Home Hygiene How to let go of your pet. Guide to WoW Battle Pets

How to let go of your pet. Guide to WoW Battle Pets

You can finally get rid of your annoying pet only after 60 hours from the moment of its concussion.

Getting rid of zombies

After which the phrase will appear:

● Hero's Diary

From the expression on the pet’s face I suddenly realized that he was also pretty tired of me. The time has come to release the animal into the wild. Goodbye, %pet_name%, I will get a new beast in your honor!

And the hero will search for and tame something new.

Getting rid of a shell-shocked beast

If your pet is already shell-shocked, but the 60 hours to heal him have not yet expired, and you are afraid that your hero will do it on his own, you can prevent him from doing this by melting bricks, sacrificial voices, or regularly sending him to the cities for drinking with an insufficient amount to resurrect the little animal. This method is good for fairly mature pets, level 15 and above. A more radical method of keeping the hero from becoming independent is the death of the hero. You can kill your hero either with a mortal voice, or with lightning fired on red health in a fight with a monster. Remember that after 24 hours your hero will rise from the dead, and if the 60 hours allotted for healing your pet have not yet expired, the procedure will have to be repeated. However, sometimes the shell shock of a very small animal (level 2-3) may not go according to plan. The fact is that occasionally heroes, when resurrected (in any city), can receive a small amount, which, fortunately, can only resurrect a level 1 pet (and it takes a lot of effort to shell-shock one), so you don’t have to be afraid of this money . What could really complicate the procedure is the case when the hero is resurrected not in the nearest city, but in the capital, and at the same time (if there is a temple) receives a round sum of gold, after which he will immediately begin to pray. It is impossible to nail him with lightning or a voice during prayer. The consolation is that resurrection in Godville occurs infrequently, and the issuance of money is even less common.

If everything went well, the following phrase will appear:

● Hero's Diary

It’s a pity, but I didn’t have time to properly heal my pet’s concussion on time, and he somehow recovered on his own. Well, %pet_name%, top places pantheon and levels are now closed to you. On the other hand, who cares about these numbers? But we are together!

Then you can proceed to the steps described in the previous chapter.

After the Mists of Pandaria expansion was released for the WOW game, gamers received a wonderful opportunity tame pets, and this applies not only to wild animals, but also to other animals. Taming a pet in the game is quite easy and does not require much effort. The main thing here is the right approach to the task.

Where to find a pet

Taming a pet begins with you flying around locations, exploring the expanses of Azeroth and looking for a suitable animal. Keep an eye on the mini-map: when a green paw appears on it, which is aimed at the beast, you can safely fly up to it and start attacking. Use your pets for this purpose. From one to three animals can take part in the battle, and do not forget that if the animal is wild, then at any moment its numerous relatives can come running to its aid.

Stages of taming a pet

When the pet that you already have at your disposal begins to attack the animal that you want to tame, you need to carefully monitor the health level of the attacked pet. You can only catch a new pet when one of your battle pets reaches level 3. But at the same time, try to reduce the health level of the new pet you want to tame to at least 35%, otherwise your attempts will not be successful.

When this happens and the combat pet reaches level 3, you will be able to catch the new pet using a trap. The attacked animal must fall into it, but at the same time, the combat pet that attacks the new pet must under no circumstances die. If new pet falls into a trap and the attacker dies, you will have neither one nor the other. For this reason, carefully monitor your health level. battle pet, so that, if necessary, at the right time, replace it with another, healthy pet and save your fighting friend.

How to upgrade your pet

All your pets, including “freshly tamed” ones, need to be pumped up. This can be done quite quickly. For example, you can ask a trainer to teach your pets skills martial art. For example, the pet you caught will have a maximum health level of 35%, and the pet should be pumped up and “restored”. This can be done most effectively if you send your pet to take part in battles. Pet battles resemble a mini-game, and you will have a lot of time to decide on the spell that your ward will need to use.

The pet has three abilities, each of which can be used in battle with its own kind. As your pet advances from one level to another, skills will become available. In addition, each type of pet can have reduced or increased damage from other relatives.

Pets in WoW

But before you understand how to tame a pet in WoW, you should first understand the pets themselves. These creatures were initially available to users as battle comrades or decorative ornaments. The combat ones were tamed mainly through monsters scattered around the world, and the decorative ones are special options that must be purchased for real money or on the game market. I would also like to note that the first variety actively participates in battle, and the second can simply transport your character or serve as decoration.

We will not touch on issues regarding decorations, but will immediately figure out how to tame a battle pet in WoW. To begin with, let’s note their main varieties:

  • Fierce creatures - cause great damage, but have a weak defense indicator.
  • With a high tenacity rating - large pets with the ability to block a large amount of damage.
  • With increased cunning - universal, having an average indicator of basic characteristics.

