Home Hygiene What is a netbook for? What is a netbook and how is it different from a laptop?

What is a netbook for? What is a netbook and how is it different from a laptop?

Netbooks- this is an independent class of mobile devices, focused on performing a certain range of tasks; It should not be confused with the laptops we are used to. The features of these devices will be discussed in this article.

Embodying the motto “less is more,” netbooks have become a bestseller today. How do the different models of these miniature computers differ from each other, and what are their key advantages and disadvantages? ComputerBild will reveal all the secrets to you.

What is the difference between netbooks and laptops

Netbooks differ from laptops not only in their small size and weight, but also in the specific hardware.

Performance. Almost all modern netbooks are equipped with an Atom processor from Intel. It has low power consumption, which is very important for compact devices, but in terms of its performance it cannot compare with the Pentium Dual Core, which is found in many inexpensive laptops, and even more so with modern Intel Core 2 processors.

Memory size. Unlike laptops, netbooks are equipped with smaller capacity hard drives (up to 160 GB). Some netbook models have SSD drives installed. The capacity of such drives is usually small (largely due to their high cost), and they tend to operate slower than conventional hard drives. But they also have advantages: solid-state drives are less susceptible to vibration, are silent and consume less energy. Sometimes netbook manufacturers save on RAM: 1 GB of RAM is the standard today. But in any case, the amount of memory available to the “kids” is enough to solve tasks such as typing, watching movies or accessing the Internet.

Optical drive. Until now, no netbook has been equipped with a built-in CD/DVD drive, so, unlike laptops, it is impossible to work on a netbook with a CD or DVD without using an external drive. The screen diagonal of a netbook is usually from 7 to 10 inches: this is too small for working with large tables or images.

Keyboard. The keys on a NetBook are smaller than those on a standard keyboard and closer together than even on a laptop, so typing long texts on it is a labor-intensive task. The greatest difficulties will be experienced by those who practice the “blind” typing method. In addition, a number of netbooks do not have function keys: in these cases, you will have to resort to using the mouse or use key combinations.

Possibility of expanding functionality. Upgrading netbooks is almost impossible. And expanding their functionality using external modules is often problematic. In many cases, they do not even have an ExpressCard or PC-card slot to which an expansion card of the appropriate form factor, such as a TV tuner, could be connected. Increasing the amount of RAM is also, as a rule, not possible, since many netbooks simply do not have an appropriate free slot. With laptops the situation is much simpler: increasing the amount of RAM in their case is not difficult.

External interfaces. A network connector, 1-3 USB ports, a card reader, a VGA connector for connecting a monitor, as well as a pair of audio connectors (for headphones and a microphone) - that’s probably all that most modern netbooks have. An eSATA connector for connecting fast external hard drives, as well as DVI or HDMI outputs for netbooks, are very rare. You don’t even have to remember about the digital audio output and the FireWire connector, once very popular for connecting video cameras.

Price. The advantage of netbooks is not only their small size, but also their low price. The simplest models can be purchased for only 10-12 thousand rubles. The price of most netbooks ranges from 14 to 18 thousand rubles. But for the same money you can buy a budget laptop... Moreover, some manufacturers also offer more expensive netbook models: for example, ASUS N10J costs over 20 thousand rubles, and the price of Sony P11 generally reaches 35 thousand rubles . Unlike their cheap “relatives,” these models have a more attractive design and better technical equipment. So, for example, they have a larger hard drive and/or a higher resolution screen.

What are netbooks best for?

Since a netbook weighs no more than 1 kg, and is no larger in size than an ordinary book, such a computer can easily fit into a handbag or even a pocket. The miniature device is easy to take with you on the road, and it will be an ideal replacement for a “full-size” mobile: an excellent assistant when working with email, chatting, typing short texts and processing small spreadsheets.

This “baby” will be very useful for fans of digital photography and videography. Thanks to support for memory cards of different formats, you can copy photos or movies to your hard drive in any convenient location. In addition, the netbook screen allows you to more objectively assess the quality of a photo or video than the display of a digital camera.

At home, a netbook can also be used: for example, when surfing the web (for more details on what makes sense to purchase for more comfortable work in stationary conditions, read the sidebar “Accessories for a netbook”).

As ultra-compact devices, netbooks are very practical. But they are not able to cope with all tasks.

