Home Hygiene How to brew motherwort for calm. Motherwort - medicinal properties and contraindications

How to brew motherwort for calm. Motherwort - medicinal properties and contraindications

If you suddenly cannot get a good night's sleep for several nights in a row, do not rush to take strong sleeping pills. Often, short-term sleep disorders are the result of severe fatigue, stress, a sudden change in climate zone or weather conditions outside the window. A medicinal plant, motherwort, widespread in temperate countries, can help in this case.

Plant properties

The use of motherwort for insomnia began many centuries ago. According to legend, its healing properties were discovered by accident. In the summer season, the grass blooms profusely and motherwort thickets are very attractive to bees. Our ancestors noticed that honey collected from motherwort plantations has unique properties - it quickly calms and helps to put you into a healthy, sound sleep.

Later they began to use the plant in the form of decoctions or vodka tinctures. It turned out that its beneficial properties are not limited to just the sedative effect. Motherwort has a complex healing effect on the body:

  • quickly relieves muscle and vascular spasms;
  • restores damaged blood vessels and capillaries;
  • stimulates intracellular metabolic processes;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • normalizes heart function;
  • activates cerebral circulation;
  • stabilizes the nervous system;
  • eliminates headaches and migraines;
  • restores damaged cell membranes;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • regulates heart rate.

Preparations with motherwort

The most commonly used alcohol tincture is motherwort, which can be easily purchased at any pharmacy. It is enough to drink 20-30 drops of the product dissolved in water and after 20 minutes you will sleep in a calm, sound sleep.

But due to the alcohol content, the tincture is not useful for everyone. Therefore, you can use other drugs with motherwort:

  1. “Nevro-Vit” is a completely natural, effective drug for insomnia, which also contains lemon balm extract, powder from valerian and cyanosis roots, vitamin C. Quickly relieves irritation and nervous tension, promotes rapid sleep, and stimulates the immune system.

  2. “Moonwort P” is a preparation that contains only the extract of motherwort grass, grown in environmentally friendly areas, carefully purified from foreign impurities. Recommended for use during pregnancy (in consultation with your doctor), during menopause and PMS.
  3. “Cratal” is an effective all-natural remedy in which motherwort is combined with hawthorn extract and taurine. Restores the cardiovascular system, relieves spasms, calms, and speeds up falling asleep.

If the effect of this medicine alone is not enough, you can try using the complex natural preparation "Sonylux", which, in addition to 32 extracts of medicinal plants (including motherwort!), includes beaver stream and lofant. Within 10-14 days after its use, sleep returns to normal if the cause is not mental or serious chronic illness.


There are different remedies for insomnia - medicinal and non-traditional. Here you will learn 4 recipes for soothing tea and 21 folk remedies for insomnia
You can read about the causes of insomnia in the previous article. If possible, you should try to eliminate them. And if it doesn’t work out, then you can resort to folk remedies for insomnia.

There are quite a lot of them, so you can choose what suits you better or is more affordable.
Please note that any component of these recipes should not cause you an allergic reaction!

Folk remedies for insomnia

1. The simplest thing is to eat oatmeal more often, preferably daily. Oatmeal is a good antidepressant, oddly enough. Porridge can be eaten with milk and honey. Porridge with sesame or flax seeds works especially well in this regard (a teaspoon on a plate of porridge)

2. Second, also simple - eat bananas. They contain magnesium, serotonin and melatonin, which make it easier to relax, and therefore fall asleep.

3. Milk is a good folk remedy for insomnia: drink a glass of warm milk with honey before going to bed. Milk contains tryptophan, which calms the nerves, and a small amount of honey is also calming.

4. Eat 50 grams of almonds before bed. It, like milk, contains tryptophan and magnesium.

5. Tryptophan is also found in seafood. So a seafood dinner will help you sleep.

6. Recent research by scientists has shown that saffron (a spice) is good for falling asleep.

7. You can drink 200 ml of water with a spoon of honey at night.

8. Stir 3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar into 200 ml of honey. Take 2 teaspoons at night.

9. Just before bed, take a warm bath with mint or calendula decoctions (10 minutes) - 2 weeks.

10. Before bed, take a warm bath (15 minutes) with relaxing, soothing or sedative aromatic oils - 5-6 drops per bath.

11. Before going to bed, drink herbal tea with honey and whole grain bread.

12. Brew a pinch of motherwort and drink it during the day.

13. Ordinary corn flakes are also a folk remedy for insomnia. Eat them before bed - they will calm you down.

14. Boil 50 grams of dill seeds in half a liter of port or Cahors wine for 15 minutes, let it steep for an hour. Drink 50 ml of this wine at night.

15. If alcohol is contraindicated, then you can pour 250 ml of boiling water into a thermos for 5-6 hours with a tablespoon of green dill or its seeds and drink it a day.

16. Warm up for 15 minutes. in a water bath 2 tbsp. spoons of valerian root in 1 ½ cups of boiling water, cool and strain. At night after meals, drink 3 tbsp. spoons.

17. Drink 100 ml of grapefruit juice with pulp before bed.

18. Pour 1 teaspoon of motherwort, hops, mint, 2 teaspoons of thyme and oregano into 0.5 liters of boiling water in a thermos for 5 hours. Take 0.3 cups after 17 hours and before bedtime for a month.

19. Mix green tea with chamomile. Brew as usual and drink in the evening.

20. If you have persistent sleep problems, add a little valerian herb or hops to your pillow stuffing.

21. You can simply sniff valerian tincture or its infusion.

A wonderful folk remedy for insomnia is soothing tea.

Prepare this soothing tea, brew it as usual and drink it in the evening:

  1. 2 parts each of leaves: black currant, strawberry, fireweed (fireweed), blackberry; 1 part thyme and 4 parts rose hips
  2. 1 part each of leaves: meadowsweet, black currant, raspberry, oregano; 2 parts strawberries with flowers and blackberries, 3 parts rose hips
  3. Mix primrose and St. John's wort equally
  4. Dried berries: 50 g raspberries and 300 g rowan plus 25 g dried blackcurrant leaves

You have learned what folk remedies for insomnia can be used.

But if traditional medicine does not give the desired result, consult a doctor!

If it’s not difficult for you, tell us in the comments to this material whether you have problems sleeping and what folk remedies for insomnia you use!


Composition and beneficial properties

The healing power of the herb lies in the composition of valuable essential oils that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. It also contains a complex of antioxidant vitamins A, C, E, bioflavonoids, alkaloids and glycosides. Proper drying and application of knowledge on how to brew motherwort for drinking allows you to preserve the beneficial substances in the finished product.

Medicines based on motherwort are similar in their effect to valerian or lily of the valley preparations, but have a wider range of applications. The remedy is especially effective in the fight against the following ailments:

  • sleep problems;
  • chronic stress;
  • nervousness;
  • depression;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • hypertension;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • thyroid disease.

It’s not for nothing that motherwort received its name - cardiologists prescribe it as a preventative and treatment for heart and vascular ailments. Use at an early stage of the disease is especially effective due to protection from the negative effects of stress.

Due to its bactericidal and healing properties, the plant is used externally to treat burns and deep wounds. However, the main area of ​​​​use is all kinds of nervous disorders. By consuming a decoction of motherwort, the recipe for which is accessible and simple, you can not only recover from existing diseases, but also prevent their occurrence.

Recipes for healing infusions for adults and children

It is worth remembering that a complete and lasting cure occurs with strict adherence to the rules for preparing motherwort. There are various forms of medicines based on it, but more often a basic decoction of motherwort is used for medical purposes, the instructions for use of which contain a minimum of contraindications compared to an alcohol tincture. Its use is prescribed from the age of two, as a medicine for childhood hyperactivity and emotional stress.



  • motherwort grass - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • boiling water - 1 cup.


  1. Pour the plant into a saucepan and pour boiling water over it for 10 minutes.
  2. Bring the broth to a boil, remove from heat.
  3. Cover with a lid and wait until it cools completely.
  4. Drink the strained broth three times a day, 20-30 minutes before meals, 1/3 cup. For children over 2 years old, add a tablespoon of decoction to their drink and consume it three times a day.

A decoction of valerian, motherwort, peppermint, walnut and hawthorn is prescribed for diseases of the thyroid gland, balancing the emotional and hormonal levels at the same time.



  • peppermint - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • green walnut - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • dried motherwort - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • valerian - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • hawthorn fruits - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Pour a tablespoon of mixed raw materials into 300 ml of boiling water.
  2. Let it sit for 30 minutes.
  3. Bring to a boil, cool.
  4. We drink half a glass twice a day, before eating. Treatment is carried out in a course lasting up to 30 days.

A mixture of motherwort with sedative herbs helps with advanced insomnia and is well tolerated by older people.



  • hawthorn berries - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • St. John's wort - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • motherwort grass - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • valerian - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon balm - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Pour the raw materials into a jar and mix.
  2. Pour 1 tbsp of boiling water into a glass. l. herbs, cool.
  3. Divide the infusion into 2 doses per day, consume before meals.
  4. Taking a bath with motherwort decoction is an effective calming procedure for all age groups of the population. Pediatricians advise bathing young children in the broth if they have problems falling asleep.

Soothing bath infusion


  • dry motherwort - 2 cups;
  • hot water - 3 liters.


  1. Pour hot water over the plant and bring to a boil.
  2. We insist for at least 12 hours.
  3. Add to your bath before bed.

You should not expect an instant cure after a single dose of a medicinal drink. Only regular use has a healing and long-lasting effect - this is a feature of many herbal remedies.

Use during pregnancy

Nervousness and mild insomnia are frequent accompaniments of even a successful pregnancy, and the ban on the use of most medications forces expectant mothers to turn to the power of traditional medicine. A good result in the treatment of nervous excitability was shown by motherwort decoction, the instructions for use of which prohibit its use during pregnancy, which in fact is not correct. Long-term studies of motherwort have not revealed any negative effects on the fetus, so the drug can be used during pregnancy.

