Home Tooth pain How to choose a topic for an essay. Topics (problems) of Unified State Exam essays in the Russian language

How to choose a topic for an essay. Topics (problems) of Unified State Exam essays in the Russian language

  1. Does America have the right to export democracy?
  2. The future of American federalism in the context of globalization.
  3. "The USA Patriot Act" and the problem of freedom.
  4. International actions of the USA for the protection of human rights at the beginning of the XX-XXI centuries.
  5. The policy of compensatory discrimination: pro et contra.
  6. Interaction between Congress and the US President during the Iraq War.
  7. Bureaucracy and democracy: is it possible to control the activities of the bureaucracy in the United States?
  8. Is the right to abortion constitutional?
  9. US Supreme Court and international law.
  10. The fight for the right to marry representatives of sexual minorities in the United States.
  11. Consequences of monopolization of the media industry in the United States.
  12. What image of the world is formed by the American media?
  13. Why is American political activity declining?
  14. Advantages and disadvantages of the modern two-party system in the United States.
  15. Party struggle in the USA and the problem of redistricting.
  16. 2008 elections in the United States: Democratic strategy.
  17. Election 2012: Prospects for Republicans and Democrats.
  18. Interest groups in the United States in the context of globalization.


  1. The list of essay topics can be expanded in accordance with the interests of the student after consultation with the teacher.
  2. When preparing an essay, you must use the list of required and additional literature, as well as Internet resources for the course “US Political System”.

Guidelines for the colloquium:

"Interest Groups in American Politics"

A list of questions

  1. What are interest groups (lobbies) and whose interests can they represent?
  2. Mechanisms for organizing interest groups and their role in the political life of American society.
  3. Interest Group Resources.
  4. Mechanisms of influence of interest groups in the United States on politics: direct lobbying (pressure on Congress, the president, executive authorities); a system of permanent connections between a committee in Congress, an executive body and an interest group (iron triangle); litigation; PR campaigns; use of the electoral process.
  5. New political movement of the 1960s-1970s. and the emergence of public interest groups.
  6. Characteristics of the activities of one of the public interest groups of the second half of the 20th century. (optionally).

List of sources and literature


Theory and practice of democracy. Selected texts. M., 2006. Chapter 7. Interest groups. pp. 309-359.


Janda K., Berry J., Goldman J., Hula K. The Hard Way of Democracy.

The process of public administration in the United States. M., 2006. pp. 287-317.

Heywood E. Political Science. M., 2005. pp. 344-352.

Barbour Ch., Streb M.J. Clued in to Politics. A Critical Thinking Reader in American Government. Boston, N.Y., 2004, pp. 309-332.

Ginsberg G., Lowi Th., Weir M. We the People. An Introduction to American Politics. New York, London, 2005 (Study outline: www.wwnorton.com/wtp5e). P. 426-464.


Interest Group Politics. Washington, 1983.

Moe T. M. The Organization of Interests. Chicago, 1980.

Olson M. Jr. the Logic of Collective Action: Public Goods and the theory of Groups. Cambridge, 1971.

The Politics of Interests: Interest Groups Transformed. Westview, 1992.

Internet resources

http://www.psr.keele.ac.uk/parties.htm - information site of interest groups in various countries, including the USA;

http://www.politicalusa.com/link/Interest_Groups/ - website of interest groups in the USA;

http://usgovinfo.about.com/blorgs.htm - a site dedicated to the activities of interest groups and public organizations in the United States.
Questions for the written final assessment

