake mushrooms, you need to let them stand at room temperature for 2-4 hours and then squeeze out the excess moisture. The easiest option is to fry the mushrooms in a frying pan with vegetable oil. You can add onion, lemon, sesame seeds to the product. Frozen shiitakes are often added to more complex dishes of meat, fish, vegetables, and seafood.

How to cook dried shiitake

Before cooking, dry mushrooms need to be soaked in warm water with the addition of a teaspoon of sugar. If after this you plan to cook the dried shiitakes further, and not put them in the salad as they are, then you can prepare a marinade for steaming. To do this, mix sesame oil, soy sauce, garlic, spices and lemon juice. Marinate the mushrooms with the mixture overnight and continue cooking according to the recipe in the morning.

Medicinal shiitake mushroom - secrets of effective use for health

This article will tell you about what the medicinal shiitake mushroom is famous for, what healing properties it has, how to use it correctly, preparations from shiitake, its harm and contraindications.

Medicinal shiitake mushroom - beneficial properties and indications for use

Shiitake is a legendary mushroom in the field of traditional medicine in Southeast Asia. Its medicinal properties were known 3 thousand years ago.

Today's alternative medicine has again become interested in this plant.

The active substance lentinan, isolated from mushroom samples, can inhibit the development of multiple sclerosis and some neurological diseases.

Doctors in ancient Japan used it to treat diabetes. Nowadays, shiitake mushroom also gives positive results in the fight against this disease.

What is a shiitake mushroom - botanical description and origin

Artificial cultivation of the mushroom originates in ancient Japan. And today the world production of shiitake is approximately 500 thousand tons.

Chinese shiitake mushrooms are representatives of woody lamellar mushrooms.

The cap is brown in color, the tone varies from light brown to dark.

The edges of the cap are lighter, edged with fringe. The entire surface of the cap is covered with whitish scales.

The diameter of the cap ranges from 5-25 cm.

The pulp is white, the plates are also white, and when pressed they turn brown.

The flesh of the leg is white, hard, and darkens when pressed.

The mushrooms taste like champignons. They are used to make soup, salads and fried dishes. The product combines health benefits and excellent taste characteristics.

Chemical composition of medicinal mushrooms

Chinese shiitake mushrooms are rich in:

Mushrooms also contain thiamine, biotin, and riboflavin. Vitamin D is very valuable.

The healing properties of shiitake mushrooms

Let's look at the main beneficial properties of Japanese mushrooms:

  1. Shiitake is an essential source of protein and fiber, which is why this product is very popular among people who want to lose extra pounds.
  2. Vitamin D is essential for hair growth and also significantly reduces blood sugar levels. This improves the quality of life of patients with diabetes.
  3. According to an article by Doctor of Medical Sciences, O. Yu. Kuznetsov, mushroom juice extract has excellent antimicrobial and antifungal properties. At the same time, while taking the drug, there is no disruption of the normal human microflora. No antibiotic today combines antimicrobial properties and probiotic properties. Shiitake juice is active against Candida albicans, Stapfylococcusaureus, Streptococcus faecalis.
  4. Taking into account the research of Professor Yanova V.V. from the Amur State Medical Academy, the drugs showed immunomodulatory properties that can activate nonspecific immune cells, which makes it possible to effectively fight cancer. Polysaccharides isolated from fungi, in combination with other methods, such as chemotherapy, radiation treatment, are considered to be strong physiologically active cytokines that enhance the mechanism of antitumor resistance.
  5. In addition, the benefits of shiitake in the fight against various forms of hepatitis have been proven. After just a month of taking the drug from the fruiting bodies, patients experienced a sharp decrease in bilirubin levels. The action is based on the formation of antibodies in patients, as well as protection of the liver from autoimmune damage.
  6. Materials have been published claiming that shiitake preparations give positive results in the treatment of HIV infection. The success of using lentinan was reported at a conference on immunopharmacology in Italy in 1985.
  7. Because the “magic” mushroom is also a good auxiliary remedy against influenza viruses and colds.

This video talks very well about the benefits and harms of shiitake mushrooms, we recommend watching it!

Preparations from shiitake mushrooms - review of products

In pharmacies, dried mushrooms are offered in the form of capsules and coated tablets.

Shiitake capsules must be taken according to the manufacturer's instructions and doctor's recommendations.

The drug can be combined with other medications, except tincture of aconite and aspirin.

It is important not to stop taking the drug as soon as you feel better. Diseases such as cancer do not forgive such serious mistakes. Any medicine is effective only when it is taken until it is completely cured.

A brief overview of the most popular dietary supplements made from shiitake mushrooms.

Nature's Way, Shiitake Maitake, Standardized, 60 Capsules

  • Premium extract
  • Food supplement

Take 1 capsule once or twice a day, preferably with food.

Fungiology, Lentinuda Edodes (Shiitake), 90 Vegetarian Capsules

  • Made from organic shiitake mushrooms
  • Food supplement
  • Certified Organic by Oregon Tilth
  • 100% certified organic mushrooms
  • Assembled and packaged in the USA
  • Full spectrum (primordia, mycelium, fruiting bodies and extracellular compounds)

Take 1 serving (3 capsules) daily, or as directed by your doctor. Can be taken with or without food.

FungusAmongUs, Organic Shiitake Mushrooms, 1 oz (28 g)

  • Organically grown
  • USDA Organic
  • Member of the Organic Trade Association
  • Instructions for cooking mushrooms inside

Reviews of people taking shiitake mushrooms

There are 10 capsules left. I took 1-2 capsules per day as a prevention of cancer and as immune protection against colds, herpes, etc. I didn’t feel such a pronounced effect, but in winter I caught colds less often, and this summer my allergies (polynosis to flowers and house dust) were somewhat less pronounced. I believe that Chinese medicine works miracles, although they may not always be immediately noticeable!

How to grow medicinal shiitake mushroom?

You can grow mushrooms yourself in your garden plot.

To do this, you can use pieces of dead wood in the open air (extensive method), or equip a film greenhouse and use a sawdust substrate.

Alder, oak, and beech are used as wood for growing outdoors.

You can use freshly sawn material, or kept in a dark place in the air for a month.

