Home Children's dentistry Treatment of prostatitis: the most effective medications. List of effective medications for the treatment of prostatitis in men Remedy for prostatitis

Treatment of prostatitis: the most effective medications. List of effective medications for the treatment of prostatitis in men Remedy for prostatitis

Medicine for prostatitis in men can be found in almost every pharmacy. The choice of types of drugs and remedies is impressive in its breadth and diversity. However, each of them has its own pharmacological effect on the male body, so the choice of a specific type should be made exclusively by a specialist, and the chosen medicine should be used strictly as prescribed by the doctor.

Pharmacological groups of drugs

The list of groups of drugs for the treatment of prostate inflammation looks like this:

  1. Antibiotics. Their action is aimed at eliminating microorganisms that have become pathogens. All of them are used only when the cause of prostatitis is recognized as a bacterial infection. Antibiotics of three main classes are commonly used: penicillins (Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav), tetracyclines (Doxycycline, Oxytetracycline), fluoroquinolones (Ofloxacin, Norfloxacin).
  2. Antiviral medicines. They are used when the cause of prostatitis is a viral infection (Acyclovir, Valacyclovir).
  3. Alpha blockers. They help relax the smooth muscle tissue of the prostate and facilitate the outflow of urine in the patient. Today, experts consider Gentamicin, Prazorin, and Phentolamine to be effective options. They can completely suppress the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which provokes uncontrolled contraction of the smooth muscles of internal organs. Of the medications that specifically affect the sympathetic nervous system, stopping only its effect on the prostate, Tamsulosin is isolated.
  4. Non-steroidal medications with anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects. This therapy relieves the symptoms of inflammation of the prostate and reduces the tone of the muscles of the organ and perineum. Often, specialists prescribe patients a course of treatment with Baclofen, Sirdalud, and Mydocalm.
  5. Hormonal medicines. Intended for the treatment of inflammation, reducing swelling of the organ, normalizing the process of urine excretion. The most commonly used are Flutamil and Androcur.
  6. Phytotherapeutic dosage forms. Manufactured using natural plant ingredients. They are an excellent way to reduce inflammation, relieve swelling of the prostate, reduce pain and discomfort. Such phytotherapeutic complexes as Adenoprost and Prostamol Uno are in demand.

Types of medications

Today in pharmacies you can purchase the following types of drugs, distinguished by the method and place of exposure:

  1. Tablets and capsules. The difference between these forms is in their structure - the former have a dense consistency, while the latter have a structure consisting of a gelatin shell and the medicine contained inside. Both dosage forms are taken orally (by mouth) before, during or after meals. Moreover, some medications need to be taken with liquid (water);
  2. Solutions for injections (injections). When using this type of therapy, the penetration of the medicine into the organ occurs almost instantly. Intramuscular administration is most commonly used, although some solutions are administered intravenously;
  3. Candles- This is another effective way to treat prostatitis. The advantages of rectal suppositories are that they simultaneously have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. They are injected directly into the rectum, the patient at this time should be in a position lying on his side and remain in this position for at least another half hour after administration of the drug. During this time, the suppository has time to dissolve and be absorbed by the mucous membrane. The treatment course is usually 5-10 days;
  4. Instillations. They are used quite rarely and only in hospitals. The reason for this was the method of administration, thanks to which the medicine is delivered almost to the very source of inflammation, and therefore the latter goes away quickly. The medicine is administered through the urethra, that is, the male penis, using a catheter. This is possible only in a hospital setting and only by medical staff with experience;
  5. Microclysters is another type of medicine for treating prostate inflammation. These dosage forms are based on herbal decoctions and their main advantage is their anti-inflammatory effect. True, there is one thing, but not all doctors recognize this type of treatment as a full-fledged medicine. They consider microenemas one of the means of alternative medicine, suitable only for the prevention of prostatitis in men.

Before making a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes diagnostic tests to the patient and performs an examination.

Depending on what symptoms of the disease are noted, at what stage the prostatitis is and how advanced it is, the type and regimen of treatment is determined. For each form of prostate inflammation, the therapy and medications used will be different. It is important to consider the following factors:

  • a man suffers from chronic or acute prostatitis;
  • what pathogen provoked the appearance of prostatitis: infection, pathogenic microorganism;
  • individual intolerance to certain drugs or their components.

The most effective drugs

Inflammation of the prostate gland brings a lot of discomfort to men suffering from this disease. The consequences of prostatitis are even more dangerous - impotence, loss of the ability to conceive a child, oncological pathologies, the spread of the inflammatory process to the entire genitourinary system. Depending on the etiology of the disease, in each specific case the urologist prescribes the most effective medications for the treatment of acute and chronic forms of the disease.

This remedy for prostatitis from the group of penicillin antibiotics is available in the form of tablets and powder for the preparation of a solution for injection. Used to treat infections caused by gram-positive bacteria. The daily dose for treatment with tablets is 2-4 g or 4-8 pieces per day, 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours. The course of treatment cannot exceed 7-10 days. The dosage regimen is prescribed exclusively by the attending physician.

When treating with Oxacillin, the following contraindications are taken into account:

  • renal failure;
  • allergic reactions and their complications in the form of bronchial asthma;
  • enterocolitis due to antibiotics.

When using Oxacillin, side effects may occur in the form of dyspepsia, allergic reactions, and pathologies of the genitourinary system.


