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Using a Polaris multicooker. How to use the Polaris multicooker

A multicooker is considered a universal kitchen appliance; it can be used to prepare many delicious and healthy dishes. A high-quality multicooker allows you to cook food not only by steaming, but can also even become a yogurt maker.

Among the many companies represented on the Russian market, there are multicookers from Polaris, which have established themselves as fairly cheap and practical equipment. Also, the popularity of this brand lies in the ease of working with it.


  • Add the required amount of ingredients;
  • Set the appropriate program;
  • Start the device.

Like any household appliance, a multicooker requires a certain procedure for cooking. The first thing you need to do is set the time in the Polaris device on the control panel using the appropriate buttons. This is necessary in order to set the required interval for preparing a particular dish. Selecting a cooking program for a particular food on many Polaris models is done by pressing the menu button.

To select the desired program, press “menu” until what you need is selected.

Some models have a multicooker function - just set the required temperature and cooking time, and after that the multicooker will do everything itself. If you need to reset the settings or exit the menu, you need to click on the “exit” button. Some programs allow you to adjust the temperature during cooking, but this complicates the use of the multicooker somewhat. There is also an auto-heating function, which allows you to heat food to a temperature of 45 ᵒC.

Instructions: how to use the Redmond multicooker

At first, people are wary of such equipment, since at first glance it seems that it is difficult to control and configure the Redmond multicooker. But, just carefully study the instructions for using the multicooker, everything will become simple and clear, and using it will be simple and convenient. It is enough to press a few buttons, having previously added the necessary products, and turn on the multicooker. And the rules for using these multicookers are very simple and clear.

To prepare porridge, you need:

  • Place the washed cereal;
  • Pour spices into the multicooker bowl;
  • Fill everything with water;
  • Then close the lid;
  • Using the control panel, select the appropriate program.

It is also easy to prepare, for example, soup - just load the necessary ingredients and press the appropriate button. Moreover, the cooking process can be stopped ahead of schedule or simply turned off the multicooker if it did not do so automatically. Using a multicooker regularly will not pose any difficulties even for technically illiterate people.

All cooking processes are automated, and there are also manual settings for cooking dishes.

Today, Redmond brand multicookers are considered one of the most common and best-selling. Many models are equipped with additional functions - steamer, heating, delayed start and even baking. And the instructions included with each multicooker are simple and clear and describe in detail the entire process of operating this product.

Rules: how to turn on the multicooker

When purchasing this household appliance in a store, it should be checked for functionality. After the multicooker has been purchased, it must be prepared for use. Make sure that there are no defects in the body and in the thicket, and also that there are no foreign objects between the thicket and the heating element below (suddenly some kind of magnet is stuck), foreign objects between the lid and the thicket, and everything closes tightly .

To do this you need:

  • Unpack everything;
  • Wash removable parts;
  • Dry;
  • Afterwards it’s worth putting everything back together.

Next you need to perform certain actions. It is necessary to wipe the body with a damp cloth, remove all stickers and advertising materials, connect it to the network, pour some water into the bowl intended for cooking, close the lid, and press the “heat” button.

In some models, this button is combined with a “stop” or “cancel” button. Also, some models have 2 buttons “heating” and “warming up”, which perform different functions.

You should wait 10–15 minutes, then stop heating, open the lid and check if the water has warmed up. If you notice any foreign odor, pour out the water and wipe the bowl and the inside of the lid with a 9% vinegar solution. After this, pour water into the bowl again, put a few slices of lemon in it, then close the lid, turn on the multicooker in cooking mode for 10-15 minutes, and boil the water along with the lemon. Sometimes it happens that the multicooker does not turn on, in this case you should check the network connection, the functionality of the multicooker itself in different modes, and also read the instructions to see if all the buttons are pressed and done correctly.

Brief instructions for using the Martha multicooker

The Marta brand has appeared on the Russian market relatively recently, but, nevertheless, has already managed to show its good side. The functionality of this company’s multicookers is also quite up to par and understanding how to use this model is quite simple, the main thing is to follow the instructions.

Multicookers of this brand have:

  • Good quality;
  • Affordable prices;
  • Nice design.

Any cooking in a multicooker is carried out using automatic programs; just use the corresponding buttons on the control panel to select the item with appropriate the dish that a person wants to cook. In some models, you can add or increase cooking time in any selected cooking program.