In greenhouse conditions, cultivation is carried out using a mixture of sawdust from deciduous trees and wheat bran.

The substrate is sterilized, moistened and placed in plastic bags. The mycelium is introduced into a specially made channel.

You can either prepare the substrate yourself or purchase it ready-made.

Contraindications to the use of mushrooms

  1. This drug may cause harm if you are hypersensitive to the active substance.
  2. It is not recommended to take the drug for pregnant and breastfeeding women, children under 10 years of age, as well as people suffering from bronchial asthma.

Nature is wise and has long been sending humanity medicines for various ailments. Medicinal shiitake mushrooms have long been known to mankind for their healing properties.

Perhaps in the near future, drugs made from natural materials will replace synthetic substances and other products from the pharmaceutical industry.

Medicine in the coming century must return to the well of Mother Nature.

Shiitake mushrooms should be taken taking into account the list of contraindications and rules of administration. If you have chronic diseases, you must first consult with a specialist - a fungotherapist or your doctor.

Use this knowledge only for the benefit of yourself and your loved ones.

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  1. Diets and ways to lose weight The best ways to lose weight
  2. Medicinal plants Complete list of medicinal plants

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Shiitake mushrooms: benefits and harm

Not so long ago, mushrooms with the unusual name shiitake appeared on store shelves in our country. In fact, they have been known for over 2000 years. China is considered their homeland, although they also grow in Japan. In these countries, shiitake can be found not only in the wild. They have been successfully cultivated for dozens of centuries. Chinese medicine considers shiitake mushrooms to be a healing natural product that prolongs life, so in the Celestial Empire there are several more names for the mushroom - the elixir of life and the imperial mushroom.

Today, shiitake mushrooms are widely used in many countries around the world, not only for culinary purposes, but also for medicinal purposes. It should be noted that there are several ways to grow these mushrooms under artificial conditions. Mushrooms grown using pressed sawdust mixed with mycelium have excellent taste, but they contain few useful substances. It is these mushrooms that we can freely purchase in stores. Only shiitake mushrooms grown in the natural environment or cultivated on wooden logs have medicinal properties. Extracts of such mushrooms are used in the manufacture of medicines and dietary supplements in eastern countries.

Beneficial properties of shiitake mushrooms

There is no doubt that shiitake mushrooms are healthy after a thorough study of their composition. They contain vitamins (A, D, C, group B), microelements (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, selenium, etc.), almost all amino acids, some of which enter the human body only from the outside media, fatty acids, polysaccharides. Even coenzyme Q10 was found in these mushrooms, and this is not the entire list of useful substances contained in them.

The polysaccharides contained in mushrooms have a positive effect on the synthesis of interferon in the body, which improves immunity and increases resistance to infectious diseases. Due to their immunostimulating properties, in the East, shiitake mushrooms are compared to ginseng.

These mushrooms also contain substances that can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. Studies conducted by Japanese scientists have proven that with regular use of this product, blood cholesterol levels are reduced by more than 10%. These substances also prevent blood clots. Therefore, with regular consumption of shiitake mushrooms, the risk of developing arterial hypertension, heart attacks and strokes is reduced.

In the East, shiitake mushrooms are actively used to treat diabetes and its complications, strengthen the nervous system, and cleanse the body of waste and toxins. Preparations containing extracts of these mushrooms are used in the complex therapy of hepatitis, nervous diseases, diseases of the respiratory system, skin, oncological pathology, as well as prostatitis in men.

In addition, shiitake mushrooms help normalize metabolism, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system, and promote the active breakdown of fats, so they are added to the diet by those who want to lose excess weight.

Shiitake mushrooms against cancer

One of the sensational discoveries was the discovery of the polysaccharide lentinan in shiitake mushrooms, which is necessary for the body to form substances that can fight cancer cells, as well as phytoncides that can resist hepatitis, influenza and even HIV viruses.

Due to these unique properties, shiitake mushrooms are used in the treatment of cancer in several Asian countries (China, Japan, Vietnam, Korea, Singapore) and India. Moreover, in these countries, the antitumor mushroom technique (PROGMA) is recognized as official medicine and is prescribed by doctors in conjunction with traditional methods of treating oncological pathology. PROGMA is used to treat both malignant and benign tumors at any stage of the disease, as well as to restore the body after radiation or chemotherapy.

For fungotherapy (mushroom treatment), only mushroom extracts are used, since the concentration of medicinal substances in them is several times higher than in alcohol tinctures prepared from mushroom powder, or mushrooms prepared by other methods. In addition, in countries where fungotherapy is used, almost a third of medicinal anticancer drugs contain extracts of various mushrooms, including shiitake.

Shiitake mushrooms in cosmetology

Doctors in Ancient China were among the first to notice the beneficial effect of mushroom extract on the condition of the skin. When used as part of cosmetic products, the skin becomes more elastic and wrinkles are somewhat smoothed out. The substances contained in shiitake mushrooms help normalize the oil balance of the skin, give it a matte tint, have a regenerating effect, and help cope with enlarged pores and acne. Many modern cosmetics manufacturers add the extract of this mushroom to masks, creams, and serums that have a rejuvenating effect.

Damage to shiitake mushrooms

You cannot be poisoned by shiitake mushrooms grown under proper natural or artificial conditions. But they, like any other mushrooms, contain large amounts of chitin (a substance that is not digested in the gastrointestinal tract), so they should be eaten in moderation. Individual intolerance to this product cannot be ruled out. It is not recommended to eat mushrooms for children under the age of 12–14 years, as this can cause digestive disorders in them. This product should not be consumed by pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as by patients with bronchial asthma, since mushrooms contain a large amount of substances that are potential allergens.

Before using extracts, tinctures, medications and dietary supplements from shiitake mushrooms for medicinal and preventive purposes, you must consult a qualified specialist.

Video about the benefits of shiitake mushrooms from the program “Live Healthy!”:

Shiitake mushrooms: photos, reviews and properties. The benefits and harms of Chinese shiitake mushrooms

Increasingly, in our supermarkets you can find such a curiosity as shiitake mushrooms. Dishes made from this product are in demand in the most expensive restaurants. And traditional healers, nutritionists and cosmetologists vying with each other about the beneficial properties of the plant. In the article we will find out what this mushroom is, where it comes from, learn about the beneficial properties and contraindications for use, and share culinary recipes. We will also reveal the secrets of some folk remedies based on this plant.

