Home Smell from the mouth Hydrogen peroxide: use in medicine and everyday life. An unconventional look at the healing properties of hydrogen peroxide Using 3 hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide: use in medicine and everyday life. An unconventional look at the healing properties of hydrogen peroxide Using 3 hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is an inexpensive antibacterial and wound-healing agent for external use. But it can also be used internally for... The founder of this practice is the Soviet and Russian doctor Ivan Neumyvakin.

The famous traditional healer does not deny the importance of traditional medicine in emergency cases. But for natural healing, in his opinion, it is enough to use a minimum amount of medications, as well as the gifts of nature - medicinal herbs, roots, flowers and clean air. The method of cleansing the body using hydrogen peroxide was described by the scientist in the book of the same name.

When peroxide is taken internally, it acts in the same way as when used externally - it destroys bacteria, most of which are harmful to health. They are the cause of most common diseases. To maximize the effect of cleansing and not cause unwanted reactions, you must strictly adhere to the dosage and frequency of taking the drug.

Professor Neumyvakin I.P.

Daily intake of hydrogen peroxide enriches the body with a portion of atomic oxygen, which improves the processes of cellular metabolism and regeneration. This happens as follows:

Once inside the body, peroxide enters into a chemical reaction with enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, it breaks down into hydrogen and oxygen atoms. These components are delivered through the circulatory system to all internal organs.

Peroxide cleansing is useful if you have:

  • dermatological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system;
  • cardiovascular pathology;
  • chronic respiratory diseases;
  • infectious lesions of the respiratory tract.

The procedure is also carried out for prophylactic purposes, to prevent the development of various diseases and improve overall well-being.

This technique has practically no contraindications: perhydrol can be given in small doses even to small children starting from the age of five. Women should cleanse their bodies with peroxide with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as the drug can affect the taste and composition of mother's milk. The procedure is also not recommended:

  • patients with transplanted gastrointestinal organs;
  • persons suffering from stomach ulcers, gastritis with high acidity, regular heartburn.

Before starting a cleansing course, you should consult your doctor.

Preparing for the body cleansing procedure

Before you begin the procedure of cleansing the body, you need to prepare it:

  1. Cleanse the intestines with an enema. To do this, use two liters of water with the addition of freshly squeezed juice of a whole lemon. This procedure must be performed in the evening, the day before the start of the course.
  2. Five days before therapy, you should start taking herbal infusions with a laxative effect. A ready-made pharmacy herbal tea or a self-prepared collection will be suitable. To do this, you need to take a tablespoon of dried herbs - nettle, yarrow, chamomile, milk thistle, hay, buckthorn bark. The mixture is steamed with boiling water and infused for 15 minutes in a thermos. The resulting decoction is filtered and taken a glass every day before bed.
  3. Five days before the start of the course, you need to change your diet, eliminating heavy and harmful foods. Cereals, fresh and boiled vegetables, fruits, and berries should predominate. Carbonated water, alcohol, products with artificial additives are prohibited. It is also advisable to exclude meat, or leave only low-fat varieties - steamed veal, poultry.

Preliminary preparation will rid the body of a significant proportion of toxins, so subsequent therapy will be tolerated less acutely.

How to drink hydrogen peroxide to cleanse the body: reviews and the essence of the technique

The main active ingredient in the cleansing course is three percent peroxide (the most common version of the drug). Be sure to check the expiration date of the medication and the availability of certification. If perhydrol has already been used for some time previously, it is better to purchase a new package. Store it in a dry, dark place.

How to drink hydrogen peroxide to cleanse the body: Neumyvakin claims that the drug is taken orally only in diluted form. The cleansing course begins with 1–2 drops diluted in a tablespoon of clean water. The dosage is increased by one drop daily until it reaches 30 drops at a time. There is no need to change the amount of water.

The solution is taken in the morning on an empty stomach, before breakfast. After taking the medicine, you should not eat or drink anything for an hour. Then you can eat as usual, but it is better to avoid sources of new toxins - fried and smoked foods, fast food, alcohol. To support the body during a stressful period, add sweet peppers, white cabbage, citrus fruits, and rosehip decoction to your diet with vitamin C.

The solution should be taken at the same time every day. If your schedule on weekdays and weekends differs significantly, determine the best option for yourself. Never, even at the final stage of therapy, take undiluted medication - this will lead to disruption of the digestive tract.