Of all the forms of medicine, the most preferable is the decoction - its effect is comparable to an alcohol tincture, but does not contain alcohol, which is prohibited during gestation. Motherwort decoction during pregnancy is used in the following cases:

  • increased uterine tone;
  • superficial sleep;
  • hysteria;
  • gestosis.

Most often, gynecologists prescribe therapy using a basic drink recipe, but individual dosage is possible, depending on the patient’s condition. In any case, before using motherwort decoction, reviews of which are most often positive, a pregnant woman needs to consult a doctor.

Pharmacy instructions

The official instructions for using motherwort herb are as follows:

Belongs to the sedative group

Regulates the functioning of the central nervous system, has a calming and hypnotic effect

Nervousness, insomnia, arterial hypertension

Age up to 12 years, allergic reaction, gestation period

Side effects
The occurrence of individual intolerance

Interaction with other medications
Combined use with other sedatives is possible

Storage conditions
Store in a dark place, protected from sunlight and moisture.

Expiration dates
3 years

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies
Sold without a prescription.


Buy an effective course of treatment for insomnia using folk remedies

Benefits of the plant

Usually motherwort grows in vacant lots and has an inconspicuous appearance. Many consider it a weed and destroy it. This is in vain, because the plant is unique. It contains a lot of useful substances:

  • vitamins A and C,
  • glycosides,
  • flavonoids.

Motherwort tincture for insomnia

The tincture contains motherwort extract and 70% ethanol alcohol. The tincture is a greenish-brown liquid. Usually sold in pharmacies in 25 or 30 ml bottles. The official instructions include only its main indicators, dosage, contraindications and conditions for taking the medicine. But the plant has a wider spectrum of action.

The main purpose of motherwort:

  • Sedative, reduces irritability, nervousness and improves vitality.
  • Antispasmodic, relieves spasms and relieves pain thanks to alkaloids.
  • Sleeping aid, eliminates fatigue and promotes rapid sleep.
  • Cardiological.
  • Lowers blood pressure, therefore recommended for people with high blood pressure.

Other useful qualities:

  • Diuretic, reduces fluid retention in the body.
  • Antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent. Relieves significant infectious and respiratory diseases
  • Antibacterial, used to treat dermatitis and simple skin lesions.
  • Astringent and anti-convulsant effect.
  • A restorative, it is often used by people who have suffered severe injuries and illnesses.
  • Stops various bleeding, even intrauterine. For cuts and wounds, just apply a little juice of this plant and the bleeding will stop.
  • A good expectorant. As an alternative treatment, it is prescribed to people with tuberculosis.

Motherwort is able to remove toxins from the body and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and is also one of the first remedies for sleep disorders.

Using motherwort tincture

This medicinal plant in alcohol can be bought at any pharmacy, or you can prepare it yourself at home.


  • 1 part motherwort,
  • 5 parts alcohol.

Pour alcohol over the grass and place it in a dark place for 1 month. After time, strain the tincture and use 30 drops of diluted 1 tbsp. l. liquids. Before taking motherwort for insomnia a number of contraindications should be taken into account.

At first, no obvious sensations will be observed in the body during therapy. The effect will only be after the second week of use. The duration of treatment can be from 2 to 4 weeks.

For single use, drink from 30 to 50 drops diluted in a glass of water four times a day. Drink the tincture 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after meals.


An alcoholic tincture of this plant is a useful remedy, but it has contraindications. You cannot take the drug:

  • in the initial stages of pregnancy and breastfeeding women;
  • persons with low blood pressure and slow heart rate;
  • individual intolerance.

Side effects may manifest themselves in the form of dizziness, drowsiness, loss of strength. In case of overdose, dry mouth and thirst.

How to take motherwort tincture for insomnia You should check with your doctor. The fact is that it helps some people, but for others it can cause excitement of the nervous system or loss of vitality.


Medicinal plants are a natural remedy for insomnia. If you know the effects of sedatives and sleeping pills, then it will not be difficult for you to cure insomnia. By using herbs for sleep you will avoid the unpleasant side effects of insomnia medications.

Stone valerian (Patrinia average)

This plant belongs to the Valerian family; the roots have the highest concentration of medicinal substances. The active ingredients are saponins and alkaloids, which provide a hypnotic and sedative effect.

Tincture and infusion of Patrinia relieve excitability of the nervous system and heart, and symptoms of insomnia. In large doses, Patrinia's drugs are toxic, so do not take more than the indicated dose.

Patrinia's infusion is prepared as follows: add one tablespoon of crushed root to 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day - for increased anxiety, for insomnia - 2 tablespoons. before bedtime.

Peony evasive (Maryin root)

The root of the plant is used to treat insomnia. It contains valuable essential oil, which contains sedatives.

Maryin root is used for folk treatment of insomnia, neurasthenia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypochondria and phobic disorders.

Prepare a natural remedy for insomnia as follows:

Pour 60 g of crushed root into 600 g of boiling water and continue to simmer over low heat until 200 ml of liquid remains. After this, strain the broth and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. You can take the decoction only before bed - 2 tablespoons.

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Common hop

Not only herbs for sleep, but also the fruits of medicinal plants help treat insomnia.

To prepare a cure for insomnia, hop fruits - cones - are used. It contains essential oil that has a sedative and hypnotic effect, helps with increased sexual arousal, relieves nervous excitability and treats convulsions. Hop cones help with menopause, arterial hypertension, renal colic, and cardioneurosis.

Traditional treatment of insomnia with hops using infusion:

Pour one tablespoon of hop fruit with just boiled water - 200 ml, leave covered for 3 hours. Take 50 ml orally three times a day.

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Motherwort five-lobed, Motherwort cordial

A proven and familiar herb for sleep to many is motherwort.

Motherwort herb is used to treat insomnia in children and adults. This is a classic folk remedy for insomnia and increased excitability of the nervous system. In addition to its calming effect on the nervous system, motherwort regulates cardiac activity and vascular tone, normalizing blood pressure. It has been noticed that motherwort herb reduces high blood pressure, but does not change normal blood pressure. Used to treat the initial stage of hypertension. The effect of motherwort preparations is similar to the effect of valerian root, but is twice as strong.

Prepare an infusion of motherwort to treat insomnia as follows:

Pour 2 tablespoons of chopped herbs with 200 ml of boiling water and leave covered until it cools completely. Strain the infusion and take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day, or 2 tbsp. spoons just before bedtime.

For convenience, you can use dry motherwort herb powder: 1 gram 3 times a day.

You can also add motherwort herb to tea before bed and throughout the day.

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Peppermint and lemon balm

These sleep herbs are suitable for treating insomnia in children, even infants. Mint and lemon balm contain essential oils that calm the nervous system and have a mild sleeping effect. You can put a sprig of mint in hot water, which you cool for your child, and then give him this tea to drink. You can use mint and lemon balm in equal parts, brewing it like tea: two teaspoons of herbs per glass of boiling water. For a child under 2 years old – no more than 200 ml per day.

Motherwort is used for many health problems. But there are several features in its preparation that affect its effectiveness. How to brew motherwort correctly and when should it be taken? It is important to find out in advance about its benefits and contraindications, follow the dosage, and do not use it without consulting a doctor.

How to brew motherwort

When to use and how to brew motherwort?

This plant contains alkaloids, vitamins, tannins, carotene, essential oil, which have a beneficial effect on the body. Only the upper part of the stem is used along with the flowers, dried in a dark place.

This herb is most often used as a heart remedy due to its vasodilator and sedative properties. At the same time, it eliminates sleep disturbances, calms in hysterical states, and relieves depression. Motherwort helps well with reproductive disorders and infertility. It allows the female body to more easily adjust during menopause.

Just pour 3 tbsp. l. of this herb with a glass of boiling water and wait until it cools down. You need to take tea throughout the day every time before meals. The decoction is obtained by boiling two tablespoons of dry herb in a glass of water in a water bath for 10 minutes. The cooled product is filtered and topped up with water to the volume of the glass. The infusion is prepared from 3 tbsp. l. motherwort, which are poured with half a liter of boiling water and kept for 2-3 hours.

Motherwort cooked in water calms the nerves well, helps with stomach problems and menstrual irregularities, but has a short shelf life. You can use alcohol tinctures by pouring 20 g of motherwort with ½ cup of alcohol and leaving it for 2 weeks. They should be taken in 30 drops.

How to brew motherwort herb: several recipes

For various problems, you can use tinctures and teas from motherwort and its mixtures with other herbs:

  • for hypertension, hawthorn flowers, mistletoe and cudweed should be added to motherwort in equal parts. Use 2 tbsp. l. mixture per ½ liter of water. You need to prepare the decoction in a steam bath for 15 minutes, then cool and strain;
  • You can prepare a collection of 2 parts of hawthorn fruit and one part of motherwort, mint leaves, green walnuts, and valerian root. Infuse 1 tbsp for 30 minutes. l. mixture in a glass of boiling water and taken for problems with the thyroid gland;
  • to prepare a soothing tea, you need to take a spoonful of mint leaves, motherwort, St. John's wort, chamomile and yarrow flowers. For the daily norm, pour 1 tbsp into a teapot or cup with a mesh. l. collecting a glass of boiling water and divided into 2 doses. You can use a thermos for brewing.

Reading time: 4 minutes


This herbal drink has a healing effect, pleasant aroma and original taste. Motherwort is one of the most common plants that has been known for a long time. It is successfully used in folk medicine, and is also used in the manufacture of medicines and in brewing motherwort tea.

The grass grows in Russia, Ukraine, the Caucasus, Asia and Siberia. Its inflorescences resemble a tassel of a tail; the flowering period begins at the end of June and lasts about three weeks. In August it is already possible to harvest the fruits. The upper inflorescences are used to make tea and for medicinal purposes.

Varieties of motherwort

About twenty species of perennial plants are found in nature, but only three species that have similar properties and composition are suitable for treatment. Motherwort happens:

Five-lobed or shaggy

It grows up to one and a half meters in height, has a straight stem, and few branches covered with hairs. It differs from others in its unusual leaves, which are jagged along the edges, have a green tint on top, and gray below. Blooms with pink small inflorescences.