This is probably the most effective medicine for prostatitis today from the group of sulfonamides. It acts on gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, as well as some types of protozoa. Sulfa-P is so effective that the symptoms of the disease disappear within 10-12 days after the start of treatment.

The course of treatment takes at least 3 weeks. The dosage regimen depends on the severity of the disease (it is chosen by the doctor) and looks something like this:

  • 1/2 tablet at night;
  • 1 tablet at night;
  • one tablet morning and evening.

To stimulate metabolism in the tissues of the prostate gland, it is recommended to have regular sex life during this course.

Side effects:

  • diarrhea;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • tremor;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • allergy;
  • rarely, disorders of the cardiovascular system, hepatitis.

Contraindications to taking the drug Sulfa-P include renal and liver failure, diseases of the hematopoietic system, pathologies of the thyroid gland, and individual intolerance.

Another significant disadvantage of Sulfa-P is its high cost.

Homeopathic medicine is available in the form of lozenges and is used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory. Relieves swelling and returns the functioning of the prostate to normal, has a positive effect on urodynamics, and reduces dysuria.

The medicine has contraindications:

  • individual intolerance;
  • necrosis of gland tissue;
  • prostate cancer.

The course of treatment takes about 4 months. It is recommended to take 2 tablets at a time, separating the medication from meals. They are dissolved in the mouth, taken 2 times a day, before and after sleep. If symptoms are severe, you can take tablets up to 4 times a day. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after a 1-4 month break.


Prostatilen is a medicine for prostatitis, which is available in the form of suppositories and lyophilisate for the preparation of injections. This animal-derived drug is used as an anti-inflammatory agent to reduce swelling of the prostate and its infiltration with leukocytes. In addition, metabolic processes in the tissues of the gland are improved and local immunity is strengthened. At the same time, potency increases, the appearance of neoplasms is prevented, and spermatogenesis improves.


  • injections of 5 ml once intramuscularly, diluted with water, novocaine solution or isotonic solution;
  • suppositories, 1 suppository once, both for treatment and for the prevention of exacerbations.

The course of treatment with Prostatilen is 10 days, if necessary it is repeated after a month's break.

Contraindications for use: cardiovascular diseases, risk of thromboembolism. Side effects such as mild headache, weakness, and allergic reactions in the rectal area in the form of itching and irritation may occur.

This herbal medicine is used to relieve dysuric symptoms in chronic prostatitis. Its main active ingredient is an alcoholic extract of the fruits of the sabal palm tree. Prostamol Uno is available in the form of capsules containing a liquid with a characteristic odor. Corrects urinary disorders and dysuric phenomena caused by prostatitis.

This medicine is taken 1 capsule per day after meals. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the attending physician. Contraindications to the use of Prostamol Uno are individual intolerance; very rarely, side effects such as allergies and stomach pain may occur.


The medicine is available in tablet form; its main active ingredient (finasteride) promotes the conversion of the hormone testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. As a result, the prostate gland stops enlarging, and the intensity of dysuric phenomena decreases.

Prostan is taken one tablet for a fairly long time (for 6 months or more). It is easily tolerated by patients with renal failure and elderly people.

Contraindications: prostate cancer, uropathy.


The medicine, which is based on a substance of animal origin (prostate extract), is available in the form of tablets and rectal suppositories. Vitaprost is used to relieve pain in chronic prostatitis and its exacerbations. Vitaprost reduces swelling, improves microcirculation in prostate tissue, reduces dysuric symptoms, and increases the ability to conceive.

The effectiveness of Vitaprost for preventing exacerbations of the disease, according to research, is more than 97%. Tablets are used 1 pc. 2 times a day, for at least 10 days. Prevention of exacerbations is carried out in courses at the same dose for a month 1-2 times a year.

This medicine is used as an immunomodulator with anti-inflammatory effects. Galavit increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases, stimulates the activity of macrophages and neutrophil granulocytes, which leads to normalization of the condition of tissues and organs. Galavit can be combined with a course of antibiotic therapy.

Suppositories for the treatment of prostatitis are used 2 times a day, 1 piece during the first day of treatment, and then 1 piece every other day. The duration of the course depends on the intensity of the inflammatory process, on average it is 10-15 suppositories.

Galavit is compatible with other medications; no cases of overdose of this drug have been recorded. Contraindications for use: individual intolerance; very rarely, side effects such as an allergic reaction occur.


In the complex treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland, herbal remedies are often used, which have a mild effect with a persistent and long-lasting effect.

Speman is an Indian-made medicine used to treat acute and chronic prostatitis. Speman has an anti-inflammatory and prostatotropic effect, improves microcirculation in prostate tissues, and stimulates spermatogenesis. With its regular use in the prostate gland, congestion and manifestations of dysuria are reduced.

The medicine contains extracts of the following plants:

  • beautiful argyrea;
  • Tribulus creeping;
  • male orchis;
  • leptadenia reticularis;
  • compass lettuce;
  • pearl armelia;
  • astercanthus longifolia;
  • suvarnavanga;
  • velvet beans.

Available in the form of tablets, packaged in 100 pcs. in a plastic bottle. It is recommended to take 2 tablets 2-3 times a day at the onset of the disease, then switch to a maintenance dose. Contraindications are minimal - individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

This Russian-made product (Ekomir company) is positioned by the manufacturer as a biologically active supplement for men.

Likoprofit contains a complex of vitamins, minerals and plant extracts:

  • nettle root;
  • African plum bark;
  • ginseng root;
  • ginkgo biloba leaves;
  • fruits of the dwarf palm.

