Home Prosthetics and implantation Pets for hunting wow. Battle Pets

Pets for hunting wow. Battle Pets


Greetings, young tamer. Today I will tell you about how to start training your pets, what types of pets there are, how to assemble great teams, and so on.

Why do all this?

  1. It's exciting. If you have completed all the content and have nothing to do in the game, you can try to catch some rare pets or complete dungeon challenges.
  2. For collecting lovers. There's not even anything to explain here. There are a lot of different pets in the world of military craft. Try to collect them all!
  3. For fans of achievements. Do you like to complete achievements? In the "tab" Pet Battles"There are a lot of them. In addition, you will receive unique titles: , and /
  4. For greedy gold farmers. Do you like golda? With pet battles you can earn a lot. For example ~ 50k gold, ~ 35k gold and that’s not all. And for level 25 pets these prices can be 2-3 times higher.

Have I got your attention? Then let's begin our training...

Chapter 1. Mentors.

To assemble a team, you first need to visit a mentor who will help you at the very beginning of a difficult journey.
For the Alliance, this is a cute girl named
A great guy for the Horde.
When you contact your mentors, you will receive a quest, or one that will open a chain of tasks for you to become a pet tamer.
When talking with mentors you will learn a spell , which allows you to create a team of battle pets (currently it consists of only 1 pet), train them and track down wild battle pets.

The mentors will also sell you your racial pet:

As Illidan would say "Now you are ready!". Let's start training our first pet...

Chapter 2. Pet fight.

For defeating the tamer you will be given which may include:

  1. - the ability to heal and resurrect all your battle pets (alternative)..
  2. - reduces the size of your pet until you recall it..
  3. - increases the size of your pet until you recall it..
  4. - Your pet will receive a 5 minute buff" Snack "Happy Pet""who doesn't do anything...
  5. - another useless buff" Care"..
  6. Leash toys (one or more), and..
  7. Flawless stone (one or more) , , .
  8. Various gray trash.

More information about pets.

There are 10 pet families. Family table:

Each family has its own passive ability:

  • Aquatic: The duration of negative effects that occur over time is reduced.
  • Beasts: Deal 25% more damage when their health drops below 50%.
  • Creatures: Release control effects faster.
  • Dragons: Deals 50% more damage to targets below 25% health.
  • Elementals: Ignores all weather effects.
  • Birds: Move 50% faster when their health is above 50%.
  • Humanoids: Recover 2% of their maximum health with each attack.
  • Magical: Magical pets cannot be dealt damage equal to more than 50% of the pet's health in one attack.
  • Mechanical: Returns to life with 25% health once per battle.
  • Undead: Upon death, they are resurrected for one round.

All pets have 3 characteristics:

  • Attack power - the greater, the stronger any pet attacks. The importance is undeniable.
  • Speed ​​– the pet attacks first with greater speed (except for rare and weak attacks, which, however, always come first). Sometimes speed gives nothing at all, and sometimes it ensures victory - a situational parameter.
  • Health points - the thicker you are, the harder it is to kill you.

Each type of pet has each parameter hard-coded at each level. But there are 2 random increases. The pet can be “strong” + to attack (P), “fast” + to speed (S), “tenacious” + to health (H) or “balanced” + divided into all 3 parameters (B). The increases can be the same (for example PP) or different.

All pets, like items, have a rarity: gray “low,” white “common,” green “uncommon,” or blue “rare.” The better the rarity, the higher all the parameters of the pet. You can increase the rarity to blue with special stones, which are earned by defeating tamers or wild pets (rare). Stones suitable for any type can be sold or bought at auction.
Pets caught in battle receive a random rarity when entering battle. The chance of fighting a blue one depends on the specific pet, but on average it is 5%. All others are by default green or blue, depending on rarity. For example, "Brown Prairie Dog" is always green, and "Dark Phoenix Hatchling" is blue. Anyone can be upgraded with stones.

Each pet has 6 abilities, but you can only use three. They are grouped as follows: 1st group, 2nd group, 3rd group.