Moreover, in some models you can use this function not only before starting cooking, but also during cooking.

The cooking process is activated by the “start” button, also located on the control panel. On some models, pressing this button again stops the cooking program. Some multicookers have a manual control mode, which allows you to select the temperature mode and cooking time, thus you can adjust everything yourself in parallel. Typically, each multicooker model is supplied with detailed instructions, including in Russian, which allows you to successfully use and configure the device to your liking.

How to properly use a steamer in a multicooker

Some models of multicookers are equipped with a steamer, which allows you to steam food, so you can get healthier food. As a rule, multicooker models that have steaming functions are also equipped with a pressure cooker, this allows you to cook food under pressure, which significantly speeds up the cooking process.

To steam cook food, you need to perform certain manipulations:

  • Take a special container in the shape of a mesh, which, as a rule, comes with the multicooker;
  • Place the necessary products on it;
  • Water is poured into the thicket; its level should be below the level of the form.

The amount of water in the bowl depends on the preparation of the dish, but at the same time, you need to know when to stop, since a large amount of liquid will boil for a long time and the cooking process will take a long time. And too little water will boil away too quickly.

It is optimal to pour 2 measuring cups of water that come with the multicooker.

To speed up heating, hot water can be poured; the start of the steamer mode is selected by the corresponding button on the control panel. In automatic mode, after heating the water, the cooking process takes 15–20 minutes. Some models allow you to adjust the cooking time manually. While the multicooker is running, do not open the lid. After cooking, if you used a pressure cooker in addition to a steamer, you must first release the steam with a special valve, and only then open the lid of the multicooker.

How to use a multicooker (video)

The operating principle of multicookers of different brands, including Mulinex, is similar to each other, the only difference is in appearance, as well as in some functionality. A unique lesson in using this type of equipment will be useful to almost all people who are planning to buy a multicooker or already have one.

A multicooker is a modern kitchen appliance that has a large number of automatic and manual programs for preparing various dishes. In addition to standard modes, manufacturers often come up with new functions and recipes, which simplifies the cooking process and allows you to get a guaranteed tasty result. To use this technique with maximum benefit, you need to understand all its functionality and modes.

How to turn on the multicooker for the first time

Before choosing a specific model, you need to study all its features and determine whether all the available functions are sufficient and which of them will actually be used frequently. Having chosen the best option, you should familiarize yourself with the operating rules of the device and the basic recommendations for preparing dishes.

The equipment of a new multicooker usually consists of an internal bowl for food, an electric mechanism and special additional devices (a special spoon, a tank for steaming, and other accessories). The specific set depends on the selected model and brand of device.

ATTENTION! If you bring new electrical equipment into the house from the cold, do not turn it on until it warms up to room temperature.

For more detailed information on a specific model, please consult the operating instructions or the manufacturer. Higher cost multicookers usually have more additional functions, and they also come with a special recipe book, which allows you to understand and prepare any dish even without experience.

Step by step process for beginners

After purchasing a new device, you first need to make sure that it is in working order and prepare it for further use.

To turn on the multicooker for the first time, you must perform the following steps:

After the process is completed, a special sound signal is given. Some multicookers then switch to automatic temperature maintenance mode and should be stopped with the shutdown button.

REFERENCE! Some models do not have a power off button, which requires unplugging them from the outlet each time after use. You should pay attention to this when choosing and purchasing a device.

You can also immediately set the time; usually the button for setting it is located in the main menu of the device.

How to choose and use multicooker modes correctly

During the cooking process you may need to use several different modes. To switch between them, stop one program with the shutdown button and use the menu to select the next desired mode. When finished cooking, turn off the appliance or leave it in warm mode.

Products are loaded inside and filled with water to the maximum permissible level. Usually the bowl is removable and can be filled before installation in the device. If you exceed the recommended volume of ingredients, when heated, they may simply spill out of the container or clog the steam valve.

Most modern multicookers have the following standard modes:

To bake bread and pies, grease the surface of the bowl with oil, sprinkle with flour, pour in the dough prepared according to the recipe and turn on the “Baking” or “Bread” mode.

