Home Wisdom teeth The grandson of Tsar Nicholas II was found near Astrakhan. Grandchildren of Nicholas II Children grandchildren great grandchildren of Nicholas II

The grandson of Tsar Nicholas II was found near Astrakhan. Grandchildren of Nicholas II Children grandchildren great grandchildren of Nicholas II

On the occasion of the centenary of the October Revolution, on October 25, 2017, perhaps the most scandalous film of recent years, “Matilda” by Alexei Uchitel, will be released on Russian screens. The creators of the film have already called it “the main historical blockbuster of the year.”

The film tells the story of the dizzying romance of one of the brightest couples in world history: the future Emperor Nicholas II and the star of His Majesty the Imperial Theaters, ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya.

Despite the fact that the premiere is not soon, the first trailer for “Matilda” has already appeared online. Luxurious outfits, magnificent halls and frank scenes of not at all platonic love with the participation of a young ballerina and Tsarevich Nicholas.

It was these shots that caused a storm of indignation among Orthodox activists of the “Royal Cross”. Believers were outraged that the Teacher was defaming the memory of the saint (in 2000, Nicholas II and his family were recognized as passion-bearers).

Then deputy Natalya Poklonskaya added fuel to the fire, declaring that she “wouldn’t even get dirty watching” the tape.

The heirs of the Royal House of Romanov did not pay any attention to the conflict, but the descendants of Matilda Kshesinskaya were very concerned about the release of the provocative film.

The film will probably be good, considering that the director is good,” the ballerina’s great-great-grandson Konstantin Sevenard shared with Komsomolskaya Pravda - Nizhny Novgorod. - But the problem is that the film ends with the coronation of Nicholas, and the authors claim that this is where the relationship between Matilda and Nicholas ends. But we, Matilda Feliksovna’s relatives, have completely different information. And we want the whole truth about Matilda Kshesinskaya and Nicholas II to finally become known by the 100th anniversary of the dramatic revolutionary events.

Excursion into history

But let's start in order. The first time the young Tsarevich Nicholas saw Matilda was at her final exam at the Imperial Theater School. Matilda, an expressive 18-year-old beauty with an amazingly thin waist, was dressed that evening in a soft blue suit decorated with lilies of the valley. Then, on March 23, 1890, the entire imperial family, headed by Alexander III, came to the school for the final performance.

Of all the graduates, the tsar singled out Kshesinskaya, who shone on stage in “an expressive dance full of sly coquetry.”

When Kshesinskaya was introduced to the sovereign, he extended his hand to her, uttering fateful words for her:

Be the decoration and glory of our ballet.

After the reception, the school students and the royal family went to the dining room. Alexander III invited Kshesinskaya to sit next to him, and as if deliberately seated his son Nicholas next to her. It was this evening that became a turning point in the lives of both.

“I don’t remember what we talked about, but I immediately fell in love with the Heir,” Matilda later wrote in her diaries. - Just like now, I see his blue eyes with such a kind expression. When I said goodbye to the Heir, who sat next to me throughout the dinner, we looked at each other differently than when we met: a feeling of attraction had already crept into his soul, as well as into mine, although we were not aware of it .

According to the memoirs of Kshesinskaya herself, passionate meetings between lovers began only two years later, in 1892.

Nikolai himself described his attitude towards the ballerina quite simply:

Little Kshesinskaya fascinates me positively...

However, the short-lived happiness of the lovers soon came to an end: in 1894, Nicholas II became engaged to the German princess Alice of Hesse. The future last emperor of Russia breaks off his romance with the brilliant Kshesinskaya and plunges into family life and state affairs.

Heartbroken by separation, Matilda, however, soon finds solace in the arms of another member of the royal family - Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich, and later marries Grand Duke Andrei Vladimirovich. From him she gives birth to her only child - son Vladimir.

On the night of July 17, 1918, Nikolai and his entire family will be shot in the basement of the Ipatiev House in Yekaterinburg. After the bloody massacre, not a single heir of the last Russian emperor remained alive.

In any case, that's what the official version says.

The last daughter of Nicholas II

Almost immediately after the tragic events of the summer of 1918, in different parts of the world, like mushrooms after rain, the false children of Nikolai and Alexandra, who had escaped execution, began to appear. In total, history has known 28 false Olgas, 33 false Tatyans, 53 false Maris, 34 false Anastasies and 81 false Alexeis. In addition to them, the supposedly secret daughters of the imperial couple also tried to achieve recognition and “regain their rights.”

However, later historians timidly began to suggest that the last emperor might indeed have left heirs. But not from his missus, but from a completely different woman. Since the tsar was not distinguished by his wild character and love of love, the only “suspect” was Matilda Kshesinskaya. Those who like to get to the bottom of the truth decided that the “last daughter of the emperor” could be Tselina Kshesinskaya, who is still considered the niece of the famous ballerina. For many years there was not a single confirmation of this version, until...

... On the eve of the New Year, a descendant of the Honored Artist of His Majesty of the Imperial Theaters, Konstantin Sevenard, arrived in Nizhny Novgorod. According to all documents, he is the great-grandson of Joseph Kshesinsky, the brother of Matilda Feliksovna. It is believed that it was Joseph Kshesinsky who gave birth to his daughter Tselina in 1911. The girl married Konstantin Sevenard and bore him three children: Lydia, Yuri and Fedor. None of them doubted their origin. Only in the late 80s, one of Tselina’s grandchildren, Konstantin Sevenard, by the will of fate, lifted the veil of family secrets and legends of Matilda Kshesinskaya.

