Home Smell from the mouth High blood pressure during pregnancy is a dangerous phenomenon for mother and baby. High blood pressure during pregnancy is a dangerous phenomenon for mother and baby. What to do with low blood pressure during pregnancy

High blood pressure during pregnancy is a dangerous phenomenon for mother and baby. High blood pressure during pregnancy is a dangerous phenomenon for mother and baby. What to do with low blood pressure during pregnancy

As you know, obstetric and calendar months do not coincide in length. Therefore, the 35th week of pregnancy according to obstetric terms is the second half of the ninth month, and if we count according to calendar terms, it is the very beginning of the last month of gestation. Let's figure out what happens at week 35 and what difficulties may arise during this period.

So, you are 35 weeks pregnant, which means there are still 4-5 weeks until your expected due date. However, not all children are born at precisely calculated dates. Many people “can’t wait” to be born, and childbirth can happen at any moment. In this case, the born baby will no longer be considered premature, although the certificate will write to you that “premature birth” has occurred.


The 35th obstetric week of pregnancy is a continuation of the third trimester. This period is characterized by intensive fetal growth. And along with the fetus, the uterus also grows, which leads to various unpleasant sensations. At 35 weeks of pregnancy, many women feel:

  • Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath. This is due to the fact that the uterus literally props up the lungs. Don’t worry, you won’t have long to endure it, your stomach should soon drop and breathing will immediately become easier.
  • Digestive disorders. Most often, women complain of recurrent heartburn and constipation. These phenomena are caused by the fact that the stomach and intestines are compressed by the large uterus.
  • Dizziness, weakness. The cause of discomfort is compression of the inferior vena cava by the uterus. This leads to disruption of normal blood circulation. To avoid unpleasant phenomena, it is not recommended to stay in one position for a long time. It is especially dangerous to lie on your back for a long time.

  • Edema. Swollen limbs in the evening are a problem that almost every pregnant woman faces. If the appearance of edema is not accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, then this is the norm at this stage. Try to rest more while lying down with a pillow under your feet.
  • At this stage of pregnancy, weight usually reaches its maximum. Now the woman weighs significantly more than before pregnancy, and this makes movement difficult and makes the woman clumsy. How many kilograms do women gain by the end of pregnancy? This indicator is individual, but on average the increase is 9-12 kg.
  • At thirty-five weeks the uterus is greatly stretched, so it often becomes toned. The tone of the uterus is manifested by the fact that the abdomen becomes “stony”. Another reason why the belly becomes hard at 35 weeks of pregnancy and the uterus becomes toned is training contractions. In this case, as a rule, the lower abdomen hurts slightly, and the nature of the pain is nagging.

Training contractions manifest themselves in different ways. Most often, the pain with them is insignificant, but in some women the lower abdomen at 35 weeks can hurt quite severely. But these pains are short-lived, they last no more than 10 minutes. If at 35 weeks of pregnancy your stomach hurts for a long time, and the pain becomes more intense, then you need to urgently call an ambulance.

  • The 35th obstetric week is the time when the fetus begins to gradually descend. This can lead to discomfort between the legs (groin area). In addition, nagging pain in the lower abdomen at 35 weeks of pregnancy may be caused by divergence of the pelvic bones and softening of the ligaments.

  • The child at this stage cannot actively move, since his size does not allow him to roll over. Therefore, at the 35th week of pregnancy, fetal movements are expressed mainly in rather strong tremors.

Multiple pregnancy

The 35th week of pregnancy with twins is an extremely difficult period for the mother, because her body experiences a double load. You will need to be prepared that labor will begin at any moment. After all, due to strong stretching, the uterus becomes toned, and this can trigger the onset of labor.

If the babies are in the correct position in the uterus and the woman is generally healthy, then doctors may recommend a natural birth. If one twin is located across the uterus, both children are in the breech position, or there are other indications, then a date for a planned cesarean section will be set. Perhaps the operation will take place at 35 weeks.

Child development

Let's figure out what happens to the baby at 35 weeks of pregnancy. By this time, the development of the fetus is complete, it is completely ready for independent life, but the weight of the fetus at 35 weeks of gestation is still insufficient. And, it is desirable that he still accumulates strength before the moment of birth.

On average, the weight of a child at 35 weeks of pregnancy is more than two kilograms. His skin becomes lighter and smoother every day, and the original down that previously covered his entire body disappears. But the lubricant remains on the skin, because it protects the child’s skin from softening from constant exposure to liquid.

In addition, the presence of lubricant is necessary to make it easier for the baby to pass through the birth canal.

A fetus at 35 weeks of gestation has fairly dense bones and developed muscles. The only exceptions are the bones of the skull. There are soft areas on the child’s head - fontanelles, the largest of which will completely close only by the end of the baby’s first year of life. Meconium is already accumulating in the intestines - sterile original feces, which will be released during the first hours of life.


Most likely, at 35 weeks the baby is already in a position in which it will remain until birth. In most cases, the baby is positioned head down. If it turns out that the baby is in a different position, then the likelihood that he will roll over at this time is very small.

To monitor the position of the baby, an ultrasound may be prescribed at 35 weeks of pregnancy. If the baby is head up, doctors will choose delivery tactics. In some cases, a caesarean section is indicated.

When conducting ultrasound screening, the specialist will definitely pay attention to the position of the umbilical cord. Tight umbilical cord entanglement can cause hypoxia. In addition, an ultrasound scan evaluates the condition of the placenta, which provides the connection between the mother’s body and the fetus. At this stage, the normal indicator of the degree of maturity is the second.

Pregnancy 35 weeks is the period at which the following examinations can be prescribed:

  • A urine test is performed to monitor kidney function;
  • a gynecological smear is taken to identify the composition of the microflora. If pathogenic flora (for example, fungi) is detected, it is necessary to undergo treatment before birth so as not to infect the child;
  • blood test for hemoglobin, glucose, as well as for infections - HIV, syphilis, hepatitis.

If indicated, other examinations may be prescribed.

Possible complications

Pregnancy at 35 weeks can be overshadowed by the development of the following complications:

  • Preeclampsia. This is an extremely dangerous condition for both mother and baby. It manifests itself as increased blood pressure and impaired renal function. Kidney activity is monitored through weekly urine tests. Edema at 35 weeks is also a sign of the development of gestosis.