Hearty ordinary

It has a bare stem that is slightly covered with fibers. The leaves have few veins, the inflorescences are small, with an empty cup.


The species got its name because of the gray color of the stem. It grows up to one meter in height, its flowers are small pinkish.

Composition and benefits of motherwort tea

The plant contains organic acids: citric, tartaric, coumaric, vanillic. Motherwort is also rich in alkaloids, essential oils, tannins, beta-carotene and others.

Tea with motherwort acts on the body as a natural sedative. It is beneficial for stressful, nervous conditions. The plant also helps:

  1. For diseases of blood vessels and heart. Indicated for angina pectoris, palpitations, hypertension. Teas with motherwort dilate blood vessels and prevent blood clots from forming.
  2. For women's diseases. The beneficial properties of the plant can restore hormonal balance in women. Tea is indicated for cycle disorders and to relieve pain. Herbal decoctions are used for conceiving a child, mastopathy, and also for pregnant women.
  3. For hypertension, preparations based on motherwort are very effective. They reduce blood pressure, bringing it back to normal.
  4. For sleep disturbances and to relieve nervous excitability, medicinal teas are also brewed. Motherwort is considered the most effective remedy for insomnia and nervous conditions.
  5. For diseases of the stomach and intestines, it is recommended to take infusions and decoctions of the plant. They quickly relieve spasms and relax the walls of the intestines and stomach. Tea normalizes digestion, restores intestinal microflora and removes harmful substances from the body.

How motherwort is used in different countries

Decoctions and teas that contain motherwort have a sedative effect, but in addition to this property, different peoples use it to get rid of other ailments.

In Hungary and Romania, they drink motherwort to treat an increased heart rate and to relieve pain in the heart area. The British use an alcohol tincture from the plant for neuroses of various types. In Bulgaria, patients are prescribed herbal tea as a diuretic for tuberculosis. Americans drink motherwort tea as a sedative. Ukrainians also use the plant for female diseases. In Russia and Belarus, the plant is successfully used in cardiology.

How to prepare motherwort

The plant should be collected during the flowering period. It was at this time that all the healing properties beneficial to our body accumulated in it. For medicinal purposes, you need to collect herbs in environmentally friendly areas, away from roads and industrial zones. You only need to tear off the tops; their length should be no more than forty centimeters. The root of the plant is also used in medicine and should be dug up in the fall. You need to dry the motherwort by spreading it out in an even layer in a ventilated area. The herb is considered completely dried when the stems break easily, its aroma is very weak, and the taste is bitter.

How to brew motherwort

If you have not prepared the herb yourself, you can buy it at the pharmacy and prepare it according to the instructions for use. Pour two teaspoons of crushed motherwort into a teapot and pour two hundred milliliters of boiling water. Cover with a lid for fifteen minutes, then strain. If you have the herb in disposable bags, brew two filter bags in a glass of boiling water.

Other recipes with motherwort

Tea for hypertension

To prepare an herbal infusion, prepare the following herbs:

  • Two tablespoons of flowers of hawthorn, motherwort, adonis, cudweed;
  • One teaspoon each of horsetail and birch buds;
  • Five hundred milliliters of water.

Mix the herbs, separate two tablespoons of the mixture, and pour them into a thermos. Pour boiling water, close the lid and leave for six to seven hours. Drink half a glass of strained tea warm three times a day, warm, before meals.

Herbal collection

If you brew tea along with other herbs, it will enhance the healing effect. For this infusion you will need herbs in equal quantities:

  • Valerian;
  • Peony;
  • Hawthorn fruits.

Mix all ingredients. Place two tablespoons of the herb mixture in a saucepan and pour in a glass of boiling water. Simmer the herbs over low heat for about ten minutes. Strain the broth and add water to a full glass. Thirty grams of this tea are drunk half an hour after meals.

Tea for infertility

The following collection will help you, for which you need: calendula flowers, chamomile, motherwort, St. John's wort, yarrow, horsetail, immortelle, buckthorn bark, plantain and bearberry.

All herbs should be taken in equal quantities. Then stir them together and separate out five tablespoons of the herb mixture. Add five hundred milliliters of hot boiled water. Cover and leave for about two hours.

Drink one hundred grams of tea three times a day until the expected conception.

How to prepare motherwort tincture

To make your own tincture, you need to squeeze out the juice of the plant in the amount of forty milliliters. You need to add sixty milliliters of vodka to it. The mixture should be poured into a glass container and left in a dark place for seven days.

The sedative effectiveness of drugs with motherwort is the same as that of drugs based on valerian. This medicinal herb is also an integral part of many soothing mixtures, for example, a combined hop tincture.

Motherwort can be used not only as a medicine, but also as a spice. In some villages it is added to traditional soups. And beekeepers consider honey collected from plants during flowering to be one of the most healing and fragrant.

Beneficial features

Motherwort has many properties that are useful for treating various ailments. By the way, motherwort contains essential oils, alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids and vitamins E, C, A, which explains its beneficial effect on the body. Motherwort, unlike oregano, can be safely used by men without fear for men's health.

Thus, this herb has proven itself well for disorders of the cardiovascular system and thyroid gland, menopause and impotence. In addition, kidney function is normalized and digestion is improved. Known anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

However, the main purpose of drugs based on motherwort is nervous diseases, depression, sleep disorders and, of course, insomnia.

How to prepare a decoction of motherwort?

A decoction of motherwort is best positioned as a cure for insomnia. It won't be difficult to prepare it. But the effect will be noticeable quickly.


Pour the dry grass into a container and pour boiling water over it. Then place the container in a water bath. Boil for 20 minutes. Allow the broth to cool for 40 minutes. Strain. Drink 1/3 glass before meals every day 3 times.

A stronger remedy is tincture. However, it contains alcohol. There are also special hyperthermic baths with motherwort, the effectiveness of which is high.


Motherwort is undesirable for people suffering from peptic ulcers and hypersensitivity to it. Otherwise, this is an excellent sedative that should be in every home medicine cabinet.

When treating with motherwort decoction or any preparations made from it, consultation with a doctor is required.

Dear readers, what do you treat with motherwort? Surely many of you have come across this plant while being outdoors. I personally never paid attention. Indeed, motherwort lives up to its name and grows near abandoned houses and in vacant lots.

A good calming herb.

Useful motherwort herb. Helps you fall asleep, proven!

A well-known and proven remedy. I agree with the author’s recommendations!

Igor, so many recipes for medicinal teas to help you sleep peacefully! Thank you!

Lena, I’m trying for you. When I look for information and find out enough myself.

I have known about motherwort for a long time. She herself gave it to patients as a sedative. It really helps...

So the doctor joined us. This means motherwort is an effective remedy!

Thank you, insomnia just struck.

I'm glad the article arrived on time.

The weed is really good. I tried your recipe with dill, thank you it helps, then I’ll drink motherwort, I often have problems with sleep. I’m not quite a young person anymore, so it’s very nice when very young, smart people are nearby. Thank you Igor!

Thank you, Marina. They praised me directly. I am happy to try for your health.

I once tried to drink this motherwort, but I couldn’t. It tastes so bad!

Violet, no problem! Look how many different remedies I have picked up for insomnia. Choose something for yourself: oats, lemon balm, oregano...

Rarely, but I had to use it, the effect is good, it is recommended even for children, but, of course, a decoction, not a tincture. Baths with motherwort are useful, an excellent remedy for hair care and in cosmetology.

Yes, I agree with you, a mild decoction.

I definitely reject alcohol tinctures; as a rule, such tinctures contain more alcohol than herbs. But the decoction will work great. Thank you.

Yes, alcohol, of course, is not suitable for everyone. And the decoction is universal!

I drink alcohol tincture, it helps a lot. I completely agree with you that motherwort is very calming. Thanks Igor!

Alcohol is suitable for you, but many speak out against it.

I rarely need to drink any decoctions to sleep well. And I'm not very nervous. But you need to know about the properties of this weed. Nowadays, no one is immune from hassle.

Anna, you were lucky with your sleep. You probably lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, and follow a sleep schedule. It is important. Hence, there will be no problems with sleep. But they can always fray your nerves. So motherwort is the first remedy for nerves.

Motherwort is an excellent remedy, a wonderful gift of nature.

Good afternoon First time on your site, I really liked it. Nothing can replace the medicinal properties of herbs! Good luck!

Thanks a lot! Glad to.

In addition to its calming effect, motherwort also lowers blood pressure. When collecting motherwort, you must remember that “motherwort five-lobed” is used, “motherwort three-lobed” is often found as an admixture. Almost any herbs improve sleep, except for tonic ones, such as ginseng, aralia, leuzea and others. Motherwort in drops also works well, five drops will give a good effect. They won't counterfeit motherwort, it's cheap.

Olga, thank you for your personal experience. I appreciate it very much!

I have been using motherwort for a long time when necessary, it really helps a lot and there are no side effects. Thank you!

Sergey, that's good. For a change, try aromatic lemon balm tea

And now I just include it in my herbal collection so that I can sleep longer and more soundly. And then I got into the habit of going to bed late and waking up early. Lack of sleep causes weight gain. I don't want to get fat. It's better when you sleep well and your nerves are in order.

Yes you are right. On weekdays I sleep little myself, and on weekends I give myself a little sleep. Within reasonable limits, of course.

Sometimes I use motherwort decoction - it helps

A very useful herb, you can drink it with pleasure. Thanks for the advice!

Moreover, it is very common. It grows everywhere. And you can make decoctions from it yourself.

I often take alcohol tincture, it calms me down very well. They won’t pour in excess alcohol; it’s more expensive than motherwort. So everything is fine. True, I try to take all sorts of medications infrequently, I work on prevention.

Alcohol doesn't suit some people. But non-alcoholic ones rarely cause negative consequences.

A child can be given a decoction of motherwort because he sleeps poorly and is very excited. The doctor told us that it was possible. but I want to make sure.