Why netbooks are not suitable for

Photo and video processing. For editing large photos or editing videos, the performance of netbooks is not enough. In addition, on a small screen there will not be enough space for an image or video file open for editing, since menu bars and toolbars will take up most of the screen. In addition, some programs (not only graphic editors) open windows that do not change in height and width, as a result of which, for example, the on-screen “OK” button may not be available.

Games. For modern games with their numerous resource-intensive video effects, the performance of netbooks will also be lacking: they are equipped with a weak graphics processor. However, as ComputerBild tests show, casual and relatively old games (over 4 years old) (Unreal Tournament 2003, Diablo 2, Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit and even World of Warcraft) can brighten up the leisure hours of owners of miniature computers. However, you should remember that for most games you will need to connect an external optical drive and get a mouse, which is not included with the netbook.

And most importantly: Working on a small netbook screen for long periods of time is too tiring for the eyes. Thus, a netbook is not capable of becoming a full-fledged solution for home and office, unless you additionally purchase a mouse, a standard keyboard and a monitor.

What to look for when buying a netbook

Since upgrading netbooks is almost impossible, when choosing a model you should pay special attention to its equipment and performance.

Battery life. Many netbooks can last 3 hours or more on battery power. However, inexpensive models are usually equipped with weaker batteries and can last no more than two hours in autonomous mode.-

Screen. The netbook screen size must be at least 10” diagonally. We recommend not purchasing models with a smaller screen, since many web pages and program windows will not be fully visible on them. In addition, 10-inch netbooks are hardly larger than their counterparts with smaller displays. If you plan to always connect your netbook to a monitor, pay attention to whether the computer is equipped with a VGA connector.

RAM. 1 GB is the optimal amount of memory for a netbook, which, ideally, should be increased in the future.

HDD. If you plan to store large files on your netbook, such as movies and music, opt for a device equipped with a regular (not SSD) hard drive of as large a capacity as possible (from 120 GB). If the netbook will be used exclusively for receiving emails and accessing the Internet, then a small SSD will do.

Keyboard and touchpad. Before buying a netbook, be sure to type a few lines on its keyboard and try out the touchpad. If the sensations are too unpleasant, it is better to refuse to buy a netbook.

What programs work on netbooks

As a rule, typical office programs and browsers are installed on netbooks, such as Word, Excel, Outlook or Firefox. Many of them use Windows XP as the operating system. Microsoft has agreed to extend sales of this OS specifically for the sake of these miniature computers. As for running Windows Vista, this is very rare for netbooks. The reason is that Vista is not only more expensive, but also more demanding on system resources and performance.

Some budget netbook models are equipped with Linux operating systems specially adapted for this type of device, for example Ubuntu Netbook Remix. In terms of its functionality, this OS is quite comparable to Windows XP and Vista, but due to the unusual interface, the transition to Linux is not easy for many. Another disadvantage is that not all programs running on Windows are available for Linux. Although in fairness, we note that in the vast majority of cases for Linux you can easily find programs similar to those used for Windows. For example, OpenOffice may well replace the usual Microsoft Office: in it you can also type texts, work with tables and create presentations. Moreover, software for Linux has an undeniable advantage - as a rule, it is free. So, if there is no urgent need to use certain software under Windows, it is quite possible to opt for a Linux netbook.

How to install new programs on a netbook

Netbooks do not have a built-in optical drive, so you won’t be able to immediately install the required software from a CD or DVD: you’ll have to look for workarounds.

Via an external CD/DVD drive with a USB interface. In this case everything is very simple. The drive connects to the netbook without any problems, after which you can install any programs you need in the usual way.

From the Internet. There are a huge number of resources on the Internet from where you can download “software” (including free ones), which you can then easily install on your netbook.

Over local network. If you open access to a CD or DVD drive on another computer in your local area, it can be successfully used to install programs on a netbook. But for this, one condition must be met: the disk with the software must not have copy protection. So, for example, when starting many games, they check for the presence of media on which the game is recorded in the optical drive. In this case, there is simply no such device in your system, and in this situation, the DVD drive to which you have access via the local network will not help you.

Using optical drive emulators. There are special emulator programs (for example, Virtual CD or DAEMON Tools), which, after installation, create a virtual device, “convincing” the netbook that it has an optical drive. Having created an image of the desired CD or DVD on your hard drive, you can load it into this virtual drive and work with it as with a regular disk. But it’s worth considering that to create a disk image, you will still need an external DVD drive or another PC equipped with this device.