According to Kshesinskaya’s descendants, in this photo Matilda is trying to hide her rounded belly. Photo:

And now, in Nizhny Novgorod, in the family photo archive of the ballerina’s descendants, Konstantin Sevenard discovered several extremely important photographs. It is they, according to Sevenard, who are capable of upending the prevailing ideas about the royal family. Konstantin Yuryevich met with Komsomolskaya Pravda and showed historical photographs.

This photo was taken in 1911. As you can see, Matilda Feliksovna is far from in ballet form,” Konstantin Sevenard points to the ballerina’s noticeably rounded tummy. - And here, for example, is another photograph taken later that year. Here we see the already built Matilda. Look, she is standing next to the stroller and looking tenderly at little sleeping Tselina. We believe that these photographs fully prove the fact that Matilda Feliksovna gave birth to a daughter in the summer of 1911. But from whom?

According to Kshesinskaya’s descendants, this photograph fully proves that in the summer of 1911 Kshesinskaya gave birth to a daughter. Photo: From the personal archive of the publication’s hero

Hot autumn of 1910

To answer this question, you need to travel back almost 30 years ago, to perestroika Leningrad, where in 1987 a general renovation was carried out in the former mansion of Matilda Kshesinskaya.

Then the builders found Matilda Feliksovna’s diaries, which were not previously known to the public,” Konstantin Sevenard begins his story. “I haven’t seen these diaries myself, but the people who managed to read them told me something that fundamentally changes the view of the history of our state.

You know, throughout her career in Tsarist Russia, prima ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater Matilda more than once turned to her former lover, Nicholas II, for help in resolving theatrical intrigues. The correspondence between them never completely stopped. Nicholas, together with his wife Alexandra Feodorovna (Princess Alice received this name when she converted to Orthodoxy), even attended performances in which Kshesinskaya danced. These are all known facts. But we never knew that Nikolai and Matilda met in person after 1894. And this happened at least twice.

Matilda Feliksovna and Nikolai met for the first time in October 1910. Moreover, the emperor himself insisted on the meeting. The situation in Russia was already extremely tense, and his position was becoming increasingly precarious. Moreover, Nicholas II was a man who believed in mystical predictions. According to one of these predictions, he and his entire family were destined for martyrdom. Of course, the emperor, as a statesman, was already thinking about the future of himself and his country. After much thought, he came to the decision to leave behind another heir, but outside the royal family.

According to Kshesinskaya’s descendants, Tselina is the daughter of Matilda and Nicholas II. Photo: From the personal archive of the publication’s hero

Naturally, the only woman, besides Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, from whom the Tsar would like to have an heir was his beloved Matilda. The October meeting ended with their closeness. And, oh happiness! Matilda Feliksovna became pregnant. In July 1911, Matilda gave birth to a girl. But it was unacceptable to keep the baby - there would be gossip. And she gave the baby to the care of her brother Joseph and his wife.

Secret marriage in Tsarskoe Selo

After 6 years, the situation in the country reached a boiling point. Failures in the First World War and, as a consequence, dissatisfaction of the country's inhabitants with the emperor personally led to mass protests by Petrograd workers and soldiers of the Petrograd garrison in February 1917. The February Revolution led to the overthrow of the monarchy. On March 2, Nicholas II abdicated the throne. The now former emperor was arrested by the Provisional Government in Tsarskoye Selo, where he and his entire family remained in prison until August of that year.

In April 1917, Matilda ensured that she was allowed to visit the imperial family in Tsarskoe Selo, supposedly to give them gifts for Easter,” Konstantin Sevenard’s voice becomes firmer. “She succeeded only because Prince Lvov (chairman of the Provisional Government - author’s note) was an ardent admirer of ballet and Matilda Feliksovna in particular. On that day, the marriage of Nikolai and Alexandra Fedorovna was dissolved in the Tsarskoe Selo church. Almost immediately, in the same church, Nikolai and Kshesinskaya were married.

Again, in this situation, Nikolai was guided primarily by state interests. In the spring of 1917, the imperial family still had a chance to flee abroad. But for this, Nicholas needed to guarantee that after him there would be no heirs left who could lay claim to the throne. Having debunked Alice, he thereby deprived their common children of the right of succession to the throne.

And the marriage with Kshesinskaya was concluded in order to make her and their common daughter Tselina (about whom the Provisional Government did not know) the heir.

5 thousand tons of gold of the Royal crown

- Is there any documentary evidence of what you just said? I mean, except for the unpublished diaries of Matilda Feliksovna.

Certainly! – Konstantin Yurievich answers with a confident smile. – I personally saw the originals of all these documents. And a couple more very important papers.

Here is how it was. In 1989, I went to Poland with my classmates on an excursion to Gdansk.

After it, I decided to get to Warsaw, to visit the Krasinski family crypt (according to family legend, the Kshesinski family originates from the Polish counts Krasinski - author's note), - Konstantin Sevenard continues with a sparkle in his eyes. “I quickly found a crypt at the cemetery: we had photographs of it at home. I went inside. In a cold room, I sat down on a massive marble bench. Suddenly I realized that the slab on top of the bench was poorly secured. On a whim, I lifted this slab and saw that the bench was hollow inside. The thought immediately flashed through that this was a clever hiding place. I climbed inside and felt for several pieces of paper. Carefully, almost without breathing, he took them out and gasped. Directly above lay the Decree of Nicholas II, certified by his personal signature.

-What kind of decree was this?

About succession to the throne. In it, Nikolai admitted that there was no renunciation. In addition, in it he bequeaths the inheritance of the throne and property to His Serene Highness Princess Romanovskaya-Krasinskaya (this title belonged to Kshesinskaya - author's note) and her direct heirs in the male and female lines.

Under the decree was a church document concluding an alliance between Nicholas and Matilda, dated April 1917. Below it is the confession of Tselina’s daughter.