Motherwort - medicinal properties and contraindications

In folk medicine, motherwort herb is highly valued - the medicinal properties and contraindications of tea, tinctures and decoctions from it are important to study in order to exclude possible side effects and harm to health. The name of this plant is associated with the place where it grows and its inconspicuous appearance. For its many medicinal properties, it is also recognized by official medicine, where it is considered a “heart healer.” The use of motherwort for specific diseases is carried out according to different recipes.

What is motherwort

This is a perennial plant from the Lamiaceae family, with a tetrahedral branched stem and petiolate leaves. It can grow up to 100 cm in height. The Latin name of the herb Leonurus quinquelobatus is translated as five-lobed motherwort. This indicates the characteristic structure of the plant’s leaves, which are cut into 5 lobes. Its flowering is not too dense; it occurs from June to October.


This plant has several other names, such as dead nettle, wild or dog nettle, heart grass and core. In medicine, it is valued for its small list of individual contraindications and its medicinal properties, due to a large number of useful substances. The composition of the plant includes:

Pharmacological properties

The medicinal properties of heart grass are diverse, so it is used in various fields of medicine, provided there are no contraindications. The most significant actions are:

  • hypotensive effect – normalizing blood pressure;
  • cardiotonic effect - restoring the heartbeat in heart diseases, stimulating heart contractions;
  • vasodilator and antispasmodic - relieving spasms of cerebral vessels;
  • sedative – eliminating nervous disorder, improving overall well-being and sleep;
  • anticonvulsant – eliminating uncontrolled paroxysmal muscle contractions;
  • antioxidant;
  • hemostatic effect;
  • decongestant;
  • diuretic effect.

Benefits of motherwort for the body

The healing properties of the core also include improving metabolism: carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism. In addition, it has fewer contraindications and side effects compared to valerian. When used externally, it is used to treat wounds and burns. The core benefits almost every body system:

  1. Central nervous system. Heart herb is part of sedative medications. It is used in the treatment of neuroses, insomnia, and hysteria. It is effective in cases of fear and panic attacks. The herb is often used to treat seizures, epilepsy and paralysis.
  2. Urinary system. The core helps with edema due to renal or heart failure and cystitis.
  3. The cardiovascular system. The plant is useful for high blood pressure. In addition, it normalizes heart rhythm.
  4. Digestive. The core contains alkaloids that help with gastrointestinal disorders, cramps, pain and bloating.
  5. Respiratory. The herb has an anti-inflammatory effect, promotes expectoration, which helps with acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, and pneumonia.

For men

Heart herb helps men in the prevention of cardiosclerosis, high blood pressure and myocarditis. It also has a positive effect on potency disorders that arise as a result of psycho-emotional stress. The plant also has a positive effect on the following diseases:

  • varicocele;
  • congestion in the pelvis;
  • nervous system disorder, increased excitability.

For women

Motherwort is prescribed to women during menopause. The herb helps relieve irritability, has a tonic and restorative effect, without affecting the body's hormonal levels. For young girls, the plant is useful because it helps strengthen the muscles of the uterus, relieves pain during childbirth and normalizes the menstrual cycle. In addition, it reduces uterine bleeding

Motherwort preparations

The medicinal properties of motherwort are used in the manufacture of the following medications, which can be purchased at different prices in pharmacies in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities:

  1. Liquid extract in tablet form, for example Motherwort Forte. Refers to diuretics. Helps reduce overexcitation, reduces the number of heart contractions, eliminates shortness of breath in the treatment of hypertension. The price is about rubles.
  2. Motherwort infusion. Used for the treatment of astheno-neurotic and neurotic dysfunction with sleep disorders, neuroses and in the initial stages of arterial hypertension. The price ranges from 10 to 30 rubles.
  3. Grass. It is a dry raw material, the indications for use of which are the same cases as for motherwort tincture. The price is approx.

Tea with motherwort

In addition to the wonderful aroma, tea from this medicinal plant has many medicinal properties. It has a positive effect on people with nervous stress, dystonia, and insomnia. Medicinal tea helps women with premenstrual syndrome. Taking the drug relieves headaches and helps fight symptoms such as irritability, increased anxiety, and tearfulness.

How to brew

You can easily prepare tea yourself, even at home. To do this, you need to use the following simple instructions:

  1. Take 2 teaspoons of dry raw materials.
  2. Boil water and pour one glass of boiling water over the herb.
  3. Cover the container tightly and leave for a minute.
  4. Then the lid can be removed, the drink must be strained through cheesecloth or a fine sieve to get rid of any remaining raw materials.

How to drink

The average duration of treatment is approximately 30 days. It is not recommended to skip drinking tea, because only regular use will bring the desired effect. You need to drink at least one cup per day. This can be done entirely or in parts. It is recommended to drink half a cup in the morning and the rest in the evening. In this case, every 12 hours you will consume half the required amount. It is better to drink the tea itself warm, slowly, in small sips.

Motherwort treatment

The beneficial effect of motherwort on the body is used in various folk recipes. Based on this herb, alcohol and water tinctures, decoctions, and teas are prepared. The juice of this plant is also used. Various herbal mixtures with motherwort produce no less effect. The herb is even used externally in the form of lotions, compresses or baths. The main thing is to follow the recipe and scheme of use of each product.

For gastritis

In case of exacerbation of gastritis or stomach ulcers, drink a decoction or tincture based on this plant. You can prepare and consume them according to the following instructions:

  1. Steam 4 tbsp with a glass of boiling water. dry raw materials. After half an hour of settling, strain the product using gauze. Drink 1/3 glass before each meal.
  2. Grind dry leaves into powder, take 2 tbsp. and pour 200 ml of vodka over them, leave in a dark place for four days. Take half or a whole teaspoon up to 4 times throughout the day before each meal.

For heart

Motherwort for the heart is effective in the form of alcohol tinctures or decoctions. In this case, the following folk recipes are widely used:

  1. Mix alcohol infusions of motherwort, valerian, peony and Corvalol in equal quantities. It is recommended to take 30 drops of tincture as needed or every evening.
  2. Pour 2 teaspoons of dry herb with water at room temperature (400 ml). Leave the product to infuse for 8 hours, then strain. Drink 50 ml half an hour before your intended meal. Repeat 4 times throughout the day.

For pancreatitis

The plant stabilizes the coordinated functioning of the digestive organs during pancreatitis. To achieve a positive effect, you must use the following recipes:

  1. About 3 tbsp. Place the raw materials in a glass container. Pour 220 ml of boiling water there and cover the container with a towel. After 1-1.5 hours, strain the product and cover with a lid. Use 1 tbsp. minutes before the meal. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks.
  2. Mix 2 tbsp. peppermint, St. John's wort and motherwort. Pour 700 ml of boiling water over the mixture, cover with a lid and leave for a couple of hours. Then take half a glass three times a day for 10 days.

For hypertension

One of the main medicinal properties of this plant is its ability to lower blood pressure. For this reason, hypotension is a contraindication. If the pressure, on the contrary, is increased, then you can use the following recipes:

  1. Mix a glass of alcohol or vodka with 50 g of dry raw materials, leave the product for 2 weeks in a dark place. Use 25 ml up to 4 times daily.
  2. Collect hawthorn, motherwort, mistletoe and marsh grass. Pour the mixture with a liter of boiling water, pour into a thermos, where you leave for 2 hours. Strain the product and store it in the refrigerator. Drink a third of a glass up to 3 times throughout the day.

During menopause

Decoctions and tinctures based on heart herbs help improve your condition and get rid of the unpleasant signs of menopause. Prepare them according to the following instructions:

  1. Brew 2 tsp boiling water. crushed leaves of the plant. Leave for about minutes, strain. For hot flashes, take a third of a glass of decoction three times a day.
  2. Mix dry leaves of blackberry, motherwort, hawthorn fruit, lemon balm in proportions 3:2:1:1:1. Take only 1 tablespoon from the collection, which is poured with a glass of boiling water. After an hour, the product can be filtered. You need to consume it 1/3 cup daily up to 3 times. Regular use should last for at least 2 weeks.

During menstruation

To get rid of unpleasant symptoms during menstruation, herbal remedies help. The following recipes get good reviews:

  1. Take dry raw materials in the following quantities: motherwort, fragrant woodruff - 20 g each, blackberry leaf - 25 g, cucumber - 15 g, hawthorn - 10 g. Brew the herbal mixture according to the tea preparation instructions indicated above, taking 2 tsp. means for 250 ml of boiling water. The effect appears after 7-10 days of treatment.
  2. Take 2 tbsp. flowers of hawthorn, chamomile, motherwort and marsh cudweed. Pour 2 cups of boiling water over them, boil for a couple of minutes, then leave for 4 hours. Drink a third of a glass daily 4 times after meals.

For infertility

A combination of several plants is also used to treat infertility. You can prepare herbal infusions and take them according to the following instructions:

  1. Prepare the same amount of horsetail, immortelle, calendula flowers, chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow, motherwort. Take only 10 tsp from the mixed herbs. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over them and leave to steep for 2 hours. Drink 100 ml three times a day. Treatment should begin 2 months before the expected conception.
  2. Pour 2 tsp into two glasses of warm water. dried raw materials, let stand for 8 hours, then strain. Drink half a glass three times a day before each meal.

For epilepsy

The plant cannot completely cure this disease, but it is quite capable of reducing the frequency of epileptic seizures. For this purpose, the following folk recipes are used:

  1. Collect the same amount of the following herbs - motherwort, Danish astragalus, curly lily tubers, lemongrass berries, horsetail ephedra, open lumbago. It is better to take 1 teaspoon of each plant. Pour 300 ml of boiling water over the mixture and leave for a minute. Use the product morning and evening.
  2. Prepare 500 ml of boiling water, 2 tsp. herbs. Mix them, then leave for about 2 hours. Drink 1-2 tbsp before meals. Repeat the procedure up to 4 times throughout the day.


Even with a large number of medicinal properties, the plant has a number of important contraindications. It cannot be used in the following cases:

  • period of lactation or pregnancy;
  • bradycardia;
  • hypersensitivity to the plant;
  • age up to 12 years;
  • hypotension.