Each ability is unlocked at a certain level. The number on a closed ability shows at what level it will open. The first ability is available at the first level.
In setups (teams) the pet is described as: Spider 1/2/1 - this means that we take a spider pet with abilities of level 1, level 15 and level 4.

The easiest way to get new pets is by catching wild pets in the open world, but they can also be obtained from raids, for quests, bought at an auction or from a vendor, etc.
To find out how this or that pet is obtained, go to the atlas, select the pet that suits you and find it on wowhead!

Chapter 3. Training.

To increase your pet's level you can:

  1. With the help of stone -
  2. In fights with tamers (if you can gain a lot of levels this week)
    It is especially worth noting such a tamer as. To fight with her you will need 2 pets of level 25 and 1 pet - the “car” which we want to upgrade. Use or to get even more experience!
    Attack the enemy team with level 25 pets until a plush elekk enters the battle and does not attack. Your pet “carriage” just needs to join the fight. You can immediately change it to your other pet.
    If you win, your "car" will receive a lot of experience. But alas, this can only be done once a day.
  3. "Wagons" for the tamers of Kalimdor\Eastern Kingdoms. You can take 1-2 Wagons pets and 1 strong level 25 pet. Fly over all the tamers and defeat them. This way you can also quickly upgrade your pets.
  4. Ask other players to upgrade your pets for gold.

Chapter 4. Dream Team.

Have you collected a lot of pets? Want to become the best tamer in Azeroth/Draenor? Or maybe the best tamer in the entire universe? Then gather yourself a super team!

First of all, the team must be balanced in roles:
Main DD (the pet you are betting on) + backup DD (most effective against opponents that are dangerous for the first) + support pet.
The team must have pets with the following abilities:

  1. Strong single attack.
  2. Weak multiple attacks.
  3. Protection from strong attacks.
  4. Weakening every attack.
It makes sense to replace the last two by weakening enemy attacks by % + reducing synergy. But only if you plan to change pets often.

Secondly, the team must be balanced by species. For each type there are 2 others dangerous species(dealing more damage or receiving less) and 2 non-dangerous (less damage and worse protection respectively). For everyone except elementals and mechanisms.
There should be no species against which you cannot do anything - your pets should be ready to meet anyone at least on an equal footing.

A good combination is a humanoid + elemental + mechanism. The first from dragons, the second from mechanisms, the third from everything else.


  • PetTracker will help you find pets that you have not yet collected by marking them on the map, and will also show the characteristics of the pets you have selected.
  • PetJournal Enhanced- addon for managing your pet collection. To do this, you have convenient tools: sorting pets by level, type, importance, specialization. The addon shows the specialization of pets, their stats, role in the group (tank, speed or attacker).
  • PetJournal QuickFilter- quick filters for your Pet Atlas.
  • Rematch will help you create teams of battle pets. It saves sets of battle pets, and calls certain commands on different targets. Its main task is to call only the team that was more effective on a similar previous target. For example, you see how successful your command is on a target, you open the Rematch window and click Save, your pet team will be saved and then you just have to call the command on this target again. Open the window and click Load, your team is ready again, without unnecessary clicks and fuss.
  • Battle Pet Daily Tamer- puts the familiar paw on the world map to show you where you have not yet finished the daily pet battles. Initially, the addon only shows missed battles and rewards. But you can configure the addon so that it shows more types of combat pets and animal tamers.

That's all I have. But what I told you is only a small part of what you need to know to become the best reproach. To fight, your pet needs to have nerves of steel and patience. I believe that you will succeed. Wish you luck!

p.s. I will be glad if you write in the comments what should be added to the guide. Let's make it the best together complete guide for beginners who have decided to start this long and exciting journey.

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In this Battle Pets guide, I tried to collect information regarding the new “Battle Pet System” in WOW. This system will also act as a secondary profession and will be available to all players. If before release you have several pets of the same type on different characters within the same account, they will be combined into one pet. In total, you can have up to 500 pets, 3 varieties of each pet. Winning a pet battle can earn the player some experience (similar to a gathering profession). In order to start training your pet, you need to visit the Battle Pet Trainer, he is in any capital.


