Home Prosthetics and implantation Lottery horoscope for April. Lottery horoscope for all zodiac signs

Lottery horoscope for April. Lottery horoscope for all zodiac signs

Scorpio horoscope for April 2017.

In April 2017, unexpected meetings await Scorpios, and attention! If you believe old Freud, then we only meet those who already exist in our subconscious. Then a natural question may arise for Scorpios: where do Cristiano Ronaldo or Kate Beckinsale still go? And why didn’t you meet them in April 2017? And all because Freud further added – « First we draw a person in our imagination and only then we meet him in real life...” Therefore, Scorpios have claims, not to Freud, but to themselves - whoever they drew is who they met. You can see this for yourself once again by re-reading this horoscope at the end of April and analyzing the past month.

However, judging by the horoscope for April, despite Freud, Carnegie, Schopenhauer, Margarita Pavlovna, Khobotov and retrograde Venus, next month Scorpios will again feel themselves in the spotlight. This is especially true for November Scorpios, for whom there will be special “demand” in April 2017. Increased attention will seriously distract Scorpios from solving current life problems. And instead of solving the problems of the present, you will remember how well you once solved the problems of the past. Forgetting, at the same time, that life is structured in such a way that everything in it breaks down: feelings, people, love, iron... But for some reason, it is precisely such little things as a broken iron or nail that will upset Scorpios, in April, more than anything else . However, as the horoscope shows, next month you should cope well not only with your current tasks, but also lay something as the foundation for your future, for example, new jeans. And if endorphins are all that people need for happiness, then in April 2017 you need to try to obtain them artificially (preferably without alcohol) - shopping, cinema or chatting with friends. And, despite the fact that there will always be some people around Scorpios in April 2017, try to solve serious issues yourself!!! And not only without listening to other opinions, but even scrupulously dispensing information. Your natural secrecy in April 2017 should play into your hands. And the horoscope for April especially reminds Scorpio women that if you don’t sleep with a problem, then a solution won’t be born... Moreover, there is just more emphasis on sleep than on “feeling back.”

As we have already warned in detail, April 2017 will bring even greater confusion into your life. Trips, business trips, travel, then you will send people, then they will send you. So even a short vacation will be the best solution at this time. Since May 2017 will also present Scorpios with new challenges. Especially in the sphere of human relationships, where due to misunderstandings, somewhere due to different understandings of values ​​or interests, some Scorpios may finally break up with their partner. Therefore, in May 2017, Scorpios will need not only courage, but also courage in making firm decisions. But the professional sphere and career will begin its rise on the next “roller coaster” from May 2017.

Horoscope for April 2017 Scorpio favorable days are 2, 6, 18, 22, 28 and 29.

Horoscope for April 2017 Scorpio unfavorable days - just because a person has a good heart does not mean that he cannot punch you in the face. The situation is approximately the same with favorable and unfavorable days. Favorable days can also “punch you in the face.” And unfavorable days can teach you something, or be useful and interesting. The main thing is not to plan “black streaks” for yourself, and then there will definitely be fewer of them!

Horoscope for April 2017 Scorpio work, career and business. Working at a “unloved” job is the most difficult for Scorpios. And it will be difficult to simply work in April. Because next month Scorpios will be attacked by majestic and avant-garde LAZINESS. And only sometimes in the evening, gnawing on frozen dumplings for dinner (too lazy to cook), Scorpios can remember that they need to do something about their laziness, and how much they haven’t done in the past day. Therefore, in April 2017, Scorpios will work according to the schedule... “as hard as they can.” But, and this is why in a month that is favorable from a professional point of view, you will need to fight your own laziness in the toughest ways. Otherwise, intrigues will again spin around the Scorpios like a top, catching up with their own tail and the Scorpios, who did not have time to do something. Of course, to divert the topic of conversation away from unfinished work, you can come to the office wearing something unusual, for example, fins. But it will still be much easier, if you haven’t done the work, then find authoritative allies. Which will cover your ass and explain that you simply couldn’t cope with large volumes. If you find support from influential people or superiors, then you can safely tell your ill-wishers and envious people to be fruitful and multiply, perhaps even while walking and traveling and in the directions you indicate. But only on condition that you feel supported. Otherwise, keep quiet and pretend that you have worked so hard that you have no time for intrigue.

Horoscope for April 2017 Scorpio Finance. In April 2017, some Scorpios had a wonderful dream... that four loaders were carrying your salary... But this is provided that you overcome your own laziness + overcome your bosses. True, there is a danger that after settlements with all the “loaders” and intermediaries between you and Vesna (the store’s cash register), there may be quite a pile of money left. Therefore, do not carry a lot of money with you in your wallet.

Love horoscope for April 2017 Scorpio. Horoscope for April 2017 Scorpio Love. Can I be the meaning of your life here? They will ask some Scorpios in the second half of April. And although it will be difficult for you to avoid answering, try to “sneak away” from specific formulations. Family Scorpios can generally become confused in relationships. Because, most likely, this question will not be asked by your partners. For those Scorpios who have had tension in their relationships for a long time, it will be even more difficult in April 2017. After all, how can you understand this life correctly if you don’t want to punch the person who offended you, but to hug him? Therefore, as we have already said, try to avoid confrontation and direct answers. Especially from direct answers that your loved ones may not like. Try to comfortably explain to your partner that relationships rarely become stronger from changes, just like cognac, borscht or dumplings. You can finish the cognac and snack on cucumber, and stuff squid into dumplings. But this won’t make the dumplings or squid any better.

The horoscope does not advise lonely Scorpios to start serious new novels or relationships next month. And although, as we have already said, there will be a lot of options and attention next month, and you, in principle, should have “come to your senses” and are ready for changes in your personal life. But it happens, you come to your senses, and there is no one there. Although, of course, everyone wants someone to wake you up with kisses every morning instead of this mobile but soulless member of your family. But, on the other hand, maybe this will be your responsibility. And becoming an “alarm clock” is not your deepest dream. The month of April will be especially difficult for Scorpio men, since next month many women will try to lower your self-esteem even for no reason. Like in a situation when you are walking down the street and say to a charming girl passing by: “Wow!!!”, and in response she shows you the finger. It seems like a small thing, but it’s NOT pleasant! Treat this with humor; next month Venus will test how ready you are to treat women’s weaknesses more calmly.

At the end, the horoscope for April 2017 reminds all Scorpios of another words of Professor Freud: “Before diagnosing yourself with depression and low self-esteem, make sure that you are not surrounded by idiots.” Couldn't have said it better. That's why we have it for April. All.

As astrologers say, the beginning of autumn will be a very ambiguous period, both in the spiritual and material aspects. Many of us will strive for transformation, innovation and dramatic change.

The lottery horoscope for September will be an excellent help for those who have difficulty playing and need advice. In September, charity issues will become very relevant for many. If you manage to win a large sum, do not hesitate to give part of the money to those in need.

The horoscope for September says that in the first days of autumn you should not neglect your health, strengthen your immune system, accumulate positive energy, and the month will delight you with new discoveries.

In September 2017, Aries will amaze others with their impatience, determination and self-confidence. The desire to get ahead of everyone, including yourself, will cause disapproval from others. Aries should be more careful, because their actions can only consume time, while at the same time the desired result may not come. Be prudent in your actions, then you will be able to maintain excellent relationships with others.