During the course, especially at the beginning, side effects may be observed:

  • dizziness, even to the point of fainting;
  • drowsiness, general malaise;
  • nausea;
  • stool disorder;
  • allergic manifestations on the skin - redness, small rash, itching.

It should be understood that this is the body’s reaction to removing accumulated toxins. Some of them enter the bloodstream and, before being introduced outside, provoke similar phenomena. If symptoms worsen, you need to reduce the dosage of the drug. These side effects often go away on their own within 7–10 days.

After completing the cleansing course, you must take a break of at least a week. Then, if there are indications, it can be repeated again.

As an alternative method, as well as for more effective bowel cleansing, Neumyvakin suggests rectal cleansing with peroxide:

  • First, the patient is given an enema with clean water, 2 liters in volume;
  • After half an hour, the procedure is repeated using a glass of water and 5 ml of peroxide.

Neumyvakin suggests treating various diseases with the help of peroxide:

  • colds (gargling);
  • scabies (wiping the affected areas);
  • fungus on toenails (daily warm baths);
  • cervical osteochondrosis (compresses);
  • toothache (mouth rinse);
  • sinusitis (drops with added peroxide);
  • skin diseases, whitening of age spots (inclusion in perhydrols in the composition of skincare cosmetics);
  • diseases of the female genital organs (douching).

In his practices, the healer also uses the beneficial properties of soda and breathing exercises. It is worth noting that these treatment methods are not approved by official medicine and even have their opponents. This point is described in detail in Neumyvakin’s book “Hydrogen Peroxide. Myths and reality".

Pros and cons of using hydrogen peroxide to cleanse the body

The undoubted advantages of Neumyvakin’s technique include:

  • availability and low cost of the drug - peroxide is sold in literally every pharmacy, and costs a penny;
  • the cleansing course has virtually no contraindications;
  • peroxide has a wide spectrum of action - it cleanses not a specific system, but the body as a whole;
  • perhydrol has neither taste nor smell, therefore it is normally perceived even by patients with a capricious stomach;
  • the full course lasts only 30 days, and you need to take the medicine only once a day;
  • side effects during the cleansing procedure are minimal and do not require changes to your usual lifestyle.

The disadvantages include the following features:

  • lack of approval from official medicine - if before starting the course you decide to consult with your doctor, you may encounter misunderstanding;
  • lack of scientifically proven effectiveness - improvement in condition can only be noticed by one’s own feelings;
  • the inability to control the degree of intensity of therapy - the reaction of each organism to cleansing with peroxide is individual;
  • inconvenient calculation of daily dosage - in order not to lose count, you need to keep a schedule and strictly follow it;
  • inaccurate determination of the dose - if you are not used to it, counting the medicine by the number of drops can be difficult.

With careful preparation, careful attention to your own well-being and following the above recommendations, cleansing the body with peroxide is an affordable way to improve your health.

Hello, our regular readers and those who were interested in the title of the article and looked into our blog out of curiosity. The hydrogen peroxide treatment regimen for Neumyvakin is successfully used in medical practice. Moreover, this method has become popular since 1968, but it appeared much earlier.

Scope of use of hydrogen peroxide in medicine

Professor Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, one of the founders of Russian medicine, is the author of the hydrogen peroxide treatment method. He is not alone in this world, and ardent promoters of peroxide treatment in the USA are W. Douglas and C. Farr.

They are also deeply convinced of the ability of a solution of water and a substance with 2 oxygen atoms and 2 hydrogen atoms to treat not only simple diseases, but also oncological processes, lupus erythematosus and almost all other diseases of mankind.

Therapy with an aqueous solution of perhydrol according to the Neumyvakin method has been tested repeatedly on volunteers or people who cannot be helped by traditional medicine.

The professor himself is not only convinced that this is an effective medicine for eliminating negative processes. It can also be used at home. He used it to cure his wife of an incurable disease.

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Research by Douglas and Farr

Douglas and Farr, who practice intravenous infusions of the drug, are convinced that the therapeutic effect of hydrogen peroxide lies in the peculiarities of its chemical composition.

Chemical substance. when ingested, it instantly breaks down into its component parts and acts as a natural stimulator of all reactions in the body.

In the clinical practice of American scientists, there were cases when, after a few hours, a patient’s stroke was stopped and a cure occurred. All he had to do was inject him intravenously with a solution of perhydrol in the correct dosage.