Battle Pets, like objects, can be of different quality (simple, rare, etc.). The quality of the pet is determined randomly when the pet appears on the map. The higher the quality of the pet, the greater the increase in characteristics it will receive when leveling up.

Pets have four characteristics: health, attack, defense and speed. It is the speed that determines the order of moves of the pets. The higher the speed, the higher the probability of starting the move first. Pets' abilities will unlock as they gain levels, and you can also learn unique abilities from a trainer. Most pets can be sold at auction; a special section has been created for this. To sell a pet, you must put it in a cage. When selling, the pet's level is maintained.

Pet fights:

  • You can track your pets using the mini-map. They will appear on the mini-map as a small green paw print:

  • The same symbol will be displayed above the pet if you see it on the ground. Only a pet marked with this icon can be challenged and trained to fight:
  • In order to challenge a pet to battle, you need to right-click on it. If, after challenging your pet to a battle, you see an error about the impossibility of conducting a battle in a given area, simply move to a more open space and try again. As soon as you have successfully entered into battle with a pet, your screen will change to the pet battle screen, which will display all the necessary information about the battle: the health of your pet and the enemy pet, the pet’s abilities, etc.
  • Your team can consist of a maximum of three pets.
  • In total, 6 abilities are available for the entire team of pets in one battle. One pet can use up to three abilities per battle.
  • The turn time in battle is not limited.
  • During the battle you can change your pet, but it will cost you one turn.
  • To catch a pet, the enemy pet must have no more than 35% health. If this condition is met, use the “Trap” ability. Each subsequent use of the “Trap” increases the chance of successful capture. You can catch up to three pets of the same type.
  • You can challenge another player’s pets to battle in two ways: 1. Right-click on the player and select the appropriate menu item; 2. Press “Shift+P”, select the “Pet Atlas” tab and click on the “Battle Search” button. The system will automatically select the most equal opponent for you. Players can disable the ability to challenge them to a Pet Fight.
  • For each battle, your pets will receive experience, and not only surviving pets receive experience, but also those who took an active part in the battle. As your pets' levels increase, you will find yourself in more difficult battles.

Pet families:

Each pet belongs to one of 10 families (translation of the names of the families is preliminary). Each family has a passive bonus, as well as an increase/decrease in damage for one of the other families:

  • Aquatic: increased damage to Elementals, reduced damage to Magic pets.
  • Beasts: increased damage to Creatures, reduced damage to Birds.
  • Creatures: increased damage against Undead, reduced against Humanoids.
  • Dragons: increased damage to Magic pets, reduced by Undead .
  • Elementals: increased damage to Mechanical pets, reduced by Creatures .
  • Birds: increased damage to Aquatic pets, decreased to Dragons.
  • Humanoids: increased damage against Dragons, reduced against Beasts.
  • Magic: increased damage to Birds, reduced damage to Mechanical pets.
  • Mechanical: increased damage to Beasts, decreased to Elementals.
  • Undead: increased damage to Humanoids, decreased to Aquatic pets.

Passive abilities of each family:

  • Aquatic: The duration of negative effects that occur over time is reduced.
  • Beasts: Deal 25% more damage when their health drops below 50%.
  • Creatures: Freed from control effects faster.
  • Dragons: Deals 50% more damage to targets below 25% health.
  • Elementals: Ignores all weather effects.
  • Birds: Move 50% faster when their health is above 50%.
  • Humanoids: Recover 2% of their maximum health during each attack.
  • Magical: Magical pets cannot be dealt damage equal to more than 50% of the pet's health in one attack.
  • Mechanical: Returns to life with 25% health once per battle.
  • Undead: Upon death, they are resurrected for one round.

Video guide to Pet Battle in WOW 5.0 Mists of Pandaria

Author of the video: TheHa11owed
P.S. If you find any inaccuracies in the Guide or want to add any information, write in the comments.

P.S.S. Don’t forget to rate the material, repost on social media. Networking is welcome.