Experts disagree on the use of the plant in children. Some doctors recommend baths with this herb already in the first year of life for babies if they have colic, poor sleep, regurgitation or constant restlessness. Children over 3 years old are given motherwort in the form of tea for hyperactivity or indigestion. People whose work involves increased concentration are not recommended to use motherwort. It should not be combined with alcohol or other sedatives with a sedative effect.

Side effect

In addition to contraindications, the herb also has a number of side effects. The plant is not dangerous, but if the dosage is exceeded, it can cause a negative reaction in the body. Side effects of motherwort are as follows:

  • decreased blood pressure;
  • drowsiness due to drug overdose;
  • increased uterine tone, which is why it is rarely prescribed to pregnant women;
  • decreased heart rate;
  • vomiting, diarrhea with uncontrolled use;
  • an allergic reaction in the form of skin itching or rash.


The information presented on the site is for informational purposes only. The site materials do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

Contents [Show]

Motherwort or dog nettle is a medicinal plant with beneficial properties. Motherwort is used for hypertension, heart disease, nervous system disorders, to improve immunity and in other areas of medicine. When using a product to normalize blood pressure, you need to carefully study the principle of action on the body. To do this, it is better to consult a doctor.

The core contains a treasure trove of positive components, thanks to which this herb is an indispensable remedy for the treatment of many diseases. The main components of the herbaceous plant are presented in the table:

It also contains the following useful substances: saponins, bitters, beta-carotene, ascorbic, paracoumaric acid and other valuable components for the human body.

The medicinal plant has a positive effect on the central nervous system, relieving tension.

Thanks to this composition, motherwort is used to regulate the functioning of the central nervous system, reduce excitability, normalize sleep, and relieve stress. The plant has an effect on the cardiovascular system, slowing down the heart rate. The herb acts as a diuretic, tonic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agent, and is successfully used for hypertension.

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The core has been clinically shown to lower blood pressure. The sedative effect is caused by the presence of reserpine in the plant. The heart rate decreases and vascular tone decreases, causing blood pressure to drop. The herbal medicine is effective in the complex treatment of high blood pressure, but it should not be considered a separate drug for therapy. According to the principle of action, motherwort is similar to valerian, having a calming effect on the body.

If your heart rate is low, you should refrain from consuming the plant. The drug has a diuretic effect, lowers blood pressure and heart rate. In rare cases, hypotensive patients are prescribed as a sedative when other drugs have an even stronger effect. But such therapy takes place only under the supervision of a doctor. In case of complications, it stops immediately.

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The plant has a number of positive properties. Proper use of the plant will help normalize blood pressure, get rid of stress, insomnia, and cleanse the body of cholesterol. For this purpose in medicine there are ready-made preparations in tablets and tinctures based on dog nettle. You can prepare your own medications. In both cases, you need to first consult a doctor. At home, prepare a decoction, infusion and bath from motherwort.

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Each person must strictly follow the recipes for preparing a medicinal decoction.

You need to pour 15 g of herb with a glass of boiling water. Let the broth sit for half an hour. Some doctors recommend brewing the solution for 10-15 minutes, and then letting it brew for 2-3 hours. After the solution has cooled, it should be strained and drunk half an hour before meals. It is better to take before lunch and dinner, as the product has a sedative effect. First, take 1 tablespoon of the medicine. If no allergic reactions occur, increase the dose to half a glass. It lowers blood pressure well and helps get rid of insomnia.

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To prepare a tincture from this plant, take 15-20 g of herb and add 100 ml of alcohol. Leave for 2 weeks, then filter. The finished tincture can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is recommended to take the medicine 30 drops 2-3 times a day. Motherwort tincture is effective for high blood pressure caused by stress, as it has a strong sedative effect. In this case, the remedy is used for high blood pressure and reduces the feeling of emotional stress.

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Motherwort juice

Motherwort juice is useful for eliminating heart pressure. Making juice is easy:

  • A fresh plant must be passed through a meat grinder.
  • Squeeze thoroughly and pour the juice into a glass container.
  • Next, add 30 drops per 2 tbsp. Drink spoons of water before meals 3 times a day.

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A dog nettle bath helps calm nerves, normalize sleep and reduce blood pressure. Add 2 tbsp to a bathtub filled with warm water. spoons of herbal tincture. Take a bath for 20 minutes, preferably before bed. The duration of the therapeutic baths will be 10 days. This therapy will help you relax and gain strength.

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The plant should be used with caution during pregnancy.

The use of heart herb when carrying a baby is a serious matter. You should definitely consult a gynecologist. Consumption of the core can have a positive effect on the well-being of a pregnant woman. The remedy in the early months of pregnancy helps to cope with attacks of nausea, normalizes the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates the accumulation of gases and the formation of colic. Dog grass is indispensable when the question arises of stabilizing the nervous system. The body is experiencing hormonal imbalance and mood swings are possible. Motherwort helps with uterine hypertonicity and high blood pressure.

Despite a number of positive effects on the body of expectant mothers, the drug is contraindicated. This is explained by the fact that the grass causes contractions of the uterus, causing miscarriage.

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Dog nettle has a number of beneficial properties. However, there are cases when you should refuse to use this remedy, for example:

  • Motherwort affects the smooth muscles of the uterus and can cause bleeding and miscarriage. Motherwort during pregnancy is allowed only under the strict supervision of a gynecologist.
  • If a person has bradycardia - low pulse, motherwort should not be taken, as it slows down the heart rate.
  • It is better not to drink motherwort with low blood pressure, so as not to lower blood pressure even more.
  • It is better to give up weed for drivers and people whose work requires high concentration. Heart grass causes drowsiness, which is inappropriate in this case.
  • You should not take the drug if you are allergic to the drug.
  • During lactation, you should not take medications based on this plant, so as not to cause allergies in the baby.

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A wide range of motherwort forms are available on pharmacy shelves. They buy herbal plants, based on which they prepare decoctions and infusions on their own. A ready-made infusion of motherwort is popular. “Moonwort extract” and “Moonwort Forte” are tablets that quickly help relieve tension and stress. Before choosing the form of the drug, you should definitely consult a therapist.

Elderly people, at the first signs of hypertension and rapid heartbeat, try to use traditional methods of treatment and ask them to “give them some motherwort.”

Is this popularity of the drug justified and what is its effect: does motherwort lower or increase blood pressure? These questions are quite easy to understand once you know what motherwort is and how it affects the body.

In Asian countries, this type of grass, motherwort, is very common. In the creation of medicinal preparations, both young shoots and flowers are used, and in some cases, the rhizome of the plant.

The healing properties of motherwort and its beneficial effects on the nervous system and heart rate of a person are due to the following components:

  • complex of vitamins A, B, C, E and others;
  • organic acids, including tartaric, ursolic, P-coumaric;
  • tannins, alkaloids;
  • stachydrine, rutin, quercetin.

These and other components contribute to a sedative effect, normalize muscle contraction, and stabilize blood pressure.

Despite the widespread use of motherwort in medical practice, it should be used carefully and strictly with the recommendations of the attending physician. Also, in each individual case of blood pressure problems, you need to use a certain type of medicine.

For example, motherwort helps with hypertension:

  1. Reduced blood pressure;
  2. Normalizes the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, thereby normalizing blood circulation;
  3. Relieving spasm of smooth muscles.

Also, medicinal decoctions, baths, and tinctures of motherwort have a beneficial effect on the body with such manifestations of deterioration in blood pressure:

  • The calming effect is due to a decrease in the activity of the central nervous system;
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Normalizes sleep, reduces anxiety;
  • Enhances the effect of anticonvulsants;
  • Normalizes and supports the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;

In cases where motherwort is prescribed in combination with other medications, the tincture will promote the excretion of urine, the separation of sweat, and will also help to cough well.

Depending on the dose and type of medication, motherwort affects blood pressure differently. But most often in medical practice the following types of drugs are used:

  • Motherwort tinctures are a concentrated solution, which, as a rule, is diluted for administration into the body. One of the ways to properly prepare a tincture is to dilute motherwort with alcohol in a ratio of 1:5. After the solution has been infused in a glass container for two weeks, the medicine is ready for use. The recommended dose is 30 drops of the drug taken orally 3-4 times a day. The result is normal functioning of the central nervous system and normalization of blood pressure.
  • Motherwort extract. This type of plant-based medicine is also widely used in medical practice. The effect of the medication helps to reduce general arousal, stabilize the contraction of the heart muscle, and normalize blood pressure.
  • Herbal teas and decoctions based on motherwort, when taken regularly, will help normalize blood pressure in the shortest possible time. With regular use of this decoction, patients note an improvement in the functioning of the body and a decrease in high blood pressure. This drink can be prepared with chamomile, mint, valerian, which will help improve sleep, normalize heart rate, and normalize the functioning of the vegetative-vascular system.
  • Tablets are most often used as a drug to improve blood pressure in a home medicine cabinet. Their use is also convenient, which suits most patients. The course of treatment with tablets can range from 1 week of regular use

Of course, motherwort is a folk remedy that is widely used in medicine, however, in some cases, plant-based preparations should be used with caution.

In case of hypotension, treatment with motherwort is prescribed with caution, since the disease is characterized by different indicators of pulse and pressure and they must be kept normal. The drug is prescribed in case of rapid heartbeat and low blood pressure.

Pregnancy is a condition when a woman not only changes her mood, but also her hormonal levels. Frequent mood changes, stress and other experiences can negatively affect not only the mother’s health, but also affect the development of the fetus. That is why motherwort tinctures will help normalize the tone of the heart muscle, improve blood circulation, improve heartbeat and generally calm the condition of the expectant mother. But in such cases, the dose and frequency of taking medications are prescribed exclusively by the attending physicians based on the patients’ indicators.