In modern medicine, peroxide began to be used not only as an antiseptic for rinsing with sore throats, or as a means for treating wounds, but also as an injection solution.

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Clinical studies by Douglas and Farr made it possible to study the composition of the blood after each experiment. It was discovered that perhydrol is broken down in the blood by catalase, after which oxygen is delivered via hemoglobin to the organs that need it.

3 Ways to Use Peroxide

A correctly calculated amount of the drug forces the body to produce more red blood cells, which perform essential functions (including transporting oxygen as part of hemoglobin). Today there are 3 ways to use hydrogen compounds for medicinal purposes:

  • outer– for disinfecting damaged areas of the skin, rinsing for diseases of the ENT organs (for sinusitis - for washing the sinuses), lotions and compresses for joint damage, etc.;
  • interior, not recognized by official medicine, but successfully used in the form of methods developed by individual authors who even treat cancer with its help;
  • intravenous, about which the authors of scientific articles speak negatively, but which showed amazing results when conducting experiments in the clinics of such enthusiasts as Douglas and Farr.

Conservative medicine recognizes the undeniable effectiveness of peroxide as an antiseptic, and uses it to treat fungus and gargle, lotions for periodontal disease and compresses for arthritis.

However, the method, which has provided effective assistance to thousands of patients, still has not received recognition. If he does not meet with a hostile response and widespread speculation about its harm, then he receives a skeptical or mocking attitude, in which the benefits brought are denied or questioned.

Aspects of use for medicinal purposes

The main effect of H2O2 when applied externally is considered to be disinfecting (antiseptic). This effect is obtained from the decomposition of the product into its components under the influence of air.


The process of apoptosis (elimination of damaged or non-viable cells), which occurs during external use, eliminates most of the microbes located on the wound or inflamed surface.

The antiseptic effect of peroxide in the treatment of skin lesions has not been questioned for a long time. Its effectiveness led to widespread dissemination and recognition of official medicine.

You, too, have probably happened to pour this remedy on an abrasion or wound and watch how it hisses and foams?


Recipes for external use are not limited to the treatment of small wound surfaces. Traditional medicine recommends an aqueous solution of perhydrol in the form of compresses on the affected joints. The application of tampons treats hemorrhoids or persistent inflammation of the gums due to periodontal disease or periodontitis.

Using a low concentration aqueous solution of perhydrol, you can:

  • clear the nasal passages during a runny nose, using rinsing and instillation;
  • remove cracks in the feet by removing the keratinized layer of dead epithelium on the heels;
  • get rid of fungal colonies, including mycotic damage to the nails;
  • eliminate papillomas by applying a solution to them for several days (warts are a manifestation of a viral infection, the skin manifestations of which are quickly treated with an antiseptic);
  • reduce painful manifestations of ear diseases by instilling a few drops of a weak solution inside (this works great for children);
  • cope with the external symptoms of psoriasis with the help of compresses and lotions.

Ear, throat, nose

If you have a severe cold or sore throat, you probably had to gargle with a medicinal solution of water and peroxide, or water, perhydrol and soda. This method has been used for decades and always works.

In Germany, they discovered that a couple of drops of peroxide, dripped into each ear at the first symptoms of a cold, can significantly reduce both the duration of the disease and its negative symptoms.

You can wash your eyes with a weak solution for conjunctivitis, and this invariably gives excellent results. Although, you probably know this very well yourself.

There are practically no contraindications to the external method, except if you use perhydrol in a strong concentration, then you can get burns. But not a single person who is familiar with the basics of school chemistry, or who has observed the bubbles and hissing when a disinfectant solution is poured onto a bleeding abrasion, will do this.

It remains a mystery why traditional medicine resists taking the medicine orally with such zeal.

Neumyvakin method, or ingestion of hydrogen peroxide

Upon careful consideration, I. P. Neumyvakin’s method has all the rights to full use for medicinal purposes.

Its development has a number of advantages over drugs whose advertisements are on the tables in pharmacies. The chemical compound was discovered in France 200 years ago. But it has always existed in nature, and took an active part in the work of the human body.

Biochemical analyzes showed that it is present in significant concentrations in breast milk.

You know that mother's milk provides natural protection for the baby. This is because it produces antibodies. Do you think that this is the only reason for its undeniable benefits for the baby? But no.

The presence of H 2 O 2 in the natural route of entry (orally) has the effect of a natural stimulant and accelerates any processes in the body.