Weeks have passed since the release of Mists of Pandaria, hundreds of thousands of mobs have been killed, thousands of quests have been completed, a lot of gold has been accumulated and hundreds of different pets have been caught. Experienced creature catchers have tested several hundred different pets in battle and made a kind of “top of the best battle pets” in WoW. Let's take a look at the five best battle pets according to the vast wow community.

Curious little wolfdog

Description: He's really curious! Every small collector wants to buy such a pet. The wolf is of the Humanoid type, excellent protection from animals (takes 33% less damage) and the ability to deal more damage to dragons, animals and animals, make it an ideal killer of animal type pets.

Like any other pet, Wolver has its drawbacks. The curious little wolfdog really doesn't like being hit by the Undead. Undead attacks deal more damage to him than any other type of pet.

How to get a: Of course, the “Curious Little Wolvar” is an extremely rare pet. You can get this only once a year, during the Children's Week holiday. Complete the quest "Return to the Shelter" and receive the "Curious Little Wolvar" reward. Don't miss your chance to get a rare pet.

Baby flying chameleon

Description: Belongs to the Dragon type. There must have been such very small dragons, otherwise the origin of the species is puzzling. One way or another, this is a very fast pet, with this the first move in the round will always be yours. Extremely effective against flying type pets. In addition to the actual type advantage over flying pets, he has a number of abilities that worsen the life of the flying type of creature.

A passive bonus that allows you to deal 50% more damage to targets with 25% health makes this pet a very, very nice addition to your collection.

How to get a: Very simple! Drops from any mob in Feralas. But it’s worth the sweat before luck smiles on you to knock out this handsome guy.


Description: A real fighting toad! I remember there was a game of the same name on DENDY. Fighting toads are an extremely dangerous species; if you are attracted by their harmless appearance, you risk getting paid a nickel from it. The owner of such a toad risks almost nothing, because in a fight he is a winner without a minute.

Battle Toads are a type of Aquatic pet, a real gladiator in battle with the undead. Receives 33% less damage from undead, and has the deadly ability to turn undead into sand.

Mojo is a rare amphibian in the world of World of Warcraft. It has a rare blue-blue tint and interesting feature. Kissing Mojo will turn you into a toad. But you thought differently!

How to get a: It is obtained in Zul'aman by disenchanting frogs with voodoo amulets.

Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling

Description: The crown of Pandaren technical thought. A real oriental robot, belongs to the type of Mechanical creatures. Ideal against Magic types. Deals as much as 33% more damage to magical creatures and has a number of abilities that increase the chance of winning a fight in a battle with mechanical, aquatic and animal animals, forgive the tautology.

How to get a: Any engineer with skill 575 can assemble this miracle. Get your gold ready, the engineer will need it!

Ghost Skull

Description: Last on the list, but not the least important pet. A real, chilling, flying skull. A scary but wildly cute creature! The Phantom Skull is an Undead type creature that can resurrect once per battle. Thanks to this ability, the shard is a very tenacious and unpleasant enemy.

How to get a: The Phantom Skull is a pet that is incredibly easy to get. In Dalaran there is a seller named Darahi, this dubious businessman lives in the sewers. Apparently that's where he catches shards.

That's all! There are many different combat pets in the game, the features of which are not fully understood. As the number of collectors grows, there will still be rare and special pets that we have no idea about yet.

Players just entering the lands of the World of Warcraft universe are haunted almost from the very beginning by one question: why are allied animals or animals needed in the game? Actually, from a beginner's point of view, " faithful friends“really seem like a kind of extra attribute, a means to show their wealth, well-being, social status, level of income, and so on. Almost all newcomers are sure that pets are “show-offs” with which rich “majors” are trying to embody their unrealized dreams in the virtual space in ordinary life ambition.

I'll feed the stray dog ​​at the entrance...