If your multicooker has a corresponding function, you can cook yogurt in it. All the necessary ingredients are placed in small jars: milk, sourdough, sugar. Everything is mixed and the “Yogurt” mode is turned on for 8 hours. To prepare delicious porridge, the cereal and liquid are simply mixed in a multicooker bowl and set to a special mode for cooking porridge.

When using automatic programs, dishes are prepared according to the attached instructions and only strict adherence to dosages is required. For independent control of the cooking process, there is a “Multi-cook” mode. With its help, you can adjust the temperature, set the time and cook a dish according to any recipe.

Many modern devices have delayed start modes and a timer. They allow you to set any start time for the program and receive ready-made or reheated dishes by the exact time. For example, a multicooker will turn on itself in the morning and prepare breakfast, or warm up dinner when guests arrive.

Once you understand all the general rules and recommendations for working with a multicooker, you can quickly learn how to cook any dish using automatic and customizable cooking modes. At the same time, you should not forget about safety precautions. Do not leave the appliance running unattended for a long time and carefully care for the surface of the inner bowl. If necessary, you can purchase a second container so that you can cook without wasting time preparing the container for preparing the next dish.

After purchasing a multicooker, many questions arise. Every owner is interested in how to use this technique. The device has several modes that allow you to make baked goods, yoghurts, prepare first courses and porridges. The device performs various functions including heating and keeping food warm. Some models are equipped with a multi-cook option, which raises the traditional question of what it is and how to put it into action. Let's look at the main functions of multicookers and cooking modes.

What to consider when using a multicooker

Using a multicooker is not as difficult as it might seem immediately after purchasing the device. A miniature imitation stove will allow you to cook traditional and unusual dishes without the need for constant stirring, decreasing and increasing the temperature. The equipment independently controls time and creates conditions for heat treatment of products. Automatic programs do everything for the person.

You can control the device using the “Start”, “Timer”, “Programs”, “Menu” buttons. Under these buttons there are sensors that trigger the selected mode and method of cooking. There is also a screen on the device that allows you to control the specified process.

Using the “Menu” key you can switch modes and programs. As a rule, the device is designed to perform 6 options. At the same time, the programs themselves are divided into 2 categories:

  1. Fully automatic.
  2. Semi-automatic

The second option involves stewing, steaming and baking. The conditions that set the cooking temperature cannot be adjusted.

Advice. The user can always customize the duration of cooking, stewing or baking.

The first category will allow you to prepare milk porridge, buckwheat, fluffy rice or pilaf. You can get any dish with just one keystroke. The main thing is to take into account the recommendations for preparing dishes and use the glass and spoon that are usually included in the kit.

Variety of modes and programs

Each multicooker model is configured with a certain number of built-in programs and modes. The number of options can range from 5 to 20. Some versions are equipped with even more functions. In addition to the main modes, the equipment often includes additional programs. As for the basic settings, they usually include versions:

  • stewing;
  • cooking;
  • baking/frying;
  • yogurt;
  • pilaf;
  • rice/buckwheat.

Using the “Extinguishing” mode allows you to bring the food placed in the container to the boiling stage. Then the technique is adjusted to long-term simmering of food at a lower temperature level. This option allows you to prepare jellied meat, delicious meat, vegetables, and baked milk.

“Baking/Frying” is a great opportunity to prepare a dish by heating the device to a preset temperature level. At the same time, it is maintained for the required period.

“Cooking” is another multicooker mode. It allows you to heat the bowl to the boiling stage, after which it remains for a specified amount of time. This option helps you prepare soup, broth, millet or semolina porridge.

Advice. Some models of multicookers are equipped with a mode aimed specifically at cooking pasta.

“Yoghurt” is a convenient function in a multicooker, suitable for creating yogurt, kefir and other healthy fermented milk products. The operation of the program is based on long-term and weak exposure to temperature on the stored products.

Most appliances have another option called “Keep Temperature.” This program starts automatically when the food is finished cooking. This ensures that the finished dish is kept hot for several hours.

Multicook: features and options options

Some models of modern multicookers are equipped with the Multicook program. This is a built-in option in such household appliances. It is often called simply manual mode.

The unique feature of this feature is that it makes the device multi-functional. Multicook allows you to take advantage of the following features:

  • bread machines;
  • grill;
  • pressure cookers;
  • steamers.