Career, finance

The professional activities of Aries in September can be described as quite prosperous. They will be annoyed by those colleagues who strive to work half-heartedly or not actively enough. September is not the best time to sort things out with management, colleagues, or subordinates. It is better to focus on organizing your current affairs. Try to create an atmosphere of creation around yourself.

As for the financial situation of Aries, the first autumn month will be a very stable period; expect increases in the form of bonuses or other payments. It is likely that this is due to your lottery activity. Therefore, you should not put off what you want, hurry up to place a bet - it has every chance of bringing success. Winnings in the lottery or casino are especially likely in mid-September, but, as the stars say, they will not be large.

Personal relationships, health

The expectation of understanding and attention will permeate all aspects of the personal life of representatives of the sign in September. Aries will suddenly begin to become touchy, sensitive, and demanding of their partner. There is no need to be particularly zealous in the desire to remake your other half. Take comfort in the knowledge that you set the tone in your inner circle, projecting your ideas and tastes. Pay attention to the period from September 3 to September 19 - this time is most suitable for making an important decision. Aries women should not be afraid to dramatically change the course of life; they can receive both trust and love as a reward.

It is important for men of the sign to support their children and spouse; they will need your care.

Your well-being at the beginning of autumn will be directly dependent on your workload at work. You should not self-medicate, but rather spend more time resting, do not ignore visits to the doctor, and go to bed on time.

Favorable days are 6, 7, 12, 18, 25, 30; Tuesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 2, 11, 12, 17, 19, 23.

Betting numbers – 19, 25, 27, 28, 43 and 24

In September, Taurus will not be able to avoid solving numerous financial problems that have been hanging over him since the summer. For some of the representatives of the sign, inheritance issues will be successfully resolved. In general, all Taurus should prepare for a troublesome and hectic period. But they will manage to be on time everywhere, as they will approach financial and professional issues systematically and thoughtfully. Relatives will help you in solving many issues; only the education and upbringing of children will be on your shoulders.

Career, finance

The horoscope for September 2017 recommends that Taurus be focused on details, an efficient and punctual worker. Don’t change your plans or push deadlines, otherwise you won’t succeed in anything meaningful. It is quite possible that there will be changes at your job, a change in management or staff reductions. Women are advised to be more responsible and vigilant; through your fault, you may displease your superiors.

Financially, be careful; don’t spend money on things you don’t consider essential. Family needs, children and travel will require considerable funds in the near future. There may be expenses associated with elderly family members. But investing in profitable projects is strongly encouraged. You should play lotteries in September very carefully, do not get carried away with detailed and multi-draw bets.

Personal relationships, health

Single Taurus - do not return to old, outdated relationships, former lovers. Rarely does anyone manage to step into the same river twice. Behave openly with your chosen one, then you will avoid remorse and suspicion. Avoid ambition and selfishness, then you will have a sincere and warm relationship with your loved one.

Family Taurus will literally have to be torn between elderly family members and children. The month ahead will be full of events and emotions. Perhaps one of your loved ones will end up in the hospital, while others at the same time will need your care and your money.

Younger family members need a holiday - give it to them.

Unfortunately, your vacation will be limited only to a summer cottage or short trips out of town, and the lack of money will affect you.

In terms of health, it would be good to ignore numerous problems, sleep longer, take walks in the evenings, and eat according to a schedule. Both physical and intellectual work can negatively affect your well-being.

Favorable days are 8, 10, 12, 15, 18, 22; Friday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 2, 4, 19,21, 27, 29.

Betting numbers – 13, 24, 29, 48, 58 and 11

In September 2017, Gemini will be forced to humble their pride and resort to compromise more often. Unfortunately, a lot of problems and troubles will fall on your head, but you will endure them steadfastly. Your health will be seriously threatened by blues and insomnia. Generously share your warmth and gifts with others. Those you love deserve it. You should not go towards your goal against the wishes of others. Balance your strengths and capabilities, then your activities will be beneficial.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, Gemini will have to devote a lot of energy to current affairs. If you receive an offer to work overtime, do not refuse. Take responsibility for maintaining all kinds of documentation, think about what connections you can use, and with whom you can establish partnerships.

Career growth is most likely for women; they may even have to change jobs. It is important for men to formulate a goal, create a base and draw up an action plan.

The horoscope for September warns Gemini against careless handling of money; be more economical. The motto of the month is to save, not spend. You have already set aside some of the money; in September, continue to accumulate funds. Be patient, don't despair, work tirelessly. Do not hope that money will come to you in an easy way; in this sense, you should not count on lottery winnings during this period.

Personal relationships, health

In September, single Geminis will have to hear a declaration of love from the desired person whom they have long dreamed of. Many people have to make a choice between two chosen ones; give preference to those born under the sign of Fire. It is possible to meet someone who was once very dear to you. Women should not neglect the advice and warnings of their friends regarding their chosen ones, and men should not make empty promises.

Family representatives of the sign will face a series of minor everyday troubles and troubles with children. Pay your utilities on time, otherwise problems will arise.

In September, Gemini faces the danger of depression and nervous diseases. Insomnia, loss of appetite, lack of desire to see anyone - this is what you have to face. You may need professional help. Communicate more with positive-minded people. Try to look at life more optimistically.

Favorable days are 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25; Wednesdays are suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 2, 9, 17, 19, 24, 29.

Betting numbers – 4, 42, 45, 53, 55 and 25

The horoscope for September 2017 predicts Cancer will sum up what he managed to achieve in the summer. You shouldn’t make far-reaching plans, but you can invest money if a promising project comes along. All areas of Cancer's life will be quite prosperous, the balance of current life will be very to his taste, he is very nervous in the hustle and bustle.

Family Cancers should not overly encourage their children with pocket expenses; they should be rational in purchases, and restraint in relationships with people.

Keep in mind that you can only rely on yourself in all situations.

Lonely representatives of the sign can fall passionately and recklessly in love in September.

Career, finance

In their professional activities in September, Cancers will have to listen to both praise and censure from management. Be strict with yourself, because you know very well where you made mistakes and where you frankly played the fool. You will have to either strengthen your image or change your place of work. Such sudden changes will negatively affect the state of your wallet and overall emotional mood.

Women should think about where to invest their money so that a sound financial policy will ensure their future in the future. You should not invest in idle entertainment and useless purchases; the time is very inappropriate for them.

Cancer men will have to seek support from loved ones and beneficial partners. Those who now go into private business are guaranteed success.

Gambling, including lotteries, will be a great help and bring some much needed adrenaline into your life.

Personal relationships, health

Lonely Cancers should take a closer look at their surroundings; there is a chance to notice a reliable and loving person. In September, it is recommended to come down from the heights and give up inflated demands on love relationships. Don't chase the ideal, otherwise you will remain lonely. A very stormy romance awaits some representatives of the sign at the end of the month; you will receive a flurry of passions, impressions and emotions.

Family Cancers will be absorbed in troubles and worries, so they will have no time for friends and entertainment, especially in the second half of September.

Family quarrels can provoke depression and stress in Cancer, and as a result - decreased immunity, zero mood and lack of energy. Resort to breathing exercises, relaxing procedures and jogging; vitamins and contrast showers will not hurt for prevention.

Favorable days are 3, 5, 10, 12, 18, 25, 30; Monday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 4, 9, 17, 23, 26, 29.

