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Studying in South Africa. Training and education in South Africa

For many, studying in this country has become a fashionable trend. Citizens from different countries come here to get an education and also to experience African exoticism. Our compatriots are also thinking about getting higher education in this state.

Before we move directly to the description of the formation of this country, we need to say a few words about the most amazing country of South Africa.

It is worth noting that this state is of African and Asian cultural heritage. Amazing wildlife, mountains, savannas, a magnificent ocean, green forests and sandy beaches - this state absorbs all the diversity of the world. South Africa combines ancient history, wild nature and the achievements of European civilization. All this makes your stay in the state truly unforgettable.

Now the country has almost everything that every economically developed country in the world has: established transport, communication and financial infrastructure, great opportunities for sports and travel, as well as entertainment.

This country is one of those states that have the highest quality education. True, there are few foreign students in this country - only thirty thousand. Although South Africa is of great interest to citizens of different countries. What causes this phenomenon? The answer to this question is quite simple. The main advantage of education in this country is the relative cheapness of education. For one year of study at a university in the country, you will need to pay no more than five thousand dollars (usually about three thousand). On the spot, you can try to submit applications to various student aid funds, as well as to various funds. You can get a list of them from the employees of the institution you are enrolling in.

Another important factor is the language in which the material is told. Nowadays, almost everyone speaks English. Many students from the Russian Federation want to study in South Africa in order to become a citizen of this country (for this you need to live in it for five years, and the period of study is counted towards the total term). Another advantage is that only in this state university buildings are located five minutes from a crocodile farm and a beach with golden sand.

Education system

In this country it is quite simple. It is headed by the Council for Higher Education. It establishes universal rules for all institutions, that is, technical colleges, universities and, of course, colleges. The difference between these institutions is in the range of disciplines, diplomas, and programs. In colleges, students can receive specialized secondary education. In technical colleges and universities, the student receives more. Education in such institutions is divided into two segments (temporary) - Undergraduate (its duration is 3-6 years, upon completion a bachelor's diploma is issued), Postgraduate (its duration is 2-3 years, upon completion a Master diploma is issued). Those who want to obtain a Doctor's degree need to study for an additional two years. Let us note the fact that recently the education provided by technical colleges is becoming closer to what is given at universities, both in terms of quality and prestige of the diploma.

The difference is one thing: technical colleges prepare specialists for industry and commerce, while universities have a more developed humanitarian component.

Choosing a university

Since the state is quite young, educational institutions on its territory are not as ancient as universities in France or Great Britain. Education at local higher institutions is conducted in English. There are few universities in this state. In 2003 there were 21 of them, now their number is constantly increasing, thanks to the restructuring of education. All these institutions provide quality education. Therefore, it is very difficult to recommend any specific university in the country.

It is best to study in large cities - Cape Town, Sun City and Pretoria. Many students choose them not only because of their quality, but also because of their proximity to places of recreation, communication, and libraries.

Now let's talk about technikons. It is best to go to large technicians who cooperate with large South African companies. Please note that such institutions operate student cash desks. They take on part (and a large part) of the student’s expenses. The largest such institutions are: Cape Technikon and Peninsula Technikon


Where is the best place to live? In this country you can find accommodation to suit every taste. Because the wide range of prices is simply amazing. The cheapest option is a room designed to accommodate four people, with a TV and a wardrobe. For such living space you will need to pay 140-200 dollars per month. A room for one person will cost no more than $750, and your dorm will have a lounge for relaxing and watching TV.

In addition, you can live in a small urban student village. The specificity of such urban centers is that you will need to walk five minutes to get to the shower. For this pleasure you will need to pay about 600 dollars.

To enter one of the universities in South Africa, you need the following:

  • Application for admission to an institute in the country.
  • Permission to study at this university.
  • No less than seven points for IELTS, and no less than 230 points for TOEFL for admission to the Cape Town Institute.
  • Confirmation of qualifications (either a matriculation certificate or a translated diploma). On its basis, entrance exams to the university of this state take place.