  • Placenta previa. If the placenta is located so that it partially or completely blocks the birth canal, then bleeding, premature birth or fetal hypoxia may develop. The main sign of problems with the placenta is spotting at 35 weeks of pregnancy. But, as a rule, this complication is detected earlier, during a routine ultrasound.
  • Placental abruption. Detachment of the placenta from the wall of the uterus can be partial or complete. In the first case, it is still possible to continue the pregnancy, in the second, emergency medical care is required. Signs of complications include brown discharge or bleeding and severe pain.

Harbingers of childbirth

At the described period, the first harbingers of an imminent birth may already appear. Their appearance does not mean that you need to immediately go to the maternity hospital. Often the first warning signs appear several weeks before birth.

However, you need to remember that every pregnancy is individual. Therefore, never rely on the experience of others, and even on your own in a previous pregnancy. Sometimes precursors appear almost before the birth itself - 1-2 days before.

What signs should you look out for? Many expectant mothers note that at this stage of pregnancy they experience lower back pain. This is due to the load on the spine due to the shift in the center of gravity of the figure. As a rule, the pain intensifies if a woman remains in one position for a long time.

In addition, some women note that at 35 weeks of pregnancy their belly sank. You can notice this not only visually, but also physically. The uterus stops putting pressure on the diaphragm, so it becomes easier for the woman to breathe.

If your pregnant belly hasn't dropped at 35 weeks, don't worry. This significant event will happen in 1-2 weeks.

Premature birth

At this stage, the likelihood of early birth is high. Don't be scared, your baby is quite ready for independent life, so there is no threat to him. He will simply be born with less weight, but will soon catch up with his peers born at a later stage.

The main signs of preterm birth warning signs:

  • Stomach pain at 35 weeks of pregnancy. That is, pain appears that is similar to pain during menstruation. Sometimes, in addition to pulling the lower abdomen, back pain appears, radiating to the sacrum;
  • Uterine tone. This condition is felt as tension, the stomach becomes hard.
  • Stool disorder. Many women experience diarrhea before giving birth.
  • Feeling of pressure on the perineum.
  • At the 35th week of pregnancy, there is discharge in the form of blood or copious clear discharge (this may be amniotic fluid leaking).

The main symptoms that labor has already begun:

  • Removal of the mucus plug covering the cervix. This plug looks like a cluster of transparent or whitish mucus the size of a walnut with bloody patches in the form of veins;
  • Discharge of water. This symptom is difficult to miss, since about 0.5 liters of amniotic fluid are poured out at once.

  • The appearance of contractions. Real contractions are more intense than training contractions. They are more painful and occur at regular intervals. Moreover, these intervals become shorter and shorter, and the intensity of pain increases.

So, the 35th week of pregnancy is the ideal time to prepare all the things that you will need to take with you to the hospital. Of course, there is a chance that the pregnancy will last another 4, 5 or even 6 weeks, but it is better to be prepared for any surprises. Under no circumstances should you go traveling during this period and, in general, try not to go far from home. And if it is absolutely necessary, then keep your documents and exchange card with you.

Heartburn is more common, and legs and back hurt. It is difficult for a woman to find a comfortable position for rest, which leads to insomnia. Despite this, the expectant mother needs to remain calm and positive, and also adhere to a number of recommendations that will help alleviate the condition.

What happens to mom at 35 weeks of pregnancy

During the entire gestation period, the uterine fundus reaches its maximum level. Now it is 35 cm above the navel. The cervix begins to prepare for the upcoming labor. It gradually smoothes out and softens.

If a woman has not decided on a maternity hospital, it’s time to do it. After 2-3 weeks, the birth will be considered normal, and the baby will be full-term. For those who have already prepared everything, you can relax and enjoy the last weeks of pregnancy.

Training (preparatory) contractions, which may occur more often at the 35th week of pregnancy, are accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, as well as increased tone of the uterus, resulting in a stiff stomach. Unlike labor contractions, Braxton Hicks contractions are irregular and infrequent. They last no more than a minute and can be repeated after 5-6 hours. A warm bath or walk will help get rid of unpleasant sensations.

Unexpected attacks of diarrhea are possible, which is due to the self-cleansing of the body. This is considered normal. Also, the expectant mother is forced to get up at night to go to the toilet. The appearance of a frequent urge to urinate is explained by a decrease in the volume of the bladder. To reduce getting up at night before going to bed, it is not recommended to drink a lot of liquid.

Many pregnant women often begin to think and worry about the upcoming birth and the health of the baby. To tune in to positive emotions, you can sign up for special courses for pregnant women. In such classes, the expectant mother will be taught how to behave during childbirth and how to properly handle the newborn. Depending on the focus of the courses, a woman will be able to learn the basics of breastfeeding, master breathing exercises or pain-relieving massage.

What happens to the baby at 35 weeks of pregnancy

By this period, all organs and systems of the fetus are ready for autonomous functioning. There is an intensive accumulation of subcutaneous fat in the shoulder area, due to which the shoulders become plump and soft. The child's weight reaches 2.5 kg.

The fetal body is covered with a special lubricant, which facilitates its easier movement along the birth canal. The “lanugo” fuzz and initial redness of the skin gradually disappear. The bone and muscle structures of the fetus become denser. The exception is the cranial bones, since the main load during delivery falls on them.

Original feces begin to accumulate. It consists of processed bile and epithelial cells. Normally, meconium comes out 8-10 hours after delivery.

Most children by this time are in cephalic presentation, which remains unchanged until the time of birth. If breech presentation remains at 35 weeks of pregnancy, there is no need to worry. There is still time for the child to change position. The baby's movements become less pronounced. He is already quite big, so he cannot move in the mother’s womb as freely as before.

Feelings of a woman at 35 weeks of pregnancy

In terms of the severity of sensations, this is one of the difficult weeks of pregnancy. The belly has reached a significant size and until it subsides, at the 35th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother may be bothered by the following symptoms:

  • Swelling of the arms and legs;
  • Constipation (possible development of hemorrhoids);
  • Severe heartburn;
  • Heaviness and pain in the legs;
  • Sleep disorder;
  • Frequent urination (especially at night);
  • Pain in the back and lower back;
  • Involuntary release of gas, urinary incontinence when sneezing, laughing or coughing;
  • Increased sweating, periodic feeling of heat;
  • The appearance of a vascular network on the legs;
  • Headache;
  • Forgetfulness, absent-mindedness;
  • Breast enlargement, possible release of colostrum.

Also, at 35 weeks of pregnancy, attacks of nausea may occur, which may indicate the development of late gestosis (toxicosis) or impending childbirth.