The user himself controls these functions, varying the cooking time, temperature, the use of several options simultaneously and the sequence of their inclusion.

It is better to purchase a multi-cooker with the “Multi-cook” function, this will expand your cooking capabilities

Using the “Multi-cook” program on a multi-cooker allows you to independently, manually build the process of preparing food. The program resembles the traditional use of an electric or gas stove. However, the advantage of the device is that there is no need to monitor the cooking time.

Thanks to this function, the multicooker will allow you to prepare a first dish or heat something up. You can stew meat, steam food, deep-fry potatoes, bake something.

As you can see, a multicooker is a truly convenient and practical device. It’s very easy to use if you immediately understand the variety of programs and modes.

How to use a multicooker - video

How to use a multicooker - photo

Are you thinking about purchasing a multicooker? But not sure if you can handle this new device?

After reading this article to the end, you will be able to decide for yourself whether you need this household appliance and learn about all the features of its use.

How to use a multicooker?

What is a multicooker?

A multicooker is one of the household electrical appliances that allows you to cook food at different temperatures (40-1800C) for a certain time (from 10 minutes to 8 hours).

It works from a regular electrical outlet, but it consumes significantly less energy than a microwave or stove.

As a rule, it there are already at least 6 ready-made programs, and selecting the one you need is done by simply pressing the “Menu” button.

Typically, the device consists of a base, a body with a control panel, an inner bowl, a lid with a valve, and a removable inner part of the lid with an O-ring.

Behind the device, as a rule, there is a steam collector (condensate collects on the lid and, when opened, is drained into the collector through a special channel).

Let's remember! If you are planning to purchase a multicooker, it is better to immediately buy another spare bowl. It’s convenient: you cook the first dish in one, and the main course or dessert in the other. The bowl is made according to the principle of a frying pan with a non-stick coating - Teflon or ceramic. It is believed that the latter is more preferable due to its environmental friendliness and durability. Although, in fact, both one coating and the other are very delicate and require careful handling.

Basic programs and functions

The multicooker offers the housewife at least 6 functions

The use of a multicooker is not limited to just “cooking” (as the name might suggest), but This amazing saucepan can be used for baking, stewing, frying, and steaming.

Almost any model has programs such as:

  • baking,
  • porridge,
  • stewing,
  • pilaf,
  • cooking.

Very often, some programs are called differently by different manufacturers, for example, “Baking”, “Small quantity”, “Frying” - these are all the same program and with the same temperature setting of 1600C.

In some "advanced" models there is a “Multi-cook” function, with which you can set the cooking time and temperature yourself.

It is very convenient because it allows you to use recipes for multicookers of other models. For example, if the multicooker does not have the “Yoghurt” function, but does have a “Multicook”, then the temperature is set to 400C for 8 hours and the desired dish is prepared in the same way.

The “Delayed Start” function is very convenient., which allows you to set the start time for cooking the dish.

This is especially important if you are afraid of forgetting something in a hurry.

Let's remember! The best answer to the question “How to use a multicooker and its functions?” You will be answered by the instructions that come with each specific model.

What and how to cook in a slow cooker?

You can cook all your favorite dishes in a slow cooker

To an inexperienced user, it may seem that a multicooker is some kind of magic pan in which you just need to put food, close the lid, press a button and you can go and relax.

This is wrong. The multicooker only maintains a certain temperature and turns off after the programmed time has elapsed.

There is only one thing you can be sure of: nothing will burn.

If the porridge runs away

Using a multicooker is easy.

The simplest thing is to prepare cereals without milk.

Stick to the proportions of the recipe: the measuring spoons and cups that come with the equipment will help you with this, and you will definitely succeed the first time.

Then try making milk porridge.

It may turn out that milk still escapes through the valve.

On online forums it is advised to grease the bowl all over with butter or cook with the lid open.

But here the most effective way is the following: you need to start cooking the cereal in water, and add milk 10 minutes before the end of cooking.

This way it won't run away anywhere. Checked!

Combination dishes

To prepare complex dishes, you can alternate the functions of the multicooker

After you have sufficiently studied the “character” of your miracle saucepan, you can take on more complex dishes, for example, pilaf.

Pilaf is a dish in the preparation of which you will have to combine 2 programs - “Frying” and “Pilaf” itself.