But the surprises didn't end there for me. At the very bottom were two certificates from the National Reserve Bank of the United States of America for a deposit of 5 thousand tons of gold at 6%.

- What exactly was said in these certificates?

They were compiled in two languages: Russian and English. One certificate was for a deposit of 3200 tons of gold, the other for 1800 tons. The certificate stated that this was Nikolai’s personal contribution (not state!) for a period of 110 years. After this, only direct descendants of Nicholas can dispose of the gold. The contribution was made in 1913. It turns out that the non-refundable period ends in 2023.

It was also stated in the certificates that Nicholas’ heirs could at any time withdraw interest in the form of any equipment and weapons produced in the USA. In addition, the documents strictly stipulated the conditions under which the bank must immediately return the deposit with huge interest.

- For example?

For example, if the US does not go to war with Japan, if Japan attacks Russia.

-Did you take these documents?

I could not take them from the crypt: firstly, because due to time and improper storage conditions, many papers literally crumbled at the slightest movement. Secondly, it would cause me a lot of trouble. I also didn’t have a camera to take even pictures.

Upon returning from Poland to Leningrad, I called the Leningrad KGB department and reported the discovery. I also asked them to make copies of the documents and give them to me, but this request was never fulfilled.

News from emigration

- Has Kshesinskaya never tried to tell her heirs the whole truth about their origins over many years?

Matilda Feliksovna tried several times to contact her descendants, but letters coming from her were immediately torn up. You see, our parents thought that a connection with such a person as Kshesinskaya would cause them a lot of trouble. But Matilda was persistent: in 1961, when she was already 90 years old, she sailed by boat to Odessa to see her grandchildren in person. But, imagine, at the port they didn’t even allow her to get off the ship!

But Kshesinskaya did not give up: she decided to leave an envelope with a letter and copies of all documents for posterity. It was given to me in the same 1989.

- Amazing coincidence!

At that time, I traveled a lot as part of various student delegations. Almost immediately after our trip to Poland we went to Antwerp. Baroness Anna de Casterlet accompanied us there as an interpreter. One day we got into a conversation, and the baroness told me that in her youth she attended Matilda Kshesinskaya’s ballet classes in Paris. When Anna found out that I was a descendant of Matilda Feliksovna, she convinced me to go to Paris. Like, important news awaits me there.

Having collected money, I went to Paris. There, on the eve of departure, I saw Prince Meshchersky at his luxurious estate in the southwest of the capital.

The prince gave me an envelope with a letter from Matilda and copies of all those documents that, by the will of fate, I had already seen in Warsaw.

Unfortunately, at the beginning of 1990, my apartment in Leningrad was robbed. Almost nothing of value was missing, except for that same envelope with all the papers...

Genetic examination

- And what do you intend to do now? As far as I understand, you are convinced that you are the direct heir of the last Russian emperor. But this is quite easy to check.

Of course, this is why my father, Yuri Konstantinovich Sevenard - the son of Tselina Kshesinskaya - in November donated a DNA sample to the Institute of General Genetics. Vavilova. Geneticists will compare it with the DNA sample of Nicholas II. And then, I hope, everything will fall into place.

The story told by the great-grandson of Matilda Kshesinskaya looks more like a brilliant script for another Hollywood biopic. It has everything: the tragic personality of Nicholas II, a secret and forbidden marriage with a brilliant ballerina, an illegitimate heiress to the crown, thousands of tons of gold taken out of the country, a whole detective story with a search for secret documents, hidden diaries, crypts and robberies. Perhaps this would be more than enough for more than one film. And it doesn’t even matter that there are a number of inconsistencies in the story. For example, it is almost incredible to imagine that documents of almost global importance were hidden in a rickety bench, where they could easily be found by a passerby. Or here’s another thing: the seemingly unrealistic amounts that Nikolai allegedly took out of the country right on the eve of the devastating First World War. Why, at the very time when Russia was literally starving, did he calmly store 5 thousand tons of gold in the USA? By the way, the entire gold reserve of the country at the beginning of the war was 1311 tons of gold and the Russian Empire ranked first in the world in this indicator!

Be that as it may, time and genetic testing (if it takes place) will put everything in its place. But who knows, maybe very soon Russia will still hear about the descendants of the last Tsar Nicholas II and the glory of Russian ballet Matilda Kshesinskaya.


Fyodor Drozdov, candidate of historical sciences:

The fact that Nikolai had a relationship with Matilda Kshesinskaya is a fact. But it’s difficult to talk about their connection after Nikolai’s marriage to Alexandra Fedorovna: even if they saw each other, it was all done as secretly as possible.

But, excuse me, I will never believe that Nicholas in Tsarskoye Selo bequeathed the throne to his illegitimate daughter, whose origins will still have to be proven. Moreover, in the Russian Empire, the priority right of succession to the throne has always been through the male line. Let me also remind you that Nicholas abdicated the throne both for himself and for his son Alexei.

Now regarding the personal contribution of Nicholas II to the US National Reserve Bank. Undoubtedly, some capital of the royal family exists abroad. By the way, the false children of the emperor had laid claim to them before. But it is impossible to imagine such a colossal private contribution. Five thousand tons of gold is no longer private, but public volumes!

What makes the whole story unreal is that the most important historical documents were found in the cemetery. This kind of thing could only happen in some exciting film.

Nevertheless, Kshesinskaya’s descendants may well verify their relationship with Nicholas II. But I think, most likely, the “heirs of the last emperor” will turn out to be ordinary scammers who just wanted to get PR.

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The descendants of Matilda Kshesinskaya revealed the secrets of their family to Komsomolskaya Pravda. Roman IGNATIEV

Nicholas II (Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov), eldest son of Emperor Alexander III and Empress Maria Feodorovna, was born May 18 (May 6, old style) 1868 in Tsarskoe Selo (now the city of Pushkin, Pushkin district of St. Petersburg).