Chinese mushroom: description

The name shiitake literally means “mushroom that grows on the shii (chestnut) tree.” This is exactly how it grows in its natural environment - on a tree trunk or stumps. You can find the plant not only in China, but also in Japan.

It has been used in Chinese medicine for several centuries. Writings dating back to 199 were found, which indicate the healing properties of this mushroom. Eastern emperors believed that shiitake gave them strength, youth, and protected them from disease. Therefore, the plant is also called the “imperial mushroom” or “elixir of youth.”

Shiitake mushrooms (the photo of a wild plant below confirms this) do not look very attractive.


Shiitake is one of the few mushrooms that people began to grow artificially. They invented an effective method for cultivating the mushroom on logs in 1940. Thus, shiitake does not lose its healing properties and retains all its beneficial substances. Therefore, this method of growing under artificial conditions is still used today. But there is another method - mushrooms are cultivated on sawdust. This method reduces the healing properties of the plant. In addition, the selection processes that enriched the taste of mushrooms and increased yields led to a significant decrease in beneficial substances in the composition of Chinese mushrooms.

Shiitake (mushrooms) are cultivated in almost all countries of the world, including Russia. Photos of artificial growing conditions can be seen below.

Mushroom composition

The composition of shiitake attracts special attention. This is where the secret of its healing properties lies. Includes:

  • macroelements: sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium;
  • trace elements: zinc, copper, iron, selenium, manganese;
  • vitamins: groups B, D, PP, C, A;
  • amino acids: lysine, arginine, leucine, phenylalanine, methionine, tyrosine, alanine, glycine, glutamic and aspartic;
  • fatty acid;
  • polysaccharides;
  • ash;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • coenzymes.

Despite the large number of beneficial substances that shiitake mushrooms contain, the benefits and harms of the plant have not been fully studied. Therefore, excessive consumption of the plant can lead to unexpected reactions in the body.

Chinese mushroom for diseases

Since ancient times, the mushroom has been widely used to eliminate various ailments. It is not for nothing that in Eastern medicine, healers very often prescribe products that contain shiitake mushrooms. The benefit of the plant lies in its composition. Thus, thanks to biologically active substances, with regular and correct use, you can be cured or significantly improve the patient’s condition with the following ailments and conditions:

  • hypertension;
  • viral infections;
  • hematopoietic disorders;
  • problems with blood vessels and cardiac activity;
  • neurological and autoimmune diseases;
  • high cholesterol;
  • long-term stress and depression;
  • overweight;
  • problems in the sexual sphere;
  • dermatological diseases and aesthetic imperfections of the skin;
  • oncological diseases and benign tumors of various origins.

Shiitake mushrooms: benefits and harm

Despite all the beneficial properties of shiitake, its excessive or improper use can cause poisoning or an allergic reaction. In addition, pregnant and lactating women, children under 14 years of age, as well as people prone to allergies and patients with bronchial asthma should not use this plant.

Use in cooking

It is difficult to imagine Asian cuisine without traditional shiitake. The mushroom is added to sauces, broths, marinades, served as a side dish and as a main dish. Dishes with Chinese mushrooms are also popular in Russia. A pronounced taste with a slight spice will add originality and sophistication to any, even the simplest dish. We offer you a recipe for noodles with shiitake. It is very simple and quick to prepare:

  1. Prepare the vegetables: chili pepper, garlic and ginger, peel and chop the shiitake mushrooms.
  2. Quickly fry the mushrooms in vegetable oil over high heat. Add pepper, garlic, ginger, and simmer everything a little.
  3. Cook the noodles. The most suitable option for this dish would be rice, but if it is unavailable, you can use any other one.
  4. Now prepare the sauce. To do this, mix ingredients such as soy sauce, a little vinegar (preferably apple or rice vinegar), chili sauce and vegetable oil.
  5. All you need to do is mix the mushrooms with the noodles and pour the sauce over everything. The dish is ready to serve!
  6. By adding or changing the main ingredients, you can create a completely new dish: seafood, pieces of fried chicken fillet or marinated veal will radically change the taste of shiitake noodles.

In our country, dried Chinese shiitake mushrooms are often used in cooking. To use in a dish, you need to first soak them in water for 8–10 hours. This storage method, such as drying, retains the maximum amount of useful substances in the mushroom. When using Chinese mushrooms in cooking, it should be taken into account that when exposed to high temperatures, the nutritional and healing properties of the plant sharply decrease, so heat treatment should be minimal and short-lived.

Mushroom cosmetics

Shiitake mushroom is also used in cosmetology. The properties of the plant include the ability to moisturize, nourish, tone, increase skin elasticity, as well as whiten and eliminate excess pigmentation. It is noted that the substance lentinan, which is part of the mushroom, has a rejuvenating effect, and coenzyme Q10 nourishes cells with oxygen and removes impurities. In addition, the polysaccharides, vitamins and microelements that make up the mushroom also help improve the condition of the skin: accelerating metabolism in cells, saturating them with water, regeneration, and also have an antimicrobial effect.

Many popular manufacturers of cosmetics began to produce preparations based on mushroom extract. For example, in 2002, the Yves Rocher company released a whole line of skin care products for women over 40.

At home, you can prepare a decoction or alcohol tincture using shiitake mushrooms. Such products can be used as lotions for the skin of the face and body, eye lotions, and hair rinse. Suitable for oily, porous, problem skin. Using cosmetics made from mushroom extract, you can eliminate skin pigmentation, reduce wrinkles, and tighten the shape of your face.

Chinese mushroom in folk medicine

Shiitake mushrooms are used in folk medicine for many diseases. We offer several such recipes:

  1. To increase immunity, eliminate nervous tension, reduce stress and problems in sexual life, dry mushroom powder is used. You need to take it one teaspoon three times a day before meals for a month.
  2. In folk medicine, it is believed that alcohol tincture of shiitake helps prevent cancer. To make such a product, you need to mix 50 grams of dry mushroom powder with 0.75 liters of forty-proof quality vodka. You need to leave it in a glass container in the refrigerator for a month. The method of use is the same as in the first case.
  3. For hypertension and infectious diseases, the following recipe is recommended: dissolve 10 grams of mushroom powder in olive oil heated in a water bath to 37 degrees. Leave for a month in the refrigerator. Take a teaspoon before breakfast and dinner.