Betting numbers – 9, 16, 19, 22, 39 and 14

Virgo will have to solve the accumulated tangle of problems in September 2017 on its own. But if you give up, you won’t be able to cope even with the help of friends and relatives. Travel will be successful, both long business trips and short forays out of town. You have enough strength and finances for all this. But it will be more difficult to understand love relationships, although if you have real feelings for your chosen one, you will cope. It is important to keep everything under control, then September will be an excellent period. It is possible that your life is entering a new period, do not miss the chance to become a happy person.

Career, finance

The horoscope for September 2017 recommends not neglecting the most important professional matters. If problems arise, resolve them immediately. Money wisely invested during this period can make you a wealthy and successful person. Your financial situation will be very favorable due to bonuses, lucrative deals and rich experience. Money matters will be a little more difficult for women, but a rational approach and hard work will help increase deposits in your personal account. You can buy what you have long wanted - a fashion accessory or a phone. Men should not be afraid of risk - feel free to change your job if it does not suit you, and invest money in a joint business with friends.

Pleasant cash surprises await you, probably related to your lottery game.

Personal relationships, health

Relationship-free Virgos can meet the person of their dreams in September. If you have to make a choice in favor of an official or civil marriage, take it responsibly. Those who are ready to make drastic changes in their personal lives should not listen to the advice of strangers. Many Virgo women will have to choose between love and work, and men will often have to sort things out. Perhaps they would prefer to be alone.

Virgos who are married will enjoy a well-established life when the whole family is together and feeling good. Don’t forget about your elderly relatives and parents, take control of the studies of your high school children. And most importantly, confess your love for your significant other more often.

The onset of the cold season promises Virgos colds and illnesses, so hardening will not hurt. Introduce fruit juices and vitamins into your diet, and get a flu shot in a timely manner.

Favorable days are 6, 12, 15, 18, 20, 25; Wednesdays are suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 1, 9, 18, 23, 29, 30.

Betting numbers – 24, 38, 47, 49, 63 and 4

The horoscope for September 2017 recommends the Libra sign to listen to the heart more often than the mind. This will help you settle into a comfortable life with your chosen partner. If your career is not yet developing, try to increase your funds through a hobby, such as playing the lottery or making something to order.

You are filled with optimism and diligence. You yourself are surprised by your inexhaustible energy and tirelessness. During this period, it is very easy for you to find a way out of the most delicate situation, even without resorting to outside help. Perhaps you have to choose between two partners, here you don’t need any advisers, you will get your bearings correctly.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, Libra will be very upset by the climate in the team, the reason will be gossip and showdowns. The mood will be lifted by a new project that will be entrusted to you by management; it promises a decent fee. The stars warn of problems that will creep up from unexpected quarters. The main thing is not to despair because of financial troubles and carefully check the documentation. September is not a month for laziness and thinking for Libra women, because the difficult financial situation must be urgently corrected. But men can enjoy shopping, traveling and other pleasures of life. But keep in mind, easy money, like winning the lottery, is easy to get away with. Invest some money, you will be glad for your foresight later.

Personal relationships, health

Libras who are not married will be disappointed and offended by their chosen one. You have to change internally yourself, otherwise you will only make the situation worse. Your loved one will be very dissatisfied with your preoccupation with work, so try to devote a little more time to romantic dates and spending time together.

Family Libras will desperately want privacy and freedom in September. It is unlikely that your household will like your decision to move away from them, but the decision will be yours. Many Libras will be moving or buying a home in the middle of the month to be closer to relatives.

To avoid complications, visit an ophthalmologist and dermatologist in September. Visiting the solarium and sunbathing are not recommended. Don't be nervous - and your health won't be a cause for concern. Don't sit too long at the computer and go to bed early.

Favorable days are 3, 6, 10, 15, 18, 22, 30; Friday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 4, 11, 17, 19, 24, 27.

Betting numbers – 13, 42, 46, 61, 62 and 26

You shouldn't hope that love will appear on your doorstep by itself. Without your initiative, nothing will happen, so take a closer look at your surroundings, the likelihood of finding your other half is very high. September is not a very good time to invest money, but a long or long-distance business trip is very possible.

During this period, the stars will give you both high rewards and disappointments. To avoid regrets, decide for yourself with whom it is beneficial for you to cooperate. In the first weeks of autumn, Scorpio will have to pay for past mistakes, both moral and financial.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, it is better for Scorpios to save their impulsiveness and temperament for personal relationships, and in the workplace it is better to be a quiet and inconspicuous employee. In this way, you will achieve the favor of colleagues with whom you will have to work side by side for a long time. Your professionalism will be an important reason why your boss will assign you an interesting project.

September is a very successful month financially. All your hopes will be fully justified, you will receive the amount you expected. But the money will come as a result of a part-time job, or will be given as a gift, but not as a result of a lottery win. There are many payments to be made - for bank loans, for debt repayment, and for paying off utility debts.

Personal relationships, health

A fateful meeting awaits Scorpio in September 2017. There is a possibility that a congenial person is already in the orbit of your friends; take a closer look at those around you. If this chance is missed, then you will not be able to start a family for a long time. It is best to make acquaintances in public places - gyms, events, parties, concerts.

Scorpios who are married are advised not to put off solving problems that arise. This is especially true when there are frequent conflicts over everyday issues. You need to show more tenderness to your children and spouse. You are too immersed in work, and this does not evoke positive feelings in your household. There is a risk that one of the Scorpios will decide to have a love affair, which could lead to family collapse.

The coming cold carries the risk of serious complications from colds, so do not neglect strengthening your immune system. Health-improving jogging, exercises, and relaxing procedures are recommended. While you can, go for bike rides.

Favorable days are 5, 6, 10, 12, 18, 25; Tuesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 7, 11, 14, 19, 24, 26, 29.

Betting numbers – 5, 14, 17, 33, 60 and 19

Sagittarius should listen to the recommendations of the horoscope for September 2017 - change their place of work and complete previously started work. Success will not leave you, but it will not come instantly and from a completely unexpected direction. Family Sagittarius should prepare for disputes, disagreements and disasters. If possible, go with your loved one on a trip or visit another city. The beginning of the month is the time when you should rest more and work less. Relaxing procedures will be useful to restore strength and energy.

Career, finance

Having rested properly, Sagittarius will begin to work actively and plan a lot of new things. It is quite possible to earn additional income. And even if the profit does not seem too high to you, this is just the beginning. Try to assess your strength realistically, pay attention to the little things. Many of the representatives of the star sign are promised a career take-off and salary increase, this is especially true for people with experience in one place. Other Sagittarius can safely change their place of work or field of activity, and take up advanced training. Stunning success in professional activity will temporarily knock Sagittarius out of their usual rut. But in reality, income will be much higher than expenses. By the way, don’t forget about your gambling hobby - significant wins in the lottery are possible on a wave of luck.

Personal relationships, health

September 2017 is the best time to take care of yourself, so representatives of the sign need to take a good break from relationships and sort out their feelings. If you feel that the connection with your partner is becoming weaker, if there are more annoying moments than joyful ones, then perhaps your union has exhausted itself.

Family Sagittarians also need to sort out their problems, and in a calm home environment you will more easily find the answer. Therefore, do not get distracted by quarrels, avoid conflict situations. Now is the period for important steps and serious decisions.

A threat to Sagittarius's health can be posed by himself - bad habits, poor diet. September is very favorable for quitting smoking, and alcohol consumption should be reduced to a minimum. Don't sit too long at the computer or in front of the TV, go to bed early.

Favorable days are 5, 9, 10, 18, 25, 30; Thursday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 1, 4, 11, 19, 24, 29.