This balanced composition improves the general condition of the body in general and the genitourinary system in particular, prevents excessive enlargement of prostate tissue, reduces swelling, and reduces the symptoms of dysuria.

Likoprofit is available in the form of capsules, which are taken in a monthly course of 1 piece per day with meals. If necessary, the course is repeated after 3 months. The drug is well tolerated; it is not recommended to use it for hyperthyroidism, tachycardia, high blood pressure, and insomnia.

When faced with a problem such as prostatitis, you should not get upset ahead of time. You need to urgently consult a doctor, take all the necessary tests and undergo a comprehensive examination. Based on these data, the urologist will be able to prescribe adequate and effective treatment.

Useful video

Inflammation of the prostate gland brings a lot of troubles to men: from pain and problems in intimate life to the risk of developing cancer. The pathological process in the main male gland is caused by various reasons, and the medicine for prostatitis is prescribed taking them into account.

Causes and signs of prostate inflammation

- the result of pathogenic microorganisms entering the gland or a pathological process caused by stagnation. The most common route of entry of pathogens is genitourinary infections, including sexually transmitted infections. Infection can also occur in another way - through blood, lymph from foci of chronic inflammation in the body. Rotten teeth, tonsillitis, bronchitis and other sources of bacteria can potentially cause prostatitis.

The inflammatory process is promoted by:

  • weakened immune system;
  • hypothermia;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • excess weight;
  • sedentary work;
  • constipation;
  • irregular sex life.

For men, any congestion in the pelvis is extremely harmful. Poor blood circulation, urinary retention, and abstinence create a favorable environment for pathological changes in prostate tissue, which is why chronic prostatitis is diagnosed in 80% of patients over 50 years of age. After 35 years, the incidence is about 30%; in younger men, the prostate gland is inflamed in every tenth person.

Acute inflammation is characterized by pronounced symptoms:

  • frequent difficulty urinating;
  • purulent discharge from the urethra;
  • groin pain radiating to the lower back;
  • temperature;
  • chills and weakness.

The symptoms of chronic prostatitis are more subtle:

  • nagging pain, radiating to the sacrum and pelvic organs;
  • burning and difficulty urinating;
  • irritability;
  • weak, painful erection, discomfort during ejaculation.

Chronic prostatitis can develop as a consequence of acute prostatitis - as a result of inadequate therapy or incomplete treatment. Non-infectious prostatitis has no connection with bacterial damage; it develops gradually and is called stagnant. Its cause is not only abstinence and physical inactivity, but also age-related changes in hormonal levels.

It is much more difficult to cure a sluggish disease than a primary one. In the latter case, it is enough to relieve inflammation and destroy pathogens. With advanced prostatitis, an integrated approach is required, including, in addition to medications, lifestyle changes and giving up bad habits.

Groups of drugs used in the treatment of prostatitis

Photo: Amoxiclav (tablets, suspension) for children and adults

Medicines for the treatment of prostatitis are divided into several groups:

  1. Antibiotics. For bacterial infections, it is recommended to take broad-spectrum drugs that are active against most genitourinary pathogens. These are rectal suppositories and injections based on fluoroquinols (Norfloxacin, Ciprofloxacin - 2 ml per day for 1 - 2 weeks), penicillins (Ampicillin - 1000 mg twice a day, course - 7 - 10 days).
  2. Painkillers. For pain relief and relief of inflammatory symptoms, NSAIDs are used: diclofenac, ibuprofen, aspirin - 3 ml per day by injection or 1 - 2 tablets orally. Course – 5 – 10 days.
  3. Alpha adrenergic blockers. Included in the symptomatic treatment of prostatitis when the outflow of urine is impaired due to obstruction of the urinary tract. An enlarged prostate gland compresses the urethra, causing acute or chronic urine retention. Medicines help relax the muscles of the bladder and duct, allowing fluid to flow freely out. Recommended drugs are Tamsulosin (Flomax, Omnix), Silodosin (Urorek), once a day by injection for a long time.
  4. Muscle relaxants. Eliminate tension in organs and tissues in the perineal area. The walls of the bladder and prostate gland expand and provide free outflow of secretions. Mydocalm is prescribed in a dosage of 1 ml intramuscularly twice a day, course – 10 – 30 days.
  5. Antispasmodics. 2 tablets or 1 3 times a day for 2 – 5 days help relieve spasms of muscles, blood vessels and ducts. Due to relaxation, blood circulation is restored, swelling is eliminated, pain goes away, and secretions are removed.
  6. Phytotherapeutic drugs. Herbal medicines that stimulate blood circulation, lymph flow, and the discharge of prostate juice are included in the course of therapy as adjuncts. An effective cure for prostatitis contains ingredients such as pumpkin seed extract and saw palmetto extract.
  7. Vitamin preparations. To improve metabolic processes and strengthen the immune system, a course of vitamin therapy is recommended in addition to the main treatment of prostatitis.

In addition to drug treatment, the patient is prescribed to follow a diet and regimen:

  • in case of acute prostatitis - bed rest at home, sexual rest, in severe cases - hospitalization;
  • a patient with a chronic form of inflammation requires regular sex life, physical activity that accelerates blood circulation, congestion and strengthening of the pelvic organs, prostate massage and physiotherapy.