And of course, like any other medicine, preparations based on motherwort have contraindications for use. Some of the factors for the onset of side effects may be:

  • Individual intolerance to the drug or its components;
  • Lactation;
  • Low heart rate

For all these indicators, before using motherwort-based products, consult your doctor. Otherwise, the following side effects may occur:

  • drowsiness;
  • difficulty in digestion;
  • heartburn, belching;
  • nausea and heaviness in the stomach.

Also, if you have high blood pressure, you should take the drug carefully. Gastritis or ulcers may worsen with frequent use of drugs based on medicinal plants.

Drivers should also be careful when taking motherwort for high blood pressure, as one of the drug's effects is sedative, which can cause drowsiness. Slow reactions and slow reactions to situations that require quick decision making can lead to undesirable consequences.

  • Folk remedies
  • Possible side effects
  • What conclusion can be drawn

Does a medicinal plant like motherwort increase or decrease blood pressure? What additional properties does it have? These and other questions should be examined in more detail. Motherwort is a famous plant growing in Asian countries. The herb has many healing properties that allow you to restore blood pressure, get rid of rapid heartbeat and improve the functioning of many internal organs. Despite the many medicinal properties, the healing effect does not occur immediately. Therefore, the duration of treatment with medicinal products made from the plant is long.

According to medical research, motherwort is recognized as a plant that normalizes heart function and has a positive effect on the nervous system. These properties of motherwort are familiar to many people. But not every person knows what effect motherwort has on blood pressure.

Symptoms of increased and decreased blood pressure

High blood pressure is considered a chronic disease called hypertension. In the initial stage of development, the disease does not manifest itself in any way. However, an instant upward surge in pressure makes a person feel it too vividly. The main symptoms of an increase include:

  • pressing headache radiating to the temples and back of the head;
  • pulsation and buzzing in the ears;
  • inaccurate and uncertain movements;
  • nagging pain behind the sternum.

With frequent increases in blood pressure, there is an excessive load on the functioning of organs. In most cases, the retina, kidneys and brain are affected in hypertensive patients. The heart muscle grows under heavy load, thereby saturating only the superficial layers of the organ with oxygen. This situation can cause rapid wear and tear of the heart and premature death.

This can only be avoided if all medical recommendations are fully followed.

With hypotension, a person feels weakness, drowsiness, and in rare cases, a nagging headache. A hypotensive person suffers from changes in the weather, as he has high meteosensitivity. At the same time, hypotensive people are characterized by rapid fatigue and reduced performance. With a sharp decrease in pressure, a person’s vision becomes dark, nausea appears, and cold sweat appears on the skin. In such a situation, the patient may lose consciousness.

Low blood pressure cannot lead to serious complications, but systematic hypotension significantly reduces a person’s quality of life. To restore blood pressure, experts recommend giving up bad habits, following a daily routine, doing physical exercise and eating right.

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Effect of motherwort on blood pressure

Motherwort, without a doubt, is considered a healing plant that lowers blood pressure. Its shoots contain a complex of useful natural elements: alkaloids, organic acids, vitamins A and E, tannins, stahydride and flavonoids.

These components have a positive effect on the central nervous system and heart activity. Due to the reserpine contained in motherwort, the plant reduces blood pressure.

Proper use of medicinal herbs can improve the health of hypertensive patients.

However, people suffering from hypotension cannot use this herb.

In addition, the plant is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, and those who are prone to allergies.

Motherwort produces a pronounced calming effect. Medicines made from motherwort reduce excessive motor activity, increase the effect of hypnotics, and also have a cardiotonic and hypotensive effect.

The plant lowers high blood pressure and is also used for the following medicinal purposes:

  • heart rate regulation;
  • normalization of health status in case of vascular neurosis or angina pectoris;
  • stabilization of pressure in hypertension.

In each of the above cases, taking motherwort shows a favorable trend in improving the person’s condition. A particularly hypotonic effect of the plant is observed in cases where blood pressure rises due to impaired vegetative functions, for example, during premenopause and menopause.

Preparations based on motherwort do not produce a sharp medicinal effect. The dosage of the drug is calculated by the doctor gradually. During the calculation, the doctor pays attention to what reaction the body gives to the drug.

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Folk remedies

The following recipes based on motherwort are very popular among the people:

  • tincture for neurosis;
  • bath against insomnia;
  • infusion against hypertension.

The method for preparing the tincture for neurosis is as follows: you will need 20 g of finely chopped motherwort leaves and 100 ml of 70% alcohol. The leaves should be poured with alcohol and allowed to brew for 1-2 weeks, then filtered. It is recommended to take the tincture in cases of rapid heartbeat, neurosis, the initial stage of hypertension and to reduce shortness of breath.

A bath filled with water with the addition of motherwort tincture will also help. Add 2 tbsp to a full bath of hot water. spoons of motherwort tincture. The bath should be taken for 15-20 minutes. It has been proven that motherwort and warm water have a positive effect on the nervous system. This way you can easily get rid of insomnia.

An infusion that combats hypertension is quite easy to prepare at home. To do this, you will need 50 g of dry herb, which is brewed in 1 glass of boiling water. The mixture should infuse for about 2 hours in a closed container. Afterwards, the infusion is filtered and taken before meals.

These are not all the recipes that can be used for hypertension. The main thing is that motherwort plays an important role in each remedy. The medicinal properties of this herb help not only to reduce high blood pressure, but also to return a person to good health, restoring the nervous system and the activity of the whole body.

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Possible side effects

To prevent adverse reactions to the human body, motherwort should be consumed correctly. In this case, it is necessary to consult a specialist. When initial symptoms of hypertension appear, a person should consult a doctor to receive prescriptions for further treatment.

As mentioned above, each motherwort preparation has a sedative and hypotensive effect. In other words, all products based on it have a calming effect and reduce high blood pressure. At the same time, the plant has a positive effect on depression or stress.

It should be noted the beneficial effect of the medicinal herb on the human body, which is observed only with normal or high blood pressure. Side effects occur in cases where a person who has contraindications to this drug still takes it. In addition, he may become sick from this medication if he uses it for too long.

Taking motherwort with high blood pressure should be done with caution. Gastritis, ulcers, or high sensitivity to the herb may cause side effects. In such a situation, motherwort with high blood pressure will only worsen the patient’s condition. If adverse reactions occur, the drug should be discontinued.

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What conclusion can be drawn

Thus, a medicinal plant called motherwort can only be used by those people whose blood pressure rises above normal. Before using it, you must consult your doctor. People with low blood pressure are prohibited from using medications containing this herb. This can cause even more harm to your health.

Before using a tincture or elixir of this miraculous remedy that normalizes the general condition of the body, hypertensive patients should check with their doctor about the permissible dosage of the drug. If the dose is exceeded or the drug is treated for a longer period of time, an allergic reaction or other side effects are possible. In addition, the dosage of the drug is determined based on the nature of the disease, the presence of symptoms and age criteria.

Everyone knows that the main source of healing properties for humans is products of plant origin, herbs, flowers, and fruits. One of the most famous medicinal plants is motherwort. This is a perennial herb belonging to the Lamiaceae family. The name of the plant corresponds to its place of growth, because motherwort loves desert places, including slopes and ravines. Among the people, motherwort has a number of names, such as dog nettle, core and heart grass. The described representative of the flora has a number of useful properties, which will be discussed in this article.

It will not be a secret to anyone that motherwort is an extremely valuable product for human health, having a number of beneficial properties. This plant is considered healing due to its rich chemical composition, consisting of hundreds of substances. Among the components included are: tannins, essential oils, plant acids, beta-carotene, carbohydrates, glycosides, flavonoids, etc.

As for the beneficial properties of the herb, there are quite a lot of them, which makes it possible to use the medicinal plant for the complex treatment of a wide variety of diseases. Typically, herbal tinctures based on motherwort are taken to achieve a diuretic effect, which makes the product an effective tool for cleansing the body and removing accumulated harmful substances.

The plant also has an astringent, anticonvulsant and sedative effect. It is especially necessary to note the pronounced sedative effect that can be achieved by taking motherwort. Its properties are in many ways similar to those of valerian, since the described product of plant origin relieves stress, relaxes, and stimulates the predominance of inhibition processes over excitation of the nervous system. It is necessary to separately note the antispasmodic properties, as well as cardiotonic ones, which allows the use of motherwort infusion not only for medicinal but also for preventive purposes.

It is necessary to begin with the fact that preparations made on the basis of the described plant are used in medicine to treat a wide variety of diseases. In some cases, the herb can be used as the only therapeutic tool, leading to a speedy recovery. It is also worth noting that the effect of using a natural medicine largely depends on the auxiliary components included in the drug. However, it is worth separately describing the situations in which the use of the plant will be most relevant and effective.

The main purpose of using motherwort tincture in folk medicine is to bring the nervous system to a state of rest. The components of the herbal remedy affect the central and peripheral nervous system, increasing the transit time of the nerve impulse between neurons. Thus, a sedative effect is achieved, which inhibits the reactivity of nervous activity.

In connection with the above, it should be noted that motherwort has a calming effect on the body, helping to cope with stress, mental worries, and tension. Drugs based on a specific component are used in courses, which can significantly improve a person’s neuropsychic state

Based on the fact that one of the popular names for motherwort is core, it is obvious that the plant is used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases associated with disruption of the cardiovascular system. First of all, you need to start with the fact that a particular drug dilates the walls of blood vessels, preventing thrombosis.

It is also recommended to take the product for people suffering from arrhythmia, since this herb relaxes the heart muscle, normalizing the heartbeat. It is important to note that the active substances present in motherwort have a beneficial effect on blood functions, which also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body.

It is also important that the use of motherwort tincture has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the reproductive system, since a particular medicinal product contains active substances that normalize hormonal levels in the female body. Also, some gynecologists claim that motherwort can be drunk when the menstrual cycle is disrupted, which can reduce pain and bring the cycle in order.

The extract of the described herb is used as a prophylactic against mastopathy and other pathological phenomena associated with impaired ovarian hormone production. In this regard, a decoction of motherwort flowers is useful for pregnant women and women who are planning to conceive a child.