The most famous higher institutions in this country are Cape Technikon and Evangelical Seminary of Southern Africa, as well as Germiston College.

Before deciding whether it is worth getting higher education in South Africa and how to do it, you need to find out what features this country has.

South Africa is far from Russia. The flight takes 10-12 hours. Round-trip tickets cost more than $1,200. So don't expect to be able to fly home for the holidays.

Crime and drug addiction are highly developed in this country. Walking the streets on foot in the evening is dangerous.

South Africa has a difficult sanitary and epidemiological situation, especially in small cities. Tourists visiting South Africa receive special vaccinations.

But still there are quite a lot of foreign students in South Africa. The big advantage of education in South Africa is its relative cheapness. One year at a university or technical school (something between a college and an institute) in South Africa costs no more than $5 thousand, most often $2 - 2.5 thousand. In addition, it is possible to take advantage of the help of various funds and student aid funds .

The language of instruction is English. This is also important, basically everyone owns it.

Many students from Russia are attracted by the opportunity to stay and live in South Africa. To become a citizen of this country, it is enough to live in South Africa for five years. These years also include years of education.

There are few universities in South Africa: in 2003 there were 21, but their number is constantly growing. All of them provide a fairly high-quality education. It is better to study in large cities - Sun City, Pretoria and Cape Town. Most students choose them not so much because of the quality of education, but because of the proximity to all major libraries, as well as places of recreation and communication.

Separately, we can say about the Faculty of Jewelry Design at the University of Stellenbosch, whose diploma is so highly valued in the jewelry industry that students from all over the world flock there, despite the fact that it is located in the small town of Stellenbosch.

Many people strive to enroll in one of the “political” faculties of the University of Western Cape, whose graduates work at the UN and other international organizations. The “faculties of arts” at the University of Cape Town are very popular.

If we talk about technikons, it is best to enroll in large technikons that cooperate with large South African corporations. Moreover, in such universities, student funds are especially active, which often take on a large share of the student’s expenses. The largest technikons are Peninsula Technikon and Cape Technikon.

In South Africa you can easily find a hostel for every taste and for any money. The cheapest is a room with four beds, with a wardrobe and a TV. You can live in small student towns. Their specificity is that to get to the shower you need to walk about five minutes down the street (South Africa is a southern country). It costs $500-600.

It is necessary to take into account that in South Africa you most likely will not be able to work as a nurse, nanny, etc., as in European countries. There are many local residents interested in this job. And if you get a job as an intern in your training profile, the salary is small.

To enter universities in South Africa you need:

Study permit,

Application for admission to a university

At least 230 points in TOEFL or at least 7.0 points in IELTS for admission to the University of Cape Town

Confirmation of qualifications (translated diploma or matriculation certificate), on the basis of which entrance examinations to a South African university are held

As a result, we can conclude that obtaining higher education in South Africa is not the only, but one of the good options for obtaining higher education in an English-speaking country.

Before deciding whether it is worth getting higher education in South Africa and how to do it, you need to find out what features this country has.

South Africa is far from Russia. The flight takes 10-12 hours. Round-trip tickets cost more than $1,200. So don't expect to be able to fly home for the holidays.

Crime and drug addiction are highly developed in this country. Walking the streets on foot in the evening is dangerous.

South Africa has a difficult sanitary and epidemiological situation, especially in small cities. Tourists visiting South Africa receive special vaccinations.

But there are still quite a lot of foreign students in South Africa. The big advantage of education in South Africa is its relative cheapness. One year at a university or technical college (something between a college and an institute) in South Africa costs no more than $5 thousand, most often $2 - 2.5 thousand. In addition, it is possible to take advantage of the help of various funds and student aid funds .

Language of instruction is English. This is also important, basically everyone owns it.

Many students from Russia are attracted by the opportunity to stay and live in South Africa. To become a citizen of this country, it is enough to live in South Africa for five years. These years also include years of education.