The urologist determines how to treat prostatitis in men based on tests. The prostate secretion is sent for examination, and if a bacterial infection is detected in it, antibiotics are prescribed. The drug, dosage and course duration depend on the pathogen and the severity of symptoms.

For chronic prostate disease, complex remedies are indicated that improve metabolic processes in the gland itself. This treatment helps eliminate those factors that contribute to the maintenance of the inflammatory focus. The list of medications for prostatitis in men includes the following drugs:

These are injections based on an extract from the prostate of cattle. The product has a beneficial effect on the condition of the gland, improves tissue trophism, and stimulates local immunity. As a result of a course of injections, inflammation, swelling and hypertrophy of the gland are eliminated, the leukocyte mass in the secretion is reduced, and urination is normalized.

The medicine for prostatitis Prostatilen does not cause side effects and has no contraindications, except for individual reactions. The course is 5 - 10 days, 1 - 2 ampoules of powder for preparing a solution per day, intramuscularly. This drug is also available in the form of rectal suppositories, which are inserted deep into the anus at night or 2 times a day after bowel movements. The cost of suppositories is from 350 rubles, powder – from 450 rubles.


A fast-acting cure for prostatitis with an extract of animal origin in the form of suppositories and tablets. It has a powerful antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, reduces the risk of blood clots. Eliminates stagnation of urine and secretions, toning the walls of the bladder and prostate gland.

As a result of treatment, the quality of seminal fluid improves and the ability to conceive increases. A course of therapy requires a minimum of 20 tablets (2 per day) and the same amount for prophylactic use 1 – 2 times a year. The cost of the medicine is from 900 rubles.

Prostamol UNO

This is a plant-based product, the active substance is sabal palm extract. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces exudative processes in the prostate gland, and regulates the production of androgens.

The usual dosage is 1 capsule per day, the duration of administration is determined individually. The price of the drug is from 800 to 1900 rubles, depending on the number of capsules in the package.


A drug based on the synthetic component finasteride. Its action is to convert the male hormone testosterone into the form of dihydrotestosterone, which does not cause enlargement of the prostate gland. As a result, hypertrophy decreases and dysuric disorders disappear. Treatment is long-term (from six months), 1 tablet per day.

The drug is contraindicated in patients with uropathy and prostate cancer. The cost of a monthly course is from 640 rubles. Inexpensive medicines for prostatitis with finasteride - analogues of Proscar - can be bought within 250 rubles.


Vegetable capsules containing pumpkin seed oil. Relieves pain in prostatitis and adenoma, eliminates dysuria, increases potency and sperm quality.

The drug is used for a long time, 3-6 capsules per day. The price of packaging for 2 - 4 weeks is 950 rubles. A cheaper option is Tykveol in various release forms.

Lozenges containing antibodies to prostate-specific antigen in homeopathic doses. Relieves swelling, improves urodynamics and secretion outflow.

The course of treatment lasts 4 months, 2 tablets in the morning and evening, if necessary, the frequency of administration is increased to four. The medicine for prostatitis Afala is contraindicated in cases of prostate cancer, tissue necrosis, and individual intolerance. The cost of packaging for a month is about 350 rubles.


A herbal medicine with anti-inflammatory and prostatotropic properties. The product includes extracts of argyrea, orchis, velvet beans, compass lettuce and other plant components. For prostatitis, long-term use of the medication is recommended - from 4 to 6 months, 2 tablets three times a day.

The drug improves microcirculation in the tissues of the prostate gland, relieves swelling, and normalizes the outflow of urine and secretions. The product has a beneficial effect on spermatogenesis and potency. The cost of 100 tablets is from 400 rubles.


Dietary supplement with dwarf palm extract and other plant components, as well as vitamins and microelements beneficial for men's health. Contains:

  • nettle root,
  • ginseng,
  • ginkgo,
  • horsetail,
  • vitamins E, C, D3,
  • chromium,
  • selenium,
  • zinc.

The medicine for prostatitis Likoprofit prevents the proliferation of prostate tissue, reduces swelling and dysuria. Capsules are taken 1 piece for a month, a repeat course - after 3 months. The supplement is contraindicated for tachycardia, hypertension, insomnia, and hyperthyroidism. The average cost of a package is 450 rubles.

Treatment of advanced prostatitis - both chronic and acute - is a complex undertaking that requires the parallel use of a number of diverse medications. Each specific case individually creates the necessary list of drugs, depending on the patient’s medical history, the course of the disease and a number of other important factors.

Types of drugs

The selection of inexpensive but effective drugs for prostatitis is based on an understanding of the causes of the disease and the characteristics of its manifestation, however, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs should be considered key aspects of any list of medications. Moreover, if the latter can be of a general nature, then it is advisable to prescribe antibiotic therapy taking into account counteraction to a specific type of pathogen identified as a result of tests.

Additionally, medications against prostatitis such as various types can be used in therapy antipyretics, painkillers, diuretics, alpha-blockers, antispasmodics, antiandrogens and laxatives.