At the first stage, fry the fillet pieces, carrots, onions and put garlic in the bowl.

On the second, add rice and water with spices.

Steam dishes

The multicooker can also be used as a double boiler.

To do this, a special plastic device is placed on the bowl.

You can steam cutlets and manti - they have a lower calorie content and greater health benefits.

You can also use the steamer in the “Cooking” mode, setting the temperature to 1000C.

But in general, You can cook absolutely anything with this kitchen appliance., what you usually cook on a gas stove and use it as a regular saucepan, steamer, frying pan or yogurt maker.

How to use a multicooker correctly?

Before using the multicooker, read the instructions

  • The multicooker must be used strictly in accordance with safety precautions and operating instructions.
  • It is necessary to use the steamer carefully; cases of steam burns are not uncommon. The same applies to the bowl: its temperature can reach very high values, so you should not try to determine the temperature “by touch”.
  • Using this technique requires caution, like any other electrical appliance. It should be placed on a flat surface, away from flammable objects. You cannot carry it while it is on and leave it online if you have already finished using it.
  • How to use a multicooker for the first time? Manufacturers recommend filling the bowl with water and boiling it for 30 minutes at a temperature of 1600C - then all factory odors will go away.
  • The bowl should only be washed with a soft sponge, without using abrasive materials.
  • The device cannot be washed by immersing it in water. After use, it must be unplugged and wiped with a damp cloth.

We hope that using a multicooker with our tips will not be a problem for you.

Which means Today a new appetizing dish will appear on your table straight from the miracle machine.

A multicooker is one of the new types of household kitchen appliances, the beginning of mass use of which dates back to the beginning of the current century. It is an electronically controlled electrical appliance and is used for automatic cooking. It is distinguished by its wide functionality due to the fact that it can process food products by boiling and frying, stewing them, steaming and deep-frying them.

Features and Benefits

A multicooker is valuable because it replaces several kitchen tools, such as a pressure cooker, electric frying pan, or air fryer. The device has a very high degree of automation: To prepare food, you just need to put all the necessary ingredients in a ceramic bowl, cover with a lid, select a program by pressing a couple of buttons and wait for the dish to be ready for a predetermined time, which will be determined by the built-in timer, signaling completion with a sound signal.

Two special modes are very useful. The first of these is the standby mode, when the finished dish is kept warm. Delayed start is characterized by the fact that the start time is selected so as to prepare dishes by the time you get up or come home from work.

The Redmond series devices are typical representatives of devices of this type and have a number of advantages over their competitors. A high-quality ceramic bowl allows you to cook with a minimum of fat without the risk of burning. Devices of this series implement from 7 to 34 different programs, incl. delayed start. In addition, some models support uniform spatial heating mode. Ease of use is ensured by the presence of a display and viewing window; the cooking time is regulated by the user independently.

Features of inclusion

The purchased Redmond unit should be removed from the cardboard box and all stickers removed from the body. Before turning it on for the first time, the body should be treated with a damp cloth, and the bowl should be washed with shampoo and then dried well.

After checking that there is no mechanical damage to the components of the device, it must be installed on a flat surface.

If the Redmond unit does not start, you should check that there is voltage in the outlet and that the device is turned on correctly according to the instructions. You can use the Redmond device only when the mains voltage corresponds to its operating voltage given in the passport. For electrical safety reasons, the outlet must have a grounding contact.

If the Redmond multicooker is connected to an outlet via an extension cord, they must match each other in power. Otherwise, the risk of cable fire or short circuit increases sharply.

When you turn it on for the first time, a strange odor may appear. To eliminate it, you should additionally wash the inner surface of the bowl and lid, and also wipe it with a 7% vinegar solution, and then boil the bowl with half a lemon. Boiling time is approximately 5 minutes.

It is advisable to check the main operating modes, for example, launch a delayed start.

The Redmond multicooker should always be in such a position that there are no obstacles to the ventilation of the internal working volume. The steam jet from the valve should not touch surrounding objects in the kitchen interior. This is especially important if a delayed start is provided.

The air flow from the heating element should flow freely into the bowl space. Otherwise, use of the device is prohibited.

After the start of operation, the device body can heat up to a high temperature. Therefore, you should not touch its bowl and metal surfaces with your bare hands.

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