There are few universities in South Africa: in 2003 there were 21, but their number is constantly growing. All of them provide a fairly high-quality education. It is better to study in large cities - Sun City, Pretoria and Cape Town. Most students choose them not so much because of the quality of education, but because of the proximity to all major libraries, as well as places of recreation and communication.

Separately, we can say about the Faculty of Jewelry Design at the University of Stellenbosch, whose diploma is so highly valued in the jewelry industry that students from all over the world flock there, despite the fact that it is located in the small town of Stellenbosch.

Many people strive to enroll in one of the “political” faculties of the University of Western Cape, whose graduates work at the UN and other international organizations. The “faculties of arts” at the University of Cape Town are very popular.

If we talk about technikons, it is best to enroll in large technikons that cooperate with large South African corporations. Moreover, in such universities, student funds are especially active, which often take on a large share of the student’s expenses. The largest technikons are Peninsula Technikon and Cape Technikon.

In South Africa you can easily find a hostel for every taste and for any money. The cheapest is a room with four beds, with a wardrobe and a TV. You can live in small student towns and villages. Their specificity is that to get to the shower you need to walk about five minutes down the street (South Africa is a southern country). It costs $500-600.

You need to take into account that in South Africa you most likely will not be able to work as a caregiver, nanny, etc., as in European countries. There are many local residents interested in this job. And if you get a job as an intern in your field of study, the salary is small.

To enter universities in South Africa you need:

Study permit,

Application for admission to a university

At least 230 points in TOEFL or at least 7.0 points in IELTS for admission to the University of Cape Town

Confirmation of qualifications (translated diploma or matriculation certificate), on the basis of which entrance examinations to a South African university are held

As a result, we can conclude that obtaining higher education in South Africa is not the only, but one of the good options for obtaining higher education in an English-speaking country.

The Republic of South Africa is a relatively young state with a very difficult history and a present not without problems. However, of all the countries of the Black Continent, it is South Africa that can boast of one of the strongest economies, developed industry, as well as the best funding for the education sector - the state annually spends about 20% of the total expenditure on modernizing the education system, financing, including and preferential, educational institutions of various levels. And even though there are still many problems in this area, the government has taken the right course.

School education

Primary education in South Africa begins with the Reception class (or R-grade), which is not compulsory, but the dynamics of recent years show its increasing importance in the development of the child. Children enter first grade at the age of 5.5 - 6 years. Primary education includes 9 grades and is compulsory. Despite the huge financial investment in education, schooling in South Africa is not completely free - parents of students still have to pay a certain amount for education. However, in recent years, the law has designated a list of schools that receive increased funding and do not charge tuition fees at all, and this list is growing larger every year. So, primary education takes 9 years and is divided into 3 stages of 3 years each, after which general testing is carried out to determine the level of student achievement. Passing the exams is not a prerequisite for passing to the next level. The training program is quite standard and does not have any special distinctive features in terms of the list of subjects studied and teaching methods, however, it should be noted that in South Africa there are 11 official languages ​​and textbooks are published in all of them, despite the fact that the bulk of training is conducted in English.

After the 9th grade, secondary school education begins - it is already more specialized and involves obtaining in-depth knowledge of the natural sciences and foreign languages. High schools are divided into several types, often called colleges, which also offer vocational education. At the end of grade 12, at the age of 17-18, graduates take an exam to obtain the National Certificate of Secondary Education, which gives the right to enter higher education institutions.

Despite the very active participation of the state in regulating the education sector, private schools also operate in the territory of the Republic of South Africa, even if their share is 10-15% of the total number of schools. While public school students are required to adhere to fairly strict rules governing appearance (school uniform, short haircuts for boys, long hair tied at the back of the head for girls, no makeup) and behavior, private schools are somewhat less strict, although they are required to comply with government standards. requirements. The school year in South Africa lasts from mid-January to late November or early December.