Therefore, before you tame pets, pay attention to these indicators in order to get the comrade that will be useful to you in adventures and battles.

Subordination process

Now let's directly figure out how to tame a pet in WoW. For this you may find it useful next instruction:

  1. First you need to level up your character to level 10.
  2. After this, you can take a chain of tasks from a specialist teacher in this area.
  3. After you complete a series of tasks, a special spell will become available to you that will allow you to tame pets.
  4. Now you can go in search of your comrade. At first, we recommend stocking up on food that your planned pet eats, otherwise he will quickly lose his mood and immediately leave you. And it’s worth considering that the pet’s level should not be higher than your character’s level.
  5. As soon as all the preparations are ready, all that remains is to find the animal, use the spell and immediately fatten it.

That, in fact, is all you need to know about how to tame a pet in WoW as a hunter. Yes, please note that only the hunter class can use this privilege, but do not rush to get upset, since decorative ones are available to absolutely everyone.

Are there differences in pets?

Once you understand the taming process, you should think about who exactly you need as a comrade. We have already noted differences by class earlier, but do not forget about individual characteristics each pet, as well as their abilities. You can learn more about characteristics from teachers, or you can go on an adventure yourself, exploring each option and choosing the one you need. Remember this feature and try to choose pets strictly according to your needs.

A pet is a separate character who has an inventory, a leveling tree, and other things. interesting features. During the adventure, you will have to carefully study your pets and develop them, simultaneously increasing their combat effectiveness and learning certain skills. We advise you to approach this moment as carefully as possible in order to develop a good comrade in arms. In case of thoughtless pumping, the pet simply will not be able to reveal its personal potential.

Feeding your pet

Now you know how to tame a pet in WoW 3.3.5 and other versions of the game. Yes, our instructions are general character, so it fits any game build. But don’t relax, because now we will try to sort out questions regarding feeding. This is a completely normal and obligatory process of improving the relationship with your pet, which is the basis of obedience. If you do not do this, the pet will lose loyalty and leave your company. You can monitor your trust level using a special icon under your pet’s portrait. If it is green, then everything is fine, if it is red, it means he is annoyed and may run away from you.

To avoid this unpleasant situation, it is enough to feed him various goodies. Each pet eats a certain food, so you should carefully purchase provisions for it. As for places where food is sold, the shops are usually located in the same city where the teachers are. Even though you know how to tame a pet in WoW, this does not relieve you of the responsibility and additional actions with it. Be careful and try to use this knowledge effectively.

Here, in fact, is all the information that will help you figure out how to tame a pet in WoW. Let's add a couple more tips that will ensure you have an enjoyable gaming experience:

  • At every opportunity, develop a friend and try to focus on one direction: a lot of health or high attack.
  • There are improved supplies for pets in World of Warcraft, but they are difficult to obtain. Thanks to them, you can temporarily improve your friend’s abilities.
  • Never use a pet as "cannon fodder", this greatly affects its loyalty, and in case of death it immediately drops to zero.

We hope that our information and advice will be useful and you will achieve success. The game world is very large and expects you to constantly discover something new. A similar definition applies to pets; don’t be afraid to experiment and try to tame only powerful creatures. Have a good game!

Throughout the game, your character is accompanied on endless adventures by your faithful non-combat pets. There are probably dozens of collected companions in your collection that you adore, and you are still continuing to add to your collection. Either way, you love your little critters, robots, birds, and other pets... and Mists of Pandaria brings them to a whole new perspective as battle pets.

This guide is dedicated to combat pets in World of Warcraft.

Where to start?

There are a few requirements that you need to meet before you can start leveling yourself up as a Battle Pet Master in WoW:

1. Your character's level must be above 5.
2. You must learn the spell Battle Pet Training, which will allow you to train and train your battle pets, conduct battles with their participation and track down other pets. Training costs 80 gold and covers the entire account. Battle pet trainers Audrey Burnhep (Stormwind, 69.25) and Varzok (Orgrimmar, 52.58) will help you train your battle pets.
3. You must have at least one combat companion to participate in battles.


The interface for pets and mounts has changed dramatically in the Mists of Pandaria expansion. You can access it by clicking on the corresponding icon on the panel or by pressing the standard key combination SHIFT + P.

By clicking on the “Transport and Pets” button or pressing SHIFT+P, a window with your transport and pets will open.

If you go to the “Pet Atlas” tab, a window will open in front of you where you can see how many pets you have collected, achievement points in pet battles, a special “Resurrection” button for resurrecting and completely healing your pets, and so on.

Forward to battle!

After familiarizing yourself with the interface and selecting the desired companion, it's time to start training. Initiating a battle with another pet couldn't be easier: find a wild battle animal or another player with a battle pet and start the battle. Let's take a closer look at this.

Most easy way Find your pet an opponent for sparring - turn on “Tracking Pets” in the “Tracking” menu next to the mini-map.