  1. Concepts of freedom, equality and democracy in the system of American political values.
  2. American liberalism and conservatism. General characteristics.
  3. Fundamental Principles of the Constitution of 1787
  4. The Bill of Rights and the adoption of new amendments to the US Constitution.
  5. The evolution of the US political system: from the Early Republic to the “Era of Jackson.”
  6. The meaning and contours of American federalism. "Traditional federalism", cooperative federalism, "New federalism".
  7. American civil liberties.
  8. The main stages of the struggle for civil rights in the United States.
  9. The role of Congress in implementing the principles of American democracy. "Congressional periods" in US history.
  10. The process of lawmaking in Congress.
  11. Constitutional foundations of presidential power. "Presidential periods" in US history.
  12. Characteristics of the modern institution of presidential power in the United States.
  13. Federal judicial system. Distinguishing the jurisdiction of federal and state courts.
  14. The Supreme Court as a body of constitutional supervision. Expansion of the power of federal courts in the second half of the 20th century.
  15. The system of checks and balances in the US political system.
  16. Factors influencing the process of political socialization in the United States. Mechanisms for the formation of American political views.
  17. Public opinion polls in the United States and their significance.
  18. The principles of functioning of the media industry in the United States and its impact on the political process.
  19. Forms of political activity of Americans and mechanisms of political mobilization of American society.
  20. The voting process in the USA. The main stages of the American struggle for expansion of voting rights.
  21. History and the two-party system in the USA.
  22. The role of parties in the political life of the United States.
  23. Elections in the USA: types of election campaigns and electoral systems.
  24. Organization of the presidential election campaign.
  25. Mechanisms of influence of interest groups in the United States on the political process.

Thematic course plan

Subject lectures Total
Section 1 . Fundamental Principles of the US Political System
1. Introduction to American Political Culture. 2 2
2. Development of the US Constitution and the formation of the foundations of the modern political system. 2 2
3. American federalism. 2 2
4. Civil liberties and rights. 2 2
Section 2. National institutions of government
5. Congress and the principles of functioning of the legislative branch. 2 2
6. Institute of Presidential Power. 2 2
7. US judicial system. Judicial power and politics. 2 2
Section 3. Political life of the USA
8. The role of public opinion. 2 2
9. Media influence. 2 2
10. Political participation and voting. 2 2
11. Political parties in the USA. 2 2
12. Elections in the United States 2 2
Colloquium: “Interest Groups in American Politics” 2
TOTAL: 24 hours 26 hours

Social studies is one of the most popular Unified State Exam subjects, because a certificate with good scores in this subject opens up wide opportunities for entry into highly ranked universities in a variety of faculties.

If you have confidently chosen social studies or decided to take tests in this discipline, considering it simpler than a number of other subjects in the school curriculum, we suggest you find out:

Although, for most schoolchildren, social studies seems to be a fairly simple subject, statistics on the results of the unified state exam indicate that not all test takers easily obtain high scores. Why?

If we ignore the fact that social studies is quite often chosen as a third subject by 11th graders who have not yet decided on the desired direction of further education, then there are three reasons for not being very successful in passing the exam:

  1. The tickets cover a fairly large number of topics included in the course of such subjects as economics, politics, law, sociology and philosophy.
  2. Many schoolchildren lack the ability to quickly work with information presented in the form of tables and graphs.
  3. Problems with writing essays correctly.

It is a short argumentative essay, in which graduates need to not only reveal the meaning of the statement, but also argue their reasoning, skillfully using concepts from various topics based on personal experience, that causes difficulties for most graduates. But, in fact, everything is quite simple if you spend some time preparing for the Unified State Exam.

Where to begin?

  • Find out what essay topics will be offered at the Unified State Exam in Social Studies in 2018.
  • Work through each possible topic.
  • Create a basic plan that will help you quickly and competently write an essay on social studies and successfully enter your desired university in 2018.

Essay topics for the 2018 Unified State Exam in social studies

No one can say exactly what topic will be offered to graduates in 2018, since it is announced after the envelope is opened on the day of the Unified State Exam. But you can prepare well for the essay, because all possible topics are in the collection from which the tasks for the Unified State Exam in Social Sciences in 2018 will be taken.

You can familiarize yourself with the topics and issues of different modules included in social studies on the page of our portal or save the file in pdf format to your computer. You can open files of this format with special programs or simply through any browser installed on your PC.

Making a plan for an essay in social studies

Regardless of the direction and topic, the essay should have the following structure:

  1. Main quote.
  2. The problem and its relevance.
  3. Revealing the essence of the statement.
  4. The essay writer’s view of the problem being revealed.
  5. Theoretical argumentation.
  6. Examples from personal experience or social practice, history or literature.
  7. Short conclusion.

Try to find quotes for each topic. But keep in mind that the choice of quotation must be justified and supported by further reasoning and examples.