Betting numbers – 1, 9, 38, 60, 69 and 4

An important warning for Capricorn: working without breaks for rest and lunch can lead to health problems. Moreover, ailments can be both physical and mental.

According to the horoscope forecast for September 2017, the month promises to be interesting, with trips, adventures, and meetings. Representatives of the sign will be very inquisitive, and this will lead them to achievements and victories. A fateful change is expected in your personal life. Capricorn will meet such an important person for himself, for whose sake he will decide to change his habits and views on relationships.

Career, finance

In their professional activities, Capricorn will face urgent and routine work. If you get down to business with enthusiasm, you can achieve success faster, unlike many of your colleagues. You may have to deal with the envy and malice of competitors, but Capricorn has no problem in being able to avoid all the sharp corners in communication. But at the slightest opportunity to go to another country, or to another city, do not neglect it, rest is very useful for you during this period.

Financial matters will not be a subject of special concern for Capricorn; everything will be resolved quickly and easily. If you play lotteries, then activity in early autumn will not bring any income. Men should not take risks in money matters; there is a danger of losing all their savings. No adventures, dubious affairs, unfamiliar projects. Large bets in casinos and lotteries, trading on the stock exchange is not recommended.

Personal relationships, health

Some lonely representatives of the Capricorn sign will have to experience unrequited love, which will soon turn into apathy and mild depression. Don’t be discouraged; not everything always corresponds to our desires. If you are unable to cope with the situation, advice from relatives will help you. It would be best to plunge into work or go somewhere for a while.

Family Capricorns should devote more time to loved ones and not skimp on actions, words and purchases. Gifts will help you find a path to the hearts of your household, especially if the family hearth has cooled down somewhat. At the beginning of autumn, misunderstanding may arise, but this is only your fault and reluctance to delve into everyday problems.

Fatigue and depression can become a serious problem for Capricorn's well-being in September. If you cannot overcome the disease on your own, you should contact an experienced specialist. Eliminate all stress, both physical and psychological.

Favorable days are 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 25; Saturday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 4, 6, 16, 19, 24, 29.

Betting numbers – 1, 20, 25, 42, 54 and 2

The stars warn Aquarius - under no circumstances strive for leadership in love relationships. It’s better to leave everything as it was, so as not to lose a loved one. Financially, representatives of the sign will have great luck; they may receive compensation or a big win in the lottery.

An unforgettable and bright month awaits you, which will bring amazing changes to your life - travel, communication and meetings with new interesting people, perhaps even something global like scientific research. Creative people will create masterpieces that will make them in demand and popular.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, the horoscope for September recommends carefully following the instructions and rules in the workplace. Otherwise, you risk running into conflict with management and losing your bonus. It’s a good idea to retrain or improve your skills. All paths are now open for you, you can safely pursue a career that will improve your financial situation. Everything needs to be strictly calculated and thought through so that the calculations are correct and the money received is not blown away by the wind.

Play lotteries - luck is favoring you during this period! This especially applies to Aquarius women; dubious deals and adventures are contraindicated for men; perhaps you will encounter a scammer and schemer on your way, be on the lookout.

Personal relationships, health

Openness and courage will be very useful for lonely Aquarius at the beginning of autumn. The one you like will be there for you if you take some steps. Leave tricks, love affairs and gossip in the past, don’t hide your feelings and desires, express them sincerely.

Family representatives of the sign should keep their mouths shut and not discuss personal nuances with strangers; even friends do not need to know about the details of your family everyday life.

Pay special attention to teenage children, especially if they study or live far from you. Do not allow unpleasant and intrusive people into your home.

In September, Aquarius must undergo a medical examination and blood tests; problems with the heart and blood vessels or decreased immunity are likely.

Follow your diet, be moderate with alcohol and smoking. Don't overwork yourself, beware of colds.

Favorable days are 3, 10, 12, 18, 20, 30; Saturday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 4, 7, 17, 19, 24, 29.

Betting numbers – 6, 16, 17, 23, 26 and 25

The motto of the month for Pisces will be saving, not spending accumulated funds. The exception is issues related to your health or the well-being of loved ones; there is no point in clinging to money. To strengthen family relationships, you need to travel outside the city, into nature, and not shy away from raising your children. You need to dream less at the beginning of autumn, better think about the present, then success will await you in love and at work.

In September, Pisces will be visited by different moods that will affect the course of life and radically change it. Work hard, and don't have your head in the clouds and dreams. Do not isolate yourself in order to increase your reputation in the eyes of friends and colleagues.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, Pisces should focus on eliminating shortcomings, and only then take on something new. Think about how to approach the problem rationally and systematically to avoid future mistakes. It is important for you not only to receive financial rewards for good work, but also to feel moral satisfaction. Minor conflicts and disagreements are possible at the beginning of the month with colleagues and management. Try to tune in to positive contact with your partners, then the desired result will be achieved.

You will be able to strengthen your financial situation if you do not neglect any opportunities to earn money, be it an additional part-time job or playing the lottery, betting, or in a casino.

Personal relationships, health

Pisces free from marriage ties should prepare for drastic changes in their personal lives. At the beginning of autumn, a fateful meeting awaits you with the person you dreamed of. Without hesitation, you will agree to any steps, including submitting an application to the registry office. Those Pisces who are already in a relationship will want some variety. The stars recommend that you add passion and excitement to your relationship so as not to scare away your partner.

Family representatives of the sign are not recommended to spend a long time in friendly companies, but to pay attention to their household members. Otherwise, discontent will result in quarrels; it is better to solve all everyday problems together with your significant other. Listen to advice from older relatives regarding financial matters. In September, real difficulties with money may arise.

Pay close attention to the minor manifestations and symptoms of ailments, and then your health will not be a cause for concern. Take advantage of the last fine days for walks, picnics, mushroom hunting, walk more, breathe fresh air.

Favorable days are 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 25; Thursday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 4, 9, 17, 19, 25, 28.

Betting numbers – 6, 16, 20, 42, 69 and 13

April will be quite a busy and interesting month for Scorpios.

As the horoscope for April 2017 says, Scorpio must rely only on their own strength. Interacting with other people on issues that are important to you, trying to rely on someone will only lead to slowing down the problem-solving process.

In April, Scorpios will be able to avoid various problems and troubles thanks to their rich experience and ability to stop on time.

Be careful when traveling and watch your luggage. Double-check all important contracts and documents.

This month, the stars promise representatives of the sign pleasant emotions associated with changes in their personal lives.


The horoscope for Scorpio for April 2017 does not foretell any health problems. However, minor and short-term ailments can cause irritation. Also, do not forget about precautions when engaging in active, extreme sports; the month is quite dangerous for injuries.

Give yourself time for rest and relaxation. Massage and meditation, yoga classes will help relieve stress.

At the end of the month, the busy life of Scorpios will take away a lot of their energy and strength, so it will be useful to reconsider their lifestyle, improve their diet and start playing sports. This will help you feel good and get emotional release.


April will be a fairly favorable month for completing previously started tasks that have been hanging on you like a dead weight. Scorpio's horoscope for April 2017 promises that all his endeavors will be successful, and that circumstances and the actions of other people will benefit Scorpios. You can achieve a lot if you don't get in your own way.

Scorpio entrepreneurs will encounter inspection authorities in April. Also now you may become disappointed in some of your subordinates. Watch your emotions at work. Now you also face a rather tough fight with your competitors.