Immediately after his birth, Nikolai was included in the lists of several guards regiments and appointed chief of the 65th Moscow Infantry Regiment. The future tsar spent his childhood within the walls of the Gatchina Palace. Nikolai began regular homework at the age of eight.

In December 1875 He received his first military rank - ensign, in 1880 he was promoted to second lieutenant, and four years later he became a lieutenant. In 1884 Nikolai entered active military service, in July 1887 year began regular military service in the Preobrazhensky Regiment and was promoted to staff captain; in 1891 Nikolai received the rank of captain, and a year later - colonel.

To get acquainted with government affairs since May 1889 he began to attend meetings of the State Council and the Committee of Ministers. IN October 1890 year went on a trip to the Far East. In nine months, Nikolai visited Greece, Egypt, India, China, and Japan.

IN April 1894 The engagement of the future emperor to Princess Alice of Darmstadt-Hesse, daughter of the Grand Duke of Hesse, granddaughter of Queen Victoria of England, took place. After converting to Orthodoxy, she took the name Alexandra Feodorovna.

November 2 (October 21, old style) 1894 Alexander III died. A few hours before his death, the dying emperor obliged his son to sign the Manifesto on his accession to the throne.

The coronation of Nicholas II took place May 26 (14 old style) 1896. On the thirtieth (18 old style) May 1896, during the celebration of the coronation of Nicholas II in Moscow, a stampede occurred on Khodynka Field in which more than a thousand people died.

The reign of Nicholas II took place in an atmosphere of growing revolutionary movement and complicating foreign policy situation (Russian-Japanese War of 1904-1905; Bloody Sunday; revolution of 1905-1907; World War I; February Revolution of 1917).

Influenced by a strong social movement in favor of political change, October 30 (17 old style) 1905 Nicholas II signed the famous manifesto “On the Improvement of State Order”: the people were granted freedom of speech, press, personality, conscience, meetings, and unions; The State Duma was created as a legislative body.

The turning point in the fate of Nicholas II was 1914- Beginning of the First World War. August 1 (July 19, old style) 1914 Germany declared war on Russia. IN August 1915 year, Nicholas II assumed military command (previously, this position was held by Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich). Afterwards, the tsar spent most of his time at the headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief in Mogilev.

At the end of February 1917 Unrest began in Petrograd, which grew into mass protests against the government and the dynasty. The February Revolution found Nicholas II at headquarters in Mogilev. Having received news of the uprising in Petrograd, he decided not to make concessions and to restore order in the city by force, but when the scale of the unrest became clear, he abandoned this idea, fearing great bloodshed.

At midnight March 15 (2 old style) 1917 In the salon carriage of the imperial train, which stood on the tracks at the Pskov railway station, Nicholas II signed an act of abdication, transferring power to his brother Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich, who did not accept the crown.

March 20 (7 old style) 1917 The Provisional Government issued an order for the arrest of the Tsar. On the twenty-second (9th old style) March 1917, Nicholas II and his family were arrested. For the first five months they were under guard in Tsarskoe Selo, in August 1917 they were transported to Tobolsk, where the Romanovs spent eight months.

At first 1918 The Bolsheviks forced Nicholas to remove his colonel's shoulder straps (his last military rank), which he perceived as a grave insult. In May of this year, the royal family was transported to Yekaterinburg, where they were placed in the house of mining engineer Nikolai Ipatiev.

On the night of July 17 (4 old) 1918 and Nicholas II, Tsarina, their five children: daughters - Olga (1895), Tatiana (1897), Maria (1899) and Anastasia (1901), son - Tsarevich, heir to the throne Alexei (1904) and several close associates (11 people in total) , . The shooting took place in a small room on the ground floor of the house; the victims were taken there under the pretext of evacuation. The Tsar himself was shot at point-blank range by the commandant of the Ipatiev House, Yankel Yurovsky. The bodies of the dead were taken outside the city, doused with kerosene, they tried to burn them, and then buried them.

At the beginning of 1991 The first application was submitted to the city prosecutor's office about the discovery of bodies near Yekaterinburg that showed signs of violent death. After many years of research into the remains discovered near Yekaterinburg, a special commission came to the conclusion that they are indeed the remains of nine Nicholas II and his family. In 1997 They were solemnly buried in the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg.

In 2000 Nicholas II and members of his family were canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church.

On October 1, 2008, the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation recognized the last Russian Tsar Nicholas II and members of his family as victims of illegal political repression and rehabilitated them.

Enotayevets from Chechnya is sure that he is a descendant of the Romanovs

A man will appear in the Astrakhan region calling himself the grandson of Nicholas II. Legends that the children of the last Russian emperor managed to avoid execution in 1918 still haunt minds. Over the past hundred years, historians have counted about 230 “royal children” who appeared in different parts of the world. Some of them continue to seek the return of their “legitimate name” or even the Russian imperial crown.


Unusual request

This story began a couple of years ago, when Nazhmudin Musaev, a resident of the village of Vladimirovka, approached the registry office in the Enotaevsky district with an unusual request. The man stated that he wants to completely change his first name, last name and patronymic to Nikolai Alekseevich Romanov. He explained the reason for such a strange request simply: “I am the grandson of Nicholas II.” According to the Enotaevets, by changing his last name, he will fulfill the last will of his father, Tsarevich Alexei, the only son of the last Russian emperor.

Despite the unusual nature of the request, civil registry office employees sent the requests necessary to change the surname to the villager’s place of birth. But even after so many months, Nazhmudin Musaev is still not Romanov. Because of bureaucratic delays.