To reveal the relevance of the problem, use cliche phrases:

To correctly disclose the content of the selected topic, you must:

  1. periodically return to the topic at different points in the essay;
  2. add brief information about the author of the statement;
  3. try not to go beyond the topic;
  4. do not dilute the text with facts and arguments that are not related to the chosen topic;
  5. describe different views on the problem and existing solutions.

When taking the Unified State Exam 2018 in social studies, an essay plan will help you not to deviate from the intended path, according to which you can easily write an argumentative essay step by step.

When formulating the main idea, do not repeat the entire statement, but use the appropriate clichés:

  • “The meaning of the statement is that...”
  • “The author is absolutely convinced that...”
  • “By making a statement, the author tries to draw attention to the fact that...”

When expressing your opinion, do not rush to take the author’s side. You can agree with him only partially or even argue, providing compelling arguments in favor of your position. Depending on the chosen direction, the following phrases can be used in the block:

It is necessary to substantiate your opinion at the theoretical and empirical levels. Therefore, when drawing up your plan for the essay for the Unified State Exam 2018, be sure to prepare examples from life, theoretical material from various topics in social studies, as well as historical facts.

Conclusion is 1-2 sentences that summarize the reasoning.

Teacher's advice! While working through each topic, make yourself reference tables for each statement, in which write down 1-2 sentences for each point of the plan.

Grading essays in social studies

For a well-written argument, a graduate can receive a maximum of 5 points.

In total, when assigning points for an essay, the following are assessed:

Important! If the meaning of the statement is incorrectly revealed, then the essay is not further checked and 0 points are awarded for completing this task.

There is still quite a lot of time before the start of the Unified State Exam 2018, which means that learning how to correctly plan an essay and learn the theory of social studies is more than possible. The main thing is to set a goal and strive to achieve it through daily study and tireless training in writing quality essays.

Also look at video on changing the ESSAY in social studies:

The topics of Unified State Examination essays in the Russian language are a rather abstract concept. We can rather talk about problems. Each text offered for analysis to a USE participant contains several problems. Usually there are at least three of them, but there are texts in which up to ten problems can be identified.

The most subjective moment. In fact, the problem may be present in the text, but not contained in the materials for the experts checking the students' work. Most experts in such situations take into account the formulation of the problem.

The difficulty is different: sometimes a student formulates a problem in an ugly way from the point of view of the Russian language, while thinking in the right direction. The result is correct, but difficult to understand content. The expert does not always grasp the connection between the text of the work and the materials according to which he must check. As a result, a correct thought is scored zero.

How to avoid this? There is a list of topics (problems) for Unified State Examination essays in the Russian language, it will be given below. This list contains brief but precise formulations that will definitely be understandable to an expert. Many of these are taken from examiner revision materials for previous years' exams or from official mock exams. The problems may vary slightly depending on the source text, but in general the list is exhaustive.

The problem can be formulated in the form of a question or in the genitive case.

There is no difference in terms of assessing essays by experts. But using the first method (questioning) leads to writing a better essay. It makes it possible not to get confused and not to go off topic. Advice from site developers: formulate the problem in the form of a question. We will also formulate a list of topics (problems) in question form.

List of topics for essays on the Unified State Examination in the Russian language

The relationship between man and nature

How do human activities affect nature?

How should we treat nature?

Why is nature important to humans?

Should a person protect nature?

How does nature influence humans?

Why is consumerism towards nature bad?

Does man depend on nature?

Why do people often fail to see the beauty in nature?

How can nature inspire people?

How does the destructive power of nature manifest itself?

Why should you live in harmony with nature?

What is the beauty of nature?

Relationships between humans and animals

Why should a person care about animals?

Why do homeless animals evoke feelings of compassion?

How should people treat their pets?

Do all people love animals?

Why are people so often cruel to animals?

What makes a person kill animals?

Can an animal be useful to a person?

Is a person always more intelligent than an animal?

Family relationships, childhood

How does family influence the formation of a child’s personality?

Is there anything stronger than a mother's love?

How do parents care about their children?

Why are parents strict with their children?

What influences the process of forming a child’s worldview?

Is maternal love always good?

How does upbringing affect a person’s future?

Should children leave their parents?