During an exacerbation of gastritis, gastric ulcers and other ailments affecting the gastrointestinal tract, doctors advise, in addition to classical drug treatment, to use motherwort. Due to the fact that the herb relaxes the smooth muscles of the walls of the stomach and intestines, bright spasmodic pains that cause significant discomfort disappear. As a result of taking the herbal preparation, the functioning of the digestive system is normalized, the intestinal microflora is restored, and accumulated toxins and waste are naturally removed from the body.

For high blood pressure, motherwort is the best tool that quickly improves well-being and reduces blood pressure. This happens because a tincture based on motherwort dilates blood vessels, thereby improving blood flow. However, when using the drug for medicinal purposes, you should be extremely careful, since the composition has a pronounced vasodilating effect and can lead to a significant slowdown in heartbeat and pulse.

As you know, the main cause of insomnia, as the main manifestation of sleep disturbance, is nervous tension. Motherwort tincture, in turn, is one of the best and safest remedies for calming the nerves. Thus, if the problem of poor sleep is present, then it is necessary to take the described drug in a course, which will reduce overall neuropsychic stress.

The specific effect of the product on the nervous system is to reduce the activity of excitation processes. The effect is similar to a sedative drug, but motherwort has natural properties that do not disrupt cognitive processes and do not allow a person to lose a sense of reality. For this reason, taking the infusion at night, you don’t have to worry that it will be difficult to wake up in the morning, or that you may not hear the alarm clock.

Usually motherwort is taken, regardless of the type of product, to normalize cardiac activity, drying, calming; it is used for insomnia, arrhythmia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, etc. The drug should be taken before meals, and the dosage depends on the type of drug:

  • tincture - twice a day, 50-100 milliliters;
  • extract 3-4 times a day, 20 drops;
  • tablets 3-4 times a day, 14 milligrams.

Despite the fact that motherwort is a herb that is collected for the preparation of medicinal tinctures and decoctions, it can also be purchased in pharmacies, since the extract of this plant is used to create a variety of drugs. Motherwort can be presented in the form of dry preparations, alcohol infusions, dragees, tablets and extracts. It should be noted that the dosage of each individual drug is set by the doctor taking into account the existing problem.

Among the most common medications are the following: Motherwort Forte from Evalar, Cortex, etc.

Despite the fact that motherwort is a miraculous herb that has a number of beneficial properties for the human body, there are a number of contraindications that make the treatment process with tinctures and decoctions inaccessible. As noted above, you can drink motherwort tincture during pregnancy, but it is worth clarifying that the drug is not harmful only in the later stages of pregnancy. If you take the tincture in the early stages, it can lead to miscarriage.

Breastfeeding mothers should also avoid such treatment, since the components of the herb can be poisonous to infants. Some disorders of the cardiovascular system, such as low blood pressure and weak heart rhythm, may also serve as contraindications.

Preparations based on motherwort can be prepared at home. There are quite a lot of recipes for creating tinctures and decoctions, the most effective and proven of which are given below.

To create a tincture at home, you will need to chop and squeeze fresh motherwort herb to obtain 40 milliliters of plant juice. The resulting product must be diluted with vodka in a volume of 60 milliliters. The mixture should be sent to a warm, dark place, where it should infuse for a week. You need to use the product three times a day after meals, mixing a third of a glass of water with 30 drops of tincture.

Motherwort tea is not just healthy, but also a very aromatic drink, which can be purchased ready-made in bags, or you can use a dry mixture and a teapot. To brew tea properly, you need to pour two teaspoons of crushed dry raw materials into a glass of boiling water and cover the kettle with a lid. After 15 minutes the drink is ready to drink.

To create a medicinal decoction, you need to pour a tablespoon of dry herb into a saucepan and pour a glass of boiling water over it. Now the container needs to be sent to a water bath, where the future broth should boil for 20 minutes. At the end of the time, you need to strain the product and let it cool. The product must be consumed three times a day before meals.

According to the recommendations of experts, it is necessary to start collecting motherwort to create preparations for medicinal purposes at the very beginning of the plant’s flowering. This is the position of official medicine, based on the results of molecular studies, according to which it is during this period that the chemical composition of motherwort is richest in substances beneficial to the human body.

It is worth paying attention to the specifics of harvesting, during which the upper part of the stem, not exceeding forty centimeters in length, is cut off. It is worth noting that the length of the plant ready for harvest should be about one meter. You can also cut off the side stems of motherwort at the last leaves.

There are also unspoken rules for collecting this wonderful herb. Despite the fact that motherwort is a perennial plant, it is necessary to show respect for nature and not completely destroy its growth. Not every bush is cut; when cutting the main stem, the side stems are left, or vice versa. When collecting the plant, it is important to avoid growing near roads, since motherwort very well absorbs fuel combustion products emitted by cars. The same rule applies to grass growing near fields where chemical work is carried out.

Marina: While studying at the university, I drank motherwort tincture before an exam - it calmed me down and didn’t confuse my thoughts.

Valery: I sometimes have insomnia, so when I can’t sleep, I make myself motherwort tea and within half an hour I fall asleep perfectly.

Karina: For headaches and high blood pressure, motherwort is the best thing you can come up with.

Doctors recommend trying motherwort for anyone who doesn’t know how to normalize heart rate and solve problems with hypertension and hypotension. It is enough to regularly take motherwort for blood pressure to significantly improve your well-being. This medicinal plant is widespread in central Asia. The grass grows in sunny wastelands and has many healing properties. Does motherwort increase or decrease blood pressure? Traditional and folk medicine recognizes the effectiveness of motherwort - this plant perfectly stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system, calms and eliminates insomnia. Many people do not know that motherwort perfectly normalizes blood pressure in blood vessels.

To understand what effect the herb has on the functioning of blood vessels, you need to know the composition of motherwort. He contains:

  • a large complex of various vitamins;
  • alkaloid leonurine;
  • alkaloid leopuridine;
  • tannins;
  • organic acids;
  • beneficial flavonoids - rutin, quinqueloside, quercetin;
  • stachydrine.

The components of the plant have the most beneficial effect on the circulatory system and heart function. Motherwort supports the activity of the heart muscle. Proserpine contained in motherwort lowers high blood pressure. The main healing properties of motherwort:

  • normalizes sleep;
  • eliminates anxiety;
  • eliminates hypertension at an early stage;
  • helps with nicotine poisoning;
  • enhances the effect of anticonvulsants;
  • eliminates overexcitation;
  • supports the activity of the heart and blood vessels;
  • recommended for use in goiter;
  • treats cardiovascular neurosis.

All hypertensive patients need to use motherwort correctly. Doctors do not recommend taking motherwort tincture to hypotensive people – people suffering from low blood pressure. Definitely, motherwort lowers blood pressure. To stabilize blood pressure, doctors recommend regularly taking an alcoholic tincture of motherwort or drinking herbal decoctions prepared at home. You can also take tablets containing motherwort.


Motherwort tincture is excellent for blood pressure. It can be purchased at a pharmacy, or you can prepare it yourself at home. The tincture is prepared using 76% alcohol. It is necessary to dilute the raw materials 1:5. The product must be infused for about two weeks in a glass container, which must be placed in a cool, dark place. Take tincture 30 drops 3-4 times a day.

Homemade infusion can be prepared without alcohol. The raw materials (2 tablespoons) are poured with boiling water and left in a thermos for 2 hours. Afterwards they filter. You need to take half a glass 204 RUR. in a day. This remedy stabilizes blood pressure very well and calms the nervous system. This alcohol-free infusion is also prescribed as an expectorant. You can drink the infusion for dropsy, swelling and colds.

Liquid extract of motherwort is a medicinal product developed at the Research Institute of the Institute of Clinical Medicine (Moscow). The drug was tested in the hospital hospital. Botkin and in other medical clinics. The product is made by repercolation (multiple infusion of a fresh portion of medicinal raw materials) in 70% alcohol.

Experts and patients who have used the drug note a decrease in general arousal, stabilization of heart rate, and normalization of blood pressure. The liquid extract very effectively brings blood pressure back to normal. Motherwort for high blood pressure is the right solution for relieving a crisis.

Regular daily intake of motherwort in the form of herbal tea or as part of a collection will help normalize blood pressure in a short time. Within a month of such treatment, all body systems will begin to work harmoniously and without failures. As a result, blood pressure readings will stop jumping.

At its core, tea is the same infusion. However, it should be prepared as follows: dry raw materials (2 tablespoons) pour 250 ml of boiling water in a teapot. Infuse the healing brew for 15 minutes, then pour the tea into cups and drink. It is better not to use any sweeteners for the drink.

Such treatment of high blood pressure must be carried out for a month or more until the indicators are completely normalized. A long course will help get rid of hypertension at the initial stage. Tea should be drunk 3-4 times a day.

Does motherwort tea lower blood pressure? Numerous reviews from patients who regularly drink this healing drink note a positive result in lowering blood pressure. This medicinal plant has been used to stabilize well-being since ancient times. Many traditional healers still recommend drinking motherwort tea every day.

Taking a herbal drink containing motherwort and other plants also stabilizes blood pressure well. Various herbal infusions perfectly calm the nervous system, relieve stress, normalize sleep and normalize blood pressure. Collections that, in addition to motherwort, also include:

  • Melissa,
  • St. John's wort,
  • hawthorn,
  • valerian.

The combination of motherwort and hawthorn is especially effective against high blood pressure. This sedative collection is intended for people suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia, sleep disorders, and rapid heartbeat.

Anyone who suffers from hypotension should know that it is better not to take motherwort at low blood pressure. To lower blood pressure, you can prepare the following herbal tea at home:

  • Take the color of hawthorn and motherwort.
  • Add the herb marshweed.
  • Add mistletoe leaves.
  • Brew herbal raw materials with boiling water in a teapot.
  • Drink the product 3 times a day.

Many healers and famous herbalists give a detailed answer to this question. Main indications for use of motherwort:

  • high blood pressure;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • heartache;
  • spasm of blood vessels;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • anxiety and fears;
  • insomnia;
  • stress;
  • neurosis;
  • cough.