This point of view certainly has a right to exist. Moreover, most newcomers who come to the WoW Universe are anxiously hoping that they will certainly achieve incredible success without investing a single cent into the game! It is from this very moment that subconscious deceit begins. After all, World of Warcraft is not absolutely free game, which means the user has already paid some money for the right to participate in this incredible adventure! If you do not take into account pirated versions and numerous “gray” server schemes, where, sooner or later, money will be demanded from the user! But that's not the point. We are now talking about pets.

The huge WoW universe is literally filled with “sharks of imperialism” who know the game inside and out! And the gameplay, in addition to mechanically completing quests and following linear plot structures, implies the need to use ingenuity and cunning. Therefore, a gamer who initially refuses the unclear and vague prospects associated with raising pets, having reached a more or less serious level of character development (40+, and especially 50+), is forced to bite his elbows. The balance of the game is built in such a way that by developing exclusively combat or magical characteristics, sooner or later you can reach a complete dead end. In WoW, not everything is decided by the most pumped up “tanks” or “spell wizards”.

Why tame pets in WoW?

Representatives of almost any race are strongly advised not to forget about spending precious resources on skills related to finding common language with numerous animals. This will further, in particular, allow:

  • Increase movement speed. both on the global map and on a specific area
  • Get into some closed locations
  • Have support in battles. We are, of course, talking about PvP, although pets sometimes provide invaluable assistance in quests.
  • Get additional loot without risking the life and health of your own character.
  • Complete some special quests

These are just the main arguments in favor of upgrading your “taming” skills. Yes, of course, completing some tasks looks quite tedious and monotonous. But, as a rule, it’s enough to get by high levels character development becomes quite problematic - long, costly, and sometimes completely impractical!

Throughout the game, your character is accompanied on endless adventures by your faithful non-combat pets. There are probably dozens of collected companions in your collection that you adore, and you are still continuing to add to your collection. Either way, you love your little critters, robots, birds, and other pets... and Mists of Pandaria brings them to a whole new perspective as battle pets.

This guide is dedicated to combat pets in World of Warcraft.

Where to start?

There are a few requirements that you need to meet before you can start leveling yourself up as a Battle Pet Master in WoW:

1. Your character's level must be above 5.
2. You must learn the spell Battle Pet Training, which will allow you to train and train your battle pets, conduct battles with their participation and track down other pets. Training costs 80 gold and covers the entire account. Battle pet trainers Audrey Burnhep (Stormwind, 69.25) and Varzok (Orgrimmar, 52.58) will help you train your battle pets.
3. You must have at least one combat companion to participate in battles.


The interface for pets and mounts has changed dramatically in the Mists of Pandaria expansion. You can access it by clicking on the corresponding icon on the panel or by pressing the standard key combination SHIFT + P.

By clicking on the “Transport and Pets” button or pressing SHIFT+P, a window with your transport and pets will open.

If you go to the “Pet Atlas” tab, a window will open in front of you where you can see how many pets you have collected, achievement points in pet battles, a special “Resurrection” button for resurrecting and completely healing your pets, and so on.

Forward to battle!

After familiarizing yourself with the interface and selecting the desired companion, it's time to start training. Initiating a battle with another pet couldn't be easier: find a wild battle animal or another player with a battle pet and start the battle. Let's take a closer look at this.

Most easy way Find your pet an opponent for sparring - turn on “Tracking Pets” in the “Tracking” menu next to the mini-map.

If pets are in the character’s visibility range, then corresponding icons with the signature of each pet will appear on the mini-map.

All that remains is to get close to this pet. It will have the same icon above it that was indicated on the mini-map.

Make sure you have a companion activated and click on your chosen victim to initiate the fight.

We wish you good luck in the battles!

Recovery after lost battles

So, you have finished your first battle. Surely your pet is not quite ready for new battle, he needs to recover and patch up his wounds. Of course, you can summon a new pet to another battle, but then how to upgrade the previous one? You definitely need to treat your companion so that he is ready for new battles and improves his skills. You have several ways to restore your battle pet:

  • The “Resurrection” spell - resurrects and fully restores all your pets.
  • Approach any stable keeper and resurrect your companions by paying a small amount for it.
  • Bandages for battle pets - contained in the Bag of goods for pets, which is a reward for completing certain tasks, incl. daily.
  • Taming animals

    As soon as any of your battle pets has reached level 3, you have the opportunity to catch and tame someone else's pet with whom you are fighting.