Examination at 35 weeks of gestation

At this time, the expectant mother may be prescribed a smear examination from the genital tract to study the vaginal microflora. If pathogenic microorganisms are detected that threaten the fetus with infection during passage through the birth canal, the pregnant woman is prescribed an appropriate course of treatment.

The gynecologist may also recommend biochemistry and blood testing for HIV. Starting this week, urine must be taken every week. This will allow timely detection of the appearance of protein in it. During a routine visit to the doctor, he will listen to the fetal heartbeat, measure blood pressure, height of the uterine fundus, abdominal volume and weight of the pregnant woman.

An ultrasound at 35 weeks of pregnancy is not usually prescribed. An ultrasound examination procedure is carried out if any pregnancy pathology is suspected, for example, placental insufficiency. In such a case, the doctor examines the condition and size of the placenta. Additionally, Doppler examination of the umbilical cord vessels can be performed. The correspondence of the size and development of the fetus to the gestational age is assessed. Placental insufficiency can cause delay. If the child begins to gain a lot of weight, this may indicate diabetes in the expectant mother or an excessive amount of calories in the diet. The condition and amount of amniotic fluid is also studied. If a coarse suspension is detected in the amniotic fluid, the doctor may suspect the development of fetal hypoxia.

Possible pregnancy problems at 35 weeks

Discharge during this period may become more abundant. Normally they are transparent, of uniform consistency, and may have a yellowish or white tint. The appearance of copious watery discharge at 35 weeks of pregnancy may be a sign of water leakage and the onset of premature labor. Also, the expectant mother should be alerted by the appearance of an unpleasant odor, a cheesy consistency of the leucorrhoea, or any changes in its shade. The appearance of blood streaks in the discharge at 35 weeks of pregnancy may be a manifestation of placental abruption, which provokes oxygen starvation of the fetus.

Symptoms of the onset of labor include periodic and increasing pain in the lower back, sudden breaking of water and the appearance of bloody discharge.

Also, the expectant mother may experience cramps that cause severe pain, squeezing the calf muscle. The cause of convulsive conditions can be a decrease in blood sugar levels, impaired blood flow in the extremities, as well as a lack of potassium, magnesium, vitamin B6 and calcium. To prevent cramps, you can rub, stroke, lightly massage your legs and take a contrast shower (morning and evening). At night it is better to cover yourself with a warm blanket and put on socks.

Many pregnant women experience swelling in the third trimester. If a woman is physiologically prone to edema, does not adhere to proper nutrition and drinks a lot of water, swelling is not dangerous to her health. If swelling is accompanied by increased blood pressure, headaches and the appearance of protein in the urine, this may indicate the development of late gestosis. In such cases, you need to consult a gynecologist.

Recommendations for future mothers remain the same. It is important to adhere to a balanced and rational diet and lead an active lifestyle. It is also necessary to walk more in the air and relax. Special courses for pregnant women will be useful, which will help not only physically, but also mentally prepare for childbirth.

Nutritional Features

At this stage, most pregnant women lose their appetite, as the growing belly picks up the intestines, causing heartburn and nausea. To reduce discomfort, it is better to stick to fractional meals - eat 6-7 times a day in small portions. This will make food easier to digest.

Don’t forget to maintain the energy value of your diet and control weight gain. It is better to limit the consumption of sweets and flour products or completely eliminate them. They are high in sugar and low in micronutrients. It is also not recommended to consume excessively salty, fatty foods, smoked foods and strong allergens (chocolate, citrus fruits).

The expectant mother's diet should include a variety of cereals, fruits, vegetables, meat, fish and dairy products. For drinks, it is better to choose unsweetened compotes and plain water. You can drink weak tea, occasionally a cup of coffee is allowed. It is better to refrain from store-bought juices and sweet soda. It contains a lot of calories.

Taking vitamins

The decision to take additional multivitamin medications is made by the obstetrician-gynecologist. An overdose of some substances can be more dangerous than a deficiency. Almost all pregnant women suffer from a deficiency of calcium and vitamin D, since it is almost impossible to ensure that they enter the body in sufficient quantities by following a healthy diet. Therefore, the woman is prescribed additional intake of these microelements.

Sex at 35 weeks pregnant

The issue of intimate relationships in late gestation is one of the most controversial. In this case, the opinions of gynecologists differ. Some believe that it is better to stop sexual intercourse so as not to provoke premature birth. Others, on the contrary, believe that if there is no threat of interruption and the pregnant woman feels normal, sexual relations can not be limited.

In addition, intimate relationships can be beneficial. Male sperm contains special substances that help prepare the uterus for labor. In this case, intimate hygiene should be carefully observed, since the risk of infection is quite high. You should also choose comfortable and safe positions that eliminate pressure on the abdomen and deep penetration.

In case of any pathologies of pregnancy (isthmic-cervical insufficiency, threat of miscarriage, leakage of amniotic fluid) and poor health of the pregnant woman, it is better to limit sexual relations.

Physical activity

It is imperative to move during this period. At the same time, the main thing is not to overwork. The best option is to enroll in a sports section, where a woman will perform specially designed exercises under the supervision of a professional trainer. Walking in the air will be useful. You can do breathing exercises and Kegel exercises. Such activities will help prepare for childbirth and speed up the recovery process after childbirth.

Medical procedures, taking medications

Any medical interventions during this period must be prescribed by a doctor. If any pathological symptoms occur, you should not self-medicate; it is better to consult a doctor. Taking into account the potential benefits and possible harm to the fetus, as well as the characteristics of pregnancy, the gynecologist will select the most optimal drug.

This article is posted for informational purposes only and under no circumstances constitutes scientific material or medical advice and should not serve as a substitute for an in-person consultation with a professional physician. For diagnostics, diagnosis and treatment, contact qualified doctors!

Number of reads: 3098 Date of publication: November 28, 2017

Blood flow indicators are very important when carrying a baby. Through the blood, the child in the mother's tummy receives all the components it needs for growth. Changes in blood pressure during late pregnancy can be very dangerous.

Features in this period

Blood pressure (BP) levels should be monitored throughout pregnancy. The importance of measuring this indicator of blood flow in the later stages of pregnancy cannot be overestimated. Changes in blood pressure may indicate various pathologies in both the expectant mother and her baby.

Quite often, blood pressure levels change during pregnancy. This change is largely due to changing hormonal levels.

Specific pregnancy hormones have a pronounced effect on systemic blood flow. Changes in the lumen of blood vessels under the influence of various hormones lead to an increase or decrease in blood pressure.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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In late pregnancy, it is very important to monitor the blood pressure of the expectant mother. She can do this on her own or by consulting a doctor.