Higher education

The higher education sector in South Africa is quite vibrant and is represented by 24 educational institutions: 11 universities, 6 technical institutes and 6 general educational institutions of higher professional education. For admission, you must obtain a National Certificate of Secondary Education, and exam grades in all three core subjects must be as high as possible. Some universities have additional requirements, for example: passing entrance exams, providing a portfolio of completed work, passing an interview with the dean, etc. Various training programs are available for obtaining certificates, diplomas, as well as bachelor's, master's and Ph.D. degrees. It is worth noting that the quality level, as well as the number of students, is increasing year by year, and among the 24 universities of the Republic of South Africa there are several world-class universities, such as the University of Cape Town, Pretoria or Nelson Mandella University. To enroll foreign students, as a rule, a diploma of complete secondary education with a total score of 4 is required, as well as a TOEFL or IELTS certificate. Requirements vary depending on the specific university and specialty.

Tuition fees vary depending on the level of the curriculum, year of study and, of course, the educational institution itself, but the average figures are 9000 - 21000 ZAR for 1 year of study for a diploma, 16000 - 22000 ZAR for 1 year of study for a bachelor's degree, 20,000 - 30,000 ZAR for 1 year of master's/doctoral study. Among other things, there are registration fees, and, in some cases, a number of other mandatory payments, the amount of which also varies depending on the factors listed above.


Many universities offer international students the opportunity to live in on-campus residence halls. As a rule, this option offers a significant number of advantages: the proximity of educational buildings and no expenses for transport, reduced cost of living and the availability of equipped infrastructure, the constant presence of people willing to rent housing together, which leads to lower costs, and, of course, constant communication, staying in a multicultural environment student fraternity. However, a significant disadvantage is the strictly limited number of available places and, as a result, the presence of long queues and the need to apply as early as possible. In addition, not everyone may like the set of fairly strict rules governing living in a student dormitory. The average cost of a month of living in a student dormitory in South Africa (calculated for Cape Town) is about R6,500/semester.

If you don’t like the restrictions imposed, or you simply didn’t have time to submit your application on time, renting a home yourself is a good option. In this matter, in South Africa, as in any other country in the world, the cost of rent and other conditions depend on many factors: the area, its infrastructure, the landlord and others. For example, a two-story student house with 3 bedrooms in the center of Cape Town will cost 4,000 rand per month (about 18 thousand rubles at the exchange rate as of November 2010).

The cost of food, if you are going to cook it yourself, is quite low compared to other foreign countries. To get an idea of ​​the price level, below is a small summary list:

Price (USD)

Dinner at an inexpensive restaurant

Dinner in an average restaurant

Snack at McDonald's

0.5 bottle of local beer in a restaurant

1 liter of milk

A loaf of bread

A dozen eggs

1 kg chicken breasts

  • valid passport;
  • letter confirming enrollment;
  • proof of ability to pay for tuition and living expenses (usually a bank account statement);
  • a valid medical insurance certificate (in accordance with current South African requirements);
  • guarantee of subsequent return to homeland;
  • a written commitment to return to your home country after completing your studies;
  • consular fee.

Studying in South Africa for students and adult learners in language schools has several advantages:

  • English is one of the official languages ​​of South Africa;
  • training programs are developed by leading teachers;
  • Training takes place in a multicultural environment with English as the language of communication:
  • South Africa is a popular tourist route with an abundance of historical, natural, cultural, and gastronomic attractions;
  • Course fees are lower than in most English-speaking countries.

Study programs with different academic loads are designed to last from 2 weeks. The teaching methodology includes speaking practice, listening, writing, pronunciation training, and the study of idiomatic expressions. Methods developed by experienced teachers ensure rapid language progress. Linguistic courses offer individual training for international students 16+. Borderers have access to homestays, residences, full and partial boarding.

Business courses in South Africa for adults

Education in South Africa for students and adult students includes courses in English for business communication. The combined course is focused on the development of general language skills (listening to speech, communication practice), expansion of specialized vocabulary, and development of special linguistic skills (presentations, negotiations, business correspondence, correspondence, working with documents).

Holidays, camps for children in South Africa

Studying in South Africa for schoolchildren and students during the holiday periods is popular among foreigners. The Republic of South Africa offers students who wish to combine study and holidays abroad to attend language courses in the summer or winter.

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