Medicines based on mushrooms

In pharmacies or homeopathic medicine stores you can purchase various preparations from Chinese mushrooms. Most often, dry powder is used, and then various vitamins and microelements are added. Such agents are used both externally and orally. The spectrum of action of drugs is wide: from acne to malignant tumors. The following products can be mentioned: shiitake mushroom in capsules, Shiitake tablets, Shiitake 30. They contain crushed dried shiitake mushroom. Reviews about such medicines are contradictory. They are quite expensive, but in fact they are only biologically active food additives, and the effectiveness of such drugs has not been fully studied.

Shiitake mushrooms are a tasty and healthy product. Use it in cooking to the delight of your household and guests; you can pamper yourself with a nourishing mask or a refreshing tonic. But you still shouldn’t count on miraculous healing from all diseases thanks to this plant. If you are concerned about health problems, it is much more effective to seek help from a doctor.

Shiitake mushroom medicinal properties - shiitake mushroom recipes

Today, the eastern shiitake is one of the most studied mushrooms; it grows on trees in the wild forests of Japan and China. Its healing properties are determined by the presence of polysaccharides in its composition. This mushroom has a pleasant taste and can be prepared as an independent dish. It is also able to strengthen the body, increase endurance for both mental and physical work. The Japanese and Chinese equate its healing effects with the properties of ginseng. In addition to significant benefits, the product can in some cases cause harm, so independent use is not recommended.

Shiitake mushrooms: benefits and harms

Previously, only the rulers of Japan and China had the right to use healing properties. They noted that consuming the mushroom can be of great benefit for maintaining male strength, as well as protecting female beauty and youth.

Shiitake (tree mushroom, black forest mushroom, shiitake or lentinula edible) came to us only in the 20th century. It was used as a tasty exotic. And only chefs from China knew how to cook skillfully. After some time, healing qualities were attributed to it, and in the early 90s it began to be added to medications.

The benefits and harms of shiitake mushrooms are enormous, which will be discussed further.


After scientists thoroughly studied the composition of mushrooms, no one had any doubt about their medicinal beneficial properties, which can be used in the treatment of a number of diseases.

The chemical composition of shiitake includes:

  • vitamins (A, D, C, group B);
  • many amino acids;
  • fatty acid;
  • microelements (calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, zinc, iron);
  • polysaccharides;
  • Coenzyme Q10.

The above components are not a complete set of healing substances in the product.

Shiitake mushroom medicinal properties:

1. The presence of polysaccharides has a beneficial effect on the synthesis of interferon in the human body, which makes it possible to use it to strengthen the immune system.

2. Scientists have proven that systematic use of medicinal tree mushrooms brings great benefits: it reduces cholesterol levels in the blood by 10% or more, and stops the formation of blood clots. This leads to minimizing the risk of stroke, heart attack and other diseases.

3. Shiitake can also be used in the treatment of diabetes. It has the ability to strengthen the nervous system and remove toxins and waste from the human body.

4. Quickly normalizes metabolism, improves the quality of the digestive tract, breaks down harmful fats. For this reason, in the East and Asia it is included in the diet of everyone who wants to lose extra pounds; they have long known how to cook it.

5. Preparations based on this healing product are successfully included in the complex therapy of diseases associated with neuroses. They are beneficial for hepatitis, respiratory disorders, and skin problems.

6. Used in oncological practice, often for male prostatitis.

Shiitake Chinese mushrooms are grown under artificial or natural conditions (see photo). They do not harm the body if taken and prepared correctly and are not poisonous. But just like other species, they contain a lot of chitin, which is not digestible in the stomach. It is because of this that they must be eaten in small portions, as indicated in the recipes. Some people may also experience individual intolerance to the product. Based on their medicinal properties and recommendations, they should not be used in childhood and early adolescence (up to 15 years), as they may cause digestive problems. There are some contraindications to the use of these mushrooms for pregnant and lactating women, as well as people suffering from bronchial asthma. This is due to the large number of allergens included in the chemical composition of the product.

Application in medicine

The use of shiitake mushrooms in medicine in the form of various medicines or medicinal dietary supplements (Solgar Extract of Reishi, Shiitake and Meitake mushrooms) for treatment and prevention is advisable only after consulting a doctor. In addition to the undeniable benefits, you can accidentally cause significant harm to the body.

One of the loudest world sensations was the identification of lentinan (a polysaccharide) in shiitake, with its help the body begins to produce substances that actively fight cancer cells. And the phytoncides included in the composition can counteract viral hepatitis, influenza and HIV infection.


In our world, the problem of cancer is very relevant, scientists are constantly looking for ways to get rid of this terrible scourge. You can find many medicinal folk recipes that help temporarily stop the growth of cancer cells, but they do not guarantee a 100% result. Today, Japanese medicine occupies a leading position in the treatment of oncology. She offers therapy for this disease using healing shiitake extract.

The main goal is achieved by saturating the body with lentinan, which activates the immune defense and forces the body to gather all its strength for antitumor work. Thus, access blocking of various viruses and infectious agents is activated, and toxins begin to be successfully eliminated from a weakened body.

The properties of lentinan also include the fact that it activates lymphocytes, which act to destroy mutating cells. By attaching to their shell, they have a destructive effect on the tumor itself. This is the main benefit.

To prepare edible lentinula extract, you can use dried mushroom powder or extract.

2 g of powder is poured into 100 ml. hot water (70-80 °C), mix thoroughly and infuse for about minutes. Recommended doses for an adult, ml, are taken once a day an hour before meals. Course 30 days.


A healing tincture for cancer is prepared as follows:

Add 0.5 liters of 40-proof vodka or alcohol. edible lentinula powder, everything is mixed and infused for about 14 days. After the expiration date, the product is filtered.