It is better if such measurements are carried out regularly. It is especially important to follow this recommendation for expectant mothers who have problems with blood pressure. Women who are at increased risk should also not avoid this simple and routine procedure.

Experts distinguish several types of blood pressure:

  • The first one they call "upper" or systolic. It is determined when the first heartbeat appears when measuring blood pressure using a tonometer. In pregnant women, systolic pressure should not exceed 140 mm. Hg Art. Its drop is below 100 mm. Hg Art. is also an unfavorable sign that requires consulting a doctor.
  • The second type of blood pressure is called diastolic or “lower”. Its value corresponds to the last audible heartbeat when measuring blood pressure with a tonometer. The increase in this indicator is above 100 mm. Hg Art. – an unfavorable sign that requires mandatory consultation with a doctor. It is also necessary to consult a doctor if diastolic pressure drops below 60 mm. Hg Art.

The most optimal pressure, which occurs in most women in late pregnancy, is 130 to 80 mm. Hg Art. Such numbers are not a manifestation of pathology and indicate a normal level of blood flow.

Reasons for changes

The stronger the health of the expectant mother before pregnancy, the lower the risk of developing various pathologies. Quite a few different chronic diseases of internal organs contribute to changes in blood pressure.

In the last stages of pregnancy, surges in blood pressure can be caused by pathologies that arise both in the mother’s body and in the fetus. The severity of functional disorders largely depends on the how severe is this or that disease.

According to statistics, high blood pressure most often occurs in women over 40 years of age. This is caused by age-related changes in the tone and diameter of blood vessels.

If a pregnant woman has a close relative in her family who has had hypertension or myocardial infarction, then her risk of developing a persistent increase in blood pressure increases several times.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system can also lead to frequent surges in blood pressure in late pregnancy. Expectant mothers who have arrhythmias or other heart rhythm disorders should definitely visit a cardiologist additionally when carrying a baby.

If they used any cardiac medications before pregnancy, then After conception, you should definitely discuss with your doctor the possibility of further taking them. In such a situation, it may be necessary to discontinue some medications and select new ones that do not have an adverse effect on the developing fetus.

Expectant mothers who are obese or have severe excess body weight are also at risk for developing a persistent increase in blood pressure. It must be remembered that during pregnancy the load on the female body increases many times over.

An increase in the baby's body weight already entails changes in peripheral blood flow. If a woman’s body weight significantly exceeds normal values ​​due to obesity, this will inevitably lead to high readings when measuring her blood pressure.

Kidney and urinary tract diseases are common causes of arterial hypertension. It's important to note that Some of these pathologies are accompanied not by an increase, but by a decrease in blood pressure.

Violation of the outflow of urine leads to a change in the volume of circulating blood in the body. Ultimately, the resulting functional disorders are manifested by changes in blood pressure numbers. Quite often, pathologies appear at 35-38 weeks of pregnancy.

Neurological diseases that occur before the baby is conceived can also have an adverse effect on blood pressure levels. Various traumatic brain injuries, previous meningitis or meningoencephalitis lead to a persistent change in this blood flow indicator. In such a situation, the expectant mother You should definitely see a neurologist. This specialist will select the necessary therapy and offer her a number of necessary recommendations.

There are a number of certain pathologies that occur only in pregnant women. One of them is gestosis.

This pathology can be very dangerous for both the mother and her baby. It is accompanied by the development of persistent changes in blood pressure, as well as the appearance of protein in the urinary sediment. The general condition of the expectant mother with this pathology is significantly impaired.

How is it determined?

Persistent deviations from the norm are accompanied by the appearance of unfavorable symptoms. So, when blood pressure rises, a woman experiences a headache. The nature of the pain syndrome can be increasing and bursting.

The pain spreads throughout the head. Usually, the epicenter of the pain syndrome is at the back of the head. Many women feel a strong pulsation in their temples.

Dizziness is another common symptom that occurs with blood pressure disorders. This clinical sign manifests itself mainly when changing body position. For many women, dizziness becomes very severe. The severity of the condition can be aggravated by the appearance of “spots” before the eyes.

Expectant mothers who have problems with blood pressure begin to experience fatigue. Even after performing normal daily procedures, they get tired very quickly. In this case, they need to rest more often to improve their overall well-being. Quite often, this symptom appears already in the last weeks of pregnancy.

A common complaint that therapists hear from pregnant women at medical appointments is general weakness. This is a completely normal symptom that occurs at 37-39 weeks of pregnancy. In some cases, it appears much earlier - by 30-32 weeks.

Expectant mothers carrying twins or triplets may be a little more tired. However, in pregnant women with problems with blood pressure, general weakness can be very pronounced.

This unfavorable symptom leads to the fact that the expectant mother is forced to rest more often. For some women daytime sleepiness increases. On the contrary, night sleep is disturbed. Often, expectant mothers suffering from changes in blood pressure complain of persistent insomnia and the appearance of restless, frightening dreams.

How is the treatment carried out?

The choice of therapy will depend on a variety of outcome measures. To normalize blood pressure levels, doctors will definitely recommend that the expectant mother carefully monitor her daily routine. Adequate sleep, balanced nutrition and limiting psycho-emotional stress are important factors in the treatment of any vascular disorders.

For women suffering from a persistent and pronounced increase in blood pressure, doctors will definitely recommend limiting significant physical activity. Lifting weights is especially prohibited.

In late pregnancy the expectant mother must carefully plan and follow her daily routine. Walking in the fresh air will have a positive effect not only on the mother’s body, but will also be very beneficial for her baby.

If a woman is diagnosed with any dangerous pathology that could pose a threat to her life or her baby, she will be hospitalized in a hospital. She will receive all necessary treatment at the medical facility.

In some situations, the expectant mother is in the hospital until the birth. However, this option is possible in case of truly severe pathology, which requires daily medical supervision.

It is very important to monitor blood pressure readings from the 36th week of pregnancy until delivery. At this time, the female body is preparing for the upcoming birth of the baby. Any deviation from normal blood pressure requires a mandatory visit to a doctor for consultation.

If you have entered the 35th week of pregnancy, this means that 8.5 months are already behind you. This and next week will close the ninth month, which, in general, does not yet mean the onset of labor. The fact is that obstetric months, which are used to calculate the period of gestation, consist of 28 days (or 4 weeks), therefore, in general, 280 days allocated for the development, growth and maturation of the child in the womb amount to exactly 10 obstetric days. months or a little more than nine calendar months. And at each week the baby goes through another stage of preparation for birth.