Modern drugs can be classified not only according to their intended purpose, but also according to the form of release:

  • injections (injections): treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland with injections is justified, first of all, in the case of a serious condition of the patient requiring immediate stabilization. As a rule, concentrated drugs in ampoules are diluted to obtain a solution, after which they are prescribed for intramuscular or intravenous infusion;
  • suppositories: medications in the form of suppositories are relevant during routine treatment of chronic prostatitis or as medications for the prevention of prostatitis. In some cases, suppositories are prescribed to increase potency, since the absorption of the substance by the intestinal mucosa ensures its better penetration into the prostate tissue;
  • tablets and capsules: these dosage forms are the most common in the standard treatment regimen for chronic or acute prostatitis. Tablets are easy to dose and convenient to take, so most antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and decongestants (alpha-blockers or 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors) are produced in this form;
  • instillation: this is a treatment method not so often practiced for prostatitis, the essence of which is to inject a medicinal solution into the urethra or bladder using a special syringe. The main goal of instillations is to restore damaged mucous membranes, destroy pathogenic microflora and suppress inflammatory processes;
  • microenemas: small cold enemas reduce local swelling, inflammation and pain in the prostate gland, although at the same time they impair the transport of drugs into its tissue. At the final stages of therapy and after recovery, courses of microenemas with solutions based on herbal preparations can be carried out. When fluid is retained in the intestine for a sufficiently long time, its mucous membrane absorbs useful substances;
  • patches: skin patches, like microenemas, are auxiliary measures in the treatment of the prostate, and rather have a supporting effect on the body, complementing full-fledged drug therapy.

When choosing a dosage form of a drug, you must also take into account, in addition to the patient’s condition, his own preferences.

Some patients have problems swallowing tablets, while others are contraindicated for rectal suppositories due to the presence of inflammatory diseases in the anorectal area.

Factors such as the availability and cost of drugs also play a significant role - it is not always possible to find a fast-acting and inexpensive medicine for prostatitis, which is why you have to take less effective analogues.

The selection of antibiotics requires a selective approach, since it is important to choose a drug that suppresses a specific type (or types) of pathogenic agents of inflammatory prostatitis. Why do doctors study smears taken from the urethra, urine tests and samples of prostatic secretions?

It is highly desirable to use antibacterial antibiotics that have both bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects, so that the drug not only blocks the spread of infection, but also actively destroys dangerous microorganisms.

Among the best medications to date for the treatment of prostatitis from this group are the following names:

  • moxifloxacin;
  • levofloxacin;
  • sparfloxacin;
  • minocycline;
  • chloramphenicol;
  • doxycycline;
  • ciprofloxacin;
  • roxithromycin;
  • clarithromycin;
  • Dirithromycin.

Beta-lactam antibiotics, like aminoglycosides, are less preferred, although they are cheap. Unlike fluoroquinolones and macrolides, they are characterized by a weak ability to penetrate into the tissue of the prostate gland and create the necessary concentrations of the active substance in it.

Fluoroquinolones are powerful bactericidal drugs, significantly superior in this parameter to such bacteriostatics as sulfamethoxazole and doxycycline.

Alpha blockers

This group of drugs is actively used not only for prostatitis, but also for prostate adenoma, and their effectiveness is based on blocking alpha-adrenergic receptors in order to prevent their contact with norepinephrine and adrenergic agonists. As a result, the receptors in the vessels do not receive vasoconstrictor nerve signals, due to which their expansion is achieved with a subsequent improvement in blood circulation.

  • Alfuzosin;
  • Dalfaz;
  • Artesin;
  • Doxazosin;
  • Kamiren;
  • Urocard;
  • Prazosin;
  • Tamsulosin;
  • Focusin;
  • Cornam;
  • Terazosin.

It should be noted that in urology, selective alpha1-adrenergic blockers are actively used, acting on receptors in the tissues of the bladder, prostate and urinary tract.

Reducing tissue swelling not only improves urodynamics, but also tones the entire male genitourinary system, helping to get rid of, among other things, impotence and decreased erection.

Prostatitis in men is treated with the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs/NSAIDs), which meet the requirements of effectiveness, but at the same time, are safe for the body. The purpose of these drugs is to suppress the inflammatory process affecting the prostate and, possibly, the seminal vesicles, bladder neck and distal urinary tract.

  • Indomethacin;
  • Phenylbutazone;
  • Diflunisal;
  • Aspirin;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Piroxicam;
  • Lornoxicam;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Nimesulide.

Following a decrease in the clinical severity of prostate inflammation, normalization of the patient’s condition is noted, including a decrease in body temperature, a decrease in swelling of the prostate gland, elimination of urinary tract obstruction and suppression of pain in the anogenital area.

The use of hormonal drugs in the treatment of prostatitis is allowed only in the case of an advanced chronic course of the disease, in which antibiotics, alpha-blockers and anti-inflammatory drugs are not able to normalize disrupted hormonal levels.

Depending on the goals, the patient may be prescribed both androgens, which increase the level of male hormones (testosterone) in the blood, and estrogens, which suppress the production of dihydrotestosterone, which provokes the proliferation of prostate tissue.

Most likely, the patient will be prescribed one of the following medications:

  • Hydrocortisone;
  • Cortef;
  • Androcur;
  • Sustanon-250;
  • Omnadren;
  • Lidaza;
  • Prednisolone;
  • Flutamide.

All of these medications are sold strictly by prescription and should be used exclusively as prescribed by the attending physician, since incorrect or untimely dosage can have a detrimental effect on the patient’s health.

The complicated course of acute prostatitis is aggravated by the development of immunosuppression, which can intensify under the influence of a number of antibiotics and other drugs. For this reason, there is a need to strengthen the body’s resistance to pathogenic microflora, which is carried out with the help of immunostimulants.