What kind of atmosphere should there be in the family?

Do family relationships influence a child's character?

Why should parents be honest with their children?

Why do conflicts between “fathers” and “children” happen?

What do childhood memories mean to a person?

Can childhood always be called the happiest time?

The beauty and richness of the Russian language

What does a person’s native language mean?

Why do you need to protect the Russian language?

What does an irresponsible attitude towards one’s native language lead to?

Why do young people neglect the rules of the Russian language?

What is the richness of the Russian language?

School, teachers, books

Why is it important for a person to get a good education?

How does the school participate in shaping a child’s personality?

Why are school lessons important?

Why should you remember your teachers?

Can every teacher be called good?

What should a real teacher be like?

Why should a person strive for knowledge?

What's wrong with not wanting to learn?

What consequences does the work of an incompetent teacher have?

How do books influence a person's worldview?

What place should reading have in a person's life?

Inner world, moral qualities of a person

What can a person's appearance say?

Is a person beautiful on the outside always beautiful on the inside?

In what situations does a person’s character emerge?

What internal qualities of a person can be considered correct?

What is a truly rich inner world like?

Why do people commit immoral acts?

Can anything justify betrayal?

Why do people take the path of spiritual degradation?

How does cowardice manifest itself?

What kind of person can be called callous, heartless?

What does human cruelty lead to?

Why do intrapersonal conflicts occur?

Can a moral person change his principles?


Can true friendship ever end?

Why do quarrels happen between friends?

Why does friendship not tolerate betrayal?

What kind of person can be called a true friend?

Can friends be rivals?


What is true love?

How should you treat the person you love?

Is love always happy?

What can a person do in the name of love?

Why is unrequited love dangerous?

Is it possible to forgive everything to a loved one?

Social problems

How should we treat the poor?

Why should you help the homeless?

Can you always trust the authorities?

How does the problem of veneration manifest itself?

Why can the rich control the destinies of the poor?

Why is crime rampant?

Is there any way to justify theft?

What can make a person a drunkard?

Are the poor always to blame for their financial situation?


What kind of person can be called well-mannered?

Will a well-mannered person be rude or rude?

Why should a person be responsive?

Who gives a person education?

Why is it important to respect others?

Should a person be polite?

Art in human life

Is a talented person always noticed?

What does art give to a person?

How does music affect a person?

Is it possible to express through art what cannot be expressed in words?

What did music mean to people in wartime?

Do brilliant people always live happily?

Why do people love art?

How does art help people?

War time

Why was heroism common in wartime?

What are people who love their Motherland ready for?

What kind of person can be called a patriot?

How does false patriotism manifest itself?

Does it make sense to treat the enemy humanely?

Why is war a grief for every family?

Why should we remember war heroes?

How does humanity preserve the memory of the Great Patriotic War?

The list of problems can be expanded. New problems will be added to the general list, stay tuned.

The New Year holidays have passed and it’s time for everyone who studies in grades 9 and 11 to think about the upcoming exams. The time to start preparing for them is already in February. Let's figure it out how to prepare for the Unified State Exam in English. The first thing you need to do is to repeat the vocabulary you have learned, that is, the completed topics in English.

So, the main task for the next six months is to transform all the vocabulary that lies passively in the head from passive to active.

Passive vocabulary- words that you understand by reading texts and listening to audio recordings.
Active vocabulary– words that you know how to use in oral and written speech.

How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in English

We present to your attention English language topics to prepare for the Unified State Exam and vocabulary on these topics must be URGENTLY activated in order to pass the exam well. Although since 2015, the format of the oral part of the Unified State Examination in English has changed (see), but the essence remains the same: you need to know the words and be able to speak on given topics: ask questions, describe photographs, analyze, compare, find differences, argue, etc.

Presentations Below they contain tasks on all types of speech activity and will help you prepare and successfully pass the Unified State Examination in English.

Topics in English in grade 11 in the tasks of the oral and written part of the Unified State Exam (based on materials from FIPI)

The designation in brackets (for example, letter - 13, 18) means that the corresponding topic can be repeated by writing a letter (task No. 13, 18), which are given “.