“The fact is that Musaev’s place of birth is another state (Kyrgyzstan - “KK”),” Anna Protopopova, head of the civil registry office of the Astrakhan region for the Enotaevsky district, told us. – We have sent all the necessary requests. But we still haven't received a response. We wait.

Only after collecting all the necessary documents will Nazhmudin Musaev be able to write an application to change his name, surname and patronymic. In it he will have to indicate the reason for his decision.

The rescue Tsarevich

“Nazhmudin himself is a native of Chechnya, but he and his large family have been living in our village for about 20 years,” Iraida Tsai, the head of the Vladimir village council, told us about him. – So he can rightfully be called an Astrakhan resident.
In February last year, while in Grozny, he and his brother Sesbek took part in a press conference, where he spoke in detail about the secret of his origin.

According to Enotaevets, Tsarevich Alexei, heir to the Russian throne, managed to avoid execution in July 1918.

“Loyal people from the guard of Nicholas II, to whom the emperor gave several gold coins and jewelry with precious stones, helped arrange the escape of my father, Tsarevich Alexei,” said Nazhmudin. “They took him out of town on horseback. Then he went on his own.

The boy was forced to live with the gypsies and lead a wandering life. So he got first to Ukraine, and then to Chechnya. The Chechens always helped fugitive Cossacks and soldiers, so Alexei hoped that the mountaineers would help him too.


According to the story of the Musaev brothers, in the spring of 1919, 14-year-old Alexei Romanov reached the village of Shali. He was not afraid that he would be recognized as a man of noble birth: during the journey he was very tired and had an unkempt appearance.

The Chechens agreed to help the teenager. A resident of the village of Chechen-Aul, Mus Musaev, took Alexey to the Vedeno district and hid him with his relatives in the village of Zaozernoye, introducing him as his son from his second wife. So Alexey received a new name - Musost. Over time, he learned the Chechen language, national customs, and began to profess Islam. He later married and had four sons: Baudin, Sesbek, Abu and the younger Najmudin.

“I remember my father well,” said the raccoon’s elder brother, Sesbek. “He always amazed me with his upbringing and manners. My father never sat down at the table without laying out a napkin; he wore his beard in the Cossack manner, dividing it in half. This behavior was not typical for local residents. We were also surprised by the fact that in his native (as we believed) Chechen language, my father spoke with an accent, sometimes stumbling over some words.

“Also, my father never bothered with work,” added Nazhmudin. “Periodically, I would go somewhere for two weeks, a month, and return with money. At that time, we lived well, and the family was never in need. When asked where he was, he answered that he went to visit his houses and possessions. When the father became very ill, he called his eldest son to him and said: “I have kept an important secret all my life and was waiting for the day when I could tell about it. My life was spent in fear. I was afraid that this secret would harm you, my children. But now, I cannot allow this secret to go with me, since I had to fulfill the dying will of the last tsar and not allow the Romanov family to perish. I am the son of Nicholas II, the last Russian emperor.” And he spoke four foreign languages. In 1986, our father died. The older brothers, with whom my father spoke most of all about his origins, also passed away. And now we, the remaining sons, need to fulfill what our father bequeathed to us - to prove that we are descendants of the Romanovs!

To Japan!

Nazhmudin Musaev cites external resemblance to Tsarevich Alexei and the “royal disease” – hemophilia – as evidence of belonging to the royal dynasty. Enotayevets agrees to DNA testing. To do this, he is even ready to go to Japan, where in the museum of the city of Otsu a pillow and a large handkerchief with drops of the Russian emperor’s blood are kept, left after 1881, when a Japanese fanatic hit the visiting Nikolai Romanov on the head with a saber.

To raise money for a long trip, Nazhmudin Musaev resorted to the help of social networks.

“I, Musaev Nazhmudin Musostovich, was born on August 17, 1957 in the village of Dzhilanda, Uzgen district, Osh region, Kyrgyz USSR,” he writes in “Odnoklassniki” in the group “Romanovs, unite!” – I officially declare that I am the natural grandson of the last Russian Emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov, who was executed in 1918. In order to legally substantiate my application, I appeal to all people, organizations, and states truly interested in historical truth to help me financially and organizationally in conducting an independent examination to identify my DNA and my grandfather, Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov, whose blood is in Japan, in Otsu City Museum.

Unfortunately, during the preparation of this issue, Nazhmudin Musaev was not in the Astrakhan region - he went to stay in the Chechen Republic for a while. Therefore, we were not able to communicate with him personally. But we hope that after his arrival he will tell you how his preparations for his trip to the Land of the Rising Sun are going.

80 crown princes Alekseev showed up after the execution of the royal family

Here are just the most famous of them:

Alexey Putsyato

He appeared several months after the execution of the royal family in the Siberian village of Kosh-Agach, after which he went to Omsk, wanting to introduce himself directly to Admiral Kolchak. According to Putsyato, he managed to jump out of the train on which the royal family was being taken into exile and hide with “loyal people.” Soon he was exposed by Pierre Gillard, the crown prince’s teacher.

Vasily Filatov

He assured that after the execution he managed to get out of the mine and escape with the help of his Red Army brothers, who secretly sympathized with the family of the former tsar. His children still actively defend his identity with the Tsarevich and demand the return of their “legitimate” surname.

Eino Tammet

The applicant is of Estonian origin. According to his version, he fled while the bodies of the royal family were being transported to the mine, since, according to a secret plan drawn up in advance, Yurovsky, who shot at the crown prince, used blank charges. He was handed over to be raised by the Veerman family, who were “distantly related” to some of the courtiers. Emigrated to Canada. His children continue to seek the return of the mythical royal deposits and lay claim to the Russian crown.