If pets are in the character’s visibility range, then corresponding icons with the signature of each pet will appear on the mini-map.

All that remains is to get close to this pet. It will have the same icon above it that was indicated on the mini-map.

Make sure you have a companion activated and click on your chosen victim to initiate the fight.

We wish you good luck in the battles!

Recovery after lost battles

So, you have finished your first battle. Surely your pet is not quite ready for new battle, he needs to recover and patch up his wounds. Of course, you can summon a new pet to another battle, but then how to upgrade the previous one? You definitely need to treat your companion so that he is ready for new battles and improves his skills. You have several ways to restore your battle pet:

  • The “Resurrection” spell - resurrects and fully restores all your pets.
  • Approach any stable keeper and resurrect your companions by paying a small amount for it.
  • Bandages for battle pets - contained in the Bag of goods for pets, which is a reward for completing certain tasks, incl. daily.
  • Taming animals

    As soon as any of your battle pets has reached level 3, you have the opportunity to catch and tame someone else's pet with whom you are fighting.

    Once your pet's enemy health level drops below 35%, you have a chance to tame it by throwing a trap. With each attempt, the chance of successful taming increases by 20%.

    After the battle ends and other related information is displayed, you will see the name of the captured pet and its quality: low, common, unusual, rare.

    Characteristics of battle pets in WoW

    Hints for each of the characteristics explain quite clearly why this or that characteristic is needed.

    Health is perhaps the most important characteristic your battle pet. During the battle, you must carefully monitor the health of your companion. If your pet's health drops to zero, you will no longer be able to use this fighter until you resurrect him. After the battle, all pets that took part in the battle restore a small amount of health (if they are not dead, of course, and if they have not received a new level - with a new level, the pet’s health is fully restored). We recommend visiting the stable keeper more often so that your pets are always cheerful and cheerful, so that they do not die in battle too often, otherwise they will not gain experience for further growth. There are also combat pets with health restoration abilities.

    Strength determines the base damage of your battle pets' abilities in WoW. There are abilities that increase or decrease damage dealt. Damage also depends on the attack type and defense type of your combat pet.

    Speed ​​determines who attacks first each turn. Some pet abilities can change speed either positive or negative. Pets with high speed are recommended to be used to tame other companions to save time and avoid the death of your pet.

    Upgrading battle pets in WoW

    Leveling up battle pets in WoW is quite simple, but it takes a lot of time. You just need to keep beating up enemy combat companions until the experience bar fills up to a new level - then do it all over again. Soon enough, your pet will be able to handle all the living companions in the area - this means that it’s time to change the pet’s leveling zone. The game developers made leveling up pets across locations similar to leveling up a character.

    On this moment A combat pet can only be upgraded to level 25.

    Qualities of tamed pets

    There are 4 qualities of tamed pets that determine their power.


    As you can see, rare pets significantly stronger than pets of low quality or even unusual quality if they are of the same level. Therefore, it is best to look for battle pets of rare quality.

    Why do some pets deal more damage than others? Types of Battle Pets in WoW

    There are the following types of battle pets in WoW: aquatic, animal, beast, dragon, elemental, flying, humanoid, magical, mech, undead.

    A pet of each type can receive both increased damage from another type of pet, and reduced damage from pets of a third type. Conversely, a pet of each type can deal both increased damage to another type of pet and receive increased damage from a third type of pet. Below is a table showing the strengths and weak sides battle pets: Aquatic, Animal, Animal, Dragon, Elemental, Flying, Humanoid, Magic, Mechanism, Undead.

    Types of pets /
    Advantages and disadvantages
    Effective against
    (deals 50% more damage)
    Not effective against
    (deals 33% less damage)
    Weak vs.
    (takes 50% more damage)
    Resistant to
    (takes 33% less damage)
    Water Elemental Magical Flying Undead
    Animal Animal Flying Mechanism Humanoid
    The Dragon Magical Undead Humanoid Flying
    Animal Undead Humanoid Animal Elemental
    Elemental Mechanism Animal Water Mechanism
    Flying Water The Dragon Magical Animal
    Humanoid The Dragon Animal Undead Animal
    Magical Flying Mechanism The Dragon Water
    Mechanism Animal Elemental Elemental Magical
    Undead Humanoid Water Animal The Dragon

    I defeated the pet tamer, what next?

    By defeating experienced pet tamers on all continents, you will be able to access daily pet battle quests on each continent. By defeating every Tamer on every continent, you will receive the Conquest of Azeroth achievement and the “Tamer” reward title.


    Take part in Pokemon pet battles and have fun!

    If we missed something when writing a guide to battle pets in WoW, we ask you to let us know in the comments or through any of the contacts on the site.

    If everything is great, click “Like” and tell your friends about our site. Good luck to you on the battlefields!

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