Don't avoid work now, even if it is routine. You definitely need to tighten all the tails. By the end of the month, an influx of new successful ideas and non-standard solutions to problems, as well as career prospects, is expected.

Scorpio's main mistake will be that he decides that he knows enough. Never stop developing and expanding your professional knowledge.


Scorpio's financial situation in April directly depends on his diligence and hard work. It is important to complete old unfinished business that is hindering profit making. There will be no particular difficulties with money this month. Repayment of old debts is likely.

Expenses of the month will be related to family and household issues, as well as romantic courtship.

Those Scorpios who work in the field of creativity, communications, and trade need to avoid major transactions this month.

Avoid making money through dishonest means, no matter how tempting the prospect may seem.


Scorpio will perceive the love horoscope for April 2017 positively, because this month he will not have to complain about his personal life. Everything will turn out quite well. You are now the center of attention.

In family matters, the horoscope promises an improvement in the situation. Your couple will get a second wind, you will be on a wave of romance. Now your couple is inclined to an open lifestyle, entertainment, and attending cultural events. Communicate with your children more often.

Those Scorpios whose relationships are just beginning do not need to hope that they will be understood without words. Express your feelings and desires openly, but there is no need to put pressure on your partner or rush things.

The end of the month will be marked by a fateful meeting for those who are in search of a soulmate.

Scorpio Man

As the horoscope for April 2017 recommends, a Scorpio man in interpersonal relationships must show determination and fight for feelings. Be attentive to the words of your beloved, try to listen more. New acquaintances of the month will delight Scorpio men.

Now you need to avoid business trips, they will negatively affect your well-being. Also adjust your diet and introduce restrictions on junk food.

In April, you will interact closely with relatives. Now they can give you good advice in financial matters. It is better not to borrow money this month. Avoid shirking less and avoid unnecessary conversations, be more diligent and dedicated. This will be the key to your success.

Scorpio Woman

As the horoscope for April 2017 promises, a Scorpio woman will be able to successfully resolve accumulated family problems. Try to restrain your categoricalness and grumpiness, put yourself in your partner’s place more often. Stop constantly sticking to your line, it can scare men away from you. The month is good for preparing for family events.

You must exercise emotional restraint now. Water procedures will help stabilize the emotional background.

Be careful when communicating with colleagues; what you say can be used against you.

Now you can achieve good professional success. Be sure to establish business connections for this. Financial support from an influential person is likely.

In April 2017, the stars promise Scorpios many new impressions and a sea of ​​pleasant emotions. The main source of joy will be changes in your personal life and a stable financial situation. All the things that representatives of your zodiac sign planned at the beginning of the year will be successfully completed. The result will exceed all expectations. The beginning of April will be the most suitable period for solving everyday issues and creating comfort in the home. If you previously couldn’t decide to start renovations or change the interior of your home, now is the time to do it. Moreover, a change of scenery in your family nest will fill you with inspiration and will have a positive effect on your relationships with family and friends.

In the first ten days of April 2017, it is worth addressing work issues and putting your documents in order. You should not have unfinished business or other tails that may hinder the achievement of your goal. Also during this period, it is worth saying goodbye to old things that you have not dared to throw away for a long time, but they took up a lot of space both in the room and in your life. By getting rid of the old, you make room for the new, for the flow of new energy. Scorpios should reconsider their social circle and exclude from it people who only burden them and fill them with negativity. You should be surrounded only by sincere and friendly people whom you can rely on at any moment.

In the second ten days of April 2017, having dealt with all matters, Scorpios will experience real relief and a surge of strong energy. Life will begin to gradually transform and be filled with meaning. The location of Uranus suggests that in mid-April, representatives of your zodiac sign should not worry or worry about their well-being. At work everything will be calm and balanced. No out-of-the-ordinary events are expected. But by the end of the period, you will have to put in a little effort to clear out the backlog. Don't be afraid of routine work. Immerse yourself in it with all responsibility and you will be overcome with excitement, which will help you complete all tasks efficiently and in a short time. An optimistic attitude will not give you the opportunity to lose heart. The most interesting thing is that in mid-April you will experience real pleasure from your ordinary and familiar work, which previously seemed very boring. Every day you will gain more and more taste, you will have new ideas and non-standard solutions to work problems, for which you will be rewarded with an offer of a new position or good bonuses.

In the third ten days of April 2017, Scorpios will have a lot of new opportunities and prospects for professional growth, as well as for realizing your dreams. Don’t think about the offer for a long time; feel free to agree without wasting a minute. All risks will be justified. Personal relationships with their soulmate will greatly delight Scorpios with their novelty and diversity. Your loved one will try his best to surprise you with something new in an attempt to woo you. It is unlikely that you will remain indifferent under such pressure. Feelings will flare up with renewed vigor, and a second wind will open in the relationship. For Scorpios who have a serious relationship or are married, the final period of April will give real romance, and the relationship between lovers will be filled with passion, mutual understanding and trust. The location of Venus will have a favorable effect on some protracted relationships, and Scorpios will finally decide to take a serious step. The stars promise lonely representatives of your zodiac sign that at the end of April you will never be bored, since you will be surrounded by increased attention from the opposite sex, spending time in the company of interesting and cheerful people who will diversify your usual life. During this period of the month, Scorpios should pay attention to their own health. A busy life requires a lot of effort and energy, which can negatively affect your well-being. It will be very helpful if Scorpios reconsider their lifestyle and make some adjustments to it in favor of proper nutrition and exercise, which will restore strength and become an excellent emotional release.

The stars promise that for many representatives of the signs, a favorable time will come in October, when everything planned will come true.

If you dream of winning a big prize in the lottery, listen to the advice of the lottery horoscope for October. The main thing for a successful game is to choose the right gaming combination and place a bet on the right day.

All lucky numbers and dates for each zodiac sign are collected in the horoscope for October 2017, and if you are not confident in yourself, take them into account.

Tune in to the positive and believe in the best, for many of you everything will be more than successful with love, money, and work.

The horoscope for October warns you against the blues, keep good spirits, and then luck will rush to you. Don't regret the past, be kinder to others. Autumn is not only rainy and damp, but also a great time for inspired deeds.

Events that will be seen as both positive and negative will fill the lives of Aries representatives in October.

In the very first days of the month, Aries will have to mobilize, but after 10 days it will become easier for them to resolve partnership issues and they will feel confident in their abilities. The stars recommend making concessions easily, especially if the issues raised are unprincipled, but results will be immediately visible. The most important thing for Aries during this period is the ability to make healthy compromises. If you have to deal with opponents, you will inevitably have to avoid sharp corners. Do not disturb the atmosphere around you with a negative attitude and stick to the golden mean in everything.

Career, finance

In the professional activities of Aries in the first half of October, one should not expect luck and good fortune. Your desire to achieve a stable position will lose to circumstances. Moreover, many things that will hinder your career advancement will have roots in the past. To successfully investigate the causes and consequences of failures, keep your head sober and cool and remain calm - emotions will only get in the way.

The situation will be approximately the same with the financial side of the matter. Some Aries will face the problem of repaying debts to creditors, while others will urgently need money lent out.

The second half of the month will be more favorable to representatives of the sign. Your job is not to miss the chance to strengthen your financial situation. Your entrepreneurial spirit will help you easily achieve what you want, and your partners will help you with this. If we are talking about a lottery game, isn't it time to organize a syndicate of like-minded people for a group game?