A Everyday life and everyday life, distribution of household responsibilities in the family. (writing - 13, 18) Shopping (writing -5, speaking -3)

B Life in the city and countryside. Problems of the city and the village (speaking - 23)

IN Communication in the family and school (writing -11), family traditions (speaking -18), interpersonal relationships with friends and acquaintances (writing - 8,14, 16,17,20, speaking -21)

G Health and care (letter - 10, essay - 3) well-being, medical services. Healthy lifestyle (writing -7, speaking - 6, 22)

D The role of youth in modern society (essay-7), their interests and hobbies (speaking -6, 10, writing-4, 6, 12)

E Leisure time for young people: visiting clubs, sports sections, interest clubs (essay -15, speaking -9,). Correspondence

AND Home country (speaking -11) and

Z Traveling in your country and abroad, sightseeing (essay - 16)

AND Nature and environmental problems (essay -9)

L The contribution of Russia and the countries of the language being studied to the development of science (essay-1) and world culture (speaking -13)

M The modern world of professions, the labor market (speaking-19)

N Opportunities for continuing education in higher education (essay – 10)

ABOUT Plans for the future, the problem of choosing a profession (speaking -19, writing -19)

P The role of foreign language proficiency in the modern world (letter-9)

R School Education (Essay-11). Subjects studied, attitude towards them. Holidays (speaking -5, 20)

WITH Scientific and technological progress, its prospects and consequences (essay -20)

T New information technologies (essay -20)

U Holidays and significant dates in various countries of the world (speaking -4, 14)

Source: Codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of graduates of educational organizations for conducting a unified state exam in ENGLISH in grade 11 in 2015

Personal writing in English in 11th grade. Themes

Below we offer 20 topics that comply with the specifications from the FIPI website. Pay special attention to the highlighted topics that are included in the content of the substantive speech. You will find assignments for these topics in

  1. Teenage Jobs
  2. fashion
  3. Hobbies. Music
  4. Pets
  5. Clothes
  6. Parties
  7. Keeping Fit
  8. Family Relations
  9. Learning English
  10. Health
  11. Teenage Problems with parents
  12. Birthday Party
  13. Household Chores
  14. Teenage Problems with friends
  15. Exams
  16. Teenage Problems with friends
  17. Teenage Problems
  18. Household Chores
  19. Future Profession
  20. Teenage Problems with parents

Presentation “Personal writing in English in 11th grade. Tasks"

Essay on English in 11th grade. Themes

Below we offer 20 topics that correspond to the specifications from the FIPI website. You will find these topics in

You will learn what an essay is and what its features are. I’ll tell you how material is written in this genre and what formats it comes in. We also cannot do without examples. Let's look at both good and bad examples.

Essay (from franc. essai "attempt", "trial", "essay") is a literary genre of prose writing of small volume and free composition. Expresses the author’s individual impressions and considerations on a specific subject and does not pretend to be an exhaustive interpretation of the topic.

You can be as subjective as you want here. You are not tasked with covering the entire topic. You do not claim to have an opinion in the last instance. These are just your thoughts on a specific topic.

Michel Montaigne is considered the founder of this genre. His book " Experiments” consists of essays on a variety of topics. For example, about honor, conscience, money, morality, and so on.

The continuators of the tradition were Denis Diderot, Voltaire and Andre Maurois. But these are classics.

Andre Maurois

Dmitry Likhachev

Dmitry Bykov

Yuri Olesha

An essay is also an artistic and journalistic genre that is widely used in the modern world, the press and literature.

Instead of facts, the originality of the author’s thinking comes to the fore. Now you don’t need to surf the Internet looking for a topic and newsworthy topic. There is a reason here too. But it’s more likely just a thought, some topic that you grabbed hold of and decided to speculate on.

This is where you show your intelligence and emotions. This is an option to show your style, because you are not limited to a specific style. You can use any expressions and all the colors of the language.

There are no limits here!

This is a great way to show your intelligence and erudition. This is one of the ideal formats for a blog. If you look at blogs and websites, they most often consist of articles and essays.

Form and types of essays

There are certain types of essays and their forms. Here is a small classification of this genre.