There are many different drugs of this type, among which are the following:

  • Methyluracil;
  • Taktivin;
  • Thymogen;
  • Myelopid;
  • Riboxin;
  • Pyrogenal;
  • Lysozyme;
  • Immunoglobulin;
  • Lycopid;
  • Cycloferon;
  • Polyoxidonium.

Do not forget that vitamins A, C and E also help strengthen the immune system, so experts recommend actively consuming foods containing these substances in large quantities.


Painkillers are usually needed in the early stages of therapy, when treatment has not yet had time to functionally improve the condition of the prostate, which is why the patient experiences pain during urination, defecation, sitting for a long time on a hard surface or physical activity.

As a rule, moderate strength analgesics taken as prescribed one to three times a day are sufficient:

  • Aspirin;
  • Analgin;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Diclofenac sodium;
  • Piroxecam;
  • Dimexide.

The listed products have many structural analogues (generics), and they are produced by many Russian and foreign companies, but doctors advise giving preference to domestic analgesics so as not to overpay for the brand.

From the class of muscle relaxants, in urology it is customary to prescribe antispasmodics - drugs that help relax smooth muscles that are in a state of spasm. This therapy is effective for acute prostatitis, which causes involuntary spasm of the prostate muscles and the entire pelvic floor.

Doctors prescribe the following medications for men:

  • Librax;
  • Bendazole;
  • Halidor;
  • Trigan;
  • Drotaverine;
  • No-shpa;
  • Spasmol;
  • Papaverine;
  • Neobutin.

Course use of antispasmodics is unnecessary: ​​it is enough to take them in moderate doses during the first days or weeks of general therapy. Also, these drugs should not be abused in order to avoid the risk of dysfunction of the relevant organs and systems of the body.


Herbal medicines prescribed for prostatitis are most often dietary supplements, available in the form of rectal suppositories, capsules or tablets. Among the popular extracts that form the basis of such preparations are the bark of the African plum, the fruits of the creeping (or dwarf) palm, and the herb of creeping Tribulus. Slightly less commonly used is an extract from the prostate gland of animals (cattle).

The following trade names can be purchased on the Russian market without a prescription:

  • Multigin-Actigel;
  • Pineamin;
  • Lactozhinal;
  • Prostaplant;
  • Tribestan;
  • Peponen;
  • Tykveol;
  • Prostagut forte;
  • Prostopin.

There is also a group of medicines such as homeopathic medicines for the treatment of prostate inflammation: Afala, Mercurius Solubilis, Bryonia, Sabal Serrulata, Pulsatilla and others.

For the prevention of prostatitis

Prevention of prostatitis requires, first of all, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular sexual activity. But to maintain tone, you can also use various drugs - as a rule, we are talking about dietary supplements of plant origin:

  • Prostate Forte;
  • Tribestan;
  • Lovelace Forte;
  • Vuka Vuka;
  • Lycoprofit;
  • AndroDose;
  • Yohimbe-plus;
  • Golden Horse.

Since the manufacturers of these dietary supplements claim their ability to help with weakened libido, impotence, erectile dysfunction and other disorders in the male genitourinary system, they should be taken with caution as prophylactic agents for prostatitis.

It must be remembered that many of these capsules and tablets are aphrodisiacs, which are inappropriate in a number of situations.

Where to buy and price

Most of the drugs listed in the review are sold everywhere in city or online pharmacies and do not require complex search efforts. However, it is worth remembering that a prescription is required - this is especially true for antibiotics, alpha-blockers, hormonal agents and anti-inflammatory drugs.

The approximate cost of the most important medications for prostatitis is shown in the following table.

Men, regardless of age, are susceptible to many diseases, one of the most serious, painful and painful is prostatitis. The most important treatment is an effective medicine for prostatitis. At the first symptoms of inflammation, it is necessary to contact a urologist so that he can determine the stage of the disease and its cause, and prescribe the necessary treatment.

What is prostatitis

Prostatitis is a purely male disease, an inflammatory process. Eight percent of the male population suffers from prostate diseases; pharmacists always have effective medications for the treatment of prostatitis in their pharmacies. The American National Institutes of Health has divided the disease into four main stages: acute, chronic bacterial, chronic (constant pain in the pelvic area) and asymptomatic prostatitis. Prostatitis is often accompanied by diseases such as vesiculitis and urethritis, and older men may be susceptible to the formation of benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Non-infectious prostatitis

This type of disease is the most common. Men with weak immune systems may be exposed to it. Non-infectious prostatitis can be a consequence of hypothermia, a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle, or occur with a decrease in physical activity, as a result of prolonged abstinence from sexual activity or, on the contrary, excessive sexual activity. Alcohol is also a source that contributes to the development of prostate inflammation. An effective cure for prostatitis in men who have become ill through non-infectious means will be prescribed by a doctor, and for prevention the man himself should avoid going outside in winter without additional underpants, have a moderate sex life, do not abuse alcohol, and go to the gym.

Infectious prostatitis

This type of prostatitis is most often caused by diseases that are sexually transmitted. These are various viruses, microbes, bacteria. Also, the culprit of infection can be a long process of inflammation in the man himself of other organs - this is sinusitis, tonsillitis and kidney pathologies. It is necessary to start treatment for prostatitis on time. The most effective medications for this disease should be taken with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agents. If prostatitis is the result of sexually transmitted infection, then you need treatment together with your partner to avoid re-infection. An effective cure for infectious prostatitis is prevention and safety. Treat all inflammations on time, have one sexual partner, use contraception. This is the easiest way to avoid getting sick.