Personal relationships, health

Aries' reaction to the words and actions of loved ones in October will be very sharp. You will be able to show yourself as an extraordinary person if your partner helps you with this and does not impose his vision of problems on you. Aries are not the signs that will tolerate such an attitude towards themselves.

Many of you will be overwhelmed by the desire for passionate confessions, and some will even start a secret affair on the side. But do not forget that jealousy and love go hand in hand, and invigorating extreme sports will not always bring you only positive emotions. Keep the situation under control, otherwise scenes of jealousy cannot be avoided.

Due to the unpredictable autumn weather, Aries may experience worsening chronic diseases. Try not to overwork, eat healthy foods, strengthen your immune system.

Water and bath procedures will help fight blues, irritation and fatigue.

Favorable days are 4, 12, 15, 16, 19, 24, 27, 31; Tuesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 1, 2, 8, 14, 18, 25, 29.

Betting numbers – 21, 36, 51, 61, 69 and 1

A successful course of affairs awaits Taurus in October 2017, if only they manage to combine work and family. The advice of the stars is that in these circumstances you need to choose a career, and you will have to rely only on your own strength, and family troubles will gradually fade away.

October is a great time to make a romantic acquaintance, organize a date, go to school or go on a trip.

In addition, Taurus may have extraordinary ideas about improving their financial situation.

Career, finance

As for the professional sphere, hardworking and responsible representatives of the sign will eventually receive encouragement from management. The previous activities of Taurus have shown that they have excellent professional qualities. Don’t hesitate, if you receive invitations for additional work, agree. You will be able to complete the task quickly and easily, and the payment will put you in a great mood.

Newcomers who have recently worked in your team will show themselves as experienced and responsible people. You will learn a lot by communicating with them. It is likely that together with them you will create a new joint project, which will once again show all the capabilities of your intellect.

In the area of ​​financial issues, the horoscope for October strongly warns - do not carry out any transactions with public or government funds. There is a risk of losing money or documents or wasting them without thinking, but you still have to make a return, and from your own wallet.

If you don’t have enough personal funds for a large-scale lottery game, moderate your ardor and play only with small bets.

Personal relationships, health

The personal life of single Taurus will be in turmoil in October. They will literally be inundated with all sorts of tempting offers and invitations - to go on a visit, to the cinema or theater, to a family celebration or a magnificent banquet.

Don’t sit in splendid isolation, don’t doubt and go out into people.

There is a chance to meet an interesting person with whom you will feel truly warm. You shouldn’t expect a serious and long-term relationship now, but you will really enjoy rich and useful communication.

The health of Taurus in October will not cause concern; you just need to slightly reduce mental and physical stress.

Favorable days – 2, 6, 14, 19, 21, 30, Friday is suitable for betting

Unfavorable days – 8, 9, 17,23, 25, 28.

Betting numbers – 1, 8, 10, 13, 45 and 8

According to the horoscope for October, during this period Gemini will spend a lot of time in extensive communication and collecting information. October is also a very productive time for professional activities.

The first half of the month is marked by complete well-being in your personal life, but closer to November you and your partner will lose mutual understanding. Be tactful and patient.

Geminis are surrounded by many people with whom they are involved in romantic relationships, but only acquaintances based on common affairs and interests will develop into something more serious.

Career, finance

Important prerequisites for successful career advancement in October for Gemini will be the ability to restrain emotions and control their mood, otherwise they will not achieve positive results and will harm themselves.

This period will be full of communication, and some new acquaintances will become your companions and partners in the near future.

It is not advisable to start a new big project now; you may encounter insoluble problems. Slowly put your old affairs in order, make contacts, accumulate useful skills.

The financial sphere will be changeable in mid-autumn; you may have to agree to a small additional job outside your main place of business. Don't talk about this part-time job, you might make enemies.

Perhaps some of the funds will replenish your wallet thanks to a thoughtful lottery game, but you should not waste your money unnecessarily.

Personal relationships, health

The personal life of Gemini in October will be associated with active communication with others. Don’t be afraid to make acquaintances with people you like, especially since during this period you will be charming and cheerful. The key to the hearts of new acquaintances will be your openness and sincerity. It looks like in mid-autumn you will enter into a more intimate relationship with the person of your dreams.

Married Geminis should be more patient when communicating with their significant other. The worst thing they can do is make fun of some of their partner's traits, criticize his actions, character, insisting on their immediate correction. If you cannot control yourself, you will find discontent and quarrels in the family nest.

The health of Gemini in October will not bring much trouble if you start preventing chronic diseases in advance.

Favorable days are 3, 4, 9, 17, 22, 31; Wednesdays are suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 1, 2, 8, 11, 23, 29.

Betting numbers – 20, 23, 28, 52, 62 and 21

In October 2017, Cancers will urgently want to retire in order to rethink and analyze the course of events. Distribute your time in such a way that you have time to communicate with your loved ones and reflect on life. October is a great time to start education, travel, and self-development. If nothing makes you happy at work, you are not interested, be philosophical about it. The time has not yet come to look for another way of existence.

Career, finance

The professional life of Cancers in October will be overshadowed by chaos at work, everything will happen nervously, jerkily, unevenly. Long days of relaxation will be followed by occasional bursts of vigorous activity. No matter how stressful what is happening at work may be, you should be patient, just pull yourself together and pull yourself together. By the way, you can influence what is happening yourself, try to make working conditions more acceptable. It is likely that there are many colleagues who will fully support you.

Cancers should carefully analyze their dreams and desires. Most likely, you will weed out some of them as secondary, and then you will be able to make plans for the future.

The financial side of life for Cancers is such that they will face increased costs. Reduce the number of purchases until the end of October; it is better to adhere to the saving regime. This is the only way you will be able to overcome financial difficulties and change your financial situation for the better. As for the lottery game, just moderate your excitement a little, play carefully and thoughtfully.

Personal relationships, health

Problems await Cancers who are married; their personal life will lose harmony. It will seem to them that the other half is overly demanding, and her concern borders on intrusiveness. Don’t succumb to momentary doubts and depression, don’t ruin the mood for both yourself and your partner - your sad reasoning is the fruit of your consciousness.

Single Cancers will actively make acquaintances, but these relationships will never develop into something serious. If you don’t have a burning desire to become a couple, then just enjoy the freedom and let someone look after you. The situation will be resolved without your participation.

In terms of health, representatives of the sign should be wary of autumn exacerbations and take preventive measures against your chronic diseases.

Favorable days are 5, 7, 11, 19, 21, 25; Monday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 1, 3, 8, 12, 23, 30.

Betting numbers – 32, 35, 55, 65, 68 and 12

October 2017 will be a time for Leo to strive for self-improvement; for example, they will suddenly want to learn a foreign language, acquire another profession or a second education. Studying will open up new prospects for representatives of this sign. In the meantime, you need to humble your character, be more flexible both at home and at work. Leo’s energy is trying to break out and burn everything it touches, your task is to hold it back, then you can consider the month successful.

Career, finance

In building a career, October is a very successful month for Leo; everything will be decided in his favor, if only he can overcome absent-mindedness and slowness. Dare to go beyond and be original, this is a guarantee of your success. Be as responsible as possible, otherwise you cannot avoid the wrath of your superiors. Even the smallest omission on Leo's part can cause trouble.

Agree to all offers received during this period, especially regarding professional development. New knowledge will greatly help your future career.

Attending seminars and professional conferences will give you the opportunity to meet useful people.