Nikolay Dalsky

He claimed that under the name of the cook Sednev, the nephew of the Tsar’s cook, he was taken out of the Ipatiev House with the consent of Yurovsky. Subsequently, the rescued boy was transported to Suzdal and given up to be raised by a family whose son had recently died. There he was “miraculously cured of hemophilia,” received the surname Dalsky and became an officer in the Red Army.

Latest news from the Astrakhan region on the topic:
The grandson of Tsar Nicholas II was found near Astrakhan

The grandson of Tsar Nicholas II was found near Astrakhan- Astrakhan

An Enotayevets from Chechnya is sure that he is a descendant of the Romanovs. A man will appear in the Astrakhan region calling himself the grandson of Nicholas II.
13:35 04/09/2014 Kaspy.Info

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The teacher's son claims that he is the grandson of Nicholas II
And requires genetic testing
Sensational statements were made at a press conference in St. Petersburg. Independent experts confirm the identity of Tsarevich Alexei Romanov and geography teacher Vasily Ksenofontovich Filatov, who died in 1988. The next version of the miraculous rescue is outlined in the collection “The Rescue of Tsarevich Alexei” presented at the press conference. MIKHAIL Y-BERG reports.

Vasily Filatov's son, Oleg, is the spitting image of Nicholas II. Except that, unlike Nikolai, he is an albino and an absolute blond. No less surprising is the portrait resemblance of Filatov’s daughters Olga, Irina and Nadezhda to members of the Romanov family - Empress Maria Feodorovna, Grand Duchess Ksenia Alexandrovna and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. It is enough to compare the portraits to be convinced of the no less impressive similarity between their father, Vasily Filatov, and Alexei Romanov.
A handwriting examination of the letters of Alexey Romanov and Vasily Filatov confirms: “The examined notes should be considered with a very high degree of reliability to have been made by the same person.”
In addition, supporters of the new version answer a fundamental question: how could a teenager suffering from hemophilia survive the execution and live safely for another seventy years? There are cases where patients with hemophilia live for a very long time. They can have children, but usually in old age. The Filatovs' first child, son Oleg, was born in 1953, when his father was 49 years old. Vasily Filatov never consulted a doctor, but had a military ID with an exemption from military service under an article that includes blood diseases.
In support of the version of the rescue of Tsarevich Alexei, who lived most of his life under the name Vasily Filatov, experts cite the memories of witnesses about him as a person who experienced a number of severe physical trials as a teenager. In particular, Filatov had monoparesis of the muscles of his left leg: the foot of the right leg was size 42, the left – 40, the left leg was shorter than the right. It is known that Alexei Romanov’s left leg, injured in 1912, after severe internal hemorrhage, suffered temporary “death of nerves” and lost sensitivity.
The coincidences don't end there. Recorded in parish documents as the son of a shoemaker, Vasily Filatov, who received a very poor Soviet education and worked all his life as a geography teacher in a provincial school, knew several European languages, played many musical instruments and taught his children music using digital methods. This is exactly how music was taught to children in the family of the last Russian emperor.

Rescue of the prince: version
The authors of the new version cannot do without the epithet “wonderful”. Miraculously, Alexey manages to survive the execution; it’s hard to call it anything other than miraculous is the fact that he, still alive, was placed on a truck along with the bodies of the rest of the royal family, and, of course, only a miracle helped him get out from under the piled corpses when the truck stopped stuck in the mud.
Alexey was allegedly helped by two security soldiers, the Strekotin brothers from the outer guard of the Ipatiev House, as well as an atmosphere of haste, which forced the “firing” team to make mistake after mistake. From July 4 to July 9, 1918, the White Czechs and Kolchakites developed an offensive against Yekaterinburg, where Nicholas II and his family were kept in the house of engineer Ipatiev. There was no time left to observe even the appearance of formalities, and on July 14, at a meeting of the presidium of the executive committee of the Urals Council, Chairman F. Goloshchekin proposed “to liquidate the former Tsar Nikolai Romanov and his family, as well as his employees.” A corresponding resolution is immediately adopted, and Yakov Yurovsky is appointed responsible for the entire procedure, and he is given a deadline for execution - no later than July 18.

What happened next is all too well known. Eleven members of the royal family and servants who refused to leave them were taken to the basement and, after the sentence was read out quickly, they were shot. However, the execution did not go at all as planned. After two or three salvos, the cramped, unventilated room was filled with powder gases. They fired cartridges filled with both smokeless and black smoky powder, and the mixture of their gases is very caustic. The executioners had to urgently leave the premises, having spent less than half the cartridges and without being able to verify which of those shot was dead and which was still alive. They shot again only at those who sat down or stood up. Those shot were quickly dragged into a truck, whose engine was running and drowned out the noise of the shooting. Thus, there could have been people still alive in the back of the truck.
Another circumstance disrupted the execution. Almost immediately the fact of looting was discovered. In order to take away the valuables from the looters and return the loot, Yurovsky was forced to collect them in one of the rooms on the top floor of the house. For this purpose, a short break of five to ten minutes was taken. During these few minutes, external guard shooter Andrei Strekotin continued to search the bodies of the executed.
Oleg Filatov, according to his father, claims that the Strekotin brothers decided to help Alexey the day before. Therefore, Andrei Strekotin certifies the death of the prince, who was in fact still breathing.
“At night, everyone was taken to the basement, sat on chairs and began to shoot. The Romanovs had corsets made of diamonds, sewn in case of escape. The bullets flew off, the whole room sparkled, and this sight horrified the shooters. The Tsar fell on the boy. It was decided to take everyone to the forest and finish there. The boy was hit on the head, he woke up when he fell from the truck into the mud. He was wrapped in a bag and heard a drunken altercation and the voice of one of the guards: “Leave him alone, he’s dead anyway.” It was dark, the boy managed to crawl through a little, free himself from the bag and hobble a few tens of meters along the rails. They found him, drove him into a pit with bayonets and threw a grenade there.
Father told us about further events on his own behalf. The pit was shallow; the switchwoman discovered the wounded boy, who had no living space on him, and called for help. Two people, “Uncle Sasha” and “Uncle Andrey,” pulled him out of the pit and took him to Shadrinsk (Chelyabinsk region). There, in the house where the shoemaker and his brothers lived, the boy was taken out, but he remained an orphan and a cripple. They carefully concealed him, gave him a different name and changed his date of birth - from 1904 to 1907."