Signs of prostatitis

Frequent urination, painful or uncomfortable - Accompanied by a feeling that the bladder is not completely emptied, pain and pain appear in the lower abdomen. If there is pain in the rectum during ejaculation, then this is also a symptom of prostate inflammation. There may also be a weak erection and loss of desire for sexual intercourse. Men with prostatitis are characterized by increased nervousness and anxiety. With such inflammation there may be chills, fever, and increased sweating. If you experience at least one of the symptoms, do not delay, go to the doctor. The disease will not disappear on its own; an effective cure for prostatitis is needed already in the first stages.

Folk remedies for prostatitis

Many doctors advise men to treat prostatitis not only with medications, but also to use traditional methods. The most effective medicine for prostatitis will be much more effective if it is helped to fight the disease with the help of grandmother's recipes. In order to use this or that method, consult a doctor so as not to harm yourself.

Effective medicine for prostatitis from the pharmacy

In order to recover from prostate inflammation, you must honestly complete the full course prescribed by your doctor. An effective cure for chronic or regular prostatitis must include many elements. This has an antibacterial effect, anti-inflammatory (medicines for prostatitis always contain an antibiotic, but the doctor may prescribe additional injections), drugs that relax the prostate muscles, and painkillers. During treatment, it is necessary to abstain from alcohol, avoid cold and drafts, and abstain from sexual activity throughout the course.

Alpha blockers

Many people wonder what effective medicine for prostatitis to buy. When writing a prescription, a doctor may prescribe expensive medications that may not be affordable. Then you can use alpha-blockers - these are medications that help relax the prostate muscles, eliminate pain, and facilitate urination. The action of the drug is aimed only at eliminating unpleasant symptoms, but does not treat prostatitis. Together with an adrenergic blocker, use Tamsulosin (0.4 milligrams once a day) and Silodosin (four milligrams once a day) to treat prostatitis. It is also necessary to purchase antispasmodics, inexpensive types are "Baralgin" and "No-Shpa" (can be replaced with "Drotaverin", our Russian analogue of "No-Shpa"). These tablets are very strong and quickly have an analgesic effect.

Muscle relaxants

They are worth purchasing to eliminate pain in the perineal area. They are aimed at relaxing the muscles, urethra and bladder. "Mydocalm" is a good proven remedy, with its help the pain will be less and urination will be easier. This is not the most mandatory item, but in order to help yourself cope with the disease more easily, it is worth spending money and purchasing it.

Herbal medicines for the treatment of prostatitis

There are many herbal remedies for prostatitis in pharmacies. The most popular are "Prostmol-uno" and "Prostanorm", the course of treatment will be about a month if taken correctly. Read the instructions carefully before starting treatment. Under no circumstances should the dosage be exceeded. These are expensive types of medicines. There are medicines for prostatitis that are inexpensive and effective, for example "Prostate-Forte". It contains poplar and burdock leaves, palm berries, Icelandic moss, pygeum, pumpkin seeds, goldenrod roots and sedge. This product is appreciated by a large number of men; its quality exceeds the price, as patients write in reviews. If it is not possible to buy ready-made herbal medicines, herbs can be purchased separately in pharmacies, and decoctions and tinctures can be prepared using them at home. A doctor and a pharmacist at a pharmacy will help you advise you on the right herbs, roots and cones; herbs are sold freely, without the need for a prescription from a doctor. The most effective decoction for the treatment of prostatitis is a decoction of tansy flowers, wormwood, string, yarrow, St. John's wort leaves, elecampane root and hop cones. You can add celandine, nettle leaves, raspberries and lingonberries. All components are taken in equal parts and crushed into a paste. Four or five tablespoons of the mixture should be poured into one liter of boiling water and left overnight. Strain, drink one third of a glass three times a day, for six months. It will be more effective to take medications and not rely only on herbs.

Traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of prostatitis

Our grandparents knew the easiest way to get rid of prostatitis, because in their time there were no ready-made medications for treating the prostate. They had to come up with their own methods, guided by the centuries-old traditions and skills of their ancestors. And after all, everyone was alive and well, they could cope with this illness.

The first recipe is the simplest: mince half a kilogram of pumpkin seeds along with the peel, add two hundred grams of natural honey, and knead the dough. From this mixture you need to make small balls, no larger than a nut, and put them in the cold for forty minutes. Before each meal, about half an hour, eat one ball. It must be chewed very thoroughly and slowly and swallowed. This test will be enough for the entire course of treatment - this is the most powerful folk drug for the treatment of prostatitis.

Honey suppositories for the treatment of prostatitis: half a raw chicken egg is mixed with a teaspoon of natural honey, rye flour is added to make a dough. From this mass, roll centimeter sticks - candles. Put it in the freezer, and every morning and evening, after going to the toilet, insert a candle into the anus. It will take a month to be treated for prostatitis with this method. After a week's break, repeat the course.

Parsley for prostatitis: pour parsley seeds in the amount of four teaspoons with a glass of boiling water, put on low heat, and boil for fifteen minutes. After cooling, strain and take a tablespoon of decoction before meals, up to six times a day. Continue this treatment for a week, this time is quite enough. In addition to treating prostatitis, this decoction helps restore male strength even at the age of eighty!

Chestnut shells along with thorns need to be crushed, take three tablespoons and pour half a liter of boiling water, leave overnight, strain in the morning and evaporate the broth to two hundred grams in a water bath. Take thirty drops, three times a day, on an empty stomach. When the decoction is over, rest for a month and repeat the treatment.