Drink this infusion twice a day, in the morning on an empty stomach (30 minutes before meals) and before bed. Course 30 days. You can take a break of two weeks and take another course.

How to cook shiitake mushrooms

How to cook dried shiitake mushrooms:

Dried shiitakes from China must be soaked before cooking; to do this, they are filled with warm water for 3-4 hours. If the process needs to be accelerated, the mushrooms are sprinkled with sugar and left in water for 50 minutes. After this, you need to squeeze them out and then prepare the desired dish according to the recipe. If they are frozen, it is enough to immediately put them in a heated frying pan and, for example, simmer.

Shiitake mushrooms can be prepared in many recipes. Here we will post a description of the quick preparation of a very tasty soup that uses:

  • carrot;
  • clove of garlic;
  • 20 g butter;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 0.5 kg of mushrooms;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • cloves, bay leaf, salt.

Simmer finely grated carrots until tender, then add chopped garlic and heat lightly in a frying pan. Fill the shiitake with water, add salt and spices to taste. Bring the broth to a boil. Cook for 10 minutes and add potatoes. After another 10 minutes, add the stewed carrots and bring the soup to a boil again. It is important to let the product brew for 2-3 hours to give the dish a special aroma and richness of taste.

You can also prepare Japanese miso soup, rich in vitamins, for lunch, which consists of miso paste and tofu cheese, and dietary mushroom salad (detailed recipes can be found on the Internet).

Dried shiitake mushrooms reviews

Shiitake mushroom has a number of medicinal properties, as evidenced by the reviews of many cancer patients who independently prepare their own healing potions using some recipes.

For example, after a two-month course of taking edible lentinula, the patient’s multiple lymph nodes dissolved, the remaining two decreased in size. My blood counts returned to normal, my health improved, and side effects from taking the pills disappeared.

For cancer of both kidneys with metastasis, the hospital did not even offer any treatment to the patient. The sentence was three months or any other day if the kidneys failed. Taking the maximum dose of shiitake, the man believed that the product had properties that would bring him many benefits. Three months later, he returned to work. The pain went away, the body temperature returned to normal. The patient lived for ten months, but felt absolutely normal and led an active lifestyle. Or I could lie at home in bed for a long time and experience incredible pain, like many others.


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Shiitake (shiitake, lentinula) is an edible mushroom that grows in Japan and China. The name "shiitake" comes from the name of the tree "shia" and the Japanese word "take", meaning "mushroom".


Shiitake belongs to the species of woody lamellar mushrooms. Shiitake is distinguished by a large cap of a hemispherical convex shape, reaching a diameter of 5-20 cm. The color of the cap is brown and can vary from the lightest to the darkest shades depending on the age of the mushrooms. Shiitake plates are smooth, painted white or light beige. In young representatives of the species, the plates are covered with the thinnest protective film-membrane. The stem of the mushroom is smooth and tends to taper closer to the base. The shiitake pulp has a “meaty” structure and has a pleasant aroma, characteristic of all mushrooms of this type. Shiitake trees grow solitarily on the trunks of dead deciduous trees or stumps formed after deforestation or fire. Under artificial conditions, wood logs or sawdust become the basis for growing mushrooms.

Shiitake fruits have numerous beneficial properties. Mushrooms are used not only in traditional medicine in Eastern countries, but also in cooking, being an excellent source of fiber and valuable protein. In oriental cuisine, mushrooms are used to prepare soups, sauces, salads and even drinks.

Taxonomy of shiitake mushrooms

Shiitake (Latin name: Lentinula edodes) is a species of the Lentinula genus of the Marasmiaceae family.

Geography of distribution of shiitake

Shiitake is native to Japan, Korea and China, but currently the mushrooms are actively cultivated all over the world, including in Russia. On the territory of our country, under natural conditions, shiitake can be found in the Primorsky Territory.

Chemical composition

Mushrooms contain many vitamins necessary for the functioning of the human body. Shiitake mushrooms are especially rich in vitamin D. In mushrooms that are collected in natural conditions, the level of this vitamin is several times higher than in cod liver, which is traditionally considered perhaps the richest source of vitamin D.

Numerous useful microelements, amino acids, fatty acids, polysaccharides, phytoncides and coenzyme Q10 were found in tree mushrooms. The polysaccharide lentinan, also present in the chemical composition of shiitake, forms biologically active substances that, according to recent scientific research, can effectively fight cancer cells.

Beneficial features

Japanese mushrooms have unique medicinal properties. Shiitake fruits contain polysaccharides that are involved in the process of synthesizing interferons in the human body - proteins that help fight viruses and strengthen immunity.

The use of shiitake in food helps to effectively reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, cleanse blood vessels and minimize the risk of developing blood clots. The mushroom helps in the fight against tumor processes, which makes it an effective remedy for the treatment of cancer.

Shiitake components have an antiviral and antifungal effect on the skin, which makes it possible to use shiitake for the treatment of fungal diseases caused by various types of pathogens.

The mushroom stimulates the excretory function of the intestines, accelerates the healing of stomach wounds and prevents the formation of new ulcers.

Shiitake has long been used in Eastern medicine to treat sexual dysfunction in men. The mushroom is actively used to increase sexual desire and solve a number of medical problems.

Shiitake fruits are also used as a diet for weight loss or as part of special preparations. Substances contained in mushrooms normalize carbohydrate metabolism and promote the formation of fat-burning enzymes.

In Eastern countries, many diseases that are difficult to treat with medication, including diabetes, are cured with the help of tree mushrooms. Mushroom-based infusions have a strengthening effect on the nervous system and help relieve stress. Eating shiitake helps to get rid of toxins and waste.

Application of shiitake

Shiitake is one of the most valuable types of medicinal mushrooms. Shiitake has antiviral, immunostimulating, antitumor and cancer-protective qualities. The mushroom has pronounced therapeutic properties, due to which it is widely used in folk medicine and pharmacology.

During heat treatment, the mushroom loses its beneficial properties. Medicinal use requires the use of shiitake powder or liquid concentrate.

Shiitake in medicine

Shiitake found its main use in traditional medicine in Eastern countries - Japan, Korea and China. Methods of consuming mushrooms in Russia are completely borrowed from Eastern practices.