From a flash drive/memory card. Many programs can be copied to a netbook using a flash drive or memory card.

Mobile Internet access

Netbook owners have several options to get online.

Using an access point. Since any netbook is equipped with a Wi-Fi adapter, you can always access the Internet through public hotspots: for example, in a hotel, train station or airport. This does not require additional equipment, and the connection speed will be at the DSL level. However, the range of the access point is about 100 m, and using such a hotspot is not always free.

Over a cellular network. If there is no access point nearby, you can use a GPRS or UMTS modem to access the Internet. But very few netbooks can boast of its presence (for example, the ASUS Eee PC 901GO model is one of them). Your mobile phone can act as such a modem, which connects to the netbook via Bluetooth or via a USB cable. An even simpler method is an external GPRS or UMTS modem with its own SIM card, which is connected using a USB interface. Almost all leading cellular operators offer similar devices today.

Attention! If you use a regular “talk” tariff, then this method of accessing the Internet will cost you a pretty penny. Therefore, if you plan to access the Internet via a cell phone using a netbook, choose a special tariff that offers preferential terms for paying for Internet traffic transmission.

Netbooks and laptops: performance comparison

Conclusion: If you are primarily interested in light weight, small size and long battery life of a mobile computer, then preference should be given to a netbook. However, for about the same money you can buy an inexpensive laptop that boasts much better functionality and higher performance, which is especially noticeable when processing photos, music and videos. A middle-class laptop priced at about 35 thousand rubles. in terms of performance it has gone even further: it can cope even with modern games that are quite demanding on the video subsystem; in addition, it undoubtedly has the best technical equipment.

Netbook accessories

For use at home or in the office, the miniature size of a netbook is more of a disadvantage than an advantage: its screen and keyboard are too small for comfortable work. But by choosing the right accessories, you can turn your netbook into a real desktop PC.

Keyboard and mouse. The inconvenient keyboard and small touchpad of a netbook can be easily replaced with a mouse and a full keyboard by connecting standard input devices to the available USB ports. After this, you can safely start typing long texts or start playing.

Monitor. A monitor connected to the VGA connector of your netbook will save you from having to peer at a small screen. A 17- or 19-inch display is best, but before connecting it, you should check whether your netbook's graphics adapter supports the appropriate resolution.

CD/DVD drive with USB interface. A USB optical burner can make your life a lot easier. If you have it, you can not only install programs on your netbook, but also save backup copies of important data on a CD or DVD. However, this will require additional costs: the Samsung SE-S084B drive, for example, will cost about 2,500 rubles.

External hard drive. It will provide you with additional storage space, since many netbooks have relatively small disk drives.

USB splitter. After connecting a mouse, keyboard and optical drive to a netbook, many models will no longer have free USB ports. Using a USB splitter will allow you to increase the number of simultaneously connected devices and avoid painful thoughts.

Bluetooth adapter. For wireless connection of peripheral devices, including a mobile phone that can act as a GPRS modem, a Bluetooth adapter with a USB interface will come in handy.

"was proposed by Intel - this is how small laptops with a simplified design began to be called. In particular, they do not have a DVD drive, which made it possible to reduce their size. Light weight and small dimensions allow the netbook to easily fit into a bag or briefcase. The main purpose of the device, as you might guess from its name, is to surf the Internet.

The screen size of most netbooks ranges from 10 to 11.6 inches, which is quite enough for convenient browsing on the Internet. Connecting to the network can be done in different ways - via a USB modem, Wi-Fi, LAN. Thanks to the use of wireless access, netbook owners can access the Internet from any place where there is cellular coverage or Wi-Fi access. Many models have BlueTooth.

Netbooks are equipped with hard drives up to 1 TB, but most often the volume is 250-320 GB. This is quite enough for comfortable work and saving all the necessary information and files, including movies, music, e-books, photos.

Most netbooks run the Windows operating system, but many models are also available with Linux pre-installed. There are also netbooks with the popular Android operating system from Google and iOS from Apple.