Koptyakovskaya road
Even the most benevolent reader has a lot of questions. Under what bridge was the prince hiding, who was not only a hemophiliac, had difficulty moving, and was also seriously injured?
The route of a truck loaded with the bodies of those executed through the Verkh-Isetsky plant to the Koptyakovskaya road has been described repeatedly. The truck stopped more than once on the bad road. The engine of the one and a half ton Fiat overheated, and the car, stuck in the mud, had to be partially or completely unloaded during stops. Thus, Edward Radzinsky describes a stop at railway crossing #184. However, from this crossing to the Shartash station there are at least 15 km. There was no way a sick and seriously wounded teenager could overcome such a distance in two or three night hours.
However, two paths led from Ipatiev’s house to the Koptyakovskaya road. The first was across the dam of the city pond, there was a guard stationed here. But a block downstream of the Iset there was a small bridge. Next to it is a railway line from a mechanical plant leading to the Rezhevsky plant. It is about four kilometers to the Shartash station. Alexey, according to the authors of the new investigation, could cover these distances in two hours. And at the Shartash station the next morning, the Strekotin brothers found Alexey and took him 230 km to Shadrinsk.
But how could it be that the “firing” team did not discover the disappearance of two bodies? Experts believe that the loss was established, but no one thought about escape then. They only grabbed it in the morning. A search group sent from near Koptyakov by Yurovsky arrived at the “special purpose house” and reported the disappearance of two bodies. This is how one can interpret an indistinct phrase from the notes of Yakov Yurovsky, who reports that he “reported to his superiors that everything was not going well.”

"These Khanty-Mansi treated me"
"Unfortunately" here means the loss of two corpses. This explains the delay of half a day at the burial site - Yurovsky sends Red Army soldiers to search and waits for the results. But the missing Alexey and one of the princesses were not found. Things are taking a dangerous turn. Yurovsky sets up outposts and goes to the city with a report. The city makes a decision: burn all the remaining corpses in order to hide the loss of two bodies from the leadership. This explains the return to the original burial site and the removal of bodies from the mine. The delivery of kerosene and sulfuric acid is urgently organized. However, the corpses smoked, hissed, but did not burn. Then they decided to bury the remains of the Romanovs somewhere. They put the bodies in the truck and drove onto the Koptyakovskaya road, but not far from the crossing in a swampy lowland the car skidded in the mud. They brought boards from the railway guard's house at the crossing and with difficulty pushed the truck out of the resulting swampy hole. And suddenly a thought occurred to someone: this hole on the road itself is a ready-made mass grave for the last Romanovs.
The protocol was extremely lapid: 11 people were shot, where they were buried - it was not indicated how many were buried - too. Only after the retreat of the Whites from the Urals did Yurovsky submit his first report in 1920. He completed the formation of the legend: all 11 people were shot, two bodies were burned, nine were secretly buried. Following Yurovsky, the other members of the “firing” team write their memoirs. It is characteristic that every second person assures that it was he who finished the wounded Alexei.
However, none of them admits that anyone could have survived. Only those who certified the death of the still living Alexei, that is, the Strekotin brothers, could know about this. And since the search group did not find them, it is obvious that the rescuers and the rescued moved in the direction opposite to the search, towards the Shartash station.
How did you manage to stop the bleeding and cure a seriously wounded boy? According to the recollections of Vasily Filatov’s daughters, “Uncle Sasha and Uncle Andrey, having pulled him out of the mine, with the help of a switchman, bandaged him with whatever rags they had, took him to the city of Shadrinsk, where they provided assistance. The third, Uncle Misha, went with him to the city of Tobolsk to the village of Dubrovnoye, and then to Surgut, where he handed him over to the Chukchi for treatment and protection until the end of 1919. His father recalled: “I was treated there for blood loss, I was weak. These Khanty-Mansi, northern people, they all forced me to eat fresh frozen fish, fresh frozen venison with blood, and boiled animal eyes for night blindness. These Khanty-Mansi treated themselves and treated me in this way, and they also drank all sorts of dried herbs and decoctions." Upon returning to Shadrinsk, the second life of this man begins under the name of Vasily Ksenofontovich Filatov, the son of a shoemaker.

Vasily Filatov
How does the candidacy of the modest rural geography teacher Vasily Filatov differ from other contenders for the throne? At least because he himself never expressed any complaints. Vasily Filatov shared his memories of the miraculous salvation only with relatives, and even then reluctantly, never finishing anything. It is clear that the role of an adventurer is not his. However, if it is proven that this whole story is another mirage, it remains to assume that his case is an ordinary clinic, and the impetus for the emergence of mania could have been a number of amazing coincidences and a real portrait resemblance of himself to Tsarevich Alexei, and his children to representatives of the Romanov family.
Although the appearance of a double in the Russian outback does not seem very likely, such coincidences are in principle possible. The version defended by Filatov’s son and a group of independent experts is supported by the fact that so far none of the examinations carried out have given a negative result. Moreover, these examinations were carried out not only by the authors of the collection “The Rescue of Tsarevich Alexei,” but also by German and Finnish experts.
Today there are many methods of personal identification, and above all, genetic analysis, which Oleg Filatov insists on. However, it can be assumed that the identification of Vasily Filatov and Alexei Romanov will not happen in the foreseeable future. Even if genetic testing does take place, its results are unlikely to be officially recognized. The real contender for the throne is an extra figure in a complex political struggle, and it is not difficult to imagine how the political map will change if weak and disparate monarchical groups have a trump card of this magnitude.
True, the fact that the Russian Orthodox Church was excluded from participating in the burial ceremony of the royal remains in the Peter and Paul Cathedral is due to the fact that the Holy Synod reacted quite seriously to the examination materials sent to it by Oleg Filatov and is studying them, waiting for time for an appropriate response.