The financial component of Leo’s life in October will please both them and their loved ones. Money spent during the summer period will be quickly returned due to the timely receipt of money. This could be a bonus, payment for additional work, or winnings on the stock exchange or lottery.

Personal relationships, health

The second ten days of the month are most favorable for resolving issues regarding the personal life of Lviv. The horoscope for October recommends getting married during this period, submitting applications to the registry office, proposing marriage - the relationship will be strong and long-term, your actions will be accepted with gratitude and joy.

Free from marriage ties, it is best for Leos to learn to control themselves in relationships with a loved one. You will be upset by the lack of attention and unfair treatment towards you. Do not bring matters to conflicts and quarrels, discuss all the problems that have arisen with your partner.

Both sides must be extremely correct. And if you change the situation for a while, you will be surprised how quickly you will be able to reconcile and find a common language.

Autumn depression and blues can greatly affect the mood and health of sunny Leos. You need to laugh more often, be in fun companies, watch humorous programs and comedies.

Favorable days are 1, 10, 14, 16, 25, 30; Sunday is suitable for betting.

Betting numbers – 23, 47, 56, 57, 60 and 5

In October, representatives of the Virgo sign will have to devote a lot of time to their acquaintances and friends. This does not mean that you should carry on meaningless conversations and do things that are uninteresting and alien to you. It’s better to tactfully interrupt someone’s complaining conversations, otherwise you will simply lose some of your energy and leave an unpleasant aftertaste in your soul. Your task is not to succumb to other people's dull influence and depressive moods.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, Virgos will experience something long-awaited - what they have been preparing for a long time will bear fruit. This is unlikely to be very noticeable at first, but it will soon become clear that your work was not in vain. When making decisions, be more courageous and consistent. Everything is under your control, things are moving forward, and there is comfort and peace in your soul. Try to push anxious moods and fears into the background. Simply avoid people who irritate you or communicate with them correctly and dryly.

Avoid boasting; your achievements may not please some people. Even inappropriate reactions are possible. Be more modest, behave with dignity, do not stick your head out unless absolutely necessary. But you can lend a helping hand to employees who are not as successful as you.

Virgo will have a pretty good position in the financial sector. But don't waste your money indiscriminately. Living within your means is preferable; you yourself will feel that a stable position puts you in an excellent mood. You can and should play lotteries without restrictions, the risk is justified.

Personal relationships, health

An ambiguous situation will develop in the personal life of Virgo in October. You suddenly begin to notice a lot of shortcomings in your partner. Be calmer about an unpleasant discovery. No one is perfect, and you shouldn't get angry or worried about it. You yourself, after thinking, will find many advantages in your loved one that will outweigh all the negativity you notice. This is what you should focus on. Do not lead the situation to conflicts and quarrels.

Lonely representatives of the sign will face a difficult test this fall - a meeting with a former partner whom they have long forgotten.

It is even possible that long-extinguished feelings will flare up with renewed vigor. The power of infatuation may be great, but, to be fair, these relationships will not bring what they want and are unpromising.

Virgo's health in October will be threatened by a respiratory infection that will affect their environment. Reduce your time in crowded places and take protective preventive measures.

Favorable days are 1, 10, 14, 16, 25, 30; Wednesdays are suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 5, 8, 17, 18, 23, 28.

Betting numbers – 6, 7, 15, 28, 51 and 26

As the horoscope for October testifies, in mid-autumn Libra will experience an excess of energy, and the question is how to manage it wisely, channel it in a constructive and peaceful direction, otherwise conflict situations will arise out of the blue.

Libras should devote more time to their career; now is a favorable moment for this, so do not hide your ambitions and talents. You can even take a risk and try your hand at a new business.

Boredom is not expected in your personal life, but you will still have to fight with your partner.

It is better to try to calm the situation and in the near future it will resolve itself.

Career, finance

The ability to achieve your goals and establish business contacts will be very useful for Libra in their professional activities. You should attend all the events of the month, even parties organized by your colleagues or partners. These visits will give you a lot of new impressions from conversations with like-minded people. Subsequently, this communication can turn into a desire to team up with someone to give a new status to a business or project.

Pay special attention to documents; control and attentiveness will help you avoid a fatal mistake.

Working with laziness at this time is also unacceptable; only intense and organized activity will bring good results.

An important warning - all gambling is contraindicated for the Libra sign in October, including lottery games! Leave your hobby for a better time.

Personal relationships, health

A confusing, incomprehensible relationship with a partner will develop in the personal life of Libra in October 2017. The involuntary offense inflicted on you will make you indignant and respond in kind. You must refrain from vindictive actions; you certainly cannot expect anything good from this. An even worse step would be the desire to make the offender feel jealous. If you allow yourself to become seriously angry, conflict is inevitable. If you can restrain unworthy impulses, October will end very successfully.

For those who have recently entered into a relationship, an important warning - do not compare your current partner with your ex. Your incorrectness will lead to the end of the romance that has just begun.

In terms of health, the biggest risk will be colds due to nervous strain, possibly a protracted illness with consequences.

Favorable days are 1, 2, 6, 14, 19, 30; Friday is suitable for betting.

Betting numbers – 10, 29, 42, 51, 57 and 2

Tension will be felt in all areas of Scorpio's life in mid-autumn. But the horoscope for October does not consider this something fatal for impulsive representatives of the sign.

October will require Scorpio to be completely immersed in work processes, but it is worth setting aside some time for a loved one who will need attention.

If you have something to say to management, act, your arguments will be heard and conclusions will be drawn. As a result, you will have peace both in your home and at work.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, Scorpio's actions should be firm and courageous, without delay. And for this you don’t have to ask about the opinions of others, you yourself know what you should do. Keep your emotions under control, but don't let outsiders interfere in your affairs. Working at your full potential will lead to impressive results. Your position is such that public opinion is shaped by you and your popularity - the price for this is, use it for your own purposes.

Luck in financial transactions will accompany Scorpios, you just have to trust your intuition. This sounds especially true in relation to the lottery game. Surprisingly, you will be able not to waste the money you earn, but to successfully invest it, despite your craving for luxury things, especially jewelry, clothes, and personal care products.

Personal relationships, health

Events in Scorpio's personal life in October will require some resourcefulness and flexibility. No one demands that you change your beliefs, but you still have to change your view of your relationship with a loved one. Your workload will make your partner suffer from loneliness. Distribute your free time so that you meet your loved one not only late in the evening.

For those who have recently entered into a relationship, the issue of primacy in a couple will become acute. Open conflict will be avoided, but an unpleasant aftertaste will remain.

The health of representatives of the sign will not be particularly threatened; pain in the neck and back is possible due to a sedentary lifestyle and exacerbation of chronic diseases, especially closer to the middle of the month.

You can resort to prevention, widely use folk remedies, as well as physiotherapy and massage.

Favorable days are 1, 2, 6, 14, 19, 30; Tuesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 4, 8, 12, 13, 23, 31.

Betting numbers – 1, 44, 48, 54, 63 and 11

In mid-autumn, all the attention of Sagittarius will be absorbed in building a career, and in this they will succeed - the horoscope for October promises good luck in the professional sphere and in financial matters.

It seems that Sagittarius has been purposefully creating the basis for triumph in the fall all year.

October is the best time to make fateful decisions. You will have the support of the stars, so don't be afraid to take risks and win. It is not easy to monitor the personal life of a Sagittarius and his relationship with a loved one - he will complain about the lack of attention.