    Once your pet's enemy health level drops below 35%, you have a chance to tame it by throwing a trap. With each attempt, the chance of successful taming increases by 20%.

    After the battle ends and other related information is displayed, you will see the name of the captured pet and its quality: low, common, unusual, rare.

    Characteristics of battle pets in WoW

    Hints for each of the characteristics explain quite clearly why this or that characteristic is needed.

    Health is perhaps the most important characteristic your battle pet. During the battle, you must carefully monitor the health of your companion. If your pet's health drops to zero, you will no longer be able to use this fighter until you resurrect him. After the battle, all pets that took part in the battle restore a small amount of health (if they are not dead, of course, and if they have not received a new level - with a new level, the pet’s health is fully restored). We recommend visiting the stable keeper more often so that your pets are always cheerful and cheerful, so that they do not die in battle too often, otherwise they will not gain experience for further growth. There are also combat pets with health restoration abilities.

    Strength determines the base damage of your battle pets' abilities in WoW. There are abilities that increase or decrease damage dealt. Damage also depends on the attack type and defense type of your combat pet.

    Speed ​​determines who attacks first each turn. Some pet abilities can change speed either positive or negative. Pets with high speed are recommended to be used to tame other companions to save time and avoid the death of your pet.

    Upgrading battle pets in WoW

    Leveling up battle pets in WoW is quite simple, but it takes a lot of time. You just need to keep beating up enemy combat companions until the experience bar fills up to a new level - then do it all over again. Soon enough, your pet will be able to handle all the living companions in the area - this means that it’s time to change the pet’s leveling zone. The game developers made leveling up pets across locations similar to leveling up a character.

    On this moment A combat pet can only be upgraded to level 25.

    Qualities of tamed pets

    There are 4 qualities of tamed pets that determine their power.


    As you can see, rare pets significantly stronger than pets of low quality or even unusual quality if they are of the same level. Therefore, it is best to look for battle pets of rare quality.

    Why do some pets deal more damage than others? Types of Battle Pets in WoW

    There are the following types of battle pets in WoW: aquatic, animal, beast, dragon, elemental, flying, humanoid, magical, mech, undead.

    A pet of each type can receive both increased damage from another type of pet, and reduced damage from pets of a third type. Conversely, a pet of each type can deal both increased damage to another type of pet and receive increased damage from a third type of pet. Below is a table showing the strengths and weak sides battle pets: Aquatic, Animal, Animal, Dragon, Elemental, Flying, Humanoid, Magic, Mechanism, Undead.

    Types of pets /
    Advantages and disadvantages
    Effective against
    (deals 50% more damage)
    Not effective against
    (deals 33% less damage)
    Weak vs.
    (takes 50% more damage)
    Resistant to
    (takes 33% less damage)
    Water Elemental Magical Flying Undead
    Animal Animal Flying Mechanism Humanoid
    The Dragon Magical Undead Humanoid Flying
    Animal Undead Humanoid Animal Elemental
    Elemental Mechanism Animal Water Mechanism
    Flying Water The Dragon Magical Animal
    Humanoid The Dragon Animal Undead Animal
    Magical Flying Mechanism The Dragon Water
    Mechanism Animal Elemental Elemental Magical
    Undead Humanoid Water Animal The Dragon

    I defeated the pet tamer, what next?

    By defeating experienced pet tamers on all continents, you will be able to access daily pet battle quests on each continent. By defeating every Tamer on every continent, you will receive the Conquest of Azeroth achievement and the “Tamer” reward title.


    Take part in Pokemon pet battles and have fun!

    If we missed something when writing a guide to battle pets in WoW, we ask you to let us know in the comments or through any of the contacts on the site.

    If everything is great, click “Like” and tell your friends about our site. Good luck to you on the battlefields!

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