The collection “The Rescue of Tsarevich Alexei” (historical and forensic reconstruction of the execution of the royal family) was prepared by the Blitz publishing house at the St. Petersburg branch of the Russian PEN Club. The authors of the collection: forensic expert Vadim Petrov, professor, doctor of technical sciences Georgy Egorov and physicist Igor Lysenko. Harry N. Abrams, Inc. has received worldwide rights to the book.

It is impossible to imagine what the Holy Martyrs endured in the last hours of their earthly lives. This is a great mystery, known to the Lord, the Angels and the Royal Sufferers. The Diveyevo sisters said “that on the night from July 3/16 to July 4/17, 1918, that is, on the night of the martyrdom of the Royal Family, Blessed Elder Maria Ivanovna raged terribly and shouted: “The princesses - with bayonets!” Damned Jews! She raged terribly, and only later did it become clear what she was screaming about. This means that she knew who ordered and who was the perpetrator of this monstrous crime, for which the Russian people, who allowed it, still bear atonement.”33
By a revelation from the Lord, the holy Elder Nicholas knew who ordered and who carried out this terrible atrocity, which had never happened in the history of the peoples of the world. The God-inspired righteous man was chosen by the Savior to be the spectator of their suffering on the cross: July 4/17, 1918, when he was nine years old, he ran into the house and shouted with tears: “Mom! Mother! The king was killed! The king was killed! Everyone! And the Tsarevich! The Lord will punish them terribly, the damned ones that they ruined the Tsar, He will punish them all!” The excited mother asked him: “Be quiet, Kolya, keep quiet! Now you need to be silent!” - “You shouldn’t be silent, you should shout and cry. Now a terrible, terrible punishment of God is approaching everyone”... (“Even then the Lord revealed to me the punishment of God that all of Russia would suffer for the Tsar: war, devastation, hunger and dishonor,” the Elder would say later). By the grace of the Holy Spirit, the mockery and torment that the Royal Sufferers endured from the monsters were revealed to the nine-year-old Royal faithful prayer book.
With this revelation about the Royal agony of the cross, the youth passed through his angelic childhood, dedicated only to God and the Tsar. He cried all the time and asked everyone to pray for the martyred Russian Emperor: “The Tsar was killed!” From that day on, he wrote on the first page of the memorial of the deceased, kept in the Altar of St. Michael’s Church, the holy names: “the murdered Emperor Nicholas II, the murdered Empress Alexandra, the murdered Tsarevich Alexy, the murdered Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia,” It was written in the memorial the sacred word Emperor... Even then they began to pronounce it in a whisper, but not Father! Mother Ekaterina Stefanovna was very worried - her son talked all the time about God’s punishment and the murder of the Royal Family, but they had to be careful: Robert Petrovich Perlin, the head of the special department, often came to them, he loved to ask Nicholas about the Lord and about the Faith. She feared that her son's frank words and thoughts would bring trouble to everyone. Knowing his obedience, she asked the literature teacher, Lyubov Nikolaevna Mikitkina, to talk to Nikolai. In response to exhortations to remain silent, Father predicted: “If everyone is silent and no one talks about God, everyone will die!” And he asked the teacher: “Please, talk about God and the King. It is a sin for you, teachers, to remain silent, and if you do not believe, you will be seriously ill."
The Lord revealed the truth about the Tsar and His suffering to the Righteous Elder Nicholas.
Father repeated and cried: “How they were tortured! Remember this, and do not forget: the Royal Martyr saved us with His suffering. If it were not for the torment of the Tsar, Russia would not exist! The Tsar was very sorry and loved Russia and saved it with His torment. He gave the Heir Alexy, the joy and consolation of his heart, to be slaughtered.”
The Blessed Elder spoke about what was known, seen with the spiritual eyes of his soul, also purified by suffering. The angelic world, the world of dark spirits, was clearly seen by his eye. It was unbearably painful to hear the Elder’s revelations about the bloody torment of the Bright Angels: he said that the Children were tortured in front of the speechless holy Sufferers, the Royal Youth was especially tortured - the joy and consolation of Their angelic hearts... The Queen did not utter a word... The Emperor became all white... The elder constantly repeated that they were burned after torture and torment... “The names of those who did this have not been revealed... We don’t know them... They did not love and do not love Russia, they have satanic malice "...

Answer: The phrase of the Blessed Eldress only means that the princesses were forced with bayonets! And nothing more, for it is said: Do not touch My Anointed One!” And the rest are idle inventions of ignoramuses and people of little faith, who talk a lot and repeat other people’s LIES, because the very first telegrams about Mikhail Romanov and about the Royal Family were true, and then the LIES went on. SALVATION. As for Father Nikolai Guryanov, not many people know that he is an adopted son, born to Alexandra Fedorovna on May 13, 1909, that’s why the security officers hovered around him and after the war he was arrested when he learned the truth about his birth! Alexandra Fedorovna We publish...

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