Motherwort is an antihypertensive agent. It eliminates nervous excitability and calms. The substances contained in the herb do not cause addiction when taking medications with motherwort for a long time. Motherwort gradually and gently reduces pressure in blood vessels.

Doctors also confirm that motherwort helps with blood pressure. Most doctors prescribe medications with an extract of this plant to their patients with heart problems or hypertension. Given the properties of this medicinal herb, drugs are included in the complex treatment of many cardiovascular diseases.

Is it possible to drink motherwort if you have high blood pressure? Almost any doctor will answer this question in the affirmative. The healing plant lowers blood pressure when taken regularly every day and stabilizes the nervous system. The main thing is that there are no contraindications to taking this herb.

The main contraindications to taking motherwort:

  • increased sensitivity to biological substances of motherwort;
  • hypotension;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

During the period of treatment with motherwort, you must be attentive to driving. Motherwort has a slight sedative effect and can affect vehicle control, slowing down the driver's reaction.

Review #1

I often take motherwort (pharmacy tincture) when my blood pressure starts to rise. By the end of the day you usually feel better. It calms you down very quickly - I drop about 30 drops of tincture into half a glass of water, drink the product and lie down on the sofa.

An hour later I feel better. Motherwort really lowers blood pressure, acting more gently than strong medications.

Alexander, 57 years old - Krasnodar

Review #2

Lately my blood pressure has started to rise sometimes. In order not to take potent medications to stabilize blood pressure, I drink a regular motherwort decoction. I cook at home, pour boiling water over a tablespoon and take half a liter.

Literally after an hour of taking this motherwort tea, your blood pressure drops. A good medicinal herb that lowers blood pressure in a safe way - slowly, and not sharply, like pills. My grandmother also drank motherwort for high blood pressure. I can also recommend an excellent remedy for blood pressure - Recardio.

Semyon, 49 years old - Moscow

Home » Treatment » Folk » Only when high! About the nuances of using motherwort for problems with blood pressure

Prolonged exposure to heat, frequent stress and nervous strain, intense physical activity, sudden changes in weather - all these factors can provoke a sharp rise in blood pressure in both an experienced hypertensive patient and a healthy person.

To cope with hypertensive syndrome, you can take a medication prescribed by a doctor, or use natural herbal remedies.

Many people take motherwort for high blood pressure, as this medicinal herb has a healing effect and has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

Motherwort is a perennial herbaceous plant that most often grows in abandoned and deserted places. This unpretentious herb, unremarkable in appearance, contains a whole complex of substances that are beneficial to the human body.

Motherwort contains:

  • alkaloids;
  • vitamins A, C, E;
  • organic acids;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • essential oils.

These components have a beneficial effect on the heart muscle and blood vessels, normalize the functioning of the nervous system, and accelerate blood circulation.

Tinctures, tablets, herbal teas and other medicinal products containing motherwort have the following effects on the body:

  • relax and calm;
  • eliminate overexcitation;
  • restore night sleep;
  • normalize the condition of blood vessels;
  • increase the flow of oxygen to the heart muscle;
  • normalizes heart rhythms;
  • stimulate blood circulation;
  • reduce high blood pressure;
  • relieve attacks of causeless anxiety and restlessness.

Doctors very often prescribe motherwort to their patients for high blood pressure as an auxiliary medicine. But motherwort at low pressure can only cause harm. Taking motherwort with low blood pressure, a person may feel headaches and dizziness, experience general malaise, lose consciousness, etc.

Before taking a herbal medicine, a person needs to make sure that his blood pressure is really elevated, because hypertension and hypotension often have similar symptoms.


The following motherwort-based medications are most often used to treat hypertension:

  1. decoctions or herbal teas. To prepare a healthy drink with a hypotensive effect, you need to take a tablespoon of plant material (dried motherwort is sold at the pharmacy) and pour a glass of boiling water. The broth should brew for half an hour, then it must be strained. It is recommended to take the finished product twice a day before meals.
  2. pills. Tablet preparations based on motherwort can also be found in pharmacies. Usually, in addition to medicinal herbs, tablets contain additional components - vitamins, minerals, etc. Such medications reduce blood pressure, eliminate anxiety, and have a sedative effect. You need to take these pills for at least 10-14 days.
  3. alcohol infusions. Alcohol tincture can be purchased ready-made or prepared independently. If a person decides to make such a medicine at home, he will need 20 grams of dried herb and 100 milliliters of alcohol with a strength of 70%. The components must be mixed in an opaque container and covered with a lid. The medicine should be infused for about 1.5-2 weeks, after which it must be strained. You need to take the finished product 30 drops three times a day. The alcohol tincture must be diluted with a small amount of water.

Baths with motherwort also have a calming and relaxing effect. A person needs to take a full bath of warm water and add 2-3 tablespoons of herbs into it. You need to take this bath for 10-15 minutes before going to bed. Such procedures can be carried out several times a week.

Motherwort does not provide an immediate therapeutic effect for high blood pressure; the medicinal herb, like most herbal medicines, has a cumulative effect, which manifests itself 2-3 weeks after starting to use the herbal medicine.

How to take motherwort for hypertension?

When using drugs based on herbal ingredients, you should always take precautions.

In order not to harm their health and not provoke the development of complications, people suffering from hypertension should take medications that contain motherwort in accordance with the following rules:

  • An experienced doctor should select the dosage of medications based on medicinal herbs and calculate the duration of their use; uncontrolled use of herbal remedies is dangerous for the body;
  • the herbal medicine has a sedative effect and increases drowsiness, therefore, when taking a medicinal plant, people are advised to refrain from driving a car and performing work associated with increased concentration;
  • experts do not recommend using motherwort and other drugs that suppress the activity of the nervous system at the same time; the drugs will enhance each other’s effects, which will lead to lethargy, dry mouth, loss of consciousness and other unpleasant symptoms;
  • medicines with motherwort are not addictive, but if used for too long, they can provoke an exacerbation of gastritis or stomach ulcers; people with serious gastrointestinal problems should take this property of the plant into account and not take it for more than two weeks in a row;
  • In case of any side effects (skin rashes, indigestion, diarrhea, etc.), hypertensive patients should stop taking the herbal medicine and consult a doctor.

You should not try to treat hypertension with the help of motherwort alone; herbal remedies based on medicinal herbs should be accompanying, and not the main means of therapy; refusal of medications in favor of a medicinal plant can lead to a deterioration in a person’s condition and increase the risk of developing heart attacks and strokes.


It is not recommended to use motherwort-based medicines:

  • pregnant and lactating women (the exception is those cases when the herbal medicine was prescribed to the woman by the attending physician);
  • allergy sufferers, people who are intolerant to the drug;
  • hypotensive people

Useful video

Video instructions on how to take motherwort tincture for high blood pressure:

Medicines containing motherwort will help cope with high blood pressure only in combination with drug therapy. The patient needs to understand that the beneficial herb does not have an immediate effect, and therefore cannot be used to combat severe attacks of hypertension and hypertensive crises.

The name of this herb accurately characterizes its preferences - it loves to grow in wastelands and abandoned lands. However, classifying it as a weed would be unfair. After all, since the 15th century, it has been successfully used in both folk and official medicine.

Doctor Fito Motherwort can easily compete with valerian. Thanks to his ability to protect the heart, he has earned the respect of cardiologists and therapists. This herb lowers blood pressure, slows the heart rate and increases the strength of heart contractions. That is why it is recommended to take it in a state of strong excitement, anxiety and fear.

Motherwort is also indispensable for neurasthenia, hysteria, epilepsy, and menopausal syndrome. Motherwort reduces blood glucose and cholesterol levels. It is also effective for stomach cramps and inflammation of the large intestine.

Motherwort preparations are also prescribed for external use, for example, for wound healing and for the treatment of burns, because it has a strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. And in Russian folk medicine, this popular heart remedy was used to effectively treat a prolonged cough.

Infusions and tinctures of motherwort produce a therapeutic effect rather slowly, so the dose of the drug is selected individually. If increased excitability and nervousness occur, the dose should be reduced or temporarily discontinued. In 5-7 days.

Since motherwort is similar in its sedative effect to valerian and lily of the valley preparations, it combines well with them. Mixed with hawthorn, it is used as a means to improve cardiac activity. Motherwort is often prescribed along with cumin and fennel fruits as a soothing herb and for problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

What is the strength? All merits to medicine are explained by the unique composition of motherwort. This herb contains reserpine, a substance that lowers blood pressure and has a sedative effect. Papaverine contained in motherwort relieves spasms and has a calming effect on the central nervous system; rutin normalizes and maintains the structure, elasticity and permeability of blood vessels, prevents their sclerotic damage; Quercetin has an antitumor effect, and also slows down the aging process of the body and, first of all, cells of the skin, cornea and heart muscle.

Precautionary measures
Motherwort has no serious contraindications, except that you should not use it in case of hypotension, decreased body tone and with caution in case of complicated angina. Allergy sufferers also need to be extremely careful: like any herbal medicine, motherwort can cause allergies. Therefore, if you are prone to allergic reactions, especially with hay fever, you can take motherwort preparations only as prescribed by a doctor.

Folk remediesTincture for neurosis. Take 20 g of crushed leaves per 100 ml of 70% alcohol. Leave for 7-14 days, then filter. Take 30-40 drops 3-4 times a day. Use for palpitations, neuroses, early stages of hypertension, to reduce shortness of breath.

Bath against insomnia. Fill the bath with hot water, add 2 tbsp. l. alcohol tincture of motherwort and lie in the bath for 15–20 minutes, trying not to think about what is bothering you. Motherwort vapor and warm water will have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Having calmed down, you will fall asleep peacefully.

Infusion against hypertension. Brew 15 g of herb in 1 tbsp. boiling water and let it brew for 2 hours in a sealed container. Strain and take 1 tbsp. l. 3-5 times a day half an hour before meals.
To improve vision. Pour 15 g of dry crushed motherwort herb into a glass of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes and strain. Take 1 tbsp. l. 2-3 times a day in the afternoon to improve vision.

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