The capabilities allow you to solve most traditional tasks, namely: work with texts, photographs, watch videos, listen to music. You can play various video games quite comfortably on it. But the main purpose of this device remains working on the Internet. The netbook consumes a small amount of energy; the battery charge lasts for 5-7 hours of surfing the Internet. It is the long battery life that is the main advantage of a netbook over a laptop.

The main disadvantage of the netbook is the lack of a built-in DVD drive. But you can connect an external drive, which allows you to watch movies from CDs, install programs, and copy the necessary files. You can also transfer information using a flash drive. In many cases, a netbook turns out to be more convenient and functional than a laptop, not to mention a desktop computer.

Netbooks and laptops are extremely popular. Each of these devices has its own advantages and disadvantages. Naturally, some people may have problems choosing the right device for them.

What is a netbook and what are its advantages?

A netbook is a portable computer that differs from a regular laptop primarily in that it is several times smaller and several times cheaper. This is where their main advantages end. The fact is that it is simply impossible to use any modern technologies, namely “modern hardware” for netbooks. In this regard, in terms of performance, they are many times inferior to their “older brothers”. For example, netbooks have much less RAM, smaller hard drives, smaller displays, and much more. For most users, the question of choosing whether to buy a netbook or laptop disappears by itself. In principle, it is obvious that a netbook is nothing more than a more mobile, but less powerful version of laptops. Nevertheless, the demand for netbooks is not falling, but rather the opposite. This is probably due to the fact that users are trying to make their lives easier in any way and are trying to choose exactly what they need.

Which is better - a laptop or a netbook?

As for laptops, their cost and components used are not always able to meet expectations. This is primarily due to the fact that not all games and powerful graphics applications support a mobile video card. Of course, due to this fact, the feasibility of buying a laptop decreases several times, because why buy an expensive laptop if by buying a netbook, you can get the same thing.

If we address the issue directly related to mobility, which is the undoubted advantage of netbooks, we can say that in this they are really much ahead of laptops, but there is one small nuance. For example, you are going on a trip and, in order not to just sit and look out the window, you are going to watch a movie or listen to music. Unfortunately, there is too little space on a netbook to store such media files, and to view such files you also have to carry an external drive, which is the only way out of this situation. Here the issue of netbook mobility is called into question. In addition, most netbook models do not have a drive for removable media (disks), and this is a definite disadvantage.

As a result, it turns out that all the advantages of netbooks over laptops are absolutely obvious, but they absolutely pale in comparison to all the shortcomings of such devices.

From all the variety of modern gadgets, it can be difficult to choose the one that suits you perfectly. Thus, it may be unclear to the user what is better: a laptop, a netbook or a tablet. However, each type of personal computer has its own characteristics that you should pay attention to before purchasing.

Buyers in hardware stores often wonder what is better to buy: a laptop, a netbook or? It must be said that these devices are very different, they are intended for different purposes, so it is best to identify such purposes in advance before purchasing. Answer the question: why do you need to purchase one of these devices, for what tasks do you need a computer, then the problem of choice will be successfully solved.

Laptop: reliability and convenience

So, among these three devices, the laptop has a wide range of functions. There are elements unique to this device: a wide keyboard, a disk drive, a large amount of memory, a wide screen on which it is convenient to display documents or watch videos. Laptops are currently becoming the most popular for working at home; they are replacing more bulky personal computers with a large screen and system unit. The laptop becomes a more mobile version of such a PC, it no longer has to be installed only on the table, it can be moved from room to room if necessary, however, compared to other devices, the laptop is too heavy to be constantly carried outside the home, for example, to university, work or school. So if you need to carry a device with you at all times, consider choosing a netbook or tablet. The laptop is perfect for any type of office work: printing documents, creating presentations, searching for information on the Internet, storing files, and also for entertainment. This is a convenient device for a student and a business person.

Netbook: light and easy to use

A netbook is a smaller version of a laptop with a reduced set of features. Due to its small size, there is no disk drive, memory, keyboard and screen size are reduced. Despite some inconveniences, for example, displaying full-size documents on the screen or smaller images, a reduced format of functions, the netbook is a fairly convenient device. To begin with, it is much cheaper than a laptop, although it can last just as long. In addition, it differs favorably in size, especially for those who are not used to parting with the device on trips, business trips, and just want to get out of the house with it. A netbook is a lighter, more mobile version of a laptop. It is ideal for those who are used to typing on a regular keyboard and do not accept touch screens with their awkward layout. With such advantages, you can quickly get used to the small screen and very economical feature set of this device.