The most noticeable effect is on the immune system. In children, it is imperfect and is fueled from substances produced by the mother’s body.

A newborn baby, with a digestive system that only develops in the following months, ingests hydrogen peroxide contained in the only food it can digest.

And doctors who have received special education say that taking peroxide inside can harm the body if a person has gastritis.

It remains to remember how many modern medications have a harmful effect on the stomach, causing stool disorders, gastritis and dysbacteriosis.

How to take orally

Neumyvakin’s method is extremely simple and involves small doses of the drug:

  • 3 drops (one 3 times a day), dissolved in 50 ml of water;
  • 6 drops on the second day, in the same way, 2 hours after meals;
  • 9 drops on day 3;
  • 12 - in the 4th, etc., until the amount consumed per day reaches 30. That is, 10 drops at a time.

The regimen is interrupted for 2-3 days, after which the medication begins to be repeated. But the instructions indicate that now a dose of 30 drops continues for a decade.

Neither the dosage nor the duration of administration should be violated. They are not changed either in the treatment of prostatitis or in the treatment of diabetes. But the method consistently gives positive results and has helped thousands of people.

Knowing how to take medicine according to the method of Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, you can cure many diseases. And the proof of this is hundreds and thousands of patients for whom the remedy brought relief or recovery. This is evidenced not only by their reviews, but also by condition monitoring carried out through scientific research.

It is possible that someday medications will not be needed. Because H2O2 will work in regulating and stimulating the natural forces of the body.

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Hydrogen peroxide has long occupied a special place in folk medicine. It is believed that with the help of an affordable remedy you can be cured of many diseases. However, peroxide must be used in reasonable quantities, correctly, without causing harm to health. Hydrogen peroxide, indications for use are described in various sources on traditional medicine.

Medicine invented hydroperite for external use as an antiseptic and antibacterial agent. It is used to treat wounds, cuts, burns, and is used for dressings. In folk medicine, the drug is used to treat various pathologies. The basis of the therapeutic effect is atomic oxygen. Once in the blood, peroxide breaks down into water and atomic oxygen. It is this that has an antibacterial and antiseptic effect.


  • for all pathogenic microorganisms, including fungi, viruses, bacteria and atypical cells;
  • breaks down and removes protein breakdown products from cells - ammonia, urea, and so on;
  • stimulates the immune system; already in the first hours after taking peroxide, the number of lymphocytes increases significantly;
  • accelerates the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins in the body;
  • increases the synthesis of vitamins A, D, K in the liver;
  • makes the blood more fluid, due to which the blood supply to the organs increases and the cells are saturated with oxygen;
  • by improving liver function, sugar is broken down faster, the load on the pancreas is relieved, which is especially important for diabetes and thyroid pathologies;
  • removes excess cholesterol from the body, which prevents many diseases, including atherosclerosis and the tendency to form cholesterol stones.

Indications for use

Given these medicinal properties of hydrogen peroxide, in folk medicine it is used for a wide range of ailments:

  • inflammation;
  • wounds with purulent complications;
  • cancer;
  • rashes, inflammatory processes of the skin;
  • fungal diseases of the skin and nails;
  • periodontal disease;
  • neurological diseases;
  • pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • pathologies with the heart and blood vessels;
  • tonsillitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis;
  • lupus erythematosus, diabetes mellitus;
  • stroke;
  • colds (as a solution for gargling, cleansing the nasal passages).

And that is not all. The drug is also applicable for achieving a slim figure, skin rejuvenation, teeth whitening, cleansing the body, lightening hair, and clearing ear plugs.

Hydrogen peroxide - instructions for use in traditional medicine

The instructions for using hydrogen peroxide require careful adherence. Especially when it comes to ingestion.

The main principles are:

  • Take 3 percent peroxide only in the form of a solution with water. It must be properly prepared, that is, no more than two drops per two tablespoons of water, and you need to start with one drop;
  • You should only take this drug on an empty stomach, since peroxide interacts with fats, so it can enter the lymph with food and collide with immune cells, the consequences are not the best. Therefore, peroxide should be taken only 2-3 hours after a meal, on an empty stomach.

Hydrogen peroxide, sold in pharmacies, is often used for medical purposes. And the one that is offered in cosmetic stores is for lightening hair. Don't confuse one with the other.

Treating a wound with hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide has the ability to disinfect a wound and also stop bleeding. Therefore, for wounds, the damaged area is washed with a peroxide solution, and then a tampon soaked in the solution is applied to the wound for a few seconds.