Hazel will help cope with prostatitis: put ten branches of hazel directly with the leaves in an enamel bowl, add water so that the branches are hidden. Bring to a boil and cook for twenty minutes. Infuse the broth until it acquires a reddish tint, then put it back on the fire. When the broth becomes hot, strain and pour into a bowl and place in a water bath. You need to breathe the vapors of this decoction for fifteen minutes every day. A week of such inhalations will be enough for prostatitis to go away.

Over the past few decades, there has been an increase in the incidence of prostatitis. The connection can be traced with the increased resistance of microbial pathogens to antibacterial agents, as well as with increased freedom of sexual relations.

Causes of the disease

Caused by tissue inflammation, a purely male pathology. The prostate is located below the bladder, like a muff encircling the urethra.

Inflammation can be infectious or non-infectious in nature. In the first case, the pathogens are:

  1. Nonspecific pathogens from chronic foci.
  2. Nosocomial infection acquired during surgery.

The non-infectious form of the disease occurs with stagnation of blood in the pelvis, prolonged abstinence, excessive sexual activity, decreased immunity, hypothermia, and alcohol abuse. When prostatitis develops in men, it is treated with medications first.


Main types:

  1. Spicy.
  2. Chronic bacterial.
  3. Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome.
  4. Asymptomatic chronic.

What happens during an acute illness

Bacteria enter the prostate tissue.
Most often these are representatives of opportunistic flora - Escherichia coli, staphylococci, Klebsiella, Proteus.

With a decrease in immune defense, good conditions are created for their reproduction: prostatic juice is a concentrate of nutrients, glucose, vitamins that dilute sperm and maintain sperm viability.

The waste products of microbes and they themselves cause an inflammatory response - leukocytes migrate from the bloodstream, the liquid part of the blood sweats through the walls of blood vessels, swelling develops, the gland increases in size, and compresses the urethra more strongly.
Microbial toxins increase body temperature, and symptoms of intoxication develop.

Signs of illness

Signs of prostatitis in men and its symptoms appear gradually.
Chills begin to bother you and increase. Intoxication increases, weakness appears, and performance decreases.

The temperature in some cases may remain normal, but its increase will be noticeable when measured in the rectum. The reason is the close proximity of the inflammatory focus.
Pain appears in the perineum, scrotum, radiating to the sacrum, lower back, and anus.

The pain may be diffuse in the pelvis, without clear localization. When urinating, characteristic pain occurs - burning and pain in the urethra.
The nature of urination changes. It becomes more frequent, the portion of urine decreases. Frequent urges at night are characteristic. Sometimes acute urinary retention develops.

An enlarged prostate may put pressure on the rectum or cause pain during bowel movements.
Stagnation of urine and the proximity of the infectious focus, when pathogens penetrate through the ascending route into the kidneys, pyelonephritis occurs.
Additional symptoms may be colorless, white or yellow-green discharge from the urethra, blood in the semen.

Traditional methods

Diagnosis of prostatitis in men and its treatment with folk remedies should be auxiliary. The disease in most cases is caused by an infectious agent, and without high-quality antibiotics it cannot be dealt with.

A recipe with proven effectiveness.

In folk medicine they know what prostatitis is in men, signs, how to treat it, medications, at home. Below are the methods:
It is recommended to eat 30 pumpkin seeds per day. They contain a lot of zinc, which is good for men's health. You can peel half a kilo of seeds, grind in a meat grinder and mix with 200 g of honey. Take a teaspoon three times a day.
The bark of the horse chestnut fruit is collected in the fall. It is brewed like tea, which is recommended to be drunk 2 times a day. Microenemas of 250 ml are made with a decoction of the bark or chestnuts themselves twice a week.
Take a tablespoon of parsley juice three times a day.
Brew several hazel branches with leaves in boiling water and boil. Pour into a basin and hover the crotch over it. The course of treatment is a week.

Most men promptly seek help from a urologist when the first symptoms of acute prostatitis appear. Poorly treated acute prostatitis in men (symptoms) will require treatment for a long time. At the site of inflammation, a sclerotic process develops, which will lead to urination disorders. Cystitis, pyelonephritis develop, and infertility may occur. Unpleasant sensations during exacerbation lead to a decrease in libido and potency.

When did chronic illness develop?

Inadequate treatment, an incomplete course of antibiotic therapy, and decreased immunity lead to the formation of a focus of chronic infection.
When exposed to provoking factors, it can worsen.

Sometimes the symptoms are not pronounced. The pain is aching, muffled, the man gets used to the disturbance of urination and takes the frequent urge for granted.
During an exacerbation, there will be changes in urine tests - bacteria and leukocytes appear.

The chronic process is dangerous because it creates an infectious focus that can spread throughout the body under favorable conditions. This affects erection, potency and the ability to have children.


In order to prevent the development of the disease, any infections should be treated promptly - before caries and purulent foci. They can become a source of infection of any other organs.

Sexual life is important for this disease.
Long-term abstinence has a bad effect - stagnation of secretions occurs and blood flow is disrupted.
Frequent changes of sexual partners and casual relationships increase the risk of getting a sexually transmitted infection. Holding back ejaculation and prolonged, repeated, incomplete sexual intercourse have a harmful effect.
The general level of health, quitting smoking, drinking alcohol, and physical activity are important.

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