Fetus at 35 weeks of gestation

By this time, the baby is already well developed, but the finishing touches need to be completed. The organs and systems of a small organism work harmoniously as one biological mechanism. Water-salt and mineral balance is maintained by hormones secreted by the adrenal glands. Few finishing details remain, but they are vital to life support, so the baby's development does not stop at 35 weeks of gestation.

Now the accumulation of fat and muscle tissue is mainly taking place. In the last stages, the baby gains up to 220 g every week. Its weight at the 35th week of pregnancy averages 2400-2500 g, and its size (full height) reaches 47 cm, but, of course, these data are very individual and not least depend on genes. Your baby is generally unique: a unique pattern of his skin has already taken shape, and all facial features as a whole are distinguished by their individuality. True, all the children’s eyes are now gray-blue, but this is not their final color yet.

The baby's skin gradually smoothes out and acquires a pleasant pinkish tint, and the lanugo fluff disappears from the body. At 35 weeks of pregnancy, the shoulders are mainly rounded. Very soon the baby will begin to lower herself, pressing her head and shoulders down. Now he makes himself comfortable, taking the position in which he will be born. There is clearly not enough space in the tummy, the baby’s movements are quite constrained, he may even scratch himself accidentally (the nails are quite long). But in general, despite the cramped space and in most cases the upside-down state, the baby is very comfortable in his mother’s womb. What can’t be said about mom herself...

Sensations (movements)

At times you may feel like you are about to suffocate. Don’t be alarmed: firstly, this does not happen to all women, and secondly, this is a temporary condition. To make breathing easier, get on all fours, relax and slowly inhale deeply, and then exhale the air just as calmly. Repeat the movement several times until you feel better. In extreme cases, call an ambulance and get a consultation if it will make you feel safer. But there is nothing special to worry about, because shortness of breath at 35 weeks of pregnancy is a completely physiological phenomenon.

The fundus of the uterus is now raised at its peak height: 15 cm above the level of the navel or 35 cm above the symphysis pubis. Under its pressure, the lungs are flattened and cannot work at full strength. But starting next week, the stomach will probably begin to sink. True, this will bring additional discomfort in the pelvic area, but it will be much easier to breathe.

Heartburn may be bothering you right now, so don't ignore the recommendations for a healthy diet during pregnancy. Avoiding fried foods and eating smaller meals can prevent internal fire.

Be sure to take daily walks, because both you and the baby need fresh air. But don't walk too much or too fast.

At 35 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother may suffer from insomnia. To make it easier to find a comfortable sleeping position, use a pregnancy pillow or regular pillows and bolsters, placing them on all sides as you feel comfortable. You can't sleep on your back, only on your side. But perhaps a half-sitting pose will help you out. The number of times you get up at night to relieve your needs can be reduced if you drink less fluid after six in the evening. If you cannot sleep for no reason, then do not rush to resort to sleeping pills: try to reduce the time of daytime rest (if you have one), walk before bed, do not overeat at night, in the end, do not fuss and do not try to sleep at all costs, because the dream will definitely go away. It’s better to turn on pleasant, calm music, read a magazine or book, or do something calming (for example, look through your “pregnant” photo album).

Don’t let dreams about pregnancy and childbirth, especially unfavorable ones, scare you. Almost all pregnant women experience this stage. Dreams are inspired by worries, thoughts, the approaching date of birth, even if you think that you are absolutely not worried about anything, they are still inspired by the subconscious. If fears and dread of the upcoming birth actually exist, then you need to calm down: firstly, you have work to do that you will do in tandem with the baby; secondly, he will work no less than you - believe me; thirdly, you can greatly facilitate the baby’s efforts if you try hard yourself, and for this you need to prepare well for childbirth; fourthly, childbirth is an absolutely natural process, the successful outcome of which was taken care of by nature itself, and it did not do this yesterday; fifthly, childbirth cannot be avoided in any case, if you have already become pregnant and have endured a miracle for 35 weeks, then all that remains is to give birth, this is a must; sixthly, you are not the first woman to give birth; every day hundreds and thousands of others around the world give birth to healthy, beautiful children, because there is nothing better in the world. And all this means that the birth will go well!!!

Ultrasound at 35 weeks of pregnancy

An ultrasound at 35 weeks of pregnancy will help make sure that the baby is properly preparing for birth. If the sex of the child is still unknown at this time, then you have a chance to find out now. Although not all babies show themselves during an ultrasound scan, maintaining intrigue until birth. In addition, in the later stages, the chance of seeing the treasured place decreases, since the baby is inactive and remains in one position for a long time.

As usual, the specialist will examine the baby, assess his main parameters, motor activity, heartbeat, the condition of the amniotic fluid, uterus, umbilical cord, placenta, and its degree of maturity. Now the placenta should still be in the second degree of maturity, and after 36 weeks even the third will be considered normal. The higher the degree of maturity of the placenta, the smaller its resources remain. However, these indicators cannot be taken literally, since there are often cases when after 40 weeks of pregnancy the placenta is still quite “young” or copes with its functions perfectly, despite its “old age”. So without additional research, final conclusions should not be drawn. This is why Doppler ultrasound is also performed at 35 weeks.

An ultrasound before birth will help the doctor make sure that there are no defects or pathologies in the development of the baby, and that he is positioned correctly, that is, with his head down. If this is not the case, then the doctor may decide to perform a caesarean section. This is influenced by a number of other factors: the weight and parameters of the woman in labor, her state of health, the weight of the child, the degree of entanglement with the umbilical cord, and others. If the gynecologist’s verdict does not console you, then you may well consult with another specialist. However, do not be discouraged if natural childbirth is prohibited for you: the decision is always made in the interests of mother and child.


You are now identifying with your belly. After all, all your sensations are directly related to it and depend on it. At 35 weeks pregnant, your belly has risen as high as possible, causing you to experience difficulty breathing and digestion. The strip leading from the navel downwards could darken even more, and the navel could protrude forward, and the skin could itch due to tension. All these phenomena are temporary and will disappear soon after childbirth.

Braxton-Higgs training contractions also continue, during which the uterus prepares for childbirth. These contractions are not painful, but can still be felt. They last for 15-30 seconds (sometimes up to 2 minutes), and then go away. Increasing and intensifying contractions indicate the onset of labor and require immediate transfer to the hospital.