Main types:

  • Subjective ( personal) - a certain side of the author’s personality is revealed
  • Objective - refers to some idea or subject of description. For example, some specialist writes material on a certain topic.
  • Spiritual and religious
  • Philosophical
  • Fiction-journalistic
  • Literary critical
  • Artistic
  • Historical and other

According to literary form:

  • Letter
  • A page from the diary
  • Lyrical miniature
  • And so on

It also happens:

  • Analytical
  • Descriptive
  • Critical
  • Narrative
  • Reflective and so on

How to write an essay

Now let's talk about how to write an essay correctly and interestingly.

First, let's look at the criteria for this genre:

  • Small volume and specific topic
  • Personal approach to disclosure, subjectivity
  • Free composition: impressions, memories, associations
  • Free use of the lexical composition of the language
  • Atmosphere of trust, conversation
  • “I am in the world” and “the world is in me”

Essay volume and topic

The volume of essays for scientific materials is between 2 and 3 thousand characters. As a rule, this is for students and professionals. Rarely occurs anymore. There can only be even less.

The only exception is the literary genre. In it, the essay can be of any size because it is a free genre. It can consist of one phrase or an entire book.

The size should be such that you can speak out. To have time to say the most important thing before the reader gets bored.

The next sign is a specific topic.

We don't write essays on the topic " world peace" There is no need to end up with the diaries of a village philosopher after a bottle of moonshine. You need to limit yourself to a specific topic and problem.

Approach and composition

This is also a personal approach to revealing the topic. What do you personally think about this? What are your emotions and sensations? Subjectivity is a hallmark of an essay.

The next thing is free composition.

There are no rules about where to start and how to end. You not only describe your impressions. But you can also describe memories and associations.

For example, you write about how you went to a Moscow bakery. On the street they saw how a young man decided to help an elderly man cross the road.

This made you think about the morality of modern youth. To your memories of Moscow not today, but 1943. Then you were a child and also observed a similar situation.

That is, in the essay genre you can escape into time and space. Remember something and tell about some associations. This will be a free composition.

Phrases for essays

Another sign is the free use of the lexical composition of the language. These are all the essay phrases that Word highlights for us.

Microsoft Word is an editor for documents. Therefore, he often emphasizes words with a bright expressive coloring. This includes Old Russian and expressive words ( cracked, smacked, ranted).

When writing an essay, this should not worry you! After all, in this genre you can use all the richness of the lexical language.

Atmosphere and rules for writing essays

There is still an atmosphere of trust here. This is such an intimate conversation with the reader over a cup of tea in the kitchen.

In the essay we try to show ourselves in the world and the world in us. These are two sides of the genre. What you see and how you feel. And also, what place do you occupy in relation to this event.

Essay writing rules:

  1. Write about what is interesting
  2. About what you think or feel
  3. Write the way you want

It turns out that writing in this genre means trying to be free. But writing freely does not mean haphazardly.

In order for what you write to be interesting to other people, you need to enliven everything with your interest. Learning to write is tasty and fun. Learn to fly freely.

Essay on the topic of

Many people face the problem of how to write an essay on a topic that is right for me. As a rule, there would be no theme, only desire.

I will say that there is an endless number of topics in store for each of us. They are all hidden in our own inattention.

Therefore, first of all, you need to learn to notice the surprising in the inconspicuous - something that you want to write about.

Another important part is to be able to save the found topic. Therefore, it is better to write it down in advance than to simply try to remember it.

In general, it is very easy to choose a topic here.

You can write about what comes to mind now. Or about what interests you most in life. You can even write about your fear or dream.


The theme can be events. This is what is happening around us. Large, small and even barely noticeable. Each of them has its own theme. And if you yourself participate in this event, then you can see it from the inside.

It is very useful to write about an event without delay.

If something happened recently, you can remember details that then begin to be forgotten. And if you add fantasy to the event, it can become an excellent theme for a fairy tale.


The theme lies in the situation. You gradually stop noticing any usual state of affairs. But you can look at any situation anew if you find a new point of view.

In the literature this technique is called “ defamiliarization"from the word " strange».

Look at the familiar through the eyes of a Martian who arrived on Earth for the first time. You can also look at the situation through the eyes of a child or even a cat.


It seems easier to derive a theme from new impressions. But even in old ones you can find something important that was not given importance before.