Tablet: mobility and speed

The tablet is ideal in terms of mobility. A lightweight device that is ideal for viewing information and reading articles, being interested in news, and communicating with friends on social networks. The tablet is especially suitable for those who do not need to type a lot, since the layout on it is virtual and not very convenient for long hours of work. But for searching for information, entertainment and casual communication, the tablet is perfect. The touch screen provides quick access to the data of interest, and the tablet itself takes up so little space and is so lightweight that it will fit into any bag or backpack. With it, you can take photos, draw, use numerous applications, go online, read books and watch videos and films. The tablet is perfect for young people who are used to being constantly in touch with the world.

However, if you cannot decide which device is right for you and which is better: the convenience of a real keyboard or the mobility of a touch device, choose one of the modern hybrids that combine the functions of both a laptop and a tablet.

Greetings, my dear readers!

Today I would like to talk about netbooks, what they are, why they are needed, and whether you should buy one.

The fact is that I am often asked about what class of devices this is, what they are intended for, and so on. Therefore, I thought this introductory note would be useful.

So it’s logical to start with a definition. The definition itself is closely related to the purpose of the device. Netbook- this is something transitional from a PDA (Pocket Personal Computer) to a full-fledged laptop.

Even modern ultraportable laptops may not always be suitable for travel and business trips. Still, their size may not suit everyone, or it may seem heavy. In general, if you have, say, a 13.3-inch laptop, but are faced with a choice: whether to take it with you on a trip or not (you somehow don’t really want to take it with you: it seems necessary, but it’s painfully troublesome...) then there is only one way out - NETBOOK!

(pictured netbook ASUS Eee PC 900):

Netbook- this is a small computer (laptop form factor) designed primarily for working on the Internet, for viewing mail and other tasks that do not require serious performance (hence its name - netbook - for working on the Internet). The undoubted advantages of such a device are that it is a full-fledged computer with the Windows XP or Linux operating system on board, which currently does not exceed 10 inches in size, is very light, has a long battery life and is very inexpensive - cheaper than 15,000 rubles(depending on the specific model) ! As you have already seen, this is an ideal assistant in the full sense of the word. anywhere. You can easily take it with you on any trip - it won't take up much space, you won't be burdened with it, and it will keep you connected to the cyber world wherever possible.

The average brief specifications are something like this (basic):

CPU— Intel Celeron or Intel Atom (processor designed specifically for this class of devices). For now, the single-core Atom is being installed, but dual-core models will soon appear on sale - of course, their level of performance will be higher...

Memory- from 512MB to 1GB.

Storage: Solid state drive based on flash memory 12GB or hard drive up to 80GB.

Interfaces— Wi-Fi, Bluetooth.


Average weight I eat 1 kg.

There is also a USB, headphone audio output, microphone input, etc.

You can find out the characteristics of a particular model on the manufacturer’s website.

The obvious disadvantages of this approach are the inability to run applications on a netbook that require a slightly increased level of performance.

Therefore, my recommendations are as follows: if you just need a device that will allow you to comfortably surf the Internet, type texts, receive mail, etc., then a netbook is exactly what you need. It is ideal as a second computer that you can take with you. One condition is that you must always remember that its performance is not sufficient to run large applications.

Today, briefly, about netbooks. Yes, not much time has passed since the appearance of the first netbook, but nevertheless, today there are many models on the market, and they still need to be chosen. The issue of choice is an issue that requires separate consideration and we will touch on it shortly. Subscribe to RSS, follow the releases!

Hello readers of the ComService company blog (Naberezhnye Chelny). If you need a good netbook, you've come to the right place. In this article, you will understand the following questions: What is a netbook? and How to choose the best netbook? In the title you see a bold number - 10 years. She says that the author, that is, me, is sure that the methodology for choosing the best netbook will remain the same as it is now. Let's check in 10 years if netbooks, as a class of mobile devices, will still exist. In the previous article about you could get a little acquainted with these devices. There, thanks to you, I managed to find the differences or boundaries between these devices. I hope you agree with this state of affairs. In this article we will look separately at netbooks, what they are, characteristics and, of course, choice.