Shiitake against viral diseases

The medicinal properties of shiitake have proven effective in combating viral diseases. Shiitake contains volatile compounds that can effectively fight any type of virus - from viruses that cause the common cold to hepatitis viruses and even AIDS. In particular, some substances contained in shiitake help protect the liver from aggressive drug treatment, chemotherapy and large doses of alcohol.

Adding mushroom-based drugs to treatment programs for viral diseases significantly increases their effectiveness, activating the body's internal resources and thereby shortening the treatment period. The use of shiitake is possible not only for an existing disease, but also as a preventative drug.

Shiitake wine against flu

Dry extract of edible mushrooms is used. Three tablespoons of powder must be poured into half a liter of high-quality Cahors and left in a dark and cool place for two weeks. For ARVI, you need to take wine tincture twice a day, 1 teaspoon before meals. The course of treatment is 7-10 days. To prevent illness during epidemics, you should drink a teaspoon of shiitake wine before bed.

Shiitake against cancer

Mushrooms contain ocoprotective substances that have antitumor and antioxidant effects on the body and stimulate the human immune system. The use of shiitake in the early stages of cancer allows you to stop the process of changes in healthy cells and significantly increase the body's resistance.

That is why shiitake is widely used in Japan to stop tumor processes, as a supportive agent throughout chemotherapy and to prevent cancer relapse after surgery.

Shiitake tincture against cancer

For a healing tincture, you need to mix about half a liter of vodka or 40-proof medical alcohol with 70 grams of shiitake powder. The infusion should be stored in a glass container with a lid for 14 days, away from sources of heat and bright light. After the expiration date, the drug is filtered. The tincture should be taken in the morning and evening on an empty stomach. The duration of the course is a month. After a two-week break, use can be resumed.

Shiitake against atherosclerosis

The medicinal properties of shiitake allow the mushroom to be used in the treatment of atherosclerosis. The amino acid eritadenine contained in mushrooms helps reduce cholesterol concentrations, accelerating the utilization of lipoproteins and preventing their accumulation on the walls of blood vessels. In addition, mushrooms can be used to treat diseases also caused by excessive concentrations of bad cholesterol: hypertension, coronary artery disease, thrombosis and diabetes. To treat and prevent the development of these diseases, it is recommended to take shiitake in the form of tincture.

Shiitake alcohol tincture

To prepare the product, shiitake powder, a 40-proof alcohol-containing drink (cognac or vodka) and an airtight glass container are used. Dry mushroom extract in the amount of 10 g (about 6 teaspoons) is poured with half a liter of liquid, after which the dishes with the resulting infusion are put in a dark, cool place for two weeks. At the end of this period, the resulting infusion is filtered. Shiitake medicine should be taken one teaspoon at a time 40 minutes before meals. The frequency of administration is twice a day - in the morning before breakfast and at night before bed. You can take the medicine for a month. The course can be repeated after taking a week break.

Shiitake in cosmetology

Products based on shiitake concentrate are used in cosmetology to improve the condition of skin and hair. The beneficial effects of the mushroom were first noted in Ancient China. When adding a mushroom extract to the composition of care products, the skin becomes softer, more elastic and dense, due to which fine wrinkles are smoothed out.

Anti-wrinkle mask

It is necessary to mix two tablespoons of dry shiitake extract with two tablespoons of full-fat cottage cheese and a tablespoon of freshly prepared carrot juice. All ingredients must be combined, after which the resulting mixture must be applied to the skin of the face and neck for 15-20 minutes, and then rinsed with warm water and blotted with a soft towel.

This product makes the skin softer, smoothes out wrinkles and nourishes the upper layer of the epidermis with useful substances.

Food industry

Shiitake has excellent taste and has numerous beneficial properties. All parts of the mushroom are used in cooking. Shiitake is sold not only fresh, but also dried. In the second case, before cooking, the mushroom is soaked in warm water. Fresh shiitakes are consumed both fried and boiled, and raw. The mushroom has a specific, radish-like taste, which only intensifies after heat treatment.

Tree mushrooms are a rich source of protein and vitamins. At the same time, they have minimal calorie content: 100 g of mushrooms contain only 34 kilocalories. Shiitake can be safely used in the diet of those losing weight.

Shiitake dishes are highly popular in East Asian cuisine. Mushrooms are included in many dishes and go well with rice, pasta, vegetables and all types of meat and seafood. Not only first and second courses are prepared based on mushrooms, but also desserts - candies, yoghurts and drinks.

Research by scientists

The healing qualities of shiitake mushrooms have been known in the East for many centuries. Numerous traditional medicine recipes attribute unique beneficial properties to mushrooms. The use of the mushroom is indicated for viral diseases, heart and vascular diseases, diseases of the digestive system, obesity and oncology.

The antitumor effect of mushrooms was proven in 1969 by Japanese oncologist Tetsuro Ikekawa. The polysaccharides he identified in the composition of mushrooms have a pronounced antitumor effect, having a destructive effect on cancer cells, while at the same time reducing the negative impact of chemotherapy on healthy cells of the body.

During the research, a previously unknown component to science was discovered - the substance lentinan, named after the Latin name shiitake. This substance, even in small doses, has a powerful effect on tumor processes. In Japan, anti-cancer drugs based on shiitake are officially recognized as medicine.

The medicinal properties of shiitake in the fight against heart and vascular diseases were proven during an experiment conducted in 1988 in the USSR at the USSR Cardiology Research Center and the Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Medical Sciences. According to a study, the use of shiitake lowers cholesterol levels, reduces the risk of blood clots and prevents the development of complications characteristic of heart disease.

Growing at home

Shiitake has valuable beneficial properties for humans. The use of the mushroom in folk medicine and cooking has led to widespread distribution throughout the world. Shiitake is grown not only on an industrial scale, but also at home.

Japanese mushrooms are grown in two ways - by sowing the mycelium in a sterilized sawdust-shaving mixture or by growing it on recently cut tree trunks. Temperature is important for mushroom germination. The optimal air temperature should be in the range of 25-27 degrees. Mushrooms grow well in a moist environment and with sufficient light levels.