If something is driven into memory, it means there was a reason for it. Therefore, once again work through all your impressions. I'm sure you'll find something interesting for yourself.


This is an even more fertile layer for writing an essay on the desired topic. Each experience immerses you in some theme.

Experiences are internal events. They are even deeper than external and any other impressions. You just need to think about which genre is best suited to write about a particular experience.


Each of those people who are close to us is also a treasure trove of topics. Another person has his own events, impressions and experiences. Therefore, you need to communicate with such people. Ask them or listen.

By talking with people, you can learn about amazing turns in life. And the person himself is also a special topic.

Try to look closely at a stranger who is not far from you. Imagine who he works for and what his character is. What unusual happened in his life.


Objects also serve as themes. You can write an essay on a topic from an object that you accidentally got. It seems that every thing wants to be solved.

For example, it looks like an ordinary stone.

But if you touch it with your imagination, it can become a meteorite. It could also be an alchemist’s magic stone or a souvenir from distant lands.

Essay structure and plan

Now let's look at what the essay plan should be and what to write here. Here is the structure of writing the material:

  1. Introduction
  2. Main reasons
  3. Additional reasons
  4. Denouement
  5. Conclusion

Some of you may not know how to start an essay. But don't worry! There is nothing complicated here. IN first part (administered) it is enough to indicate how you are going to solve the problem.

Don’t write too much here!

The size of the introduction should be small. Just describe in general terms the solution to the problem. Or you can immediately ask the reader a question, and then reveal it in other parts.

It will be even better if you put intrigue at the beginning of the essay. This will very well stir up interest in the material. This is especially useful for some specific and complex topics.

IN parts 2 and 3 you must demonstrate to the reader that you understand the topic. Here you need to show that everything is balanced.

For example, in the second part there will be reasons that support what is in the fourth part. It will be "For". And in the third part there will be reasons against what is in the fourth part.

But this is only a conditional division.

The second part is where you may have your strongest reasons for and against. And in the third part there are some additional reasons.

The main way to write good material is to write according to plan. But it shouldn't be too detailed. There were diagrams that were written out inside and out. But the essays in such cases did not turn out the best.

Essay writing plan is an understanding of what you should not tell at the very beginning. This is the ability to leave your main idea for the denouement. That is, for the fourth part.

Denouement- this is what you claim and state very clearly. It must be something from the second or third part. Add some information from yourself personally. It is important specifically for your essay and statement. Therefore, the fourth point is a denouement.

As a rule, this will be the most voluminous part of the entire material. In it, you again list facts supported by quotes. Only what is relevant to the question is clear, logical and in order.

Paragraph 5, like 1, should be small. It is logically deduced from the fourth point. This is a conclusion from everything said earlier.

Essay Examples

Let's look at some essay examples. At the same time, we will analyze the mistakes that many authors make. To better reinforce the topic, you will be given both good and bad options.

Bad options

Let's start with the bad stuff. Here is just a small part of the material.

This was an attempt at an essay on the theme of the concert.

The world itself is not shown. There are only emotions that overwhelm the author. But we don’t separate them because we ourselves didn’t understand what kind of event it was. We didn't see anything. Therefore, we are not interested in this.

Here is a second example on the same informational topic.

This is just an event. This may be appropriate as a start. Another example like this might be suitable for a story or article.

But this is not an essay at all!

Why? Because there are no emotions here at all. The world is just shown here. Our task is to maintain balance.

Good Essay Sample

Let's look at some good examples. The first example of an essay is material from Avdotya Smirnova “ Farewell to Slavyanka" It is dedicated to the topic of spirituality.

Firstly, there is a malicious and confidential tone here. Phrases and images were used that would be clearly inappropriate in the article.

Let's just look at the completion of the material. That is, how the author addresses managers, accountants, deputies, and so on.

It is clear that this is quite a free style and association.

At the very beginning of the text there was an appeal to readers ( it's not necessary). It's just a way to create a conversational effect.

There is a reflection of our reality in the 90s and the author’s emotions on this topic. Agree, it was interesting to read such material.

Another good essay example.

Here it is no longer as caustic and figurative as in the previous sample.

It can be seen that somewhere it looks like

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