Article structure

1. What is a netbook?

To put it in very simple terms without going into details, this is a small laptop, naturally less powerful. The netbook display diagonal does not exceed 12″. Also, netbooks are not equipped with devices for reading optical discs. There is simply nowhere to install them. In this regard, some issues may arise with the installation of the operating system. This is not a problem now. You can read how to install Windows 7 from a flash drive. How to install Windows 8 from a flash drive - . Instead of a flash drive, you can use a memory card. That is, the drive is needed only to be able to read information previously recorded on optical discs.

In the article about the differences between a netbook and a laptop, we determined that there are three classes of devices: netbooks, ultrabooks and laptops. These classes are closely related to each other primarily due to their size. You can find an ultrabook with a display diagonal of 11.6″. As far as I know, only netbooks and laptops do not overlap now. All the confusion in definitions is caused by Intel, which has launched the production of processors for all three classes of mobile devices. According to unverified data, it is Intel that is the founder of the concept of a netbook.

How can you determine that it is a netbook and not an ultrabook? It seems to me that only by . If anyone knows any other differences, please write in the comments. Currently, modern netbooks use the following processors: Intel Celeron, Intel Atom and AMD E and C series. If you have a copy with one of these processors, then this is a netbook. For ultrabooks, Intel produces processors of a higher class - Intel core i3 and more powerful ones.

We have decided on the processor, but all other characteristics and properties will follow from this assumption. The highlight of these processors for netbooks is their minimal power consumption. It varies for different models, but the average is about 10 watts or less. This, in turn, allows you to increase the battery life to 10 hours.

2. Netbook screen

The display of modern netbooks ranges from 10″ to 12″. Previously, when the laptop market was developing, there were models with 8″ and, in my opinion, even 7″ diagonals. Now, most likely, they have already been abandoned in favor of tablets. Also, for diagonals from 10 to 12 inches, only 2 resolutions are available. This is 1024 x 600 for 10″ and 1366 x 768 for 11.6″. This is quite enough for working with documents, surfing the Internet and watching movies. That is, a netbook is a device mainly for simple work and entertainment. Its main task is to provide you with mobility and Internet access. (You can read how to measure the speed of your connection to the World Wide Web)

Screen netbook Just like any other mobile device, it can be matte or glossy. The advantages of a matte screen are that glare is reduced and fingerprints are virtually invisible. This allows you to work outdoors with much greater comfort

As you can see from the above figure, there are almost 3 times more glossy screens than matte ones. This may be due to the slightly higher cost. On average, netbooks with a matte surface are 500 UAH or more more expensive.

When choosing sizes, consider your needs first. If you need compactness and plan to carry a netbook with you all the time, then most likely you will be interested in models with a 10″ diagonal. How to choose a second or nth netbook for home use, here models with a screen diagonal of 11.6″ will look more interesting.

3. Connectors and wireless adapters

Netbook connectors. Let's list the most common: USB, VGA or D-sub for connection, microphone and headphone connectors, HDMI - for connecting to household appliances (TV), connector for reading SD memory cards, LAN - for connecting to a network via a wire. There is also a Kensington lock connector.

Not all models have an HDMI connector in netbooks, so when choosing, make sure it is available in advance. You can verify its presence by looking at the photo of the netbook on the manufacturer’s website or by reading the specification for it there. The remaining connectors are present in the vast majority of netbook models.

The dimensions of the device depend on the screen diagonal size. Naturally, this is reflected in the connectors. The standard ones remain as is, perhaps removing the HDMI connector and reducing the number of USB ports. There are only two of them in 10″ netbooks.

The more modern the netbook, the more USB 3.0 connectors it has. This standard is higher speed (theoretically, the speed increase is 10 times, in practice it is two times) and will soon replace the outdated USB 2.0 standard. To take advantage of the speed of the USB 3.0 standard, you must connect devices that support the same standard to it. (For example) Now they are actively appearing on the market.

Wireless adapters. The de facto standard is, of course, the presence of a wireless adapter WIFI standard n in all models of modern netbooks. At the moment, the WIFI module allows you to connect to the Internet in any place where this network is available. And one thing is good: the coverage area is constantly increasing and I hope it will soon be comparable to the coverage area of ​​​​mobile operators.