How to care for mushrooms

Shitake care includes daily watering, which should be especially intense during the period of germination and weight gain. Shiitake is harvested using a knife. With proper care, you can harvest up to six harvests per year.


Shiitake is known as a mushroom that has unique beneficial properties. The use of shiitake is not always recommended. So, absolute contraindications are:

  • Allergy;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Childhood;
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.

Before starting treatment with shiitake mushrooms, you must obtain permission from your doctor. Shiitake-based products should be taken in accordance with the recommended dosage.

Shiitake tree mushrooms were known in the East as an effective remedy for many diseases and were highly valued for their taste.

Interesting references to shiitake have survived to this day:

  • It is believed that the first officially recorded mention of mushrooms is contained in ancient Chinese manuscript sources, which date back approximately to 199 BC;
  • Shiitake mushroom is widespread in Japan. All over the world, shiitake is often called the Japanese mushroom, despite the fact that it grows in Korea and China. And in the Land of the Rising Sun itself, shiitake received the name “imperial mushroom”;
  • Shiitake naturally grows only in wild forests. The favorite habitat of the mushroom is chestnut trees, but shiitake also grows well on maples, oaks and other types of trees. As a rule, mushrooms “select” stumps, broken and fallen trunks;
  • It is interesting that the medicinal properties that make the mushroom so popular are acquired by shiitake only in natural conditions. When buying cheap mushrooms from ordinary greenhouses, you should not count on a high content of useful substances;
  • They learned to grow shiitake under artificial conditions only in the middle of the last century. Until this time, all attempts to create mushroom farms had failed, since shiitake is very demanding on the conditions of detention and the quality of the basis for growth;
  • Shiitake is studied scientifically. In total, about 40,000 research papers have been published around the world, revealing the amazing beneficial properties of the mushroom and its effectiveness in treating a wide range of diseases.

Shiitake mushrooms are valuable and healthy mushrooms with unique beneficial properties, which every year find new applications in medicine, pharmacology and the cosmetology industry.

see also

Alexander Gushchin

I can’t vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


In Japan, China and Korea, dishes without shiitake can be counted on one hand. Easterners simply adore this mushroom, not only for its taste, but also for its healing properties. There it is called the elixir of youth, beauty, health and longevity. Why is this mushroom so useful?

What is shiitake

It is known that shiitake is an edible agaric mushroom that grows on a tree. The cap reaches a diameter of up to 30 centimeters, and its color is light or dark brown. There is a cream-colored fringe along the edge, and the top of the mushroom is covered with scales. If you look under the cap, you can see white fibers in which a lot of useful elements have accumulated. The cylindrical leg is white, turning brown when broken, with a fibrous surface.

The name alone already speaks about the method of growth. Shii means broad-leaved tree in Japanese, and take means mushroom. Other names for this plant are also known: black forest mushroom, Chinese or Japanese mushrooms, and its Latin name is edible lentinula. Under natural conditions, shiitake grows in the east: Japan, Korea, China and some areas of Southeast Asia.

Such mushrooms are also cultivated in Russia: in the Far East and in the Primorsky Territory. There are only two types of artificial production:

  • outdoors - an extensive method of growing;
  • in a greenhouse - an intensive method.

Growing shiitake mushrooms using the extensive method takes from 6 to 12 months. To begin with, small depressions are made on pieces of wood into which shiitake mycelium or an entire culture of it is placed. Then the logs are kept in the shade for some time, at a certain temperature and humidity. Fruiting of mushrooms on logs lasts from 3 to 5 years, and the yield from 1 cubic meter. m of wood is about 250 kg.

The intensive method involves cultivating shiitake on a mixture of sawdust with wheat or rice bran, in special propylene containers. First, the substrate is sterilized, pasteurized in hot water, dried, and only after that the mycelium is planted in the soil. On one block, mushrooms will grow from 30 to 60 days, and the yield for the entire fruiting period will be 15-20%.

Shiitake - benefits and harm

Shiitake dishes are not only low-calorie (nutritional value of 1 kg - 300-500 kcal), but also healthy. For example, there is as much calcium as in fish meat. In addition, they contain a lot of phosphorus, iodine, potassium, zinc, complex carbohydrates and B vitamins. The accumulation of substances is concentrated on the cap, because only there spores form. The stalk has 2 times less micro- and macroelements. Therefore, nutritionists advise cutting off the lower part and cooking as many caps as possible.

It is worth knowing that the benefits and harms of shiitake are a very controversial topic. As it turns out, even they are imperfect. Hardly soluble mushroom protein is practically not absorbed by our body. Plus, chitin fiber contributes to poor digestion. It interferes with the production of gastric juice and passes through the body in transit. For these reasons, doctors do not recommend giving shiitake to children under 3 years of age, and adults can consume no more than 300 g of mushrooms per day.

Medicinal properties

The Japanese call shiitake the elixir of longevity; dishes made from it were often served at the imperial table. And in Russia, the benefits of an overseas guest were recognized several decades ago. There is even a whole science - fungotherapy, which studies the medicinal qualities of mushrooms. It has been proven that the medicinal properties of shiitake lie in its rich vitamin composition:

  • Polysaccharides, leucine, lysine normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and promote weight loss.
  • Ergosterol was found in dried mushrooms, which, when absorbed, turns into vitamin D.
  • Amino acids lower sugar levels, bad cholesterol, and improve blood circulation. This makes the mushroom an indispensable product for diabetes and hypertension.
  • According to Chinese research, the presence of this mushroom in the diet will increase resistance to stress and help cope with exhaustion and weakness.
  • Lingans with lingins - virus-like particles that make up shiitake, help the body resist herpes and hepatitis viruses.
  • With complex therapy, shiitake is used to treat the upper respiratory tract, influenza, smallpox, polio and even HIV.
  • Eating 16 grams of dried mushrooms per day will increase immunity and prevent the development of heart diseases: atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease.
  • Chitin and cellulose help cleanse the blood of chemical, toxic, and radioactive substances.

There is unconfirmed evidence that the mushroom is good for treating stomach ulcers, gout, hemorrhoids, liver pathologies, prostatitis, and impotence. Some companies specializing in medicinal cosmetics for women produce anti-aging products based on Japanese mushrooms: creams, cosmetic masks, lotions. Lentinan, added to the composition of this cosmetics, stops premature aging of the skin.