Starting next week, your stomach will likely begin to drop, and you will feel some relief. But this doesn’t always happen, and some women reach their last day with their bellies held high. This greatly interferes with the expectant mother’s everyday life: she feels awkward and clumsy and is no longer able to do many usual things. In addition, due to a shift in the center of gravity, the risk of falls in later stages increases. Use the last few weeks to relax, and let your loved ones take care of household chores. But do not stop physical activity and, if possible, do not refuse to do light, uncomplicated work.


An active lifestyle will help you stay toned and prevent the accumulation of excess calories. Many mothers feel simply huge at this time, and also heavy and clumsy. But if from month to month and from week to week you kept your gains under control, then they will mainly consist of the “contents” of the tummy: this is the weight of the baby, uterus, placenta, amniotic fluid, as well as breasts and blood - now there is already a whole liter more of it than before.

Of course, the mother also stored up a little fat in order to have the strength for childbirth and the resources to produce milk. But these reserves are insignificant and temporary.

The total weight at 35 weeks of pregnancy should ideally be an average of 13 kg more than the initial weight. In each individual case, the normal increase may differ from the declared one in either direction. After all, weight gain depends on many factors. But if your indicators greatly exceed the norm, then this cannot be ignored, since there may be complications during childbirth and the postpartum period.

Many mothers notice excessive weight gain in later stages, while they do not eat more. Doctors criticize the rapid rate of gain (700-1000 g per week) and talk about gestosis. Even if you don’t complain about increased blood pressure and the appearance of edema, you still need to reduce the calorie content of your diet: give up sweets and starchy foods and try to eat more vegetables and fruits without fatty dressings.

Pain at 35 weeks of pregnancy

Increasing weight is associated with pain at 35 weeks of pregnancy, which may now intensify. The back, lower back and legs especially hurt - they bear the heaviest weight load. Wearing a bandage will help alleviate the condition if there are no medical contraindications to this. Try to rest whenever possible, don’t walk long distances, don’t stay too long. Every 15-20 minutes it is recommended to change your body position, or even better, to warm up. Take a walk, go to the kitchen to drink some water, water the flowers. It is very important to follow this advice when traveling, although traveling far from home at a later date is not at all recommended.

Pain in the sacrum and hips can be reduced and even prevented by performing circular movements of the pelvis. In general, it’s very good if you do gymnastics for pregnant women and have mastered breathing techniques - these skills and knowledge will be very useful during childbirth, but can already serve you well.

An effective method to moderate pain at 35 weeks of pregnancy is to lie down and rest. This applies to almost all pain: headache, back, lumbar, pain in the legs and stomach. Ventilate the room several times a day and avoid nervous shocks - then headaches will be less annoying.

At this stage, your breasts may begin to ache under their weight, so buy yourself a good nursing bra that will not squeeze or irritate you anywhere, and will also support your full breasts well. Now the pain in the hypochondrium is especially noticeable - some of the child’s movements are felt quite sharply, especially his kicking legs.

In addition, an expectant mother at 35 weeks of pregnancy may experience pain in the anus (if there are hemorrhoids), pain in the hands (especially in the fingers and wrists), pain in the perineum, and in the pelvic area as a whole. Learn to relax and cope with pain. You won't have long to endure it, but your well-being is extremely important for the little one.

And if your stomach hurts, be sure to tell your doctor about it. Nagging pain in the lower abdomen in the later stages is a harbinger of imminent labor.


Many expectant mothers are no longer interested in sex at 35 weeks of pregnancy. But if you are holding up well and feeling good, then that’s just great! Because even in later stages, sex is not prohibited if there are no contraindications to it.

Until recently, doctors advised abstaining from intimacy in recent weeks, since it was believed that orgasmic uterine contractions could cause the onset of labor. However, recent research confirms that these two processes - sex and childbirth - have absolutely no such relationship. In addition, male sperm has a beneficial effect on the cervix, increasing its elasticity. Therefore, if you are confident in the “purity” of your husband, then by all means practice unprotected sex. Using condoms, as is sometimes recommended, is very undesirable: they often disrupt the vaginal microflora and cause allergic reactions.

Of course, many poses for a “pregnant” couple will no longer be possible: the tummy is not just in the way, it also needs to be protected from squeezing. Therefore, positions with penetration from behind will be the best.

Unfortunately, not all pregnant women can have sex at 35 weeks of pregnancy. Doctors prohibit intimacy if there is a threat of premature birth now or in the past, with placenta previa and low position, and do not recommend sexual intercourse in the last stages of expectant mothers who are expecting twins or who experience painful and uncomfortable sensations from penetration and frictions.

Naturally, if the plug, or even more so the amniotic fluid, has ruptured, then the path to the female vagina must be blocked: the risk of any infection and microorganisms entering the baby is very high.

In addition, if any of the partners show signs of sexually transmitted diseases and sexually transmitted infections or there are suspicions of such problems, then you will also have to refuse sex and urgently undergo examination.

Discharge at 35 weeks of pregnancy

Various types of discharge at 35 weeks of pregnancy can indicate the development of a sexually transmitted infection. This is yellow, green, purulent, bloody discharge from lumps of mucus, flaky or bubbling, which often also causes severe discomfort in a woman. Most often, during pregnancy, thrush worsens, which is accompanied by itching, burning, swelling of the genitals and white cheesy discharge with a characteristic yeasty odor. If this happened to you at 35 weeks of pregnancy, then you need to act urgently, since there are only a few weeks left before the birth, and candidiasis must be cured before it occurs.

Discharge from the breasts at 35 weeks of pregnancy is quite normal: these are drops of colostrum that you just need to carefully wipe or blot.

The discharge of a thick clot of mucus from the vagina, with or without bloody spots, may be a mucus plug, which indicates that labor is imminent. If your amniotic fluid has broken (liquid is literally gushing out of your vagina), then you need to go to the hospital. The same should be done if water is leaking: you notice liquid discharge in small portions.


Even at 35 weeks of pregnancy it is still too early to talk about childbirth. However, if the baby feels the need for them, then they may well begin earlier. A doctor can also prescribe premature delivery according to indications. But first of all, when making such a decision, the viability of the small one and the impending threat, if any, will be assessed.

Undoubtedly, it is better for everyone to reach the due date, or at least to the maximum of the time allotted for this. But if for some reason it happened that birth occurred or should take place at 35 weeks, then you should not worry too much. Further forecasts regarding the child’s development may vary depending on his weight, psychomotor and physical development, and the degree of lung maturity. And you shouldn’t think that large babies have a greater chance of independent breathing and good health than premature babies with low weight. Not at all. Yes, some of them can breathe on their own and generally do not require intensive care or resuscitation. Others will have to spend a long time in the hospital and may be put on life support. But in general, a baby born at 35 weeks of gestation has a very high chance of a successful outcome. And practice shows that such babies in most cases are not at all behind in development from their full-term peers. So, mommy, rejoice in your happiness!