Bluetooth is a wireless communication standard for connecting devices such as mobile phones, headphones, mice and others to a netbook. It saves you from using a bunch of connection cords and thereby adds comfort to use. The Bluetooth adapter is not present in all models and its availability must be checked. Preferably in the device specifications on the manufacturer's website.

3G is an adapter that allows you to access the Internet through the networks of mobile operators. Currently it is not widely used in all netbooks. Models that include a 3G adapter are in the higher price segment (for example, some Sony VAIO models). If the selected model does not have a 3G adapter, you can purchase it separately in the form of a USB flash drive for about 200 UAH.

4. Netbook battery

The netbook battery is the main component that affects the battery life and weight of the mobile device. Modern netbooks have almost the same power and there are no other components (except for the screen) that can consume a lot of energy. Therefore, the battery life of a netbook depends almost entirely on the battery capacity.

Manufacturers complete their products with either a normal battery with 5-6 cells, or a half battery with 3-4 cells, or a reinforced battery with 7-8 cells. Capacities for 3-4 cells - 2200-2400 mAh, for 6-8 cells - 4400-5600 mAh. Based on very rough calculations, you can compare the number of hours of battery life to the number of battery cells. That is, if the battery has 6 cells, then the probable battery life is about 6 hours. A lot depends on the diagonal of the monitor and its brightness. The brighter the display, the more energy is consumed and the shorter the battery life.

It is more convenient for me to approximately calculate the battery life as follows. If the screen diagonal is 10″ and the battery has 6 cells, then the estimated operating time without an outlet will be 6 hours + 1 or 1.5 hours = 7 - 7.5 hours. For a 12″ diagonal, everything will be the same, you just need to subtract this hour or an hour and a half. It is also necessary to say that this is the time of working with office documents, for example (work that does not require significant computing costs). If you watch movies, then the battery life can be cut in half.

5. Characteristics

HDD hard drive capacity. Currently, the volumes of disks installed in netbooks range from 250 GB to 750 GB. If you really want, you can buy 1 TB for example (Hitachi (HGST) Travelstar 5K1000 1TB 5400rpm 8MB HTS541010A9E680_0J22413 2.5 SATAIII) and install it.

It is better to do this after the warranty, otherwise the latter will be void.

A replacement would also be an excellent solution. full-time hard drive to solid state drive - . For large volumes, the price will be steep, but you will get a noticeable increase in performance + you will remove the only mechanical device from the netbook, which will allow the latter to be insensitive to vibrations and any mechanical influences.

Netbook RAM capacity. Now in models you can find 1 GB, 2 GB and 4 GB. The controller located in the processor directly works with the memory. Therefore, the maximum amount of supported RAM must be looked at in the specifications for the selected processor model. The latter is located on the manufacturer's website. Currently, the maximum amount of memory supported by netbook processors is 4 GB. In general, 2 GB is enough for most tasks, but as you know, there is never enough RAM, so it’s better to take 4 GB with a reserve so as not to add more later. If you want to add memory to your netbook up to 4 GB, you can read and see how to do this here. It is best to add or replace RAM after the warranty period has passed. Also, do not forget to test the installed RAM.

Availability of an installed operating system. At the moment, the most modern “windowed” operating system is Windows 8. So when purchasing, choose it. The previous Windows 7 system also works great with all netbook models and will be an excellent option. The downside is that you have to pay a little extra to upgrade to Windows 8. Netbooks without an installed operating system have become widespread. Here the user has some freedom of choice and some may have issues with installing Windows. For a solution, please look at the section, there is a detailed description of how to install from a flash drive. In addition, you can install not only an operating system from Microsoft, but also any Unix-like system.


I hope I was able to clearly explain what a netbook is and why it is needed. When choosing, you must immediately decide on the purpose. If you need a device (device) mainly for entertainment, then the only thing better than a netbook is a tablet. But there is a real problem with the set of messages. If you need a device for serious and resource-intensive work, and at the same time you want to get the mobility of a netbook, then your choice is an 11.6″ ultrabook. Their pricing policy starts from the maximum price for netbooks ($500) and above.

When choosing a netbook, you first need to decide on the dimensions and, first of all, the screen diagonal. 10.1 or 11.6″. The weight of the device (that is, its mobility) and the number of USB connectors will depend on this. Select other characteristics (the presence of an HDMI connector or a Bluetooth wireless adapter) from the remaining models.

Video How to choose the best netbook

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