If you want to have beautiful velvety skin, like in the photo of Japanese geishas, ​​you don’t have to buy expensive creams. Shiitake tincture prepared at home will cope with the tasks. Skin lotion is made according to a simple recipe:

  1. Dried mushrooms are mixed with alcohol in a ratio of 2 to 1.
  2. Close the container with a lid and then leave for 7-10 days.
  3. The prepared solution is applied to a cotton pad and wiped over the face, except for the eye area and nasolabial folds.
  4. The procedure is repeated regularly: morning and evening.

For oncology

Extracts and extracts from shiitake began to be used in the prevention and rehabilitation of cancer patients. Science has found that these medicinal mushrooms have strong antitumor properties, but this does not mean that you should stop the main treatment and refuse operations. Shiitake mushroom in oncology only reduces the spread of cancer cells, slightly reduces the size of the tumor, enhances the effect of chemotherapy procedures, restores the blood formula, and relieves pain.

Shiitake mushrooms - how to cook

Chinese mushrooms are used not only by doctors; they are often included in dishes. Cooking shiitake is not a complicated process at all. They taste like a cross between a porcini mushroom and champignons. When fresh, they can be used in salad recipes or light appetizers. This mushroom will emphasize, embellish and enrich the taste of any savory sauce. In Chinese, Japanese and Korean cuisine, rich miso soups are prepared from shiitake.

Shiitake mushrooms are an oriental symbol of longevity. The Chinese have used them for medicinal purposes for more than 6,000 years. Today, this specific variety of edible mushroom is in second place in terms of artificial cultivation and popularity in the world.

As for the benefits of shiitake mushrooms, it is due to its rich chemical composition, including selenium, iron, dietary fiber, proteins and vitamin C. Many nutritionists agree that these mushrooms should be added to the diet on a regular basis.

Shiitake mushrooms have a bright forest aroma, slightly reminiscent of porcini mushrooms. They also have a dense, meaty texture.

But what makes these mushrooms truly interesting and popular is their high nutritional value. High concentration of vegetable protein (up to 18%), potassium, niacin and other B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus.

Among the key beneficial properties of shiitake, it is necessary to note the fight against viruses, lowering cholesterol levels in the blood, and normalizing blood pressure.

Lentinan, an immunostimulant derived from these mushrooms, is widely used in medical practice to treat cancer, AIDS, diabetes, CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome), fibrocystic breast disease and other serious diseases with encouraging results.

Stimulate the immune system

The amazing immunomodulatory properties of shiitake mushrooms are based on complex carbohydrates (polysaccharides), which nourish the immune system and put it in a fighting mood.

According to researcher Jeff Chilton, mushroom polysaccharides have shown excellent results during experimental treatment of tumors in laboratory animals. These active substances in shiitake are extremely gentle - they strengthen the host’s immunity, instead of directly affecting the tumor. For this reason, they are called “immune defense enhancers” (HDP).

Mushroom polysaccharides activate macrophages and T-lymphocytes, influence the production of interferon (a cell protein that inhibits the proliferation of viruses, produced by the body in response to infection) and increase the overall immune response in body cells.

The active components of shiitake mushrooms do not contain poisons, do not have harmful side effects and are clinically safe.

Reduce cholesterol

Another substance found in shiitake mushrooms, eritadenine, has been shown in studies to significantly reduce blood cholesterol levels.

The first medical data on this matter appeared in 2001 in Experimental Biology and Medicine. The study itself was conducted at the University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine (Obihiro City, Japan) and proved the effect of the fungal agent on cholesterol levels in excrement (increasing trend) and in the blood (decreasing trend).

A little later, scientists Suzuki and Oshima gave exact results in numbers. Eating shiitake mushrooms daily for one week caused serum cholesterol levels to drop by 12%.

Fighting cancer

The American Cancer Society recognizes the medical potential of shiitake mushrooms in the treatment of cancer. But since until now all the necessary experiments have been carried out exclusively on laboratory animals, more compelling evidence is needed.

Oncologists from the USA suggest that the miraculous properties of shiitake mushrooms are due to the content of a polysaccharide called lentinan. It increases the body's resistance to infections and tumors. In addition to its preventive effect, this polysaccharide can slow down the growth and development of cancer cells in cancer patients.

Strong antioxidant

Natural antioxidants help our body fight off free radicals, which can transform body cells and even cause cancer.

In 2005, the trendy antioxidant L-ergothioneine was found in mushrooms. This was stated by an American research group at a meeting of the American Chemical Society (Washington). It turned out that shiitake mushrooms have the highest concentrations of this powerful antioxidant, significantly more than the other two record-breaking foods: chicken liver and wheat germ.

For skin beauty

In January 2003, the women's magazine Redbook reported that some luxury cosmetics companies (for example, Chanel) began producing skin creams that contain a metabolic product of shitake mushrooms, namely kojic acid.

This acid, according to natural skin care expert Nora Traviss, prevents the production of excess melanin, the skin pigment. Kojic acid has astringent properties and causes cells to shrink, making the skin firmer.

Selection and storage

Shiitake mushrooms are sold fresh, dried and frozen. When dried, the aroma of the product intensifies, they are easier to store and can be easily restored to their original volume by adding water. Dried shiitake mushrooms are especially good in soups, stews, sauces and casseroles.

The beneficial properties of shiitake mushrooms largely depend on the method of their cultivation. A high-quality product, rich in healing polysaccharides, is obtained from natural wood (oak) under natural lighting conditions.

Cheap, but much less valuable mushrooms are grown on blocks of sawdust in closed rooms with controlled humidity. In this case, the nutrient substrate is extremely susceptible to pathogens and competing types of fungi (including poisonous ones), so producers often use pesticides and fungicides.

Shiitake mushrooms grown using the second method can only be eaten if they are thoroughly cleaned of chemical contaminants. But not all manufacturers provide such a guarantee.

That’s why discerning Japanese are willing to pay no more than $8 for 1 kg of sawdust-grown mushrooms, but the full $80 for mushrooms grown in natural conditions.

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