Unlike brilliant green or iodine, no pain is felt when treating a wound. Adults will appreciate this, but especially children.

This treatment is suitable for adults, with caution for children over 5 years old. A solution is made from a quarter glass of warm water and a drop of peroxide. You should drink this solution half an hour before your meal. And so on three times a day. You need to start with a drop, and then add a drop every day, and so on for 10 days. Then a three-day break, and then resume treatment for a new decade. In this case, you should start with 10 drops, but do not increase the dose. Again a three-day break, and again everything was the same as the first time. This treatment, which helps get rid of bacteria and worms, lasts for 3 weeks.

For diseases of the cardiovascular system

As mentioned, peroxide helps remove excess cholesterol from the blood and also dissolves formed cholesterol plaques. Thus, perhydrol is very useful for diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

In addition, peroxide increases vascular tone and normalizes heart rhythm. After a heart attack, the drug has a restorative effect.

However, given the seriousness of the disease, you should not diagnose yourself and treat the disease with peroxide. It is worth consulting a doctor, especially when there is pain in the heart, a pre-heart attack condition.

Hydrogen peroxide and colds of the ear, nose, and throat

Hydrogen peroxide is also used in folk medicine as an excellent remedy for treating the ear, nose and throat. In the treatment of a runny nose, instillation of the nasal passages has worked well. In this case, the peroxide is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3. After rinsing your nose, you should not eat for two hours.

The remedy also helps with otitis media. Mix 15 drops in 30 mg of water and instill in each ear. After 15 minutes, blot the solution with a cotton swab. By the way, this treatment will also help dissolve ear plugs.

The product is also active for treating a sore throat. Peroxide is an excellent tool for destroying pathogenic flora. Eliminates plaque on the tonsils. Preparing a rinse solution is very simple. It is necessary to dilute a tablespoon of the pharmaceutical preparation in a glass of warm liquid. Rinse four times a day.

In dentistry

Peroxide copes well with many diseases of the oral cavity, including stomatitis, periodontal disease, caries, and helps whiten teeth.

If you add a couple of drops to toothpaste, you will get an excellent cleanser that not only cleans your teeth and strengthens your gums, but is an excellent prevention of tartar. A mixture of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide, mixed to a paste-like substance, allows you to clean and whiten your teeth. After this procedure, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with peroxide (a tablespoon of the drug per glass of water).

Is it possible to lose weight?

The drug is used for weight correction. The method is contraindicated if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

To cleanse the body, you need to drink a glass of water with 4 drops of the product. But you should drink this solution strictly half an hour before meals or after a meal a couple of hours.

It is believed that peroxide acts as a mechanism for renewing the body, activates the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and speeds up metabolism.

The use of hydrogen peroxide in cosmetology

Using this drug, diluted in equal proportions with ammonia, you can fight against papillomas on the face, lighten hairs and post-acne spots.

Peroxide is great for getting rid of acne, but you should wipe the damaged areas so as not to injure healthy skin. It is better to use cotton swabs for processing.

An excellent remedy for cleansing the skin and fighting rashes is a mixture of honey and aloe juice (a tablespoon each) with 2 drops of hydroperite. Apply with a cotton swab, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Using peroxide according to the method of Professor Neumyvakin

It was thanks to the famous professor I.P. Neumyvakinu hydrogen peroxide has become widespread as a remedy for the treatment of many diseases.

According to Neumyvakin’s method, internal consumption of hydroperite allows you to improve the health of the body. To do this, drink a quarter glass of water with peroxide three times a day. You need to start with one drop, and then add one drop daily to the same volume of water, bringing it to 10 drops. This is maximum. And the maximum dose per day is 30 drops. After a 10-day course, you need to take a break for 3 days, and then again drink a quarter glass three times a day, but always with 10 drops of peroxide. And so repeat the course three times with a constant break of three days. If you experience any discomfort in the stomach during treatment, you should stop for a while and start again with a lower dose.

Neumyvakin also advises rinsing your mouth for colds and dental problems at the rate of 1-3 teaspoons of peroxide with 50 g of water.

Hydrogen peroxide: harm and contraindications

There are no contraindications.

The solution can be used even while pregnant and breastfeeding. However, it is worth remembering that 1-2 percent of people have an individual intolerance to the drug.