And if you are still calmly carrying your baby, then slowly begin to collect things for the maternity hospital, let everything be ready in advance and await its time. And for couples who are going to a partner birth, the necessary certificates and passes should already be ready.

The 35th week of pregnancy is 8 obstetric months and 3 weeks. If we take into account ordinary calendar months, then this week is the beginning of the last 9th month of pregnancy.

Until this week, a woman should add 10 to 13 kg.

It is believed that the 35th week is the hardest, since then the stomach will drop and some unpleasant sensations will go away.

What happens at 35 weeks

The navel may protrude forward, but don’t worry, it will return to its place immediately after childbirth.

The feeling of fatigue increases every day, now there is no peace either at night or during the day. Now it’s hard to take daily walks, you need to stop and rest more and more often.

This week a pregnant woman may experience vena cava syndrome. This is when a woman's vein is compressed in a supine position and can cause her to faint.

Now the amniotic fluid acts as a lubricant between the uterus and the baby.

At this time it is necessary to especially monitor the level blood pressure. If there is a slight increase, it is recommended to rest more. In case of sudden changes, it is recommended to inform your doctor about this. Read about the risk of high or low blood pressure during pregnancy

How a woman feels at 35 weeks

If the baby was born at this time, everything will be fine and the woman can be congratulated on the task completed. A woman’s well-being at this stage can hardly be called pleasant, since due to the increased load everything only gets worse.

Possible physical sensations

A woman's body continues to change:

  1. Stomach. It seems simply immense and is already strongly supporting the sternum. This makes it difficult not only to breathe and move. You can watch how the baby’s arms and legs appear on the stomach. If you are pregnant for the first time, then at this stage the belly may drop, but if this does not happen, do not worry, the baby may drop just before birth.
  2. Uterus. This week the fundus of the uterus is at its highest point. The distance to the navel is approximately 15 cm, and from the pubic symphysis about 35 cm. The uterus is already very large and it simply falls on the stomach and diaphragm. At this stage, the uterus becomes very sensitive and with any irritation that occurs, its tone increases. The maturation of her neck begins, that is, it gradually softens and smoothes out. This week, the cervix begins to unfold and forms the entire axis of the birth canal.
  3. Contractions. In later stages they can occur at any time. This week they are painless, irregular and short-lived, otherwise consult a doctor, as this may indicate the onset of labor. Read about how to distinguish training contractions from the onset of labor.
  4. Insomnia. A large belly makes it almost impossible to sleep. Pillows will help you find a comfortable position. Also, due to increased pressure on the bladder, I have to get up to go to the toilet almost every hour. A few more tips to help cope with insomnia: do not drink water at night, make circular movements with your pelvis. You can also take a few valerian tablets before bed.
  5. Movements. As the baby grows, there is less and less room for him to move. At this stage, his movements are more like rolling rather than hitting. Don’t forget to count your child’s movements, because thanks to this you can protect both him and yourself from serious problems. You also continue to feel slight twitching of the fetus, don’t worry, it’s just hiccups. Read about why you need to monitor your baby's movements.
  6. Painful sensations. At week 35, a woman constantly feels pain, and that’s because the body undergoes serious changes. Pain may occur in the back, pelvis, pubic area, legs, arms, and anus. In addition, a woman may experience headaches; to avoid them, walk in the fresh air and ventilate the room. During this period, pain in the chest may occur, as their weight increases, and therefore the load. In this case, a special bra will help.
  7. Heartburn. Due to increased pressure on the digestive organs, almost all food eaten causes heartburn and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
  8. Discharge. At week 35, the amount of mucus in the discharge may increase, but in general it should still be of uniform consistency, milky in color and with a sour odor. The amount of discharge varies from woman to woman. Read about the nature of discharge during pregnancy

Large increase in mucus in the discharge may indicate the release of a “plug” and premature birth.

Another warning sign- presence of blood in the discharge. This may indicate that the woman's placenta has separated. In these cases, call an ambulance immediately.

Possible emotional experiences

During this period, communication with the child intensifies and becomes more interesting. He clearly reacts to his mother's touch and voice.

Therefore, spend more time communicating, read him fairy tales, sing songs, stroke his belly, etc. Such contact has a positive effect not only on the baby, but also on the expectant mother.

Almost every woman experiences increased pain during this period. feeling of anxiety. There is no need to keep everything to yourself, share with others and your doctor. Thanks to their advice and communication, you can calm down and come to your senses. Read more information about pregnancy and childbirth, this will increase your knowledge, prepare you for childbirth and calm you down.

There are the last weeks left before sleepless nights, so try to devote more time to yourself and your family. Have a rest, take a walk, read books, watch movies, in general, do everything that brings you true pleasure.

Avoid superstitious people who enjoy intimidating people with scary stories.

Listen only to good stories and believe that everything will be fine.

Reviews from women about 35 weeks

Let's find out what pregnant women feel at this stage of pregnancy:

Anna: “Another week has passed, today my stomach dropped, and now it has become much easier to breathe. What’s interesting is that this week I’m not at all bothered by false contractions, there’s no fatigue or pain in my back, if it weren’t for my stomach I’d ​​think I’m not pregnant. I have already bought all the necessary things and am waiting for my baby.”

Christina: “Time flies very quickly and it’s already 35 weeks. Oddly enough, I feel great, no heartburn, nausea or pain. The only inconvenience is that I can’t find a comfortable position to sleep.”

Faith: “This week the number of training contractions has increased, but I read that this is normal. I gained 12 kg, my stomach is just huge and it’s very difficult to walk. I’m very tired, I want to give birth as quickly as possible. By all indicators, we are doing well, the baby is developing correctly and is actively preparing for childbirth. There’s only a little time left, I’ll be patient somehow.”

Svetlana: “It’s very difficult to walk, so almost every 15 minutes. I sit down to catch my breath. It’s all because of my hero, who weighs about 3 kg. I’m very afraid of childbirth, so I’m thinking more and more about a caesarean section. Tomorrow I’ll go to the doctor and talk to him about this.”

Yaroslav: “I’m very scared, the closer I get to giving birth, the more I worry about everything being fine. The baby weighs 2.4 kg, which is considered quite normal. My back hurts, but I massage myself regularly. I also watch my diet, I eat only healthy and high-quality products, everything for my little one.”