Career, finance

In his professional activities, Sagittarius will be given a chance to express himself - try not to miss it. Prove to your colleagues and management that you are not afraid of unexpected turns and difficult situations - you can take very unconventional and correct steps. All your actions in October will benefit you and become the basis for a successful future career.

Every day of this period should be used to build relationships - friendly, romantic, business. Listen, but do not rush to speak yourself, watch - then there is a chance not to make mistakes in the future. Do not submit to the whims of your violent temperament - do not demand the impossible from others, do not criticize them for working methods that differ from yours, otherwise you cannot avoid manifestations of hostility towards you

The situation in the financial affairs of Sagittarius will be brilliant in October. Don't forget to put part of your income into a piggy bank, now is a period of prosperity, but poorer days may come.

In the lottery game there are no restrictions for you - neither in the number of bets, nor in the risky steps.

Personal relationships, health

In the fall, Sagittarius will be able to convince himself that he is allowed more freedom than before and will take a number of risky actions of a controversial nature.

Your regular partner is unlikely to appreciate this positively and will directly accuse you of cheating. To avoid problems, be more modest and, in the presence of a loved one, do not allow yourself even a hint of flirting with strangers.

Those Sagittarius who are not satisfied with the current relationship should not expect changes for the better just yet. Deal with it and don't try to make the bad situation even worse.

In terms of health, representatives of the sign should take care of the prevention of chronic diseases; the digestive organs are especially vulnerable due to irregular food intake. Avoid self-medication.

Favorable days are 3, 9, 17, 18, 22, 31; Thursday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 12, 13, 15, 16, 24, 25.

Betting numbers – 12, 19, 34, 40, 42 and 5

The main concern of Capricorns in mid-autumn, according to the horoscope for October, is strengthening a team of like-minded people, no matter what field of activity of the representatives of the sign this relates to.

Everything will go to your advantage, whether you manage to recruit new employees or strengthen ties with distant relatives. You have been given a chance for unlimited self-will - change everything around you that for some reason does not suit you. When making an important decision, use common sense. With a little effort, Capricorn will be able to move to a more significant level. Whether it will be a contract that is profitable for you, a new promising position or a marriage proposal - who knows. Or maybe all of the above?

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, carefully and long-term relationships within the team will finally give results - a strong team of like-minded people. Together you can move mountains! For representatives of this sign, October is the time for specific deeds and actions. All projects started during this period will lead to wonderful results. But Capricorn must be in a fighting stance all the time; the precise implementation of pressing issues depends on their mental mood, internal state and composure. Therefore, Capricorns need to forget about emotions and act thoughtfully and clearly.

The financial situation of Capricorn in October is quite precarious, but, nevertheless, the end of the month will bring long-awaited cash receipts. Whether this will be the result of lottery success or someone will give you a gift, repay an old debt, or the bank will announce favorable interest rates, time will tell.

Personal relationships, health

Answers to questions that have long tormented Capricorns regarding their personal lives will come in October. You have a difficult task ahead of you - to look at the situation through the eyes of a loved one, which means to understand and forgive him. The result of your thoughts should be a decision to give your loved ones greater opportunities to express their feelings. You will see for yourself how correct this tactic is - all facets of your personal life will sparkle with new shades.

For Capricorns who are temporarily without a partner, the stars will present a surprise - changes await them, either a new exciting romance, or a long-awaited marriage proposal.

In order not to risk their health, in October Capricorns should sharply limit their intake of strong medications or alcoholic beverages.

If you are feeling weak, your vision has deteriorated, or you are experiencing discomfort, consult a doctor, this is a sign of serious illness.

Favorable days are 3, 12, 21, 24, 30; Saturday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 6, 13, 18, 25, 27.

Betting numbers – 32, 44, 48, 58, 60 and 21

If in October Aquarius bets on love and success, then, without a doubt, they will accompany him throughout the entire specified period.

The financial situation in mid-autumn will strengthen, primarily due to bonuses, new projects and successful play on the stock exchange or lottery.

Forget about the past, live in the present. Don’t accumulate resentment, don’t regret what you’ve done, don’t engage in self-criticism, otherwise you’ll remain on the sidelines. Do not waste time communicating with friends, dream of new love - you have enough strength and energy to create, create and be successful.

Career, finance

In their professional activities, Aquarius will have to change something, perhaps the place of work - you are tired of working only for money, but you want to receive satisfaction from your affairs. In a team you need to show your best sides and not undermine your rights.

But Aquarius should give up a new business in October; entrepreneurship should not be registered yet - no quick income is expected. It’s best to redirect excess energy to charity - it’s not all about building a career and increasing capital.

Aquarius men will have to endure trials due to financial income. The promised money will never be transferred to your account.

Personal relationships, health

A fateful meeting awaits those Aquarians who are not yet in a relationship. You are about to communicate with a new, very interesting person who will leave an indelible mark on your soul, and he will simply change your destiny. This promises to be a long and sincere relationship. The decision to get married is a wise and right step. But easy and non-binding connections in the middle of autumn can end in major troubles.

Family Aquarians will have to deal with relatives who have recently begun to intrude too intrusively into your family life. Perhaps a friendly and long conversation, clarifying the situation will help to find mutual understanding and return harmony to your strong family.

Happiness and joy will settle in October among those Aquarius who got married relatively recently.

Couples with longer experience will have problems with older children regarding career choice and study.

If Aquarius is less nervous and invents problems, nothing will threaten his health in October.

Favorable days are 3, 9, 13, 22, 28, 31; Saturday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 1, 2, 10, 11, 27, 30.

Betting numbers – 20, 28, 41, 65, 69 and 5

No cataclysms are expected in the life of Pisces in October, but this is not a reason to relax. Pisces will have to endlessly maneuver, make choices and decisions. For many, the stars have prepared a lot of non-standard situations, but Pisces will still be able to turn them to their own advantage.

Relationships with a loved one at this time will be far from ideal, although outwardly everything will seem prosperous.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, those Pisces who are not satisfied with the state of affairs at work can change it, but only in the first half of October.

Those who stay put may get into trouble. Just don’t be negative; you have enough wisdom and strength to make the right decisions. You are filled with energy, you are determined to work fully, and you will have to immerse yourself in work with such enthusiasm, as if you knew for sure about the brilliant result and success.

You will think about how to transform your activities. But before you start acting, consider all the consequences. Be correct and do not hurt the feelings of others.

It is best to draw up a detailed plan and present it to your colleagues; many will support your ideas. You can’t cope alone, find like-minded people, at least one.

As for finances, you should not spend heavily on temptations and entertainment. Soon you will urgently need money. There will be profit from the lottery game, but not as much as you would like.

Personal relationships, health

In personal matters, Pisces in October will be overly categorical in their judgments and actions. A loved one may simply not be able to stand it and lose his temper. Maintain a more flexible policy, because by nature you are not lacking in tact. You need to forgive your partner’s occasional mistakes and not find fault with little things. Give your loved one some freedom.

Jealousy towards your loved one is unfounded, the thought of betrayal does not even occur to him, and you will only aggravate the situation.

At the end of the month, lonely Pisces will decide to have a serious conversation with a person for whom they have strong feelings. Your attractiveness will help you during this period.

The health of Pisces in October will depend on their ability to normalize their routine, nutrition, rest and sleep.

Favorable days are 1, 2, 10, 14, 15, 24, 25; Thursday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 3, 4, 12, 13, 19, 23.

Betting numbers – 11, 36, 42, 53, 57 and 8

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