It is also worth knowing that violating the dosage can lead to burns of the internal walls of the stomach and intestines. You should not do cleansing enemas for those who have intestinal problems. Hypertensive patients need to be more careful.

During treatment, nausea, weakness, diarrhea or even skin rashes may occur. These are temporary phenomena. But if you feel a burning sensation in the stomach and abdomen, you should reduce the dose or stop treatment for a while. If the drug is used correctly and there is no individual intolerance, there should be no side effects.

When taking peroxide as a blood thinner, you should not drink alcohol or aspirin, as the effect will increase and can cause an instant stroke. During treatment with peroxide, alcohol and aspirin should be prohibited.

Hydrogen peroxide

Active substance


Pharmacological group

Nosological classification (ICD-10)


Description of the dosage form

Colorless, transparent, odorless liquid.

pharmachologic effect

pharmachologic effect- antiseptic.


Antiseptic agent from the group of antioxidants. When hydrogen peroxide comes into contact with damaged skin or mucous membranes, active oxygen is released, and mechanical cleansing and inactivation of organic substances (proteins, blood, pus) occurs. The antiseptic effect is not sterilizing; when it is used, only a temporary decrease in the number of microorganisms occurs. Abundant foaming promotes thrombus formation and stops bleeding from small vessels.

Indications for the drug Hydrogen peroxide

inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes;

purulent wounds;

capillary bleeding from superficial wounds;


for disinfection and deodorization: stomatitis, sore throat, tonsillitis, gynecological diseases.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Carefully: decompensated liver and kidney diseases, hyperthyroidism, dermatitis herpetiformis.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug has no contraindications for use during pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects

Burning sensation during wound treatment, allergic reactions.


A solution of hydrogen peroxide is unstable in an alkaline environment, in the presence of metal salts, complex radicals of some oxidants, as well as in light and heat.

Directions for use and doses

Externally, locally.

For external use, use a 1-3% solution; for rinsing the mouth and throat, applying to mucous membranes - a 0.25% solution (3% solution is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:11).

Damaged areas of the skin or mucous membrane are treated with a cotton or gauze swab moistened with a solution of the drug. Tampons should be held with tweezers. Jet irrigation of the wound surface is possible.


Symptoms: irritation of the upper respiratory tract (burn, laryngo-, bronchospasm); if ingested - irritation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, hemolysis, hemoglobinuria; lethal dose - about 3 g.

Treatment: gastric lavage with 0.5% sodium thiosulfate solution, sodium bicarbonate solution, intravenous administration of sodium thiosulfate 30% - up to 300 ml.

special instructions

Treating a wound with a solution of hydrogen peroxide does not guarantee against infection with tetanus and other wound infections.

3% solution is used inside in toxicological practice as an antidote (in combination with a 3% acetic acid solution) for potassium permanganate poisoning.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery. Does not affect.

When disposing of unused drug, no special precautions are required.

Release form

Hydrogen peroxide

Composition and release form of the drug

Solution for external and local use 3% transparent, colorless, odorless.

Excipients: sodium benzoate - 0.05 g, purified water - up to 100 ml.

25 ml - bottles (1) - cardboard packs.
40 ml - bottles (1) - cardboard packs.
50 ml - bottles (1) - cardboard packs.
100 ml - bottles (1) - cardboard packs.
25 ml - bottles (70) - cardboard boxes (for hospitals).
40 ml - bottles (70) - cardboard boxes (for hospitals).
50 ml - bottles (70) - cardboard boxes (for hospitals).
100 ml - bottles (70) - cardboard boxes (for hospitals).
0.5 l - canisters.
1 l - canisters.
3 l - canisters.
5 l - canisters.
10 l - canisters.
20 l - canisters.

pharmachologic effect

Antiseptic agent from the group of oxidants. It also has a hemostatic effect. When hydrogen peroxide comes into contact with damaged skin and mucous membranes, active oxygen is released, and mechanical cleansing and inactivation of organic substances (proteins, blood, pus) occurs. The antiseptic effect of hydrogen peroxide is not sterilizing; when it is used, only a temporary decrease in the number of microorganisms occurs.


For washing and rinsing for sore throats and gynecological diseases. Small superficial wounds, small capillary bleeding from superficial wounds, nosebleeds.


Hypersensitivity to hydrogen peroxide.


Apply the prepared 1% solution externally. To rinse the mouth and throat, use a prepared 0.25% solution.

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