Zhenya: “My husband decided to have a partner birth and now we go to courses together. There I tell us what will happen and how, what needs to be done and other useful information. We have already bought everything for the maternity hospital and for welcoming the baby. By the way, these purchases are much more pleasant than choosing something for yourself. The pregnancy is going well, of course, there are some problems, for example, heartburn, back pain, but so far everything is tolerable.”

Ksenia: “Finally, my stomach dropped, it became much easier to breathe and the heartburn went away. The baby is ready to be born, but you still need to wait some time. We bought all the necessary things, agreed with the maternity hospital and the doctor, in general, we were fully armed.”

Alla: “I’m very lazy and probably because of this I’ve gained 20 kg, I don’t play sports, I often treat myself to cakes, and that’s why I suffer. I went to the doctor, and he simply ordered me to do yoga every day and start eating right, otherwise I would really harm my baby. For his sake I will do anything and make any sacrifice.”

Tatiana: “This week I started feeling nauseous again, like in the first months. The doctor said that this is temporary and will pass soon, I hope. Thanks to the fact that I regularly exercise on a fitball, I practically do not feel pain in my back and do not suffer from fatigue. I also watch my diet, although I can treat myself to my favorite pizza once a week, but only homemade.”

Viola: “Everything is fine with us, since moving has become less painful. It's much easier for me to walk. I thought that stories about incomprehensible desires were just a myth, but this morning I really wanted pickles with ice cream. The husband was shocked, but still brought the much desired dish. We are developing well, the baby has gained 2.4 kg, and I have gained 12 kg. We are preparing for childbirth."

Fetal development at 35 weeks of gestation

Now the baby weighs about 2.4 kg and is almost 46 cm long. He adds about 220 g weekly.

He has already accumulated so much fat that now, if born, he will be able to warm himself on his own. Also, the baby is already breathing independently and will not need additional oxygen support.

The upper limbs become rounder and internal organs are already fully formed and setting up their work. The systems in the body also work smoothly, except for the genitourinary and nervous systems, which are completing their formation. Now he looks exactly the way he will look after birth, except that he will gain a few more pounds.

During this period it is effective adrenal glands work and produce hormones that are necessary for mineral and water-salt metabolism in the baby’s body. A certain amount of meconium, which consists of epithelial cells and bile, has already accumulated in the child’s intestines. He should come out 8 hours after birth. But if the baby experiences oxygen starvation, then meconium may pass into the amniotic fluid, which is an undesirable process, since it can enter the baby’s lungs.

The baby is already big enough marigold, so due to careless movements he may scratch himself. The process of getting rid of lagoon continues, since each child is individual, some are already completely clean even before this week, while others will still be born with light fluff.

This week, girls' labia majora hid their labia minora, and boys' testicles have already completely moved into the scrotum.

At this stage, almost all children blue eyes, but their color may change in the first year of life.

The baby should already take the correct position and stay in it until the end of pregnancy. Head presentation means the position of the head down, with the back to the mother. Due to the fact that the bones in the skull have not yet completely fused, the head can easily pass through the birth canal.

  • occipital presentation - head down position;
  • breech presentation - feet first position;
  • transverse presentation - position sideways forward.

If the baby is in the pelvic position, but has not yet descended much, then the doctor will be able to turn the fetus into the correct position. Read more about the position and presentation of the baby

Fetal ultrasound photo

Photo of a 3D ultrasound of a fetus at 35 weeks:

If you haven't yet chose a maternity hospital, then it's time to do it. Choose an option that is convenient and doesn’t take long to get to. It is recommended to collect the following information about the selected hospital: reviews, possible services, conditions for childbirth, the possibility of postpartum stay, paid services, necessary medications, etc.

Be sure to visit him in advance to find out and arrange with your doctor. Also find out whether it is possible to register a partner birth and what is needed for this. If possible, choose a maternity hospital that has pediatric intensive care unit and neonatal specialists.

Be sure to inquire about anesthesia, which is offered by the maternity hospital. Check to see if you have any allergies or contraindications to its use. Talk to the doctor who will be delivering the baby about the possibility of contacting him at any time, as labor may begin unexpectedly.

Prepare all the necessary documents and things in advance, in case the baby wants to be born this week. Read the list of things needed for the maternity hospital

  • To travel by plane, you must obtain special permission from a doctor;
  • If you travel by car, try to make frequent stops to warm up.

Read about the specifics of traveling during pregnancy.

Physical exercise

At 35 weeks it is very important monitor the moderation of the load, do not make sudden movements and do not overexert yourself. Do breathing exercises and do exercises on a fitball.

To improve your breathing, do the following: exercise: On all fours, take several deep breaths in and out. Read about training proper breathing during childbirth.

Intimate relationships

If a woman has no contraindications and the pregnancy proceeds without complications, then sex at 35 weeks is not prohibited. Do not forget that sperm increases the elasticity of the cervix, so it is recommended to practice unprotected sex. Due to a large belly, a huge number of positions become inaccessible; in this case, it is recommended to use positions with penetration from behind.

It is forbidden to have sex:

  • with a low placenta;
  • with painful sensations during sexual intercourse;
  • women who are expecting twins;
  • if the protective “plug” has come off.

Nutrition rules

This week it is very important to increase the products that contain in the daily menu, since the baby needs it, and he actively takes it from his mother.

Your daily the menu must be balanced and include all useful microelements and vitamins. Completely avoid eating food that can be stored as fat, and this can harm not only the mother, but also the child. Excess weight can significantly complicate childbirth, and getting rid of it will not be as easy as gaining it. Try to eat the following foods daily: cottage cheese and other fermented milk products, veal meat, fish, fruits, and vegetables.

As for drinks, it is better to avoid drinking strong tea and other drinks that contain a lot of caffeine. It is recommended to drink green tea and natural juices.

To avoid heartburn eat regularly And in small portions.

Helpful Tips:

  1. This week it is recommended to stock up on special nursing bras.
  2. Do not sit for a long time without moving, try to get up and stretch every 20 minutes.
  3. Let this week be a rest for you, sleep more, as every day it will be more and more difficult for you.
  4. Do not leave home without the necessary documents and exchange card.
  5. Try not to drink liquids after 6 pm so you don't have to get up every hour at night to go to the toilet.
  6. It's time to do a photo shoot as this is a huge memory that will last a lifetime. It’s better not to save money and order it from a professional; in the end you will get a real work of art.
  7. general urinalysis and

    Video about 35 weeks of pregnancy

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